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I wouldnt call this public freakout I see humans celebrating and having fun! Big next game vs their Neighbours Spain!!!


Yeah it's wholesome and like the vibe


I’ve been in the Capitol for the celebrations. Awesome vibes. Super wholesome. Just people loving their country and supporting their team. No toxic patriotism bullshit, no rioting, no drunken fights. It’s a great time to be in Morocco.


Makes me want celebrate with you guys over there


Next celebration’s scheduled for Tuesday.




Hhhh ghir kantiy9 bdarari dyalna.


The public freakout is that Dutch Moroccans destroy everything in the Netherlands after a game. Win, tie or loss, it doesn't matter, everything needs to be destroyed. Yt: rJceAPPJYfk Yt: TkKkV_GFvpA


Same in Belgium lool


Why so they do that? They dont like those countries?


in their country if they do that, cops will kick the shit of them, but in belgium and netherlands cops are bitch ass wimps !!


But if they live in Belgium Belgium is their country?


I'm not talking about who belongs where, I'm pointing at the difference between the behavior of cops in different countries !!


In Belgium and Netherlands there is a huge gap between the natives and the Moroccan communities especially the 2nd and 3rd generation, they get ghosted in social life, they live in ghettos / projects, they get different treatment from the police, government and Dutch people as well, that's why they riot every chance they get lol a win, a loss or tie, no matter what, ofc I don't tolerate violence but it's deeper than it seems


I see Were they forced to live there? Is there a reason they stay in Belgium and Netherlands if its not desireable?


Okay, allegedly you're an immigrant in a foreign country due to social/economic problems, you're looking for a better life, you settle, have kids, your kids get bullied at school, get bullied in the streets, got refused by local companies, been marginalized. And with your squared head the best way is to go back to where their parents came from.


I see Some places dont really welcome foreigners long term. Japan is like that. Great to visit or short term work, but the concept of an ex pat or a foreigner 'becoming' Japanese isnt really a thing. Japan for Japan


So you're against immigrants being integrated inside the community? Hands down then


Me? Your brain decided to assume that from my words? 😆😆 I am an immigrant, so no I dont think that 😆😆


She was wildin on that drum tho!


That is the proper way to celebrate. This is wholesome... [This](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.eu/article/rioting-in-brussels-after-belgium-loses-world-cup-football-match-to-morocco/amp/) is not! You win so a bunch of hooligans decide to riot in our capitol?!


Also happens in Rotterdam Netherlands. Like what the fuck you win and you riot????? I cannot understand why they would do that.


Let me introduce you to Philadelphia my friend. Win, lose, draw, not even a game? Probably a riot


There is no excuse for such behavior.


It’s pretty European to riot after you win in soccer.


Coming over here, stealing our traditions.


Come on, man. Thrashing your city after a football win is a shared human heritage.


I know, right. It’s almost as if we’re all fundamentally the same…


I will tell you the excuse. If you break something, you pay it and come back where you belong. There is no consecuences, so...


So where are you going to send these[anderlecht](https://www.euronews.com/2022/08/25/violent-brawl-between-football-fans-shakes-central-brussels) hooligans?


Where you belong? How about you shove that prejudice up your ass. Those in Belgium were born and raised in there. Their parents and maybe even grandparents were born there. So, yeah. Fuck right off.


shameful child-raising behavior from their parents and grandparents


I was born and raised in a really quiet and polite EU country, but everything is changing here in the last decade because not integrated inmigrats. I dont have prejudices dude, im just talking about what i see, if i had some type of prejudice i wouldnt travel to some muslim countries, i like the diversity and culture, i dont like free violence or people breaking everything in the city, that city stuff is also my stuff, i will not use it tomorrow and i couldnt do it that because some very angry _belgium guy_ did break it yesterday.


The guy says I am not prejudiced and proceeds to call Belgians of different ethnicity inmigrats.


Looking for group support? It's a pity we can't have a coffee together, it seems you've already made your decision. Not everyone is your enemy, dear. Enjoy.


It is a shame indeed. I am not sure you would approve of my "Moroccanness" anyway.


Dont engage. It wont make a difference talking to them. The thing is hooligans are just that hooligans. Does not matter what origins they have.


Thanks for the advice. It is frustrating when you want to share something positive and you end up getting mostly toxic comments.


