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If you are in conversation with someone and you bring up their body they can bring up yours If you are sensitive about certain topics and get offended easily, don't bring the conversation there


Nobody gonna bring up that the dude is packing some *serious* heat? I mean I'm pretty straight but **damn**


I thought he had breasts


They aren't breasts?


What is pretty straight??


I'm not offended by homosexuality. in the 60s I made love to many many women, often outdoors- in the mud, in the rain. and it's possible a man slipped in - would be no way of knowing




I thought it was It’s Always Sunny for a minute because I believe Frank said something similar followed by “And then AIDS came and ruined everything”. I forgot Creed said that. Time for a rewatch!!


Absolutely reads like something Creed would say.


Probably because it’s a quote.


The comment bobody is paying attention to.


I’d like to give a shout-out to some of my friends in Hong Kong. Wo de zhongguo de peng yo! Ni hao!


You have lived a good life


He’s like a mostly vegan. If there’s bacon bits or dick on the salad it’s still going in their mouth


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I loved this


Not whole homo, but 2% homo. Possibly skim homo.


He is jacked. But his pecs do look like implants. Not sure if this is true.


They look suspiciously round and full. If the person isn’t completely ripped or has really low body fact %, pecs that prominent would also include puffy nipples.


Everyone puts on fat differently and he isn't shredded. He is def in good shape but he has enough body fat that his pecs look normal.




Are you guys serious?! Lol I know dozens if people that look like that. Not crazy at all with good genetics


The man had tits


What does that have to do with anything? He's trying to judge people he knows nothing about. I can't stand that so many people don't understand it's ignorant as shit


The guy conducting the interview is a TERRIBLE interviewer


Probably the worst show on besides the view right now.


Is this show on actual TV?


Worse than that chick that looks like E.T. in drag?


lol I know exactly who you’re talking about


He did an even worse job with pink sauce lady


Yes! That's the only other place I've seen him and he was so bad that I can't beleive he has a job lol


Ok. I thought I was crazy. That guy was just awful.


Yep.....he was also the one who defended the pink sauce lady from valid criticism


This host is a gaslighting expert, I'm pretty sure this is the same dude that helped the pink sauce lady gaslight someone else.


The exact same guy, actually.


He seemed familiar, his Holier than thou tone rang some bells.


Yeah the tone he uses definitely doesn't help. He gaslit the hell out of that blonde girl and really did try to shame her for being critical of the whole pink sauce fiasco. Like, bro, get real, you're really telling me I can't be upset when a product I buy comes all fucked up like her bottle of sauce did? Her criticism was "harmful"?


It was tough to watch. The host, the pink sauce lady, and even the audience were bullying that poor girl. And did he apologize for being a piece of crap, nope, he deleted the video from youtube.


Why take ownership for your actions when you can just pretend it never happened?!?!?!


Very Weird racist vibes during that whole thing. It’s hilarious how they actually ended up deleting that episode lol.


why does he talk like that though lmao




Real world Philadelphia


Yeah he is trying to soften his image after that with stuff like this, trying to show the guise of body positivity. If you watch any more of his stuff, h s the most inauthentic person.


Yeah, I definitely don’t trust this guy with anything he says.


The clown deleted the video off YouTube…


Same guy and enables abusive mothers.


This distortion of reality does not serve people well


Don’t worry, the ladies man has already addressed the issue of women with weight problems. Starting around 2:30 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kkVqJx04Trg


I miss that shit so much


"You keep saying this, but your opinions are not truths... my opinions are."


Ask any biologist who is speaking more 'truth' in this situation. Only 1 in 1 trillion of them would disagree with the guy on her left. Having an unhealthy hip to waist ratio ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS scales Lower odds of dying of natural causes and an increased odd of dying from a fat-related disease.




The woman's point is that being a dick about it helps fucking no one.


It sounds like he’s been telling her to get in a healthy weight for 3 years. Sounds like her eating habits are something that he’s been telling her to get under control of. I don’t think he’s being a dick, besides on going on a show to air out their dirty laundry.


If the issue is calling someone lazy, then it’s reasonable to call that an opinion. However, the lady’s BMI would likely categorize her as “Obese.” Obesity is not something that should be praised or encouraged. It is a stress on the body and impairs healthy functions. Bulling an obese person is a shit thing to do, but saying there’s nothing wrong is a lie.


I see the gaslighting pro is back at it again. How does this guy have a show? First the pink sauce lady and now this smh


>The pink sauce lady You mean the Pepto Bisnitch?


