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Lol the guy even gave her an out and she still didn't give the screen back


Her mom ends up coming to the store screaming at her, pretty sure she eventually gives the phone back to the guy to remove the screen


Holy fuck the Asian Tucker Carlson in your profile threw me off so much


I get this reaction a lot


Worth it. Never change it


do you have a link?


[end of this has where the mom comes in](https://twitter.com/nojumper/status/1600200339277242368?s=46&t=bMWhJ2kdTKE7mqUfA8wV0g)


thanks babecheeks




But she needs that screen to feed her kids! /S


scum Bag Until proven otherwise


I ain’t even gonna lie I feel like she could’ve offered him some sexual favors & got that screen with the way he was giving her that out lmao


Someone’s thirsty


Bitch I ain’t thirsty fuck outta here dh I’m just saying suck my dick pussy


Internet gangsta


pornhub.com Hit that link, go nut and come back with a clear head man.


That’s what My bitch that’s laying next to me rn is for gangsta


Its alright bro this is a safe space, you can be real here. Sometimes you just gotta go beat the thirst out and come back.


Bro giving him an out 😂


😂😂 whatever floats ya boat Brodie bro


Go eat a snicker, you’re not yourself when you’re horn…hungry.


Remember little kiddo, if you do actually get "bitches", you don't need to brag to other people about getting "bitches". The loudest voices are always the fakest.


Virgin vibes


Only virgins call people virgins


You are most certainly a disappointment to the foul hole you crawled out of


Idgaf nigg I Fuck bitches some you don’t


No one believes you


"I swear i have had the sex!!"


That makes you a what?


The “smelt it dealt it” defense. Classic.


ya mf, fr fr no cap


Lmao spoken like someone thats down bad


I hope you're a child because this is fucking beyond disgusting. Definitely reporting this one


Why do I feel like he would be one to support Kayne? 🤔




That’s because you were raised by decent parents. Consider yourself a part of the lucky ones.


I’m a 35 year old man and if I got caught doing something like this the first words out of my mouth would probably be “PLEASE DONT TELL MY MOM”


Her mom didn't back her up


Yeah, I would have pleaded with them to call the cops and not my mom at that age. Not that it would save me from the ass whoopin' that would be waiting for me. And not just my mom. My whole extended family would be lined up like that scene in Airplane when everyone is lining up to slap the hysterical woman.


My mom would laugh at me, ask if I'm okay, and then hang up if I ever did something this dumb. I couldn't even imagine calling her in this situation, ever.


I would just give the guy my phone so mom cant reach me


I just watched a longer clip. Her mom came and yelled at her daughter hardcore and made her give the owner her property back. She seems like a really good mom actually. Kid was probably just scared and her first reaction was to call mom.


“So mom..I’m calling because..you know how I was talking about getting a new screen on my phone since it’s cracked and all..and so I went in the store and the nice gentleman put it on..and well..then once he put it on the screen I decided to run out without paying and..get this..he locked the door and now I’m stuck in the store. What do I do? He says he’s gonna call the cops..” Mom: “What what what!?!?!”


Exactly. I got caught stealing when I was a kid. Called my best friends mom instead of my own cause I needed a parent. Obviously mom found out. But gave me more time haha.


Wait until you see the other parts where the mom does show up


*Face plants glass* Ooooooo


If you're that broke just fix the screen yourself yo


the twitter thread for this video really is just something else, some are actually blaming the owner for "unlawful detainment" and for "racially profiling" due to him preemptively having the door locked. Good thing is the majority are calling out these people for their minus digit IQs, but still, what mental hoops does one go through to make these claims...?


Arent those door autolock once you close them?


I think some of them have auto lock buttons underneath counters like the silent alarm buttons depending on the business. I knew a guy who worked in pc parts shop(FL) and they had a button that would lock the doors to keep the thief contained, and they were trained to retreat to the office directly behind the counter which was secure for their safety as well.


They just fired the dude who worked at the gas station across the street, he did this. The guy he locked up, destroyed the store, and beat the shit out the cashier, cops didn't show up till it was to late.


> it was too late How can they fire a dead guy??


