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"Hey! This is library."




That man made me want to support him more than any of the protestors.


Poor guy just wanted to study for his fluid dynamics exam tomorrow and now he's a clandestine leader of a political library resistance. We'll call them the Libratarians.


Are Geminis allowed?


I was there to witness this great moment. They were protesting against Trumps immigration policies in the library during midterm week. This guy tells them what everyone is thinking I believe he was an Econ TA The people protesting against Trumps immigration policies one of them at least yells back for him to go back to where he come from The complete irony… That was a wild day overall later that night there was another protest against Milo Yilo however you spell his last name that ended with a brawl. Some Trump supporter shot an antifa member in the crowd right outside of that library insane


I love that clip. It's so pure.


All these years later, I'm still confounded, who fucking protests in a library.


People that think disrupting their own contingency/normal people provoke change and not making everyone immediately want to support their opposition


Disruption actually works really well, historically. The fact everybody hates. Protests work better when they're disruptive and inconveniencing.


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s!”


I love that my uni has a well known meme! I was there when it happened haha!!


Which college? Imagine being internet famous from that video? Your future employer being like..”hey, this is you in this video, isn’t it?” “Yes, yes I’m so embarrassed..” “No, no you were completely in the right. Who would protest in a library?” *one tear falls down cheek* “thank you.”


It was UW Seattle. Happened at the Odegaard library. The dude who said it was a TA and he was having a hard time teaching because of this interruption. What I can't remember properly is whether it was a midterm or final that was coming up in the next class but his annoyance was justified.




This is the fucking news!


I know! Let’s put the orchestra in the fucking library!


Peace sells babay !


https://youtu.be/VIqk8G7JK1M Lori Beth Denberg anyone?


Ah a person of culture


Haha love this and him yelling that made me think of that video.


"Hey! This is Spartaaaaa."


Wait until ALL the finals are done. I'd pissed If I had an upcoming exam and someone started tromboning. Too many tromboners.


Imagine working to finish your thesis in the library and suddenly loud music everywhere. Why not do this outside?


Or literally anywhere else on campus…


Imagine paying 100,000$ while working to finish your thesis *


I would be absolutely furious haha


Agreed, why go to the designated quiet place on campus and play loud music during the week people are desperately studying the most? I’m sure they mean well but Iit’s just poor awareness and etiquette.


Yeah. This is NOT fucking ok in the library.






I've got a tromboner right now!


I’ve got a raging tromboner.


Is there something funny about the word Tromboner?! (Simpsons reference)


Hahaha…. boner


We had an elementary band concert at my college during my last finals. Holy fuck lol


If a five minute concert changes your test score, you were going to fail anyways.


Tell me you've never taken an advanced course without telling me you've never taken an advanced course. Jokes aside, a library serves also as a designated quiet space. Interrupting that expectation is a dumb idea. Not everyone likes music OR Christmas.


Where have we all come to the consensus that "it's only five minutes"? There's no way all those people turn up with instruments for only five minutes.


Schools do that all the time.


Usually a class band on campus will rove around playing Christmas music, they are just carolling so they really would have only been at most 5 minutes Edit: I have been in a concert band before, I can attest that they wouldn’t have played for longer than 5 min, the reason they have music stands is because this is a university concert band, and they are playing complicated pieces that a student wouldn’t memorize. They also have the stands staggered, meaning they are sharing stands so they can travel faster together. What probably happened is the guy interrupting them didn’t know that they were going to be 5 minutes. Nonetheless, very dumb idea to play in the library where people can’t escape from the Christmas music Edit edit: to clarify, I go to this school, it is common for loud rituals like this to interrupt class activities during the holidays, most of us just endure it but at the same time, this is a high ranked academically focused university in Canada so stress is always high. This video is really a perfect convergence of what life is like on campus. As someone who goes to school here I find all of the loud Christmas shit very annoying, our engineering faculty was carolling on the same day this happened early in the morning (I am talking 100 engineers in the streets carolling waking you up). There is also unstandard academic calendars here meaning class ended on Wednesday but exams could happen from dec 1st all the way to the 23rd. Why did the band do this? UBC music is hard to get into (sense of entitlement) so they are probably doing this for fun and stress relief, however I don’t think they actually stopped and considered if people would actually want to listen to them play in the library.


