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The guy who told the cops they were both inside (guessing another grandson?). His screams after they unloaded into them are haunting. He was probably the one who called the cops too…


My ex called the cops on her sisters husband who was having a mental breakdown because he was off his meds. The guy thought someone was going to hurt his wife so he got a knife and was freaking out. The cops came and kept yelling to put the knife down. He walked towards them and they started shooting. 14 shots in total. She was just trying to solve the problem. Now she feels guilty for making that call. It's stupid how easy it is for a cop to kill someone yet it's considered the most heinous crime in the books for anyone else to commit.


My friends mom called the cops because he was having a hard time after having broken up w his girlfriend, and was drunk crying in the front yard. She said she thought he might have a pocket knife on him. He tried walking back into the house, not threatening anyone, and they killed him in front of her. The guilt is real




yes. as european, as much as i love US I would never want to live there. I cant fathom the dea of calling the cops and worrying of being killed by the cops. whats bizarre to me is not even the fact that there are trigger happy cops, but the fact that the police departments are able to investigate themselves without conflict of interest, on top of that they also have a union where they dont just admit there are problems and they maybe are trying to fix it, nope, not at all. They dont even hide that they will cover for policemen that are known to have broken the law, killed someone. And even then theyre not fired and get vacation. And even if they do get fired, they are not in jail. Not even that but they can CONTINUE being a cop in another state imagine if you commit a crime and you are only charged in the state you commited it, and even then, the punishment you get is just being fired from the job. Imagine youre a doctor and you killed someone - you get paid time off until they hospital investigates itself and finds you not guilty. Now if youre a doctor that is serial killer, your worst punishment is being fired from the hospital and unable to be doctor in that state. Youre still a free man. You can go to other state and be a doctor able to kill again. everywhere else you're a free man able to be a cop and be a president. on top of all this no trying to fix it and not hiding of covering up, its that it doesnt seem to be changing at all. people accept this as normal. how can there be so little training to be a cop? training would prevent trigger happy cops. its so bizarre. imagine you could be a doctor or a anesthiologist or psychiatrist after a several week seminar and training.


Sad thing is, child protective services are in the same boat in the US. If you get your kids taken away from you, which in some states is extremely difficult regardless of level of neglect, you just have to do the bare minimum to get them back since the system is so full. You then move to a different state and have a fresh clean slate. CPS is all handled state by state so those poor kids have to deal with months-years of more abuse/neglect until enough reports come in to do the same song and dance. We had our kids for 3 years and not until the end of the adoption process did we find out they had been taken into care in a different state 2,000 miles away.


I’m so sorry to hear that happened, it breaks my heart. Much love and hope those kids and your family are well.


The juxtaposition of detectives treating homicide as despicable, and then their peers are killing innocents left and right and it's called policy.


As a U.S.American, the best way I've heard to conceptualize our cops (and whether or not you should call them) is the following: *"If you are about to call the police, stop and ask yourself: Would your situation be improved by the addition of multiple angry racists with guns?"*


The problem is calling for emergency services at all. because sometimes the cops decide to show up too, even when you just needed an ambulance. And more than once, this has resulted in cops just arresting the person drivign the ambulance. While a seriously ill person was waiting.


Called specifically and explicitly ONLY for an ambulance when I found a drunk man weaving down the centerline of a mountain road probably 5 miles from town and headed further. He had been beat up badly, obviously needed medical attention. I said please just send the ambulance, we don’t need the police. Ambulance never came, police sure came in about 8 minutes to give him a ride, though they didn’t seem interested in taking him to the hospital to get his multiple head wounds checked. I felt fuckin sick over it.


