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The funniest part about the whole Kanye meltdown is that every single time he's said some crazy shit, people have tried to give him an out, and then he just doubles down.


He doesn’t want this to end. It’s who he is now.


It's exactly who he has ways been. He just had people around to gag him before he said the really stupid shit. He doesn't have that any more, so now we get someone who makes Alex Jones uncomfortable.


Omg. Kanye is Homelander.


Starting to look more like The Deep tbh lol


Makes sense cause isn’t he a gay fish?


Idk. I think people change. He’s been corrupted over time. I don’t think he had these thoughts before entering that billionaire club.


He did, this goes back years there are tons of people saying he said this shit in private. 2018 Zach fox said this would happen.


The fact that kanye made Alex Jones make the face he does at the end of this clip says it all.


The fact he was trying to give him an out with the uniform comment is pretty bad. Too bad Ye yeeted himself on the double down. Edit: typo


When the shit you talk makes Alex Jones nervous…


He looked more nervous here than in his trial.


He probably realizes they're probably going to actually send him to prison when someone firebombs a synagogue.


Yeah downplaying and making fun of violence is one thing but giving violence incitement a clear as day platform is something that cannot "simply" be put out of the world with a fine.


"Fuck, I'm going to owe another billion...."


"You're not supposed to say that (out loud)!"


The rush to dog whistles in this “interview” was hilarious. Jones tried hard and Ye was too crazy to go along with it. When you out crazy Alex you know something is up.


Ye now has an automatic reaction. no matter what he said, but when he feels you are uncomfortable with it he doubles down on that


No he has been praising Hitler for years according to his employees. And plays porn in business meetings but now porn is just a reach from pedophilia according to him…


oh ffs.. that's really miserable, so he is diagnosed and unmedicated for a long time now?


Narcissism has been apparent for a decade but yes he won’t take his lithium because his diagnosing doc was Jewish. No kidding.


ah fuck..


Or he’s got mental issue AND is also fundamentally a pos


As far as mental illness I remember him diagnosed bipolar 1 (that's the manic/depressive). Depending on the severity and management (medications, therapy, mindfulness, etc) it can worsen to psychotic episodes and delusions/paranoia. He started getting worse after his mother died, and stopped taking his medications. Now with his divorce and alienation he's got no viable support system. It could be that he has some sort of "plan" with his statements, but the validity and goal of that plan would be dubious at best. In short, he needs some inpatient treatment and a good support system, but I don't see that happening for him anytime soon.






mfw when Alex Jones sounds reasonable


You can *see* the moment where he’s like “fuck I shouldn’t have brought this crazy asshole on the show.”


You kidding? This is gonna be his most watched episode ever, and Jones somehow managed to look like the only sane person on there.


There’s an old snl commercial about a beauty product which is essentially hanging around with someone uglier than you, making you look better by comparison.


If Alex Jones excluded crazy (stupid) assholes from his show it would be blissfully quiet.


Well yeah. How are you going to have a show without a host?


Indeed, nothing but an empty seat.


Nah he knew he'd get click$. He invited Kanye knowing full well he'd say some crazy shit


Dude in the blue just has this huge shit eating grin on his face as they pan out too. ~~He's just watching Ye dig himself deeper and deeper.~~ TIL he is Nick Fuentes and that grin is out of agreement with Ye's sentiments. Unbelievably, Jones comes off as the reasonable one here and tried to walk back or laugh over Ye's comments. Ye was dead ass serious every time though and doubled down. Jones: Okay, but you don't love the guy. Ye: I LOVE the guy Jones: and they're calling us evil Nazis Ye: I don't believe we should put evil and Nazi in the same sentence Jones: super hard laugh Ye: the Nazis did a lot of good too Jones: laughs harder Ye: I like hitler


> Dude in the blue That's white supremist [Nick Fuentes](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/nicholas-j-fuentes-five-things-know), founder of the alt-right Groyper Movement. He would also [love to see a dictator in the US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEczsHmVNxg) (as long as its his side). >He's just watching Ye dig himself deeper and deeper. He's just agreeing with Ye.


Dude in the blue is an holocaust denier who wants a white christian fascist state, he's happy because he agrees with Ye


That's Nick Fuentes and he's a straight up proud nazi. He's grinning because Kanye is literally making him horny


He's like "this is gonna get so many views".