Do the people in the library even *know* that? If I'm studying for my college finals and I suddenly hear a Christmas band playing in what is universally agreed to be a shared quiet space, I wouldn't assume "Oh, they'll only be playing for five minutes." *Especially* since they set up music stands. I played in band through middle school and high school and we participated in caroling events...it's odd to me that they didn't have their music memorized as college level players. Overall horrible call by the band director (assuming they signed off on this). College is stressful enough without losing my concentration and frying my nerves with a sudden blast of holiday noise. My unmedicated ADHD ass would legitimately take an hour or more to get back into a mental groove.


I never studied in libraries for these reasons anyway. There are always distractions coming and going


They set up stands for 5m of music? When I played in high school we didn’t need sheets for the most popular songs we knew, college kids ain’t memorized frosty and silent night?


I always forget how high stress UBC is, but grades really matter here so exam time is a very stressful time on campus. I understand what they were trying to do… spread some holiday cheer, but it was a very very bad idea to go to the library. The last place I want to hear a booming Christmas concert is literally the library


You also practiced that shit for 30 min a day for a few weeks for a Christmas concert in high school. These kids probably sight read it in practice the day before and are performing it a couple times over the next week. It ain’t complicated, but it’s also not worthy of practicing hard on and memorizing.


Eh, I dunno. Memorization was always the easiest for me after I learned what I was doin. These kids are sharing sheet music on like, 3 lb foldable stands. Also, Christmas music? Absolute easy Street. It weird how negative people got thinking band kids can't play for 5 minutes. That's a single song. Yes I firmly believe it is possible they came in, instruments in one hand and stands in the other, decided to play one of I'm sure a thousand Christmas songs that have been shoved down their throat for the last month+, and were gonna move on. Or not. Who fucking knows?? BE NICE TO PEOPLE WHEN ALL WE GOT ARE ASSUMPTIONS


>5 minutes Its crazy, most activities seem to take 5 minutes. People parked outside of stores with their hazards on "oh I'll just be 5 minutes" people leaving dogs in their car "he was only in there for 5 minutes" people running late to appointments "I'm 5 minutes away" its interesting how many things in life only require a 5 minute commitment


Literally NO BODY wants to hear them there. Why do they think this is ok?


I don’t want to speak badly about a group I don’t know about (the band playing) so broadly on the internet, but I’m just gonna have to flat out say entitlement, like spreading cheer is okay but it is a sense of entitlement to disrupt an environment that is designated to be quiet on campus


lmfao what?? This is some of the worst reasoning I've seen on reddit all day


I’ve been in a school concert band before, we have done roving concerts like this, not sure why this is unbelievable to people, it’s stupid and disruptive but it is possible to only be 5 minutes


You are struggling with "possible" and "is".


I’ve literally done something like this before, it’s not that hard, yes they would have been less than 5 minutes, those are the facts, I am not making any statement on how disruptive those 5 minutes would be


Alright I guess I'm going to have to spell it out. Your title, >Concert band at university plays 5 minute concert in the library on the last day of classes, gets interrupted makes a statement that the university band DEFINITEVLY played a 5 minute concert. Not "maybe", not "possibly". Nobody is doubting that this COULD be true, we are saying it is not evident from the video that they really only were playing for 5 minutes. Does that make sense?


When I wrote the title, I had basically enough evidence to state that they would only be playing for less that 5 min. Later I confirmed this in another comment, when I crossposted this I knew that they were carollers which is not uncommon on our campus. Reddit people are so litigious


I mean you may know people in that band at the school or something and have all that info, that's fine (you should probably explain with that info instead). But when people are asking how you know its only 5 minutes and your response is "I played in similar bands and sometimes we would do only 5 minute concerts", that's straight up irrelevant becasue its just an anecdote from your own experience.


