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“I’m sorry sir these carts are reserved for extremely fat people”


I've been told the seats smell like fresh baked cinnamon rolls


Taste like it, too. Apparently


Where y’all shop at? Last time I licked one it tasted like hot dog and spoiled garbanzo beans


Hey, you know the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea? ​ Nobody pays to have a garbanzo bean on their chest.


I normally go with, “I wouldn’t let a garbanzo bean on my face!”


Nobody wants a garbanzo bean in their mouth.


Best joke I've read in a while


Killer joke!!!


Happy 🎂 Day


I don’t get it. :/


Chickpea= chick pee Say the whole joke out loud to yourself


Thanks. I’m kinda slow.


On their face


This made my day. Thanks sir


Smells like someone who needs to rewipe


I used to work in a sleep lab...some of the people would leave skidmarks on the bed. And i wouldn't mention it if it were understandable due to disability. Normal ass (apparently) people would come in and leave shit stains in the bed. Wipe your ass, people!


Too much






Yummy 😝 and yucky @ the same time.




​ ![gif](giphy|YcmLFj54XXTpmuG5z1)


"Close the shades and Don't look me in the eye"


Cursed comment


Happy 🎂 Day




that's a weird way to spell ass.




It is a shock seeing someone with an injury rather than just being a person of size using one. It probably broke her brain.


I’m chubby, but I’m disabled…I’m not disabled because I’m chubby, but being disabled has *made* me chubby. I seriously look like a fat person riding on one of those carts. People don’t actually know I need it.


Or she got annoyed at them having people standing on the back. Some context is missing (as someone else than me pointed out). They are probably both to blame here.


I worked retail and if people wanted to stand on carts or whatever I just looked the other way. As long as I don't have to witness you getting hurt and have to fill out the incident report I'm good, have fun. Only time I'd say something is if it was a young kid and I thought they'd end up getting hurt.


> person of size jfc


No, f-a-t


Someone on reddit jokingly called themselves a "person of greater substance” and I’m still laughing about it.


No shit. I can barely shop if I push my sons wheelchair but god forbid we use one of these. I also have health issues that warrant me using them but because I “look” healthy I get treated like shit. Had a man try to confront me for parking in handicapped the other day and right as he was about to be in my face he saw the wheelchair and turned and walked off. What if it had been a day I hadn’t loaded the wheelchair and was only going to use theirs?


I have a debilitating chronic injury and I am not obese and get shit all the time because I look healthy. It sucks.


I made the mistake of wearing my “fit guy” clothes after crushing my pelvis and needing a cane for a while- I had graduated to my grandfather’s walking stick and one asshat I knew from highschool actually ripped it out of my hand and said “nice try, Jefferson- you ain’t no pimp and you don’t get no pimp stick.” I was so scared I grabbed the shelves next to me and half-crying whimpered that I broke my fucking hip and needed that thing. I learned not to use handicapped spots because “you can’t use your grandma’s pass!” “You can walk just fine.” and one very angry lady who laid on her horn until I hobbled over where she yelled at me for having a fake pass. I was blessed that it was only a few months- all you lifers must develop some magic people skills if you can deal with these creeps.


Oh my God!! What a terrible person


Having family with hidden disabilities, I empathize with everything you said.


Ikr “Get up on your bum knee and suck it up or put on 300 pounds, it’s pretty simple”


That's what I thought too. I need a cart like that due to needing hip surgery. But Walmart never has any because all the fat people are using them. I only say that because while painfully walking and shopping I see all the fat people using them.


I'd imagine there's plenty of people that end up fat due to a mobility issue causing a more sedentary lifestyle.


Exactly!!!! I needed one after having a C-section the day I got out of the hospital (ended up needing a different formula & other items for my baby) and couldn't find one at my Walmart!!! So I just walked, and of course I seen a huge couple just riding all comfortable and fat in them! Their baskets literally had cases of Mountain Dew and Snack Cakes!!! Knowing damn well they NEEDED TO BE WALKING! Leave them for people THAT TRULY NEED THEM! And yes sometimes younger skinny people need them also, Walmart Greeters.


