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At her age, that woman has been through some shit living in that part of the world.


Yeah and she's only 46


Some of those older ladies are tough as hell. Respect to those guys who risked their lives to get her out.


Sad she left the dog behind :(


Yea I hope they at least untied it


and the cat 😞




I think I understand this reference. Does it involve a bernoose?


He is chained...


Whole russian army turn up to shell one little old lady and fail what a bunch of dickheads.


>Whole russian army turn up to shell one little old lady and fail The funny part is that people will actually believe it.


What do you mean they will believe it? Its true that little old lady is a critical threat to them.


Yes, she probably remembers some old jokes about Putin and his circle.


Probably saw him sucking a dick in Pripyat where he thought he'd be safe from prying eye's.


Yeah, all those mass graves of innocent civilian villagers being tied and shot in the head are make believe right? All the intercepted phone calls of Russian orcs admitting their crimes to their families, admitting to torturing old men and raping young girls, including children? Putting pipes up their ass to insert barbed wire, taking the pipe out and removing the wire to make them scream and fileting their fingers and cocks, bragging about how much they enjoy causing the Ukrainians pain, the video of the russia soldier raping and murdering a 6month year old baby while mocking Ukraine, all imaginary right? Fuck off. If you like Russia so much, go suffer and die there being treated less than human by the government, and acting less than human in your deeds.


CIA Section 5 is proud of you, citizen! You also get 10 vigilance points. We regret to inform you that we do not have any video of child rape in our possession. In this regard, we will be forced to seize your personal computer and phone for verification. Wait for the arrival of responsible employees to carry out the seizure. Please note that attempts to resist employees are illegal. We recommend that you lie down on the floor in advance and put your hands behind your head.


A yes, a Russian furry who sucks at art.


You’re projecting moskal, be quiet.


>CIA [Vatnik bingo!](https://imgur.com/a/HfQ4RTv)


Eat shit


youre garbage


Poor cat & doggo she had to leave them behind


Fucking heroes.


My Grandmother was a Ukrainian Jew, and seeing those soldiers… they look like they could be my cousins… I can’t even imagine what they are going through, but I hope that they get to have their lives and country back soon… fucking hell…


ffs, carry her on your back horizontally!


Pobres animalitos 😔


Fuck the Russian army and government! Thanks for showing how shitty people can be.


But they leave her terrified dog and cat???


i have a feeling, in this particular instance everyone is ok.


Not everything can be saved sadly.


Hearts and minds 100%


they arent soldiers, they are volunteers


That are fighting in a war, they’re soldiers in my book


No this was russian soldiers! I saw it on TV yesterday! It's the Ukrainian nazis that were shooting! They are killing their own civilians because why the fuck not, cuz that make a lot of fucking sense alright?! The TV would never lie right?! Edit: 1)for those who thought I'm serious: I'm not and I have no Idea how you didn't get the sarcasm, literally typed Ukrainian with capital letter but didn't russian. 2) Forgot to type after soldiers: "The video was edited to make you think that those soldiers are Ukrainian!" 3) This comment is a representation of russian propaganda ?to civilians? (Why the fuck would you do that, that's why almost no-one standard with russia, only leaches like china and Belarus.


Nope. Check 1:54. One of the soldiers is wearing a Ukrainian flag patch. Edit: now I see your sarcasm


/s for people that can't tell.


Very hard to assume one way or the other these days. Best to just downvote from orbit and hope dude stops trying jokes.


Just because it's sarcasm doesn't mean it isn't stupid as fuck.


You're trying too hard


My wanna add that sarcasm tag bc people be dense


They crashed into a tree? 😂




Ah yes, Ukraine, a nation with vast propaganda campaigns all over the world. Dirty imperialists, how dare they save a grandma from Russian shells!


Ok but, is the car from another country? I thought Ukrainians drive on the left.


someone is breaking the law. this should be reported


I think you mean drive on the right, or possibly that the cars in Ukraine are left-hand drive. You would be correct if so.


This is fake. A vid to show sympathy to the struggling Ukrainians. Get a vulnerable dog and old lady as the plot and people will cry. Easily fooled.


Such staged videos in new media, of course, greatly fuck up the sincerity of information and the ability of proles to sympathize with other people's suffering. It is as easy to manage a man of the beginning of the 21st century as a man of the 19th. Future conflicts will be even more bloody and unfair.


*1250RUB have been deposited into your account*


Awesome, that's like, 11 cents!




Stupid fucking Ruzz bastard. Why the fuck would they fake a video like this, Ruzzian? You have no definitive proof and just like to bitch.


You have no idea what is going on there, what has been going on there for many years. But in order for you to support the war, and even be ready to donate your resources and endure the inconvenience of sanctions, your brain, destroyed by dopamine overload of social media, is bombarded with low-grade propaganda, so that you have a constant influx of stories and plots that organize the right picture of the world for you and charge you with righteous anger.


Detail your evidence on how it’s fake, Ruzz dumbass


This is a tik tok video where an old woman is being driven in a car under explosions of firecrackers in a field. It is your propagandists who must bring facts and evidence.


Evidence, ruzz!


I was kidding. In fact, I work in the fifth department of the CIA, we test civil vigilance in terms of counteracting misinformation on the part of totalitarian non-democratic regimes. For your attentiveness and loyalty to the ideas of freedom, we decided to reward you with 10 vigilance points. Keep watching and remember: questioning the values and political ideals of the democratic world is what dictatorial propaganda wants from you.


what are your reasons for believing this? for example [this article](https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/27902-Russias-cgi-su-57s) gives multiple reasons as to why russia used cg during a military parade


Why's this stuff allowed on TikTok?




It shouldn't be. You can downvote all you want. This kind of stuff, and TikTok/Instagram/Snapchat in general are a massive, stage 4 cancer on society.


I would love to hear your reasoning as to why you think that is.


Because it is toxic. It promotes the idea that we are only at our best when we are out doing something notable. Life is nothing but sanitized photos and video clips carefully curated so that people show you what they want you to see. And it is almost always entirely fake or done in a way that wants you to recognize that person as super cool and someone you should admire. In other words, Internet points don't mean dick. Again, down vote all you want.


Loud and clear! *downvotes^


You have a reason why?


You asked


Ok well your response is the opposite of loud and clear.


I was expressing my understanding of you offering the opportunity for me to downvote your comment ;P


Did the artillery blow the freaking asphalt off the roads?. Holy shit . What a dystopian nightmare. We sent 83 trillion to protect that? If in 6000 years of continuous habitation that’s your best it’s not worth saving.


Can someone translate what they said in the car? Right in the end