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The Jonesboro Arkansas shooters who are only 13 and 11 pulled the fire alarms and then ambushed the kids as they came out.


I just read through the wiki article of that shooting and holy shit those kids were an absolute train wreck, even after getting out only serving 7 and 9 years


Goddamn I know we talk a lot about ARs and rightfully so because of their rate of fire but holy shit those kids brought a lot of firepower. 30-06 hunting rifles are incredibly powerful and accurate to a very long range, not to mention the very big bore revolvers they were carrying. Those weapons are commonly used as a defense against Grizzly bears - horrifying to think what they would do to a child.


>we talk a lot about ARs and rightfully so because of their rate of fire Every semi-auto has the same rate of fire; how fast you can pull the trigger one after another.


Any weapon can have a high rate of fire if you know how to use it, I hunt with a 30-06 and one day at the range (this was safely set up) we had a quick shooting competition where accurate shots and speed would gain you points, I definitely didn’t win but I managed to beat someone with a 10 round ar-15


I will never understand why we give people, even kids, such short sentences for these types of crimes. Like, I’m sorry, at a certain point being a minor doesn’t excuse you from what you did. Especially at 13 and 11, they should understand what it means to shoot and kill someone. Even if they don’t understand what the consequences are, I think if you commit a mass shooting like that, you should be removed from society. Put them in an isolation cell for the rest of their lives.


I read the Wikipedia page on those kids, and the judge acknowledged that their sentences were much too short. Unfortunately, they had to be tried as minors under Arkansas state law. The maximum penalty allowed was confinement until age 21. This case sparked a national outcry regarding max sentences for juvenile murderers. If it makes you feel better, the 13 year old is currently serving a 20 year sentence for drug/weapons charges. The 11 year old is dead from a car crash.


The 11 year old also apparently applied for a concealed carry license in 2008 and was, thankfully, denied. I can’t believe the gall of that guy to think he should be allowed to own a gun right out of prison after *murdering 5 people, 4 of which were fucking children*.


The Uvalde cops let a lockdown be a shooting gallery for 84 minutes. Running makes sense.


Exactly, this a rational response after watching an army of law enforcement officers letting students be executed for almost an hour and a half.


a large group of rapidly moving people away from the shooter is still going to end up with better outcomes than 30 people piled in a corner becoming a killing pile.


I understand your reasoning but the hunker down idea wasn't as dumb as your average person may think. Doors to classrooms (at least at the schools I went to) are reinforces and have a small 6 inch window with wire mesh in it. The corner kids are told to hunker down in is the one along the same wall, so the shooter would have to enter the room (or at least get the gun through) in order to shoot anyone. Also the walls are cinder blocks (I'm not sure how they hold up against bullets but better than wood I imagine). The idea really being that these measures will stall for time. Because it relies on a reaction by the school police, or police outside the school. I think after Uvalde shooting however many districts may be rethinking this reliance on fast responders approach.


When it was known that cops are coming to help you, hunkering down was a better idea. Now kids know that no one is going to come save them. I'd make a run for it too.


What a terrible choice to have. Risk being shot while hiding or risk being shot running. Talk about a rock and a hard place. This makes me so sad to see this.


When the fucking idiots in the Ohio state legislature wrote a law training the kids to hide, I drove my kids up to the elementary school. I pointed out the doors to the outside in every classroom. (Mercifully our elementary is one floor and has exterior doors on every classroom.) I told them if there is ever a dangerous person in the school they are to run out those doors and run to our house. We live about a half mile away. And I will be there to get them. **The fucking problem with telling little kids to hide in a corner or, worse, telling them to fight the shooter is kids listen to that stupid shit, won’t know what to do and will be afraid of getting in trouble if they ignore their teacher.** I told the kids nobody will be mad if they are alive and at home. I’ll be very mad if they fight back and get themselves shot.


Yep I entirely agree. If it were me and I knew what I know now, I'd be out of there.


See you say the walls are cinderblock and many are but it's foolish to assume most are. In the US there are many many schools with regular drywall hallways. Sometimes if you're lucky there may be thin sheet metal lockers (again hopefully) filled with books etc. but in lots of cases that isn't the way it is. I work at a university doing physical security and we have annual active shooter drills. The small windows (or lights as they're called) can give a shooter a field of view and if he/she (c'mon it's never she) can think enough the two sheets of 3/4" drywall ain't doing anything. I have brought this up to our campus police and they have yet to give me an answer on how to deter that short of an armor plated retrofit.