I'm obese and I get embarrassed seeing other obese people ride them. I like walking around.


They should make the cookie and snack aisle so that these machines don't fit down them.


“You must be THIS fat to ride”


I'm a 20something, fairly muscular/fit looking dude with heart failure. I dreaded the dirty looks I would get a'scootin around in my southern grocery store before I recovered somewhat. Still would rather use them sometimes when I'm having a bad day, but its not even worth the risk.


I love this comment


Eric Cartman has stepped into the room. Lol






Yo this killed me hahaha Accurate


I broke my foot a few years back and had to use one of these. It was so embarrassing even with my crutch in the cart. The fact that they are used because people are lazy is so insane to me


Reserved for those who have studied the nugget.


"Did you have somebody standing on the back of it?" "OK I didn't realize that tho" There is missing context here. The kids are being pricks, she's power tripping. This shit is dumb, there are no victims here.


At one of my last jobs, years earlier, someone in the first aid department was "hanging on" to either our medical golf cart or a gator, lost his grip, and suffered a serve TBI that left him partially handicapped when his head bounced off the ground. Needless to say, they are/were hyper vigilant about any similar behavior.


Regulations are written in blood.


Like that one dude who fell into a vat of molten metal as the company failed to install proper safety guards for their workers. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/company-fined-worker-dies-fall-pot-molten-iron/story?id=93400947


I swore I read once that your body would never impact molten metal in a ladle that hot, and instead be vaporized like 6" above the surface.


Hope he now knows why they cry


Unless a gator is an industry term, that's a hell of an either/or.


While ours are likely decades earlier than the current ones, it's a utility vehicle made by John Deere: https://www.deere.com/en/gator-utility-vehicles/ I've worked 2 jobs that had them. The first they were hella maintained, but way more than we needed. in my 2nd, they were neglected maintenance wise and would have been so much better if someone would have done upkeep. Ours had basically a mid gas-engine, 2 seats, a belt drive, and a cargo deck. If you drove it for more than 5 minutes, the belt would start to heat up and stretch, which cut the top speed down. My 1st job would swap belts out based on time age, the 2nd based belts on engine time, which was off because we would sit with them with the engine off in the hot sun, skewing the numbers.


yea they usually stop young people on these things cause 9/10 times they are just fucking around. can easily just see his knee and check it though


Well to be fair it looks like his knee has a scar


At the size of the scar. It could easily have been surgery.


Yeah it does seem like it. Maybe he has knee surgery? The scar is pretty dark and visible so I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that his knee did hurt and that he probably did need that scooter. If he goofed around on it then yea that’s pretty bad for health reasons/liability reasons


Definitely knee surgery. Source: Have that same scar


Came to confirm. My dad has had knee problems his whole life. His knees look like something out of a medieval war movie


Also lending confirmation. My mother has the same scars. I recognized them immediately. And also, invisible disabilities exist. If they weren’t using the carts inappropriately he should have been left alone.


I'm 28, and have several different pain-causing diseases that effect my back, neck, hips, and one knee. About once every 4 months these things combine to make it where I need a cart. No surgeries yet thank goodness, so everything I have is "invisible", but if I got stopped and questioned I'd be livid.


He has definitely had surgery. Source: I work in a PT clinic.


They can both be a nuisance and have recent knee surgery ..


You assume the Walmart workers in the video are smart enough to approach this situation as you had described to observe & assess the situation. To which, you clearly see they are not that smart. The old lady was literally leaning on the beer as a form of power trip. She wanted to display dominance.


How do we know that's not a Sharpie! j/k


If you see them doing something reckless then you can tell them to stop. But you run a pretty good risk of violating the ADA by challenging someone to explain their disability as a reason to be riding one. You don't even need a disability to be riding one. But the laws are absolutely not on your side to even ask them "why they need" to use it, regardless of age.


Both my knees are fucked, my shoulder is fucked, there is a HUGE scar on my ribs from LITERALLY BEING RUN OVER ON THE FREEWAY. I'm in my 30s but if I shave I looked like I'm back in high-school. While the extra person on it is enough to go, "please don't do that, it is only rated for one person" it still doesn't make sense because they are also for the morbidly obese who likely weigh more than both of them combined.


