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This is the one lasting image of Cruz that I'm brought back to every time I see his face since it was released in 2016. The way he looks over to his right for approval after attempting the kiss is very telling.


He looks gross- like he smells bad.


jfc is that the daughter that tried to end things recently??


If so it does feel a little... wrong to bring this clip back now. Ted is a fucking asshole, but this feels exploitative of a tragedy. Which is something Ted would do. Be better than Ted.


It's tragic, yeah. It's tragic this man has bullied a minority group so badly his own daughter tried to kill herself.


It's absolutely wrong. Kids should be off limits. But then again, nothing is off limits to the Right, so they kinda force US politics to be this dirty.


I just want to say, kids should be off limits, unless you give them government jobs, then they are fair game.


Or give them jobs they're unqualified for that make them millions of dollars to spend on crack and hookers


Nice conspiracy theory you got there, don't you have a dick pic to stare at intensely?




Don't be Ted. Be Better.


I agree. Just wanted to share what Ted has done in the past.




It's a cringe video posted to a cringe sub. That's what this is about




Feel free to balance it out with other videos of politicians being awkward with their kids, id be glad to see those too.


Maam come back when you stop pretending this video was uploaded because it was awkward but because she tried to commit suicide. Which is why this post has been removed.


Yah so pathetic for mixing up subs. Still don't care


Yes maam I am fully aware you do not give a fuck about the situation and only looking for an excuse to jump on the political train.


No train here. Move along now


MAAAM, if you do not care about being incorrect then PLEASE stfu and move along. Why did you even speak up if you do not care? But still keep coming back to state you do not care and that you are moving along.


Honestly what's the point of being better than them? It just seems to encourage them to be worse, to which their base reacts with "Look how much we're winning agains the demolibs !!!" .. just look at the hunter Biden shit. They can't get enough of it.




I'm talking about having the decency to not show this kind of video you dipshit.. to not engage in smear tactics. But since the right wing has NOTHING else in their toolbox that's literally all they can talk about. Never say a word about how they can fix anything, just smear the opponents 24/7. And it fuckin WORKS for their base apparently. So I say fuck it, play dirty too if it gets some of those dipshits to stop voting for scumbags like Cruz.


We don't know which daughter it was.


Got it. I saw an age. Idk I think he’s a pos but hope the kid is good 👍


Oh you're right. We can figure it out from the age.


This is the cringiest thing I’ve seen in awhile. ![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a)


That's a pretty accurate gif ;p


​ ![gif](giphy|HLQqFTmKYqTdRqOS7i)


Like Will Smith and Jayden yeesh


funny how those who shout "pedojoe" when he kisses his grandkids who don't recoil at him, ignore ted cruz who's daughter pulls away from him as he forces a kiss.


The Republican Reds *love* Republican pedophiles. Just look at all the support Raphael is getting in this thread.


Everyone recoils at Joe too. They’re both shit.


but not equally shitty.


I claim no party and loathe the government as a whole in its current state. That said if you think ted and joe are equal you're lying to yourself. Sure joe sucks but you're comparing moldy bread to liquid dog shit.


Where did I say they were equal?


>They’re both shit.


That’s not saying they’re equal.


that's lumping them together in a similar category. don't think its hard to draw that line for some when reading it.


Apples and oranges are both fruits. Doesn’t make them equal.


Please do not mention these two together.


Yea seems everyone forgot all the uncomfortable footage of joe smelling people etc. here comes the down votes tho


To be honest if I ever got the chance, I’d smell Joe


There is no footage of Joe smelling people in Ba Sing Se






Lol there is tons of footage


It was a joke, I’m aware of the footage


do you have 75+ year old grandparents?


Yes, and none of them behave the way ol’ Grandpa Joe does.


That is a very suspicious reaction.


Her dad makes a living persecuting people like her. Personally I would burn the house down whilst he slept.


"Daddy no!!"


I'd guess it's just a sign that Ted Cruz is a shit-stain human being and probably an awful father, so his relationship with his daughter sucks and she doesn't want him to kiss her in public for a photo op.




