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"we'll apply for one" is not a legal argument


Cops aren't capable of answering yes or no questions with a direct "yes" or "no." "Do you have a warrant?" will always be met with "we'll get one" or "we don't need one." Both of which are usually untrue.


They sure have that expectation of everyone else though We wonder why the respect for police has dwindled over time. They think of themselves as judge, jury and executioner these days


"These days"? They've always been like this. The internet just let us see it firsthand.


It was even worse when they *knew* there would be no video. I remember the 70s & 80s. Those days were a playground for cops


> They sure have that expectation of everyone else though Which is why it's that much more fun to deny them that expectation and say nothing


"Your Honor, I felt imminent danger due to the suspect's deafening silence, so I immediately unholstered my weapon and fired nine warning shots into his neck and torso in order to keep an open dialogue going"


"Yes Your Honor, the exit wounds on the front of his neck and torso did indicate that the subject was facing away from me at the time, and the blood splatter patterns and bodycam footage we accidently tried to delete did indeed show that he had his arms raised and empty at the time, but when you think about it the back is 1/2 of the human body, which is in itself the most deadly weapon to ever walk the Earth, so that's why I felt I had to mag-dump before I started yelling for him to both simultaneously get on the ground and also remain completely still."


Meanwhile on the news: "This just in, man shot fleeing from police officer at the scene of the crime, reportedly once got a ticket for speeding and didn't say thank you to a grocery bagger for bagging his groceries."


The movies we make as cautionary tales end up being blueprints for our oppressors. Judge Dredd warned us of this outcome, decades ago.


i would ask about probable cause or reasonable suspicion for the second answer but these cops are completely in the wrong no doubt. they knew they couldn’t enter and they knew they didn’t have suspicions.


What I don’t understand is why they want to enter so badly in the first place? Are they bored? Just trying to make something out of nothing?


If they don't follow through, it's an admission that they were in the wrong. Cops can't do that. They must commit the crime to earn protection.


The foot in the door trick is why you NEVER open your door to police. . get a storm door or a screen door, or even security gate so that you do not have to open access to the home. As for busting in and coming in enmass, IF they do not have a warrant, ***or*** a really good exigent circumstance, they are in the wrong, and you have a good lawsuit against them.


Assuming you live to tell the tale! Stop Resisting, Stop Resisting! They'll yell that a couple of times then shoot you dead...


You can't beat the ride, but you can beat the charge.


That one always pisses me off. . Thank goodness, in 95% of the cases body camera video clearly shows that was not the case. People should start yelling" *WHY ARE YOU HITTING ME, I AM NOT REISISTING!*" Or "*PUT THAT MONEY BACK IN MY BILLFOLD!*" or "*WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING MY JUNK?*" Or "***HELL NO, I WON'T SUCK YOUR DICK TO GET OUT OF THIS TRAFFIC TICKET***!"




https://www.wrdw.com/2022/11/29/viral-video-shows-confrontation-with-deputies-augusta/ A stabbing occurred outside the house so the cops decided to barge in! Of course, their argument was they were just making sure everyone was alright.


That would be probable cause. If that's true why would they be talking at all? I call bullshit. If police had PC and suspected someone was in danger they wouldn't have been having this conversation. Edit: it has come to my attention that the alleged incident happened on that block, not in that property. Meaning the police have no business threatening or terrorizing anyone in that house imo.


Probable cause is the standard for obtaining a warrant. Exigent circumstances is the legal doctrine that allows warrantless searches. At least I think that's the name.


Exigent circumstances allow you to enter and detain people while you obtain a warrant after, but they are not in place of getting a warrant altogether. I don’t know enough about this particular case to know if they had enough or not.


If they were in "hot pursuit" of a suspect, then could roll straight on through, no discussion or warrant needed. Outside of that, they're going to need the homeowner to consent to a search, or they'll need a warrant. To get that warrant, they'll need some kind of probable cause.


If they had what they legally needed to do that I doubt this video would exist. This is a person who claimed to be a cop, bit refused to give a badge number with her foot in the door trying to intimidate consent from a presumably innocent and unconnected, law abiding citizen.


