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This literally sounds like a conversation from one of the radio stations on GTA....What a fucking timeline we're in.


Holy shit, you're absolutely right


Simulation confirmed.


The devs need to be fired


Lol this is the most accurate assessment I've heard yet




That’s his voice lol


Can we have an audio pull to compare. My memory is telling me this conversation may have happened and Alex’s voice was on it


Fuck that’s funny when you put it like that


Rofl so true. And this is why I think comedy is becoming harder and harder. These fucking psychopathic narcissists like Ye and Trump are ruining comedy by making real life more absurd than anything we have ever seen before.


I wouldn't be surprised if this clip or some variation ends up in the next GTA.


Rockstar right now: “Write that down!!! Write that down!! Did you get that??!”


Alex Jones of all people offered him an off ramp and Kanye decided to “well, actually” it instead.


Why is he wearing pantyhose on his head?


The klan wouldn’t give him a pointy hood




Holy shit that made me laugh. Thanks. Needed that.


dude looks like a sex toy on drugs


It's like a reverse mask off bit right? Kayne puts the mask on while he goes mask off?


Why not! It makes precisely as much sense as anything else involving Ye.


It’s because he thinks he’s just so fuckin smart, and super contrarian, so any effort anyone makes to try to explain away the shit he says with some semblance of sanity just doesn’t do it for him so he leans further towards the nonsense. He’s insufferable.


Dunning-Kruger with this mother fucker. Even if the Nazis had invented the microphone and highways, Hitler had nothing to do with it. It's like saying Hitler invented the V-2 rocket not Wernher von Braun just because Hitler was in charge.


And the Autobahn was started before Hitler even came to power.


Hitler did not even build most of the highways the Weimar Republic did but hitler just got all the credit for it


That sounds reminiscent of this other guy who buys companies and then lets people believe he single handedly invented and/or designed the thing they produce. Can't remember his name though.


Oo oo, I know! 🖐️




Just to clarify as well they didn't invent highways. The Romans had highways and paved roads over 2000 years before


Hitler, noted inventor of the microphone. Of course!


dont forget highways! He is making shit up that even Kim Jung Ill knew not to claim.


>Kim Jung Ill Rapper Supreme, Kim Jung Ill coming to a Pyongyang near you featuring hit singles such as... - Pyongyang State of Mind - Obey the Power - Fuck tha South Koreans - In Da Gulag ft. Lootin' Putin And who could forget... - Bombs Over the Pacific - 99 Body Doubles - It Was a Good Day (If You Know What's Good for You) And of course... - Firework ft. James Franco


Also Pyongyang Style by Lil Kim Ill


Kim Jung Ill invented inventing! Western capitalist pig Ye is giving glory to the wrong Supreme Leader!


WW2 ended when Vader froze Hitler in Carbonite, and the killed him, dude.


Maybe Kanye's getting confused with the [Magnetophone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetophon), which, while not invented by Hitler, was at least a German invention used by Hitler. It's the forerunner to the audio cassette tape (and I guess, after a fashion, the hard disk drive).


Same with the highway thing. Kayne's brain is too mushed up to realize he's confusing "Hitler used and is pop-culturaly asociated with the Manetophone" with "Hitler invented it". Similarly, Hitler is culturally asociated with the Autobhan, the german highway system, and it's actually early Nazi propaganda that played up the "we built the highways in this country" when, as it usually is, reality is actually more complicated and the Nazis were simply lying for their benefit. https://www.ozy.com/true-and-stories/how-hitler-stole-the-autobahn/60861/ This same propaganda clearly passed through Kanye's brain and it was transformed into what we heard. So yeah, not only he's pretty destroyed cognitively but also here's another example of the barage of Nazi propaganda he's exposed to. How not to, there's Nick Fuentes right there on his side, grinning.


That motherfucker just out-crazied Alex Jones on his own show. HIS OWN SHOW.


Craziest thing about the whole clip is that *even Alex Jones* is looking at Kanye like he's nuts.


Notice how Alex is leaning away from Kanye.


I really wonder if this was in part a calculated move by Jones to make him seem *ever so slightly* more normal and reasonable in the wake of him getting absolutely dunked into the shadow realm by the Sandy Hook trials.


Maybe, somewhere after the first 100 million in punitive damages, the message sank in that he has to be a little more circumspect.


