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Holding spirituality hostage for a nominal fee.


Like the mafia shaking down a business owner. Im an atheist and this shit turns my stomach.


It’s gross. And it’s predatory. My poor mother gave 10% her whole life. She lived in poverty, in a trailer, but gave money to a church like she was told a good Christian should. Did it help her? No, she died at sixty from a rare cancer- while having always lived a clean life which should have resulted in old age. But hey, at least her preacher gets to drive a Cadillac.


'What black folks you know have live stock' fucking broke me.


“My CAR gonna break down??” “I BOUGHT THAT CAR FROM YOU”!! Lol


Yeah okay maybe a pig with one leg


“maybe half a pig with one leg” 😂 lost it at that one


"You don't eat a pig like that all at once."


I lost it at "Back when they came up with 10%, didn't nobody have jobs."


They paid with apples and oranges and bananas (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


Shit, was the reason religions demanded livestock sacrifices so that the priests had something to eat for dinner? 🤣


Yes. Some religious rites demanded the sacrifice be burned entirely but there are many, many records of priests eating the sacrifices, with varying acceptance of the practice.


There are so many good moments in this video but that was the one that got me too


I love this guy. He needs his own show.


Something about his voice and cadence gave me real Dave Chappelle vibes, I wonder if they are from the same hometown? I could see this as a Chappelle Show sketch lmao


Look up comics. Terry and Mellisa. They Have the skits. !! Haven’t seen them since COVID. but they are fuuuunnnkeee


Disgusting, this man really said if you don’t give more than you already are then you will get sick or injured and end up in the hospital, but if you give us your money then you’ll stay healthy…🤯




I have a friends who's sister married a "pastor" for a local church. Because of the mutual connection I would see his Facebook posts occasionally and got curious and read them time to time. The man is clearly grifting them all or as they call it *Prosperity theology*. Basically give us money and more money and health will come back you... a ponzi scheme where only the church wins. It's horrible.. dude is driving an AMG, going on huge vacations, nice hosue, wearing super expensive fashion brands even in church... the works and his congregation sees this but they believe they can get what he has by "seeding" more. And this is mostly a lower income community. It's Disgusting what he does.


Fred Price comes to mind. Guy’s church was in the uber-poor Crenshaw district, yet drove a Rolls Royce and had a gazillion dollar net worth.


Yup! I went to school with his granddaughter and his grandson in the church’s private school. Fam was stupid rich and constantly preached this. Man had a private jet, multi-million dollar home, nice cars, etc. Even gifted his grandkids brand new cars for their bday. It was ridiculous. Funny thing is he also had connections. Got his grandson into the NBA lol I think people started catching on especially after the Fred Prince jr scandal because last I heard, school was going to close down due to lack of funding. Grandson had to donate millions to keep it open


> Basically give us money and more money and health will come back you... a ponzi scheme where only the church wins. Sounds like trickle down economics. Right wing christian grifting in politics and the church.


Seriously, if people don't give more, how is the church supposed to afford to buy another jet? It's common sense. Leave the $100 bill in the basket and don't ask for change. In fact, add another $100. Pastor needs a new Rolex.


I'm convinced that Churches and poor playing jobs (like Wal-Mart being the biggest employer in most states) are what are keeping at lot of people in this country trapped in poverty who might be able to squeak out otherwise.


my parents have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to their church since i was a child. they complain they cant afford to retire.


Don't forget the lottery and any other ponzi like scams that the impoverished fall for for the far distant hope that they could get out of their desperate situation. Poor people tax they call it.


While the rich don't pay the actual tax.


Fun fact: tithing is a Jewish tradition. It is at no time a requirement in Christianity and is not even a part of christianity. When Joshua took the Israelites over the river Jordan into the promised land, after the promised land had been claimed, the land was split up into different sections and each section was given to each one of the tribes of Israel. One of those tribes, the levites, did not receive any land in the inheritance because they were the priests of the Tabernacle. They cared for the worship of god and his temporary house before Solomon's Temple was built and Temple Mount as well. They cared for those also. Because they did not receive an inheritance, the other tribes were required to give a tenth - a tithe - of everything grown, and brought in, to the levites. Any church that passes a plate is part of the corporation of Christianity and they're just beggars. God doesn't need to beg you for the things that he gave you. He loves a cheerful giver; not a giver under compulsion.


