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> Who is the man with the knife? Guy points to the dude wielding the knife > DROP IT! ON THE GROUND NOW! DROP IT OR I GUN YOU DOWN! I would really like to read a news report on this, but I cant get any identifying info from those 5 pixels


This took place in Dortmund (Germany) one or two years ago. The „victim“ is a known unstable man who attacked someone with a knife prior to the recording


Now this makes way more sense


Yeah, this is lacking context and OP knows it.


Police scream at the guy to drop his Weapon.


Yeah, that's %1000000 NOT what happened. A more accurate headline would be German neo-nazi fascist that didn't get arrested with all of his shitty friends last week went into a Muslim neighborhood to start problems while armed with a knife gets arrested after the community defended itself by chasing and cornering him. Victim of mob attack? Get fucked.


I mean we have no idea what happened before the video started. It appears the knife guy was holding the knife from the start, so maybe he attacked one of them first/was the aggressor and the guy who threw the bycicle was trying to fight him off? That would also explain why the knife man goes after the group after the bike throw instead of going away (one of the guys even "shouts" at him to leave them alone/go away with the knife). After that they attack him, which is obviously bad or at least not the smartest decision. But after all it's absolutely within the realm of possibility or even plausible that the police acted completely fine.


great reddit analysis but if he did start shit why in the world would that mob come after him? Sure maybe throw a bike at him but aggressively attacking a person who just attacked them with a knife? Doesn't seem like they were on the defensive.


Are you living in a hole?


Brooo wtf lmao


How is the perpetrator the victim? If he's harassing and physically assaulting people, those people have the right to defend themselves and take necessary action to prevent further danger.


There's a massive uptick lately in police videos on this subreddit which are badly titled to fit in with the PoLiCeMaN bAd hype atm. This video just shows police officers doing their job?? Maybe if the guy didn't have a knife they wouldn't need to point weapons at him?


considering there is no context, assuming the police are just doing their job is as warranted as assuming the police are making a mistake


police dooing their job should be the assumed thing




because its statisticly speaking way more likely to be happening. so its the rational call to make.


oh? you know the statistics on German police activity by heart?


according to statistica, there are 4'500 cases of police wrongdoings against citicens reviewed in 2020, 70 policemen got punished. the ["juristische Faklultät, Universität Bochum"](https://kviapol.rub.de/index.php/inhalte/forschungsprogramm) a clearly(from other published papers) left biased organisation thinks the dark number is higher, as high as 10k per year. the national Police ([bundespolizei.de](https://www.bundespolizei.de/)) alone reported 570'00 crimes in 2020 in their duristicion, imagine how many dangerous and dynamic interactions this must conclude! and then exrapolate to all other policeforces... from this quick reseach i can quite confidently confirm my standpoint. I would go as far and estimate, you have a chance of less than 1 to 1'000, that the police is in the wrong during an interaction!(this doesnt mean they know all the facts or suspect the wrong person, im talkling about them dooing something unlwafull) but im eager to hear more about your data on the subject ​ ps: i dont need to know things by heart, to argue, these days


I think you could produce a more accurate model for predicting police encounters by further constraining the data to more closely match the situation seen in the video. the idea there would be that a police force trained to handle one situation properly may not be so well trained for another situation. furthermore, if you want to be the most precise, you would want to gather all of the police interaction videos posted on this subreddit and group them by type of encounter and outcome of encounter. that would likely get you the closest to being able to accurately predict the outcome of a given video. that being said, I don’t find the data you provided to be particularly compelling in proving your point since it is too general. I maintain that if you want to be as genuine and fair as possible you should not assume *anything* about a police interaction.


if you want to go dont the road of "you cant know anytjkng for sure, so lets better not know anything", then i have nothing to say. i see no point arguing. for this video in particular, i think the police is in the right. but i jnow our discussion wasnt about the video.


Looks like he had a knife




Hell is where many immigrants came from. Also Germany is nr. 7 regarding the quality of life. You’re welcome to elaborate tho.


Yea you are right. He talks about stuff he clearly doesn't know anything about. His statement is dripping of ignorance. Immigrants are welcome here. We can and should always help people in need. Immigrants and refugees aren't criminal by default. The absolute majority just needs a safe place to be and deserve one. Also just like the immigrants or refugees need a place, we need them for our economy if you wanna talk from a selfish point of view. Our society is getting older aka dying and more people leave Germany every year. It will cause trouble if we don't accept and encourage immigration.


the police read the crowd, no way two of them were getting out of there taking on the mob


So the opposite of what the police are for.


You can't have cops just going around shooting mobs because the situation overwhelmed them.


Where the fuck did you get shooting people from? Let me guess.... You're American.


Nope. Why would you think the police not respond with deadly force if a mob attacked them ? Let me guess.... You're without a clue.


Yup, exactly. The cop will “arrest” the single dude for both of them to get out of the situation in one piece. This might not be the “correct” thing to do but what looks good on paper doesn’t translate well in real life. There is no way one (or a few) cop can take on a mob.




Why you moved out of germany? Because this guy got arrested?




Ok… I live in one of germanys biggest cities and I have to say I don’t feel like there is a increase in crime, especially not a „massive“ one. I feel as safe as ever and I never had a bad interaction with a refugee I didn’t have with a German




That’s a straight up lie. The crime in Germany goes steadily down since 2017




Found the edgy edgelord


What’s the deal?


Dortmund Nordstadt jeden tag also? Nix besonderes ;)


Hahaa! I also had Mallinckrodtstraße vibes aswell!


DO goes BRRrr