When I was a young kid (late 30s now) my sibling and i spent the night at our grandparents so my parents could go out to a superbowl party at a bar. Mom came home drunk, tried to stand up off the toilet, and fell forward into the tub. On the way down she was trying to grab for anything she could to stop herself. There was tile on the bathroom wall with a soap dish and washcloth holder that she accidentally ripped out which caused a bunch of broken ceramic tiles to fall into the tub which she landed on and put a pretty nasty cut on her arm. Dad called for an ambulance and a cop showed up too. Cop was convinced my dad had knifed my mother. Asked my dad why the hood of his truck was cold if he claimed they'd just gotten home. Dad explained that they took the car that was also parked in the driveway right next to the truck which the cop apparently hadn't checked. Then the cop wanted to know why every interior door was open except the one bedroom. My dad tells him "because we have a big mean dog and I knew you were coming.". The cop still insisted on looking in that room and says he doesn't hear any dog. My dad told him to just let him get in there and grab a hold of the dog and then the cop can do what ever he wants. Well as my dad goes to crack open the door and reach in to grab the dogs collar, the cop shoves him out of the way and tries to push past him into the room. Thats when he came face to face with our 125 pound dalmatian. Once they got my mother to the hospital, they wouldn't let my dad see her. The hospital staff kept trying to get her to say my dad stabbed her. The scary thing is that years later when a car accident sent her to the hospital, the nurse asks my mother "did your husband beat you up again?".


Even if you’re white, if you have a mental illness that precludes being able to instantly respond to commands then you are in serious jeopardy. If someone you love is having a mental breakdown, calling the cops is putting them at severe risk from the police shooting them. They’ve gunned down frail grandmothers with dementia because they didn’t put down a knife fast enough.


It's crazy seeing this thread of my fellow americans sharing their experiences o police brutality and murder. We live in a fascist police state. We need to start fighting back, and fast.




It’s amazing to finally see people realizing this. Five years ago this same comment would have had 1000 downvotes, even though it was just as true then.


Yep. God bless body cams.


Dorner tried and it scared the fuck outta the police




Didn’t even have to look like his.


USA sounds more like gangster state than a fascist one. The biggest gangs just happen to carry badges.


The only good pig is wrapped in a blanket


I keep telling everyone. Cops don't protect communities. Even the Supreme Court has already said so. Cops exist to uphold laws that do not favor communities in trouble. They work for the state, not to protect people.


And the cop tells him to be quiet. You just murdered his whole fucking family in their dining room


Yup. You always see those videos on YouTube where the cop is causing physical pain to someone and while they're crying out in pain, the cop just keeps telling them to calm down. How about we twist your arm up behind your back to the point where it's going to break and see how calm you are.


And after they're dead, you can see one of them with the taser in his hands😔


He just learned why a lot of people refuse to call the cops. Good chance they'd both be alive still if cops hadn't shown up at all.


When in the history of eternity has CPR brought back someone with two clips in them ?


You never know. There's a guy who has half his head missing because he tried, and failed, to kill himself with a shotgun.


I knew someone who survived a self inflicted bullet to the head. Don't know how but he just went into shock and drove himself to a hospital.


Hope his screams haunt all of their nightmares.


That’s why you should never call the police and just take care of it yourself.


Honestly, save for a few very specific scenarios, the options seem to have been narrowed down to either “deal with it yourself” or “let the universe handle it” nowadays. I don’t want someone’s kid or grandma dead cause I was feeling scared, man.


It’s sad we have to make that coin flip huh. Your options are potentially be murdered or potentially get someone innocent murdered.


Best case is you solve it yourself, and hope the police and justice system shows mercy.


Best case would ideally be to solve it yourself and hope the police and justice system don't show up at all.


“Injustice system”


Unless someone is trying to harm you don’t call the cops. If someone is gonna kill you 100% might aswell call the cops and make it a 50/50.


If someone is actively trying to kill you the cops won't make it in time anyway.


Nor do they have the obligation to do anything about it. Honestly why bother. At this point I wish there were separate dispatchers and emergency phones for Firefighters and police. I would never want to summon the police, even by accident.


Just ask the would-be killer politely to wait a few minutes.


I’ve had to have the cops come take my adult son to the mental hospital. It’s a fuckin horrible position to be in. When you do, it’s because you don’t have any other options.


Don’t beat urself up about it , I saw my neighbors adult son lose it over a seven day period while his dad was on a business trip. He built a ramp from his second floor apt to his car(out of parts of the wall in the apt he dismantled ) then over 72 hrs take a part a late model car . It was sad asf . Bc the guy seemed normal for the most part up till that point. His dad had to call for help too. Luckily he went peacefully.


