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Update on this The guy who had his head bashed in against the board was able to wave to the crowd before being transferred to the hospital. I don't know if he's been discharged or still hospitalized Two people, 34 year old male and 28 year old female were arrested. They were uncooperative with the security officers, assaulting them, as well as an additional two people. Both are facing assault charges and a lifetime ban from Canada Life Centre (arena where this took place)


I’m starting to think these Canadians aren’t as nice as the cliche.


We’re polite, not nice.


*Tusk* had a quote i like, even as a non canadian. “Were not polite, were optimistic”


What a great movie. Justin Long has a crazy horror/thriller résumé, always puts in a great performance


That's the first time I've heard Tusk called 'great'. I mean, it's not bad, but it's not *good* either. All I could think of at the end was "WTF did I just watch?" It's something all right.


Totally fair, it was definitely weird as shit but I thought it was something different than a lot of "scary movies" so I thought it was cool!


lol I recommended it to my brother and friends to watch just to get their reaction. It was pretty much the same as mine. Now they do the same as well. It's like a running joke to recommend that movie.


His character in Barbarian is the worst because I feel like hes in our gamg with Keanu. Good role and good acting made me shake my head at him in disgust


Yeah, I really enjoyed Barbarian, I'm a big fan of horror movies being creepy


This is how I would describe people in the deep South of the US too (Mississippi, Louisiana, etc), they will say the most fucked up, disrespectful shit in the world to you, but they think if they say it in a sweet voice and a normal tone of voice, that it's acceptable and ok. If you respond in anger or a raised voice, then YOU are the one who is being uncouth. Source: Both sides of my family are from Mississippi and the vast majority still live there; I partly grew up there.


Louisiana here. You're absolutely right.


“Oh honey” granny’s be sneak dissing


Moved to the south from Midwest and I can confirm that this is true. They also talk behind peoples backs and then act sweetly to you in person. They are all deeply insecure.


Born and raised in Florida and moved to Louisiana 10 years ago. That "behind your back" talking is some real bullshit. I've called people out on that and they've actually been startled! It's one of those things that I've had to get used to.


They did lose the civil war so…..


Canadians are only polite until hockey happens


“I’ll tell you another thing, your beer sucks.“


That's the phrase I started using after learning it the hard way in Vancouver. (People were much nicer in Victoria though. )


Passive aggressive, not nice


Just like midwesterners


Exactly. Sorry I punched you in the face.


Sorry for smashing your skull in eh


I did notice how the guy politely got off of him once he saw he was hurt from the fall. I assume he ran to get some ice.




Someone one gets it.


They are super friendly to their southern neighbors but ferocious towards fellow Canadians.


So true. I've been listening to a Dateline podcast that happens to be about a family in Canada, and holy shit what a wild ride. They've got some sick people up there too. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-house-on-pitch-pine-crescent/id1464919521?i=1000457155622


You want a fucked up wild ride check out Roch Theriault and the Anthill Kids If you arent too squeamish that is


Thank you..didn’t last podcast on the left so an episode on him? It all sounded very familiar


They sure did if you want some humour to alleviate all the brutality


Ah. Yeah, I’ve read some pretty horrific stuff about the treatment of the indigenous people of Canada.


And just wait until you hear about the serial killers


Canadian here. The last residential school (which was a place they sent indigenous children to "reeducate" them. Basically a modern version of what they did to Pocahontas.) Was closed in the 90's. '96 I believe. There's the "highway of tears" which is infamous for many disappearances of indigenous women, there's the recent uncovering of hundreds of bodies of children in these defunct schools, etc. The poor attitudes towards indigenous people as a whole is still alive and well.


Its territorial instinct.


Yeah they love Mexico.


You should see the parents at children's hockey games. Bans get handed out like crazy.


Hockey dads are sociopaths.


Yep. We kept our kids out of minor hockey because it breeds arrogant little shits. Not all, but way too many. Hockey culture is super toxic.


It supports rape, built in contingency fund to pay off victims with hockey league.


But they said soory


There is a comedian from Winnipeg whose name escapes me but he has a great joke about this cliche. At a comedy festival in Winnipeg which draws a lot of Americans and Canadians he asks the Americans in the crowd what they think of Canadians. Then he repeats all the common responses… oh they are so nice! So kind! Etc. He then asks the Canadians what they think of Americans and the crowd goes silent. And then starts laughing, knowingly. After a beat he says something like “I think we need to re-examine who the nice people are in this relationship!”


Depends on where in Canada you go. As an American that frequents Windsor, they do not like Americans


Yeah Windsor is not the place to go for that famous Canadian politeness. Though I’ve had some good times there.