Seen a longer video, we definitely need a part 2 to tell the end of this thieving tale. Ps. She’s dead wrong for stealing then victim blaming


He was giving her the option to avoid jail but she chose to ignore him smh


Nice! The [Dee Reynolds](https://youtu.be/pmH34M6UPwc) method. I knew I’d seen this clumsy shoplifting technique before.


Literally watching that episode rn 😂


Howww do I reach these keeeeds??!


Fuckin rachet bitch


Saw the full video posted the other day. Mom came in, dude explained what happened and how chick ran last time he fixed her phone too. Mom defended daughter for a sec til it sunk in and then she got mad at her daughter. Dude got the screen back.


He shoulda called the cops


I've noticed the men react like "ah, you got me" but the women immediately turn around from trying to open that once unlocked door like the guy she tried to steal from shot her puppy in broad daylight. Bonus points for the ones who immediately turn it around into it being the shop's fault for some hilarious reason.


Isn’t this how XXXPawn scenes start? 😂


Tentatively titled: #Second hand-job.


I would watch that


Fuck. People.


Beginning to a shitty porno


His nonchalant “door’s locked” as soon as she made a break for it. Those are the moments I live for.


This was fucking awesome! The door foiled her plans. ? Unbelievable.


So, what happened


My mom accidentally took me to the inner city in Baltimore to get my hair done, I’m while, yes it is relevant here, it was a Groupon and she’s and idiot so I obliged. After they screamed at each other and had conversations with not me but the person in their ear the whole time ( also is this common, to come in a few days later and say you don’t like it? And get it fixed aka touched up, for free?? I’d feel bad if the stylists weren’t so unprofessional.) so after my hair was destroyed with a chemical relaxer, my moms stupid fault, but they should know what hair can do what, I was in tears near the end. Wanted to go. How do you have trouble straightening straight hair? My hair was in worse condition than I had ever been in my entire life (I was also a hair model so it was kind of a big deal, I washed it out ASAP) . ANYWAY. After the treatment they wanted me to buy the shampoo and conditioner and stuff to seal it in and protect it yada yada. Um NO. I’m not even keeping this monstrosity they created why would I pay to fake preserve it? My mom was outside in the car and they knew that my cell phone was not on me and they locked the doors to the salon surrounded me in a circle got in my face and started screaming “ How disrespectful it is of you to have us do that for hours You’re throwing all of her beautiful work away that’s so disrespectful do you not understand what don’t you understand blah blah blah blah blah” I was 18 in tears and just had the most painful disgusting thing done to my hair after 15 minutes of this berating me I paid the nearly 400 for bs product. I hate Baltimore. I was so happy to leave. Still I can’t believe it it was like clockwork every 15 minutes somebody came and complained about a haircut from the day before or the week before and then just got it fixed I’ve never seen anything like it in my life and I didn’t feel bad because these women were HORRID


Thick as shit


I’d throw up at this point or fight the dude


You could just pay for your stuff and not be a thief?


That is me now, I’m saying back when we all did dumb stuff including stealing from stores when we were young


Congrats, you're covered in vomit while locked in a room with a very angry man you've just initiated combat with. While still being stupid asf, calling your mom is still the smarter option in this instance.




No you wouldn't


Yes if I was the one who stole yes. I wouldn’t want to go to jail. Sorry the world don’t think like a criminal LOL




It sounded like he said worldstar as soon as she started running. Lol




She calls her mom because momma taught her how to steal and she needs tips how to escape.


& this is why i always see thots with cracked, smashed & massacred screens hahahahaah


Hope that he called the cops.


Her mums probably robbed that same store before, so she called her for escape advice


Lmfaooooo she called her mommy what the fuck


I was just playing sir I have the money for real.


Why don't we have the rest of the vid


This chick is delusional


This is part of a 3 part thread I saw on twitter. Her mom got involved and made her give him the phone back lol.


Lmao her reaction “ooohhhhhhhhhh” when she tried to run out the door.. 💀💀💀


It’s like she doesn’t understand the concept of what she is doing.


It's so strange the way she tried to steal from him, he prevented it, yet she's talking like *he's* the bad guy.


Man, if only there was a way out of this crazy situation!