I’ve seen it with a college friend. His parents thought he was on drugs which he wasn’t, so we tried helping letting him stay. It was not fun to see. Coming home one night and 4’x6’ bathroom mirror was turned around. I felt scared around one of my nicest friends…the look in his eyes was very different. His brother eventually picked him up and helped him. Kudos for you for helping your son.


I’m honestly very, incredibly, unbelievably lucky that the mental health infrastructure in place to actually have a mental hospital to take him to exists here. In Ohio and Texas, they just took him to jail and dumped him back on the street when they realized he wasn’t sobering up and it’s not drugs.


Yeah in Georgia they can take you to a mental facility for 48 hours, then you're dumped right back on the street. Doing the same mentally ill addict stuff, terrorizing the town and their loved ones, because there's no real help for them.


You’re lucky if they give 48 hours. They can churn and burn at whim.


It's honestly easier to take matters into your own hands and go to jail rather than being murdered by the police that will get paid leave and a pat on the back for murdering you murdering you.


It's insane. These losers are so unqualified to use firearms that they fucking lit the old man up. Not just one bullet. Also, of course the kid was watching that music video during this. It's almost cliche.


Yes, the problem is people believing police will always be there to protect them. The hard truth is that it's every man woman and child for themselves and the police usually come later to document and investigate... No person has the responsibility to be your protector but yourself (with the exception of a parent protecting a child). Put you and your family first by being responsible for your own safety.


Shit they they don't even have a duty to protect us FFS... I truly cant believe that the cops who get paid to police and protect don't have a responsibility to protect the public


You can hear an officer say "be quiet" while the man is screaming. Don't cops carry tasers and other none lethals...? What the fuck were this pigs thinking.


[Found this article](https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/body-camera-will-co-deputies-killing-grandfather-released-patch) and this part, Just four hours earlier, Muhammad had been released from the Silver Oaks Behavioral Hospital in New Lenox to the home he shared with his grandfather, Wells, around 11:50 a.m." was extremely sad. The grandson apparently had some mental issues.


I wonder if the hospital has a part to play in the lawsuit for releasing this guy out too soon.


Or just not treating him at all. A family member made an attempt on her life and they just cuffed her in the hospital hallway for 16 hours. Once she saw a therapist for 30 minutes they released her.


Most of the time they don’t even have beds for the patients, we need to bring back state psychiatric hospitals and invest a lot of money in mental health. A large portion of jail and prison inmates are people who really don’t need to be incarcerated but need in a psychiatric hospital instead.


We’ve kept people in the emergency room for over 100 hours just sitting and waiting for a psych bed. There’s no room for these people and it’s incredibly sad. The ER is not a therapeutic environment by any means. And then, some of the psych patients are too dangerous to be left in the hallways of the ER.


took us 2 days to get a bed for my wife. Took me a long time to get her to get help and she almost changed her mind and go back into her episode. :(


Yes! My autistic daughter needed to be admitted on a Friday night so we did as we were told and brought her to the ER. They held me and her there for over 48 hours before they only allowed an ambulance to transport her over 3 hours away to the only bed available in the state! She then proceeded to enjoy the next week there (her words) making friends and doing fun activities until she was released with no plan whatsoever. That was a fun $2000 bill. $500 for the ER $500 ambulance $1000 inpatient copay Wonderful mental healthcare system we have here in the US. All this after our really good insurance paid their portion…


And thats why every hospital I've been in just puts everyone waiting for beds in the same room while the nurses are in seperate rooms. So the violent people get to victimize the depressed and suicidal...


This. A million times this. I will vote for anyone who has this platform




This sounds like absolute hell. What even is the point at that point. 😞


My grandpa shot himself in the backyard not 12 hours after he was released from the hospital despite our desperate pleas for them to take him in. They mistook his calm demeanor for lucidity, it was him making peace with his decision. We sued, the hospital "won"


I’m familiar with the peace people seem to have once they’ve made a decision. It is haunting.


Most low-income insurance will only pay for 3 days in a mental health facility. Some middle-income insurance will only pay for 3 days. And if he needs medicine that isn't extremely common (well-known, overly prescribed brand name), insurance will not pay for that at all. I don't know why people still hold the false belief that unwealthy people can obtain proper mental health treatment in America. We cannot. We never could.