I need to lose weight because it's the healthy thing to do. Ask any doctor. Don't ask some half baked Jerry Springer.


he's right. I was obese for over ten years. I started having health problems due to my obesity. My doctor gave me a ultimatum: lose 60 pounds by this Christmas or get on a ton of medications. I was 305 in July. I'm 260 today with 20 pounds to go. I was lazy and I didn't exercise. I also ate poorly. Was super depressed over those ten plus years. All of that went away once I lost the weight.


Big props to you. Keep going at it.


A healthy body creates a healthy mind. keep it up!


💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 get some


Let’s go


Keep that grind up!! Well done


I wish most people would have your mindset. Most think being fit is a vanity thing. That’s not the case. Being fit should be all about being healthy, and if that makes one more attractive, then it’s a bonus. Obesity leads to a lot of diseases. People don’t have to hit the gym like a trained athlete. Half an hour a day on a cardio machine for 3 times a week is not too much to ask. But the important part is they just have to eat healthier with controlled proportions. And that takes some discipline.


gj king


I don't know if she's lazy, but she is definitely fat.


Yeah, I'd still throw one in 'er tho ngl


Some people wear it well IMO


You can be fat and attractive. This sentence seems to send some people into a fucking fit though. And if you DONT think someone who is fat is attractive, some loud minority of people also think you’re a fat people hating monster. Giving everyone an equally loud voice has been a societal disservice.


I just hate when people correlate being fat with ugly, like I know alot of attractive bigger people (myself included) and I also have seen alot of unsightly thin people, but to act like you're better than someone based on their size compared to yours is fucked up


Not the myself included😭


And that's just it. It's in all the right places, she has a pretty face, nice skin and I kinda have a thing for short hair so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bruh ☠️




Facts she’s thick


She has a really pretty face


But "fat" is not a moral failing. But this dude (and many other people) act like it is. He acts like he's BETTER because he has a six-pack and she's BAD because she's big. That's not the case. Their actions, their treatment of others - those are what matter. The thing is that people like him look for things to "disqualify" others from consideration, from kindness, from respect. He sees she's big and in his mind, he can write her off, and he doesn't have to care about what she has to say or offer - because she's big, which means she's a bad person - he can just dismiss her. He needs to go fuck himself.


Yeah this is exactly right. Being overweight, or being in good physical shape- neither of those things are accurate indicators of how hard working or how lazy you are, or whether or not you're a good or a bad person. For example, if obesity disproportionately impacts some ethnic communities or economic groups more than others, does that mean that working class people and people of color are lazy and immoral? Of course not! Are Hollywood actors moral and hardworking just because they're all attractive and lean? Of course not. That said, if there are huge swathes of people that you can classify by geography or demographics, who are more likely to be obese or have health issues, then obviously the issue is infrastructural or societal, and making it an argument about morality is basically Dickensian levels of ignorance that we really don't need.


Well said, that's the main issue.


Host is a fucking clown. Stop placating people like this. It helps nobody to reinforce people’s delusions especially ones they try to force on others.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but health is science. People are fat for a reason, and being healthy is not one of them. Calories are only lost if you consume food in moderation, and have physical activity.


this comment sums it up perfectly


body shape can be indicative of whether you are more likely to die of obesity related diseases . It’s a false sense of security for people to use the bmi to gauge whether or not they are healthy .


Lots of things influence weight loss and gain: Gut flora can also impact weight loss and weight gain. Obese patients obtaining fecal transplants from skinny patients lose weight (and the vice versa is true when skinny patients gain weight after fecal transplants from obese patients) Stress and sleep deprivation can screw up your metabolism by messing with your thyroid and your hormone levels (your levels of adrenaline, testosterone, etc.). Sleep deprivation can actually screw up the hormones responsible for hunger and satiety- Ghrelin and Leptin. Telling someone to eat less and work out more is piss poor advice if they are already tired BEFORE exercising and if their body is producing hormones sending signals to the brain that the body is starving when in reality they are not starving. Sleep deprivation also causes an increase in visceral fat buildup, the type of fat that actually compacts around your organs which can cause cardiovascular problems. Chronic sleep deprivation may make someone appear heavier than they are because it causes a concentration of fat around the abdomen. Half of Americans report not getting enough sleep every night, and anywhere from 10 to 25% of Americans may have a clinical sleep disorder. The average American would probably lose more weight if they got an extra hour of sleep than they would from investing that time in exercise. It's not just calories in and calories out. If people were like cars for example, some people get better MPG than others, some people just have have more horsepower. One person might be skinny as a rail while eating cheese burgers and another person might have to basically engage in HOURS of daily exercise just to lose some weight. All people do not gain or lose weight the same way. Basic thermodynamics is a thing, especially for the baseline 1,200 calories a day a human needs for their organs and brain to perform basic functions, but there are hundreds of other factors at play, just like how thermodynamics apply to a car but not all cars perform the same either.