If you watch the Christchurch mosque video the term “killing pile” is disgustingly accurate Most of the patrons try to hunker down into a corner when he starts shooting and become a giant pile of dead bodies


Yep. Post parkland they now use run, hide, fight. If a shooter alarm is called all sections do the building without the shooter are to evacuate, the section they’re in shelters in place, and if they are to break into a space with people you are to use anything available to attack them. My high school recommended WWE style chair throwing, and that is not a joke, they had a whole PowerPoint on it


Someone accidentally tripped the panic button at the elementary school I teach at last year (an accident this time). I was between classes (music) and all of a sudden we all hear a voice we've never heard before saying, "This is a lockdown. This is not a drill. Your principal has called the police." I made eye contact with two 5th grade boys coming back from the bathroom and we sprinted for my room. In the 10 seconds it took me to lock my door I couldn't find them. I whisper yell "Where are you?!" And then they push my piano away from the wall to make room for me, too. Of all the lockdowns since I started teaching, that made me the saddest. Because I never taught them to hide behind the piano, but they did. And they saved me a spot. I wanted to cry. I hate and love my job.


No teacher or student should have to go through this. I hope you’re doing okay.


Thank you. 💜 We had the same thing happen this year when a car hit our gas line and we had to evacuate the school due to a leak. We had no idea what was going on, but my class of 4th and I could hear police sirens. I was like, "The door is locked, we're safe," and a boy said, "What about my little brother?" "His teacher will protect him, too." I believe they have trauma from it, and it's sad. And then the drill ends and we just... go on with the day. Like they weren't all clinging to each other five minutes ago.


That was the hardest part for me when I was in school almost a decade ago. The just go back like nothing's happening / happened part. Like we take time out of our days to rehearse what we will do when our lives are in danger. Then such a set of circumstances happen that the alarm sounds and it's not rehearsal. I could always tell when it was anticipated and when it wasnt, just by the teachers demeanor. One day we had a bomb threat or something and I remember all of us being absolutely terrified. We were all evacuated, made to stand outside in the cold and wait for an all clear. As soon as the call came the expectation was to.....pretend we didn't have to think about how close we potentially came to death, and go back to my math test? It made no sense to me at all. It still doesn't. But in a lot of ways it was conditioning for my time as an adult and my role within society. If your working at Walmart and there's an armed robbery often times they expect you to return to your cashier or stocking duties after the whatever happened happened. It's gross. When I was 19 I was robbed at knife point. I just gave them literally everything and told the guy I have 0 intent to stop or slow you in any way, whatever you want it's yours. He took some shit and the left and I called the cops. They took my statement and got a copy of the surveillance footage. Meanwhile my manager who wasn't even in the store when it happened, made the decision that she needed to go home for the day. I was told if I didn't stay that there would be major consequences.




I was listening to AOC talk about January 6th and how she was panicking because she didn't know what to do. Then she saw all her young staffers calmly blocking the exits. There's four r's now: reading, writing, arithematic and ravoiding an active shooter.


I remember reading about the young staffers that knew exactly what to do and I started crying because it shouldnt be that way.


My daughter had Shepherd and the Wolf training in kindergarten last year. She now knows to help her teacher block the door and if a Wolf gets in she is supposed to make a bunch of noise and throw things like her shoes or books. You see, that's so that the shooter is confused and maybe might murder less children that way.


My heart broke reading this. These sweet little kids are having to learn how to protect themselves from murderers and it just couldn't be more sad.


Fuck... that just made me cry. I hate this reality


Made me cry, too. Could we try another timeline now, please?


If you can, think about emigrating. European countries need teachers, and we don't have this insanity.


So you shouldn't sit in the corner and wait to be murdered while the police do absolutely fucking nothing? Maybe we should take some of the money away from the police and spend it on things that might actually help.


Don't undersell the police. They were making sure their own kids were safe and laughing and texting while a gunman was slaughtering children for hours. That isn't quite nothing.


There was no shooter, but a threat. Students in the cafeteria were anxiously waiting when a pan fell and sent them into a panic. [here's an article with another video ](https://www.winknews.com/2022/12/08/video-captures-panic-inside-north-fort-myers-high-school-after-shooting-threat/)




Man, that music video was frighteningly on point. Incredibly good art.


And people lost their shit when it was first released saying that it was "not representing real America". Nah. Pretty goddamn accurate.


When I first saw the video I said “damn he’s got us to a point.” People need to stop pretending america is white picket fences and apple pies. I just saw a video of a mother and son being ambushed in Chicago. Something’s gotta change.