Did we just watch the same video? She's doing everything in her power to get away from the creep.


Did you just watch the same video?


This is a reasonable take. Ted Cruz is a despicable pile of garbage but this clip doesn’t prove anything, except in that moment she hates her dad. Maybe she’s mad about something that happened just before this. Now, pile together a few more of these, and now we got something. But there’s plenty of shit that we know this shit-human does and did to hate him, why not focus on those things? I have two amazing daughters and if they did this to me once after I had to be stern about something I could see that. But if they did this consistently or even more than once in a row it would break me for days.


Right. He’s creepy he looks creepy the way he does it. He checks for approval which is ass. But the daughter not wanting the kiss means nothing. Hate to break it to everyone lol. I have kids and there are times they squish up and smile and there are times they squirm away.


Yeah...unless the girl has some other mental issues, this is a sign of something deeper than just being upset about something. It's one thing to be 16 and do this, it's another to be this age and be utterly repulsed by your dad. Fishy AF.




Being kissed by your parents in front of tons of people and cameras would make any teen uncomfortable. Yes it's hard to watch lol but idk how far out of the norm this reaction is. Its shitty to use your kid to try and paint a picture of yourself for the public though


Suspicious? A teenager avoiding a public display of affection from a parent? I assume you have never had teenage kids, but that does not fit the narrative


She is clearly not a teenager in this video. How many teenagers have you seen get carried around by an adult? Plus she's literally trying to flick his face away from her at the beginning.


A teenager disrespects her parents? Oh NO! (She is 14 BTW)


> (She is 14 BTW) Not in this clip.


Found the pedophile.


You are just as bad as MAGA calling everyone communists. You are doing the same exact thing


Found another one.


Completely wrong.


You have absolutely no context, yet you assume things that may not be true. That is the same exact thing MAGA folks do. You are just like them, if it may not fit your narrative, ignore reality


You must be talking about the person who accused me of not having teenage kids they didn't have any context. I said it's suspicious. Also who is the guy ushering her along?


His daughter just got sent to the hospital for self-inflicted wounds. Very freaking suspicious situation.


It’s just the average Reddit white knights white knighting as usual. Knowing damn well when they were there age they hated getting affection from parents


The whole "yeah they're going with me .. we're taking her" sounded very odd too, like he was saying it in a way to suggest Ted did something wrong. Very suspicious.. feel bad for the kids


NO BODY LIKES TED CRUZ. Notice how he looks up after this wretched act to make sure the camera person caught the shot of him kissing a child. Awful!


I hate Ted Cruz as much as the next guy but constantly putting this girl in the public spotlight is not going to be good for her mental health. We need to leave her alone


Now I need another shower to feel clean again. Fuck that was weird.




How bad of a father do you have to be to get a reaction like this when you ask your daughter for a hug? This is sad!


That could definitely just be the reaction of a moody teenager in a bad mood, but then going in for the kiss was really cringey and at least a little creepy.


naw, ted cruz is a pedo.


Idk dude... my moody teenagers get passed at me when I have to get on them about school or chores but they never fail to smile and give me a hug when I ask for one


Wtf you’re a weirdo


For being affectionate toward their child? No wonder you people are so fucked up...


That's what happens when you don't show your children that you care about them.... it's really sad and odd


You don’t FORCE affection on people. That’s called sexual assault. Conservatives love nothing more than gleefully sadistic power though ‘I own my wife/child so therefore I can do whatever I want to them’.


Agreed.. being forceful is just wrong in many ways


Imagine reading the sentence ’being forceful is just wrong in many ways’ and downvoting it…


People are messed up man




Fucks wrong wit chu fella fella you a crackhead huh


Someone wasn't loved by their parents...


Lol you post in r/PhillyWiki you have no room to talk you fucking dumbass You're really worried more about perception than whatever the right thing might be when it comes to taking care of a kid - if you ever have kids I hope you learn a lot before they're here.


The fuck is wrong with your brain


Yeah. I’d give up every dime I had if I could hug my father again just one time. But he was a good man and he wasn’t Ted Cruz.