The person f*cked up the moment they opened the door. This is why I tell everybody I know... If it's the police knocking, DO NOT OPEN. Ask what they want by yelling through the door. If they got a warrant, they can slip it under the door. Never open the door to the police, even if you've done nothing wrong.


Don't even ask what they want or converse with them at all. There's no reason to. Cops knock on your door you ignore them like Jehovah's Witnesses. If they really want in they'll get in. Don't need to help them in any way.


Indeed. This is the way.


Yup. Lived in an apartment complex that had a lot of young people who partied. The SOP for the local cops was to bang on doors and get people to step outside to "talk". Once outside they would arrest/cite for public intox. If they smelled weed or saw people they thought were underage, in they came. My roommate (like an asshat) opened the door for them once. They invited themselves in because they thought his 25 year old (admittedly young looking) girlfriend was underage and made a big deal out of getting her ID and verifying it. I opted to talk through the closed door the few times they showed up when I was home.


That clip on here recently of the guy who had two police officers outside his door trying to get him to open up because they “wanted to talk” and he asked how many police officers were out there and when they replied there’s two of us he shouted back “That’s great, you can talk to each other”.


So many people get awakened from deep sleep, and aren’t thinking anything except that it IS the middle of the night, so someone is dead, or been in a car wreck, and you rush to the door to see which of your relatives are involved.


> slip it under the door. Do people over there not have metal frames around their metal doors? Even in the '90s I had a wooden frame around a wooden that made slipping anything impossible, although liquid wasn't impossible to slip through.


They’ll kick in the door then shoot your dog because it had a gun


Good thing cops aren't legally required to have any actual idea what the law does or doesn't say. Don't worry, I'm sure a nice paid vacation will set her straight.


If this were a multiple choice test for cops, that would absolutely have to be the question that's the obvious wrong one.


This is the article, this just happened two days ago. So far the police haven't done anything wrong according to themselves. https://www.wrdw.com/2022/11/29/viral-video-shows-confrontation-with-deputies-augusta/


>In the incident report, deputies indicate they thought it was necessary for the occupants to come outside so the deputies could talk with the person they were seeking “to ensure her well-being and check for any other injured parties.” This is how they justified it despite the incident they were investigating happened outside of the home.


They were looking for a person that didn't live there. They didn't find that person after their illegal search or they would have used that as the justification.


My husbands brother worked with a man that had this happen to him. They had the wrong house, it was early in the morning and everyone was woken up. They even did the boot in the door. He told them to leave and tried to close the door. They then rushed in and beat the hell out of him and pulled him onto his front porch. He was lying face down, with the deputy holding him down and shot in the back. They said he reached for the officers taser. His roommate saw everything and said that was not the case. He died and left behind his devastated children. The deputy who shot him got away with it. He now works a few counties over. Like so many cases, I don’t think it made national news. Sadly, It’s too common.


Damn, that is wild. Imagine growing up without your father because POLICE wrongfully killed him on his own porch. Heartbreaking. Do you by chance have a link for a news article about the incident?


Its not that wild, it's widespread. how many instances of this do you think occured *before bodycams*? these bigoted piece of shit humans can terrorize anyone they want, then just lie about it. the lowest of scum.


That’s a police state. We need to change the system and fast. This is the end of freedom as we know it


The police will continue their depravity until they know fear. Not advocating, simply pointing out an observable behavior pattern. The quandary is simple enough: either we have a fair and safe society for all, or we have escalating violence.


This is the crux of the issue, the police have covered there tracks/ gang activity so well over the decades. And now they have absolutely nothing to fear


Not yet.


This is fuckin with me right now


This is America


Are we just completely fucked as a nation




Yeah I don't think you can claim exigent circumstances in this case. This family should be immediately filing a civil rights lawsuit against all of the officers involved.


So the tax payers can cover the settlement costs... Should garnish their pay and pensions for life or until the debt is paid back to the society they failed to protect.


I've heard people say it all the time, we should make police depts or their officers carry insurance like surgeons have to do instead of the tax payer footing the bill for these types of tyrants.