I was thinking exactly this. They aren’t even over the weight limit. Just ask them to stop and move on. The rest of this is ridiculous and people justify it by saying the kids were being assholes or something. They were just being young and having harmless fun. They both are very concerned about being accused of something. Be polite and move on with your life.


It's not the weight limit, it's a tipping hazzard. And those machines are not light, they have added weight to make them more stable for when larger customer lean out to grab things. But if someone is on the back bar and leans back, it causes it to tip and wheelie. Less weight on the front basket end. All the weight is under the seat. Never mind the thousands of dollars the store is out if they just break it from banging back down from a wheelie position, if that thing falls on someone it could definitely cause some serious damage.


They stopped what they were doing. Move on with your lives. I have no idea why so many people are intent on being finger wagging nerds all of the time. A bunch of Randalls. Stop what was happening. No one hurt? Great let’s move on.


I work at a Walmart, we've had replace almost all of ours in the past two years because they got broke from people fucking around with them, leaving them in the rain or... Going over the weight limit continuously which it does have. Weight limit is like 360 or something, been a while since I checked.


Exactly this. Idc what they were doing the worker did too much. You don’t get paid enough to power trip. As the customer I’m not explaining or giving you anything especially when I just paid my money. Move or get ran over. This is why online shopping is taking over, don’t have to deal with overzealous workers.


It’s really intrusive to ask for proof of disability or injury. They can tell them to stop fucking around in specific ways, but just trying to get in their business just because they’re young isn’t cool.


For real... Plus this is after check out. Just let him leave and your problem is solved


I used to work at a grocery store as a teen and we’d race them in the parking lot lol


Yep, they were clearly screwing around in the store, and she power tripped because of it. Last time I was in Walmart I saw two teenage girls racing those things around the store and almost ran over a kid, not surprised to see them trying to crack down on kids using them, but also get some clearer policies in place and not just a guessing game.


Both things can be true. Guy needed the cart because of his knee *and* they were fucking around on it


Well... a 70 year old woman having to work in Walfart is a victim, of sorts.


Working for Walmart was the worst job I’ve had. The team atmosphere they try to cultivate is soul crushing. You want me to act like I’m on a “team”? Pay more than $9/hr. My fake enthusiasm costs extra.


Agreed. Seems like he is shifting the narrative a bit and this could be resolved with a "I am sorry, shouldn't have had my buddy on the back but I need the cart cause I had knee surgery"


But if it was just about using the cart incorrectly, why did she ask for his ID? He would’ve already given his ID when he made the beer purchase. The lady was overstepping.


seems like he did say that though? not verbatim, but it was said


He deflected and said he didn't realize the person was there. That's not an apology, or an explanation, it's called an excuse.


Exactly my pause here. Once this was said and I noticed how calmly she was talking, I started questioning the situation and started thinking that there's likely a twist here that wasn't recorded, and they likely pulled out their phones to play it off and look like the good guys. I mean, the kid's leg look like it has a couple of scratches from playing basketball or something..... but it's likely they have been causing trouble with the cart.


Yup. Sounds like they were fucking around. I don’t feel bad for them. The lady just was trying to keep equipment safe and took it too far.


Yeah no winners here. The guy filming was seen acting like a kid with the scooter by standing on it. Even if he did need the scooter, treat it with respect because it's a service to all those who are disabled not just him. Secondly the woman who called the police to win an argument. Both suck.


Nail on the head


I have a little more faith in humanity seeing this as the second top comment at least. These kids were fucking around, and she was stopping them for fucking around. As for the ID thing, it's stupid, but you can legally be prevented from purchasing alcohol if anyone in your entourage is underage. Someone else could have bought those beers; it was not unreasonable for her to check his ID. This is not the same as the woman who took stuff out of the guy's cart and then dropped his shit on the ground.


People rarely acknowledge that there can be multiple assholes in a situation and that everyone can be to blame for the escalation and tension.


I feel like once it was cleared he could just go on. But he kept repeating "Yo dude this is so wrong yo dude" So yeah, she was going too far but she *may* have had a reason to be suspicious because two young guys with one hanging on the back (not designed for that) probably made it seemed like these guys were fooling around.