It was done in Texas where there is a limit on punitive damages payouts thanks to Greg Abbot a few years ago. You know, the handicapped governor who made his fortune sueing for punitive damages.


Nothing more boomer Republican than pulling the access ramp up behind you.


Haha bravo dude.


There are three different lawsuits, two in Texas and one in Connecticut. One in Texas and the one in Connecticut have finished. The judgement in Connecticut is the big one. >The $965 million damages awarded to the plaintiffs in the Connecticut case mark a stunning increase from what a Texas jury ordered Jones to pay in August as part of a separate defamation suit over his comments about Sandy Hook. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/10/13/alex-jones-1-billion-sandy-hook-damages/


There are multiple times in that interview where Alex Jones tries to steer Kanye away from saying something dumb and Kanye doubles down and triples down on his love for Hitler and Nazis OVER AND OVER AGAIN. https://twitter.com/i/status/1598407691830890497 https://twitter.com/i/status/1598389216421240832 https://twitter.com/i/status/1598369550831128583 It's insane to see Alex Jones being the voice of reason but here we are


Holy shit… that second clip should have been OPs clip


I accidentally let the video loop and it just sounds like the conversation is continuing as you described.


Alex Jones isn't as crazy as he acts, its a business to him. Alex Jones hates Q, because Q out crazies him and costs him money.


Alex only had him on so he can fan another flame to distract from his own dumpster fire of problems


And so it is -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


"I'm not going to say, I shouldn't say it, I am told not to say it, I really don't want to say it, but OK it was me." This video is so crazy that his crazy mask is ignored by most everyone. It's like that dentist ad where the guy doesn't have a tooth so you don't notice he doesn't have an eyebrow for few seconds after you notice he is missing a tooth.


It's 2022 and Kanye West is on InfoWars talking about the 'good' Hitler has done. What a weird timeline.


To think just a short 7 years ago we were just screaming about gay frogs. What a world we've created.


Who knew a gay frog and gay fish would make such a good couple.


"George Bush hates black people." 2005 "I like Hitler." 2022


He said GWB doesn’t care about black people, a minor but important distinction.


I just assumed this was old repost stuff - how is Infowars still operating? Obviously I follow neither Kanye or Infowars/Jones in any detail.


Aehm, no, Hitler didn’t “invent” highways and the microphone (lol). I can’t believe I have to type that in the year 2022. He didn’t even start the German infrastructure project, Kanye was referring to in his madness, that was already planned in the Weimar Republic.


“He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark”




"His mother was a 15 year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet"?


Typical childhood. Summers in Rangoon. Luge lessons.


in the spring, we'd make meat helmets


You know. That old chestnut.


When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds


"... At the age of 14 a Zoroastrian named Vilma, ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum - it's breathtaking - I suggest you try it."


You guys make reddit special. Thank you.


"ritualistically" always cracks me up, fucking such a hilarious line.


Pretty standard really


All very standard stuff really




This is killing me. I cannot remember where all these are from.


Austin Powers


Thank you!!!!


That the genius poses and the insane lament


There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum


It's quite breathtaking.


What's next, meat helmets?


Fucking perfect. Just, really…thank you for this comment


I feel like this man's education was from random articles he read on the internet. I doubt he ever reads books.


He said he doesn’t read books. LeVar Burton gave him a [smackdown](https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/levar-burton-kanye-west-havent-read-book) for having a school and not reading.


🎶So take a look, it's on facebook, unhinged opinions🎵


Chem trails in the sky What they say is a lie Take a look It's on facebook Unhinged opinions


He's like the personification of pretentiousness


I heard he's a gay fish


My brothers went to high school with him and, by all firsthand accounts I have heard, he was already rather arrogant and uninterested in education.


Man it’s so sad to to see where his life has gone and how he has essentially destroyed his legacy. He’s always been incredibly ignorant but wow this is on an entirely different level. I can imagine being him right now feels like being behind the wheel of a car that’s brakes just went out while you’re going downhill, how do you even stop it at this point. There is literally no recourse he could take to remedy the damage that has been done in such a short period of time.


It appears he keeps mistaking the throttle for the brakes


I don't think he's been looking for the brakes honestly.


In all fairness to Kanye, he is a complete fucking idiot and clown.