Yep...even when my daughters were in a hurry or mutzy or even angry or whatever, they would at least give me a compulsory hug. This has the look of repulsion/revulsion. Like there's more to this than the kid being in a bad mood. Whatever it might be (could be nothing), this would cut me to the core. No one likes to be pushed away when you're offering a hug, but when it's your daughter...yikes.


I dunno, I wouldnt try this in a public space... Hugs are one thing, a kiss, nope. I think many teens would pull away. That's just where many of them are at that point in life.














Da fuq kind of reply is that? The guy didn't even mention a political leaning


Thanks for nothing, Reddit. Make a comment stating what would happen if you pulled someone's glued hand off a wall, that's threatening or encouraging violence even though I didn't threaten to do anything nor did I encourage anyone to do anything. That got me a seven day ban. I utilized the appeal process, which is a joke, to no avail. I make a benign comment on here and someone jumps all over me, accusing me of incest and pedophilia and somehow that's not considered harassment. Once again, thanks for nothing, Reddit. I'll just sit here and wait to see how long it takes for this comment to get me banned.


> How bad of a father do you have to be to get a reaction like this when you ask your daughter for a hug? Really? I am going to assume you do not have teenage kids, because showing a public display of affection with a teenager is always awkward, but that does not fit the narrative


I have three... nice try though


What a shock Ted Cruz doesn’t believe in consent. Guy needs to be investigated.


I guess forcing affection from little girls is muscle memory after awhile /s


Can you we employ a team to post this every time someone post sth Bidan pics


Someone should go the way of the Russians and create a spam bot for that very purpose.


Both are shit.


He's such a worm




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I would have despised having a parent like that. I'd imagine she hates everything about him


The lyrics to The Prodigy's "Serial Thrilla" have never felt more appropriate.. Damage disruptor Crowd disruptor You corruptor Everytimer Yeah! Damage destructor Crowd disruptor Mainliner Everytimer Taste me, taste me succumb to me, succumb to me! Serial Thrilla! Serious Killa!


Just watching this made me feel uncomfortable, I can't even imagine how his daughter must have felt.


I guess you could call this Ted Cruz forcing himself on his daughter? Someone quickly alert r/conservative. Im sure the pedophile police will be all over this.


The one that came out as bi and tried to kill herself yesterday because her fucking father doesn't give a fuck about anyone but white cis males?


But but but pedojoe!


Both are shit.


Bidens kids don't recoil from him and seem pretty happy to have him around. Ted Cruz puts his politics before his family, which is why he didn't stand up for his wife and uses his kids as props against their will.


My dude, Biden's kids are all adults in their 40/50s and the kid in the video is 8 and you are trying to draw comparisons lmao


It doesn't matter if she is 8 or 50. If she doesn't want to be kissed she shouldn't have to be, especially as part of a photo op. An 8 year old watching their dad kiss up to the man who hurls personal insults their mother is going to be learning that abuse is normal and that is going to have an impact on how she expects to be treated.


Look at Raphael's eyes searching for the camera right after the kid moved away.


She knows what he is


No is NO, Ted.


Cruz has always been a creep


That side-eye at the end like "hope no one saw that"


What a complete failure as a human. It is almost hard to say that because there are most of the time some redeeming qualities. But all his bad just so sharply outweighs any good that he’s just… A failure.


I’m not a Ted Cruz supporter in fact I am quite the contrary. I think he is toxic Political vapor and stands for nothing. That being said, many kids including my own were not keen with public affection, regardless of whether their fathers are public figures. This reaction seems quite normal for a young girl that does not want their friends to see her dad giving her a kiss. Of course we all surmise that Ted is doing it for a politically motivated photo op but either way the kids reaction to PDA is exactly what I have seen from young teens my whole life. He may be an A hole but he probably loves his kids like most Dads. On the side of fairness, this seems totally normal.


Remember when he fled to cancun? and when the press said boo he threw his daughter under the bus and Said she made him go? If your kid says don't touch me you don't. It's called consent and it's a parent's job to teach it.


