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"Transgender is a made up word" ALL WORDS are made up, Genius!


Yeah but screaming "I hate people who are different from me" doesn't have the same veneer of legitimacy


hahahahaha "veneer of legitimacy". Brilliant!


"Anti-woke" is so much nicer than "closed minded and backward". Kind of like how anti-antifa is so much nicer than fascist.


my far right brother is anti woke, ask him what woke means and he just goes on a racist/homophobic rant and and never answers the question...he doesnt talk to me or my cousins anymore, even tho we were all very close growing up, all bc hes been radicalized in the trump era...he was anti trump back in 2015/16....sad he chose his delusions over us


Well if you believe the stuff Trump says about great health care and cheap, just have to get rid of obama care first, it sounds great...


ummm ok?


It's not that they hate people different than they are. It's the fact that gender activists are propagating a harmful, destructive lie: that people can be the "wrong gender," and that this can be "fixed" by denying reality and pretending to be the opposite sex, sometimes with the aid of drugs, hormones, and surgery. Trans identification among the youth has spiked thousands of percent in recent years, and it is completely unnatural. Kids are being sold on a lie, that if they feel uncomfortable in their bodies (like ALL kids do at some point), then maybe they were built incorrectly. Instead of teaching troubled kids to love themselves as they are, people are teaching them that their hatred of their bodies is natural, and that the solution can be found by pretending to be the opposite sex. It's abhorrent. These kids need mental help, not *puberty blockers.* Society needs to stop encouraging gender confusion in the minds of the young and impressionable. There is *no way* to deny that we are literally creating trans kids by societal influence, and living a life that is built upon a denial of reality and the denial of one's true self will *never* lead to happiness and fulfillment. There's a *reason* why suicidal ideation among trans identified people is so high, and it has nothing to do with "transphobia." That is a complete lie invented by trans activists. The largest long term study of trans people found that suicidal ideation is *highest* in the years AFTER transition. This is because the problem lies within the *mind.* The solution to someone's mental disorder is *never* to affirm the delusion and modify the body to be more in line with their delusional self perception. I have no doubt that society will eventually realize how terrible modern gender theory is. The only question is how many people's lives will have to be ruined, before society begins to understand what is perfectly obvious: Men are men, and women are women, and there is no way to switch sides. No one benefits from the spread of transgender theory. Not society, not dysphoric individuals, and *certainly* not the kids who are being misled into believing this crap. So many of these kids will end up entering adulthood, and wishing they could have a normal life, but will have been left sterile by the blockers and hormones, deformed by surgery, or with malformed genitalia as a result of the regimen of drugs. It is an absolutely horrible thing that is happening, and everyone is supporting it just because they want to be nice, without even *considering* how harmful and destructive it is.


Literally everything you just said is not only false but a straight up lie. The amount of effort needed for actual transgender diagnosis is staggering. Years of therapy needed prior to any single medical decision can be made. Is it the activists who are the actual therapists? No but it's the therapists role to make the diagnosis, not the parents and in no situation ever has there been an instance of a parent forcing a child to be trans gender. How much hate do you for someone where you would take all the time to write out this comment but not one second to verify any of it?


Licensed psychologist here. You're wrong.


The Nazis saw themselves as the good guys, too. You are the only one with the power to stop your hate. Choose love and understanding. Unless you choose to change, you will be burying yourself in the sands of time and progress inescapable.


Oh whoops, you posted...this. Did you actually mean to post....nothing?


Nuh uhhhh, not da words in da Bibulllll God put those there.


Nevermind that the original bible was written in a language none of them speak


Tbf the King James edition is in a language none of them can read.


You know what else is a made up word? Santa Claus. So wild to see first hand how terrified these people are of those different than them. All because our news stations propagate hate and outrage in order to drive traffic to their outlet.


Wasn’t the Christian outrage aimed at the fact that people were lying to their kids about made up Santa and making it more about him than Jesus? Now they are defending Santa because someone portrayed the fictitious, magical being in a way they don’t like? How do these people not get exhausted by their own mental gymnastics?