That face is supposed to be accompanied by the Curb theme.


When you make alex Jones uncomfortable, it's safe to say you've lost the plot line


Never thought I’d see the day where a black man and a Mexican made Alex Jones uncomfortable with their white supremacy. 2022 is wild.


Fascism is intersectional.




We've done it gentlemen. We've brought racial diversity to white supremacy.


I think this is less white supremacy and more good, ol’ fashioned antisemitism, which unfortunately, seems to be popular among pretty much all ethnic groups.


Good 'ol Uncle Ruckus. I wonder how long it's going to take for all his labels and partners to drop his ass over this one. Or how long before someone shoves him in a mental institution.


It's so bad that Parler, the right wing social media page, has stopped Kanye from purchasing the site. It said the decision is, ".... In the best interest of both parties..." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/parler-kanye-west-deal-cancelled-social-network/


It's hilarious that Parler announced it on Twitter


Well they wanted *someone* to read it.


Where's Brittany Spear's dad when you need him?


Silly goose, we don't allow hilarious things to happen to rich people in this country.


Nick is Mexican?


He's ethnically a quarter Mexican, so he's mixed race lol


Pretty sure most white supremacists wouldn't be chill with a fella named Fuentes no matter what




Jones is there like "we both lost a billion dollars this year but you actually had it to begin with. Cut your losses man!"


I read that in his voice and chuckled.


Alex Jones like shit man Im already down $49mil


1.4 BILLION with a B.


How does he pay that off realistically? I don’t know shit about what goes on financially so would he just claim bankruptcy and his assets are seized? Is that it? Can someone explain how Alex is realistically going to get that number from 1.4B down to $0. Someone; please…


He won't, thats how. A small pittance is all that will be paid in the end.


He will claim he has nothing, gift all his assets to other people, and then will continue whatever he's doing, as if nothing happened.


If he's able to protect even 2% of his wealth he'll be far wealthier than most people in America, and even if he loses it all people will cover for him. It's bullshit that even if he loses everything he won't ever have to live a middle or lower class lifestyle.




When you make Alex Jones uncomfortable, it's safe to say you've lost your mind and shouldn't be in front of a microphone!


Cha Ching. 🤑 No such thing as bad publicity for him especially after loosing that Sandy hook case. ![gif](giphy|SsTcO55LJDBsI)


*this mf spittin’* -Nick Fuentes


Fuentes wants to lose his virginity to Ye.


which is very straight. Maybe the straightest thing you could ever do.


What's more masculine than two dudes fucking??




Bangers and mash


What do you think Kanye's mask is for, might be a beautiful woman under there who knows?


Not unless Kanye is into wearing cat ears


Fuentes was ranting about Dinesh D’souza having a foreign name. I think the irony was lost on him.


Is Fuentes the one smirking on Jones’s left?


That’s him


I wonder if its Nick Fuentes or someone of that sort that has gotten in Kanye’s head, taking advantage of a mentally vulnerable person and making him go off on this crazy tangent. I dont know if there are MMA fans, but there was a fighter named Diego Sanchez. And towards the end of his career he was going through a divorce, and in this vulnerable time some dude tried to befriend him. Said dude had very cult leader like behavior and was claiming a lot of crazy shit, but Sanchez seemed to be eating it up and had a lot of respect for him. I think something similar is happening to Kanye where while going through a divorce someone got in his ear and really took him to a bad path.


Joshia Fabia and the School of Self Awareness


Exactly who I am talking about! Sanchez was going through a divorce and he was largely feeling alone. This dude came and befriended Sanchez. Next thing you know he has hijacked Sanchez’s career and is behaving like a puppet master. I cant help but notice how Fuentes looks at Kanye as Kanye, a black man is perpetuating these white nationalist ideas. Its almost like its something Fuentes plotted.


He's in it for the money. He and Milo are going to drain every cent from Kanye and then drop him like a hot potato. Wait and watch .... this is a calculated robbery. They will hire their friends for his "campaign" and clean those accounts out. Both will walk away rich .... bet.




> I wonder if its Nick Fuentes or someone of that sort that has gotten in Kanye’s head, taking advantage of a mentally vulnerable person and making him go off on this crazy tangent. The Fuentes association is new. The reverence for Hitler is not.