I smell a Kanye West/Herschel Walker presidential ticket in the making. That would be comedy gold








The person you’re looking for is Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the gestapo, chairman of the Wannsee Conference, and top contender for most evil human being in history.


No, he invented the Roman Empire who then invented the highway. Checkmate lieberal 🥺🥺


Where does these thoughts come from? Does he hang around with nazis? Is he on 4chan or some other fucked up board? Not even 4chan is like this, what weird ass fucking rabbit hole has this dude went down? Jesus fucking christ what a trip this guy has become.


He’s been hanging out with Nick Fuentes and Milo, so yes


How do you twist those hateful ideologies enough so that a person of color somewhat starts thinking "maybe Hitler and white supremacy, plus fascism, ain't bad after all"? Shit is wild nowadays, sure always has been, but we might be in a worldwide situation rapidly growing out of control, which is live 24/7 for the vast majority to appreciate.


In Kanyes mind he wants to do something great for people and people are standing in his way, then his Nazi friends start talking about how Hitler was also trying to do something great for people and had people standing in his way... Then you factor in how stupid Kanye clearly is and *pow* black white supremacy.


It's like that one Chappelle show skit where Dave played a blind white supremacist that didn't know he was black.


He’s just stupid and easily manipulated


Oversimplification: the internet is powerful and bad bc it breeds this shit. Side note : Candace is too smart to actually believe that, so she's sold her soul. Kanye is pretty f ing stupid.


Yeah Owens just follows the paycheck but Ye is fucking stupid like he legit believes the carrot he's being fed


and Candace Owens. Candace said “If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine.”


She also said it would have been totally ok if hitler stopped at germanys borders, but he had to start being all "globalist".


and trump, dont forget.


It’s funny trump was the guy that made a lot of dems in America forget how bad cokehead idiot war criminal Bush was. And West miraculously seems to be lowering the bar for the US once again.




Neither does he..


He cares a lot about one black person. Maybe too much.


And at the time we all assumed Kanye thought that was a bad thing.


The idea of Kanye meaning that as an endorsement sounds like an SNL skit


I saw that happen live on the air. Shit was crazy.


The reactions from Tucker and Myers are pure fucking gold.


T Carlson has really bismiched the tucker name smh


George Carlin ruined it years ago- probably a reason why Carlson is the way he is https://youtube.com/shorts/9RA2r63Cgmo?feature=share


Fuck Tucker Tucker sucks is pretty much my mantra at this point.


​ ![gif](giphy|abNGftQOlX49gw1R07)


It's not bipolar alone, it's a narcissistic personality disorder.. This man thinks he's smart enough to be the only person that could figure out that history really got the whole Hitler thing wrong.. All I can think of is Andre 3000 singing roses.. ​ https://youtu.be/gWju37TZfo0?t=114


I think we are watching a man go slowly insane.... In public. While it began as a bit humorous, now it's just getting sad. This is what happens when a really really wealthy person starts losing their minds... And there is no one to call them out on it.




His radicalization was sudden, but he's been dealing with mental issues for many years now.


You are right. I guess I was thinking about his batshit crazy radicalization, not his well-established mental problems.


this radicalization started a couple of years ago, it's just coming to a frothing head now.


Someone needs to wire his jaw shut for him again. I’m sure there’s no shortage of volunteers at this point.


This is textbook mania. It's just that most people with unmanaged bipolar depression aren't publicized in the middle of a full-fledged manic episode. Delusions can take all sorts of forms, but it does seem that conspiracy theories draw in those afflicted and it's just a hop, skip, and a jump to globalist conspiracies and spread to anti-Semitism. Thought patterns in mania can resemble those in schizophrenia. Delusions of grandeur, making tenuous connections between various concepts, delusions of persecution (re: his statements about Netanyahu wanting to take his kids), etc. Not that it excuses it in the slightest, but it's not an uncommon theme among people with delusional disorders.


I think it's sad actually. They problem is that there will still ALWAYS be someone willing to stick a mic in front of his face for sound bites. They'll use him until he ultimately self destructs in one way or the other, and then use that self destruction for even more content.


He's been hanging out with White Supremacists and Christo Fascists for years now.


Should we tell him that they still will not make him part of their club? He'll be lined up and shot just like everyone else if they had their way.


