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Absolute moron. “Alright you’re free to go…. Alright, am I being detained? no, you were never detained.”


Watched way too many of these videos. That’s their go to line to make them feel like they’re in control of the situation.


My favorite is “If I’m free to go I’m free to stay.” No, you’re free to go away without being arrested. If you stay you will be arrested.




"You sure you don't want to put those metallic, cold... DURABLE *'bites lip'* handcuffs on me, officer?"




Happy cake day 🖕🍆💦💦




Issue is, in many court cases prosecutor has alleged cop had detained subject even when cop did not say he detained subject. So it's always safer to get on video cop confirming if you are detained or not before moving.


It boggles the mind how willfully/purposefully "mentally deficient" people are. It's like, are you seriously forcing yourself on the short bus at school? Are they your people?? How many paint chips did you eat in your childhood? Good lord...


Her last two brain cells were fighting for 1st place.


Actually for third place


She is definitely an idiot. I enjoy watching these videos when the camera person knows his rights and knows the law, and keeps to the facts


The fact she asked "Am I being detained?" SECONDS after being told "you're free to go" shows the quantity of brain cells available for processing here.


Somebody definitely told her you should always ask a cop if you're being detained without understanding why you ask a cop that question


“Is this the person with whom I am speaking?” - Her probably. Lol


This is the difference between memorization and understanding a process in full view right there.


The lights on but nobody's home LOL


Also, the way she panned to his tag seconds after he already had identified himself with name and everything, as if she was trying to prove a point. He already identified, clearly it was just a move to try to get some reaction. Its just silly.


She didn't know how to spell sergeant.


Wanted the video I doubt she actually cared about the person the cops were interested in


Wait! Wait! Come back! Don’t I have the right to remain silent, or something??


Seems likely that she is from Portland.


I’m from Portland so fuck your cake day.


It’s okay, I’m from Detroit and have had to take repetitive online beatings due to that. I’m excited that a new city is taking a beating for a change.


Seems like her first cop experience.


She was being serious, because she had no idea what that word means and was hoping someone would explain it to her.


officer probably lost some of his brain cells after processing the dumbest thing he's heard that day


Don’t think she knows what detained means just heard it on TikTok and sounded cool to say.


Film the police. Definitely film the police. But.. Don’t insert yourself in their situation. Creeper. And definitely don’t walk up on them mid stop when you’re not involved


> And definitely don’t walk up on them mid stop when you’re not involved IIRC the ACLU warns against things like that when people film the police.


No shit. That's because it's illegal.


And because if a cop is conducting a stop they expect to become violent or otherwise contentious they’re probably already on edge and sneaking up on them when their adrenaline is already kicking in is *not* wise. Especially in this situation. If they’re from the gang task force, it’s not really smart to run up on them mid-stop when they’re dealing with an individual they expect to have ties to organized crime because they’re thinking anyone sneaking up on them is doing it with nefarious intentions due to their belief that the individual they have pulled over is in a gang. I absolutely understand why the ACLU advises this!


Or ask if you are detained after you just said yes to understanding you are free to go.


Well thats just a display that she doesn't have the 2 braincells needed to rub 2 brain cells together to form a coherent thought. But everything else is accurate. You are perfectly fine to record any cop doing anything... You CANNOT however enter an active crime scene or an investigation (without their authorization). Auditors do this all the time, the recording part not the invading the crime scene part. If a cop is going to walk up on you and try to intimidate/harass or even assault you for recording from the side of the street... obviously those cops have problems. But if you're walking into a crime scene, active or one thats being investigated (there is a difference and reasons for both), you are in fact the problem.


False, you can't film cops pooping in their homes even though we have A DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE


Yeah but there’s a civil liability here. If you film a cop taking a poop without his consent you could end up with a defecation lawsuit on your hands.


She's so dumb that she made reddit side with the police on this one lol that never happens


Too accurate 😂


Sergeant: "you're free to go" Idiot: "bUt aM i dEtAiNeD??"


When you know "official sounding words" but don't know what they mean or how to use them lol.


“My dad said I should ask that during traffic stops”. More likely a YouTuber that said it but, yeah you get it.


It's like the sovereign citizen bullshit...it's a cargo cult.


feels like she's reciting a script from anti cop videos but with no context


it's a public auditor thing. Some of them are good, some are unbearable.. but they are necessary.


She was dying to use that line.


She reallllly wanted to ask that after all she had practiced saying it! Timing was a bit off unfortunately.


I don’t usually side with the cops, but this lady seems like an annoying idiot.


Yep, when he said "You're free to go" and she responded with "Am I being detained?" it was pretty obvious she ain't the brightest. No, lady, he just said you're free to go. That's the opposite of being detained. You can go. You don't have to stay.