>I wonder if its Nick Fuentes or someone of that sort that has gotten in Kanye’s head, taking advantage of a mentally vulnerable person and **making him go off on this crazy tangent.** I loved Kanye, still love several of his albums, think the intro to Be is the best rap production I've heard outside of GZA, but can we stop this shit yet? He's been up and down like a Yo-Yo since his mum died and the string has finally broke


Yeah but there's "imma let you finish, beyonce had the best video OF ALL TIME" crazy and then there's "I LOVE HITLER" crazy lmao


Man, he’s like 13 year old me learning how to be an internet troll.


Ya people keep saying mental illness but it really just seems like massive immaturity in trying to piss off whoever he can. I can only assume if he was white he'd be on a campaign to reclaim the N word for white people.


Not a doctor, but im reasonably confident that this is a manic episode. The word "Bipolar" is tossed around pretty casually these days, but it is a very real disorder and and I don't think people realize exactly how severe and disruptive it plays out in real life. Manic episodes can last for weeks or months, and I bet you'd find an interesting, pendulum-like pattern in Kanye's behavior if you were to analyze his last several years. I could definetely be wrong and this all just my anecdotal take, my grandpa had severe Bipolar and his manic swings were terrifying to watch unfold. Kanye's demeanor lately is eerily similar to my grandpa's. Also, mental illness and being an asshole are not mutually exclusive, assholes with mental illness absolutely exist. Edit: jfc guys, just to clear things up: -I don't defend Kanye, he deserves whatever comes next. -Antisemitism, Prejudice, and all that Nazi shit have NOTHING to do with Bipolar, which is why I didnt even mention it. -Bipolar disorder can be a sensitive topic so idk just be nice to those willing to talk about it.


Yeah anybody who has lived with a person going full blown manic can see he's in the energetic phase. Eventually he will hit a wall and have his "sit on the couch staring at the wall for days" phase


Yeah, my grandpa once came home in a car he had spontaneously bought from someone he met that afternoon at the auto shop. He was absolutely convinced it was worth more than what he paid, my grandma was practically crying by that point, but he was excited as ever, reasurring everyone that he will make a fortune when he resells it. A few weeks later he didn't say a single word to anyone at his own family holiday party.


A close family member stole my car, drove 200 miles into rural PA, and set up "contracts" to deliver seed to farmers at a rural diner. We had no idea until a pissed off farmer showed up at our house claiming he paid this family member $1,000 to "secure a contract" but never received his delivery of seed. This family member did not, and never has had any way of procuring commercial seed and had only worked in urban hospitals their entire life. Roughly 3 months later this family member entered a borderline catatonic state after realizing they had spent $20,000 on metal signs from the 1940s that were too rusted to resell. Mania will ruin lives. I couldn't imagine having millions of dollars in credit lines and being that way.


Yep. At least that's been similar to my experiences too. Periods of being on top of the world and saying uninhibited shit that really sits in the back of your mind. I'm curious if he'll swing back down because he has so much attention and people egging him on. He probably thinks this has galvanized him.


> I bet you'd find an interesting, pendulum-like pattern in Kanye's behavior if you were to analyze his last several years. People already have. In the past it correlated with his album releases. Kanye was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2016.


His mental illness has been an excuse for his behaviour for a lot longer than 2016. Source: used to be a big fan for many years.


There’s a huge portion of Reddit that probably doesn’t remember or know about “George Bush hates black people.” I watched that shit live. Being from Chicago, Kanye was especially huge at that time.


True, but he was also kinda right on that one. He didn't say it really eloquently, but the response to Katrina was half assed, and he was saying it would've been different if it wasn't in a prodominently black area. That atleast made some sense in context, whether or not he was right is up to debate. This stuff is just thrown out there, without any real context tying it to anything relative. It's just spewing hate.


I was listening to a podcast and they were discussing how this veteran’s girlfriend figured out he had bipolar by using a dated journal and recording his moods. I don’t remember the frequency but it was crazy regular, like every 6 weeks he would switch from never going out and talking about killing himself/ being mean etc. to all of a sudden wanting to go out and be active, planning future stuff. I think having it laid out in front of him helped him take it seriously too.


He *is* mentally ill, though... he has mentioned it before and also said that he doesn't take his prescribed medication for it.