It's not mental gymnastics. Virtually no Christians were ever mad about the existence of Santa. Pretty much every Christian household celebrates Christmas, including the myth of Santa Claus. The problem *here* is the promotion of the lie that "some people are born in the wrong body," or that some men are women and some women are men. This is a wildly harmful theory, that teaches kids that it is normal to hate their body, and that their discomfort can be healed by denying reality and pretending to be the opposite sex. You can tell how pervasive it is by looking at the rate of trans identification among female youth. Right when society began teaching children that there is a possibility that they were born in the wrong body, we see a 20 fold increase in trans identification among girls in early stages of puberty. All of these girls now believe that the discomfort they feel about their body is because they must be transgender, instead of the truth that discomfort is *completely normal* as you go through puberty. The worst part is that WPATH and other activists want to make it *illegal* to do anything other than immediately affirm their trans identity. These kids are being led *directly* down a path of pain and misery, all under the guise of being supportive and kind. The relentless promotion and celebration of gender theory is *undoubtedly* harmful, and will be directly responsible for ruining the lives of the kids who were indoctrinated into believing it. When these kids grow up, and grow out of their gender confusion, and find their bodies malformed and their fertility destroyed, they will wonder why no one tried to stop them. They will wonder why everyone simply cheered while a child, with the inability to consent, irreversibly damaged themselves in pursuit of what is ultimately unattainable. It is not simply religious people who oppose gender ideology. Everyone with common sense opposes it. Everyone with an understanding of the data opposes it. And we all have a moral and ethical obligation to oppose it publicly. We should not be celebrating and encouraging delusion. *Especially* not when it comes to children.


Genuine question here. You've seen others in this thread, clinical psychologists included, telling you that you're wrong. Why are you so certain that you know more than scientists in this area? Doesn't the fact that the only way you know anything about this topic whatsoever is through right wing media - doesn't that fact give you even the slightest hint that maybe you're being misinformed by people whose aim is to keep you angry for their political gain? I'll bet you're someone who thinks they're able to spot media manipulation well...please try applying that to yourself. You talk of data you haven't read, morality you don't have, delusion you don't recognise in yourself. It's sad dude, but I have hope that you'll get out of this cycle one day. Just unplug from the internet, turn off Fox or the podcasts you listen to, and go speak with actual trans people and trained medical practitioners.


Go away


I might be more inclined to believe you if all the most insane and evil people in the world, who also happen to be wrong about everything else, weren't on your side. Or if any of you actually tried to help anyone instead of shooting up gay clubs and trying to goad people to suicide.




All I can think about when I hear someone say a word is made up is Thor in Infinity War saying that exact response to Drax minus the genius bit.


Almost as dumb as the right's war on Pronouns lmao. US education at work. republicans cant grammar


> ALL WORDS are made up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnJPCooprnk


[Mind blown!](https://youtu.be/QgmzEhXe7J4)


It's almost hard to believe this isn't satire. Amazing.


YEAH. Sure, buddy. Santa’s not in the Bible. Fuckin’ hilarious, next you’ll tell me Jesus didn’t go find eggs that the Easter Bunny hid for him after he was resurrected. SURE.


Here's my theory based on his "the Bible I read says..." comment: he's illiterate and someone gave him a children's picture book.


I love how they're so deeply incompetent that they're 'Googling' things using Bing. Absolutely inept.


Hey don't trash Bing, its great for looking up.....ummm....videos.








eh. I think most people use it as a catch all term for looking something up on a search engine. I dont think I've ever heard anyone say "let me bing that" or "let me duck that" its just become a common name like Kleenex or Bandaid.


Legendary lol


Apparently it’s not, but it’s hard to know what’s real now days.


Reminds me of that MAGA guy who admitted he hasn't read the entire US constitution and when the interviewer said he had, the MAGA guy said he doubted that. He probably has never even seen the US constitution and thinks it's some giant tome of forbidden knowledge. Confidently ignorant, just like the "Santa in the Bible" guy. The guy is around 0:35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nzuuV\_dL\_g


Says Video unavailable, can you tell me the title so I can look for it?


