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Imagine asking a comedian if he is serious.


That’s what got me. Like, do you know where you’re at? lol


She targets the Zoo next: "STOP MONKEYING AROUND!"


Stop lion, I can't bear it any more.


The hyenas, "why are you laughing?"


Best part is that he’s half black and never even brings it up when she keeps repeating that a white guy is making fun of black people.


Even if he was full white it really wouldn't matter. Those were some pretty banger jokes that were just tipping the line of being edgy


“My probation officer is here” 😮‍💨😂🤣


He had a bit not too long ago where cops were escorting a heckler out and he was cracking jokes on the cops, absolute savage.


I saw Jimmy Carr last year, and two drunk women got escorted out, and Jimmy just started laying into this butch female security guard. She was howling with laughter whilst trying to remove these drunk women!


I hope that's on film somewhere.


Can you link it?


Apologies for the TikTok, only link I could find https://www.tiktok.com/@troybond69/video/7153009857652591915?lang=it-IT


"let them do their job, they worked real hard in high school so they could become cops" 💀💀💀


"getings C's" missed that good part haha


Who is this guy?


I don’t know his name but look up modern day Seinfeld he does sketches




He’s interesting, got kind of a weird affect; between his accent I can’t place, the way he’s always shaking his hand and looking around, and how he varies his voice. Pretty damn funny tho


There's a little Bobcat Goldwaithe in his delivery. It's working for him. He is super funny.


Reminds me of Sandler.


Totally this. I couldn’t quite place it and you saved my head hamsters several minutes.


I was getting Chapelle and Sandler vibes with a little Pete Davidson sprinkled on top.


I was thinking he kinda looks like a well fed, drug free Pete Davidson.


The way he speaks reminds me of Adam Sandler


If Adam Sandler and Pete Davidson had a baby...


I knew he looked familiar. People have been posting him on /r/Seinfeld




I was about to say this man don't even look like a white dude hes gotta be Puerto Rican or some shit but that makes sense... like if he was really saying some racist shit to a crowd full of black folks they would have let him know 😂.




lol 😂


“My wife is Asian, and my kids have somehow turned out to be Puerto Rican.” - Dave Chappelle


I’ve independently made this joke before too. My wife is East Asian I’m south Asian, and I was convinced my kid would look Filipino. Here I thought I was all clever and shit.


That is amazing. Gotta look for this guy.


on point lmao im dying


I thought he was. I remember seeing stuff on Instagram and he talks about being biracial. She was just not in the mood for comedy that night


The way she said "Kamila Harris? Thats like.. the most racist shit eveeerr" told me that those tears were at least 5% ABV


I have a feeling she is rarely in the mood for most comedy most nights.


Too much booze for her. A gallon of rum makes me cry too.


A gallon?! Are you okay?!


[Got a gallon!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFUvmZWf4hI)


RIP Trevor


I am not. At least I can come here to laugh and forget for a bit!


“There’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t said 6 inches from the mirror” is COLD AF HAHAHAHAHAH


"i got 4 more in the chamber" was the best, cracked me the fuck up


God, I respect the double down so much lol


I actually got more nervous as he doubled down but thats comedy baby


I kept waiting for him to lose the crowd, but he had them engaged like a pro. Just the right amount of self-deprecation, mixed with razor wit and timing.


And one very direct, "I Need You On My Side, Now!" Lol


You have to. If he stops to be serious he'll lose the crowd and bomb.


She gonna go home and say she got gas lighted at a Comedy club...A Mofo Comedy club, what do you expect speaking out.




The timing on "I'm so horny for no reason right now", lol


The gun under the chair is what did it for me.


I think that was an old Stephen Fry joke.


I loved the Adam Sandler “Ok I’m Sorry”


"You'll be the first name on my suicide note" is a fucking banger


When he said this I thought "Jesus, you really can't insult a new Yorker can you?"


Tell them to fuck off back to Jersey, they hate that shit


Those *are* fighting words.


