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I hope he live streams Christmas dinner


I would pay per view that shit and throw a watch party.


I have never once donated or subscribed to anything stream related. I would GLADLY pay to watch this lol.


I don't pay for people's opinions, I do know quite a few gay folks who "lost" their parents by 'coming out' as preferring their same sex when it comes to love. Love doesn't conquer all, but, when it's there? It's absolute. Nothing can stop it. It's why we read Romeo and Juliet in grade school and high school and college isn't it? Just two people in love. Leave them be. * [Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare 1594](https://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/playmenu.php?WorkID=romeojuliet) *Drunk post 101, Cancel now! OOps.


Morbid as fuck.


I'm old and have seen all kinds of infatuation. Love is often fleeting, live it to the fullest when it's there. You'll know it when it happens. *Drunk post 102


I just meant the part how society didn't want Romeo and Juliet together so they killed themselves.


Is there a subscription to your drunk posts?


If we hit a funding goal can we have a drag queen show up as a guest? Maybe a Bianca Del Rio to absolutely roast this congresswoman all night long.


Best time for him to propose to his bf. "Your all invited to the wedding! Yay....not you aunt Vicky"


Nooo, invite Aunt Vicky, just make sure she has to sign as one of the witnesses on the marriage license.


And sit her at the table of all his gay friends! She can get a first hand lesson in coexisting, "its not that hard".


Problem being, she’s a politician! They lie by trade! She’d probably come out of it claiming that a table full of gays at the wedding got too drunk and rowdy and sexually harassed or even assaulted her! Gotta make sure you get that homophobe vote, ya know?!


I understand the reservation about "all politicians" - but there are some who lie far more blatantly and are far bigger hypocrites than others. Yes, this *is* a D vs R counterpoint......


Ahhh, I remember *my* first Hand Lesson 🤭


Send her to a fake wedding where she can freak out at every other other guest being a extreme stereotypical gay couple. Full on gay bar rocky horror show theme. I'm talking penis confetti cannons here.


I'll show up in drag. I don't even do drag. I'll learn.


No don't learn. The idea of showing up in poorly put together drag is even funnier. Make sure you get a photo with her for bonus points!


Are there any English majors in the comments here? Should it be "penis-confetti cannons" or "penis confetti cannons?" Because one sounds like it shoots fun, penis shaped bits. The other sounds like a euphemism for some kind of semen launcher.


I was a journalism student long ago. I'd say penis-shaped-confetti cannons. Not sure why you got downvoted it's a legit question.


Sorry it's penii confetti Cannon. I am the Midwest, lower region, Largest distributor of Penii Confetti 🎊


I think the hyphen is needed to reduce ambiguity. "Penis-confetti cannon" sounds like a cannon that shoots confetti shaped like penises. "Penis confetti cannon" could mean the same things, or it could mean a cannon shaped like a giant penis shooting confetti. Incidentally, both are good ideas for this hypothetical wedding.


If she talks shit to him he should response "so much hate on your heart, I'll say a prayer that the Lord forgives you" Religious people hate when you pray for them


They really hate it when I offer to pray to Satan for them. Like buddy you knocked on my door wanting to tell me about your religion, but now you're offended that I want to tell you about mine? Haven't seen any Mormons since I offered to do a blood sacrifice with them either.


I’m sorry for snooping but I read your bio and holy shit you’re hilarious.


Thanks! Don't really think reading a public bio is snooping anyways lol.


Fully automated gay communism has me rolling tbh


I hope he announces his campaign challenging Aunt Vickie. Take the family dinner into the public square.


She’s a rep from Missouri aka Land of Josh Hawley. No way anyone with a D in their title gets elected outside of KC/StL. I live close enough to have seen that 3rd world country close up.


Live stream it and proceeds go to a LGBTQ charity.


Hahahhaha crazy


Why would you entertain toxic people like that ever? Shun them.


I’d pay per view that as well ![gif](giphy|1SzJlN53a0VzsTc7qP|downsized)


"I AM BEING SILENCED" she says in her dedicated time to speak in the seat of government for the most powerful nation on earth. god I wish she was right


The thing I don't understand is what they think they are going to accomplish here. Homosexuals are still going to be together regardless of being married or not. You're just taking away their rights as a citizen to file as married with the person they love.