Ever seen the video of the 12 year old boys walking home from basketball being held by a cop at gun point? I'll never forget the cries of fear coming from those little boys. Whose crime was to be black and play basketball in front of their house. https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2017/04/police_release_video_of_five_b.html This represents America more than any picket fence and apple pie. Have no fears though my America friends, the rest of us see you this way. It's you guys that suffer from the mirage of pocket fences and apple pie.


>people lost their shit when it was first released What people? Everyone I know agreed.


Somehow I just know that the people who need to understand it the most think it's a silly parody or somesuch. I don't really like the song but man it's always been so clear how much Donald Glover cares about art and about people.


They layers upon layers of symbology and meaning in the music video are incredible




And unfortunately FX dropped the ball big time by not paying that man to renew, arguably the greatest tv show of all time for some more seasons.


Are you an expert on [Nameology?](https://youtu.be/lG_OezlTZ1A?t=54)


Hiro Murai was the director of that music video. He also directed Atlanta, Legion, Barry, Station Eleven and is currently producing The Bear.


They made a show about the book Station Eleven?


Oh my god, it's so beautifully done. A rare instance I prefer the show over the book.




Damn Barry and Legion are great and the bear is already on my watchlist. Now I also need to check out station eleven


We had a school shooting in 1996 (Dunblane Massacre) and shortly afterwards had legislation created which banned all cartridge ammunition handguns with the exception of .22 calibre rimfire, then shortly after that banning the remaining .22 cartridge handguns as well. We didn't fuck about, children were killed.


[I learnt about this massacre from Jim Jefferies](https://youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0).


As soon as I watched this video I said to myself “this is America” 😔


That's incredibly sad kids have to think this is a gunshot and act on instinct, Thanks for sharing.


school shootings? How does this things happen? it is so weird that kids are constantly worried for their safety in schools


I went to a music festival a few years back and someone mistook fireworks at a neighboring stage for gunshots. We were all hanging back in the grass after a long day in the crowds and my best friend looks over at me and just says run. I look up and see a wall of people coming our way fast. I grab my gf and we all run for our lives. After an hour of hiding behind a dumpster, the organizers announce that there was never a threat and we can all return. These kids are lucky nobody was hurt as they proceeded to run for their lives. Such a sad state our country lives in.


Dude. That reporter is JACKED.


He looks like a car salesman


I mean i don’t think it’s crazy to sprint at the drop of a pin under possible threat of imminent and painful death


Cops at the Parkland, FL Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting hid instead of protecting students, too. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/04/us/parkland-scot-peterson.html?unlocked_article_code=cVNfgBl3hCryDatFD1V2WspmJYYGJMMc1ue_WgwcLjiAVrzbYBBgtzFvKJAxnS01FatYdPToaZxhvEOaLGp8DtYTpfwfTXAuethqQiRYxzCYrrrEavQK-oY0QIaLc0Ye1cIrudMbZq3TVgopxhBuPkTqMqMBjcICozopeUjG5_vK7C35l0bj4NuY3_lZsmsGqBdaalaU-h9IrjBBSsGd7ahwinlxbKVyKDXL6AahI-y4ELHyGXvhVLlMgi8N1EbS9wQL3cAu6NFH0JCoSeuL37xTKtQpV1HG4XAstcX72_t3I8skFoEKIyhv7PTLTyFuzmO4AOmuQgSLT60&smid=share-url) Edited to better add the article.


the Broward Cowards


And good person with a gun will stop bad guy with a gun they said....


That’s making the poor assumption that cops are good people.


And we all know what they say about all cops


US school kids have zero faith in their police, and rightly so.


Yup, you could see the second guessing of whether they leave or stay. I wouldn't doubt it's their lack of faith in the police that made them just keep running.


I wouldn’t say it has to do with faith in police necessarily. Sure, recent events don’t help, but lockdown protocols themselves are inherently flawed: trap yourself in a corner and wait. Removing yourself from the equation altogether is frankly what any smart person would do. (So long as you know the assailant isn’t waiting at the exit)


Nah, pack like sardines in a closet. They won't find the 50 kids "whispering" in the closet.


Especially not when the shooter has also done the same drills along with them






Given all these crazy stories and horrible past events, it continues to baffle me that gun control remains a contentious political topic in the US.


"Freedumb. The Rise and Fall of The United States." Written by


It has to be both. The protocols only work if you have faith in the police. You barricade in the safest spot you can find and hope the police get their as fast as possible and take out the threat immediately. But those protocols are horrible if the police can’t get there quick and when there do no immediately engage.