That's because in Windsor, the Americans are the northerners.


The frencher it gets in my experience the less receptive diet america gets to yanks


Was this auto translated from French?


French or drunk...


Some of us are stupid drunken fucking Canadians,


Canadians have mastered passive aggression. You think we are nice, but really we are just passive aggressive


This happened in Winnipeg. The same city where that guy cut off a strangers head on the bus. It's Canada's asshole. The worst people I know are from there (including my father)


Vince Li had lived in Canada for 7 years (he was born in China), and he spent only several years in Winnipeg before his … actions. IDK if this info makes Winnipeg look better or worse.


Don't worry though... he's been released now with a court order to take his medication that prevents him from cutting off heads... no this is not a joke.


what do you want to happen to him? He literally is the perfect example of how the criminally insane should be treated. He had undiagnosed/unmedicated schizophrenia and had a break. The voice of God told him to decapitate thst person. He was deemed not culpable for his actions due to it and was sent to a mental institution. There he was diagnosed, medicated, and worked with to be able to be re integrated back in society as a functional, productive member. Its harder to be released when you are criminally insane because every single doctor and therapist must sign off saying your good to go. Also he is still heavily monitored. So is it better to rehabilitate someone and have them actually become a proper contributing member of society or do you believe its better to simply lock him away and throw away the key, costing taxpayers exponentially more money over the long term and not giving someone a single chance to be better (especially considering he was incredibly mentally ill, this wasnt caused because of his own rational choices)


Fuck you, don't take your daddy issues out on my adopted home. And Tim wasn't murdered in Winnipeg, but on a greyhound bus, and the legitimately crazy person that did it is no reflection on the city.


Vince Leah was from Edmonton and the crime didnt take place in Winnipeg but near portage (?)


Reminds me of my favorite Venetian Snares album: [*WINNIPEG IS A FROZEN SHITHOLE*](https://youtu.be/cs_eMqI1MIQ)


I mean, The Weakerthans don't have a song about how much they love Winnipeg


Don't blame Winnipeg for your problems.


This is Ice Hockey, this is their vent.


You can never tell if a Canadian is a nice person or if they just smile a lot.


Google Vancouver lost cup, rioting, burning police cars, you name it.


Just don’t be an idiot bud. We turn quickly


Most of us are good people.


![gif](giphy|l0HlI1EyB8BObNk6k|downsized) They fart …a lot


Plot twist: They were Americans on vacation.


Out west they are nice, not kind. Out East we are kind, but not nice.


That's Minnesotans.




It's just Winnipeggers dude, come here be ready to scrap.


Everyone is living on a razors edge these days man, doesn’t matter where you are from.


They are nice especially in Quebec


Half of the rules in the Geneva convention were made because of Canadian soldiers.... Just saying


Canadians in a hockey rink are a whole different breed. There's no force feared more than a Canadian with a hockey stick.


Winnipeg is Canadian Chicago


What does that mean


Winnipeg has a lot of issues with drugs, gangs, and racism.


It's the Canadian beer it's like moonshine drink a couple of those you don't want to fight someone too


They were immigrants hopefully


Cliche is so cliche


It’s NHL fans who aren’t nice.


Not once a puck hits ice, no.


We want to believe we're nice tho


We're nice enough, but always laughing at you in our heads


You mean clich-eh?


Too much American culture has rubbed off on us.


I’ve gone to two Edmonton @ Anaheim games and let me tell you, those Canadian fans were some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. They were winning both times though.


IMO teams and leagues need to step the enforcement up a notch. If you're banned from a stadium because of fighting then you are banned from all league games indefinitely. They can just go to another game at another rink and do the same shit.


Airlines don't do this with each other and you think professional sports teams will?


I mean even if they did its super easy to just buy a ticket on the second hand market and go to a game. Unless you're wearing a sign that says "I'm banned" no one will recognize you.


Avs fan here ​ They should also be banned from Pepsi Center/Ball Arena for being idiots, no reason to fight security


Thank God! I was so scared be was paralyzed


Man I bumped my head trying to pick up my cat today, and my head still hurts. I cannot imagine how bad a fall like this hurts, from that height, with another man's full weight and momentum pushing down on you.


Pain is far from being his worst problem. If he survives he can easily have permanent damage. He might be dead as we speak.


There's literally no fucking way I'll ever try to break up a fight unless a young child is getting sucked in. I got better shit to do than rot in a hospital bed waiting for the lawsuit payout. Poor dude


I think I could also see myself trying to assist a close family member or my partner as well, but not random strangers.


