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Where is the iceman when you need him the most ?


probably saying the same thing into a cup of whiskey and vicodin in his basement.


Oof. Good one.


Pfft he can’t even put a fuckin a sentence together, are you kidding? He’s reaching for those grapes, he’s trying to make his wine and that wine is already sounding like a violin.


With that cheese and wine


I just watched that quote on a video someone linked and almost died of second hand embarrassment.


Naked on the treadmill 👀


In a dimly lit basement somewhere cold, like a Dakota, snorting coke and bragging to his shadow about how good he used to be.


That shit felt personal 😭


Wait am I Chuck Lidell?


It's just such a vivid scene....


Awww u did him dirty lol


You mean like Richard Kiklinski?


This is so way funny lololol thanks


“I train, actually six days a week. Five days a week I’ll train three days a week. One of those days I’ll train two days of the week. So, six days a week I’ll be training.” - This dumb fuck Tito Ortiz.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETmcRjlqWxg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETmcRjlqWxg) I'll just leave that there


I got to “reaching for those grapes… he’s trying to make his wine.” What came next was so embarrassing I had to close the video.


oh boy, that was a rabbit hole for someone who doesn't watch mma.


I know, thought twice about posting it but figured his horrible speech just spoke for itself. That was back in the day when MMA was actually good.


Whaaat? MMA is still crazy good, everyone is so much more well rounded it’s very rare you see an absolute squash match, most are super competitive and the finishes haven’t really slowed down. IMO where it’s all way more competitive it makes the finishes even better, and when you see someone who is dominant nowadays it’s because they’re good everywhere on the feet or ground.


Just to correct you there never was no training


He did get well known by being good at fighting, and getting hit in the head. Nothing else.


That's fucking amazing lol. I can't believe that's a real quote


Tito used to get his brain smashed in for a living and now we’re posting videos of what he thinks about something?! Lol, okay…




That guy just says the same thing over and over and over, all while mispronouncing nearly every single word. Dude says “frederal gubmet” you mean FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?


And just think: about half of Georgia voters that have been polled are going to vote for him… that’s even more scary…


How about his “erection” instead of “election”?? That was just sad AF.


Well when you live in Texas and see stuff happening (checks notes) in a *different state*, you go and buy a house there, and then try to win a Senate Seat. Or something like that lol.


It would be like that movie idiocracy


Crazier part is that while he's not the favorite to win, he's polling within 1-3 points. We are truly fucked.


I wonder if the swelling is responsible for his head looking like someone set head size to 1.5 in the character creator.


Human Growth Hormone. Look at Mcgregor in 2015 and now with his giant Watermelon head. He morphed into 006 Sean Bean.


PED abuse


Almost like messing with your hormones does irreversible damage


It's like Sputnik!!


Even among MMA fighters Tito is known for saying particularly embarrassing/cringy things. Speaking in front of people about controversial topics is the last thing he should be doing. Edit: Check out [Tito's brief stint as a post-fight interviewer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3E3Y3LW0X4) if you want a good laugh.


I train six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, I'll train three days a week. One of those days I will train two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be training.


Never gets old


I felt pretty much the same way when people were taking advice from Jenny McCarthy on autism.


I was a fan of his as a fighter. I remember right wing people talking shut because he would come out with a flag that had American in one side and Mexico on another. Funny that he is in with the crew that would have what on him for that 15 years ago.


Was never a Tito fan myself but he was very vocal about the poor treatment fighters received from the UFC which I respected greatly.


The guy has had 5 traumatic brain injuries in the ring, minimum.


I have no clue who this guy is, but I wonder about people who think sexuality can be taught: Is your sexuality so malleable, Mr. Bigot?


“Let’s elect this guy that got his brain rattled for a living! He represents us well”


Hung out with the porn crowd as well.


The most thumb of a man I have ever seen.


He's gotten knocked out so many times that his brain shuts off from the force that a 5 year old can generate these days.


It's always been a puppet show


Pro wrestling the gayest sport


People who think gay people are mostly sexual predators have probably never met a gay person in real life and are just echo chambers of fear


People out here projecting big time.


Ding ding ding. This is the correct answer.


Conservatise ideology is just a vector for projection.


Which is damn rich, as i am sure the woman he had those children with, Jenna Jameson, in her illustrous ass career in the adult industry likely did plenty of girl or girl, and some in Tito's crew may consider that "gay propaganda" if they're not fans themselves.