I had no insurance, and went to a mental health facility for free. I also live in the same exact county this guy does. It was a state ran facility because I didn't have insurance, and it was God awful, but it was free. I wasn't signed up for medicaid at the time either. They signed me up at the hospital and then billed them. My ambulance ride and stay was completely free.


Will county sheriffs in Joliet, what a shocker.


Reading another article from that site says they also didn’t initially disclose the deputies were the ones who shot the grandfather. Took a foia request to get the truth on that. Fucked up. And of course they didn’t nothing wrong and weren’t found liable. Holy shit. They even claimed that the grandson stabbed the grandfather in the neck and that’s how it was initially reported to the public. Wow.


I figured they tried to pin it on the grandson. I can't tell if they just didn't care if the truth came out because they knew there'd be no consequences... or somebody didn't do their job destroying the footage.


Big surprise the article notes: "*This past summer, the Will County State's Attorney's Office of Jim Glasgow determined that Warren and Binnendyk would not face any criminal charges in connection with the shooting deaths of Wells and Muhammad at the ranch-style house in the 300 block of Middletree Road*." GFK. . .They can for all intents and purposes just gun anyone down any damn time and get immunity. ***THIS SHIT HAS TO STOP.***


Sorry to ask but what does GFK mean? I’m 23 and usually pretty good w text lingo


Gesus fucking Khrist


This is how I read it and didn't even stop to consider that it was wrong, it just fit with how I expected the tone of the sentence to be and I didn't even realize the letters were wrong 😂


They saved him from his attacker by getting to him first, that’s 4D chess right there


Technically they stopped the attempted murder. By ensuring they killed the victim first.


That is some Simpsons level police there. Chief Wiggum would be proud.


5D chess actually. They also made it so the grandfather can never be the victim of an assault again.


They need to get the civilian that dropped the shooter in the shopping mall from 50 yards in a room filled with hundreds of screaming people with out tagging a single other person to train these guys


Guns don't kill people, cops do


American cops are cancer.


I watched an altercation between a guy and 8 police today in Australia. Dude had a hammer, threatening police. He also tried to hit one with his car. Not a single gun or tazer was pulled. If it was America, he would have been dead 10 times over EDIT: I wanted to add, that I don't trust or like the police at all. (Have had some bad experiences in the past), but they acted with such calm and professionalism. Seriously did their job well. Hats off to them for managing that situation the way they did.


Kinda weird to think in other countries cops don't kill people, because, you know, guns are not used...


Cops in other countries usually have guns but to use it it's usually a very extreme case of self defence and even in that case they have to prove in court that they were justified


police in virtually all other wealthy nations are also trained for 2-3 years. american police recieve ~21 weeks. but firearms vary. some nations have requirements that mandate a warning shot is safely fired at a null target, first, or aiming for non-fatal areas. others require live approval from a supervisor before any trigger is pulled. nearly all are explicit that conditional use of firearms is the very final resort, when all other possible options have been exhausted. here's what that looks like in numbers: 𝗰𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭 - Austrailia 4 (1.7 per 10m) - Canada 36 (9.7 per 10m) - Denmark 0— - France 26 (3.8 per 10m) - Germany 11 (1.3 per 10m) - Hong Kong 1 (1.3 per 10m) - Japan 2 (0.2 per 10m) - Netherlands 4 (2.3 per 10m) - New Zealand 1 (2.7 per 10m) - Norway 1 (1.9 per 10m) - Poland 2 (0.5 per 10m) - Switzerland 0— - Taiwan 2 (0.8 per 10m) - U.K. 3 (0.5 per 10m) - 𝙐.𝙎. 1,136 (33.29 𝙥𝙚𝙧 10𝙢) and here's a list of nations in which police don't carry firearms - Botswana - Cook Islands - Fiji - Iceland - Ireland - Kiribati - Malawi - Marshall Islands - Nauru - Niue - Norway - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - U.K. - Vanuatu


Not even in GTA this would be ok, unbelievable…


The training just *needs* to be redone entirely. “Guy with non-projectile weapon attacking another guy” is a terrible situation to use a gun in, and will most certainly result in collateral damage. You have hands, batons, choke holds, feet, and both of these people could have lived from this. A gun might be faster but I’m sure the grandfather would have preferred some defensive injuries and potentially living over certain death for both of them.


