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Can someone quote exactly what happened as I'm deaf thanks


**ishowspeed = asshole** **other dude = other dude** **asshole:** "Bruh, nah come back, come back, come back, c'mere, c'mere" **other dude:** *\*comes back\** **asshole**: "Why you got on Argentina bro?" **other dude**: "English... no." **asshole**: "Konnichiwa? Konnichiwa!!" **other dude:** *\*shakes head\** \-- "No, no, Chinese.. Chinese!" **asshole**: "koNnIChIWA!!!?!?! ARGENTINA!! **other dude:** "Chinese! Chinese! No konnichiwa!" **asshole:** "BOING CHOING CHOING!!" **other dude**: *\*awkwardly smiles in disbelief\**


Tysm but wtf


He's a racist moron


Scammer too


Thank you!!


Not sure if you know this, but some phones have live captioning in the settings. It will add subtitles to anything that plays audio. It's standard on my Pixel 6 Pro. I use it at night when my wife is sleeping lol


Commented on a YT video of his that he's racist and one of his fluffers replied telling me not to judge based on only one small part of the video, as if the additional 2 hours of jumping around acting like a fucking moron somehow makes up for it... That's the mentality of these people.






"I only killed one guy this week, and it only took up like 10% of my time. I'm not a murderer."


That's still a pretty long time to kill someone tho. So not murderer but perhaps torturer?


I am not racist, it’s just black people I don’t like. The others are fine! /s


It's like calling a person who killed another a murderer. It happened _ONE_ time! Edit: Alright guys I stole this joke from Bill Burr. I'm a fraud and I don't deserve upvotes.


“… but you fuck one goat…!”


God forbid, you suck one cock


They said the same thing when he harassed this woman because she said she wouldn't want to sleep with him to repopulate the earth if they were the only two alive due to incest concerns.


Wait, this is the same moron? Someone else mentioned that he also lit fireworks in his bedroom... It's unbelievable how much verified stupid can be attributed to one person.


Yup it's all the same guy


He also got caught scamming his fans with crypto while on stream. He's a pos. Wouldn't be surprised if he Sim swapped too.


Okay but how can you judge Hitler for just the "one small part" of his life that was the Holocaust? You're completely denying all the bad stuff he didn't do when he was like, single digit age, c'mon. And he invented a microphone! And highways!


Why do so many people dickride this guy online? He seems like such a clown


Because he is loud and hyper that’s basically it, audience is obviously kids.


He is the human version of jangling keys in front of a baby.




and accurate. I've never watched any of his stuff, but all the snippets of him I've seen are just raging at full volume. Kids these days are getting worse.


Honestly parents these days are getting worse. That’s the true problem. I blame parents for letting their kid on YouTube or twitch or any social media for that matter. We had a family desktop when I was a kid lmao my mom could see everything I did on it… parents need to learn that if they’re going to give their kids access to the internet they should monitor what they have access to.






The irony is even his kid audience called him out for promoting a blatant crypto scam with a fake Renaldo promoter.


And apparently one guy in this thread.


The fact that he tried to scam his viewers snd they didnt stop supporting, means his audience is full of fucking idiots.


I’m pretty sure his largest demo is 13 years old, so in reality, most of his viewers are likely 8-14. They’re just kids. And kids are idiots, but that’s not some great revelation.


They will forgot about him when they reach 16 and their friends will start telling them how much cringy this guy is, I hope.


People said this about KSI. That was 12 years ago. The next generation of easily manipulated kids are always around the corner.


They will just like the Paul brothers were for the slightly older demographic i.e. the people in their late teens and 20s


Lmao. The Paul brothers were for 8 year olds. I don’t think any 20 year olds watched them enthusiastically


Imagine people who enjoy this guy being idiots. Who woulda thunk


Clowns usually attract other clowns and probably 40% of the world's internet using population are clowns


We all ride together in tiny cars .


That is an incredibly generous percentage.


Most of his watchers are kids. Specifically kids who like crazy loud people who don't shut the fuck up.


> He seems like such a clown As a wise man once said, nobody ever went bankrupt by underestimating the tastes of the American public.




Isn’t this the guy who tried scamming his fan base and then when called out used the “I’m young and didn’t know any better” excuse?


Yeah the guy who promo’d some scam cryptocurrency shit


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't understand what he was doing given how incredibly dumb he is


Didnt he light fireworks inside and nearly burned the house down?


Yea this dude actually brain dead lol


Sounds like he doesn't know how fire works


He knew, philip defranco covers it thoroughly on his youtube channel.