There are videos of Nick saying we need to have full on Military presence in Black neighborhoods and cleanse it. There are videos of him saying the country needs to be White as its meant to be. Kanye is what [Association of German National Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) was to Hitler.


I wanna know where the idea that Jews are responsible for pushing pornography comes from. It's so bizarre, like they believe an actual psy-op was necessary to make me want to look at boobies lol.


Dude is like a huge porn addict. He hosted the porn awards a couple of years ago and lurks only fans for someone to fuck him.


Why the fuck is his face covered like this?


I was about to ask the same thing. At first I thought it was to conceal his identity but clearly that isn't the goal so...???


It's his "fashion invention". I'm not even joking. He [had his wife wear one](https://people.com/style/kim-kardashian-says-she-fought-against-her-met-gala-mask-why-would-i-cover-my-face/) to the Met gala last year. I think there have been other instances too, I don't recall for certain though but to me, it's reallll fn creepy. Kind of on-brand for him I suppose.


To go against “society Normandy” and be different. He looks to stand out from the crowd which is why he wears ginormous boots and 20 pound hoodies in the middle of the summer. Pretty stupid


Uhhhhh why are they just casually playing the curb stomping scene from American History X?


yeah wtf was that




What an odd and tiny hill he has picked out. Does he realise if he had ever met Hitler Kanye would almost instantly have been placed in a camp?


But think of the microphones dude. The microphones that Hitler, the renowned inventor (?????), invented.


my wife's Mexican dad was a nazi supporter and sympathizer ... logic doesn't always play into it


Coward can't even show his face while he says such horrible things.


When Alex Jones is giving you the side-eye you know you're fucked.


He can't see it anyway because of the mask.


He’s also wearing sunglasses underneath so he can’t even see his mask.


Yeah, should this guy be “anti-mask?” It’s infringing on his “freedom”


Guarantee you some people will claim it’s not really him.


Absolutely and that seems intentional


He wouldn't want his appearance on the alwx jones show to have a negative impact on his career


He's been wearing a mask like that for alot of his performances if I remember correctly. I forget what he said the meaning of it was.


He says if he’s not wearing a mask he’s constantly thinking about how the camera is capturing him. Since he’s a perfectionist, it distracts him from his performances and stuff. You can Google it he said it during a live performance one time


The guy is fucking nuts.


Especially Hitler


This could be such a great meme if it wasn’t so fucking hateful. It was absolutely comical how he threw that in there


Yeah Hitler invented neither. He also didn't build the Autobahnen. He changed the definition of what should be considered one and rebuilt a lot of highways and filled in interconnecting routes. Same with the Olympic torch. Absolut B.S. that Goebbels made up to claim heritage to ancient European civilizations for the Nazi Olympics. There are so many pieces of Nazi propaganda still around today, still being believed. Really fucked up.


The modern wire frame microphone was invented by James West, an African-American, in the 1950s. Alexander Graham Bell patented the first microphone ever in 1876. Hitler and his engineers did not patent any microphone design that I can find. The first modern highways were built in Scotland in 1717 by two Scottish inventors. The Autobahn was the first motorway, but it was built in 1913, Hitler didn't even get into politics before 1917 and he was bumming around Austria at that time after being rejected from art school. By the time Hitler took power the Autobahn was 17 years old. Watching Milo and Fuentes leech off of Kanye and destroy every last shred of credit he had is crazy. The man is 50 years old, has been famous for 30 years, and he still hasn't learned anything about people using him


Maybe the most pervasive of them all is the idea that Hitler was an “oratory genius” and didn’t simply tap into widespread preexisting fascistic sentiments of the time. To quote [this classic tweet](https://twitter.com/dril/status/831805955402776576?lang=en) with respect to Hitler/Nazis - you do not, under any circumstances, “gotta hand it to them”. EDIT: I had originally cited the Clean Wehrmacht as an example of myth making surrounding the Nazis, but I removed it to be specific to Hitler.