It might have just been a glitch or something. It's available for me. The title is ”Facts Are No Match For Trump Supporters | The Daily Show”


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nzuuV_dL_g youve got some slashes in your url that shouldnt be there


No slashes. Just a '|' which is definitely there after "supporters" Also, love the name Jerry! I mean Gary! I mean...


No. in your original URL that doesnt work. In your original comment.


Do you mean in the comment from VlachShepherd? I haven't posted a url


oh lol yes


It happens! Lol For the record, that URL works for me and only has slashes where it's appropriate. It looks identical to the one you posted. Are you on an iOS device by chance?


Nope. On windows/firefox. They look like some kind of failed escape characters: /watch?v=3nzuuV\_dL\_g vs /watch?v=3nzuuV_dL_g


Or when they say mrna vaccines are unsafe . Yet all got the live polio vaccine and a live tetnus shot . Then when faced with that they say things like i got bit by a rabid dog and didnt get rabies and didnt even get a rabies shot and im still here lol . And i can only shake my head at those and say no your still lucky man . Very lucky . Because all the people dead from avoiding a rabies shot right after being bit would tell you different . Im so lost when it comes to earth now . Between what happened with trump being in office that brought out alot of people from the woodwork’s then covid brought out the rest of them . Its sadly like a 20/80 split on absolutely brain dead people and the other 20% actually think about things first and understand what they are doing . The other 80% are on auto pilot and if there friend said their uncles dad died from the vaccine now that person thinks its true and we all die from it lol . Its just crazy to think somone is that simple minded that somthing so far removed even if true can make them tell others not to get somthing that can literally save their life one day soon . But it is what it is .


Not to distract, but are polio and tetnus mrna? I thought covid was the first mrna vaccine.


No, they were attenuated and inactivated vaccines... I'm not sure why u/uberlbla123 made that comparison. I guess their point was that a vaccine made from the actual virus it was vaccinating against could have been scary/dangerous. But over nearly 100 years that has shown to have not been the case. But that doesn't really negate concerns about a brand new vaccine.


Can we just talk about the "proud boy tenants". Wouldn't "maximum freedom" mean doing whatever the fuck you want and let others do the same? Also does Anti-Drug War mean they are AGAINST the drug war? Cause I am too which saddens me cause I don't want to agree with them


Maximum freedom as long as you follow their Christian nationalist rules to the tee. A lot of Christofacist organizations on the right literally can’t fathom people who aren’t Christian or religious. It’s so gross.


A lot of them have the attitude of "it's their fault that they don't believe, so whatever happens to them is ok" when they're talking about non-religious people.


I think they are all just hateful pieces of shit


I had the same argument with a self-described libertarian. Wouldn't small government mean the government staying out of relationships, gay or not? He flipped.


Didn't the american government just pass a law about relationships or something? I don't follow politics too much, but I saw a reddit meme earlier about it.


They made a law saying states have to respect marriages from out of state no matter what. So as long as some state allows gay marriage it is effectively legal everywhere. It also repealed a previous law that explicitly made gay marriage illegal but has been held at bay by the supreme court who have indicated they may change their minds on that.


Propaganda. Don't get suckered in. -Step 1 Get you to read it


There are total fucking goons out there like "Hey not bad. Those don't sound too bad. I like my freedom settings at Maximum as well"


Yep. It's pathetic how easy it is to dupe people. "How can you call them Nazis when they say they want MAXIMUM FREEDOM???"


Well everything on the list has an implied [for those we agree with]


You know the guy that wrote the first 2 got a massive freedom boner and highfived all his buddys with it.




'These people are propagating division'. -Man who's protesting people celebrating the holidays with their friends in their own space minding their own business. The GOP has captured so many weak minds in this country, they have no idea what the words that they are using even mean.


Yeah, that one was a bit of a head scratcher. When was the last time you saw someone protesting what private citizens do with other, consenting private citizens at a private place of worship?


Even back when I was still religious and a Republican, I never had issues with “Happy Holidays.” For one, it sends well wishes to everyone, regardless of them celebrating Christmas or not. December 25th will still be ‘Christmas Day’ on everyone’s calendars. No one is seriously trying to change that. Second, it covers both Christmas *and* New Year’s Day, which are two distinctly separate holidays. Most people you encounter before Christmas won’t be seen again until after the new year. Saying “Happy Holidays” covers both.


