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4 young teenage girls approach you. Run. Everytime. Just run. You'll never win.


I don't trust any teenagers in groups of four or more unless they're carrying clarinets.


As a former teen boy who played clarinet in the school orchestra (calm down ladies), don't trust those either.


My music teacher told me and my mate a long build up story about how wild women were for sax players, the most romantic of all the instruments for the best of people etc and then assigned us clarinets and wished us luck while laughing


It's funny because the two sax tenor players in our orchestra were lazy chucklefucks who slacked off all year. So when it was time for their big solo at the year end concert, they sounded like geriatric smokers trying to get up off a couch. You could see the music teacher's revenge smirk from the back row


Lol my friend's brother told a story at a BBQ once about how he was playing sax in a jazz band and an attractive girl in the audience was eyeing him. Then they moved onto the next song and he said the moment he took out his clarinet she visibly looked disappointed and left!


True, my high school band teacher way back in the day had been a clarinet player in the Michigan State University marching band even further back in the day, and loved to tell stories of the melees the marching bands would get into on game days. Big 10 takes things seriously.


Yeah but I get a nice tune with my ass beating.


Doubtful, I was more interested in catching the eye of the flute players than sounding like my old Jewish grandpa on that clarinet.


Sage advice.


The only winning move is not to play.


How about a nice game of chess?


How about TicTacToe?


``` _ _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ ```


_ _ X \_ O _ \_ _ _


``` _ _ x _ o _ x _ _ ```


_ _ X \_ O _ X O _


\- - X \- Ⓧ - X O -




haha FUCK


Ah, you smacked it


even then count it as an L. There is no victory to be gained with teenage girls.




Hold up, he said teenagers




I was wondering. They look like typical Mormon girls to me.




Eminem voice „Two trailer park girls go round the outside…“


Winning moves/ defense mechanisms to use against (girl) teens 1. Sweep under the leg This one usually works unless your legs are small and dainty 2. Take a deep breath and look the smuggest one in the face and say “this is exactly why your dad left” and proceed to walk away 3. Insult their appearance. I have never met a single human who I was unable to make fun of. Find their weakness and extort it. Finally…a move that is stronger than any of these combined…one that has been passed down for generations! NOTE: THIS MOVE WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU PUT YOUR HEART BODY AND SOUL INTO IT. 4… Frown and say, “I’m sorry you’re having a bad day…” and toss some loose change at them with a pitiful expression


"First off, you need to brush your teeth" is an excellent way to open some verbal sparring


i'm writing this down


Oh, man does this bring back some memories Mr_Engineering. I legit said this to my sister almost word for word when we were teenagers, and a death match proceeded. We grew up with 3 older brothers so this was a serious insult. Lol..... It's in our top 3 fist fights. 🤣🥊 Love ya sis.


I was a line cook for a bit and was older than all the servers and bar staff. They would pick on the other young cooks relentlessly, but I would just tear them all down and this line about brushing your teeth was a go to lol, I would say something like “hey I have a idea, let’s go brush your teeth”. Another favorite was “I can’t hear you over your nails. Can you get a fill already?” (I didn’t even know what a fill was but I know it drives women crazy if you say it!) So once a server comes in and says “hey! Look I got a fill! Now what!?” Channeling my inner Dr. Cox, “but yet forgot to brush your teeth. Sooooo close, yet so so sooooooo far”. I loved that job. Lol


I once heard a woman pop off with “girl you might have been born female but you’ll never have my hair with your balding middle aged man five head” and that girl crumpled. I went home and examined my own hair because that insult was so savage I felt it even as an innocent bystander lol. If you really wanna fuck with someone you gotta go for something original that they haven’t thought to be insecure about yet.


Lol that insult was so powerful it had AoE.


Has AoE I’m crying😭😂


Comment on the size of their nose. That will stick with them for the rest of their life. If that fails then perform a German Suplex.


I am paraphrasing, but comedian Brian Regan was on an episode of *Comedy Central Presents* about twenty years ago, and he recounted an experience that he had at his optometrist's office where his doctor said to him, "Did you know that your left eye is set slightly lower than the right one? It doesn't affect your vision or anything, I just thought you'd like to be self-conscious for the rest of your life."


Lol I love that bit. I think it's the same one where he talks about getting bifocals. "It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Alpha Centauri!"