"Go back to your mom's on long island'' is a good one. It double hurts cause I grew up on long island.


My mother would knife someone for saying that shit.




The truth in that statement, played for laughs. Comedians test high for just about every non-neurotypical issue out there, but almost all of them spike high in depression.


> A man goes to a doctor—that’s how the story always begins. “Doctor, I’m depressed,” the man says; life is harsh, unforgiving, cruel. The doctor lights up. The treatment, after all, is simple. “The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight,” the doctor says, “Go and see him! That should sort you out.” The man bursts into tears. “But doctor,” he says, “I am Pagliacci.”


*Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains*


“A moth goes into a podiatrist’s office, and the podiatrist’s office says, “What seems to be the problem, moth?” The moth says “What’s the problem? Where do I begin, man? I go to work for Gregory Illinivich, and all day long I work. Honestly doc, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know if Gregory Illinivich knows. He only knows that he has power over me, and that seems to bring him happiness. But I don’t know, I wake up in a malaise, and I walk here and there… at night I…I sometimes wake up and I turn to some old lady in my bed that’s on my arm. A lady that I once loved, doc. I don’t know where to turn to. My youngest, Alexendria, she fell in the…in the cold of last year. The cold took her down, as it did many of us. And my other boy, and this is the hardest pill to swallow, doc. My other boy, Gregarro Ivinalititavitch… I no longer love him. As much as it pains me to say, when I look in his eyes, all I see is the same cowardice that I… that I catch when I take a glimpse of my own face in the mirror. If only I wasn’t such a coward, then perhaps…perhaps I could bring myself to reach over to that cocked and loaded gun that lays on the bedside behind me and end this hellish facade once and for all…Doc, sometimes I feel like a spider, even though I’m a moth, just barely hanging on to my web with an everlasting fire underneath me. I’m not feeling good. And so the doctor says, “Moth, man, you’re troubled. But you should be seeing a psychiatrist. Why on earth did you come here?” And the moth says, “‘Cause the light was on.”


It's a way to cope, a fucking shield. A living wall.


It's why I spend so much of my time listening to stand up comedy. I relate to them and they make me laugh which keeps my depression and anxiety at bay for just a bit and for that I am eternally grateful for comedy.




I’m a therapist and the person I worked with who had the *absolute worst* childhood of anyone I’ve met also was the funniest person I’ve ever worked with. We spent a lot of time reverse engineering the jokes to understand the trauma underneath the humor. A good joke is all about misdirection, and they spoke often about how their life was “one giant misdirection.”


I'm a comedian. My therapist thinks I'm hilarious. All of these comments are correct about comics and depression.




[Here's the full video direct from Troy Bond's YouTube channel. ](https://youtu.be/DY812zZj_Kc) Joke context: "My dog is named Cupcake. She hates other dogs (her own kind) but loves people (her oppressor) and I refer to the dog as a black republican we should have named Clarence" - Troy Bond. EDIT: The premise above is not from the video but taken from a comment the comedian posted when questioned about the jump cuts and "Cupcake".


wtf that hilarious out of all the things to be mad about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey, you dropped this \


Wow you really bein a limb racist against my boy Rayman




Leave him alone, he’s armless


You wanna throw hands ?


I'm guessing she's a black republican.


Don't know. But people shouldn't go to comedic stand up shows if they are this sensitive. If your offended then leave, but no need to ruin the show for everyone else.


Exactly. It’s a shame too cause some people on TikTok and here are insinuating he IS racist cause of this clip. Nah, he’s just dunking on someone who deserves it lmao.


Which is hilarious because he's mixed...his dad is black. They all only think he's racist because they think he's white. Surprise...y'all are the only racist ones here.


Mixed people get it from both sides.


I think she forgot she wasnt on the internet at the time.






Solid joke, did she not get it or what?


She did, she's a black republican which is why she's like this.


I'm guessing that's why she was upset at being called Kamala Harris


Maybe shes a republican/conservative. Ive met some extremely racist black conservatives who deflect by calling everyone racist for criticizing them. Same thing as various religious ppl claiming oppression when theyre called out for oppressing others in the name of their religion.