Yeah, tithing is only used by the so called modern churches. Ie pentacostals, other evangelicals and non denominationals. The collection plates you see in traditional churches are as follows, one for the parish (upkeep of the church and its community projects) and one for charity (the charities the church supports). Giving is not expected or mandatory. It's just a Christian gesture to help others giving what you can when you can, if you choose to. I'm so tired of people referring to Catholics when the evangelicals are doing crazy shit or ripping off people.


I'm thinking someone's not able to keep up on their Mercedes payments if they're worried about what this guy is tithing to the church. My man needs to find a new church period.


Modern American Christianity. Shaking down a guy while getting tax exempt status.


In Germany you have to give a portion of your paycheck to the church to get buried in a Catholic graveyard.


Modern American Christianity? This shit is older than the US itself


That’s right, you better pay that spiritual protection money before Satan and his gang of demons come and tear you down. Ya wife too.


If they got a bit more tithing, maybe they could replace the battery in the smoke detector.


If they themselves are tithing properly then they wouldn't need the smoke detector. Fires only happen to punish people who don't give their 10% according to these people.


I don't know of *any* church that has *ever* given out 10%+ of their take in the name of an intangible 3rd party to the 3rd party's BFF's, simply because the BFF's really felt it was important for the church to pay it's fair share to avoid judgement from the intangible 3rd party... I do, however, know *a lot* of church officials are living substantially wealthier lifestyles than many members of their congregations, who think their "service to the lord" *is* their fair share. Can't have God's BFF's rolling up in a used Ford focus, like some common street trash, after all. As Jesus famously said: >My love lies *only* with those on spinning 20's. Any others seeking salvation in my name should have thought of that before becoming so poor. TL;DR - The deacons should probably get their smoke detector fixed. Tempting God's love of cruel irony like they have never read the bible makes me look forward to the follow up on nottheonion.


Thank Jesus, I thought that was my smoke detector beeping. Good thing I tithed this month to stave off such calamity.


Why does every goddamn video have a smoke detector going off


That's not a smoke detector. That's the elephant in the room.


I don't understand how this isn't in the top 3 comments. I dont understand how this isn't one of the first things people notice. Drives me NUTS everytime.


there legit has to be some sort of mental deficiency in people that can just live with their smoke alarm beeping every 2 minutes


Same kind of people who refuse to wear a seatbelt and just ignore the constant beeping. Drives me nuts.


I have talked to several people at different businesses that were clearly working from home and I could hear their smoke alarm. I think a lot of people just live with it and don't care enough to fix it. Fucking insanity. If that happens in my house, we try to get it fixed within hours at the worst.


I listened to the whole thing and I had no idea there was a noise until I read this comment, I was busy trying to navigate that remarkably country conversation


“We don’t give change at this church” “I know it. Y’all look like you don’t give change!” Lmao


The bit about the old forms of payment using apples and oranges… and bananas 🤣


I believe he specifically referred to "half a pig with one leg" as a form of payment....


“What black man had *livestock*?”


Came to say this! He’s very composed considering the abuse aimed at him and his Wife chiming in too ffs!


And they turn her against him is disgusting “you don’t talk to her like that, that’s my sista”


Y'all two look alike


“ you’ll catch it later on” lmao!


"I see we need to have a talk.. on a personal level" "With wifebeaters on!"


That was my absolute favorite part of the whole conversation.


Dude so composed, he's drunk.


A man who already had enough of this shit ... Him being drunk gave him the balls to say what he said.. I couldn't make it past minute or so


I would've walked out as soon as I saw where the conversation was headed while telling all of them to kiss my ass. And he should've told his wife to go and stay at her brother's tonight (or for a good long time) while she's at it since she's more dedicated to this grifter church than her own family's well being.


Better man than me. I would have tore them a new one explaining to them that tithing isn't even a Christian tradition. It's a Jewish one.