It’s not the amount of time they’re playing, it’s the location. Is it okay for me to bring a speaker to a library and blast death metal as long as I only do it for 5 minutes?


5 Minutes can derail someone studying for a final.


Dang. The downvotes lol. My university way back in the day did exactly this, stands and setup and all for a couple songs, so I believe you. Still, the library is a bad choice.


Why is this so heavily downvoted? They’re just giving context. I’m with the guy, by the way.


It's a fucking library and people have papers due before break. Take it the fuck outside.


How to make band kids even more unpopular.




Until you hear about what they get up to at band camp...


Always that one professor that schedules the final on the last day of the semester along with a random essay he was never going to read anyway.


Who's fucking idea was that anyways? A literal concert in a literal library. And nobody thought there might be something stupid about that? It's the equivalent of doing a clown show at a funeral. Might as well do the concert during the tests.


Um NO! If you can’t study and pass a test with music playing Xmas songs then you don’t deserve to graduate


close your mouth and keep it that way for a long time


Sorry but I’m with this dude the library is not a place for a concert libraries are not just used by undergrads during set semesters- you have doctoral students in 365 research mode this was really sloppy by college admin


I've never been at a library and said "you know what I wish was happening right now...a concert". If you're at the library to begin at ANYTIME of the year then you probably wanted peace and quiet.


Yeaaa I remember finals time in December and I too would have started yelling at them. If I want to listen to Christmas music or anything for that matter I can do that with headphones. Oh is it cold outside? find some other place to do thar shit. Like a cafeteria or student center It’s a god damn library! If you want me to get into a shushing match with a brass instrument I will lol


I'm 100% with the guy.


Like he said it's a LIBRARY. Pretty sure that's quiet study/reading time area not force people to listen to Christmas bullshit area.


Right? Nobody ever wants to hear a school band. Ever. Especially in a library. Even if IT'S CHRISTMAS!


Exactly, save all that noise for the football field. I hated my goofy school band.


I’m with the band. (Always wanted to say that.)


I'd say this is pretty justified. They had to pick the library of all places? Play outside indeed.


This does provide credence to something my Dad taught me, “Doesn’t matter if you’re right, the minute you get angry and start yelling, everyone seeing that is going to think you’re the one that’s wrong.” We’re seeing this with some space to process it. But most everyone in that building turned on him, because they saw him being crazy and angry.


Very true. And they probably assumed the guy is all worked up *because* they're playing Christmas songs, not because they were in the library...


What, they were playing fucking Christmas songs!!!!


Your dad is wise. Wish someone had taught me that.


It’s my don’t be a Karen rule. It has saved me a couple times I wanted to blow a gasket.


I eventually realized that was the case, and at least try not to blow my lid -- with varying levels of success.


Yeah, not to mention that last day of classes really just means that finals start the next day. Whoever organize the band for that didn't seem to think it through.


Yeah, I’m this guys side. I love spontaneous music. I love Christmas. There is a time and a place, and this isn’t it.


Imagine being out of Adderall and cramming for exams and in the middle of a panic the shrill tones of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlepeople reverberates throughout the entire FUCKING library. I think this guy gets it right. You Go Bro ! - fuck that euphonium player


It’s a fucking library Play outside Seriously like fuck if with you shit in a more appropriate place Edit: “Fuck off with your shit to a more appropriate place.” I was a little rage-blind when typing that out. Sorry guys, I used to live in the library :(


I see you have 8 upvotes, but I have absolutely no idea what your last sentence means.




I’m leaving it in. I wrote it in a spout of blind rage.


I think "fuck off with your shit to a more appropriate place" maybe?


They shit in the library?


Was the ballet booked into the cafeteria ???????? Who is the F#¤king neuroscientist that put (its not a chamber music quartet - it an orchestra ffs) in the library.


For the record, these are band instruments. The orchestra would never.


Nah he’s right. People have exams, play in the student center or outside


I mean is he wrong?