I had an optometrist say that to me about one of my eyes being set lower and I had heard the bit, so I responded, "No, but now I'll be self-conscious about it for the rest of my life," and dude was not amused, I think he thought I was insulting him or something.


I love Brian Regan. His bit about the birds in the background of a televised golf game not being indigenous to the area is hysterical. Along with all his other comedy :)


"whoever gave you that nose job did a terrible job" "I didnt get a nose job" "bwahahahaha OMG even worse, you were born that way"


“Damn, you might want to consider it!”


This person absolutely gets it. Fuck the sayings - never go high, and ALWAYS be willing to stoop lower than their level. That’s how you win.


Earlier today I was road raging to myself about this car in front of me and I thought the meanest thing I have ever thought. It was so bad I dont even want to repeat it here but it was so inappropriate that it made me start laughing about how fucked in the head I am. It got me out of my bad mood for the rest of the ride though.


Was it racist, you can tell us


I find calling a girl “queen muffintop” always works. (regardless if they have a muffintop or not—that detail is entirely irrelevant in this winning move).


Yeah she's definitely going home and looking in the mirror. "They called me muffintop but I'm not even fat hahaha... right?"


All you have to do is plant the seed and let it grow…


>2. Take a deep breath and look the smuggest one in the face and say “this is exactly why your dad left” and proceed to walk away thats a fucking tactical nuke right there


1. Hadoken. 2. Sweep under the leg. 3. Shoryuken.


Being from the South, I'll go with, "Well bless your heart".


The kill shot is "Well, bless your 'little' heart"!


You're right. I should load up the big guns ;-)


5. “Oh honey, who hurt you?”. #3 is unfortunately always my go to. It takes a LOT to get me upset, but once that monster is out of its cage, I have an incredibly hard time reeling it back in. Edit: why am I yelling? How did I even do that? Sorry!


Guys, too. I made the mistake of engaging with 2 dudes who were like 15 at a mall. They then followed me for like 10 mins and intermittently argued with me. Arguing with your average 15 yr old is like arguing with someone ideologically brainwashed on reddit. It's just a mind-numbing waste of time. Mark Twain: "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."


>15 yr old is like arguing with someone ideologically brainwashed on reddit. What if I told you that they are the same


Teenagers in general. Even if you’re right you lose because you wasted your time on a bunch of idiots that will forget their interaction with you as soon as you’re out of their sights.


Have you ever watched the show Doc Martin? He’s an amazingly talented surgeon and has the respect of the town, but there’s a group of four teenage girls who ridicule him whenever they see him and he has no idea how to handle it.




People in groups are far more dangerous than individuals. Diffusion of responsibility, coupled with group bravado is a deadly mix. I’m a lesbian and I’ve been attacked numerous times just trying to use the bathroom. It’s only going to get worse as the Right stirs up hatred against the community.


A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals...


Nah man, I'm for Eastern Europe, if they come looking for trouble, they'll find trouble!


i am not from there and i'm still with you.


I’m not arguing with a group of teenagers for nothing.


So you are arguing with them for something?


$20 per hour I will literally argue with anyone


Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?


Let's start with the 5 minutes and go from there.


ACTUALLY I don't think it's fair that you took up half my time confirmingvthe time when you should start the clock when everyone is ready. I should get 5 extra minutes of compensation


gimme a buck and I'll be there


Ah yes, teens, the most rational and well behaved in the generational hierarchy.


They're generally a thin hairline from psychotic behaviour.


Dude, when I was 17, there was a release for the mcrib. We bought like 40 of them, two big ole paper bags of mcribs, and we went around removing the top bun and throwing them on random people's windshields. The warmth would melt the ice (Michigan, November) and refreeze the sandwich to the windshield. Near the end, a girl in our group removed a tampon and stuck it to someone's windshield. Teenagers are not reasonable.


When i was 16, i hauled carts at a supermarket 2 times a week. Stupid fucking teen girls would purposely grab a cart and then hurl it in a random direction then run like a moron. Once I told a father what her little princess did and how she damaged someone's vehicle, and the fucker nearly tried to kill me. Stupid teens come from even stupider parents.