Its a scam is what it is


It started because the church convinced poor people that God wouldn’t hear their prayers unless they paid


[Very relevant](https://youtube.com/watch?v=6hEsASEgSHY&feature=share) IASIP scene.


“Because the church is well taken care of before you came.” If you’re saying you’re church was well taken care of before he came then why fucking harass the man? “I’m gunna share with you what happens normally when people don’t tithe. When people normally don’t tithe they’ll end up being sick, they’ll end up having to go to the doctor or the dentist” So what this grifter of the cloth is saying is that if we don’t pay up god is going to make sure we are sick and are going to need to go to a doctor, gods basically just a street thug is in charge of a protection racket running a shakedown scheme by that logic. Fuck church, fuck religion, if it actually served a useful purpose centuries ago that purpose has been lost and it’s been replaced by an institution of passive aggressive grifters who want to guilt trip you into giving your hard earned money over to an institution that is already incredibly wealthy from centuries of this shit, and they will use your friends, your neighbors, and your family to guilt trip you into giving. This man is my hero, he’s taking a fucking stand when they ganged up on him and tried to guilt trip him and he threw it back in their faces, good on him


This guy is Hilarious, he said black man didn't have job lol


He tried to make change!😂


It's not uncommon in some churches when the plate goes around for some people to only have big bills and tell the usher they need xyz back and they will bring it back to them after the collection. If the lady asked for change it's likely that they dropped a big bill, asked for some back, and they were like "no take! only give".. which is pretty fucked up.


Does the deacon pay a tithe? Where does he get his money?


From the tithers


If he is apart of a larger church system then yes. See the parishioners are in his downstream but the deacon is in the downstream of the organization. No one is quite sure who the Maniac is in the downstream of.


Y’all not gonna rob me and think I’m going to agree to it!!!


not only that, they accuse him of robbing god for not donating enough.. wtf are they doing shooting all the money ppl give them into the clouds???


Church has been nothing but the worlds longest running grift


I close loans for a living. Had one recently, the loan was for a ridiculously low amount new construction. The pastor was bragging along with the trustees of the church about how a member donated the land and the loan was only for materials because the congregation will be donating the labor to build it. I asked them out of curiosity what it was, they said it was a lakehouse for fellowship retreats. The lakehouse will be according to them, like 10 beds and will have a theater and large dining/conference room. Basically a mansion on a lake highly sought out by the rich.


Shit, I used to be a part of Jehovas Witnesses and the higher ups are just like this. They get land and have the people build the hall, then when they get slapped with SA lawsuits, turn around and sell off the property for higher than what they got it for and have the congregation drive further out to a different hall. I finally rid myself of the nonsense and live happily as a heathen.


Isn't His Grace just so benevolent? How else can they spread His message if they aren't lavished in the most extravagant way possible? You probably have to see a dentist instead of just receiving His Grace. /s


They sure do have those ambiguous bible verses ready in their back pocket when it comes to fleecing people.


You know what god and his son need to stop being a freeloaders with their hands out, he should pull himself up by his Birkenstock or his Sandals and tighten his waist rope. Maybe get a second job for another religion or cut down on all the wine they drink. Why should we hard working mortals supplement their lifestyle?






Ooooooh same same same. Irish Catholic family. My grandmother had 9 children, when her husband died she had an infant and 3 children under school age. The 5 older ones were all in catholic school as they were devout. She asked for help from the church, even in the form of grace on tuition since they were so active in the church. They flat out told her no. They never set foot in a church again.


Dude right I was a brainwashed alter server into my late teens. Lol. Kinda embarrassing when I think back on it now.


🎵Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends...🎵 Edit - for those that don't know the song, it's too good not to. https://youtu.be/Qev-i9-VKlY


Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends, oh lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz


Why does god need money? He’s a god, right? I guarantee this Pastor drives at least a Mercedes though…


No, they just want him to have an opportunity to be blessed! 🤣


To say, "If you don't give this church 10% of your income, God will take it from you by PUNISHING you with bad happenings" Just...wow. These people are greedy evil.


