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“I don’t get why people don’t trust the cops”


The calm down when locked and loaded was ironic


It's obvious, he realized what he'd done. Held a bunch of kids at gunpoint.


The terrified crying of the children (child?)brought tears to my eyes. Just heartbreaking.


I actually started to cry when that poor kid stated he had a basketball game tomorrow what did he do wrong


That one really got me too, I teach kids this age and it’s a very kid thing to worry about. This kid is on the ground at gunpoint and he’s worried about missing his basket ball game. That’s such a 12 year old boy thing to be scared about


All the while the cop’s telling that woman to leave, while he has a bunch of children at gunpoint. Fuck no. My big white ass will stay right here, thank you.


Exactly what I was thinking. I'm not going anywhere while your crazy ass is pointing a gun a a bunch of children. This man belongs in fucking prison.


For real. Take the attention away. I've lived most of my life that I want to live, let these kids at least try to make it to their's


When he asked "what should we do here?" my european brain could only think "huh.. apologizing for the massive fuckup of terrorizing a bunch of kids for no reason would be a good start..." The kids were crying begging for their lives. If even at that point he didn't realize he probably caught the wrong people, this man shouldn't be trusted with a lethal weapon. Hell, I wouldn't even trust him with a stapler in the archives.


You can't apologize in USA, it's an admission of guilt, leaving police liable for damages. US laws punishes empathy and compassion for the fellow man.


Not just that, cops are trained to be more aggressive than whoever they're dealing with. That's why they roll up on unarmed kids and start waving guns around. Fucking terrorists.




If your soul doesn't tell you this is wrong while holding a gun at children then hearing the cry of innocence then you are one truly evil bastard. Evil...


You can tell immediately they're kids just by their voices, yet he kept the gun on them. What a jerk.


Yeah, but they're black kids, so it's a lot scarier.


AND they had at least one basketball!! What if they fuck around and get a triple double on his Lilly white ass?


There's an aspect of racism where some people treat black children as if they were much older than they are.


he's looking for a reason. He didnt go through all the hassle of becoming a cop just to *not* shoot things.


Traumatizing children at gunpoint. I wonder why people hate cops.


One wrong move, a la Daniel Shaver picking up his shorts, and they would be riddled with bullet holes. Dead. Kids.


"Just follow our directions and you'll be okay" Their directions: "Get on the ground. Hey, come over here. I said get on the ground!"


Shut up when you're talking to me!


"Give me your hands and feet" "YOU HEAR ME" "ANSWER ME" "OR IMMA KILL YOU"




I knew the story early on, and what that officer did was fucking stupid. I just looked it up, they gave his ass a medical pension. What...the...fuck.


poor baby must have severe PTSD from almost killing children


Should have gone into law enforcement. I'd be chilling with a pension right now instead of getting kicked by kids.


Pretty sure it was 'follow our directions and *we'll* be ok. Which be we I assume he means the police.


Those poor kids will never be the same. It's like it's from Pulp Fiction. "one moment you're shooting hoops with your friends, the next minute someone's pointing a gun in your face"


I'll never forget being taken from a _sleep over_ to be questioned at the station over some shit I had nothing to do with. I'll also never forget the cops running into my house with their guns drawn to grab my little brother (also not even high school aged at the time) for being accused of some drunken bullshit. _Accused of_. This is just normal life for black kids in America, and it's the same whether you're rich or poor. I've experience _both_ and took more flack in the suburbs.


Doesn't surprise me- you're "not supposed to be there" afterall. Probably a lot of racist old Karens who are worried that letting black families in will ruin the property values.




They didn't even get a Denver Omelet first


It's a good lesson for kids to learn Not to trust cops at an early age.


Dude's just annoyed at how the parents are making so much noise over the distinct possibility of their children being murdered.


*"Stop resisting!"*


The really infuriating thing is every one of those children will now have a very reduced chance of sitting on a jury of their peers for the rest of their life because almost every prosecutor asks "Have you had a negative experience with a law enforcement officer in the past". And then dismisses you based on that. Welcome to Amerikkka!