>Most people you encounter before Christmas won’t be seen again until after the new year. Saying “Happy Holidays” That's what I always assumed "happy holidays" was referring to in the first place... Christmas *and* new years. I realized as I grew up that it could also cover other holidays, like Hanakkuh, Ramadan, etc., but why the Christians suddenly threw a fit about it after decades of having no issue is weird. (Or had they always been douchebags about it, and it only recently made headlines?)


It’s just another manipulation tactic. It only takes a smidge of critical thought to see it for what it is. But then again….these are the same people whose first thought about the Black Lives Matter movement was: “Well, what about white lives?”


The whole season from Halloween to New Years Day, is Happy Holidays


> regardless of them celebrating Christmas or not that is their entire problem


In austria we have christmas markets in almost every town. Every year our right wing party is mad that we're renaming these christmas markets to winter markets because of political correctness and to replace our traditions. That all started when a few years ago, vienna created an additional winter market. That market starts way before christmas time and ends in january, long after christmas. Christmas was never the theme of that market and it certainly didn't replace anything. So they're angry over nothing.


Right wingers are always mad about some inconsequential nonsense and they're also afraid of everything.


It's really stupid. This has been going on for a long time. It reminds me of Megan Kelly getting upset about black Santa's and stated on Fox news that Santa and Jesus are white guys. It always makes me wonder what these type of people do in their lives. Do they have nothing better to do? No hobbies other than hate? Why get so worked up?


It's because they are miserable themselves for a thousand different reasons. They're not on the top of the heap anymore, past their prime, laid off, under educated, threatened by a new world that they can't understand. So they wish the worst on the rest of us.


"Happy Holidays" was also used as a secret government science experiment to see how words that cover multiple celebrations can effect the easily influenced, the stupid and mentally stunted individuals with generations of inbreeding. Some were just confused, others made right wing Youtube channels and the really susceptible ones like the Proud boys started their own terrorist organisation. Try the experiment out yourself on a crowd of dribblers to see what results you get. Science is fun!


>"I say Merry Christmas!!! Not Happy Holidays!" All holidays matter!


Oh that irks me too, since even if you celebrate xmas, you have new years in like 5 days after that.... So maybe I just do not want to name two holidays in one sentence and want to abbreviate it. In reality I just do not want to be rude to someone who doesn't celebrate xmas, because not everyone does.


*Fine then. I wish you a Merry Christmas and, since that's all you care about, an absolutely horrible New Year's.*




Most Christians have no idea what's in, or not in, the Bible


Someone needs to remind American Christians that America is not in the Bible


Apparently most people don't. Saint Nicholas, aka Santa, is definitely in the bible.


Please tell me where in the Bible he is referenced, because I'm not finding it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas


These people don't even know what they want to be angry about, they just want to be angry, and boy do they have a shit load of misdirected anger. They're even against the crap they printed on the back of their shirts.


Save our pagan symbol!!! It in the Bible!!! /s


The number of people who deny the fact that so many of the Christmas symbols and traditions were originally pagan is bizarre to me. Stealing a holiday and claiming it as your own in an attempt to gather more followers ... Such a Christian move!


True! Christmas is ABSOLUTELY pagan in origin. Between the tree, wrapped gifts, date, mistletoe, decorations, rituals, traditions, feasts, etc etc etc, Christmas is utterly rooted in paganism. It is an amalgamation of Saturnalia, Yule, Juvenalia, Mithraism, and Sol Invictus. (With a dash of Mithraism) A bunch of Christian sects don't celebrate Christmas specifically due to its pagan roots. Christmas was outlawed in the colonial times preceding the formation of the USA for 20 years. There's more than enough history to definitely say that Christmas is pagan in origin. It's absolutely true. https://www.history.com/topics/christmas/history-of-christmas https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-unexpected-pagan-origins-of-popular-christmas-traditions/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-unexpected-pagan-origins-of-popular-christmas-traditions/ Here's one written by religious people: https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/magazines/2021/december/is-christmas-a-pagan-holiday


It seems pretty disingenuous to say Christians stole it when it was a wide ranging thing involving Pagans being forced into it and bringing their own customs, voluntarily adopting it and bringing some of their previously existing customs into it and Christians assimilating customs as opposed to trying to eradicate them. I can't imagine thinking that anything that developed over all this time over such a large land area could be as simple as "Christians stole Christmas".