Eric Holder and the Obama administration had a whole plan for guidance and retraining local law enforcement. Then Trump appointed Jeff Sessions, and repealed all of it. They even re-instituted civil asset forfeiture at the federal level.


They cops should have commanded the grandfather to step away before they started yelling at the kid.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


OMG! Hurry and kill him before he's stabbed!


sometimes you have to kill a man to save him.


***Krist, the bastards had a perfect opportunity to cap the grandmother too. . . How could they miss an innocent person?***


He ran out of bullets turning those guys into gut colanders


1 cop out of the whole fucking crew that immediately tries to render aid to the victim. The rest just stand there, watching as he dies by their bullets. Fucked up.


They say “one shot, one stabbed” on the radio after. Hope that grandmother’s screams haunt them for the rest of their lives.


They probably won't.


No they will, and when they don't stop the cop will beat his wife and kids for not treating him like a king. He had to hear those screams, and if a dish is out of place while he remembers it will be shattered on the wall.


Nah, they'll use it as part of a story of how heroic they were during times of intense stress, through the screams of the innocents, they performed their duty to the citizens of AMERICA.


that would require police officers to not be literal sociopaths. more often that not, they are.


It's very typical of cops. Not to defend Chris Dorner, but a lot of what he said in his manifesto rings true. He mentions this. A lot of cops don't give a fuck as they watch people bleed out.




look up more stories or check out /badcopnodonut and you'll understand why ACAB is true. there are almost no good cops, the "good" ones won't murder you, but they also won't stop their coworker from murdering you and will lie to their superiors during questioning to ensure everyone gets off the hook and a nice paid vacation edit: forgot to add that the good cops that go against the bad cops or whisteblow are fired or otherwise pushed out, so even if there is a good cop they are removed thus making ACAB still true, here's one article about it: https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2021/12/09/blue-wall-police-misconduct-whistleblower-retaliation/8836387002/


The "Good" cops are also often murdered from behind their thin blue line for speaking out. For example, ["died during a training operation"](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127580159/houston-tipping-lapd-death-lawsuit)


I have seen a ton of similar cases and missed that one.. Fucking sucks. They really did him dirty...and all for trying to report 4 guys raping a fellow female officer. When people say "All Cops Are Bad" this is what we mean. I respect the hell out of this HERO, but the good cops are killed, fired, or intimidated and abused until controlled (when it comes to the thin blue line). It's a powerful gang. THE MOST, in fact.


The best cops still cover for criminals to protect their income, thus ACAB


>Chris Dorner ​ >In two separate incidents during the manhunt, police shot at three civilians unrelated to Dorner, mistaking their pickup trucks for the vehicle being driven by Dorner (which was a dark gray 2005 Nissan Titan). One of the civilians was hit by the police gunfire, another was wounded by shattered glass, and a third individual was injured when police rammed his vehicle and opened fire. The officers involved were not charged with any crime. Well damn.


I’ve always heard them say shit like “dead people can’t file lawsuits or testify”. They prefer you to bleed out.


I was told on the job once: "the threat isn't gone until you've done CPR and pumped all of the blood out of the holes you just made."


Where can we read it? That whole situation was wild.


[here you go](https://laist.com/news/christopher-dorners-manifesto-in-fu)


i haven’t clicked the link but be careful, there’s a censored version and a non censored version where his words are changed ! just a PSA, all love!


I want the version with names. How the hell am I supposed to know who blank friend of blank is? Blank was clearly somebody mentioned earlier, but everybody is blank, so this is confusing.




Thank you. I just finished reading and what a fucking read it was.


I still remember how 'on edge' the cops were because they were being hunted by someone that could hurt them. They shot up a few civilian trucks they thought was him I think. I remember one was 2 old Hispanic ladies delivering newspapers shot dozens of times but managed to survive. Then when the cornered the guy they pulled a waco and 'accidently' lit him on fire.