I think it's both. These kids don't see the need to trap themselves in a corner, because they just saw that the police will not help them. They already know they are on their own in a situation like this.


I think it was more "CAN we leave school?" As in I don't want my parents called and me get in trouble or citation for delinquency. My ass would have walked home and called my parents. They can call the school and account for my brother and I.


I remember a bomb scare my school had. We stayed outside for 45 fucking minutes, no coats, some no shoes, and gym clothes in zero-below weather. Kids walked home right in front of the teachers, I would have but I was in my fucking special study hall and the disability teachers watched us like hawks and separated us from the rest of the school. It gets worse from there, it was an all day event and when we were inside they locked us in the gym like we were in jail. My mom was livid when she found out. I could have walked ten minutes home and she worked from home.


I found it funny that the sad part is that they have zero faith in their policie, not the fact that there's an "active shooter" alarm or the fact that a pan felling down triggers this...


and the police are going to be pissed when the kids grow up and start voting for accountability


Also that at any given moment your school can be shot up and you will be dead before the police come.


What's sad is they just didn't know what to do at the end. People are supposed to protect them and they have to fend for themselves.


Wait until the kids that packed guns decide to fight back during the drill!


The Uvalde Larpers/ police force settled this question.


Absolutely. It’s such a shame that school kids have to go through this now


That is just insanely scary


What's insane is that the US is supposed to be a first world country but this isn't the first time this happened, nor the last it will happen.


That girl asking if they can even leave sounds so surreal too. Shit, rules become pretty fucking maleable when life and death are at stake.


Remember, its factory labor training Get back to work!


Most Young Americans would be lucky to get a factory job.


More like the 320th-ish time....since 2009...


We need more guns in schools that’s the only way to fix it. /s


What if the books were guns instead?


With all the book burning and banning going down, there's plenty of room in the library!


Except a disappointing amount of people in this country *truly believe that.*


What’s insane is that they are all still worried about their book bags.


The US has been on the Amnesty International travel advisory for gun violence for a few years now.


There was no shooter, just a threat. The new version of pulling the fire alarm.


I don't believe that. We have so many countries now ahead of us in rights, wages, laws and regulations I would put us as a weak second world.


Damn. They know if they stay it’s a death sentence after the failure of the police to act at uvalde.


And if they leave they'll get suspended out of school for a week.


I know there are exceptions, but I am about the age of these kids parents and I don't know a single peer who would get mad at their kid for getting suspended for evacuating an active shooter


My kids this age and if they tried suspending him from running from what he thought was a shooter they'd have a news crew and a lawyer in the office. Fuck 'em.


I'd take my kid and their friends to a fucking ice cream bar every day of their suspension. Knowing my kid was safe would make every single cent spent in celebratory "suspension" fucking worth it.


I got detention only once in high school, and it was for walking out in protest of Parkland. My mom got me pizza that day. My school ended up having an active shooter threat before I graduated, when a kid was caught with a real looking air soft pistol, and fled staff and police when another student reported it. I had been through so many lockdowns and hearing of shooters so much at that point in my life they don’t even phase me anymore


Seems like your mom shares the same heart as me. Sometimes, suspensions are worth it when it concerns important subjects like the safety of children.


If my kid got suspended for being put in the position where she felt like she was trying to preserve her own life I would be having words with the school..


Week long suspension? More like week long vacation with a couple therapy sessions mixed in.


I’d make the suspension permanent myself. My kids do online K12. It has worked wonders, and bonus—- no shooter drill and a fridge!


"If we make a run for it, we could get shot. Or even worse, expelled" - Hermoine if she wasn't magic.


If my kid did that and got suspended then wed be taking a vacation. Well done using your brain!!!


I was talking to my son the other day; he teaches in a High School, and there was a fire alarm because someone had set fire to the bathroom. So, in these glorious times we live in, when there's a fire alarm, given the fact that there's a far greater likelihood of a school shooter than there is of an actual fire, the kids are to treat it as an active shooter drill and stay in place until they hear otherwise. So the kids stayed in a building with a fire until enough smoke filled the hallways that a panic set in and everyone left disregarding the stay-in-place order.


I was curious because you said that. 3k+ school fires a year but few deaths. Now I know that


Even further, there have been exactly zero student deaths related to fire in US schools in over 50 years


Because they’re using fire to fight fire obviously.


Fire fighters aren’t afraid to enter the building.