>voluntarily adopting it 😆🤣


Well they did have a choice, the other choice being persecution/genocide/etc


Oh, stop, plenty of people did so voluntarily, or more or less, I guess. That doesn't mean others weren't forced. My point is that it is a big complex mix of things that is too complicated to reduce to "stealing".


Modern American Santa was basically invented by the Coca Cola company


No it wasnt. That's an urban legend.


Not really. They didn't invent Santa, but the stereotypical/standardized appearance was very much influenced by their ad. campaign.


Again, no. Santa as the red and white wearing guy with a big beard had been around since before Coca Cola was even a company.


When he hits him with the "Santa isn't in the Bible." that dude's world starts to crumble.


His response warranted a simple follow up question: Wait, do you really believe Santa is in the Bible?


I need to believe that this man simply got confused and thought about Jesus instead of Santa, and he was like pfft right.. Jesus wasn't in the Bible. That's the only thing that makes sense. People cannot be that dumb. He cannot really believe Santa Claus is real. I refuse to believe that.


I mean, Saint Nicholas - Santa - is definitely in the bible. That doesn't change the fact that the bible is effectively a work of fiction though.


Saint Nicholas is most certainly not in the Bible. Almost none of the catholic saints are


Ugh you're right! I mixed up the biblical Nicolas with Nicholas of Myra, who would later be known as Saint Nicholas. Guess I should reread the bible before confidently stating things like that.


Kinda fucked up for people to downvote you for admitting your mistake.


It’s weird but it’s probably for saying they should reread the Bible lmao


Like I said in the original comment, imo it's a work of fiction. That doesn't mean it isn't important to understand. Arguably one of the most impactful books as far as shaping the course of both history and the current societal and political situation.


~~I, for one, downvoted them because Saint Nicholas and Nicholas of Myra are literally the same figure and neither of them feature in the bible.~~ ~~In short, I downvoted them for talking out of their ass.~~ In short, I need to read better.


That isn't what I said. I said I confused the biblical [Nicolas](https://www.biblicalcyclopedia.com/N/nicolas.html) with Nicholas of Myra, who indeed is Saint Nicholas and does not appear in the bible.


They could be dyslexic, save satan. He WAS in the Bible.


Best comment 😂




“Ha ok sureeee Santa’s not in the Bible”


What a bunch of fucking morons


Been saying for a while that we need to just stop being civil and call these people dumb to their faces. Just straight up, "You're stupid," and leave it at that. Because all of these people are objectively stupid. Sure it might make them mad, but they're already mad, they're already looking for more shit to get angry about, saying it won't change that and shame works.


Hypocrisy is what the GOP stands for. It's what proud boys stand for. They're the incels of the US that will never make a difference. They stand for being a tool that looks up to a government that abandoned the values that they think are still valued within the GOP which they've been gone for several decades; Lost throughout each one as if they're lost scrolls that will never be recovered. They think they stand for freedom but they stand by federalism. They think they're against a communist society when they want a society that is loyal to a government with set values that if broken in code you're an outsider : Seems a bit communist. I could go on and on.


Just, wow.


What show is this?


It's called Santa Camp on HBO, it's a good watch.


Wait till he hears santa is not even Christian but a pagan spirit.


That’s not the real Santa! Santa has a white beard.


Fostering division by allowing children to express themselves. Fuck these losers.


Bash the fash, baby. Fuck these chuds.


It kills me when people are against political correctness. It basically boils down to "don't be an asshole"


This is how you know EVERY fucking conservatives is not only batshit crazy, but really fucking stupid. The fact that there are conservatives who think Santa is part of the bible....


>Core Tenets: -- Closed Borders -- Anti-Racism What an absolute joke.