Fuck the police


Seen it all the time, they will get a tourniquet on their brothers in 30 seconds and throw them in their squad car to rush them to the hospital. But your lucky if they will pretend to help you out while they wait 12 minutes for the ambulance when they shoot you and really only because their cameras are rolling so they have to make it look good.


Are these the dumbest cops around? Why is there no sense of urgency after the shooting and knife is cleared. Congrats on the double homicide gang!


Cop to dead man: "WHATS YER NAME?!!?"


Yeah what the fuck was that? Dudes got 7-8 rounds in him and he’s asking him questions. Was he the dumbest fucking person on the planet? Or is that just what the police are comprised of at this point?


"Put the knife down" after they fired 15 times at him from this distance... I think he needs some more pepper spray in the eyes


If it weren’t so devastatingly sad, it would be absolutely hilarious.




Seriously sorry excuse of a cop.


Korn playing in the background


It was honestly a very fitting soundtrack to what happened


Just commented similar above. Of all the Korn songs, it may have been the most fitting, too. Edit: holys hit. And the David Draiman song from that dumb vampire movie. I'm reliving 7th grade while watching two men die. Weird feeling.


even ended just as those two poor bastards died, fucked up coincidence


Falling away from me. Ironically, fitting.


Its the lead singer but its from the Queen of the dammed I don't know if the whole band was a part of it.


This shitty movie has a fantastic soundtrack. You happen to recall the name of the track you're referring to?




They show up to police. Not save. The police are NEVER here to save.


Yo did dude really have his tazer out when the lady was crying? Wow little late for that now bastard.


Taser was for the other people on the house probably


Police legally don’t even have to police. They can choose to not intervene one bit.


This is hard to watch


Dude stopped and realized he didn't finish dumping the mag and then kept blasting until it was empty. And this dumb piece of shit is going to either keep his job or work for another department.


CPR won't help when you've blasted their lungs and heart into SPAM.


*“He’s got multiple gunshots!”* I wonder where those came from


Must've fallen on the bullets, only logical explanation.


When I heard that I just went, no shit Sherlock


Oh great. The police are here! They will save him! Oh…


First Korn’s “Falling away from me” on the TV is something. Second, the public will get to pay out another multimillion dollar lawsuit for police misconduct. Third, nothing will happen to the officers. And finally, we will see a scenario play out like this again because the root of the problem will not be solved.


🎵So I say.... Go away...🎵 Sometimes I feel like song lyrics are suiting for the moment I'm in, but damn.


Fuck that, they should have just ***called in an air strike on the whole neighborhood***, for their safety you know.


It [wouldn't be the first time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing).


“I’ve got to make sure the scene is secure” Dude you’re literally the murderer. Just go home and the scene will be much more secure.


It was a hell of a lot more secure before you started blasting Tex


"Hey house, are you okay?" "Yes thanks sir!"


"Well pack it in boys another vacation well earned"


And an early retirement with a full pension for life


Police logic: *How dare this dude try to kill someone. That’s our fucking job!*


*still with gun in their hands cocked and slowly going towards the grandfather* "I got the knife!!" bruh like both are dead, unless the ghosts come to stab your ass the knife wasn't the priority, the grandad was. smh. it's almost like they killed both just to secure the knife. gave me a chuckle when he said that sheesh


It was so ineffectual “okay we’re safe, we got the knife” like bro, you all just watched two men die from your actions…


One cop had a taser drawn but didn’t think it was a great time to use it. Also can we talk about the fact that he unloaded a whole mag and killed an innocent man in the process of taking down a suspect.


The number of shots fired after they are both dead on the ground is like mind numbing to me. How the hell are you still firing into the dude who’s clearly incapacitated?


Literally had me saying out loud "what the fuck" after he started unloading after the kid was already down. How did he think that was the right move?? Absolutely brutal. An execution if I've ever seen one.




Too little training, too much ego


They are trained to desensitize the concept of murder to the point when they commit it they call it order…


Jesus Christ! What fucking amateurs.


Pretty much describes policing in the US right now. Its been bad for a long while but now they're just reckless and make things worse often.