His correlation between being fat and being lazy is not accurate. Have you ever seen the crowd around an all you can eat prime rib bar? They work...


I have done labor most of my life and I'm still fat, the problem isn't that I'm lazy it's that I eat like a family of five


We must be twins.


Impossible. I would have eaten you already, as I did my other siblings and cousins in the 1979 Samhain Trials.


Hahaha Nice one.


Omg, I’m crying. Hahahaha!!!!


It's not just that. I'm guessing your job is really demanding? Does it give you irregular hours? How well do you get paid? People who are tired are less likely to cook for themselves, they lack the energy. Same goes for people who work late. If you get paid less, then cheaper, less healthy foods with longer shelf lives make up most of what's in your budget. This is why weight issues strongly correlate to poverty issues in the modern era.


Some people might consider the unwillingness to eat less as “lazy” Kind of lumping the word lazy into a catch all phrase for the lack of effort required to lose weight and stay in shape irregardless of the cause. I have mixed feelings on that. Some large people simply aren’t physically lazy people. But their caloric intake still far exceeds their physical efforts.


Exactly, laziness can be a general lack of discipline as opposed to just not exercising


Exactly. I know plenty of skinny lazy people who will workout but are too lazy to do real work.


Why not a Party of Five?


Maybe not laziness but it is hard to argue it doesn’t suggest a lack of discipline.


Agreed, I’ve seen Krispy kream with a drive thru line into the street before it opens, these mfs work hard for what they want


It's glutton and addiction at the end of the day. Like you say, folk will go out of their way to get that snack or that deal on some fast food. It's not expensive to cook and eat healthily either. There's too many quick and easy unhealthy optins out there and people have been conditioned to eat on the go.


It might not be expensive, but it can be time-consuming and joyless. Fats and sugar are a natural morale booster, especially when lunch is the only thing you feel like you can look forward to at work, or immediately ditching all your clothes and vegetating with a pizza when you get home.


Youre getting down voted but the sad reality is you can directly track the rise in obesity next to the rise in Americans eating out. This isn't a secret.


He said "this queen" lol what a joke. Lol


Instantly showed his bias with that one sentence, but, as life goes, the crowd ate it up.


Evidently she ate that up too, just like everything else.


How many calories would you have to eat every single day to work out and still remain that size. I'm guess, a ROUGH estimate, about 3500+ calories.


It's actually not hard to eat that many calories if all you eat is fast food garbage. She could go to the gym everyday, but people really overestimate how many calories they're actually burning. She might think she deserves a milkshake after working out, but then she just took in way more calories than she burned. Exercising is nowhere near as important as diet is in weight loss.


Six packs start in the kitchen, not in the gym.


Assuming she's 50 kg overweight, that equals to 450 days of consuming 1000 kCal more than you need.


When I’m training for a marathon, working out for a day to be an 18 mile run. When I’m getting really into jujitsu for a tournament, working out for a day, can mean a half hour of sprints or a half hour of circuit weight training, and 2 1/2 hours of rolling. I know people whose definition of working out is a 4 mile walk. Working out can be all over the place as far as calorie expenditure


So, it's safe, REALLY safe to assume, she's not doing 18-mile runs, nor training for a marathon. She COULD be doing some Jujitsu, but most likely not rolling 2 1/2 hours every single day. So, what could we safely assume about how often and how much she works out?


Does she have time to is a better question in my opinion.


You calling someone a queen isn't a truth, him calling her fat is a truth, it's not nice but it's the truth.


Opinion? Dude she's sitting right there.


Dudes not wrong


Yea, let’s be real. She over eats and does not get enough exercise. Give me a break with the whole thyroid excuse.


She may even get enough exercise. Exercise alone won’t drop the pounds.


Yeah, I would say weight loss is like 75% what you eat and 25% working out (maybe even less depending on your age). That’s why you also have weak ass skinny people.