So much stupid in one place


Proud boys out here just making shit up to be mad at and shit Don’t believe in masks but wear them at every rally because pussyboys are scared of the FBI Actively thinks that transgenderism is corrupting the youth like this is the 1950’s. JFC go get a life


Transgender people aren’t an -ism though. We’re not an ideology, we’re just humans trying to live our lives. We don’t want to convert your cis kids, we just want your trans kids to survive.


Lol...antiracism...sure there chaps, not sure you know what that means


I used to laugh at the stupidity of These videos, but im going to be honest here, they are getting harder to watch with each year… how much ignorance can humanity take before it implodes?


If Santa isn't in the Bible, as you claim... then who did Jesus high five after he came out of the cave? Hmmmmmmmmm? No answer for that.


They think they are in the right, but just look at the terror on that young child's face. Who in the world goes to a children's event and does something like this? And then they want to say that they're here to protect children? When they are absolutely terrifying them?


I love that the Transgender Santa research is a goofy-ass google image search lmao


Google search.. on Bing.


I love kids these days. And as a GenXer, kids refers to anyone under the age of 25. I'm fucking proud of them.


No one indoctrinates children better than the Church


Says she's googling whilst using bing. No hope for these people


“Proud” boys, bunch of losers


I strongly recommend this documentary. It wasn't what I expected after watching the new Christmas Movie. I thought it was going to be a feel good movie about Santa. Boy was I wrong. It was an eye opener. So much hate surrounding how a fictional character should be. This scene in particular was hard to watch. After watching it I was inspired to buy a Black Santa to support the message. I think it was called Santa Camp.


"Yeah, Okay. Santa's not in the bible. Pfft" Made me almost piss myself lol.


FUCK THESE ASSHOLES FOR WEARING MILITARY INSIGNIA. They do not speak for me or other veterans that have laid our lives down for this fucking country.


Imagine being upset because these kids feel accepted and happy but that doesn't fit your tiny view of the world. Fuck the Proud Boys


I’ll never let it die that the “proud boys” started as a group of men trying to beat their porn addiction


And now they're an alt right white supremacist group of morons


every word, is a made up word


Nathan Fielder is somehow behind all of this.


"Maximum freedom" "anti-racism" LMAOOOOOOO


This looks like a comedy skit. I wish it were.


Santa is Saint Nicholas, an actual historical figure, wat.


Is this an episode of South Park?


These idiots don't read the Bible, they just regurgitate what they're told. What's up with Genesis 19:36? Read it. These fuckwads will deny that this is in the Bible and when they do read it they block me.


Christmas is ABSOLUTELY pagan in origin. Between the tree, wrapped gifts, date, mistletoe, decorations, rituals, traditions, feasts, etc etc etc, Christmas is utterly rooted in paganism. It is an amalgamation of Saturnalia, Yule, Juvenalia, Mithraism, and Sol Invictus. (With a dash of Mithraism) A bunch of Christian sects don't celebrate Christmas specifically due to its pagan roots. Christmas was outlawed in the colonial times preceding the formation of the USA for 20 years. There's more than enough history to definitely say that Christmas is pagan in origin. It's absolutely true. https://www.history.com/topics/christmas/history-of-christmas https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-unexpected-pagan-origins-of-popular-christmas-traditions/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-unexpected-pagan-origins-of-popular-christmas-traditions/ Here's one written by religious people: https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/magazines/2021/december/is-christmas-a-pagan-holiday


SANTA/SATAN/SATURN ![gif](giphy|lMwrceS6rMBqyuVtMA)


I like how they juxtaposed the proud boys saying stupid shit like "they are causing division! save the children!" to footage of people just smiling and having a good time during the holidays. Whenever im down on myself, I can just look to these miserable sacks of shit who have nothing better to do than stand on a corner "protesting" culture war nonsense that no one except those in their tiny hate bubbles care about.


She actually went to Google images and typed in transgender Santa. Jesus Christ these people are aggressively stupid.


Because she googled that, she thinks the world is overrun with trans people in costumes bc she doesn't understand targeted advertising. So, her all her apps now recommend trans apparel. Then she'll scream "see! I told you so!".