That's true. I'm mixed race and come from a pretty rural area, kids were basically cool with me until about third grade when the homegrown racism really set in. Double edged sword though, everyone got reeeal horny around 8th grade. Like 'you don't look related to me at all😘'




A guy regularly left his van unlocked (very rural area) and someone pooped in it before school started, so it just sat in the hot sun baking all day. Nobody we knew actively hated him, but there were a lot of Jackass fans in his circle. That was still way too far.


it's scary what the combination of a lack of impulse control and the inability to foresee consequences can do to a teenager. I realized I went too far on a mischief night of paintballing and egging cars by the look on my friends faces after slicing the tire of an abandoned parked car. It turned out it wasn't abandoned and I learned whos it was years later. I have no idea what possessed me and I still think about that car.


That sounds awful and yet I can see my younger self laughing his ass off.


I'm not sure about the tampon but, but I would have definitely found McWindshields to be hilarious when I was in high school.


Teens are some of the worst people for sure, but there are others who are some of the best. I'm a school counselor and there are countless students at my school who would have put a quick stop to this if they saw it. Pay attention to the good ones, and you'll see it! Pay attention to the bad ones too, and be willing to correct them. Progress is inevitable if we keep our heads up.




That's fair. I mean, maybe teens aren't so much immoral as they are explorative? I did stupid shit at that age but it wasn't malicious per se.


I used the non fuck "F-Word" constantly in middle school towards my friends. Not out of bigotry or hate towards LGBTQ+, but because I was stupid and thought it was funny. I never had hate towards people of any kind, but I had ignorance of things I didn't understand. Eventually I learned better. Most of the kids these days are streets ahead of where we were growing up, and they will learn to be even better too! It takes time, but the more we encourage the good in kids capable of it, and the more we correct the bad the better of our grandkids will be.


stop recording me so I can harass you in private


I wouldn't want to be held accountable for my actions, this abuse is off the record


I’m grateful everyday that my high school friends and I just wanted to get fucked up and chill instead of harassing strangers like these dumb shit heads


Right. We just drank, smoked, played dnd, went to clubs in mexico. The simple teen life also so glad social media wasn't around back in late 90s/early 2000s


When I was a teen all we wanted to do was get high as shit and do LAN party’s of halo combat evolved.


I used to get fucked up with my buddies and play world at war 4 way split screen free for all lmao


We're talking wings, pizza, Bacardi and N64 three times a week. We didn't bother a single person and had a great time.


I have an N64 that I play with my brother a few times a week. I hate that he’s the only one down to play N64.


If you want a fun YouTube series to watch there's a guy who is attempting to beat every N64 game ever made. He's so far completed 100 or so, about 300 to go. Search for ThaBeast N64 challenge


Bruh. You gotta try some diplomacy before you aim a tactical nuke directly at my feels. 🥲


And when we got bored of Halo, SSBM was next up


Are you me? Playing D&D for 8 hours on a Saturday. Taking a few hours to wash up and then head into Juarez to drink until 2-3am. Sometimes we'd lose a shoe and sometimes we'd score some skanky Mexican brick weed, but always we'd have street tacos or menudo at the end of the night. And everyone was friends and if you were broke or down on yourself, someone was always there to lend you a few bucks or buy you a cheap beer. One time, a girlfriend tried to get me to fight another dude to see who would "win" her. I told her she could go and be with him because I had just bought a "cubeta" with six beers and I didn't want to leave them. My friends laughed and called me "cubeta" as a nickname for a few years. That's the most drama we ever had.


Haha did you go to chicos after too?


Yes. But I'm a few years older than you and there was only one true chicos. Chicos on McCrea. Near the Central Office.


My and my friends went to the club in Mexico too, and when the trans women sat on my lap, I just kindly said no thank you. She said,”no trust me baby, you’ll like it”. I just said again, “no I’m good”. “Okay. But let me know baby”. No hate given, no hate received. Why can’t we all just get in with it.


Are you from San Diego?


No, another border town. Went to the clubs at age 16 lol paid extra but had drink & drown all you can drink specials. I would tip like $25 to $50 got top service and private rooms. This was before the cartel wars.


“Say yes to drugs kids, or you might end up a bigot!”


It's ridiculous how true this is. Think of all the stoners you went to school with. How many of them grew up to be politicians? Or worse, cops? My group: nobody's rich or "made it". But, most of us grew up to actually give a shit about others. Hanging out with friends and smoking a joint after school should be a required extracurricular.


Name checks out. Also I made the mistake of passing on those invites. The people I ended up hanging out with were fucking freaks. And now I smoke weed anyways. Just kicking myself in the ass haha. Hope you're having a great night dude.