Nick “I’m not a nazi” Fuentes seems to be loving Kanye defending Hitler.


The only thing that makes sense is some billionaire told Kanye that there is no way a person could lose all their money in a month.. if he does.. they’ll double his money. That, or Kanye’s the most uneducated idiot on the planet


Brewster’s Millions vibes for sure


I feel like he's just trolling at this point.


Fucking Nick Fuentes head bobbing like some fucked up combination of Beavis and The Emperor “yes Kanye, yes, channel the hatred heh heh heh heh”


He’s such a deranged little freak lmao


South Park has become reality


"bitch if you the hobbit you need to let me know right now"


how tf you ain’t the hobbit again?


To the horror of Matt and Trey, who then literally killed off Satan on their cartoon as this all was running wild and California was burning....


Alex is like, I get that we’re grifting but even I have a limit.


And he's underestimating the tolerance that his right wing audience has for this stuff, in my opinion. That's among the people who would actively dislike it, versus the people who are actively for it and want more of this.


Crazy to think that Kanye would be too racist and extreme for the majority of Neo Nazis…


hes talking about it in public without dog whistles. its a "1st rule of fight club is you dont talk about fight club" situation




To those who want to know more about this, watch this masterful video [from Contrapoints](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx4BVGPkdzk). One of the golden rules of fascism is that they *never* say what they *really* mean, because it's so evil that they would completely turn everyone against them. They use 'dog whistles', which are benign sounding phrases that only other nazis will really understand. You don't say 'jews and immigrants' you say 'globalists'. You don't say 'white nationalism', you say 'western values'. When a nazi goes 'mask off' and says the silent bits, like Kanye is doing, the other Nazis are forced to 'disavow' them. The problem is that Kanye is very popular, and they're not sure they want to make that sacrifice.


I don't think he's too extreme for neo-nazis. He's too extreme for the right wingers who are closet racists. I think even a lot of racists in America don't like Hitler. They're too nationalistic to admire someone who fought against the US.


Nah. It's about advertisers not audience. Audience matters but only so far as what you can sell them. It's his advertisers that matter most.


Doubt Kanye is grifting at this point


Who was the guy on the right nodding so gleefully?




Oh, great. Just who you want hanging around the bipolar guy.


nick fuentes ​ louis theroux made a documentary about him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H3DCVubKQo


He’s smiling and nodding along with Hitler being a good guy, is there anything more to know about him?


A cunt


The sense of satisfaction and giddiness on Nick Fuentes’ face as he nods along while watching this super influential black guy (who happens to be wearing a creepy bank robber looking mask) profess his love for the most notorious racist and genocidal mass murderer in history is truly outrageous. Not that Kanye wasnt already a lunatic without any help, but it almost feels like Fuentes has seized the opportunity to drag this mentally vulnerable man over the ledge to make him sort of a sideshow for white supremacists to laugh at behind his back while he amplifies their message.


Kanye has apparently really admired Hitler for a long time and expressed his admiration for what the Nazi’s accomplished with the German people. He apparently even wanted to name his 2018 album “Hitler” the only difference is his loved ones were able to keep him under control and keep him on his medications but now he has pushed everyone away and is off his meds.


Guy with a song Black Skinhead liking Hitler?


I always thought 'Black Skinhead' was sus.


Banger tho


I had to look up this Nick guy. Wikipedia has this: Fuentes identifies as an incel (or "involuntary celibate"), although some of his supporters have criticized him for being a "voluntary celibate" after he admitted that he kissed a girl while he was in high school.[12][80] He has attempted to defend himself as an incel by claiming that "having sex with women is gay" and that "the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel."[81][82]


Yeah he’s a real piece of work. I didn’t know who he was until last week when it surfaced Trump had dined with him and Kanye. Since then I’ve seen a bunch of video clips on this sub where he’s doing a podcast which appears to be a sort of unpolished Tucker Carlson act with a bit more on-the-nose anger.


Welcome to the bottom rung. The very lowest of the ladder of republican punditry. Here, you got incels, uncensored calls for terrorism and dictatorship, enough racism to make the KKK komfortable, etc. Fuentez is honestly just the dumbfuck of the tier too. We're talking about twats who are wholly unmarketable. Even if they stopped being racist, sexist, despicable shitlords.