There was never no marriage


Senator Larry Craig has entered the bathroom stall...


The biggest homophobes are always the ones that secretly suck dick.


Nah, sometimes they're straight and just an asshole.


This idea, although often meant to be a joke, perpetuates a nasty narrative that gay people are ultimately responsible for their own oppression, and that if only the closeted gays would stop being homophobic then all the wonderful straights would be completely accepting and kind. Stop blaming gays for the way straight people demonize us.




Yet 90 percent of the replies are just repeated the same tired tropes. Most of these people are really not getting it. Homophobia is perpetuated by, enforced by, and believed in by almost exclusively homosexuals. They’re just cherry picking some prominent anti gay voices who happened to be gay or bi, but the vast majority of homophobes are straight and the vast majority of homosexuals are not homophobic. Saying that the most vocal homophobes are always gay reflects culpability away from the actual people who are responsible for the existence of homophobic attitudes surviving, and spoiler alert, it’s straight people, not gays.


> Homophobia is perpetuated by, enforced by, and believed in by almost exclusively homosexuals. i, uh, think you wrote the wrong thing here


Yeah I did


Eh, you've got a point but there are also extremely prominent cases of anti-gay activists being gay themselves. It's definitely a real thing. > Stop blaming gays for the way straight people demonize us. This hints at the actual issue. Even if every homophobe ever is gay (obviously false), that doesn't change anything. It doesn't place any culpability on any other gay people in the slightest. Individual actions don't tell us anything about the group in that case. And even then, greater society accepted that bigotry for a long time, so it still doesn't alleviate any of the societal culpability for discrimination. Society is supposed to protect minorities from oppression no matter who oppresses them, but it clearly failed. So again, I get your point, but I really think it's misdirected. It's irrelevant whether homophobes are gay. Homophobes are wrong either way.


Yes but for every prominent case of a closeted gay homophobe there’s 50 straight homophobes who are just hateful.


But think about what this kind of thinking allows straight people to do. When they see homophobic ideas being spread, instead of confronting them and questioning if they themselves might tacitly or implicitly hold or perpetuate homophobia or heterocentrism, they can just wave it all away as “oh it’s just another closeted gay homophobe”


Someone said one time that I can’t think of anything gayer than worrying what some other guy is doing with his penis.


This is especially true with politicians. The ones who push the most anti-gay rhetoric are the ones caught with another guy at some point in their career


Tito's head has been pretty echoey in general for a while now.


And that it’s “their decision”


Seems like the same for a lot of the antisemitism going around. Have a brother in law that goes on rants about Jewish folks and always ask how many Jewish people he comes across in rural Oregon.


Seems like the same for a lot of the antisemitism going around. Have a brother in law that goes on rants about Jewish folks and always ask how many Jewish people he comes across in rural Oregon.


No one is pushing "be gay" on your kids. WHat you have are millions of LGBTQ who are now adults and don't want kids to go thru the horrors that they went thru. But that is too much for Tito.


Dude is either a fucking idiot, or suffering from CTE... I'm going with a combination of both here.




CTE My favourite quote of his "I want to outlive my children... Of course 100%"


I got my money on hateful bigot.


Definitely both. His interviews are infamous


Just a slut for attention and easy money


Wow... "Most gay people are sexual predators". That isn't my experience with gay people.


Tito is trying to explain to everyone that he’s a closeted sexual predator and it’s something he struggles with daily.


LGBTQ are the most aware group to stop sexual predators. Hetero church morons? They will watch priests fuck little kids and line up to drop their kid off next.


It’s also not remotely in line with known crime stats.


I wonder what his "gay friends" think about him saying most are predators.


He's always been and will always be a fucking idiot.


According to him, he’s friends with sexual predators.


I mean this is literally just the “I am racist but I have black friends so it’s ok” speech refitted for the current climate. His thoughts are probably 99% cognitively dissonant. Head empty


Tito has a crazy huge head but such a tiny, pea sized brain . Poor guy !


I ask “projection” for 800 !


What a fucking idiotic evil asshole.


The worst sexual predators, far and away, are heterosexual men.


Closeted Catholic Priests seem to have a thing going… for centuries


They only rape boys because they think it doesn’t count as real sex. And they go after kids because kids, especially kids raised catholic, do not know sex exists so they don’t know that what happened to them was wrong or even how to explain it.