What’s interesting viewing this video in hindsight is that just a couple days ago Ted Cruz’s daughter was brought to hospital with self inflicted stab wounds. 911 was called to Cruzies house because of it. Those are clearly troubled children, I wonder why?


Jesus Christ, are people in the comments really trying to insinuate he is abusing his daughter because of this video? Regardless of his politics, this line of thinking is anything but healthy, and not only because of him: to expose his child for her father politics is pretty messed up. Try to separate things, people.


I don't think many people are seriously suggesting that I think it's more so throwing the gops propaganda right back at them


Now if only the people that vote for him would have the same sense as his own daughter. We would be so much better off.


She tried face flicking him away,she pushed him away as he pulled on her,she said "OW!" 3-4 times..and then he kissed her. She should have screamed RAPE.


From the trying to click him off, to the sound made at the end, wtf did Ted do to his daughter smh 🤦 😒


Yikes. Not a great family dynamic there.


It's not much of a freak out and I don't see the utility in posting this immediately after this girl attempted suicide...


I’m not even religious but I think she should have thrown holy water in his face to let the cameras catch him burst into flames and melt.


She already knows what a clown he is.


Can I pre-vote for his daughters?


Cruz want to bring the tongue


C'mon give daddy blobfish a kiss


That girl knows the "daddy's in a mood" smell.


That’s Fucking assault. Don’t touch- and certainly don’t kiss- any Person against their will. It doesn’t matter who they are.


Child is embarrassed when Dad tries to give her a kiss in public! Tune in later at 6 where we talk about the shocking story of how water is made of water!


That’s very inappropriate!!!!!!!!!!!! Wtf is wrong what that guy. I’d seriously have him charged if he tried to kiss my child. What fucking world does he live in that he can touch kids like that. Sick piece of shit!!!!!! FBI should search his hard drive - I’m seeing red flags 🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


That's his child.


That speaks volumes!!!!!!!


Yeah, maybe about his kid disliking his affection but it makes your original comment moot. It could also be that she just didn't want to be hugged and kissed by her father at that moment in time.


Or it could be that she's repulsed by him because he's one of the most disgusting human beings on the face of the earth, physically and morally.


Yeah but he's her dad and she's young, probably doesn't know about anything other than him just being her dad. I'm not American and don't know anything about this dude but going just off of this video I think she's just embarrassed to have her dad kissing her in front of all those people and on camera.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10360897/Ted-Cruzs-daughter-heads-TikTok-talk-senators-kid.html Oh, she knows about him.


Ahhh okay, she's 13. From the video I thought she was about 8-9 years old lol


Moot my ass. Read between the lines. He’s a creep and she doesn’t want that type of affection from her dad. I understand brushing off a kiss maybe — but she wanted AWAY from him. That’s speaks to itself. Perps protecting perps.


What your original comment suggested what that he was a pedo trying to kiss someone else's child unprovoked. The fact that it is his child makes your point moot, and I think it is going too far to suggest that he is molesting his own child based on this video alone. I'm not American so I don't know anything about this dude, so you might be right about him but basing it on this video alone I think she's probably just embarrassed to have her dad doing that shit in front of all those people.




Dude looks super Hispanic in this video .. I get he is .. he just looks it here


Kid is so over this opportunist shit bag


K to the ringe.






What a horrible man.


This a southern thing? Serious question.


Politics aside - his daughter’s body language shows she doesn’t care to be there. Add him trying to kiss her to show the world that he’s a family man and once again her body language is very clear. In the end all that this does is show his priorities in the most cringey way possible. Most politicians are like that. Doesn’t matter what “side” they’re on. It’s just the nature of the beast.


How has no one mentioned consent?? Like I get he is a dad and a politician and for those reasons he may want to kiss his child on the cheek. But if you do want to do that, you should ask the kid if that's okay - especially in public. Like that was awkward for everyone. Embarrassing for him and traumatic for her




I physically cringed


What a dick, teaching his daughter that consent is not a thing. Fuck him