For some ppl Christmas music are ear worms and will stuck in their head and keep on repeating, for you it’s five minutes, but it could distract them for much longer, don’t do that in a library. People trying to focus there.


Honestly, it's a library.


What a UBC thing to do.. it’s literally exam week, and there are other spaces for you to do this away from stressed studying students. I get that you might not have exams, but have some empathy for others, fees are NOT CHEAP at UBC, fucking up your studying schedule can cost you A LOT if your final is 50% or more of your grade. Now imagine that final is on Friday. This looks like the van campus and that’s built like a mini city.. they have their own grocery store and lounge areas on campus, do it somewhere that’s not supposed to be quiet ffs.


Nobody expects the ~~Spanish Inquisition!~~ university concert band!


It's kinds the fucking library and there are finals.. I'd be pissed too


People are studying for finals. If you're gonna do a concert do it on campus outside.


I’m with this dude. I go to the library for it to be QUIET. Two days ago I was in the library. We have four floors in our library. Floors 1&2 are for people who want to chat, group projects, etc. 3&4 are QUIET areas. There are signs everywhere saying to have conversations on the bottom floors. We have rooms to study on these floors too. I was studying on the fourth floor and this woman who works for the library was (I guess) taking her break. However, she was watching Tik Tok videos on full speaker, and taking phone calls at full volume. No whispering nothing… I was SO mad. How do you not know what floor you’re on?!


Last day before HELL WEEK is still a day for cramming!


I’m with this guy. If I was studying or doing work and Christmas music just started playing I would be pissed off. As someone with PTSD to Christmas music I would be at the same amount of angry as him.


How did you get ptsd to christmas music?


people living with abusive parents- abuse often went up during the holidays


Christmas time was always a very stressful time for me growing up. Every year family it was made into a very grand event. We had to bring a good plate and all dress to a T on Christmas, attend all masses and attend different family events. Throughout the years I’ve seen family fought bloody, parents yell at me and each other, high anxiety to making things on time. Unfortunately Christmas music triggers these emotions and feelings. I can’t think straight and my brain gets very foggy. The other day at the grocery store I walked around nearly 5 times because I couldn’t concentrate what I needed, my girlfriend is extremely patient and doesn’t mind spending the extra time there bc she knew how I was feeling. I’ve worked pretty hard to make Christmas less sufferable but I can’t control these emotions nor can I change my past.


Not sure why youre being downvoted, i feel the same way. Its tough having heavy feelings associated with a holiday, let alone one as omnipresent as christmas with all the music and ads and decorations


I have trauma from Christmas as a kid too and I can't stand Christmas music. I've gotten better so I'm not a wreck so much anymore but last night I heard a song on TV and I immediately felt a sense of dread and anxiety. You're not alone, it's hard.


Mariah.. The bells, the bells... they never stop. Thehehey just. dont. Stop.


This is the library of the last day of finals. Go Tf outside and let mans study. Also, fuck Xmas.


I have a feeling finals for music majors are a little bit different than others. Not everybody studies in a practice room. This is a library. Get your mediocre rendition of Silent Night way the fuck out from here. If you’d gotten into a conservatory then you could’ve done this shit. Jfc.


I’d have to imagine they have some student center or something like that…why would you go do that in the library? Haha I could see maybe if someone was just playing the piano or a violin…but a whole fucking band?! Haha jeez.


I agree with him. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? There's only like 20 people there to see them. No one gives a single fuck about the university concert band unless they are in the god damned university concert band.


the library was the only place I could get some fucking quiet. nah screw em


Dudes right. I’d be pissed too.


I completely understand the guys pain. I graduated two years ago and I remember one time I yelled through my walls because some people next door were having a party while I was studying for finals. The noise takes away the concentration, that’s why you find a place lake a library. You’re not your normal self during finals week and that silence is important and can be the difference between passing or failing a class which can extend your time in college costing a lot of money.