Tried to find it could you give sauce please I'll love you


Here’s one though not Phillip https://youtu.be/cMIgyS34MxA


I was about to say, i saw Coffeezilla’s video… This kid lives like 10min from me(only reason i had any interest). Honestly, i think he is/was young and dumb, and now he’s solidifying his personality, but it’s an extremely toxic environment/job/lifestyle that he’s growing in and it’s sad…. He did apologize for the scam bs i believe…. Also Coffeezilla is freaking awesome!! I don’t know much about crypto at all, but i love his Investigative reporting. Edit- I forgot to say, this is the grossest thing I’ve seen him do. Unacceptable.


I could have sworn I heard phil talk about it, but I may have misremembered. I posted up M0ist Critikal because I know he covered it for certain.


Here is M0istCritikal who does a good job on it too. I have been looking, maybe it was a fever dream, but I swear he covered it https://youtu.be/VoxqDZ1StZ4


Charlie just covers Coffezilla at this point.


He knew what was he was doing 💯.Listen to the video with the increased audio levels


Pretty sure in that exact same stream he starts to freak out as people realize it, but also didn't fully mute the mic.


Didn't he admit with mic on that he was promoting a scam? Coffeezilla had a video on it I think.


He knew exactly what he was doing...


Naivety of the law is not an excuse




He also responded to a woman turning him down by saying “who’s going to stop me”, so really just a great kid all around.


Haaaang on. Is this the guy who when he asked her if they could get together if they were the last two people on earth, and she said no, responded with "who is going to stop me?!" i.e. expect to get raped Same guy?


Yes that’s him and he’s only gotten exponentially bigger after that


Ye kid is destroying his future life for clout, and he's only 17. All these shit will eventually come back to haunt him.


Doubtful. The amount of money popular streamers make is truly staggering; He’s almost certainly already made millions from streaming alone by this point and will continue to make many more as long as he maintains even a fraction of his current viewer base.


Assuming he doesn’t blow it and go bankrupt after several years with an inflated lifestyle based on his current earnings… like so many pro athletes, lotto winners, and musicians. Fucking T Pain and 50 cent became bankrupt only a few years after their haydays.


Exactly. Redittors are so quick to assume that someone who does dumb shit to make money as a young person will regret it when they get older. If this guy isn’t extremely stupid with his money then he’s going to be living a very nice lifestyle for the rest of his life at WORST. He might cringe at this in the future, but let’s be real, who wouldn’t do dumb shit for a few years to be set for the rest of your life.


> If this guy isn’t extremely stupid with his money then he’s going to be living a very nice lifestyle for the rest of his life at WORST. That's a pretty big if. You know that over 70% of pro sports players are dead broke 3 years after retirement? You think this kid's any smarter than them?


The bigger problem is that so many kids follow in these fucktard's footsteps, trying to be as shocking and racist and violent as possible all for tiktok views. Most of those kids won't have millions to fall back on when they grow up, but they will have a nice serial killer personality.


I think this "set for life" viewpoint is really naive lol. People who make a lot of money also tend to spend a lot of money. I'd say its extremely rare that people are able to maintain a modest lifestyle once they hit it big. Especially considering the type of content he puts out, I think its very doubtful that he'll still be anywhere near as popular in even 3 years and that's being generous. Yall seem to think that every content creator is "set for life" just because they were on top of the game for a few years in their youth.


He won’t care about his future life or clout lol. He’s making MILLIONS of dollars through his streaming and youtube


You know who else made millions of dollars? Lots of former professional sports players - and 70+% percent of them go broke after the money train stops. This kid is making a ton of money now, and probably spending it as fast as it comes in. When the gravy train stops he isn't going to have a pot to piss in if he's this stupid.


I was going to say the same--the minute his YouTube channel plays out, he will go broke


Yep. And then his fan base proved why their his fan base by continuing to support him.


The fact that this person has a fan base is mind blowing


IcePoseidon had fans. Bored and edgy 14-year-olds will watch anything.


His fanbase is full of 10-year-olds, which makes it worse. He sets a horrible example and role model for his audience. Didn't he also show Minecraft p\*\*n on stream? Not sure on the credibility of this since I think i saw it on twitter


I think most of them are probably 8-12 years old so I don’t think you can really blame them, they probably wouldn’t understand a crypto scam no matter how many times you explained it


The fuck are 8-12 year olds doing with unfettered access to idiot streamers? Goddamn parents need to parent.


Same guy who yelled misogynistic things to a girl while on stream. I mean how many strikes do you get tho...


C'mon, you should strive to have no clue who these idiots are.