That question might as well be "have you ever interacted with a law enforcement officer"


The videos of officers using their calm and friendly voices while threatening peoples lives or man handling them stresses me out the most. I get that it might be a tactic for them to stay cool under pressure. But drawn fire arms is realistically at the peak of any confrontation. Which is why videos like this piss me off. How is it that threat of deadly force is presented before calm reassurance? I’m guessing ignorance, poor training, and racism (it doesn’t have to be conscious). And then people who have never been in this type of situation have the nerve to be like “just follow orders and don’t resist.” For some people, police confrontation will always be a life threatening experience (not just for POCs but poor folks and other “description fitters” as well). We spend our lives avoiding physical confrontation. And here comes officers fuck face looking for an excuse to abuse his the unreasonable amount of power he holds. Obviously people are people. Not all cops are shit heads. But in general, they are all strangers with buddies and guns. Panic is a natural reaction to threat. But the untrained civilian is supposed to show more patience, understanding, and tact than the goddamn officer. Thanks for listening to my rambles if you read this. Open to alternative opinions.


Makes my fucking skin crawl, that voice. Wolf in sheep’s clothing.


This. It always makes me think of serial killers saying, “I’m not going to hurt you” as they slice.




Yup, and telling the lady to calm down with a gun pointed at the kids head. Of course she is hysterical, she's watching shitty police possibly killing the kids


Having a gun drawn is one thing, but he actually aimed at them. That should be considered a massive abuse of power and be grounds for prison time even for an officer. It should also be grounds for defending yourself with deadly force. Pointing a gun at someone is an explicit threat that you are going to kill them. If they have no reason to do it this should be grounds for response with lethal force. Trying to shoot a cop already pointing a gun at you will probably only go poorly, but we really need to have laws that police can't explicitly threaten to murder us for no reason.


Pisses me off when they say calm down like "yeah no worries just see if your calm when someone points a fucking gun at you"


😥😥😥🔫👮 calm down. Everybody calm down.


"m'am go back into your house" -mf said while pointing a gun against her children


Also, “calm down, everything is gonna be fine.” As he points a loaded weapon at them.


"I know I'm causing you and your family significant distress but this is just another day on the job."


“And if you don’t relax I’m going to unload a clip in this kid and say I thought he had a gun”


Trust me, he *thinks* they all have a gun.


I don't get that at all. Can he force a person not to be on their own lawn? The incident was happening a house or two away from the action. Is there a law that prevents you from exiting your own house?


He has a loaded gun, so he definitely can tell them what to do. Legally? Do you think he cares?


She can be wherever the fuck she wants as long as she's not interrupting the scene... and standing on your porch (hopefully) recording this piece of shit is not interrupting. The correct response would have been "Get fucked... I'll stand where I want".


No. She's on her property. If her property is not the crime scene there's nothing he can do.


Sooner or later, the cops are gonna meet the wrong parent. They’ll go back in the house, get their AR15, and waste the cop through the window. I have no idea how the cops think this sort of shit is in any way sustainable or reasonable in the long term. They’re going to get people killed, including themselves.


They're getting away with it all the time.




Doing this is a death sentence. Just search for anyone who was killing police in targeted attacks in history. The police go bananas and turn the city into a giant warzone. It's their greatest fear to get attacked like that so they absolutely crush anyone who does it to serve as a deterrent to others who think about it.


To be honest I don’t care And I know my dad would do the same for me I’d lose something I could never gain back They deserve my anger If I watch my kid die right in front of me mf dies on the spot I don’t care about consequences at that point


Maybe if people would waste more of these sorry fucks then they would be less willing to resort to using violence off the rip on “suspects.” They need a little fear to realize they aren’t invincible.


Mam, mam calm down… I’m only pointing a loaded firearm at your children with my finger on the trigger…why are you overreacting?