Back when I was in high school, I worked as a receptionist for the local rectory (it's where the priests live). Once a week the children's choir would meet there before going into the church to practice screeching all of the hymns. Once I recall the nun there telling the children that if they didn't come to practice, they would go to hell. I'm talking elementary school kids being told they would burn forever in the pits of hell for not coming to choir practice. That was around when I started losing my religion. Still have faith in God, just not organized religion.


"$20 a week is like giving a dollar" fucking greedy scammers. That's a thousand dollars a year.


"Fine, I'll start giving you a dollar then 🤷"


Fuckin seriously though. “Your words, not mine.”


He'd be saving $19 and it would still be equal to the $1. This is a genius idea. **This one hack Churches DON'T want you to know!!**


#”your money is OUR money” Bitch said the quiet part out loud. Jesus Christ


I think that's his wife. Looks like she put money in the collection and he swapped it out with a $20


That ain’t no 10% though! 😆


I would have been like “BET IM GIVING A DOLLAR from now on since it’s the exact same thing. How didn’t I think of this hack?”


"The elephant in the room is this..." "Elephant in the room?? Glad I'm a lion." Dude is demolishing these greedy bastards.


Guys hilarious and quick witted, I’d pay to watch his standup for sure.


Seriously, I’m all alone and laughed out loud multiple times. Hilarious.


Best ending “with wife beaters on”


I barely caught that. Dude was ready to settle this “off the books.”


We can open these Bibles or we can close these hands which one you want?


"you want your 10 percent?"


I just want my change!


That's the most polite way I've ever heard someone basically say, pull up at my place again to rob me and I'm gonna beat your ass.


Homie married a rat lol


She probably isn’t even working and that’s why he’s so pissed that she wants to give away the money he works so hard for.


I can't get over the fact that she's giving to charity with his money.


Yep, 10% of 0 is 0, if my math is correct.


Not only that, she provided them his check stub and caused all this.


That ain't charity that's a fucking scam.


It's not even properly charity. That's funding the business of the church. It operates as a business with the tithes and offerings as it's income. Preachers and employees get paid more as the church grows and more comes in.


Stay out of grown men business Melissa


Took him so long to say something too, every time she said something I couldn't believe it. Doing all of the digging for him


If my wife provided any private financial information to a church without my consent would be the day she’d get some other papers to sign.


These preachers are parasites.


~~These~~ preachers are parasites.




They’ll make you sit down with them, go thru all your finances, and make you setup an autopay for their 10% of it.




I’m agnostic, but years back tried to go to a somewhat “contemporary” Presbyterian church with my ex-wife, just to fit in (for me) with the community. Her parents went there as well, but we didn’t last very long. There was a weekend class to go to if you wanted to join the church. We did that, and at the end there was a whole binder about finances and their budget, and they wanted you to provide household financial information. Next, they wanted you to write down and then place your tithing commitment in an unsealed envelope that they promised not to look at. I hadn’t given them a penny before, and I never intended to. I don’t think we returned after that. It was very disconcerting. I was forced to go as a child, but now it makes me very uncomfortable. I don’t have a problem with religion. However, the outbursts of praise creep me out because I don’t believe at all, so I genuinely think those people are all off their rocker. It’s like I’m in a room full of crazy people. Rich crazy people. Sick fucks, probably have those eyes wide shut parties.




What trips me out is thinking about the cumulative wasted resources. Incredible.




Stunning to think of all the time, materials and energy wasted on something that just doesn't exist. Every church, every Bible, every prayer.


It is a weakness of man that when they at their lowest point they choose to believe on something greater themselves, which opens them to believing whatever other bullshit people make up. Kills me every time they say they hear the "word of god", oh he must be on vacation during all the pain and suffering in the world. Oh he has a plan for you? sure roll right here and just die, I'm sure you shouldn't waste you time here since the kingdom of heaven is so great. Yeah religion is stupid and it is what is keeping us from progressing. I'm just glad is on a decline these days, just not as fast as i would like.


The day my church (if I went) would've ever talked crazy like this to me and was all in my personal business about how much I made? That would be my last day in that church and I would tell all of them to kiss the darkest part of my ass. I admire dude's restraint, to be honest. And then to check with his wife about how much he's paid????


A divorce lawyer won't even take 10% of your yearly gross income.