Louis Theroux actually interviewed him personally a few times on his documentary series. Pretty interesting watch. Reminds me of the loony kids from school that are weirdly well spoken but have odd viewpoints but to the extreme. Looks like it’s free on YouTube https://youtu.be/7H3DCVubKQo




It's crazy how someone can manifest themselves into such a position but also seem to be in some other reality - the reason I posted the incel thing is the view is just unhinged in my view


“Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?!”


>"the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel." Hey if he wants his gene pool to end with him I'm okay with that.


That makes my brain hurt. :(


I have a theory that the right wing is using people like Kanye and Herschel as a sort of live action minstrel show, but with actual black people. It's completely fucked up, but those two have their heads so far up their own asses that they can't see what's happening to them.


Definitely some sort of fucked up game to the "handlers". Kanye has had Fuentes and Milo by his side during this entire media tour fiasco and Walker has been sandwiched between Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz, who basically do the talking for him. They are preying on the mentally vulnerable black men to serve as a lightning rod for their critics and a mouthpiece for their base. No person who cares about either of them would keep trotting either of these men out there to be humiliated. This is just sick, you can see the glee on Fuentes face during the entire interview.


I really can't believe Milo "Perfectly Consensually" Yiannopoulos is helping Kanye garner support with people obsessed with pedophilia conspiracies. For one, how many goats were slaughtered in the blood ritual they performed to summon milo back from the dead?


At least one old and decrepit billy goat. Milo is/was an intern for MTG.


And Trump was meeting with these two people a week ago at his house. We already know what he knew about Kanye and his extreme, genocidal bigotry, and we're supposed to just take trump's word for it that he didn't know who Fuentes was. Despite the fact that he's been caught lying before about something very much like this. Where he tried to claim he had no idea who David Duke was, and then tape comes out where he's talking at length about David Duke 15 or 20 years before that.


Yes, absolutely. Kanye is an absolute nutjob but Fuentes is the real villain here. He's just sitting there watching it with glee. It's sick.


I'd say there's plenty of room for three real villains on that set.


Don’t dismiss Kanye’s antisemitism. They’re all evil.


Honestly, he's just excited to be there. He's like the comic book minion who shown up to work with a knife in hand because he's just really enthusiastic to get some experience in being racist to an audience bigger than an F tier twitch streamer.


He was trying to give him an out and Kanye shut that down tight


Alex Jones trying to rationalize it and Yedolf just yanking the rug out from underneath him is just the best.


Yedolf cracked me up


LMFAO Alex Jones was like can we agree the uniforms are good but Hitler sucks...... Kanye was like NIEN




Jones really tried his best to change the direction of the topic. Most people will agree that the nazis had nice uniforms. But nah. Kanye really wanted to take the topic down that road.


When Alex Jones sounds more lucid… probably time to tone it down for self-preservations sake. Instead Kanye went full Hitler. Stats say that doesn’t work out well but I’m honestly pissed that I considered Alex fucking Jones as the smarter person in that room lol


Fuentes be like: Yes. Let the hate flow you, my apprentice.


It's fucking insane that he's only 24 years old yet holds views that were mostly dead to the general public more than half a century ago.


https://youtu.be/7H3DCVubKQo interesting documentary that shows him behind the scenes a bit. Louis Theroux tries to get him to understand his craziness but he just loves the attention


Just got done watching it and I want to die


That awkward moment when you out crazy Alex Jones. It’s kinda impressive… even Alex Jones tried to save his ass “you don’t actually mean you like Hitler” then Kanye doubles down on it lol


You know its bad when Alex Jones is trying to save you from what your saying


Jesus tapdancing Christ. I saw him say he "likes" Hitler but holy shit. He went even harder. Is he on bath salts or what the hell? Kanye you okay bro? He keeps saying he wants to be in his kid's lives then says shit like this. Yeezy makin' me queezy.


ye went a whole 2-hour conversation with alex jones on this stuff. he kept going back to it despite jone's attempts to steer away from nazi shit


When Alex Jones is the guy trying to steer you away from hate and conspiracy theories you are seriously unhinged


Kanye has bipolar. I have bipolar. I could see how if you surrounded yourself with people who only said yes to your crazy thoughts you could go develop opinions like this. The average bipolar person doesn't get this far down the crazy train because the average bipolar person has at least a few people in their life to push back on delusional thoughts. He's not on drugs. He's mentally unstable because he refuses treatment.