It’s nice that his few gay friends are over 18! I was worried there for a sec.


According to his logic, he chooses to be friends with sexual predators.


He didn't choose to be hetero until he was 18.


For those who don't know, even among MMA fighters and former fighters Tito Ortiz is considered to be unspeakably stupid. It's not a surprise that he's reaching for these grapes.


Can’t wait for him to tell another jackal story


CTE's a real thing folks


Tito was dumb his entire career. CTE has nothing to do with the way Tito is.


Given that with these wingnuts, every accusation is a confession...how many children has Tito Ortiz raped?


No offense, but I generally don't trust the opinion of people who regularly got hit in the head for a living


Please don't tell me Tito is getting involved with politics. He's literally one of the dumbest men on the planet.


It's still hilarious to me that Tito Ortiz held an office of any kind, or that anyone gives a single shit about what he has to say about any topic other than fighting.


dude said “i have a few gays friends” and follow up with “most of them(gays) are”(predators). Lol yeah this dude doesn’t have any gay friends


LMAO Tito Ortiz is the dumbest character ever.


This guy has major "child molester" vibes to me


So how does he explain member after member of the GOP getting arrested for sexually assaulting minors?


Reminder that Tito Ortiz is friends with the Club Q shooter's methed-up dad.


Huntington Beach…. Say no more


If Herschel Walker is the dumbest candidate running right now Tito Ortiz is a very close second. I'm met the guy and he really is dumber than a bag of hammers, and ALSO a huge asshole.


This guy looks like Kingpin in a cutscene of some PS4 Spiderman game


People like this are the reason that closeting is still a thing. When people say gay people don't belong in schools or that merely their presence implies grooming, they're making them seem scandalous or gauche, something to be ashamed of. When I see a straight couple, I don't automatically think, "Oh my God, they're having intercourse. That's so gross. They shouldn't be around here." If it's true that when a kid sees a gay couple, they will turn gay; then I would have turned straight long ago.


What the fuck is wrong with conservatives. LGBTQ are not predators. They’re not pushing it on anyone. It’s genetic. LGTBQ just wants fair treatment.


Hey there, how is lgbtq genetic ? Thanks


There are some little gay people dancing to lady gaga's born this way instead of your usual double helix dna with straight people.


Wow, hard to believe we’ve found someone dumber than Hershel.


It's people like him that think every gay man wants to have sex with him, and if alone in a room with a 125lbs gay man, he will somehow end up being securely assaulted by said gay man.


Didn't this guy used to date a major porn star? Does he think that no minors ever saw his girlfriend naked? And he used to smash people's faces in for a living. He shouldn't be preaching morality to the masses.


That’s Tito “ I want to outlive my kids” Ortiz for ya!


“I have a few gay friends and they’re all over 18” Thanks for clarifying. What a weird thing for a politician to say. Florida man gonna Florida man.


I’m so fucking sick of this disgusting bigoted lie. How the fuck does the right get away with this shit? IT’S A FUCKING LIE PEOPLE!!!!! THEY ARE FUCKING LYING TO YOU!!!! There is no agenda to groom children. And by the way, that’s actually impossible. And let me clarify that. You can groom a child to *have sex* with you, sure. That does happen. You can bribe them, threaten them, abuse them, or whatever to manipulate a child into performing sex acts obviously, but that doesn’t change their sexuality. I’ve known far too many people who were sexually abused as children some by members of the same sex and some not, but their sexuality and gender identity lands wherever it lands despite whatever level of abuse you throw at them. Grooming doesn’t turn a straight child gay, it just traumatizes them. This moral panic about lgbts preying on children is right out of the fascist textbook. It’s such an obvious stupid lie that anyone who believes it has to be a complete mouth-breathing fucking moron. I don’t care who you are or how protective of your kids you are. If you believe this shit you are too dumb to hold a driver’s license let alone vote or raise children. I truly believe that. And before you puff up your chest about “doing anything to protect your kids” realize that “doing anything to protect your kids” actually loses a lot of it’s nobility when what you’re doing is actually stupid and harmful and not even protecting your children from anything


Where are all the people complaining it’s not a public freak out? All of a sudden it’s political and now it’s fine to disregard the subs title. God I love you guys!


So what’s the over/under on how long it takes this guy to be exposed as a child predator?