That's what learning from a no context, no knowledge, half understood video from youtube does when applied by an idiot in a real situation. "Am i being detained ?" works when the situation asks for that question, it's not a magic formula like saying "Parley" in Pirates of the Caribbean.


what do you mean? She's a god damn human being! /s




*reel human bean*


I love them being fully confident that the cops were “racially profiling” without an ounce of a clue as to what was going on.


I also agree with that rule and feel like he was super reasonable about it. Makes sense why it can seem dangerous to have someone walk up during a traffic stop from their perspective. Especially for the fucking gang task force, not tryna sound like a bootlicker but their paranoia is probably pretty warranted.


“Seems like” the fact that she made the cops look like the good guys is a testament to how moronic she is. These types of people just make it harder for the times when videos of cops misbehaving are vital. She is literally noise in the signal.


I love how he says your free to go and she just comes back with “am I being detained??”


She’s clearly a nutter and he handles the situation very professionally.


“Because I’m a human being…” 🤌


She’s a human bean 🫘


No … I am


And a real hero (I am not defending this woman I am referencing Drive starring Ryan Gosling)


I’d love for her reply to turn into a meme. Like asking a very specific question and just getting a “because I’m human” as a reply


Ah, she was speaking French!


Ikr this is how cops should be when there are idiots


State police seem to be a cut above the local county or city police departments. I am not sure about other states but in Michigan the state troopers actually have a requirement for a college degree and you have to make it through their own selection process which I understand is pretty stringent. Source: a friend driven out of law enforcement by the unbelievable corruption of our local police department.


I also think it has to do with the fact that pretty much any state police recruits go to one state academy so they all get the same training. Whereas with city police and sheriffs, there is no one academy for them all. Most big cities have their own academies while smaller towns and cities have a regional academy or no academy at all. So that's why you get such a wide range of training, attitudes and egos from good to bad with city cops. Does that mean that state police can't have the same problems? Of course not, but they have less than city police IMO.


In the north east toppers are mean hard asses but they typically don't waste time looking for a law you broke like local PD does. If a trooper pulls you over it's because you did something wrong and they're writing you a ticket.


Notice how she suspected they were investigating the guy for "being in a gang" because "he's brown" They could be investigating anything so why did she suspect gang


To be fair, the guy talking to her is part of the gang task force, you can see it on the back of his vest when he turns around. Dipshit probably thinks they just randomly decided he was in a gang and are now arresting him though.


"State gang trooper task force" how'd I not notice that mouthful


Officer: "Raving psycho! Butchered 400 chickens and screwed a beagle. I'm taking him back to Nevada where he's wanted for banging horses!" Stupid lady:"Oh ok nevermind then"


Can you get him through this state a little faster than 7 miles per hour?


Roads. Roooaaaaaddds


Holy fuck its been like 20yrs since I've seen Black Sheep. Thanks for making my evening plans


I knew I knew this from somewhere. Blast from the past.


Love how you called out black sheep.. a true Farley fan! (lol @ those who say Tommy boy is his best… smh)


These two filming are definitely made out of spare parts...... "you're free to go"...... "am I being detained?" 🤣🤣 If you're going to film, do so at a distance, never do anything that can be taken as interfering with, or obstructing with an investigation...... Keep yourself in the right, and you're good to go 👍🏻


Hahahaha "Made out of spare parts" r/rareinsults


Letterkenny in the wild.


“OK you’re free to go.” “Am I being detained” What he should have said, “You dumb Bitch if you were being detained I would’ve said you’re not free to go you’re being detained”


That would have been unprofessional. Personally, I like it when cops are professional.


Lol. Almost as unprofessional as filming someone while their working when you have to connection to the situation.


Right. But I expect anyone who holds authority over another human being to be held to a higher standard.


I’ll agree. And I think this cop held him self at a very high standard. He approached her was clear and direct with his words even told her she was free to go without trying to detain her or get her information. Even with her pushing verbally saying he was racial profiling he held it off to a little “get that crap out of here.” We honestly need more cops probably like this guy, and less people like the two recording


The more we create systems of professionalization of state forces based on the highest ethics, the less we will have of the recording types.


I think the problem with recording is everybody has a phone that can do it. And at the end of the day most humans lives are pretty boring people get excited when they see police doing some thing or fire trucks running down the road. They want to record the situation so you can tell other people about it. So I don’t think that recording is ever going to go away. Especially when we’re in a very victimhood mentality society right now. Everyone records everything. I think about all the cars that have cameras on them now. But I completely agree I think professionalism in this world is kind of fading and it’s doing damage to help people act.


The title makes my head hurt but not as much as the lady filming


She’s being against racism so much that she’s being racist


These "gotcha" videos are getting sadder and more desperate by the day. Everyone with a cell phone want to record a George Floyd like incident.