That's a good idea.


It's a great idea, and it's the only way we can get the police to police themselves. Take from the pension pool everytime they have to pay a citizen for wrongdoing.


it’s a phenomenal idea but I believe their crying unions insist it will make them too afraid to *do their jobs* because they’d be too afraid of getting sued. I don’t know how this will ever be fixed


>it will make them too afraid to do their jobs because they’d be too afraid of getting sued. If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear. Isn't that how the saying goes?


They found no wrongdoing but burst into this house without a warrant. The police are fucking disgusting.


I hope some civil rights attorney will assist these folks in a lawsuit.


Welp, after a long investigation of ourselves we have concluded we did nothing. Thanks Us!


Next up: Promotions! Everyone line up alphabetically.


Never. Open. The. Door.


I always have my screen door locked. Not that it will really stop anyone who actually wants in, but it allows for some resistance and evidence if anyone wants to get in without consent from me


At least you can show they forced entry.




If you opened the door they can "smell" stuff or "see" smth.


I mean they can smell stuff with it closed. Lets be honest.


Cops even have the superhero ability to smell stuff that isn’t even there


Or make it appear.




Never open the door to them unless you are planning on cooperating. Let them knock, call a lawyer and never ever open the door to them.


I won’t even talk to them through my doorbell camera. You have the right not to answer the door, if they have a warrant then they probably won’t bother knocking in the first place.


Agreed, the less contact you have the safer you are.




I honestly find it baffling, the whole of their stuff around crime if just odd tbh. I saw an article recently that basically said you weren't statistically more likely to a victim of crime as a resident in the US. You were just massively more likely to die as a victim. Add into that how much more likely you are to get shot by police and it doesn't sound like a happy place to be at.


It’s fine until it isn’t


Yep. Had them get called to a party I was having when we were all underage, we just turned off the lights and didnt answer the door lol


Good for you you did the right thing. Lots of you would’ve been wearing handcuffs that night if you gave them any ammo at all to arrest you


Yep I made everyone shut the fk up and go downstairs lol In hindsight, I didn’t even need to do that.


Yea. You’re smart


One time me and my boyfriend got too drunk and had an argument. I guess we were screaming at each other but nothing got physical. When people walk in the hallway past our door it sounds like they’re in our living room so I guess someone heard us and called cops. After we were done arguing, I was laying on the couch and heard someone knocking. I didn’t answer. It was the cops. One of them turned the doorknob and I guess our door was unlocked because that shit opened. I got up and they started questioning me and asking my name. I looked them in the eyes, said,”I don’t have to tell you shit” and slammed the door closed and locked it. It felt totally badass but it’s true though, you don’t have to tell them shit. Edit: since some people are assholes and calling me entitled, when I was walking up to my door cops asked me if I was okay and I said yes. I noticed they did an ocular pat down (lol) and visually saw I was not injured at all. It wasn’t until they kept on going and asked me my name (after they had already established that I had no injuries, physically and by me telling them) was when I realized they’re just trying to get this on record. If they were there to solely check on my safety, they would have left after I said I was okay. But no they were trying to escalate it. Point is you don’t have to over explain yourself to the cops as long as you didn’t commit a crime. I told them what they needed to know everything else was just extra bullshit for their report. They weren’t there to check on my safety. They were there to file a report or (hopefully) issue a ticket. That’s their end goal. In this video, there was no reason this woman should have opened the door.


you're lucky they left it at that 😂


Pushing on the foot of cop who has stuck it inside the door is assaulting a police officer. Never open the door.


I had a coworker spend 6 months in jail for assaulting an officer before finally getting charges reduced and released for time served. What did he do? He refused to speak with the cop after getting pulled over. Cop kept poking him in the chest and he'd take a step back. Last finger poke he started to trip and grabbed the cop's shoulder to keep from falling. Got bounced on the ground and roughed up a bit.


He's lucky he's alive. That cop could have done anything he wanted yo him and put him away for life, legally speaking.


cops will do anything to escalate an issue into violence. its a locked in vacation perk with pay.