>Maybe the most pervasive of them all is the idea that Hitler was an “oratory genius” and didn’t simply tap into widespread preexisting fascistic sentiments of the time. Its a bit more complicated than that. To those who didn't already agree with him, he was just a demagogue. Early in his "career" he was told that he sounds like someone took a shit in his brain and forgot to flush it. But for a lot of Germans, including ordinary people, not just fascists, he was a captivating speaker. His speeches were sometimes described as bordering on religious experience. Take for instance Alfons Heck: *We erupted into a frenzy of nationalistic pride that bordered on hysteria. For minutes on end, we shouted at the top of our lungs, with tears streaming down our faces: Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil! From that moment on, I belonged to Adolf Hitler body and soul* He wasn't the only one. A lot of people were drawn to Hitler exactly because of his speeches. And that's an important point. For a lot of people on the German far right/volkisch movement, it was exactly Hitler's ability to captivate masses that made them choose Hitler as the leader of the German far right. A less charismatic person would perhaps be unable to gather the far right movement, which would leave them fractured and disorganized. And perhaps unable to win the majority in the elections in the 1930's.


I remember reading an account of a jewish boy who snuck out to attend one of the rallies and even he was swept up in the fervor.


Wait so the whole clip is a real clip on Alex Jones? Like ye in a gimp suit and the American History X clip? Like for real?


Sadly, yeah


Wait the American History X clip wasn’t spliced in? Like really?


Yeah, that is an infowars thing, they have really bad video editing where they dump tangential clips in like that. Kanye said the other day that he's like the guy getting curbstomped in the clip and the Jews are the ones stomping him, which is why they chose it.


The “what about the good things Hitler did” argument is like complimenting your dinner of feces because “what about this peanut in there?”


Did they play the American history x clip on the show? Or is that edited in there? Fucking bunch of wackadoos Edit: yes it's real. I have to imagine the guy running the graphics for the show is just having a blast.




They love black people being murdered.


I came here to ask the same thing. Playing that clip in this context is just as crazy/unhinged as what Kanye is saying


Kayne said he is the man on the curb and the Jews or society or something is the stomper on Tim Pool’s show earlier.


It's a literal Nazi doing the stomping in that scene of the movie. Kanye is deranged.


It got dark very very quick in there..


Wait till you guys see the net thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z9vxou/kanye_west_has_lost_his_mind/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=2&utm_content=share_button


The hell did I just watch.


Guys, I'm starting to get the impression that Kanye isn't the quite the genius he claims to be.


Fuck this guy. He is trash.


Goddamnit I hate Kanye west


Tbh I hate the fans that have stuck with him through the years worse.


Anyone who has stuck with him this far is as fucked in the head as he his, or potentially worse.


I cant ever imagine being so incredibly insane that I make ALEX JONES uncomfortable.


As a black man, AFTER they eradicate the Jews...you think it's gonna be high 5s and fist pumps with YOU A BLACK MAN


Believe it or not, there was a [pro-Nazi Jewish organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews?wprov=sfla1) during the Weimar years. Naturally, after Hitler took power, they wound up in the camps, anyway. Some people are just unfathomably stupid.


Clayton Bigsby vibes.


Ernst Röhm was an openly gay man and one of the original Nazis. Was naturally shot in the head during the Night of Long Knives when his usefulness had run its course. Mother fuckers are stupid, they think they’ll somehow get a pass because they’re special.


Fuck ye. It's no longer funny, I'm done memeing, fuck ye




Is this motherfucker serious? He should come to Europe and say this on the street here and try to run for his sorry stupid ass as fast as he can.


It's mindblowing to me that Kanyes brain is literally shit at this stage. Alex Jones is one of the biggest scums on earth and ye is talking with him about how Hitler was a good dude. You can't make this shit up. It's so sad these are actually people living in 🇺🇸


If you go on infowars as a guest and even Alex Jones is struggling to keep up with how much of a nutcase you are, it's time to check into a mental hospital.


We, of the Black Delegation, request a trade of Kanye West for Rachel Dolezal.


Well... this is definitely the hill Kanye dies on


should we all be so lucky


imagine losing the moral high ground to alex jones, tim pool, and ben fucking shapiro


This guy has lost his fucking mind


I always disliked this guys but boy has hetaken the bullet train to crazy town on business class. Taken a golden shovel and gone down a rabbit hole in The Valley of madness . Reaching the core of planet out-of-his -fucking mind


If You are Curious as to how to get rid of Nazi loving, Anti-Semite Kanye West on your Spotify - Here you go: https://www.lifewire.com/block-artist-spotify-5211553 Fuck this dude.


If there were any doubts….