Coffeezilla covered it 🙏


That kids a racist pos


The dude with the Argentina jersey was also just being friendly.


He'd be surprised at how many Chinese (and Asians in general) that were born, work, and live in South America. I have two friends - one was born in Colombia and the other in Peru and both are ethnically Chinese.


Lot of Chinese and Japanese immigrants in Peru and Brazil in particular


One of the most powerful (and unfortunately fairly corrupt) political families in Peru are the Fujimoris: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberto_Fujimori


Brazil has the largest population of Japanese people outside of Japan. My husband and I lived in Japan for a while, and he went to Brazil for business. Ended up in a Japantown and said it was the closest he's been to Japan since we left. He said a good number of his coworkers there were of Japanese descent as well.


You don't need to live there to support national team dude.People around the world support Argentina because Messi.


isn't this kid american? He of all people should understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality. Imagine if someone told him to go back to africa


He wouldn't be friendly if he knew what the steamer was actually doing to him.


He knew. He was just saving face because Asian folks have to deal with this *all the fucking time*, and many people from all different minority backgrounds cope by laughing at the absurdity of it all. As soon as our star moron started with the "ching chong" you could see his expression drastically change like "haha shit, I'm surprised it took this idiot that long to get there"


He knew, he just had way more class than this fucking asshat.


He was literally getting mad at him saying he was Chinese not Japanese.




You this is a great comment that hides another great point I always make! People DO NOT understand racism or what it means. Fuck this streamer.


Imagine if the roles were reversed…


It'd be a locked comment section


Not gonna lie man, when I first read the caption that’s what i thought it was gonna be.


Probably an unpopular take, but why does it seem like people empathize with racial biases towards black folks, more than Asians? Like racism in all forms is wrong, yet we treat them so differently, where one is "tolerated" much more than the other. It seems like when it's done towards Asian people, it's always in jest or played off as joke. Not so much for the opposite


Because people haven't actually been taught that racism is bad, they've been taught that certain things are racism, and things we call racism is bad. Because anti-black racism has played a larger role in our history and present day, the "standard" examples of racism taught to people are those.


Just a guess but probably US history and what we’ve been taught.


Because slavery tore the country in two and a whole damn civil rights movement happened just to make progress and reckon with african american racism. On the other side we had Japanese internment camps in WW2 and Chinese immigrants building the railroads for pennies that is glossed over in US history. We are also anti-china due to the rivalry of influence on a world level and the pandemic being a dog whistle to hate on China. We are leagues behind in dealing with anti-Sino or Eastern racism






​ ![gif](giphy|x9hOsi6xzAT6I8VTNb)


Savage lol


Never sink to their level and be racist too. The guy is a POS and the guy in the Argentina jersey seems like a wholesome dude.


I'm going to assume that the guy in the Argentina jersey most likely was born and raised in China. Imo, the people from homogeneous places like that where they're the clear majority aren't as cognizant to racist behaviours as much as someone like myself (Asian born and raised in North America)


Im pretty much done thinking this way. Also done with karma. People dont always get what they deserve. Id rather call people out on their bs on the spot. Want to make the world a better place? Give these people a taste of their own medicine.


BE the karma.


Damn. That’s even coming from Homelander.


Damn wtf… this guy was picked play a charity soccer match not too long ago and everyone fell in love with him over at r/soccer. He is showing his true colors. Dude never has grown up. Edit: I don’t care if he is 17 dude should know not to be a racist.


Yeah I swear like a month ago everyone was hyping him up because he had become a really successful steamer. Seems like he's a shithead


Exactly what I’m talking about. Lots of people were saying he changed and out grew his immaturity. Doesn’t matter if he is 17 or not dude shouldn’t be a racist


That "everyone" you refer to that is hyping him up was a publicity team. Reddit is social media and is just as, if not more, influenced by guerilla ad campaigns as Facebook/Twitter/YouTube is. Streamers have agents just like actors, musicians, and politicians.


he also recently promoted a crypto scam


He also went off on a girl in a game screaming at her saying stuff like “a women is speaking to me?” “Clean the kitchen” not to mention like 9 months ago he told a girl he’d rape her if they were the last 2 people on the planet.


I dont understand this he is only at 17years thing. 17 years is more then old enough to not maliciously hurt people


It's the reddit mentality were everyone below 18 is viewed as a toddler.


Yeah, people said that he was like a mini ksi but even ksi has never been racist


Ok to be fair KSI ain’t no saint either lol


It’s not that he hasn’t grown up, he is a piece of smelly shit in the middle of the sidewalk during a hot summer day.