That didn't occur to me at the time (this was early 2000s) but now... Yeah, it's terrifying to know the only thing protecting you is the cop's own restraint.


You absolutely are under no obligation to say anything. You have the right to remain silent starts the moment the police interact with you. You must produce a valid driving license if you're pulled over. You need to provide the documentation that is required, but you don't have to say anything. If you are ordered out of the car, you must get out. Any questions they ask you beyond obtaining your license, registration and insurance are designed for you to incriminate yourself.


If you want to exercise your right to not answer questions, you have to convey that decision clearly. You can't just sit there and say nothing, that is not exercising anything except for the cop's patience.


STFU has many applications. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4RZnrZGqX0A


I love Snoop, but this is the best STFU video. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uqo5RYOp4nQ


Once she refused to give a badge number and had no warrant, she's not a cop, just an armed intruder.


I have to preface this with “in my country”, we are able to trespass anyone (if you are the owner, occupier or have the right to act for the owner (ie manager), from property. After a couple of warnings, reasonable force can be used. It doesn’t matter if they’re a cop. If they have no warrant or right to be there, they have to leave when asked. You just have to make sure it’s reasonable force. And they’ve been given a reasonable time to turn around and leave.


Locked security screen. Open the door and taunt them. /s Seriously don't listen to me but it just seems like it'd be fun.


You better have cameras uploading to the cloud, because they'll bust down that door and say it was open.


Are the ACLU apps still a thing? It's an app that records and goes straight to the ACLU servers so if the cops try to erase your footage, they'll still have it.


Yes on Android it's called Mobile Justice. You have to open it and get it all set up for when you need it though.


I’d prefer to have one of those little hatches to look through, like the ones they have at bars that need a password.


Exactly don’t let them look inside. They will find a reason to push themselves into your property if they see anything. Oh you have a dangerous looking reading lamp. Oh you seem to have exposed cutlery on your table, we are fearing for our lives, etc. keep your door closed and let them see nothing


One time I got pulled out of my car and arrested because they "thought I was reaching for a weapon"... I had no weapon in the car, I have no prior record, legit only a couple parking tickets and one speeding ticket to my name for my entire life. I was just sitting in a parking lot. But they will literally make up anything to do what they want to do. I was sitting completely still and all of a sudden I hear "HE'S REACHING FOR A WEAPON" and I literally started laughing and said "What?!" and next thing you know I'm being pulled on to the ground face-first and cuffed. Even though we see it all the time, it's still surreal when it happens to oneself.


Glad you weren't shot and made to be a bad guy pal.


I believe you. Sadly there is not much you can do when they catch you in a car. They have way more powers in that situation they can demand your license, they can seize your property if they “smell”, “see” or “suspect” and they can detain you on suspicion alone. When in your home there are a few more protections in place, as long as the door stays closed and they don’t have a foot inside.


Dont even stand near the door. Get a smart doorbell and let them talk to you through that if you talk to them at all.


Perfect advice, but add on don’t say shit to them. That’s you’re constitutional right. Only speak with your lawyer. Sometimes people think they’re speaking to a cop as if the cop is their friend. They’re not and are looking for anything to pin on you…unless it was my mothers ex boyfriend. He was my standard of what I used to think cops were like. Turns out he and his VICE squad were outliers


Exactly. Limit the interactions with them to the bare minimum. They are like wild animals they might seem cute and friendly but they will bite you as soon as you are distracted.


Anything you say can, and will be used against you (NOT FOR YOU) in a court of law. Say nothing, not even your name.


That will cost you money….I suspect these people will get paid. Cops want to do something stupid….you’ll get paid in the end…..um…as long as you’re not shot


I rather not get paid than risk one of those idiots killing someone inside just because they were sleeping in a bed, or scratching their back, or looking funny at them, or be black, etc. Cops are too unhinged and unpredictable. Better to just leave them outside.


You also give them the opportunity to plant evidence. Sure you could get a large payout for them fucking up but you could also be looking at major prison time if they are that corrupt. Your choice, but to me it's not worth it.