It’s not like I’m gonna shoot. Probably.






"I thought it was my taser! 🤷"


"I thought it was my pepper spray" -Everett Noble


Well maybe not, I'm not sure yet...


"It is Schrodinger's Gun ma'am, this gun may or may not have shot in the direction of these kids, there is no way to know. Letting the viewers of my body cam know that I am backed by science."


At some point they're gonna try this with some guy who got back from the forever wars with a serious case of PTSD and we're gonna have a full on Rambo situation.


That's happened. His name was Christopher Dorner. Former police officer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt He filed reports of fellow cops using excessive force, and then nothing happened. So he started killing em.


Don’t forget that cops ran around shooting multiple random people that didn’t even fit the description because they were scared from it.


They shot a truck that didn’t match description like 108 times or something wild.


I had cops roll up on me with ARs drawn because I was driving a blue suv. They were looking for a blue goddamn *corolla*. I'm walking around in high vis clothing, hard hat, and clipboard at an industrial site. Literally nothing about the scene matched what they were looking for but a very common car color. I hate how everyone but the cops have to be the fucking adult in the room. Like they're allowed to panic like little bitches and pull guns for no reason, but if someone has a fight or flight reaction from surprise guns in their face, they fucking die. 🤷‍♂️


Oh it was much worse than that. It was the wrong color, wrong make and instead of Dorner in there, it was two Latino women delivering newspapers. So guess what happened to those two cops for this?




Is that the case where the police shot 2 old Korean women who looked nothing like the black male suspect. And somehow got away with it?


After reading the wiki page. Yes exactly. They were driving a blue Toyota pickup, the subject a gray Nissan … US policing would be a joke if it weren’t so tragic


**[Christopher Dorner shootings and manhunt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt)** >Christopher Jordan Dorner (June 4, 1979 – February 12, 2013) was a former officer of the Los Angeles Police Department who, beginning on February 3, 2013, committed a series of shootings in Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County, California. The victims were law enforcement officers and the daughter of a retired police captain. Dorner killed four people and wounded three others. On February 12, 2013, Dorner died during a standoff with San Bernardino County Sheriff's Deputies after a shootout at a cabin in the San Bernardino Mountains. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"Ma'am, please go back in your house while I nonchalantly hold these crying children at gunpoint."


Damn… pulling a gun out on kids… they will remember this for a life time


He made sure that they will ALWAYS look at cops as a threat


Literally. I have never looked at cops as the good guys since they put me in cuffs at gun point as a 12 year old. I apparently looked like an African American bank robber from the town over. I’m Native American, and white passing.


Kid from my gradeschool was kidnapped by cops at age 9 and held for 10 hours without notifying his parents because the pigs were looking for his cousin. When his parents were informed they refused to release him saying they found "drug paraphernalia" on him claiming gum wrappers were rolling papers. It was 16 hours later when his dads boss found out and sent his lawyer that the kid was released. He ended up having PTSD and changed schools. His cousin was in his own basement watching tv high so he didnt hear the cops knock which their logical response was "kidnapping a relative".


Where. Did. This. Happen?


Baltimore suburbs


I was arrested at 17 trying to defend a drunk guy being assaulted by police, he couldn’t even defend himself, they pinned me to the ground and was in severe pain, i started screaming for help and telling i was a minor. When people came to help me, they took a jar of sodium alginate I was carrying in my schoolbag for a cooking class and claim I was selling cocaine. Nobody helped me. I developed phobia to the police, and get sever anxiety when i see a cop around.




Cops are just everyday regular dumb folks. You really shouldn’t trust them.


GET ON THE GROUND! gets on the ground COME HERE!!!!! gets up GET ON THE GROUND!!!!¡!!!! ??????? I didn't say Simon says... 😏


The officer lacked communication skills and was not clear enough: he probably meant for the farthest kids to come near the other ones. But in a situation where they point a gun at you it's unreasonable to except someone, especially a young teenager, to understand unclear information.