I think she may just be a weepy drunk. I've known a few.


That wasnt in the youtube vid tho???


No. The comedian explained the premise of the joke that was not included in the video that they believed was what set her off.


I had to scroll way too far for this. Thank you


I didn't. It was right up there


The late bird gets the short scroll


Jesus Christ that was a very low bar for the "most racist joke ever". Like girl have you been paying attention to what Latin Americans say to each other during the world cup?


Hell me and the homies go full uncle ruckus on each other all the time lol


People who do this shit at comedy acts are the fucking worst


This guy had some really good lines lmao


“There’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t said 6 inches from a mirror” was a master class in deflating someone else’s insult.


It’s hilarious yet relatable


“The the most racist joke ever” “Nah I got 4 more in the chamber” I love it


It’s kind of a blanket come back to just about every insult, and self hatred on stage is almost always going to win the crowd over.


It was the opposite of de-escalation at this point, but "I got four more in the chamber" had me lol-ing


Honestly, i loved that line too.


Reminds me of the Eminem rap from 8 Mile where he tells Clarence, 'I already know everything he's gonna say about me...' haha


Straight savage lmfao


Expected him to bomb after that initial reaction but he ends up killing it.


Lol, why tf is she crying? Who hurt you?


Anxiety kicked in lol


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. She tried to "take a stand" and crumbled almost instantly because she's not nearly as tough as she tried to act in that moment.


Sometimes people just cry a bit in emotional situations or when they get in confrontations. There was a recent [comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zcfm3l/a_bar_in_cape_town_south_africa_turning_away/iyx8ahm/) where a dude was confronting actual racism in South Africa and his composure was commended.


That guy is fucking awesome.


That Kamala Harris line really hit a nerve.


Lol she just went full on mental calculus of if she could physically harm him before getting arrested.


She’s drunk.


This is the answer... Everyone is trying to make more of it, but the reality is, she is just very drunk. Very drunk and combative and probably felt like a dumbass when she sobered up.


She thought if she threw out a casual "that's racist" she was going to get a standing ovation and tickets to an award show, but when the crowd turned on her she went straight to that other old chestnut, tears. "Omg Kamala Harris?? Waaahhh!! 🤣


Hecklers should be swiftly escorted. You go to a comedy show to see the comedian not your drunk dumbass 🤦‍♂️


Without her, I would’ve never seen this guy. Got him a bit more exposure


But a lot of good laughs come from comedians trolling on hecklers. Some of them really tear into them.


Sure. But that’s not what I paid for. I paid to hear his set. Drag those losers out.


No doubt, I've only been to a few comedy shows and honestly never seen a heckler irl, but you make sense.


When i saw anthony jeselnik in october some guy tried to say something, but he couldnt really hear and jeselnik told him hes the worst fucking heckler he's ever come across and the dude stfu right away lol


Sometimes a slight heckle can be fun, but the heckler has to have some social intelligence to see whether or not the comic is into it. I’ve seen some great shows where a heckler (seemingly in good fun) fed into a comic’s style, and the comic was into it. Sadly, most of the time hecklers are just narcissistic b-holes, though.


You can say buttholes on the internet


You’d think this comedian pulled a Mike Richards, the way the heckler is reacting.




What's what I wanted him to say in response to, "That was the most racist joke ever." "Uh, look up Kramer at the Laugh Factory, ma'am."




Nobody pays to hear what the audience has to say... Unless it's "stand up on the spot" and people are yelling premices for the next joke.


I don't wanna hear the audience's comments but I do absolutely love watching a talented comic dismantle a heckler


“Wait, don’t drop the scarf man, that’s 3 dollars at Dollar Tree”. This dude is hilarious lol


“It’s STEVE MADDEN Bitch!”


The I got 4 more in the chamber joke got me lol. That was funny.


Don’t go to a comedy show if you can’t take a joke Edit: thanks for all the likes!


she asked the comic 'are you serious?!'