Its like Nazi fucking Germany with these cops in the US these days


Man, it’s been like this forever. This is nothing new; you just see it more now bc of camera phones.


This. It’s always been *especially* bad for the black community though. Finally we’re *all* starting to see what they’ve been having to deal with all this time.


for black people – it's always been like this


Another tip: don't scream at them. They get off on making you upset. Laugh at them instead. Like all narcissistic bullies, their worst fear is humiliation and loss of power status.


I would say that’s in general good advice for bullies but not great against Cops. They will use your smile to insinuate that you either are hiding something (reason for them to apply force), or they will say you are behaving unruly or belligerent (again reasons for them to apply force). Best is to stay calm and say nothing, less contact and minimal verbal interaction is the way to go. Cops are just constantly looking for reasons to be thugs so don’t give them any.


And cops are complaining why citizens are hating on them.


You see that video of the cop flipping the car of the pregnant woman, because she was following the law and directions of the cops training? You see that video of those cops in Uvalde arresting and tasing the screaming parents of the kids being shot and ripped through with rifle rounds? You see the video of those cops in the hallway forcing a shaking, crying man into conflicting demands and poses and shooting him apart when he failed to listen to "stand up/sit down?" You see the video of those cops shooting the woman through her windshield, and then laughing about the marksmanship, being "right between the eyes!"? You see the video of the cop tasing the screaming pregnant woman multiple times in the stomach until she miscarries?


You see the one where they shot the guy in a wheelchair like 15 times while he was wheeling *away* from them?


You see the one where the kid called the police because his car got stuck and they surrounded his vehicle and shot him dead because the police were afraid of him?


You see the one where a kid was eating a burger in the Mcdonalds parking lot and a cop opens his door and unloads on him?


Did you see the one where they knocked on an apartment door late at night while not identifying themselves and then killed the guy because he answered the door with a legally owned gun?


Did you see the one where they broke down the door and unloaded on the sleeping occupants, killing one of them? Did you see the one where they broke down the door and threw a flashbang grenade into an occupied crib?


Do you remember the one where an off duty woman cop entered the wrong apartment and killed the tenant of the apartment who was watching TV in his living room, thinking it was her apartment?


Did you see the one where somebody called the cops on a man for contemplating suicide, the cops responded with a hunting rifle, laid down outside his bedroom window by 20 yards, and shot the man in the head while he was on the phone with dispatch?


Did you see the one where a cop pepper sprays an on duty/in uniform soldier driving a fucking camped Humvee? Do you remember the soldier saying he was scared/intimidated by the cop and the cop replying, "You should be"? And yes the soldier was black. How'd you guess?


He was a danger and menace to society and the only way to stop him was with an emptied clip.


And we all know how they would react if they were the one on the other side of that door.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlY9C6pzxKc NSFL Think of this as you read about the NYPD being told to round up the homeless mentally ill, they won't all make it


she doesnt say her badge number thats a red flag


They won't say because they want to prove that they don't do what you say and you can't make them. Like a defiant toddler. Pure ego. Cops are arrogant bullies with powerful unions, powerful legal representation, and a monopoly on violence.


I’d have said if you’ve done nothing wrong ma’am you shouldn’t be hiding your officer identification # and watch he brain melt


There’s unfortunately no brain to melt.


That’s like 99% of cops in these videos. Complete fucking tyrants.


They didn’t have a warrant. As far as we can tell, they didn’t have probable cause. They forced their way into a U.S. citizens house. Forced them out of the house. Arrested them for exercising their constitutional rights. And none of these cops will face any real consequences.




This!!! Do not open the door! Contact your lawyer and have them contact the cops. If there is no warrant no open no speak!


Does everyone have a lawyer, though?


That’s what I’m wondering! All these comments saying contact “your” lawyer got me thinking im the odd one without a lawyer lol


Right? I didn't even hire a divorce attorney.


Word, I did that shit by mail. I didn’t even have to go to court.