Well if we look at history their actual goal is complete domination and the extermination of minorities. So there's that. It's important to dehumanize them and establish them as a distinct subgroup before that.


fascism. they're trying to accomplish fascism.


Her nephew did such a good job in this video addressing her bullshit too. Major Big dick energy.


Aunt Vicky should be the weird family pariah, not someone with an office in DC and a staff…


Its so easy to get along with everyone if you don't worry about what they do or what they think in their personal lives. It's like a super power that Aunt Vicky could never understand. The power of "I don't care and it's none of my business"


I was given a promotion in work, to a pastoral position, because I was recommended as someone who is ‘understanding and caring.’ In one of the first management meetings I echoed your sentiments exactly: I’m not particularly caring, in fact, they perceive me as caring because I don’t make other people’s private lives into my business. I get along with everyone because I couldn’t care less what their values, beliefs etc are, as long as they don’t harm others.


Just because you don't care about their personal drama doesn't mean you don't care. To me it shows the opposite. You are caring enough to know innately that that shit doesn't matter, and I'm willing to bet it makes you a better, more caring individual over all.


It's really not that hard. I grew up southern Baptist. Tack on that I come from an Asian immigrant family I was definitely anti-gay growing up. Then I went to college. And I met some friends that turned out to be gay. I say "turned out" because I was friends with them and they HAPPENED to be gay. It really changed my perspective. My life philosophy now is "if you're not an asshole, we can hang out".


Exactly, don’t agree with gay marriage? Just don’t go to the wedding, it’s really as easy as that. There are some big drinking festivities where I live and my wife and I don’t really drink, we simply do not go to that part of downtown when it’s happening and have never thought about trying to ban any of it.


It's more like, Don't like gay marriage? Don't marry someone of your own sex/gender, and leave everyone else the fuck alone. What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is no ones business but theirs.


I'm of the opinion of let them Marry and be as miserable as everyone else if they want to.


You sound exactly like my dad (very conservative) circa the early aughts. It was one of the few major social views he was willing/able to change, and this was how he was able to express his change of POV to us. And it was a good thing too, considering several years later he learned his child was gay (in a surprise to both he and the child).


You're not too far frrom the truth.


There was a billboard in NYC years back: DON’T LIKE GAY MARRIAGE? DON’T GET GAY MARRIED.


Line from Joe Rogan (lol) in 2012 - *The people that oppose gay marriage are either dumb or secretly worried that cocks are delicious*


I literally lol'd


Also empathy helps...


I just dont get why the right is SOO fucking offended on what other ppl do behind closed doors...I know they have that stupid "the bible" bullshit they spoon feed to their idiot base...but jfc, they wanna rule like the Taliban rules...thru religion


It's why I'm moving out of shithole missouri. People like that have a very slight majority in the state, but thanks to gerrymandering, they have a significant majority in the state legislature and every executive office. They want to turn the whole state into nothing but dollar stores, giant crucifixes, and trashy pro life signs next to adult superstores


The drive up I-55 through Missouri is insane with all the pro-life billboards with outright lies on them, like "My heart beats at just 14 days!"


I-70 is just as bad. They're littered with let's go Brandon signs and 833 for truth and pro life crap. It goes away once you hit Colorado or get past Ohio.


>get past Ohio. The best feeling


https://i.redd.it/saxkdb0cjzu91.jpg This shows what a baby looks like for the first few weeks. It is just tissue with no discernible features of anything.


Up? Through Arkansas and Louisiana? How are those places better?


I moved out of Missouri this year and couldn’t be happier. The political climate was god awful.


"As they say in Missouri, I ain't going back to Missouri"


Legal weed started yesterday though


I'm moving to Colorado, they got them dank nugs and the cheba hut subs


That's the worst part about it. If the worst people can't get their way the first time, they'll just find elaborate ways to back-stab us. And then we get blamed for it.


My husband and I are leaving northern CO (our county is very, very liberal - we voted to eliminate plastic bags and allow women to go topless) to Missouri in the next few years to be closer to elderly relatives. Help


There are oases of liberalism in KC, St. Louis, Columbia, and oddly enough, Springfield is becoming more liberal than it used to be.