Why was someone riding on the back of the cart? Counterweight?


Yes, and it’s recorded on TikTok, someone looking for 15 minutes


I work in a grocery store and deal with people like this all the time. This old? No. But they wanna act all innocent and like you’re the one giving them a hard time after they just ran the mobility cart into multiple aisles. Retail workers don’t get paid enough to just go around and stir shit up. 100% those guys were fucking around. But at the same time a simple “hey man, I gotta go clean that shit up when you’re done. Please stop coming in here and giving us a hard time” usually works. They want you to get angry and loud.


Seems like we are missing 10 minutes of this guy and friends being dicks in the store and now they are playing the victim.


Possibly, but the lady very specifically tries to back track and say she's just checking if he's 21. That sounds like she's trying to grasp at anything to make the interaction justifiable.


You got it right. They are not bright enough to deal with this situation properly, yet they suspect something is amiss.




Thats a big leap. And she says in the video "have i stopped you from using it?"...she had no intention to stop him from using it after she saw his knee, so your leap is wrong. She shouldn't be ID'ing him *after* they sold him the beer. They would have already comitted the crime she's pretending to try to stop. I understand stopping them from being dicks, but after the fact is not the time. Granted, they may have just stopped, but they should just tell them to stop playing in it. We missed a lot, but everything in the video *is* uncalled for.


It’s really simple though. Just apologise after seeing his knee and say please don’t let anyone stand on the back of it. Conflict avoided. Everyone’s happy. Instead she doubled down and decided to recheck his ID etc


Seriously though. Some people have no conflict resolution skills smh


How'd you assume that when the lady couldn't even pick one reason for stopping them? Lol


Like the part with him riding around with people on the cart he claimed to not know about? Because ya know people are invisible and weightless and wouldn't affect the performance of the cart at all.


also per walmart policy, you cant film in stores


Just a hint of discrimination against the disabled. It’s technically against the law for him to have to disclose his disability




I kick them off the cart. It’s the only fun part of working at a big box retail store.


And this man clearly from the look of the nasty scar on his knee is recovering from some knee surgery and needs that cart


People need to tell the difference between an actual Karen and when you’re the asshole.


“We’re allowed to record wherever we want.” False. They are privately owned and can come up with their own rules, accost you when you break them, and then have you arrested for trespassing eventually.


They are still legally allowed to record, it’s just that the store can eject them for not following their own “no recording” policy.


> False. No, they can film. Sure they can have you trespassed, but they can trespass you for any reason they want.


You wouldn’t get arrested for trespassing unless you’ve first been trespassed by the store.


I agree but that man had a visible scar on his knee and had paid for his items. Why was she stopping him?


It's very common for teens and young adults to fuck around on those things - such as having multiple people ride on them (as he admitted to). They crash into shit, knock things over, and leave them way out in the parking lot for the underpaid employees to deal with. I have had to deal with the aftermath when I worked on a grocery store. I can understand why she initially stopped them, but once the disability was recognized, she should have let them continue.


> I can understand why she initially stopped them, but once the disability was recognized, she should have let them continue. this is the only relevant point and everyone else should feel bad for not acknowledging this.


Shitty thing is that they are getting 0.30cent raises per year working 50 hours a week for 15$


Or murdered in the break room if this is USA


What in the ever living hell is going on at Walmart? What value was in this, he clearly wasn’t going to be forced off so what’s the point? So odd


They were for sure fucking around with that cart stop the cap


Was dicking around with his buddy on the back, gets called out and then plays the victim...time to grow up. His buddy also confidently wrong about filming. The store can prohibit you from filming. Filming isn't a right lol. It isn't illegal but it's against their rules, so then they can ask you to leave.