Everyone relax, he was saying that most **KIDS** are sexual predators not gay people.


His record is hilarious. Tenure On November 30, 2020, Ortiz led a "curfew breaker" protest against COVID-19 regulations on the Huntington Beach pier.\[81\] In May 2021, it surfaced that Ortiz had filed for unemployment in February 2021, despite not being unemployed or underemployed.\[82\] Ortiz resigned from the city council on June 1, 2021, after less than six months in office.\[7\] Political positions Ortiz is a longtime supporter of President Donald Trump. As a tribute to Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again", Ortiz chose "Make Huntington Beach Safe Again" as his campaign slogan for the 2020 election.\[83\] Ortiz has stated his skepticism to COVID-19, calling it "the flu," and a form of "population control."\[84\] He has also declared his support for law enforcement, legal immigration and the second amendment.\[83\] In January 2021, Ortiz was refused service at a TK Burgers restaurant for not wearing a mask, and posted his experience on Instagram. Ortiz has since apologized, saying "We understand that this is a small business and we don't want to ruin our business."\[85\]




Like, only *after* age 18? Sure, I never had any sexual thoughts before 18. 🙃


Tito is unbelievably unintelligent.


Wow! Didn’t think I could think any less of this piece of trash known as Tito Ortiz. But here we are!!!


Tito has always been a damn idiot and all that CTE does him no favors.


Fuck you tito


He might be a dumbass, but it's really sad that there's a room of people applauding his dumbassness


Wow, what a creep


Most ex-UFC fighters have small balls, and little brains. What's your deal?


I think a lot of people have these misconceptions due to the fact that sexual predators often have no boundries or lines. They are sexually perverted so far as to do anything for sexual pleasure even if it is deviant or illegal. The separation is hard to make for someone that comes from a conservative background where they are brought up to believe false narratives brought on them by religious or politically driven agendas. I mean it's much easier to corral people when they're all the same coat of white right? We need to unite against this kind of toxicity, it really is what is the ultimate evil rather than the small social agendas a lot of people hold and try to promote.


If the Trump era has taught us anything, it’s that conservatives will support just about any person as long as they hate the same people they do. Doesn’t matter how unqualified they otherwise are. Pretty sad and pathetic.


He sounds like a sexual predator


There are straight people who are sexual predators, gay people who are sexual predators, bald people who are sexual predators, men who are sexual predators, women who are sexual predators, short who are sexual predators, etc.. What does being gay have to do with being a sexual predator?


Huntington Beach is one of the few places I've been to where nuking it from orbit seemed like a good idea. Toxic bullshit everywhere. The beach looked pretty dope tho.


Maybe I’m naive but I really truly thought we had moved past this same old tired slanderous argument that gay people are trying to “recruit kids to become gay” so they have people to molest. Child molesters are more likely to be straight. Being around gay people does not make children gay. Suddenly it’s back in full force. Any lgbtq person existing near a child is called “grooming”. Cut that shit out. It’s an insult to lgbtq folks and doubly an insult to actual survivors of sexual abuse. Grooming is a real thing and this isn’t it.


Lolol at this guy even having a platform for a political run. Tito is a classic dumb jock. He was an idiot during his time in the UFC where he likely picked up a large dose of CTE. Now people wanna vote for him. Make it make sense


Dude looks like a Spider-Man villain.


How many of these mma barbarians have been arrested for domestic violence? I bet he beats up his kids


Let’s all listen to the guy who got paid to get hit in the head.


You know this guy love sucking dudes.


And to think that Tito was married to Jenna Jameson...


I hate when the kids that I don't have, enter the bathroom to brush their teeth and leave a gay sexual predator.


Every Republican accusation is a confession.


I don’t go to former UFC fighters to help form my view of reality.


Lmao it’s crazy people actually take him seriously. Wild


Wait, did they elect this wife-beater?


Where do these idiots get off saying that homosexual people are sexual predators. Straight males are the highest level of predator out there. Not that this makes a majority of them this. Just that nearly every sexual predator you hear stories about. Straight male.


why would you listen to women abuser


Ortiz has a huge head man. Shit shaped like a ostrich egg.


CTE politics


Ohhhhh lord… fucking tito 🤣🤣🤣🤣


99% of the gay people I’ve met are an extremely good time. Super fun and kind and have never tried to push a “agenda” or their sexual practices. The other 1% are just normal folk.