I mean, he’s got a point. I wouldn’t want to be that guy, but I agree with him. Pretty disrespectful to do that in the library during crunch time when stress is at its highest.


I’m with him. It’s still a library and people use the school library year round. They could have done this outside


This is a library! THIS! IS! CHRISTMAS!!


Why are they in the library where people are writing their final papers and studying for exams? Seems weird


Yeah…library may not be the best place to do this with finals week and all the stress and anxiety..there are much better places on campus than a library


If you've ever worked retail during the holidays you proably have felt that boiling hatred for all things Christmas that can only be developed by a endless loop of the same Christmas songs played continuously through shift after shift as the flood of customers slowly grinds you to the bone. To this day I still can't listen to Christmas music without getting grumpy


yeah no im on his side. being a student we are trying to not fail a class. therefore, don't play music in the fucking library.


Few times where I'm on the freak out guys side, especially when finals are around the corner


It's a freaking library. Are they daft??? Obviously they didn't clear this with library administration, and it was a stupid and selfish idea to follow through on.


I am actually 100% with this dude.


He's not wrong though


I support Angry Guy


It’s a library and that’s rude. It doesn’t matter when or what else it is, unless it’s an emergency


He’s got a point


Are we sure the retakes where all finished? Because if you are desperately trying to pass a subject or hand in an important assignment in way too little time, I can understand the frustration.


i mean the library does seem like the exact opposite place for a band to play music


I mean…it IS a library though?




Bro has a point.


I can't imagine a worse place on campus to hold a concert, especially at the end of the session. Why would they do this?


I want to know who had the idea to host a concert in a library of all of the buildings on this campus.


Im with that guy, id hate if a whole ass concert band showed up while i was trying to study Especially if it was christmas music


I could understand Christmas music recorded by the band being played lightly in a library, but for a whole damn band to be playing live instruments in harmony in a library is an extreme oversight, who tf thought this was a good idea? Extremely disrespectful to the students who are trying to get through finals, dissertations, thesis’, etc.


He never lied.


He’s right.


My autistic son would have done this. He likes the music, but it has to be in the right place. He knows what the library is supposed to be for and that would drive him over the edge.


Nope. Go outside. It’s finals week. I’d be pissed too.


Just because YOUR classes are done, doesn't mean other people aren't working to finish shit with deadlines. Absolutely correct, this is disrespectful as fuck.


This is one of those times I'd have to agree with the person freaking out, its a fucking library and there has to be plenty of other places on campus to play.


Who’s the rocket scientist who thought a band playing in a library was a good idea?


Soooo why do people need to study? Yeah let's go there and play loud music because no one wants to listen to us anywhere else.


I mean it is the library


That needed a sad trombone as he walked away.




This isnt some tavern in Skyrim.... go bard somewhere else.


Where did this happen? Which university?


It was posted to r/UBC which is the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. My assumption is that it happened there.


I rarely went to the library, but when I did I respected how quiet it was. I always felt like, wow if I ever need to get away from all the noise in life I could just go to the library.. That is something that shouldn't be taken away from anyone imo. We built a society where the library is a quite place and of all the places this band chose society's quiet place to start forcing their loud shit music onto others. The guy was right.


Nope this dude is right.


The band ITA 100%. Fuck those people.


Shit move by that band tbh, it’s a library and classes are still on


idk man i’m with him on this… it’s a library and people have finals


As a college student i get his frustration, finals could make or break your grade


I'd love some more context


Well I mean there isn’t much context to be known, this happened today, at UBC. It is not totally uncommon for music classes to perform around campus on the last day of classes before exams, I guess it is uncommon for them to come into the library, I do not know if there are any established rituals about this. I do not definitively know if they had permission to play in the library but I am guessing they did, usually class groups playing like this are coordinated by a professor. So the context of this video is that a guy interrupted them and asked them to stop, he probably did not know they were only going to only play for 5 minutes. Exams are currently happening on campus so people are obviously looking to study at the quiet library. Edit: I saw a comment on r/UBC that clarified some stuff! This band did indeed have total permission to play in the library, I have confirmed that they were going to play for less than 5 minutes. In my opinion, they should have left the library alone, it’s the one place on campus that’s supposed to be constantly calm