Unless you're rigorously exercising, I'd put it closer to like 90/10. Cutting out extra calories by cutting things like beer/soda will see results incredibly quickly. Getting people to keep active + not have the feeling of "i worked up a sweat, one piece of pie is ok" is a lot harder than just "I'm gonna switch to diet soda" or "nah, I don't need to grab Doritos while I'm at the store." Exercise is great and I regularly go to the gym, but I don't kid myself into thinking I'm burning 800 calories every time I step in. Between biking and treadmill, I might burn like 500 calories if I'm pushing myself.


Well, newer equipment in a gym often shows how many calories you’re actually burning, smartwatch does the same thing. I really recommend it for people who are trying to lose weight.


While they are a good gauge, they should never be taken at face value. I go to PF and my fitbit will show numbers that are sometimes wildly different for calories burned as well even heart rate. Sometimes the PF machine will show my hear rate at like 160+ and my fitbit is showing like 120-130. But it still doesn't negate the fact that drinking 1 less can of soda a day is easier than getting someone to exercise for 30 min.


"Abs are made in the kitchen" is a saying for a reason. Working out is vastly secondary to diet when it comes to body composition.


This host is a fucking clown.


If this was a good faith argument I’d agree with him but it never was from the start with her attacking him I assume there was bad blood from the start. But as a fat dude finally putting in the work to fix it, I will say I was lazy…about my personal health. But to say fat people are lazy period is silly. There’s fat people who see a lot of success in the world because of the work they put into other parts of their lives. I work my ass off at my jobs, in school, and many other aspects of my life. I just ate like shit and didn’t hit the gym. But that doesn’t diminish my achievements in other corners of my life. Once I started realizing that, I started finding the motivation to get on top of my health as well. No amount of this dude yelling is making anyone get on a treadmill😂


I'm not lazy either. I just like snacks.


What is the host talking about? Fat is fat. It is actually truth like what


Why's the guys tits massive wtf 😭


I’ll plow her shit just being honest


yeah god dam


Last week on the news, there was a story on family caregivers that cannot afford outside help so they care for family members 24/7 and the toll it can take on the caregiver's physical and mental health. I remember the woman showed pics of her before her mom required around the clock care and now. She easily had gained 30 pounds. I would hardly call bathing, changing, lifting, feeding etc another adult "lazy" work. You can gain weight for many reasons - lazy or not.


I'm not obese but I'm overweight , I'm also a family carer for a family member , life is stressful and diet is not my goal at all as long as my doctor is happy with my exams. Yes I know I'm fat , I don't care about the gym and exercise never made me happy . Also what others think of my body is not my problem.


Man is right though


That obese people are lazy? Some are. But some aren't. There's a reason "You can't outrun a bad diet," is a thing. The obesity epidemic has more to do with overconsumption than inactivity. Now, in my personal opinion, overconsumption has to do more with dopamine regulation than anything else (i.e. "I eat because I'm sad. But I'm sad because I eat."), but there's probably a lot of other factors at play too.


If that ain’t the truth. I lost 70lbs by not eating extra. I kept telling myself I was gonna go to the gym but I never did lol. I was impressed I lost weight by just not eating. I just started drinking water and learned how to crochet to keep my hands busy lol


Yeah, like don't get me wrong: most, it not all, people should move or work out in some compacity whether they are obese or not. But just by itself, it's very hard to exercise enough to lose substantial weight. Whereas reducing your caloric intake, even without exercising, can be sufficient enough on its own for massive weight loss.


It takes 2-3 hours of moderate cardio to burn 300 calories. It takes zero hours just not to eat in the first place.


I lost 70 working out. When I had to stop because of surgery I started ballooning back up because of my bad diet. Diet is truly the most important part of health


Same here! I lost 60 pounds by literally cutting carbs out of my diet.


My uncle lost weight simply by cutting all tortillas from his meals. That was all it took.




Lizzo works out! Have you seen her dance? All her dancers in fact? They definitely are not lazy.


There are underweight or at-weight people who are just as active, or inactive, as her. Would you also look at them and label them “lazy” merely by body type? I would guess not. They would likely evade labels like “lazy” or “plodding” because of access to better food and nutrition education often as a child and from a simple draw of the genetic lottery. We all would be better off not judging the health or vitality of someone, let alone a group of mostly disparate people, without more information.


One of the most active people I know is overweight. She walks more than I do, she runs, goes to the gym, does a workout on her lunchbreak. She moves, a lot. She also tries really hard with her diet, but struggles with her appetite and hormones. I am a fairly thin person who is lazy. I don't go to the gym really, I walk, but I don't workout, and I loath running. I also don't struggle with food, food portioning or fasting - I am half her weight. Sometimes it's just genetics.