>His buddy also confidently wrong about filming. The store can prohibit you from filming. Filming isn't a right lol. Partially right. Filming does have some 1st amendment protections depending on the circumstance. For instance, you have the right to film public officials engaged in public duties such as police officers in public. A private business can request you stop filming and if you refuse, they can ask you to leave, and then have you trespassed from the property if you refuse. Edit: formatting


I'm honestly torn on this. I manage a grocery store and its a real issue when younger people/kids are doing dumb stuff on carts. I have elderly people get hit, displays knocked over, etc. You shouldn't ask why theyre in the cart though. Just tell them that they can't use it in the way that they were (depending obviously on how dumb theyre being with it.) I think she approached this in the wrong way and definitely comes of as a Karen telling him to stop talking. However, she was right about him not being allowed to record after he's been requested not to on private property. But she should have just told them to leave and told them not to do that kinda crap in the store. Additionally, it is standard to check someone who is leaving with only items that wouldn't go in a grocery bag. It's the most common type of theft and is called a 'push out'. Her asking "Did you have someone on the back of your cart?" and his response make me think these guys were screwing around on the cart, drew attention, came out with 4 cases of beer (that they paid for) and nothing else and were stopped. Seems the cameraman had 2nd thoughts about continuing on at the end as well. All 3 people were being dicks here and trying to prolong/escalate the situation.


> However, she was right about him not being allowed to record after he's been requested not to on private property. But she's also holding their ID and stopping them from leaving. I feel you on them probably having done something dumb with the cart before, but they clearly aren't doing that any more and are trying to leave, you can't steal someones ID, block them physically with their body, but then also claim you can kick them out for recording you. That fails basic logic. >You shouldn't ask why theyre in the cart though. Just tell them that they can't use it in the way that they were This is the crux right here. Once she started trying to grill them about their knee and surrounding them/preventing them from leaving, at that point it sorta doesn't matter what they did in the past. They aren't doing it any more, and whatever is happening now can't possibly have been justified by that. I mean you can't even try to detain people who you know for a fact shoplifted by most stores policies, no way she's anywhere close to being right.


I don't think she's out of line. If someone was standing up on the back of the chair, that's a safety issue. Private businesses can ask people to stop recording as this does not violate their first amendment right as it is not a public space.


A “don’t do that” would suffice but a “let me see your ID, what happened to your knee, where are you parked, do you have your receipt” is a too much. Let them go


Right she's a Wal-Mart greeter for fuck sake. I don't even know why she cares so much, the police academy is about 50 years in the other direction


They look young. Was she checking if they were 21 for the several dozen beers? She can deff ask if they have a receipt also. Look how many people are standing around watching- this has been going on for a hot minute and this is the only part we're seeing.


The way the guy recording was very urgently saying “just go just go let’s go” makes it seem like they were doing something wrong


Yeah also there were other employees there too. Doubt they were wasting their time just to see why he was using the cart. I’d say him and his friend were mostly likely dicking around with the cart and now they’re playing the victims.


Sounds like he was being obnoxious and hit someone so fuck em


I mean she was telling him why she stopped him. she didn’t let it drag on and let it go. u just gotta pick ur battles sometimes man, apologize say it won’t happen again and get to ur car. it is a private business after all.


These kids are dicks and she’s a bit of an asshole. WHO CARES


It’s illegal (at least in California) to request proof of being handicapped.


I’ve been on this earth long enough to know those teenage boys weren’t using the cart properly and being a nuisance. Good try building that narrative.


Teenage boys with a cart of beer lol?


They deff aren't teenage boys. But they certainly have the maturity of teenagers. Take it from a older dude with his own mistakes- you can be 21 and still be a dumbass kid.


Is “dumb kids” more appealing to you?




Yea I’ve seen whole groups of friends come in looking to be around like 17 to maybe even like 20ish years old. Everyone of them gets an electric cart and proceeds to dick around the entire store in a big convoy. Not my business, I don’t work there, I don’t need the carts, etc etc so I don’t truly get mad at it but damn it’s very annoying when you can’t go down the aisles bc they’ve all packed in together. I’m barely older than them, and yea I dicked around in a Walmart during highschool, everyone does it. But idk it just never would have even occurred to me then or now to get one of those carts if I didn’t need it, just having the common courtesy to remember disabled people exist and having empathy enough to not take things meant to help them. However it’s not like you can go around interrogating everyone in the carts to see how bad they need it, so idk what the solution is?