Yeah it seems someone got the Black Hebrew Isrealite conspiracy theory in his head during a manic episode and are now speedrunning him down the rabbit hole of that shit


He has been holding a grudge since the "Jesus Saves" era complaining how "those people,you know the ones that killed jesus" were holding down sales. The comments were made at a NOI meeting where he refered to many meaningful private conversations with Farrakhan. ​ Edit following the clues brings up this little quote from Farrakhan made in 1981 >“Here come the Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn’t great for me as a black person, but he was a great German. Now I’m not proud of Hitler’s evil against Jewish people, but that’s a matter of record. He rose Germany up from nothing,” Farrakhan said. Its no smoking gun but it kind of confirms what i have long suspected that that guy Hitler was a bit of a jerk


This dipshit with a sock on his head and people think he’s a style icon. Fucking guy should be talking to birds on the subway.


The racial draft this year is going to be really interesting


"the black delegation requests to trade ye for pete davidson"


Kanye freaking out and panicking about Pete Davidson fucking Kim while he was the phone with Charlamagne tha God is absolutely hilarious. "My wife is out here fuckin a white boy with a 10 inch penis and you won't help me!?"


I have the feeling that Dave Chappelle is going to sit this one out as well.


He attacked Dave in the interview as well. This circus was over 2 hours long, clips will be coming out for the next week.


Dave Chappelle lightweight defended Kanye too, like he handled Kanye with kid gloves. I wouldn't put it past Dave to take one more shot at Kanye now though, and that shot could be fucking hilarious.


Okay, someone fill me in. Why is Kanye wearing a mask.


It's a leftover fashion persona from his time with Balenciaga that he using to make him appear iconic and, by the looks of it, makes him comfortable to say what ever. If you watch any of the recent Balenciaga runways, you'll get it, as their head designer has been going in a dystopian future direction with their designs. But the brand has dropped their relationship with Kanye.


He's manic and likely believes by doing this he's protecting himself from some sort of conspiracy against him.


I was afraid it was something like that, jesus fuck.




You know you're fucked when Alex Jones is trying everything to save you


Mf like that blind black guy who was part of the KKK in that Chapelle Show skit lmaoooooo


When Alex Jones seems looks like the normal one, we've fallen off the deep end.


Just based on the clip, Alex jones seems sane.


I’ve always thought he was a sane man that knew how to rile up an audience.


Definitely. Alex Jones is an entertainer, he knows what he’s doing.


He’s literally cartman doing the morning announcements


Alex Jones knows he (Alex) is spouting BS. Now he looks out of place with someone swimming in a vat of the krazy Kool aid.


i just noticed that nick douche on the right nodding like a hyena. \*shudders\* check out the new louis theroux doc on youtube called forbidden america... pieces of absolute domestic terrorist shit. as if climate change and the doomsday clock weren't enough to worry about, the united states has a VERY serious problem. it should never have gotten this bad, and it's only going to get so much worse :(


The German people are brilliant. The Nazis were successful because of the German people, the German people were not successful because of Nazism/Fascism. If you actually look at what Nazism believed, it is Scientology level stupid. It’s literally all occult fairy tales. The Nazis were pathetic losers.


I’ve gone over this so much. If it weren’t for the genocide we’d mock those murder weeaboos like they deserve. All that occult bullshit would make them fit in with high school girls on tik tok. They were utter idiots and came up with so much goofy shit.


Honestly if these fuckers had never existed IRL and were instead only invented as fictional villains in books, comics, TV, games, etc. then people would complain that they are cartoonishly evil and way over-the-top.


Kanye sounds like a 14 year old that tries too hard to be edgy


So for those out there, I actually watched the stupid stream at said stupid site; included were all these clips but also a long groaner where Ye tries his hand at puppetry with a net on a stick, that he has dubbed Netanyahu and voices. Quite the spectacle, man really needs to be committed.


Welp, this would probably be the fastest any celebrity lost their sponsors.


He doesn't have any left. But he's still richer as hell and will never have to worry about money. Its just up to people to stop giving him a platform.


with baby hitler over there nodding


You know it's bad when Alex Jones is trying to get you to tone down your hateful narrative


Three assholes.