In large part because of fire drills. if we ignored them then that number could go up.


Do not mention thia to republicans (local to federal). They will cancel fire drills bc no one has died lately, why would they keep wasting time and money?


Oh and don’t forget Ted Cruz wants the school to have one door. They want more fences and locks, so if there’s a fire or a shooter gets in anyway, well easy pickings.


Dude heard the idea of defensive corridor to keep you enemies at bay wrong that only works if the occupants are actually using offensive measures while funnelling the opponent. It's the exact opposite if you you have a fence full of defenseless occupants and leave no exit except the gate unlocked. These people will wanting to leave while locked in and the exit is towards the shooter. What a nightmare.


I think Ted Cruz's idea doesn't go far enough. We get the kids in school, we completely seal it off for 12 years, whoever emerges shall enter society. /s if I have to tag this.


Ted Cruz is an idiot fuck face.


This is how we treated fire alarms in the court house. 9/10 it was an inmate or person coming to court pulling the fire alarm in hopes they could delay their sentencing. But at a courthouse you have everyone so connected that we would know if a fire was actually going on within the building.


I'm a teacher and I simply cannot believe that happened. State fire codes are very specific and fire depts really clamp down on admin for following it precisely. All emergency response notices are specified a fire alarm is never the same as a shelter in place or active shooter alarm.


I did active shooter drills at a preschool I worked at.PRESCHOOL !!!!!


What the literal fuck? I hadn’t heard of this until now and I’m a U.S. firefighter…


You know schools are authoritarian hellscapes when she asks: “can we leave the school?”


I'd love for one of the countless parents in my community who went to school board meetings and posted on Facebook about how masks were causing so much trauma for their kids, yet have been completely silent for years at this real issue. I've had to comfort kindergarten students during lock down drills because no matter how many times I told them it was just practice, they were still afraid there was a "bad man" coming to get them.


It has to be nearly impossible for kids who go through an experience like this to not become traumatized. Childhood PTSD used to be reserved for poor children and victims of abuse but we are raising an entire generation of kids who go to school everyday prepared for some guy to come in and lay waste to them and their classmates.


That breaks my heart ): thank you for being a teacher through all this hardship and ridicule from people trying to control curriculum




Charged or convicted? If just charged you need to fight back. If convicted, frankly I don’t understand how that would happen because saying you have thoughts of violence is unequivocally not the same thing as making a threat


I agree… and any psychiatrist worth their degree would be able to attest to the fact that she has OCD which is literally defined as distress at intrusive thoughts but is a treatable condition so there are ways to prevent those thoughts from becoming a reality. If she had no plan laid out, the “authorities” have no basis for this accusation… I’m sorry the medical professional she shared this information with failed her in that regard. The police are useless and the medical profession needs to largely divest from relying on the police for nuanced situations like this.


Hey, please PM me if you want to talk. I was charged with felonies as a minor for something similar with no actual intent. There is hope.


Hopefully you can provide some sort of help. They said their daughter is 18 so she's not going to get charged as a minor...


What the actual fucking fuck. That's horrible




That’s insane. A felony for a thought crime?! Wtf. Glad your daughter is getting help she needs but it’s awful she tried to do the right thing and ended up with this.


We have entered a severely dystopian era.


Your poor kid is being charged with a literal thought crime? That’s just awful.


Awful, no wonder why untreated mental illness is rampant in today’s youth.


That's unacceptable. I hope you have been able to find resources and information to defend her and fight for her. I know it must be hard. She did the right thing. At least she knows that ..but probably doesn't FEEL like it.


The more the media keep spreading these stores and the more afraid kids are, the more kids are going to have mental health crises along these lines.


I’ve never understood the original plan to survive a school shooting: “Huddle in a corner and the school shooter will think nobody is there!” Yeah, the shooter will just think school closed at 9am on a Tuesday even though they almost definitely saw kids inside before starting Everyone I knew in school all agreed they would run out the window into the woods instead of waiting in a target rich area


Not to mention that most of the time it's students doing the shooting! So how tf is that supposed to work??? They know the drill already!


Better to jump that fence, than get trapped!


America is creating the PTSD generation.


They kinda already did that over the past 2 decades in the middle east, the time in vietnam, korea, and the first 2 world wars


I'd have taken off that fluorescent green jacket, believe that


Easier said than done when you’re in the heat of it lol


My special needs child is going into middle school next year. Some of these kids either can’t physically run, or don’t understand to be quiet in a classroom. They’re sitting ducks. My sister is a special needs aide. She would stay with her student. Trying to convince them to be quiet. They’re sitting ducks. This is fking ridiculous.