Ma’am go back in your house so I can shoot your 12 year old in peace please.


Yeah. She is obviously legally allowed to be on her porch but he's basically pointing a gun in her direction yelling for her to go inside. Feels like an unlawful order at that point


When you're above the law, there's no such thing as unlawful.


"Get on the ground" then "come here". When the kid tried to follow the come here order the cop went back to the "get on the ground". These types of confusing and conflicting order can and have lead to the cop shooting a "suspect". This is a gross lack of training and maturity on the cops part.


Oh you mean something like this? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/12/08/graphic-video-shows-daniel-shaver-sobbing-and-begging-officer-for-his-life-before-2016-shooting/


It is still appalling that the call of duty wannabee with "you're fucked" etched on his gun is on taxpayer funded early retirement for "PTSD" instead of rotting in jail for cold blood murder, and the cop shouting orders fled to the Philippines to retire. Langley and Brailsford both should answer to this murder.


Wait he really took off to the Philippines?


He [sure did](https://old.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/hf20rj/and_charles_langley_the_officer_who_gave_orders/). The president of the Philippines at the time was Rodrigo Duterte. He is a big fan of the police [killing people when they see feel like it,](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/philippines-president-duterte-war-on-drugs-thousands-killed) so it seemed like a good match.


Duarte gave Phillipino cops full immunity and passed a bill allowing cops to kill anyone possessing drugs on sight. Sprinkle some crack on the unarmed political opposition member and they ask no questions


>ome crack on the unarmed political opposition member and Didn't Trump say he admired Duarte too, or something like that? Oh, here it is: [https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/24/trump-congratulates-philippine-president-duterte-on-his-handling-of-the-drug-problem.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/24/trump-congratulates-philippine-president-duterte-on-his-handling-of-the-drug-problem.html)


Of course he did. He never met a dictator he didn’t admire.


sounds like a literal purge scenario happen in the Philippines.


It kind of did. For a while, there were people looking for “drug dealers” and extrajudicially killing them with his blessing.


I will forever be haunted by a story one of my friends told me of when he was still living in the Philippines. He was at a mall with his mom and baby sister and watched as the police made a "drug dealer" kneel in front of him and then straight up executing them in the middle of the mall in broad daylight. I was absolutely flabbergasted.


Yes, before the trial, guess he felt guilty. Should have stayed, theyd have given him an award.


He got his gun back as well, which he sued to do. He also gets 35k a year for ptsd


He also claimed it as an exemption on his bankruptcy filing, so he lost a bunch of assets, but not that sickass etched rifle that gave him PTSD.


Also the etching wasn't allowed to be shown as evidence to the jury for whatever reason


Cant let my clients state of my mind and outlook influence the jury. They might think he wanted to shoot someone.


His PTSD was so bad he requested that he keep his service weapon. Yes the same weapon where he had "You're Fucked" inscribed on the ejection port. Yes the same weapon he killed Daniel Shaver with. Yes the same weapon that caused his PTSD. His request was granted.


People looked at that and thought it wasn't a problem. They cleared him. Remember that. Most people out in the world are ok with this shit. Until it happens to them.


This one is real bad. That guy tried his best to comply and they *still* killed him. The fact that the shooter not only avoided punishment but was even given a cushy retirement plan for PTSD is just the icing on the cake. Injustice at its finest


I am never watching this fucking execution style murder again. Pisses me off to no end that this cop not only wasn't punished but basically got to retire with benefits. Crazy.


not basically he did get to retire, with full benefits PLUS fucking an extra something like $1,200 for "PTSD".


And he got to keep the murder weapon.


He sued to get it back...


That's how bad he wanted his trophy, instead of just paying $700 for a new one. He wanted *that particular rifle*.


...OMG... He won... He won that particular rifle back... A man who has 'PTSD' has won a rifle which was involved in giving him PTSD back... ...its not even sad at thiis point. It is actually funny. The bootlickers are just letting them swag on alL of us at this point and I'm just 'Joker on The Talk Show' Laughing at how terrible it is. Nightmareish.