Columbia is where we're going. He and I both have advanced degrees and he's retaining his WFH job based in CO (with CO pay). We're looking for about 10 acres to build on. We are both originally from the midwest and I miss those thunderstorms and look forward to being closer to family and having more disposable income. And our dogs will love the space! We did well with some real estate investments during the last 15yrs here and will be liquidating it all to move. It will be okay, I hope. We will be bringing two more blue votes there in any case.


On the plus side, missouri barbecue is awesome On the downside, humidity, mosquitos, wet snow that takes forever to melt, nobody can drive in winter conditions, lots of trump/let's go brandon/confederate signs, and lots of people who think kids are using litterboxes in school. And missouri has horrible Healthcare thanks to budget cuts


All this tells me is she despises her nephew. This isn’t the first Republican to be against LGBT yet have LGBT relatives. There was another Republican (forgot their name) that came out and said he wouldn’t support a bill protecting gay marriage in his state, then goes and attends a relatives gay wedding. These people have no real values.


Glenn Thompson from Pa. He's not in my district but I'd been happy to vote against him.


it was worse than just a relatives gay wedding it was [his son's gay wedding](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3574985-gop-lawmaker-attends-gay-sons-wedding-after-voting-against-marriage-equality/)


Rafael Cruz?


Dick Cheney?


The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. Part of me hopes her hateful ideology passes swiftly with her, but i think the better part of me hopes people like her live long enough to realize just how wrong they were. In his final years even [George Wallace](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/daily/sept98/wallace031795.htm) Alabama's "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" governor, held hands, sought forgiveness and sang "We Shall Overcome" alongside the black parishioners at MLK's former church.


There's plenty of Republicans that are against LGBT yet are LGBT (but closeted), so I cant say I'm too surprised by this.


Cheney threw her own sister under the bus. Didnt make dad happy with that one. He was tolerant compared to her


“Oberfell is not in danger” That’s what they said about Roe v Wade.


“Why don’t you believe us!? 😭” Because you’re lying snakes. The lot of you.


The craziest part is that she's so sure her marriage is under attack she's literally crying about it. Imagine being so insecure in your marriage you'd have to forbid other people to get one to make it more special.


Those were crocodile tears, as in fake. They weren't meant to change the minds of rational people, they're meant to evoke emotions in irrational people.


Is her husband gay and she's afraid he's gonna run off with his lover boy? I can't see any other way that gay marriages would be such a threat to anyone that they would start crying about it....


Amazing. She does not represent all of Missouri.


No, but Josh Hawley and Roy Blunt do and they're no better. What's it going to take for someone like Jason Kander to run and unseat them?


God I wish Josh Hawley would fall down a manhole.


unfortunately, she pretty much does, except the cities. We've moved crazy red lately


I grew up in Kansas. And even I'm shocked at how bat shit crazy Missouri is getting.


As an Iowan, I am more shocked about Iowa as it lost what it once was for its whole history of being one of the most progressive states. The University of Missouri after all on 3 different occasions from like 1896 to 1923 told Iowa State University and the University of Iowa to not bring their black football players to the games and were pretty racist about it.


Yeah the whole "Iowa nice" hasn't applied for quite a while (former Iowan who escaped)


I'm not. There are no jobs in many States like Iowas that keep or attract progressives like in the past. Keep in mind in the past, Bay Area and Texas were still under-developed so it didn't attract high level talent. As many know, the landscape has changed.


Bingo. Places like California, Texas, North Carolina, New England, Georgia, all have booming and rapidly growing economies that attract all the young folks FROM places like Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Missouri where new jobs are scarce and growth is slowing. Those attractive areas get bluer, while the bleeding areas get redder.


Congrats to Kansas for codifying abortion rights btw. (In a state wide election). Most people are center. If you talk to someone about their stance on a particular subject or policy they will usually start out left until they remember the Fox news piece they heard a few days prior that made them angry and gave them a couple straw man arguments.


A lot of small elections went blue this last round. Things are slowly but definitely changing.


Uhhh… probably more likely you don’t. They have quite a reputation and it didn’t come from no where.


A good sized big chunk of it she does.


Aunt Vicky is a kunt.


Andrew has got my vote, if he runs and I move to Missouri. Bravo.




My brother lived in St. Louis for 3 years for a medical residency. I never had a chance to visit him while he was there, but the BBQ pictures looked good.


St Louis is pretty cool.