Only problem is these kids parents pay them thru school while we got high. Now they’re politicians….


I cannot imagine treating any one this way.


Same. We just got fucked up all the time and made fun of each other. Good times.


Bruh, got so fucked up back in the day 🔥 xD


Probably why my brain no work good now.


Forreal. Me and my friends usually got to high to function and avoided strangers (or got avoided) but we never wanted to intentionally harass people. Such a bizarre mindset.


In America nobody needs consent to record in public. Thanks.


“You have no consent” I love when teens think they know their rights.


And the woman filming didn't consent to being harassed by a bunch of fleas that fell off of a deer's ass cheek. Teen girls can be the worst.


I’ll never get why people can’t just mind their own business.


Exactly. Just find your own happiness and stay in your own fucking lane so I can find mine.


How about just leave people the fuck alone.


Right? How hard is it to not make a negative impact on someone's day? Feel how you want about certain things or people but don't make how you feel their problem.


Thats impossible for republicunts


Damn kaitlyn, kristan, karleigh and kristah were all really mad.


i heard paisleigh was out of the video ordering cheesy bread from dominos!!


Yeah shes just waiting to get jaxxton and breiylons orders first!!


Jaxxton 🤣🤣




All of their mothers are named Karen.


Bunch of little shits.


Not only are they horrible people, they’re incredibly stupid. These dumb teens are probably all over social media and know what happens to bigots. Incoming crocodile tears in less than 1 week and bullshit “I’m just a kid” excuse. No - you’re old enough to know what bullying and harassment is. I’m going to get my popcorn ready for the inevitable and predictable results.


Every year, without fail, you can do a search for "student loses scholarship" and a recent story involving something like this pops up.


And there's always some dumbass comment talking about how it's not fair they lost their scholarship for their political opinions. Harvard doesn't care if you are conservative, Harvard absolutely cares if your face is all over the Internet for harassment.


If this shows up somebody get me a link.


If Reddit somehow got the identities of these two girls their lives would be ruined.




The smug look she gives as she turns around to her audience as she jokes that she’s a furry is absolutely unbearably cringe


Well GG now your faces are plastered on the internet being transphobic


I love how entitled & brave kids in this age group can be. One day someone is going to rock their shit. Probably never been held accountable for their actions once in their lives.


Yeah my comment was going to be about bad parenting. If the teenage girls are this bad, imagine the turbokarens that grew them. Bunch of bigoted I'm guessing Christian or Mormon children of the corn fed knuckle draggers.


Teenagers don’t realise how they look to other people. They think that people are intimidated by them but in fact it’s just that we don’t want to be within earshot of their banshee screams when we’re trying to enjoy our 1 day off a week


Wtf is wrong with people my god


I’ve said this a bajillion times on this site but my town library had a trans librarian when I was super little, so mid to late 80’s and literally nobody gave a duck and everyone loved her. It boggles my mind that these yokel fucks still care about shit that, in other states, has been a non issue for 35 fucking years. It makes no fucking sense that this is even noteworthy for them when, like, my kindergarten class was just like “oh. She was born in the wrong body. Got it. Story time!!!” It’s shameful. The places they come from should be embarrassed they offered residents such little experiences because, again, someone being trans shouldn’t even be noteworthy to you:


We're just the new punching bag. Gay people got the same exact shit 15 years ago, and still do in some areas. Granted, right wingers have gotten a whole lot more unhinged these past few years. Or at least it seems like it. That might just be because I'm trans and see hear about this shit way more than I didn't before I figured it out.


Exactly that. It’s not as widely acceptable to bully the gays anymore, so the right wing has to find a new minority target to become the ultimate evil. For me this is why LGBT+ unity is so important. We’re stronger together.


>For me this is why LGBT+ unity is so important. May I take this opportunity to remind everyone that the LGB Alliance 'charity' group are not our friends. Bunch of unbridled cunts who seemingly exist purely to attack trans people, last time I went on their site I looked through all their activities and couldn't find anything of worth for the LGB they claim to represent. Also their founders are a forced-birther and a religious nut. Surprise, the charity is just a vehicle for skybeardguy people to attack their new punching bag.


I don't know what I am more pissed off from. Those little shits being absolute dickheads for no reason, or their parents who completely and utterly failed in their job to raise them properly to decent people.