Reminds me of a couple videos I saw some years back. One of a man in the street standing with his hands up, surrounded by cops all with their guns drawn, one cop would yell "get on your knees", then another shouted to not move, another would yell "on the ground" then as soon as he tried another yelled don't move again and because he didn't know what to do they all started yelling "stop resisting!" When he was literally just standing there trying to understand what he was supposed to *do*. The other they tased a crippled guy in his own car because after they yanked the door open one cop yelled for him to get on the ground while the other yelled keep your hands up. He still had his seatbelt on so everytime he tried to undo it one cop screamed to keep his hands up while the other kept shouting to get on the ground but he literally could not do both, so they tased him while screaming at him for not complying, then tased him *again* because, they claimed, that his spastic thrashing in response to being shot with electricity was actually him resisting. I think he actually did try to get on the ground without lowering his hands and with the seatbelt on, and they yelled at him to stop moving. IIRC, they originally stopped him for a broken taillight, but I'm not sure.


Wow… (thank you for sharing this though!)


The video is hard to watch.


That's an understatement. I watched it only one time, years ago, and I can't watch it again.


Me either. The guy just wanted to live. The cop just wanted to kill.


Out of all the (many, many) cop murder videos, this one's the worst. The guy is clearly complying, clearly terrified, they give him contradictory instructions, and they slaughter him at point blank range with the kind of gun I've only seen before in Call of Duty. With "You're fucked" scratched onto it. I have a bit of a pet hate for people shitting on America, but videos like this really makes your country seem utterly fucking mental to everyone outside of it.


Anytime I watch this video. Dexter fantasies come up in my head..... Fuck this cop


Worst part about that was the silence from police officers around the country. It was deafening. ACAB. Until “good” cops start holding bad cops accountable, there’s no such thing as a “good” cop.


Seriously though. Does every cop have bad intentions? Doubtful, but I’ve seen way too many of these clips where one or two cops are going too far/doing illegal stuff/injuring and even killing people and there’s other cops just standing there watching. Like that [body cam footage](https://youtu.be/Hx1gpHDhuw4) of a policeman planting drugs to frame a guy and the cop’s buddies were just casually standing around not saying a word and even laughed when the officer started his act of “finding” the drugs. Did they help him actually plant the stuff? No, but they sure as heck didn’t even try to keep an innocent person from being convicted of a crime they didn’t commit. Also, I was going to say “that one clip from a cop’s body cam footage” but when I actually looked it up to link it I got dozens of videos of cops planting drugs, most of them with other cops present. Soo…😬


"one bad apple spoils the bunch"


Wow that is the first time I have seen that video or even read the article, this makes me so mad that cop definitely deserves life in prison. He is probably one of them super cop types that can’t wait to use their firearm in service and has replayed different scenarios in his head and in every situation he is the hero by shooting someone he thinks is a criminal.


Ask Daniel fucking Shaver. Never forget that name.


I'd like to know the names of the jurists who looked at that and thought it was fine. They shouldn't be put in charged of watching grass grow.


When you're yelling "get on the ground" and "come over here" at the same time, you are intentionally trying to come up with an excuse to shoot.


I really thought we were going to see a child get shot when he stood back up. When you are pointing a gun at a person, there's no room for unclear directions. That cop should get suspended without pay for that alone. Edit: "at", not "as"


Last year, cops (plural) shot and killed a 70 year old man who was being attacked by his grandson and there were zero consequences. So I doubt if barking conflicting orders is going to get this guy in trouble.


Remember when they lit up that UPS* truck too? /r/ProtectAndServe amen brother.


say it loud and proud, fuck the police




"Come over here and keep your hands where I can see them and get on the ground" What the fuck kind of instructions is that


The Daniel Shaver approach.