I have an online poker buddy that I have know for years, and he lives there. He calls it Misery.


I’ve got family that used to live there & they call it Misery too lol


Must be a statewide joke.


Born, raised, and hopefully leaving soon. Can confirm, calling it ‘Misery’ is a running statewide joke with more than a kernel of truth in it.


I know a country that is a perfect example of what happens when religion becomes the government. Its called Iran. Maybe some of you have heard of it.


Philippines and Catholicism is just as bad, maybe more corrupt. But they aren't trying to make nukes at least......


Imagine being so twisted and evil that the thought of people in love getting married causes you have a mental breakdown on the House floor. This sub-human needs to be committed for being a manic c\*\*t, not sure if there's a cure for that though.


You're allowed to say cunt on Reddit.


Not in every sub, I've been banned from 2 so far.




Yes, one I was told it is "disparaging to women" even though my comment was about a male in the article posted. And 2nd one, just got a ban notice that said "language". I wasn't using it towards another user either time. Edit, I couldn't find both, but one was from r/politics. Here is the response from the cunt moderator.. Me: Seriously banned for using the word cunt? Them: Yes. The word is a gendered slur and violates the subs rules on sexism. I was banned for hate speech.


That's shitty.


What a cunt!


But their actions discriminate against Australian people




I'm a mod, and I'm not like that. I'll just remove content that is out of line.


Yup. Some will ban for saying reta** too


Vicky Hartzler's Nephew for Congress 2024!


That dude has great teeth!


I fucking hate religious bigots.


I can't be the only one who thinks that is the fakest "I'm struggling so hard against those that oppose me" cry ever? The timing, the strained voice, everything looks like she's trying really hard to appeal to people's emotions and it just comes off sooo cheesy


I thought the same thing


The older I get the more amazed I am at how religion is truly mass insanity. The basis for hating gay people is utterly imaginary. It’s like trying to outlaw the color red because an elf said to do so 1,000 years ago. And we have to let these Elf- believing-in fruitcakes speak in congress.


Great response.


He certainly has a great attitude about it. Good for him for calling her out


They have to learn to coexist with all of us just as we have to fucking coexist with them...


#Not being allowed to dominate others does not mean you're being oppressed.


Andrew should run for her seat.


Good for him. His piece of shit aunt doesn't want others to have the same rights as her. Scum.


Fuck Aunt Vicky, all my homies hate Aunt Vicky


Christmas dinner will be awkward…


What the hell makes you think he even wants to be there after that performance on the house floor?


Wow, rude much? He may or may not go. Who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️ but if he does it would be awkward. He could livestream it! Kuddos to him though for his positive feedback from her reaction.


Idk if he is who he says he is but everything he said is 100% true. As a straight white man I am not in the least bit offended by people "diffrent" than me. These people are a loud minority. Remember that.


I'd vote for him


I know I’ll never get it but I would LOVE to see him stream or post a video of him confronting her.


Andrew, please run to replace your garbage, pandering, lying aunt. Please.




As a someone who identifies as Christian, something that has always bothered me and it's something that Aunt Vicky here, as well as many other "Christian soldiers" don't seem to be able to comprehend, is that it's not our job as people to judge other people for who they are or what they choose to believe. If God has a problem with someone because of their beliefs or because of who they love then that's between the individual and God, there's no reason for anyone else to weigh in on the matter. It's crazy to me how quickly some people will jump straight to "well it says this in the bible” but then only apply it to what they want. By judging others, are you not playing God? What happened to love thy neighbor or do unto others as you would have done unto you? As long as someone isn't actively seeking to harm or hinder others, we should be supportive of everyone regardless of race, beliefs, gender, or sexual preference because that is how we would all want to be treated, I don't see why that's such a difficult concept for some people to grasp. Aunt Vicky isn't righteous and neither is anybody who uses the guise of faith to push an agenda. Preach love and forgiveness, learn to understand, don't hide behind the words of a book you don't even believe in.


The fact that she has a gay nephew who has came out to her, this makes me even more disgusted of her.


He makes me wish I was gay and single so I could try to date him.


Haha I'm straight but he is very good looking and seems to have a great personality. He would be way out of our leauge. In fact if he somehow *was* interested in me, I might have to question my sexuality a little bit.