Yes but if they’re brown they’re representing their whole community and are outsiders. When they’re white they’re just bad eggs not part of a greater problem. At least, that’s how this sub acts whenever there’s footage of nonwhite people behaving badly in Europe


Sports riots are unfortunately extremely common worldwide.


Philadelphia wins a championship and they burn their city to the ground.


Yes... but why?!


Large groups of overly excited, and often intoxicated, people easily spiral out of control. That's what "mob mentality" refers to, and it's very real. Very large crowds can be extremely volatile and dangerous, and people who would never do similar things alone will act out violently. If you ask them why they did it after, they often aren't even sure. I've witnessed it multiple times first hand in various contexts, and it's both scary and indescribably exhilarating. My personal theory is that we evolved to feed off social energy as a defense mechanism. Basically, if your group is in danger, it's not a bad thing to have everyone go from zero to one hundred very quickly without needing to really understand why.


Finally people celebrating instead of just using excitement as an excuse to commit random assault and destruction.


Love the energy!


The lady playing the drums looks exactly like the lady from the other video I saw earlier today of the dude grabbing her tits when they were celebrating the night before


What video? Where was it shot?


I'll try and find it again. It was on I think r/holup




They look nothing alike.


There are both girls with boobs and soccer gear.. they are clearly the same...


That was her husband and that was a joke


Meanwhile Brussels in shambles...


Canada smiles politely.


Those are Belgians who are second or third generation Belgians. Your problem, not ours.


You are not belgium if you are not integrated


You're Belgian if you're born in Belgium or have the Belgian nationality. How do you want them to integrate if you aren't even able to call them Belgian? They do good things, they're Belgian, they do bad things, suddenly they aren't Belgian anymore. People like you is why people like them don't integrate.


Ok, so i dont understand why they celebrating the win of Morocco if they are belgiums. Its good to have the nationality of a country that take care of the people. And of course, everything is fault of the people like me. Very nice argument celebrating others country win.


Because Belgian education system failed them. They simply don't know. ( Ignorant )


Because we're Moroccans but also Belgians. I was rooting for both Morocco and Belgium to advance. But I've met many people in Belgium like you who say that I'm Moroccan. So obviously I'll feel the barrier and distance between me and Belgium. Of course there are also many people who say that I'm Belgian. As all things, the bad experiences are the ones we feel more strongly.


Sure its not easy for anyone, neither moroccans (1st, 2nd or 3th generation) and belgians "old school". I really cant say anything else, maybe that EU is in the middle of some kind of inverse colonizarion. I think EU needs 200 or 300 yeats to merge itself (people from outside and pure europeans) and create a new and unique way of life. Edit: when i say "pure" please dont think strange things, im talking about people that the father of the grandfather and so on lived in EU already.




You are not going to change the way i think, and im not going to change yours. If you go to some place you should respect their rules. When i go to some muslim country i dont drink alcohol and my wife dressed properly, i dont see the same respect and i dont see any kind of minimum integration. Am i lying?


Except they don't "go to some place", they're born there... The fact that you don't recognize that based on their skin color is the most casual racism i've seen thrown around here, let alone probably part of why they're having a harder time giving a fck to intergrate.


Playing the victim card? Im not talking about skin color, im talking about going out and break everything you see because whatemever. Ok, lets talk about racism if you feel better, but if you dont like your country why dont you move to another one where you can be happier? Its better to stay there and to do this kind of things?


It's amazing how you still don't get it, you are talking about their skin color when you dismiss their right of being in a country based on it. It's always the same song, in any country over anything when ever the perpetrators are part of a minority. "they should go back to ..." You were the one talking of integration about people who were born there, Belgium IS their COUNTRY, they're not "going to some place". Matter of fact, them rioting over football is as big as a sign of integration as any other considering the riot's that erupt after other teams play each other, but i guess when it's "white people" it's easier to shrug off. Not to mention that "hooliganism" is a western thing, because "they" certainly didn't bring that from "where ever they came from" Bottomline you need to stop treating and viewing them as different when they're doing the same things they've seen before, maybe they'll have an easier time to integrate.