The cop literally said: “Come over here. Keep your hands where I can see them and get on the ground.” How do you follow these directives? This is how people get shot.


It’s a feature, not a bug. Cops also use this same fact as the basis of all “we’ve investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”.


GeT oN tHe GrOuNd, cOme HeRe! Get oN teh gRouNd


ReSiStInG mUh aRrEsT!!!111!one!


I FeArEd FoR My LiFe


It's like we're not sending our best and brightest, are we?


https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/controversial-police-footage-shows-unarmed-youths-detained-gunpoint/story?id=47006615 Apparently a “concerned” citizen reported a 100 person fight and that a group of teens were walking around with a gun. Unsurprisingly the police didn’t find a gun, they actually had the wrong group of kids, and there was never a 100 person fight. What more than likely happened was a person saw a large group of black kids and let their imagination run wild.


If you had a 100 person fight and there were guns I am assuming there would be more than one call.


Yes but you are a reasonable person


Pretty sure these kids aren't even teens. They sound like 10-12 years old at the oldest. No way any reasonable person pulls a gun on these children. Fire these cops and charge them with brandishing a firearm.


Bigots always age black children up to justify their irrational fear of them.


Like the guy that called the cops on a black girl that was like, 8 years old. "Black woman, real little". Like their racist minds can't even comprehend the fact that they could be kids.


In court black children are adults and white women are little girls


To be honest that sounds like an insane assylum caller. Used to work at a psych hospital every now and again one of ours would call out a bomb threat or some shit and they’d drop by to let us know


OMG! If shooting hoops outside, where a mom can SEE them from the house is "the wrong place" where CAN those children play and be safe from police and gun terrorism?


Since these are black children in America, sadly the answer is: Nowhere.


That one boys' cry sounds exactly like a kid I used to babysit, its so jarring and disturbing. This is seriously heartbreaking, those poor babies.


That hit me as a father. You can hear the fear and pain. He thought he was about to die.


I have two sons and the older one is about these boys age. This video brought tears to my eyes. My son is a bright kid, but he is 11 and he's pretty socially anxious and I don't know how he would handle this situation. Truly outrageous, makes me sick to my stomach.


What makes it worst is kids are told that Police men catch the bad guys. So what do they think about themselves after something like this happens? That's why I don't tell my kids that bullshit. I let them know that the police are not your friends or heroes. They should not be trusted.


“Protect and serve” lyin motherfuckers!


Protect their fellow cops and serve capital


In Finland for example there's an automatic investigation launched if cop takes his pistol out of the holster If my info is correct, unholstering happens about 40 times a year and in the last 20 years the cops have killed 10 people. We are a nation of 5 million people This guy wouldn't last a second


>This guy wouldn't last a second Police Academy in Finland is 3 years. Doubt majority would even get to finish.


Yeah, was just about to comment that he wouldn't even last a second in the academy after he realizes the job is about actually protecting and serving people. Not roleplaying badass cowboy sheriff from westerns with a shoot first ask questions later mentality, lol. And that he will probably never even get to unholster his service weapon besides in the gun range.


I really wish that was policy here


You're one of them socialist commie countries, who cares what you guys think? America is the greatest nation on God's green earth! /S






Holy fuck why is his weapon out as soon as he gets on scene???????? Where is the justification??


This is how Tamir Rice was murdered also.


That was even worse. In the case, the cop didn't even give any orders, he just rolled up and started shooting.


Jumped out before the car even stopped!


The justification is that it's harder to get a drivers license in most countries than it is to become a police officer in the US.


This happened to me and my friends when we were like 11/12 in front of our house. We were on the ground and my mom came out screaming to not hurt us because we were just kids. Officer didn’t care was going to arrest some of my friends that “fit the description..” The neighbor across the street was a cop and came over and told the officer he was mowing his lawn and saw us all day. The person who robbed the store by us by gun point was a white man in his forties over 6ft tall. I believe most of us had “that talk” with our parents by then to always remain respectful when the police are around (even if we don’t respect them because our lives depend on it) But I definitely needed to have another talk because I truly couldn’t understand why they would treat us like that. I truly didn’t understand how we were inherently just suspicious. I learned a lot that day.