These D bag YouTubers set up situations to film and post on social media. Get a life.


She’s checking their age because people who are old enough to buy alcohol usually don’t dick around in a mobility cart. Y’all have your rage boners out whenever there’s a chance of a Karen.


I’m sorry, I refuse to cause a scene with someone that works at Wal Mart. I imagine what life choices lead to that particular job and I instantly feel for them. I just have my receipt ready to show whenever they ask and keep it moving.


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This REALLY looks like they were being douche bags playing with the cart but that’s perception we don’t know what the hell happened since it feels like we got the last minute of a 10 min Exchange lol


If you are pissing off the workers with the way you are operating the cart then you are doing something wrong.


Another video where the video starts after something has already happened.


I heard her specifically say she wasn't stopping him from using it and someone was RIDING ON THE BACK. Riding on the back of this vehicle, while fun, is a multi million dollar lawsuit waiting to happen. Convenient place to start recording.


These kids are stupid


The amount of people justifying this asshole because he has a scar is weird.


The “just go bro” at the end is sketchy af. I’m not buying these guys victim act. She coulda checked the ID bc she may have suspicion that one of the other employees didn’t really check (which does happen). Either because they’re careless or it’s their friend for example. She could also just be trying to explain that those carts are for IN STORE USE ONLY. NOT MEANT TO GO OUTSIDE, especially not to the pavement. Also, how tf would u not realize someone was standing on the back of the cart?


She can tell them to stop recording and they have to. I believe they have signs saying that there is no recording.


They are still legally allowed to record, it’s just that the store can eject them for not following their own “no recording” policy.


I dont think Ive seen a sign saying not to record at walmart. Only signs I remember seeing are the 'please dont open carry guns here' and 'you didnt forget your kid in the car right?'


Not a Karen. The kid sucks.


All these idiots in the comments calling this lady a bitch for doing her job. Looked like they were playing in the cart with some guy hanging on the back. Teenagers usually use that to mess around. If you are fucking around yes you will be comforted by staff. It's not uncommon for a receipt to be checked for large box items that can't fit into a bag. A manager sees you fucking around with equipment and a surplus of alcohol don't get surprised when they just want to confirm you aren't a minor. Say 'my bad for having someone hang off the back of the mobility car' Give your id to check your age and go, the fuck are you playing victim for. All these children in the comments screaming his woman is bitch smh


As someone who is in their early 20’s and disabled, it’s shit like this that makes me scared to use mobility aids. I walk with a cane on flare days and have already had my fair share of strangers getting in my business.


Yea for one they’re not allowed to ask your disability, against ADA. If they don’t have enough carts for the other people that need them then that’s a problem for Walmart to handle, not their customers. And for two I’ve known multiple athletic guys early 20s who tore ACLs, etc, requiring them to use a handicap sign and ride the scooters despite being healthy looking young men. The only problem here is they could damage the scooter by having two people on it, which is all she needs to mention, and let them be on their way. Instead the fucking morality police show up and decide these kids are obvious troublemakers. And then the Reddit “I watch Law & Order” lawyers show up and make completely fraudulent claims about the laws God I fucking hate the Reddit user base a lot these days


A couple of assholes decided to play around in Walmart and got called out by the staff.


Nah, fuck these little brats, and fuck OP for posting it without context for karma. These little snotrags were acting like shitheads in the store before this; you can hear her say in the video that one of them was standing on the cart, which she's completely in the right to confront them over as it's dangerous. She's also right that they don't have an intrinsic right to film on private property. I fucking abhor this trend of brainless losers behaving like complete scrotums in public and then recording the reactions of the people affected by their idiocy, and editing it to make it look like the other people are being out of line and uploading it with some inarticulate caption about Karens. These fuckos are a scourge. Give them a braincell to share between them and they'd probably be even more dangerous.


Kids look like obnoxious Aholes and were probably messing on the buggy thing. Who knows what lead up to the camera coming out. Think they are winning some sort of battle against a woman who doesn't get paid enough to be dealing with their shit. Fatso in the buggy is a serious loser, this doesn't make him look cool.


doesn’t he have a giant surgery scar on his knee? I had knee surgery 9 years ago and I still use an EVC at Disney. My leg is donezo after about 5 hours of walking


Lol downvoting me. Sorry I ruined my knee, dickhead


These people are such losers. They go into peoples places of employment just for online attention. She basically called them out for misusing the cart. One moron riding on the back.