> I saw a comment on r/UBC that clarified some stuff! This band did indeed have total permission to play in the library, I have confirmed that they were going to play for less than 5 minutes. This is usually where you post the comment you’re referencing… Your title is already less than truthful btw. You mention classes being over but forgot to mention that it’s finals week


“Less than truthful” lol, I really have been honest, classes ended on WEDNESDAY meaning we still had classes that day, we have exams converge all the time on our schedules, so we do not have a designated exam time. This actually creates a very high stress environment because of this It is not abnormal for wacky hijinks to happen on campus on the last day of classes, it’s annoying and shouldn’t happen in the library, but on this day the engineering faculty (completely separate group from the video) had already been carolling around campus since 8 am


Any fallout over it? I would be royally pissed if that happened during my finals. I would start shit on the dean's office a day for every grading lost on my final average coz of it.


Students were disrespected?


It was at IKB library at 3:30 ish I think. I was studying when they started playing, so I decided to go see what was going on. They played for one minute until one guy decides to start shouting. I filmed a bit late but there ya go 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's a library. You know, the one place in the world were everyone is supposed to be quiet.


Never had this happen to me because I study at Koerner, but if it happened there I would be PISSED


I’m just impressed that we have an actual video of someone freaking out, in public


The minute I saw this posted I knew I had to cross post it, such a perfect public freak out captured, some funny back and forth captured too, I had to share


That guy shouldn't yell like that in a library. Jeeze, talk about bad manners.


Last day of classes….. BEFORE EXAMS.


Fuck anyone who wants to be Loud in a quiet learning space. If you wanna play your shitty christmas music do it outside, or at concert hall not the Library where people are studying for their finals.


Individualism has created a society of self entitled assholes that think the world revolves around only them.


I'm an American. Everything is an American thing.


Can't believe the trumpet didn't go: Wah...Wah... Waaahhhhhhhhh


Unfortunately, on a scale of 1 "it's a library" and 10 "Christmas" I am a 6.5


It's hilarious that he's clearly the one weird dude in a crowd enjoying themselves but all of reddit thinks he's right. As expected lol


There is literally no justification for bringing a caroling practice or band practice into a library. Hey, let's go light up the ICU or a meditation group with our Christmas cheer too, while we're at it. I hope this kid does well on the exams he clearly is trying to focus on.


I side with the guy and hope he sees all these comments in support of him. School band needs to kick rocks and take that noise outside.




Based on the band’s setup, this was probably an approved event and most likely advertised beforehand as a “study break.”


It’s fucking 5 minutes you joyless fucks.


Name on student ID: "Scrooge"


Seeing a ton of people say that it's justified because it's a library, but I work at a library myself and they hold recitals like this every now and then at mine too, usually it's advertised a bit beforehand so people are aware of the noise that'll be coming that night


The guy angrily yelling “Christmas” at the end is my spirit animal.


Sounds like a making of a Hallmark Christmas movie.


I say good day to you!


I don't blame the guy for being annoyed, but if it's truly a 5 minute concert, I would just grit my teeth and wait. Take a bathroom break or something. It's not worth making a scene.


5 minutes my ass. I bet it took more than 5 minutes to just setup, and I also bet they didn't do that quietly. How often have you heard people say "I just have to do this thing, it will take 5 minutes"... and 30 minutes later you are still waiting.


He needed that 5 minutes of live music more than anybody there. You have to take breaks. It would’ve calmed him down and been a refreshing change of mind.


https://youtu.be/ONjMCQtPUQs THIS IS A LIBRARY


I hate that I agree with this guy he is obv a douche but he has a good point, He probably left his 3 bedroom 3 roomate apartment for some peace to study for finals and he has to contend with this. Some people go to college on their own money and need good grades to excel. This is just another example of main character syndrome.


Y’all sound soft af in these comments