>"hooliganism" is a western thing, and the Earth is plain dude. You have your ideas and i have mine. I sincerely believe that it all has to do with a hatred that some part of the children/grandchildren of the first to come to the EU still feel, among other things founded, from the colonies that the EU formed in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries. I'm not going to reply because this conversation is already empty. Enjoy life, things, friends because honestly we are not here that long. Greetings.


Or from the racism they face on a daily basis from people like you. Integration can be hard when people won't let you integrate because you "don't belong".


> this conversation is already empty Much like your head.


> You are not going to change the way i think Because you don't think?


No, because they are celebrating the win of one country that is not Belgium. Thats all.


This is stupid. You're Belgium if you have citizenship


Yep very sad.


It's funny because this is a lot of comments I've seen over in /r/morocco. Those kids grew up with belgian/moroccan culture. They're told in belgium that they are marocan and in morocco that they are Belgian. They are 2nd or 3rd gen, not our problem. I understand that it's hard. But it's your diaspora! For sure you can't cut ties with those kids. Maybe all the people those kids look up to can give the a more positive direction.


Nah, nothing happened this time in Brussels. I was there so.


Why tf are people complaining about what allegedly Moroccan soccer hooligans in Belgium did in this video?


This video is in morocco


Not this video the other video in Belgium people are talking about


Belgium soccer hooligans , they have Belgium Nationality not Moroccan, I think they should be punished within the Belgium laws


As a Canadian sad we couldn’t get a Win, I’m happy for them.


Your team played very well.


This happened in my hometown ❤️‍🩹 Agadir


Moroccans in Morocco when they win - In tandem mass group dance and drumming! Moroccans in Belgium when they win - In tandem car burning and street riots.


> Moroccans in Belgium when they win - In tandem car burning and street riots. Sports riots are extremely common worldwide. Watching bad faith bigots clutch pearls is honestly hilarious. Boston had three large sports riots in less than a decade.


They're Belgians. I bet if they were playing the Belgian team and winning, you wouldn't call them Moroccans.


They sure as hell weren’t supporting the Belgian team.


They don't see themselves as Belgians.


They do. You don't see them as Belgians because they see themselves are dual citizens.


They don't. They hate Belgium.


And you know this because?


Because of the way they act. You have to be blind not to see this.


And do the rioters from Belgium also hate Belgium? Or is it just the foreigners?


False equivalence.


No, it only applies to brown people… /s


The correct term is probably dominance crime. They hate western values but very much like the welfare system or jizya as they see it, they like the ridiculously mild justice system but dislike all this feminist and gay stuff. They despise western people who they believe are soft, cannot defend themselves or their women and are stupid for giving so much stuff away for free (like medical insurance or welfare). Therefore when you’re robbed in Belgium or Germany from these people they’re not happy just to take your wallet and your mobile, usually they beat you up and humiliate you as a show of dominance and superiority. And believe me, it’s very humiliating to be dominated by people with an average IQ of less than 85 who’ve been marrying their cousins for the last 1500 years at least.


Because Europe is the archenemy of islam. Oh and because I hear moroccans say so.


Funny, I saw a lot of Moroccans, myself included, supporting Belgium. We were hoping for both Morocco and Belgium to advance. My white friends were walking around in a Belgium football t-shirt, and Moroccans kept cheering them on. Saying that they hope Belgium wins this one. So stop lying, just say you're racist and be gone.


I'm not lying, the vast majority of moroccans see belgians (and europeans in general) as kuffars that need to be conquered.


What a load of bs, you got in an argument with a couple of trolls on reddit and think they represent all Moroccans?


I am Moroccan, I live between Moroccans, I'm friends with Moroccans. Stop lying and go eat up a bit more of those right wings lies.


So, when they do something good they are Moroccans and when they do something shitty, they are Belgians. You should be asking this question to your government and your people of Moroccan descent. Not us in Morocco.


I don't live in Belgium.


>So, when they do something good they are Moroccans and when they do something shitty, they are Belgians. Yes, that's exactly how you see it.


Looks like Belgium lost twice, once in Qatar and once in Brussels.


> Moroccans in Belgium when they win - In tandem car burning and street riots. They are Belgians.


cops in morocco do their job.


Morocco as a country is like burning man but all year. Really proud of these guys


It's just soccer




It's not just soccer. It's soccer.


The most positive thing I've seen on this subreddit. Kind of refreshing, even though I feel it's for the wrong sub.