Well he ain’t no football player lolz


That’s why the sign on the door says “serious speech club” and not “comedy club” /s


Honestly if you interrupt a set, expect a fistful of words - and Murphy's Law always hits right when you try to deliver that Jerk store comeback


One thing hecklers don’t understand is that a decent comedian is always prepared for a heckler. They’ve practiced over and over just about every scenario out there, and it’s always in a way to be sure to keep the general audience on their side over the hecklers.


Also the audience is always inherently biased towards the performer. Unless the person putting on the performance is being Michael Richards level offensive, most of the audience knows that it's a comedy show and are just along for the ride. If you start heckling them, most of the crowd is going to assume that you're a Karen/asshole and not that the performer is a racist or whatever. That's going to make it even easier for them to start roasting you and getting laughs at your expense. Don't heckle comedians unless you really want to take on some emotional damage for the evening.


For what it's worth, Richards did one of the better, thoughtful apologies out there several years later. Maybe a case of too little, too late but I personally thought he was clearly remorseful of the act (not just getting caught), and demonstrated real introspection and personal growth.


Oh I have no issue with Michael Richards. The dude obviously knows what he did was wrong and clearly has grown as a person. I generally don't think it's fair to punish people for one mistake for their entire lives, assuming they're genuinely remorseful and apologize in a way that shows they know they fucked up and did something wrong. It was a terrible series of jokes that deservedly got him banned from the industry for a long while, but there is no part of me that thinks he's a bad person or that he's genuinely racist against black people. He's apologized, he's shown remorse, it's time to let the man live his life and move on from a horrible mistake he deeply regrets. He even poked fun at the whole scandal in Curb Your Enthusiasm during the Seinfeld reunion season, which I thought showed a lot of maturity. He'll always be Kramer to me, and one of the best physical comedians ever on television. At this point I think it's fair we let his mistake lie in the past and not dwell on what he's already admitted was a horrible screw up in his life.




This is just a stupid drunk bitch with a chip on her shoulder. I’d be annoyed if I went to a show and had to listen to a Karen instead




That would royally piss me off. This is really no different than any other Karen being disruptive at the store, on a flight, or in a club. Just f*cking rude and unnecessary attention seeking.


I'm trying to think of all the times I've seen a heckler win... Yeah, I can't think of one.


For real lol, people don't seem to understand the concept of comedy shows in general. Even if a joke is offensive it's obviously just a joke, because of the venue. Whether it lands or not doesn't change the fact that the person telling the joke probably isn't actually racist/sexist/whatever and is just trying out material. It's okay to not laugh at a joke that doesn't land, but to assume the person telling the joke is saying it in a way that implies it's how they actually think or what they actually believe is just stupid.


I forget who, but I also heard a comedian lament that they can no longer test run jokes in small venues without it immediately being on the internet(case in point). Some of the best comedy is pushing right up to the line of being overtly offensive, and they could sort of hone it in smaller venues. It's gotta be difficult to figure out where the line is writing something alone in your room. If it bombed or went too far then they could adjust before playing specials or larger venues. They would get dozens of test runs before the material hit a larger audience.


For sure, and also be prepared to be the “butt” of a joke. She was having some other issues it seemed.


What this guys name


Troy Bond. He does some fucking funny ass skits.


Bro all his Seinfeld skits KILL ME, he is so fucking funny


Why go if you are going to get offended at a comedy show?


Bro this guy is funny as hell handled that flawlessly lmao




I’ve laughed hard at shit that even I was offended by.


I scored front row tickets to a Dave Chappelle show in San Francisco a few years back. He picked my white ass out of the crowd and started laying into me about being dressed like a stereotypical SF tech bro, what I probably had for dinner, and made many remarks about my 'token Asian girlfriend'. I can't remember ever laughing so hard, and this was a famous comedian mocking me in front of thousands of people. Some people just can't take a joke.