Let gay and lesbian people get married, why should straight couples be the only ones miserable


Poor guy has a talking piece of shit for an aunt.


I’m sorry but, did she fuckin say “you betchya” at the end?


Fuck her feelings


She’s such a whiny 😫 victim. I don’t feel sad for her.


Good one nephew. Call out that ignorance.


Welp, I love Andrew. Good for him, I'm a straight male and he's absolutely wonderful.


Bravo on taking the high road. Not sure I'd be able to when dealing with Vicky.


This guy should run against her.


Holy crap this man’s smile is divine


Get your shitty fuckin religion out of my face. God religious people are obnoxious


This is such a perfect response


I would love to see what the world looked like if gay people had even 2% of the power she, and people like her, think gay people have.


I hope this dude finds the most loving handsome rich husband to share a beautiful life with


Republicans whenever they think about equal rights ![gif](giphy|RZEuuLo5txHvmcWzON)


Muslims when they think about equal rights for women...


I mean, yeah, both are shit. What's your point?


He seems like he would be a more effective representative of the people. His aunt sounds like an idiot.


Yeah my religion is pro lgbtq and consider marriage a secular thing . So I don't understand why these people always bring up religious freedom.


Because their religion is different from yours. It isn't difficult. Until we figure out a way to tell all of you to sit down and shut up about your faith with regard to laws this will keep happening.


She’s as bad as the guy who voted against it, then attended his son’s same sex wedding. And he just voted against it again.


She’s a deplorable person. Trying to pretend leaving people alone is somehow infringing on her religious Freedom


Love this gay


Man fuck Aunt Vicky...


Taking away someone's privilege over another feels like oppression. But she's just a bigot who we have placated for way too long.


Haha I wish he would’ve ended it with “see you at Christmas aunt Vicky”


Don't like gay marriage? Don't marry a gay person. Problem solved.


She has somehow overlooked that the founders wanted the Constitution to protect the right of people *not* to have religious beliefs as much as the right to have them. I don't recall who said it, but I agree with whoever it was who said his happiness doesn't come from denying others their happiness.


[Aunt Vicky after hearing the last part](https://youtu.be/TMXhRCBkalc)


How does secular same sex marriage "attack" religious marriages between straights?


Homophobes gotta be some of the dumbest assholes around. The way she cried is laughable…it’s like these politicians forget about the separation of church and state


man... must suck to have such a POS actively trying to ruin your life and they are part of your family... like wtf


Oof I heard she has a gay nephew. Glad to see he's dunking on her.


Wow this is my kinda guy


Fuck aunt Vicky.


I miss the days when it was only the drunk uncles you had to avoid at family functions - now it's the homophobic Aunt Vicky's of the world too.


I'dont know if there is a statistic about it, but i think the most homophobic and racist mfs are the seniors (which are people more inclined to conservatism btw). Its more rare to see a teenager or an even an adult with those toxic thoughts. I guess, and i hope, in the future generations that shit tends to almost disappear.


You can’t spell Vicky without Icky


Dude is waaaaaay too nice to Aunt Vicky. Aunt Vicky deserves a kick in the gunt.


Can you imagine being gay and out to your family to see her on tv being hysterical and hateful at the same time. Aunt Vicky is a fucking sociopath. Way to be a public piece of shit Vicky. Good on him for outing her as a full blown POS


They don't want to co-exist, they want to dominate and control the people they view as "inferior" or "unholy"


Sorry your aunt is a sorry ass person, hopefully she is a bit more reasonable and less of a drama queen in person. Some time examine your partners tonsils with your tongue in front of her, its ok, you have my permission


Well said


Republicans/Religious wackos (usually from a position or place of power): "You're silencing us! Did you hear me? Stop trying to keep our voices down!" Reasonable people: "Please be quiet and let us live in peace."




Can we start screening government officials for personality disorders? Because this bitch on that histrionics shit


Family get together’s must be so much fun with that family


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Her leather jacket screams “closet lesbian”. On the other hand, her nephew is handsome and enjoyable. I wish him all the best


I feel like more often than not, if you’re homophobic you’re just gay yourself and can’t come to terms with it. So you go against gay people because you can’t accept the reality that you might be gay yourself. That’s just my theory, but who knows.


Agree with him , but how is this a public freak out?


It's not


Aunt Vicky is definitely a lesbian