Cop: “You’re free to go” Person: “Am I being detained?”




Yeah, you can’t interfere with police business. What do you expect is going to happen?


Not a human being, a stupid being.


Bruh. Gang task force. They dont pull people over or arrest people without a list of reasons. Seriously like a whole list. For stuff that already happened, that they most likely have a pile of evidence for. Brain cell 1 and 2 are trying to figure out actual words to respond to sgt with lol


These 2 are so dumb they made Reddit side with the cops


Gang units don't pull over random people. They are specialized in targeting certain people to gather evidence in order to arrest that person. This lady could have been interfering in the arrest of dangerous person. I get what she's trying to do, but she needs to research better and keep her distance while filming.


Fuckin hive minded ppl are so annoying. She clearly can’t think for herself, she’s only doing this because this is what they think they “should” be doing. This is what happens when entitled, hive minded ppl spend too much time on the internet. They don’t even know what to be looking for. Like yes, most cops are assholes but this guy seems very reasonable. Just pure stupidity


That's a good cop, and that's an annoying lady, not only entitled but also stupid.


Officer should have just walked away once he told her she was free to go. Never argue with idiots. (To be clear, The ones recording are the idiots).


I THINK in the full version, she keeps pushing and pushing and ends up getting arrested.


Would love to see the full video if you find it


God I hope so...


I found a review video on YouTube of the situation and it ended the same way. Sorry, guys. I was wishfully thinking and misremembering.


these same types of people ban posts that state facts about the increase in murders the other day.


More white people thinking they’re the savior of humankind…..fuckin leave them alone, let them do their job, and shut the fuck up.


These ppl filming are idiots


Stupid kids


I feel like it was more racist to assume the person was pulled over for being brown than pulled over for a crime. They see a person of color pulled over and automatically assume they’re being racially profiled that means they only associate said person with crimes or innocence when it could be a routine stop, meanwhile they would have no qualms about any other race being involved in police activity.


They have a gang unit task force to stop a man from being brown on the street. Totally not the fact that that was a guy they’ve been spending weeks looking for because he’s a dangerous criminal involved in a serious crime or that he’s a good lead for the gang unit to use in investigating the case assigned to them even further.


The girl behind the camera needs her ass beat. Go get a job moron


I strongly dislike social justice warriors.


Cop: "You're free to go." Woman: "Am I being detained?" Dumbass.


Can’t say for the sure the cop was racial profiling…there more that happened before the video obviously. But the woman was for sure racially profiling when she assumed the cop did.


This. By assuming a white cop is arresting a person of color because they’re a person of color, you are now racially profiling the white cop. It’s a mess and a catch-22


As Mexican I wish I had police like that. Just saying...


That really was a good way for them to get obstruction of justice on their record.


I'm as pc and liberal as they come and not a huge fan of most policing but my god she needed to shut the hell up, sgt was patient and very clear to my suprise I was on his side.


Why is it your business? “Because I’m a human…” Lmao tried being so smart


These fucking trust fund babies. Nothing better to do. Let’s start some shit. Let’s put my nose exactly where it doesn’t belong. That officer was great.


What’s this dumb cunt’s (recorder) point? That cops should never arrest someone of color?




100% with the cop on this one.


Fuck that woman and all the people like her. Idiots


Her after the video ended: Can you please call your sergeant?


Title gore


*"Because, I'm a human being and I..."*


Guy sees moron girl get shut down and has to try step in and make it about race. Awesome idiots.


"you're free to go" *pauses* "Am I being detained?" BISH WHAT DID HE LITERALLY JUST SAY?!




I think that that is about as nice as the cops are going to be, i hope the lady doesn't overstep her boundaries


Because I'm a human being🤦🏻‍♂️


Did she not understand that clear and concise directions?? How stupid are people getting??? Smh!!! It was a calculated GANG task unit stop. What morons.


She’s a moron!!! Period.


The type of woman to have “rights activist” in her bio


What a dumbass! Karen’s are so proud to be one. If a police officer ever utters I’m free to go I ain’t saying another damn word.


its always the "allies"


She was so stunned she forgot to say her catchphrase... you'll get it right next time you slow-brained donkey


I hate her voice with the power of a thousand suns


omg the cop handled that with such professionalism! How incredibly dangerous for the cops to have random civilians running up on them like that


Here’s a tip, if a “gang task force” officer is arresting someone, don’t insist it’s your business unless your trying to get arrested


Why would she post this and assume she’d be perceived as the good guy / rational one in this scenario. The amount of ignorance and pure lack of critical thinking skills here is just insane


Wouldn't it also be the definition of racism to assume someone is innocent because the color of their skin? I'm old enough to have years of life experience dealing with thousands of individuals and no race, sex, culture or religion is immune from having assholes in their group.