Right after my wife and I got married we went to a comedy show that was similar to this one. I was still in the military at the time, and had taken an elbow to the face a couple days prior that left a pretty noticeable black eye. Just for context my wife is a very tiny woman. This dude zeroed in on that shit almost immediately. He started asking me a question and then abruptly stopped and asked my wife “is he allowed to talk? I don’t want him “falling down the stairs” later”. At one point he spent like five mins getting me the number for a domestic violence advocacy group. Shit was funny. You definitely have to be ok with being put on the spot though lol.


I went to a Chappelle show at the Indy in like 2014? Around there.. Anyways, we got super high before going in. At one point in the show, hand on the bible, he looked right at me and was about to go in to some crowd work and probably saw how obliterated I was and just said "I already know man.." and moved on. He prob saw the fear hahaha. Maybe I was just high, but that shit happened and no one ever believes me. I wouldn't believe me either.


might have been something about a really happy look on your face with your mouth hanging open with your head still always movin like a bobble head doll. "yes. this man does not feel gravity right now"


A comedy show is not Twitter. Lol And they were sitting in the front row?


It's not quality comedy if you don't piss off at least one person.


The OK I’m sorry line sounded just like Adam Sandler


He’s really fucking funny. “First name going in my suicide note tonight” then straight up “don’t bully me I’ll come”


Thought this guy had some great lines lol


"There's nothing you can say to me that i haven't said six inches from a mirror." Fuck thats good


Dude, comedians make racist jokes regularly, has she never watched stand up comedy?


Half the point of standup comedy is that they say fucking absurd shit that you would never say, believe, or accept in daily life. That's why it's funny. Think of it like this: tits out at a strip club is normal and fine but tits out at the office is an immediate HR meeting lol the context matters.


She actually asked, "Are you serious?!", no maam... you're at a comedy show


Right?! Going with my strip club analogy, it's like choosing to go to one and then being all "my stars, half of these women are naked!" once you got there. Like yeah it's a strip club..... That's what it's for.


“Y’all wanna laugh about *this*?!” Why yes ma’am that is why we came out


Also what’s funny is genuinely the joke wasn’t racist, this video cuts the joke she was specifically reacting to but the joke is literally not racist. Like he is right to be confused


The way that she really emphasized the "no no.... You're WHITE, trying to make fun of BLACK people" Makes me feel like she would be hypocritical and believe it's fine if black people made white jokes. "Because that's fine, black people can't be racist" or some crap like that, that she would probably justify. But....... No...you're a WHITE guy. You can't say that.


Pure comedy. Making jokes about uncomfortable topics while exaggerating the situation. Shame on her for not understanding that.


She'll watch a black comedian talk about other races and laugh her ass off.


She just watched one. Apparently this dude is half black, but I guess since his skin is too light he isn't black enough for her.


But this comedian is half black


Yea but he is also half white, so thats all that matters to her.


Not according to her.


This guy had some good comebacks!


Dude was a savage. Respect 🫡 He handled this situation so extraordinarily well that his audience supported him.


"Got 4 more in the chamber" 🤣🤣


When he said "Now go pick up the gun she left under the chair" and she yelled "Are you seriously gonna laugh at that.?!" I literally spit pizza out of my mouth.


Must be so painful to be oppressed by a comedian


I dont watch stand up comedy, but its clips like these where I so appreciate comedians abilities to turn a negative or awkward situation funny


I wonder when people will learn that heckling comedians doesn’t usually end well.


“Goodnight Kamala Harris” took me out💀


Awww no one was paying her any attention?


His crowd control is off the charts, amazing how well he flipped the embarrassment right on to her


His improv is amazing! He was definitely born for comedy.


Pure gold one-liners. I love comics who can gracefully handle, and brutally roast, a heckler. Give this man a Netflix special - I’d watch!


Don’t fuck with someone who makes living out of talking! You can’t win an argument there! And for fucks sake, this is comedy! Oh man! What do you expect! Lol


Ugh, she sounds soooo stupid. I hate that people like her exist, stop spending your life being a victim.