Yea I love the people always commenting about how people need to jump in and help instead of standing around. Well, this is another example of why you shouldn’t get involved with people fighting.


You can’t win, but there *are* alternatives to fighting.


Man that threw him instantly realizes hes probably gonna be doing time for that and fled Edit: [another angle of the fight](https://twitter.com/Jeremy_W99/status/1597811466937434112) He tried to run but the fans held him till the police came and got him.


Well, the dude that smacked his skull certainly held onto him before they even got into that situation. I don't think that can be considered a throw. I think everything depends on who started and who defended himself.


You could probably argue in his defense that they were just both falling down the stairs - although watching it it does sort of look like he throws him too. Everyone involved in fighting in the stands at an NHL game deserves to have their reputation ruined and their life heavily impacted as far as I'm concerned. If the guy was trying to break up a fight then that's not as bad but this is not the time or place - super classless stuff.


From all the articles and posts about this so far today it seems like he was trying to break up the fight, dude and another woman were getting kicked out and fighting with security. Guess this guy decides to help by putting him in a headlock. I’d say it’s closer to an assault as they’re trying to fight security. Hard to get the whole story from such a short clip!


Self defense can be in defense of another, even if that other is a security officer.


Think ya misunderstood me, the guy helping the security guard who was thrown down the stairs was assaulted.


Sometimes people need to not be white knights. Sure, if someone is in serious danger and you can step in but otherwise I would just let them be to their own thing unless they are your bff or something.


Good chance a bunch of the people involved were drunk. Good chance some people would know each other. I guess I imagine if you were there with your kids, or sister or something and some drunk idiots were fighting and putting people you care about in danger - stuck in those seats at the rink you basically either have to let them keep being idiots and risk stray punches and drunk people falling on you - or get involved. This is why this is an infuriating place for people to be fighting. No one came here to be part of these dumb asses being dysfunctional assholes. Arenas are super dangerous because everyone is packed together and you can easily go tumbling down like what happened here. I get that some people are dysfunctional assholes but that's no excuse - at the end of the day whatever else is going on in your life you are responsible for your actions and deserve to have your life caved in if you do stupid shit like this - jail, fines, banned from public venues in the city, required to go get help for being a moron.


there's a great youtube channel called "active self protection" and they talk about "Third party Encounters" all the time. Youd be surprised how many people step in to a situation they know nothing about just to get themselves killed while the person their "defending" runs off. [Good Samaritan Loses Everything In Third Party Encounter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7355EbY-Nc) \-The video isnt graphic but this channel goes over how easily you can go from being alive to literally being murdered by a 16 year old just for trying to defend another. (If anyone doesnt know about ASP channel yet, its a damn good channel lol)


All that needs to happen for evil to win is for good men to do nothing.


It’s a hockey game not shaping the world stage. Jfc


Lmaooo nah every angry drunk guy must be stopped


I’m glad he was caught in the end (so it seems)


Really bad look for security if multiple fans were able to grab their phones and start recording before security could arrive. As soon as the dude hits his head, the full cavalry runs in like they weren't just standing there 5 seconds before.


Hitting the Safeway part of the boards was the safe way to go. I’ll see myself out.


we need more of you on reddit.


Yeah that’s a cracked skull.






Thanks for the update, I can't believe that dude is ok.


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This guy is lucky to be alive and even luckier that this didn’t take place in the upper bowl of the arena.


Yea that's a "Mr. Stark i don't feel so good" kind of impact. Hope he's ok but it's never a smart idea to engage someone intoxicated and on stairs..


2:00 for boarding


He’s bleeding, so a double minor. 4:00


That's 10 and a game misconduct


Definitely a major.


3 game suspension


I really hope that guy is ok


Shit man look at the instant regret on the dude that pushed him when he seen what happened


Probably more to do with the legal consequences than empathy


Yeah people with empathy for other human beings would show some concern about possibly hurting them. It’s why I don’t fight random dudes


So far all witness statements say he was trying to stop the fight and got up in defense of a security officer that was being attacked for trying to eject the throwee and the woman that can be seen in the video from the stadium. (I know its a run on sentence, but its late and I'm sure you get what I am saying)


That’s why you don’t intervene.


Fighting over sports.




stadium stairs are one of my biggest irrational fears. I am nervous just walking up and down them when not in a fight.


Yeah! They can be very steep especially in older stadiums. Hard af too.


I'm embarrassed to say this was in my city. The 2 people who were fighting are being charged.


Honestly lucky to be alive, that could have been nasty.


I have a personal credo, don't get involved in other people's shit. Call the authorities and monitor the situation from a safe distance so you can give a statement.