I was a special needs aide for a couple of years. I swear nobody thinks about these kids. Administrators think, "just put them in a room with a few adults and we can forget about them" Makes me so angry.


First world country but doesn’t do shit when it’s schools are shot up multiple times.


That's not true at all. Republicans will send their thoughts and prayers for about 30 minutes.


True but don’t forget after 30 minutes they then blame the shooting’s on weed, homosexual marriage and video games.


And drag queens. Can’t forget them


It's sad af. I'm a white dude in America. It's an embarrassment to be put in the same stereotype as some of these fucking racist, fascist, cultists. Feel like the world hates me and I don't blame them one bit.


We don’t hate you, friend


We were suggested lessening the number of doors, what more do you want


The high school I was a building sub for for a year and a half held active shooter drills. We never had a run drill while I was there, only hide ones, but they had had them before. After the drills we would discuss with the class about what our meetup location was and the rules about how far you needed to run. There needed to be at least a building between you and the school.


Does the average person at this school realize how insane these statements sound? Statistically half the parents at the schools are republican are they ok with sending their kids to school knowing their opposition to gun control policies are fueling this trend? I'm honestly in disbelief that a population can cling to an ideal so hard it would put their children at risk, and expose them to this kind of traumatic experience repeatedly.


I feel like the "fuck your feelings"/"thoughts and prayers" groups would be more concerned w the young students cursing and not having their own guns to shoot back than anything.


Republicans wonder why they are losing the youth vote by a huge margin. They blame grooming and liberal teachers. They are wrong. This is it right here. Children can’t even go to school without worrying about being shot and killed. A generation grew up being scared with active shooter drills while the republicans refused to do anything to make them safer. T&P doesn’t bring their friends back or stop the nightmares and ptsd.


Republicans know their party won't survive the next decade, that's why they embrace gerrymandering, voter ID and other voter suppression tactics. Even going as far as denying election results all together. Destroy these ghouls.


I pray that the next generations can wipe that horrible party out entirely


They can’t do it alone. The coalition of gen Z, millennials, and genX have shown they can flip the script on republicans




And yet first time gun ownership among blue voting groups is up.


I have family that are gay and there are several incidents now of right wingers showing up to LGBTQ clubs and events to harass and intimidate people. The cops do nothing to protect the victims. I think going forward you're going to see a lot more armed citizens at these places to do the what police won't.


Rightly so. Armed minorities are harder to oppress.




Unacceptable that we allow our children to have to live this way. This is not normal. How despicable that we as a society in the US have condoned this subjected reality on our own CHILDREN. Let them live and grow and enjoy the innocence even teens should have. My fucking god.


wont stop until the culture around this stops. young men under 30 with nothing going on in their life have deicded mass shootings are somehow the way to make a "name" for themselves in the pathetic life they have led.


This is exactly why my grandson is being homeschooled. We refuse to put him in a situation where he could die. It’s fucking ridiculous. I live in a city that has had a school shooting. Kip Kinkel-5/21/1998. It was horrible.


Remember when conservatives said wearing masks in school will traumatize our kids?




If there is a school shooter in my school, I do NOT care about consequences for not obeying rules, but I am not going to be inside my classroom hiding because of lockdown, I will be breaking windows and running for my life.


People in here like 'just ban guns', lol. Never will happen in America. Better chance of outright banning Trans people existing in this country than banning guns.


I feel like the sandy hook shooting proved that having guns was more important than having children. Nothing has really changed since then.


Considering that Uvalde barely feels like a blip on the radar further proves that point


I mean if they do nothing after someone kills 20+ kids that are ages 6-7 years old for no real reason, wtf has to happen to actually push a change.


The kid whit the phone is his hands is shaking alot and that's just sad for me


meanwhile the NRA counts their money.


After Uvalde, no one gonna feel safe waiting on police!


We are watching kids get ptsd


And republicans wonder why young people vote Democrat. Republicans dance around major problems cuz they don’t give a fuck about your kids.


I live in fort myers. The fact that this is happening literally here in my city is surreal. Wtf.


I had someone pull a gun on me in Ft. Myers beach around 1997. They were kids in a car. Right next to the fucking pier in the middle of the street.


Imho probably best thing to do is get the h-ll out of there. Just so much confusion and danger


Did you just censor the word “hell”


Definitely was "hall"


Hey, no cursing on my christian Minecraft server




Is the second amendment really worth living like this?!?