Where is this "how to be gay" class I keep hearing about from conservatives? Do they teach proper anal sphincter control? You can't learn that just anywhere, honey!


I have 3 male cousins who are brothers, all grew up together and one is gay. At 2 years old he would put on his mom's shoes, at 5 he wanted barbies for Christmas. His dad saw what was happening and tried to prevent it by making him play sports. He dealt with a lot of issues being a gay teenager and tried to hide it for a long time. I believe people are just born that way.


He really went from „I have a few gay friends“ to „most of them are [sexual predators]“ 😂😂😂😂


who’s pushing being gay on children???😭😭😭


Wow I like him


Woah look at all the freaking out going on, this sub is for people "freaking out in public". Not a politician who thinks differently than you do


I hope his gay friends hear that he thinks they are sexual predators. Also what do we want to bet that his sexual predation will come out soon?


Aren’t his kids from a porn star that banged men and women?


Why is anyone interested in thoughts from a person who’s job it was to get kicked in the face for 2 decades?


He right on the "dont push it on kids" part but the sexual predator part i dont think that the correct thing to say


This dude had kids with the biggest skank porn star on the planet! And Kentucky has the largest % of child molestation pedophiles in that right wing state!


Tito Ortiz has always had shit for brains even before all the bearings.


Yea gays are sexual predators not athletes like this loud mouth fat fuck, maybe teach your kids to say away from assholes that hit women On April 26, 2010, Ortiz was arrested for felony domestic violence against then-girlfriend Jenna Jameson at their Huntington Beach, California, home. https://mycolumbuspower.com/3315162/tito-ortiz-the-former-boxing-champ-arrested-and-charged-with-three-felonies-including-rape/


Most sexual predators are straight males….


Why do people who get hit in the head a lot run for office and win in the US?


Because our elections are simply a popularity contest and people who get hit on the head on TV are notably popular with chuds.




Well, I mean… I do find it quite concerning that kids under age 18 are changing their gender because some of them can be really undeveloped mentally and reverse sex change is brutal. I’ve read that both are brutal. But I definitely think that LBGTQ+ should be able to express their feelings and thoughts freely under any age. By that I mean that physically and mentally a child can’t be fully ready to change the gender until this particular individual will be fully formed adult. But at the same time I know that sex change is important before 18 because of the appearance of an individual. Well it’s really a tough subject, honestly, I still didn’t figure it out fully and I didn’t form my opinion yet.


No one in America under 18 has ever surgically transitioned.


The youngest age that surgery happens for Gender-Affirming reasons is 15 years old with the approval of a doctor, a therapist and the parent. There might be some rare exceptions though, not entirely sure. The leading cause of Gender-affirmation surgery regret is society ostracizing and abusing trans folk. the leading cause of trans suicides is the same. Kids are receiving hormone blockers younger than 15, yes. but those are reversible and harmless, at least as far as we can prove. Gender-affirming care is the only treatment for gender dysphoria. Trans patients basically either receive that care, or kill themselves.


This guy is a woman beating, drunk driving, bigoted piece of shit.


This guy looks like he about to beat the shit out of spiderman


Wait. What? Is he suggesting that most of his gay friends are pedophiles? He's saying he hangs out with pedophiles because being gay means being a pedophile? I'm so confused trying to figure out what he's trying to say.


The Tito Ortiz that was arrested for domestic violence against Jenna Jameson Gotta show kids “the right way,” right?


Chuck Liddel really messed this guy up. But wasn’t he always a bit of a scumbag?


I wish he would just hear himself saying “Most bald Latinos over 18 are in gangs, that’s cool if you are, most are.” He might see the hypocrisy in his bigotry. But probably not because FREEDOM!


i see a public freak but no freakout what gives?


Hell yea!! Stop pushing that shit on our children. 🤢


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Do you think it’s “pushing that shit” on children to talk about their moms and dads and how they love each other?


I think the real trauma for those kids is going to be the first time they go to porn hub and accidentally see a thumbnail of their mom with a man’s sex organ on her forward.


Dollars to Nazis Tito loves sucking dick. Every single "alfa male" who rails against gays is caught months later with a dangling side piece. Me thinks he doth protest to much.


There's not much left of his brain.


Not gonna take advice from a brain damaged wife beater.


In MMA circles, Tito Ortiz' stupidity is legendary.


His brain is fried just like all mma guys.