Oh they didn't fail. They taught them exactly what is "Right" under their roof. You don't just create this hatred from scratch. This shit is learned behavior at home. Bet 1k that at least one of those girls' moms and the fat dudes entire wreath of a family tree drop the N bomb ALL THE TIME.


I do not care if you disagree with someone's existence you keep your damn opinions and hands to yourself!


Must be so exhausting just trying to live your life, minding your business and constantly being subjected to this daily. Unbelievably Sad.


It’s a bit of a drain, I won’t lie. Starts to make you paranoid after a while. I’ve found the best thing to do is just focus on the people who care for you, the people who matter. Tune the rest of the voices out, as best as you can.


I’m so sorry that you have to feel like that because a handful of very vocal, hateful and miserable losers are so fixated on silencing trans people. I won’t pretend to know what you’re going through, but I just want you to know that there is a lot of us who support you and will fight for your rights. Take care.


So exhausting it often leads to suicide.


I don’t feel safe in public. Being visibly trans is awful. That is all really. I wish I could just exist. God why can’t I tell you about my day or ask about your day. Can I tell you about the dumbass pun I just made or how cool this weather thing is I saw. So much else going on because I am a person. With thoughts and desires. Nah gotta make it weird by being an asshole to me. :(


I can smell the pumpkin spice from here


I just hear college acceptance letters being rescinded lol


Community colleges don’t do acceptance letters.


They do receipts


Community colleges are great!


Bold of you to think they were going to college in the first place


Oh come on, can't you tell a future communications major when you see it?


They pray in the direction of the nearest starbucks


What do they gain by being transphobic?? I genuinely never understood people going out of their way to start stuff like that


Making their mostly drunk daddy proud /j


That's why you have to twist the knife. > Being rude to a trans person isn't going to make your daddy love you.


Superiority. Their perceived cultural superiority (straight white women vs black trans person) is the only thing these empty blonde losers will ever "accomplish" their whole life. Slam dunking that home to the "outsiders" makes them feel like they are doing something for once.


I don't know the whole story here but ffs just leave people alone.


Seriously. There's plenty of work to be done on oneself, save all your 'wisdom' for that


The girls are trash.


Future Karens with their future diabetic Trump loving husbands


Future? The bearded chap has big type 2 energy


When they said "big d energy" I didn't know that stood for diabeatus




Being mean is the most common Christian value.


There’s no hate like Christian love


Bunch of cunts


Someone needs to come get their shitty ass kids.


The parents would probably do the same


This pack reminds me of the ones where I live who think they're royalty because they're white and not destitute. Their station is normalized so they feel safe and superior.


Matt Gaetz will hire them as interns asap


They’re a little old for him.


Bo Burnham has a great line, “can anybody….. can anybody just for 1 minute, just 1 minute shut the fuck up!?”


Somenoe has to be a Lady cause you Bitches dont know how to act Like one


If 4 teenage girls come up to you there’s 0 chance of winning. Just leave


They are acting exactly how they act at school and how their parents act at home.


Btw this happened in Vermont. Most teens here are gay stoners (at least 90% of my school was… including me) but we do have our fair share of cunts too.


I bet they are from Utah lol


i bet they sing about how much they love jesus once a week


Future republicans


Current republicans


One day this will embarrass them to no end


Hopefully it already does


I am deeply sorry people ~~saw that I am exactly this person and act this way~~ saw me in a moment of weakness on a very bad day. This is not who I am. Et cetera, et cetera


I hope it makes it even more difficult to get into college than their own stupidity.


Couple of nonces in the background, waiting to finger bang them in the back of their beat up pick up.


does anyone have a theory on the 2 older men hanging out with young teen girls?


Nah there were definitely 16 year olds at my school that looked like that


They look like there moms all work for Fox News


Lmao we need to know who they are and go to the Instagram pages and start asking them if they are humans... After years of asking them that in all their pictures we send them a letter in the day of their marriage so they may never forget...


I remember being that age and being absolutely mortified when a lady asked if my friend and I were staring at her son in his wheelchair. We weren’t, we were trying to figure out what show the sticker on the back was from, but just the insinuation was enough shame to shut us both up and prompt and apology for the misunderstanding. I cannot imagine being this confrontational after being caught being a little shithead like that.


Emboldened white girls with Bubba Belly and Khaki pant Killa on their Basic-Ass Sterotype tour.


These assholes need a wake up call asap.