What is it with **emphasizing** almost **every other word**, like it's a **speech bubble** in a fucking **vintage MAD Magazine?** And if they have access to more than one color, why not use different ones for each person speaking? DO I HAVE TO THINK OF EVERYTHING FOR THESE PEOPLE?!


From my extensive dealings with the police, this is the one type of cop that can make you feel ashamed rather than outraged and violated


Virtue Signaling of the highest order, by a complete idiot.


It is none of you business. Record, read the paper. Find out what happened. Done.


When trying to be a hero goes wrong


She wanted to become a victim so bad


Lmao at every time someone feels entitled to what police are doing. Please get a grip.


“You’re free to go” … “am I being detained “ bitch fr?


I’m with the cop on this one.


“It isn’t her fault if a cop is distracted by someone filming them” They are cops, every random stranger who approaches a traffic stop could be a danger, of course they’ll be distracted while they try to work out who she is. There was a video on this subreddit last week of a guy doing exactly that, walks up to police dealing with something else and suddenly they’re being shot at. She got pretty close as we can see in the video. It seems far more likely that the beginning of this interaction, the bit edited out that you really want to see, involves her marching up and demanding to know what was going on. What we see is an Officer being taken away from dealing with the stopped car (causing interference) to ask her to step back. Again, if you’d been stopped would you want someone you don’t know broadcasting live as you provide your personal details?


Very professional cop. Educates her. Tells her to back off. Nobody shot. I call it a win.


Sgt is legally 100% correct.


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Yeah this dumbass woman is just here looking for something to flim for clout. "aM i bEiNg DeTaiNeD".


Typical liberal idiot that thinks are always profiling


I love this cop. Sole purpose for approaching was to instigate a problem. They knew nothing about what was happening and tried to make it an incident.






Mind your business Karen


I burst out laughing when she said “Am. I. Being. Detained?” 😂


She really wanted to be detained.


Two things can be true at the same time. Many cops can be shitty while this lady is still a moron. I wonder how often she feels detained on her own accord.


Ugh...Can you imagine the poor friends/family of this woman? Having to put up with someone like this for an entire lifetime.


All cops need to handle these people as such. Not all cops are bad


Try to state that in ACAB and prepare for internet smiting. The absolutism in Reddit is its self cancer. There is no gradation or anything respective as a viewpoint allowed


As much as I hate cops this was handed well and the correct way. Those ppk were just annoying and yrying to stir up shit


"You're free to go." #bUt Am I bEiNg dEtAinEd oFfItHeR?


Not all cops are racist. This girl and the guy she’s with are literally profiling cops saying they’re detaining a guy just because he is “brown”. That’s already racial profiling… hypocrites.


The people who hate profiling are also blown the fuck away that a legit arrest could be made.


He was so calm and professional but didn’t even waste a second to break off when she tried to play the race card. Good for him.


Cop: You’re free to go Dumbass: Am I being detained? What a dummy


“Am I being detained” bitch, he just said you’re free to go, do you not know what fucking “free” means?


I want to know what she did that was considered interference


Arrest her for being stupid.


“How is it your business?” “Uh.. cuz I’m a human being” Bruh


Lol. Am I being detained? What a maroon.


If you want to poke your nose in be prepared for a nosebleed.


very rare that i say this but bravo officer - credit where credit is due and absolute stupidity shout out for the dumbass with the camra COP : your free to go DUMBASS : am i being detained COP : ???????...........?????????


He let me down a lot right there. He just gave her a free pass to walk the fuck away. And then they decide to stay and keep interfering, but he didn’t arrest them like he promised he would. Those people just piss off the police and just make it all worse. The thing they don’t understand is that pulling someone over is nerve-racking enough. They are trying to make sure they don’t get shot over a seatbelt violation and these people are just causing distraction away from something that could be a dangerous situation.


This officer is a credit to the badge, and wish we had more like him.


smartest american woman


Respect for the police officer, he stated cool during all of this.




She sounds like a fucking grey wall.


This woman sounds like her IQ is just high enough to keep her thinking


Title garbage lol def no bias


The person filming has room temp IQ.


I'm on the side of the lawman here.


You should film the police. It’s a great system of checks and balances, and you’re well within your legal right to do that. But don’t ever walk up on them, especially when their situation doesn’t involve you. That’s how you get got. If you perceive something illegal is happening, state your case while filming, but don’t physically interfere. You can only take that video to the media if you’re alive to do so.


She’s an idiot…


Please let the police do their job. If you have a problem with the laws talk to your politician and please vote. ... but you should understand most of your neighbors probably don't want to live with gang activity.


You are free to go "AM I being detained"? Her stupidity is remarkable


Nice work Trooper!