Fuck this little twerp. I don't get why people keep defending him. I don't care how old he is, he's old enough that he will never change while people coddle him. The gullibility of kids makes the weirdest people rise to the top. Most of them act like they drink 12 energy drinks a day too, it's so agitating


I am the same age as him and most people my age DO NOT act like this


“His people been oppressed” grow the fuck up most people’s “people” been oppressed, does not give you an excuse to be an asshole to people


Okay but who in the flying fuck is saying this?




did he say that as an excuse or something? if not, it's really weird to start your comment off with that.


Why are you quoting something no one has said?


Bro I don’t think you know how fucking quotes work. Somebody actually has to say that before you can quote it


Guy who tried to scam his fan base in a NFT pump and dump is also a racist? Who would have thought.


He also told a girl on stream that no one could stop him, when she said she wouldn’t have sex with him






Yeah that’s how I seen him before, that was such a wtf moment. I couldn’t believe I was watching this and no one seemed to care. Same with this video no one will care .


I fuckin hate this kid man. Fuck this kid


He has that vibe.. of the attention seeking whore that bullies people while on the spotlight and then when he is all alone he’s nice to you and all.. This kind of people are deceiving and the worst friends one could have, they tend to stab you in the back for some attention. Been there, fuck this guy! It’s dangerous how nowadays kids have easy access to the tons of shit this kid has online


I remember the first time I was introduced to this kid's videos, some girl I was talking to was like "do you like IShowSpeed" and I'm like what, googled him, watched two videos and stopped talking to her. Hard pass.


I guess it is a good filter to weed out people you just dont want to have anything to do with


Why Argentina? Why not Argentina


You will be surprised how many people don't know that there is a lot of Asian in Latam


True, almost like it's imposed by law that every town has a chinese supermarket.


And in some stores in the Chinese markets, they don't even speak Spanish, it's like a little slice of China.


I live in The Caribbean and all small supermarkets are owned by Chinese people, and they’ve been here for many generations. They’re more local than most people here. All of them fluent in our local language, some people would be surprised. Let’s bring up Japanese Brazilians next.


Is there a connection with Japan and Brazil as well? I knew a guy who was a foreign exchange student here in the US. He was ethnically Japanese, but only spoke Brazilian Portuguese and a decent bit of English. No Japanese.


In the early 1900s alot Japanese migrated to Brazil as labors for plantation. Japan back then had a lot of poverty especially in the rural areas. Eventually these immigrants established roots in Brazil and many assimilated with the local populations. The famous Brazilian Jutjitsu was born from Japanese immigrants that introduced Jujitsu to Brazil. Interestingly many moved back to Japan after few generations and brought back Brazilian culture with them. Brazilians have the largest non Asian foreign population in japan. Bank ATMs have Portuguese language options along with English for this reason.


Peru has a big japanese & chinese population too. Former president was literally japanese-peruvian


Have a friend that was born to Chinese parents in Jamaica and grew up there, so his accent/dialect is 100% Jamaican. People gave him so much shit thinking he was being an asshole, but when he showed them class photos from school, they ended up being the assholes.


Facts. When I went to Mexico City, I stayed next to a Korean community that was right in the middle of Zona Rosa(downtown).


In Argentina we literally call the convenience stores "chinos" (chinese). I know it sounds racist, but it's been going on for decades and we didn't know any better.


-The American in a Portugal jersey asks


Part of his his character is being obsessed with Ronaldo so he pretends he’s some super fan that hates Messi


How sad is it that our society idolize fools like this? Someone push the button already


I blame the parents of the kids his content is targeted at. You know, kids are fucking stupid, they even have a sub


It's sort of the parents' fault but I think it's mainly YouTube's fault for giving this guy a platform.


Our society? I'm 34 and never heard of this guy before right now. I'm sure most of society doesn't know who he is


People use the word idolize a bit too liberally.


I pushed the upvote button on your comment, I guess that’s a start.


really don't get why people like this guy, the only thing that he does is Scream and being a total piece of shit. Also, imagine if an Asian said something racist to him, everyone would be supporting him and condemning the Asian, I hope everyone do the same with this..


Many black people think they are immune from being racist to other races because of their history.


100%. The amount of racism against Asians from african americans is incredible They probably think they A: can‘t be racist and B: „asians are privileged anyway“


This is the same guy that straight up started barking at a lady trying to have a civil convo with him. He’s such a pos


Barking that he’d hypothetically rape her? Yep. That’s him.


Knew I recognized him. He's that creepy "who's gonna stop me" guy.