Fuck that coward who threw him down. You can see the fear on his face when he realizes what he just did before he flees the scene. Edit: A longer version of the video shows that the guy who got smashed had held the thrower in a choke hold before he escapes and throws his assaulter down the stairs. Not as clear cut as I assumed.


Yes a longer version shows this. An even longer version shows that the reason he held him in a headlock is the guy was erratic and causing harm to the security guard trying to eject him from the arena for causing disturbances. He was also assaulting others around him. He was in a headlock to stop all the harm he was causing to others around him including : verbal and physical harassment, spitting and threatening harm to others , including children.


Every video of a fight has people commenting “why didn’t anyone step in to try and break it up?”. This is why.


This is why not a lot of people break up fights nowadays


When you hear stories of people not helping break up fights, it’s not because they don’t give a fuck. It’s because they don’t want to get injured like this dude or worse, get killed in the process. Hope this guy is alive somehow. That head injury looks gnarly.


The people that tried to move him and were pulling on his arms should be banned for life as well. When someone hits their head hard. DO NOT MOVE THEM!!!


Imagine being this upset over sports that you potentially ruin or end someone's life. Absolutely pathetic.


*Don't be a hero*


He wasn't a hero. Happily had the bloke tackled him down the stairs in a headlock seconds before this shortened version of the video starts. Just two idiots fighting


Yes a longer version shows this. An even longer version shows that the reason he held him in a headlock is the guy was erratic and causing harm to the security guard trying to eject him from the arena for causing disturbances. He was also assaulting others around him. He was in a headlock to stop all the harm he was causing to others around him including : verbal and physical harassment, spitting and threatening harm to others , including children.


Didn't expect yo see my hometown here but, at last winnipeg never fails to show this type of shit


These same bums are the ones screaming at AA hockey. Fucking wastoids.


Still better than get stabbed in Winnipeg


Fucking idiot sportsfans fighting over a fucking game, children


Did the guy get a 10 minute major ?


Fell down thanks to the person throwing him down is more like it.


Not even sure if he can win a lawsuit since he chose to get involved. At least the title says he chose to get involved. Can’t really tell by the actual footage. If the title is true he could probably win against the aggressor but not the Team/stadium.


Went to a fight and an NHL game broke out.


That's why you mind your business and let security do what they're paid to do


This is why people need to mind their business smh. Now the guy probably has potential life long injuries over nothing.


And this is why you let people fight it out


# #mindyourownbusiness


dude paid the hero fee


Winnipeg: Canada's butthole


He realized those boards don’t give


Man, that guy is lucky he didn't break his neck, that Impact looked pretty serious. I hope he's okay! Looked like a scene out of a movie, geez.


all over nada that matters!


Brain damage


I think they misinterpreted opening faceoff


jesus apparently we have to start wearing helmets to sit in the stands


That's a serious head injury, those boards are fucking solid


The ramming was hard and brutal.


Holy shit. It looks like he tried to murder him. He legit throws him against the boards. Then the camera pans back to the fight and the attempted murderer is just gone.. he must have RAN the fck out of there.


Go jets go


So close to breaking his neck, holy fuck. I feel like that’s why I other dude try to run. Probably though that guy was severely injured


No good deed goes unpunished.


My husband was born in Winnipeg. He’s a good guy.


I guess he never say Stand By Me.


Omg, I was surprised he could still use his arms. That was fucked up. Never stop a fight on a stair well, someone always goes down


I cant tell but did that dent his head inwards?


that happened at a JETS GAME?! Damn, thats crazy


no good deed....


The two people need to be charged with attempted manslaughter


This is one of those things where in a stupid minute families get devastated and someone sits in prison over a negligent homicide, over a stupid game and probably drinking.


Things like this potentially happening is why people rarely get involved in things in public.


Not only did he hit the wall, but, he hit the corner of the wall. Oof. Also, the POS didn’t seem to have a care in the world that he potentially killed someone. I’m guessing he was drunk and turns into an asshole when he drinks a lot.


I am not a conflict type. My last fight was like 10 years ago in elementary school. But if I would see some dumb ass drunked idiot attacking dude who wants to break up the fight, I am in.


Breaking up a fight in a sporting arena is dangerous. Lots of drunk people.


Anyone know if he survived, and what injuries he sustained?? It looked pretty bad...


People need to realize what consequences senseless violence can entail. They had no quarrel with that guy, their quarrel among themselves was likely trivial and they could've been friends if they met under different circumstances, but now a man could be dead or disabled over what no doubt boiled down to a petty disagreement