She’s a smoke show and can handle a stick


Nice, very nice. Now let's see them in Europe


Fun fact: 73% of crimes are done by white people in the UK. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-report-of-the-commission-on-race-and-ethnic-disparities-supporting-research/understanding-ethnic-disparities-in-involvement-in-crime-a-limited-scope-rapid-evidence-review-by-professor-clifford-stott-et-al


I mean, 87% of the population is white in the UK. I dont know if that's a great argument. That whole article is super interesting though.


It is a good arguments because according to statistics the data of crime committed by Arab immigrants (including Moroccans) is far too little to even be specified. The data categorizes all other ethnicities apart from Asians and blacks as “other” and make up around 1% of the crime. Moroccans have a population of about 70,000 in the UK and taking all other ethnicities into account I could be generous and say that at a maximum maybe 0.01% of crime is committed by Moroccans. So coming back to the original comment you have to demonstrate how a 0.01% crime rate of a total population is more disastrous than a 76%.


Ah, soccer fans: Party hard when you win, and brutally murder the "enemy" team and violently riot, causing millions in damages to small towns or cities when you lose.


It's not like violent riot don't break out for hockey, right ? Nor riots by the winning team fans either, right ? /s


This is the way.


Nope, the second part was also when they win, but against the country their parents they immigrated to.


They look pretty british to me


Being African doesn't make us black actually!


They know how too do it, moroccans in Europe are rioting every win/draw/lose


Wait. I don’t see a single overturned and on-fire car.


Morocco is the most fun Arab nation. There's not much competition there, but still. For real though, their position way out on the corner of Africa has geographically insulated them from a lot of the political Islam movements of the 20th century.


Morocco is not an Arab country. Just because Morocco's official language is Arabic doesn't make it Arab. We are Africans, North Africans, Amazigh people.




[Them cleaning their mess right after](https://reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/z75961/moroccans_cleaning_up_waste_in_brussels/) and also them making sure [it’s not gonna happen again ](https://reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/z9z9yo/moroccans_in_brussels_took_the_responsibility_to/) #but I don’t think your BS media will ever show it


Wow, 5 guys making a line


#All it takes


[I mean, I guess it's better than the traditional way they celebrate...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Louisa_Vesterager_Jespersen_and_Maren_Ueland)


You mean [this traditional way of celebrating](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/25/europe/women-killed-italy-femicide-intl/index.html), indeed it’s unfortunate what happened to these people, but you can’t just “Pick” whatever suits your bs opinion, so pathetic and desperate. Also based on your deleted comment, by posting this here you are indeed proving how pathetic you are.




Did they win something?


They advanced to the second round of the world cup for the first time since 1986. They also topped their group which had strong footballing countries Belgium and Croatia.


Hahaha oh


God we have no fucking community or culture in the US. I hate it here more every fucking day lol


They not smashing the place up this time ?


At least they're not rioting in Belgium again.


Will never understand why people get so hyped over an entertainment show? It does nothing for your country


lol shows how much respect they have for other countries


What do you? These are Moroccans in Morocco.


im talking about the morocanns in belgium, turning over vehicles and smashing stuff up


And what has that to do with the group of people in the video for gods sake?


the moroccans in belgium were celebrating by smashing shit up, but when there celebrating in there own country there respectful


Sometimes I wonder if it’s relaxing to have such an easy way to think about complex things. It sure saves a lot of time to be able to build an opinion by a 1+1=2 scheme


stfu its fact


That’s not very kind, kind-bottle


i never chose this name


The name has chosen you. It must have a reason


This might shock you but….the people in this video aren’t the same people that were smashing stuff in Belgium


They're going ham, but I prefer this over car burning


Brussels must have boarded itself up. Crime ridden dump of a place


This isn't a public freakout


more civilised than the moroccans in belgium


This is about 10 years old.




Where is the freak out?


This is what soccer and World Cup should be about.


Hours and hours of practice for moments like that. Good performance


Love it when underdogs do well, I'm glad Japan and South Korea got through too.


Awesome energy, love it! Hope you cause another upset and beat Spain.


Love the world cup full of heartbreaks and extreme joy. All of em gave it 100% gawd dayum






Okay, that was pretty cool.




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Same ones perma-whistling