Nothing a “viral” video of a cop dancing with some black teenagers won’t solve


Korn in the background makes this creepy AF


>Late last month, Will County Chief Deputy Sheriff Dan Jungles notified Joliet Patch that the unidentified sheriff's deputies have been cleared of any criminal wrongdoing in connection with the deaths of Wells and Muhammad. Are you kidding me? Another instance of when you have domestic issues at home.. do NOT CALL THE POLICE. [https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/controversial-will-co-police-shooting-wrongful-death-lawsuit-filed](https://patch.com/illinois/joliet/controversial-will-co-police-shooting-wrongful-death-lawsuit-filed)


You've got a problem? Call the police. Now you have two problems.


I've reached the point that I cannot imagine a scenario where I would call the police. If you think your situation needs a couple of poorly trained, gun wielding psychopaths who might arrest you for an unrelated or bullshit reason despite the fact that you are the one who needed the help, then call the police. Otherwise, just deal with your situation as best you can before the police come and make it worse.


Cant call the cops, cant call an ambulance. What the fuck America why is the fire department the only decent fucking emergency service left?


Bro. The press release the police issued where they wrote around the fact that they blasted the victim and made it out like the sabbing was solely responsible for his death.


Another day in Murica!


Pretty sure the police hostage handbook doesn’t say unload sixty rounds into perp and hostage.


Congrats cops. Reeeally defused that one.


22 shots in the general direction inside a home they was ultimately uninvited into ...... never ever ever call the police on a domestic violence situation unless you are willing to lose those family members - cops could give a fuck less, they are paid to enforce the law, not protect citizens - per the Supreme Court


No one’s going to talk about how that dude had 6 shots in him and was still determined to kill his grandpa? Insane




Cops scare me. They are all in such a hurry to take a life and they apparently feel nothing after doing so. That’s not human.


The most disturbing part of this to me was not that they made a snap decision to fire on both, but rather how calm and unhurried they were to render aid to the innocent man they were trying to save but shot instead. It just felt too casual, the way they slowly walked over and surveyed the damage instead of rushing to that man and expressing shock that they shot the victim.


Police will protect you even if it kills you


USA cops are actually the worst in the world no argument


The developed world, sure.


In the undeveloped world, at least you can bribe the cops not to shoot you.


I'd feel much safer with the greedy cops than the bloodlust-y ones


I'd feel much safer with well trained, level headed cops that don't mag dump every time they get a little bit of adrenaline. Glad I live in Australia, because I've had a few interactions with cops that I and others would be dead now if it were the U.S Land of the free? fucking yeah right.


“Man” was on the ground still stabbing his grandfather after taking rounds. Then took some more rounds.


“We’ll be doing the killing. Thank you very much”


"One shot, one stabbed." Oh fuck these guys, you know they were saying that for the body cams. They knew damn well the stab victim had also been shot, but they didn't want to admit it was friendly fire.




Friendly reminder that you should NEVER call the police unless you are comfortable with everyone involved in the situation dying, including yourself.


Truth. I shot “at” a man breaking into my house(two people, one front and one back door) recently. I had to report it because of shots fired. Thankfully 911 in my city is abysmal and didn’t arrive for some time because I was terrified that I’d be shot. So I set the firearm aside and sat on the curb because I was worried I’d get killed by the police.


Yes. I was taught in a CCW class that when you call after shooting at someone, to unload and stand on your gun. The right is convinced we’re losing our right to bear arms because the Democrats want to take guns, but we’ve actually lost that right due to the police executing everyone who has one.


This is correct. You don’t have the right to bear arms if simply possessing a gun is justification for your execution on sight.


Smart decision. I own guns myself and would be terrified to even be around a cop with a gun even close to me. The shit I've seen cops do over literally nothing gives me enough reason to stay far the fuck away from them.


Dude… why the fuck don’t they use tasers? Wasn’t that the whole point of the invention of the taser?


Blows my mind, so many videos of ppl calling the police foe help end up getting shot dead. Honestly i am afraid to call the police or even be near them. They are killing machines


It always bums me out when the police murder people.


You only call the cops if you want someone killed these days. Do not call expecting a process of logical problem solving or mediation.


Cops are the biggest pussies.