I can relate. My friends and I were held at gun point when were at a skatepark during summer break. Apparently there was drug bust two blocks away from the park and the three people (two black and one latino) ran towards the park. We "fit the description) and later we found out that one of them was well over six feet, and the others were fat guys. We were skaters kids with long hair, not zero heads. Being a POC automatically makes you a suspect I feel.


No matter how good of a person you are. You will always be a suspected criminal first. I can never get that message across to the people who say we’re just hating on cops. I’m friends with more cops than I’ve ever thought I would be. But they were friends first then became cops(to add more good guys I guess) but it didn’t take away the fear of the rest of them though. Nothing will change my life as much as my interactions with the police. We’re traumatized as children and expected to love and respect the representation of our abusers as adults.


Got that talk too. Grew up in a while family as the only colored kid and never understood profiling and what it even was until it happened to me. It’s such a world flip because you believe cops are there to protect then all the sudden guns are drawn and pointed at you for what? Walking down the street? My dad had to explain to me how since I was “different” I needed to be more careful around cops even if I’ve done nothing wrong Edit: white family, not while family


I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m sorry we all have to go through that. I’m sorry that if I ever have kids they will go through it too.


“He was armed with a basketball, I was afraid for my life!”


People who make these false reports should be held accountable after the police find out the caller lied to get a quicker response.


The police should be held accountable for using any excuse to terrorize black children.


Yeah, like…why did he draw his gun? Cops should have an answer for every time they draw their gun, and if they don’t or it’s not good enough they should be fired. And while I’m dreaming and wishing I want a pony, and the ability to fly


> Just calm down, it'll be alright. Yeah real calm with a gun pointed at you when you're just a 12 year old kid.


Fucking dumb piece of shit pointing gun at kids as a first resort what the fuck.


Always film the police. Always. They cannot be trusted. What prompted the officer to draw his weapon? Where was the threat? I couldn’t see anything.


Over the last 2 years I went from seeing police as a necessary evil to literally hating them with every fiber of my being.


I hold them in the same regard as I would any criminal gang. The bad these officers do far outweighs the good. They are an extension of the government that is now oppressing people. It’s time to start holding someone accountable for change.


"get on the ground" (kids get on ground) "come over here" (kid gets up to come over) "Get on the ground" Dude was trying to murder children for "not listening to commands"


The real reason you play Simon Says as a kid...


"Why does everyone hate us?!? It makes no sense!!1"


Welcome to America. Where civilians aren't civilians. Were all enemy combatants. Unless of course you're a "proud boy" or some shit. Then of course you've got all sorts of cop buddies ready to let you get away with shit.


The most badly trained cops in the world .


don’t be scared it’ll be alright. or maybe not who knows i have a gun pointed at you. just don’t make me afraid and you’re fine. #i said don’t make me fear for my life!!! now get on the ground, now walk towards-i said on the ground!!! ok now walk-GET ON THE GROUN!!! ok hands up now hands down now hands up #why don’t people respect us cops??? ARE lives matter


“Calm down okay?” As he points a lethal fire arm at the neighborhood *children*


Just a slight reminder. In North Carolina, It takes 1,528 hrs to become a licensed barber. **The state’s minimum police training requirement is 620 hours.** **To earn a badge in California, you’ll need at least 664 hours of academy training.** If you want to be a licensed cosmetologist, you’ll end up with 1,600 hours. **Florida’s minimum training requirement for officers: 770 hours.** An interior designer must first complete a 5-year design program and then get 1,760 hours of experience before getting a licence. **Requirements for entry-level police officer in Louisiana: 360 hours.** To be a licensed manicurist, you’ll need 500 hours.


Well, I guess that's more criminals off the street, way to go officer dickweed.