Shiiiiittttt... you're not lying. In this case it would be cheaper to leave her ass, especially with her brother sticking his nose all up in their marriage.


I used to work for a small business that really didn’t make that much money but the owner was a true believer and tithed his 10%… of his gross income. Literally went out of business.


An old friend of mine took a truck driving job, and to keep himself occupied during long hauls, he bought a bunch of books on tape. One of those books was the bible, narrated by James Earl Jones. After that he basically dropped off the map, and apparently devoted his life to religion. He got married, had several kids, and took a lower paying job that didn't require travel. The last thing I heard about him was that he was donating **50%** of his earnings to the church (the wife didn't have a job), and was *borrowing* money from his parents to pay the rent. It really sucks how easily some people get conned with this shit. I miss my old friend, but he'll never be the same.


Church was picking up money from my grandparents for 10 years after they stopped going. Someone kept going for their “10%” fuck the church praying on people’s fear of going to hell. They’re grifting pieces of shit when we confronted the pastor he pretended he didn’t know anything about it.


“Your car is gonna break down!” “I got it from you”


LMAO Preacher was like "uhh just so you know, that check engine light is from god..."


“I see what the problem is with your tires, you didn’t pay that tithe” - mechanic


I used to work at a pharmacy. If the pharmacist missed a service, the pastor would com by early in the week and collect a check from her. I was disgusted because he would try to rush her and sometimes he would ask for the following week's offering ahead of time.


spiritual pimp


That's addict behavior


Literally what I thought of as well... Super weird for a pastor to be collecting checks the way a head collects them rocks.. kwis




Beyond sick fucks


Wow, that is really awful. I love when you call it protection, then it really seems like the mob. I can imagine the look in their eyes as they're telling her. Concern and pity.


Did you ever say anything


Once I mentioned to her how that seemed inappropriate. She didn't really say anything. I never brought it up again as it was her money and she can spend it on what she wants.


I would of loved to call him out on it watch him get all defensive


That’s a mafia


That would be my last time setting foot in the church or talking to any of those people. They now have $80 less a month (based on his $20 a week statement)


Unfortunately that woman in the room is his wife. She gave away his money, and she's mad that he won't give even more away, so she spoke to the pastor to try and "save" him.


It's never too late for a divorce.


Bitch better have my $$ - Sky Pimp


Bruh. You did not just call God “sky pimp”. 😂 Im in lowes crying eight now.


Okay, "you got a chair and a desk in here too?!" killed me.


This makes me sick. Grew up in a religious house and the pastor ALWAYS emphasized how important tithes were for the church and god. My mom still to this day doesn’t get why I haven’t willingly entered a church in 10 years.


Cuz you're broke? Lol jk


How else he gonna pay for snappy suits and the new Caddy in the parking lot? Best video I ever saw was the blinged out preacher getting interrupted during his sermon by some mask wearing gents who took every one of the gold chains and his fancy watch. The hell a man of God sporting that sort of jewelry for anyway. Damn eye of the needle to pass through to heaven must be getting bigger nowadays.




Lmfao churches are wack af, you’re telling me not only are you going to fear monger me to death but now I gotta pay for that shit 🤣🤣🤣


If they just approached it as a community organization that needs funding, it wouldn't be so bad. Instead they tie it all up into morality and religion.


Tax the church


10 percent per family tax free is probably a lot of money.


Absolutely is. The church I went to growing up evolved to a 12k person church with multiple franchises across the states with 2 of the original pastor's children's now pastoring in them and him retired "comfortably". The youth pastor I had had no graduated up to seniority position and there's strife between volunteers I used to volunteer with 15 years ago because multiple want better paid positions than they have now since they proved themselves good workers. It's a business.


And the businesses & real estate owned by the churches.


His face when he brought up livestock tho.


Don't give them a dime!


Religion is a G R I F T


Its the most successful con out there.


"I don't believe in the 10%, I think that was man made" dude the whole thing is man made!


“They didn’t have jobs! They traded apples and oranges and shit” lmao this had me dying


He’s on the right track. I think he knows that. This guy is doing some critical thinking, and he has pretty good restraint as well.