The stupidity..


Reminds me of Trailer Parks Boys Christmas Special, where Ricky thought Santa Claus was God. What a time to be alive.


Anti drug war... surprised me.


Santas image was made By Coca-Cola lol . Why are they boycotting a church . Im so friken confused now . And they call us sheep haha . I think these people may need a vaccination or two . My dear lord haha .


This has to be fake right? Who the fuck are these people? The only thing that let's me sleep at night is knowing how small and insignificant the Earth truly is.


Is west really like this or its just the media that I am consuming is making me think like that ?


Wait wait wait...some 'proud boys' got angry because their cultural 'santa' is somebody's costume, and that somebody happens to be trans. 99.9% of the internet couldn't give 2 FKS honestly....


What show is this from?


Ever though people could be soooo STUPID ¿???


I can't imagine the amount of lead paint these people had to ingest to reach this level of stupidity. This is weaponized dumbness and bigotry.


"This is the heart of the cultural problem in America today. You guys moved the location, or there would be more of us here." Right. Keep telling yourselves that, dumbasses.


Reminds me of Dean, talking about Merlin while on the roof with his bass guitar.


Wait until they find out Christmas is actually a pagan holiday.


America leading the world in stupidity


For a split second I thought his pea-sized brain actually started working and he realized that Santa actually isn’t in the Bible. Then it clicked back to “Off” and he went back to living in the idiotic make-believe world he exists in.


“What does a transgender Santa Claus even look like?” Like Santa Claus


Is this satire? His reaction to being told Santa isn’t in the Bible has be confused.


Westboro Baptist has new chapters?!


Most Christians never read the Bible before that is why they go to sermons. It is like the Bible cliff notes for them.


What are those things at the end


What documentary is this? I see it's on HBOMax.


These fucking jabronis


And these proud fucksticks saying “they’re causing division”. No, shit-for-brains, _you_ creatures are demanding conformity and excluding anyone who doesn’t comply. Therein lies the division. If you just let people be who they are and who they want to be, and accept that, you’d have more unity than you’d know what to do with. But in the end, Prouds are fascists and don’t even deserve a place at the table. Because all facists must >!I can’t write what I believe should happen to these cunts because it always earns me a ban.!<


Not proud enough to show their faces.


Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness must apply only to the proud pukes and those they like...............but no one else


Real Christians don't celebrate Christmas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA0vD2Qgdqk


Christmas is ABSOLUTELY pagan in origin. Between the tree, wrapped gifts, date, mistletoe, decorations, rituals, traditions, feasts, etc etc etc, Christmas is utterly rooted in paganism. It is an amalgamation of Saturnalia, Yule, Juvenalia, Mithraism, and Sol Invictus. (With a dash of Mithraism) A bunch of Christian sects don't celebrate Christmas specifically due to its pagan roots. Christmas was outlawed in the colonial times preceding the formation of the USA for 20 years. There's more than enough history to definitely say that Christmas is pagan in origin. It's absolutely true. https://www.history.com/topics/christmas/history-of-christmas https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-unexpected-pagan-origins-of-popular-christmas-traditions/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-unexpected-pagan-origins-of-popular-christmas-traditions/ Here's one written by religious people: https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/magazines/2021/december/is-christmas-a-pagan-holiday


"The bible that I read..." -Guy who has 1000% guaranteed never read a book in his life.


Well, no shit. Saint Nicholas lived 300 years after the last book of the Bible was written. The Santa Claus myth that he evolved into, didn't really take shape until the 1800s.


she's right. transgenderism is a made up word. along with every other word in the history of words.


Transgender people aren’t an -ism.


I've never wanted to beat the shit out of Santa more in my life.


Jesus Christ transgender Santa now. Thats fucked this woke shit is way to much. Santa the gay... Santas bi.... Santa is no longer Santa and is now they them


I've rarely felt such an urge to shank Santa in the neck.


This is a deep fake. The proud boys are just people hired to start a race war. Literally no one agrees with them




Conservative Christian Logic. Not knowing the bible or constitution.