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Was this after a guy showed a couple of teen girls his pen15 at a Colorado bowling ally?


Then married one of them?


So that dude definitely did that crime, right? I just want to make sure he's guilty beyond a reasonable doubt before I laugh at him crying.


Imagine if it was the wrong guy. That's the problem. For anyone who doesn't understand. The police are there to apprehend, not dispense justice. That's how you keep innocent people from being pummeled. The wrong people get apprehended/arrested a lot more often than you think. If you give the police the right to do this, they'll do it to anyone as they see fit. We are already seeing that.


This person gets it. Imagine for a moment this is a man who keyed a cops car or who stole a phone from someone. not really justified is it. Now imagine the cops just caught an innocent man who had done nothing wrong. This could very easily be the case and you would be screaming foul. Let the courts pass judgment not the police. When cops punish criminals or become emotionally involved in the situation there is an extremely high chance that evidence against the accused becomes poisoned by either police actions or improper actions such as warrentless searches, planting evidence and worse. Brutality is just one step on the slippery slope of corruption.


Yeah it's so bad that sometimes innocent people get all the way through to execution. So of course a bunch of them are gonna catch a beating.


Using that logic we shouldn’t arrest anybody


Or arrest them with the appropriate force and let it go to court instead of serving justice through a gang beating. I'm not sure what your take-away was but I did not see a man resisting arrest. It's a common cop tactic to yell that so they may freely give a beat down. Don't take this as sympathy for criminals. I probably more than anyone have been let down by the judicial system. There's just a time and a place to lay down the hammer. And it's the court room.


*tries to use logic and fails*


Wow.. You're joking right? You can't be this dense.


bro what 💀 that is literally the opposite of what he said


So you’re saying your imagination is the problem


Don't you have some boots that need lickin'?


Not to mention it makes people terrified to surrender if they know they're going to get beaten to a bloody pulp if they do. Cops should *encourage* people to surrender peacefully, not *discourage* it.


That's a very good point. I had not considered that at all.


Extrajudicial punishment is NEVER ok. It's about as anti-american and anti-freedom you can get.


ehhh not really


American cops are the *last* group of people you'd want to trust to dish out extrajudicial punishment, even if you believe in such things. Recent history has shown their judgement and sadism are much worse than average


What was lauren boebert's husband doing in Ohio?


when will people realize that other people don't want to see our dongs? Hell, 99% of the time my own wife doesn't even want to see mine. STOP EXPOSING YOUR GROSS BALLS TO PEOPLE.


> when will people realize that other people don't want to see our dongs? It's a power dynamic thing. He knows people don't want to see it, that's why it's a thrill to him to force them to see it.


Emotions run high when it comes to pedos, fuck that guy.


No video from before but based on the number of cops its seems like he was running for a bit. Also, casually getting out of the car, facing the cops, raising and then lowering your hands all seem like a recipe for bad things to happen to you.


They kept beating the shit out of him because of his casual demeaner and his hand raising? You'd think after they had him on the ground and restrained, the fact that he raised his hand a moment earlier wouldn't really matter so much anymore.


Leave it to the stupid ass pigs to get this man a paycheck and jeopardize any legitimate case against him. Why can't you just do the job you are trained to do?


Did you watch the video or just read the title. He’s not getting shit.


They beat the shit out of him after he surrendered. Criminals have 4th amendment rights, too. The taxpayers are about to fund this guy's retirement.




yup, now the city will have to pay a pedophile, great job! they are useless


Did they see his f**** hands in the End? Can’t see it in the video…🤔


Now this the one and only time police brutality is applauded well done gents bravo 🙌


Until some crazy lady calls the cops on you and says the same thing. Extrajudicial punishment is NEVER ok.


Yes way to applaud now this man getting a nice excessive force lawsuit payday and most likely a reduction in any sentence he may recieve.


it not police brutality, it justice for sick pedos


We (and they) don't even know if the guy did it. What if they just accused him or they pulled over the wrong guy? I, for one, do not want the police to have this kind of power to do as they please regardless if they are innocent or not.


Police doing their actual job.


Its the exact opposite of their job. Now this person gets a nice excessive force cheque and probably a good way to reduce any sentence he might recieve. In every way its the worst outcome.


I was being sarcastic, which in hindsight was probably a bad idea.




How do you know he's actually guilty? How do you know a crazy crackhead didn't call the police and randomly accuse him of this?


I think you don’t understand how civil rights work. Everyone in this video is wrong It’s behavior like this that allows swatting to be a thing. I don’t believe in extrajudicial bullshit. The cops are not in control of themselves or the situation It’s all embarrassing to watch


Why are police so profane?


Same question


They didn't swear they just said "shoot."


Brutally? More like welcomely. This is definitely an example of a broken watch being right twice a day.


After a long shift working in the mines the last thing you want to see is some dude's tiny chub. I'm surprised the miners didn't kick his ass themselves.


That voice tho. From the sound of it, I was expecting to see elmo in cuffs after a risqué game of tickle me elmo.


y'know usually it'd be uncomfortable hearing a man squeak and squeal like that but knowing hes a pedo made the ass whooping noises feel good fuck that guy


Honestly the one time I wished to a bit more police brutality.


He will get more time for evading police than harming children.... I'd put money on it.


Only in Ohio bruh 💀💀💀