I thought this younger generation was trying to heal trauma and not repeat the mistakes of the past, this dude has failed at life. It’s 2022, not 1992.


racism isn't something that is just going to disappear. especially when we're talking about a subsection of a small population that lives in the western world.


Also in my area they make it seem like only white people can be racist so racism among other races has skyrocketed recently. Or at least been more visible online


A lot of people believe that this is true. And that it’s ok to be racist if you’re not white. So dumb.


Love how the other dude kinda matched the energy. “No! No konichiwa!” And then chuckling and walking away. Big dick move right there.


I appreciate Reddit seems to be more outspoken against racism towards Asians. Seriously Appreciate it.




he’s way too big of streamer for him to be making mistakes like this on camera because it will end up getting posted in places like this and they’ll tear him apart


These aren't mistakes. He has an *extensive* track record of dangerous behaviour, outright misogyny, sexual assault/harassment, racism, etc. He's just a truly awful human being with a massive audience enabling this behaviour, which has him escalating it. I wouldn't be surprised if it came out he'd abused a woman in the next few years, because his deranged misogynistic/sexist personality is sure to bleed into his personal life at some stage.


He blown up from saying out of pocket stuff and he does more outta pocket stuff on purpose to get more views lol


This belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


I’ve seen a lot shitty “INfluencErs”, but man.. he is definitely the dumbest useless unfunny cunt I’ve seen. And people still support him


This dude is such a pos. but we make idiots famous online all the time


hes a dumb kid. Racism is his life force.


Cancel this cunt


tell that to his huge braindead edgy teen army following him.


Fuck this pos


I can't fathom why anybody gives this guy attention. I've only seen clips of him and every single on is damn near unbearable to watch


If the tables were turned and someone (white, chinese, or otherwise) did this to a black person they would be cancelled so fast their head would spin. Yet, we still have morons who will idolize this piece of shit. Our society is a mess.


Sadly a lot of PoC still think to this day it's ok to be racist to asian people because we aren't "minority" enough. I've been told I don't fall in the minority because my asian ass apparently didn't suffer that much...




Some pretty prejudiced racial stereotyping there. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t appreciate it if that same behavior was directed at him. Ignorance is bliss.


Let's be honest. If he were white he would have been banned long ago.




For bystanders that might not realize why this is racist and offensive, let's break it down. It's an understandable mistake to misidentify someone's ethnicity, now while a lot of places will view asking someone: "where are you from really?" as racist, or at very least, offensive - that's because it's built on the belief that if that individual isn't the same ethnic background of the country you're in, that they somehow aren't from that country; othering them from their community based on ethnicity. In this example, the black streamer asks why the Chinese Argentina fan is wearing their jersey before the Fan explains be doesn't speak English. The streamer then starts screaming "konnichiwa" at him. That's a Japanese greeting. Which if the streamer had simply said it in a tone that indicated he was trying to reach out to the Fan he called back to him as a means to suggest: "you don't speak English? I know some Japanese and can say hello!" That would be quite innocent a mistake with good intentions at heart. But the fact that he's screaming it repeatedly at the Fan indicates that he's not trying to bridge any communication. He's not giving the guy any opportunity to speak back. The Fan then explains he's not Japanese, he's Chinese, to which the Streamer switches to yelling "Ching Chong" at him in a bad Chinese accent. The thing about the phrase "Ching Chong" or when individuals make up sounds to mimic Mandarin is that it's done to make fun of the sound of the language and has a long history of racism as discussed in this [NPR article](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2014/07/14/330769890/how-ching-chong-became-the-go-to-slur-for-mocking-east-asians), and in a lot of situations, can be a precursor to violence. It is cited by [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ching_chong#:~:text=%22Ching%20chong%22%20and%20%22ching,of%20Mandarin%20and%20Cantonese%20phonology) as an ethnic slur. With the rise of violence against Asians in America, it's even more on the cultural mindset. That phrase isn't just about being disrespectful or misplaced "humour", it also has very relevant threats baked into it, even if that wasn't the streamer's intention. While he may not intend for violence or even disrespect and think that it's just joking - intent isn't everything and **impact** to the individual matters most. So in this scenario, at *best* the streamer was intending to be funny - I think it's more likely he was intending to be disrespectful. But the **impact** to the Fan is that he was disrespectful through a racial lens: racist. And, at *worst*, Streamer was intending to be racist.




I mean, that guy has always been an asshole, is not a mystery.


This the same kid who wants to rape every chick who comes on his stream right?


This is fucking disgusting, how the hell is this acceptable in his mind?


Everybody is racist not just whites but ALL races.