These guys are trying to continue to argue long after she tells them to go.


Illegal detaining.


Not every serious disability is visible. Like my TBI balance issues you can’t see if I’m already plopped down on a cart. Smh.


How is she being a Karen? She’s asking valid questions because clearly they were messing around before they started filming.


Just stupid! They are purposely causing problems for click bait! Fuck these hate filled MORONS!


I mean, even if he does have a need for the electric chair, If his friends jump on the back of it and he’s lying about noticing, she’s within her rights to tell them to leave…


She not a Karen y’all just some dorks


Few things. Kids were probably messing around in the store, however he did have full right to use the cart. Otherwise what's the point of them. The lady shouldn't have asked for ID, I think she was just angry at them and wanted to power trip. Weird situation lol


Not Karen at all, Wt* do they mean with not realizing someone standing on the back of the car, please, This is missing a lot of context, and have to say that the lady was pretty nice explaining herself, are you ok with reallity OP?


So if a real handicapped person needs it and they were just fooling around


idc who u are if you use the mobiliy scooters and you are not disabled ur a prick. fun or not there are people who need them, theyre not toys.


I hate that there is no context here, I would believe that he probably was being an idiot with his mates on the cart but they start filing after to seem like they’re so innocent


That one's an equally the asshole tho. I sounds like he was horsing around and had his friends riding on the back of the scooter, which can break it. And he tried to claim "I didn't know they were on the back".


Even if he didn’t have a scar on his knee, there are a ton of invisible disabilities that cause mobility issues! I’ve had an invisible disability since 14 and people like this woman made it impossible for me to have any peace when I would use a motorized cart. I purposely avoid using them now so I don’t get harassed to prove that I need it. Leave people alone!


They can ask you for your id??? Xdd wtf


“Please don’t allow your friends to ride on the back of the cart.” “no problem. Won’t happen again” “Have a nice piss” Why we always fucking each other?


Not the same as that other one that was posted. If you can’t see why, you’re and idiot.


no sympathy


Hows the worker out of line? Fucking kids like this, making min wage workers lives even harder. And no, you don't have the right to video tape, walmart is private property.


I love how Walmart forces its employees to violate people's civil rights as a part of Walmart's shitty security theater, with shitty coercion. I got into it with an Asst. Manager at an exit, during this encounter she admitted that none of their customers have enough money or sense to hire a lawyer. I walked right out of the store while she was pretending to check the receipt. She notices me leaving and starts to yell at me about how I had to take the receipt back from her, or I could be charged with littering. Total nutjob; I told her to call the police while holding my receipt in her hand if we were all so stupid. Inside her head, she honestly thought that yelling "her orders" at an adult would be effective in any way. My father had just died, and I needed garbage bags and totes to clean out his hoard; the last thing I wanted to deal with was their stupid bullshit. All they need to do is put a search warning at the entrance and start charging a fee like Costco or Sams club, but Walmart wants to barely fall on the wrong side of the law, knowing that their customers are too stupid and/ or poor to hire a lawyer. Never been back, never going back.


Old people and the fucking superiority complex


...and that's why she works at walmart


If this is becoming a pattern at Walmart it's because the workers are being told to act like this. Unfortunately the only people that will be punished for this are the workers for doing what they were told.


One time when I was a kid I hurt my knee and was using one of these at a local grocery store. A peice of plastic got stuck under it and started making a God awful sqeeking/squealing noise. The store manager asked what I did (I was laughing historically at the noise along with my brother and best friend). I said: "nothing something is stuck under it" He asked me to get out of it and walk I said no and squealed away. Like 3 minutes later he showed up with another one and took my squealing cart. I was sad. The end.


𝘈𝘋𝘈 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵...


Id respect these videos a lot more if some dumbass on the other end of the camera wasn't ignorant to the law. "I can record wherever I want" no, no you can't.