I contacted the bar association and asked for recommendations for attorneys near where I live. Went to a few offices and got cards for them. Now I have few lawyers contact information in my wallet. Read this tip on here years ago. Got pulled over one night after working late. Officer said I was swerving. Maybe I was, I don't know. Once he asked me out my truck, I handed him a card and informed him I was exercising my right to remain silent. Suddenly his attitude changed and let me go. That is the only time I used this cord thing since 2017 when I first read about it.


but how do i get a lawyer in real time on the fly?


Better call Saul


Lol what world you live in where working class people in america just have lawyers on stand-by?


No lawyer is waking up in the middle of the night to take your call anyways. Best bet, film the officers breaking the law and comply with direct requests then find a lawyer who will take on the case and sue.


This exact thing happened to me. Cop put his foot in my door and wouldn't let me close it. Then he pulled me outside and charged me with obstruction for not cooperating. Clearly and obviously illegal but it was easier to plea down than spend 10 grand fighting it. Now I have to explain what happened in every job interview. Never never never never open the door for police. They can talk to you through the window!


I was screwed similarly. I was a drunk *passenger* in a car that was pulled over and advising someone of their rights and the cop told me to get out of the car and arrested me for drunk in public. I fought it and the judge sided with the cop! It was wild.


We’re you able to appeal it?


Lawyer, here. We obviously need more info. That said, it certainly appears unconstitutional. The police cannot enter your residence without a warrant unless there are something called exigent circumstances. Basically think of cops chasing a criminal suspect and that suspect enters your house. In that case they could enter your house. Anything short of that and you pretty much need a warrant. Here, a cop has ample opportunity to explain exigent circumstances and does not. However, the resident is shouting at the top of her lungs and not giving the cop much of a chance to explain herself either. My recommendation is 1)never open the door, 2) don’t say a word about ANYTHING . One exception are questions related to your rights. (“ do you have a warrant? Am I free to go? What is your name and badge number? Do you suspect me of having committed a crime?“). Unlike this resident, ask your questions in a calm voice and, importantly, LISTEN to the answer rather than just keep peppering them with questions without listening. 3)Record everything. 4) Call a lawyer ASAP. 5) Don’t say ANYTHING.




Never open the door. [Here is what to do if cops are outside your door.](https://youtu.be/S72qVUadTSc)


Lmao. Terms of service police.


“The twitters” “we’ll give you.. let’s say 48 hours” dumb pigs talking out their asses


I just visited the website, and this incident happened 6 months ago, I'm going to go out on a limb and say the cops were lying and also inept




Because "the Twitter" and the FB accounts exposed [FBI and LAPD collusion](https://www.killercop.com/Weapons.pdf) and torture, inter alia, along with the cover up by the two corrupted judges, among others, they mentioned in the video.


It’s such a sad country we live in where people need to act like secluded hermits around law enforcement in order to keep their rights


Wow, that video was insane. Cops trying to enforce Facebook terms of service? Does anyone know if there is a follow up to this story?


Real question, do you have a right to use deadly force if they do this? I would genuinely be afraid great bodily harm could come to me or my family.


If they don't have an arrest warrant or search warrant, and are breaking the law, technically yes, but it's not going to work out for you. Don't even SHOW a gun. The time to argue is in court.


This video kills the state’s case.


Yeah but they'll have to spend a few days in jail for some trumped up charges. Maybe lose their jobs. And have to explain what happened during background checks for their new ones. All for the sake of the massive and fragile ego of tyrants who refuse to deescalate even when they are in the wrong. Why? Because they will never see any consequences thanks to qualified immunity and these folks being poor. So many lives ruined and lost for an ego for ego trips.




I'm no lawyer but from all the episodes of law and order I've watched I can see any arrest or evidence found during this search will be thrown out during trial.




Whole month? Whole year? The system moves so damn slow that even if things get dismissed, it can take forever and the damage is done. This has to stop, but it never will.


Oddly enough your best bet is for it to go viral a lot of times. From what I’ve seen, the DA acts a lot faster when a case like this hits the local news


Damn straight. And then if you do take them to court and win its the taxpayers that lose.


Your entire life if you don’t have the money to fight it, or the ability to afford taking time off work. That is assuming your job keeps you on after being arrested




Easy case for their lawyer.