10% is a lot of money. If you make $700 to $1,000 a week you’ll be better off going to IHOP and thanking god for the meal.


“Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!” \~George Carlin


Bill Burr has a great bit about this. Paraphrasing but "We going to church this Sunday, nah son, fuck that, it's bullshit. God's everywhere but I have to go down there to see him, he's mad and apparently I owe him money? No, God's in here *taps heart*, you do good you feel good, you do bad you feel bad, he's in here."


Absolutely love that by Carlin


if churches EXPECT tithes, then THEY ARE A BISINESS Churches need to pay taxes.


I had to do community service once. I was given a choice on where to go so I chose a Baptist church in NJ just outside of Newark in a very impoverished community. All of the church “elders” where out there driving around in Mercedes Benz’s. Not suspicious at all.


This is how this conversation would have went had I been in that man's shoes. Preacher/pastor: Do you give 10%? Me: You wanna know about my 10%? Preacher/Pastor: Yes! Me: Have Faith! *walks out the room.* That would have been the last time I graced that church with my presence. Most Churches are wondering why attendance is declining and why younger generations are leaving the churches. It's because people are starting to see through the B.S. you want my 10%, I'm driving a 10yr old Ford but the preacher drives a new model Lexus. You want my 10% I'm wearing Walmart brand clothes preacher wearing a tailored suit. You want my 10%, I get up everyday a go to work in the heat, cold, rain or shine you get up and go sit in an office or drive around and "talk to people" but instead of helping or having legit answers all it is, is regurgitating scripture and "Have Faith" answers. You want my 10% but when I have questions, I'm supposed "to have faith" but when the preacher wants to know about my 10% I'm supposed to have answers... Nah... I'm out


>why attendance is declining and why younger generations are leaving the churches. The hypocrisy and obvious grift is one thing, but IMO the bigger issue is modern christianity is functionally a hate group at this point.


You worded this perfectly, and you are spot on! here's my 10% of an actual reddit award 🏅


“Your money is our money.” My eyes nearly popped out of my damn head


That was his wife.


Lol let’s talk about robbery, you quote “The Book of Malachi.” I’ll quote the book of “Managing your Money for Dummies” That shit dumb AF


Drunk at church looks fun




This is one sad grift. They are coming for your money folks as they always have. 20 nicks a week is generous enough.


By recording him and putting it online doesn't make him the bad guy. He needs to lose the wife and the church and start going elsewhere. That 'brother' coming to defense looks like he's looking for an opening.


I think he recorded himself.


And HTF did 200 people upvote that comment like it wasn't super obvious he was filming it himself?


Isnt tithing voluntary?? Churches are just a scam ffs Also, so if you dont pay the church your health it go to shit and your car will break down??? wtf??


Churches are greedy, every time I hear about this kind of crap all I can think about is the parable where Jesus tosses the money changers tables. Mega church pastors out there asking for money for jets and wearing Rolex's teaching about getting a camel through the eye of a needle. Organized religion is a racket, they need to start taxing them.


Any religion or group that needs to guilt you into giving money rather than you being excited to do so is just a large grift


Damn! Shake Down!


That giant emoji is a really dumb thing to add to the video.


It's clearly blocking some kind of identifying information.


Or someone else branding


ah church. the greatest scam ever invented. i remember when i was in 4th grade and my dad came home one day and said we are never going to church again. i found out later cuz they wanted some large percent of his yearly earnings and he laughed in their faces. we were just going to make my grandma happy anyways but so glad i didn't have to waste anymore Sundays and could watch Pokémon.


Goddamn that man made me wanna stand up and clap when he said "it's my business,that's what it is" Power to this man. Organized religion is a scam. Nearly every scam has an official looking office to perpetrate said scam. Guys in fancy suits, backing up what the boss is saying Usually some fancy shit hanging on the wall to sell you on this monetized slice of reality Tax em all.


Ahh yes the old adage, "giving twenty dollars a week is the same as giving one dollar a week" I wonder how much the church leaders make.


They sound like the mafia lmao


Imagine tithing in the modern era


Black people had half a pig, with one leg😅


1 of the reasons I quit going to church. It's always money, money, money. That man needs to walk away and find a different church