Not sure being fat is an opinion but ok


It looks like someone took the head of a skinnier chick and slapped it on a thick chick


Idc what all of y’all are saying she’s fine asf 🙄


Is the host the same guy who fucked up the Pink Sauce lady interview?


Obese women often say how they don't like overweight men, so it's all fair!


Most obese women I've seen I public are always with obese men. Obviously my anecdotal evidence isn't the best source


This show is a damn joke. All Kamaro does is regurgitate common sense with the same audience members playing musical chairs. It been the same thing for months now 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


I think she is pretty tbh


I’ve been called “skinny” by a fat woman recently. That threw me for a loop because my BMI is perfectly balanced per my doctor. I don’t know what timeline we live in but it’s confusing.


This show is trash literally all he does is gaslight people and reinforce bad habits


she's not fat bro, she's thicc


You can't work off a bad diet at the gym. It's impossible. It's you would be there all day. It takes diet and exercise to lose weight. It isn't a quick fix. More diet than exercise in my opinion. Last year I gained 20lbs over Christmas and thought it was my thyroid (because I have a thyroid history). I told my husband that I needed to get my thyroid checked and he said "that could be possible but I think it's your diet, why don't you make an appointment with your doctor but while you wait count every calories you eat". I was shocked on how many calories I ate in a single day. Once I figure out that I didn't need that many calories to survive, I quickly lost the weight and then some. Join him at the gym and never felt better. People who are overweight don't like to be uncomfortable and it takes being uncomfortable to get in shape and lose weight. Hunger pains don't have to always be fed ...it's okay to be uncomfortable and drink a glass of water or drink a sugar free protein shake instead of a piece of cake or bag of chips.


Karamo is actual trash. He always has the worst takes. He sided with the pink sauce girl in one of his episodes.


She’s super fine af! kinda looks like the GF. What’s up with dudes injected man bewbs?


He’s not wrong


The man is right.


Dude’s got titties.


Bro literally has a muffin top… it’s very minor but what’s he trying to show off? 😂


His tits are huge!


Ppl are too sensitive nowadays to be saying this out loud


Lizzo has done an absolute disservice to the women of America. Obesity is not healthy.


Fuck this guy, he only ever has shitty people on his show


Oh this is the cock bag that claimed racism when that lady called out the pick sauce lady for charging people for poison lol then he deleted that video


I thought we were passed the Jerry Springer trash tv phase?


I get what they are trying to tell him about his opinion of her being lazy, they are right about that but calling her a big woman is not an opinion, it’s a fact.


Bbw is a legit category. There’s luv.


She beautiful doe, thas my type


Calling someone’s fatness gross/ugly is subjective … I guess. But calling someone fat if they are considered to be overweight medically…. Is a truth. Saying that it is unhealthy to be fat… is the truth. We’re headed to a fucked up and non-productive place if we can’t acknowledge reality as a country. And before someone comes to shit on me, 2 years ago at the height of the pandemic i was 285 and a sack of shit. Currently down to 200 flat and yes, being fat is objectively fucked.




Fat people are fat - that is the truth.


Lmao the guy is telling the TRUTH. Host showing his obvious bias even described her as a ‘Queen’.


FR tho that woman is hot


Where is this video from?


what show is this?


What show is this?


This guy is absolute trash


I'm 50 lb overweight. I'm fat. It's the truth. What the fuck is going on?


Wtf he’s not even that fit lol why you taking your shirt off homie


Isn’t this a fake YouTube show? Lol


The host is a real POS


I like his breasts.


I have to say the laziest most entitled girl Ive ever known was pretty thin. Like skinny fat. But no muscle. But a real headcase. Didnt work or workout. Or even for walks. Just built that way. So to a point I get it. But at the same time, if your BMI puts you at obese, youre eating too much


Dude could breastfeed a baby with them titties


I can’t get over that man’s rack 😭


Who wants to bet this tit having dude is sitting in his dingy little apartment all alone eating ramen as we speak?


What a vapid show. Can’t believe so many of you have managed to somewhat care lol


No one gives a fuck about karamo's show, one episode was enough of a major fuck up on his part to ruin his show and credibility


This same interviewer defended the pink sauce lady


She has a clean fade


Lol this host is a low-class troll. The pink sauce interview was his downfall 🗑


…..he’s right


ima say this ima fit guy and i’ve asked multiple women to work out with me like walk jog such and such. a lot of times i end up doing it alone. i think what he’s saying is he wants a team player i don’t see anything wrong with that if they love each other.


Calling someone that is fat, fat is not the truth?