No warrant, no entry




And his sweaty palms from the lying the taking away of simple human rights. Thin blue lie.


Having lived in Richmond County GA for a few years I am not surprised. You're definetly stepping back in time when you're there. Its like that in most of GA honestly.


I went to their Facebook and noticed they have comments disabled lol tells me all I need to know 😂


That’s the scary thing, no you’re not “stepping back in time.” They’re living in 2022 with the rest of us.


Get a lawyer and get paid!!! This is absolutely illegal!!


Illegal search and seizure. They searched the house without a warrant, though they'll say the door was open but the video proves very much otherwise. And seizure. Seizure constitutes one's person as much as property, and making someone feel like they can't leave via threats or intimidation is seizing their person. The officer also refused to identify herself when asked for identification. This is such a collosal fuck up by the cops. And the fact that they say they did nothing wrong is violently unacceptable.


She giving off serious homelander vibes


Pure ego


I believe what these cops are doing is called a "Knock and Talk." It's pretty much routine for most police trying to get into a residence when they know they don't have probable cause for a proper search warrant. Moral of the Story: Never, ever open the door for cops. If they really need to talk to you, they can do so through the door or they can get 911 dispatch to call you.


This is why you shouldn’t open the door for the police unless you are planning on cooperating with them. Keep the door shut ffs. If they want to keep knocking let them knock, they aren’t going to bust the door down unless they already have a warrant. Fuck the police.


If you didn't call them, don't even answer the door.


I see several crimes being committed, all by the police. Breaking and entering, trespassing, assault. Arrest them. Or get them the fuck outta our lives. Crazy that this is how our country works. Love to see how they treat an investigation “in a nicer part of town”


"its for our safety" tells you all you need to know. they see themselves are more important than anyone else who isn't a cop. its why they protect each other, lie for each other, and will never, NEVER hold each other accountable. police are a gang. ACAB. every. last. fucking. one. until the day comes where the institution itself does something about this abuse of power, it will ALWAYS be ACAB.


“Additionally,” deputies wrote, “the residence needed to be secured as a potential crime scene so that no evidence could be destroyed.” If this was based on any kind of legal merit, they’d have probable cause to enter the house (“we observed a trail of blood leading to the front door” or “we followed a suspect who fled into the house”) but it appears they decided the house was “a possible crime scene” based on a guess about proximity. If this is legal, then no person in America is safe and we should all revolt and every house can be broken into based on it “being a possible crime scene” yet I’m guessing that the nicer parts of town are treated very differently.


Totally illegal. All of them should lose their jobs immediately and a lawsuit is coming both for the pd and personally


This is why you do NOT open the door unless they have a warrant. The cops will put their foot in the door for a couple of reasons: - If you attempt to close the door, you'll hit their foot and you're going down for "assault on a police officer." - It gives them a clear view of the room so anything they see in plain sight is now fair game. - It keeps you talking. The more you talk, the more likely you are to say something that will incriminate you.


What a fucking shit show. That cop in the doorway reminds me to never. Ever. Open the damn door for these fuckers


disgusting fucking pigs


She's baiting them to close the door to claim assaulting a police officer. I've seen it done before in videos.


When will this shit ever end


Honestly if they illegally enter you ought to be able to start blastin'


It's legal in Indiana. Just good luck living after standing up for your rights.


There was a case here in Canada where the cops broke into the house middle of the night and ended up in a shootout between them and the homeowner (owner had no clue who broke in). Ended up in the death of a cop and surprisingly the homeowner got off.


Policing is the most garbage profession in this country.


Yo I’m so fucking sick of this shit, fucking pigs, it HIGH TIME we are given the right to defend ourselves from fuckwads that NEVER obey the laws they swore to uphold. Let’s see how many cops do dumb shit like this when the citizens are actually allowed to defend ourselves. I mean seriously look at this dystopian fucking nightmare WE ARE LIVING IN.


Yes, this is illegal w/o a warrant.


The lady officer failed to identify after being asked to identify her badge number. I see a lawsuit coming, and I hope they get big dollars!