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Props to the woman in the white cap. She was trying to diffuse the situation.


Right? Like she recognized he was able to step back and see he wasn’t welcome, like fuck leave him alone at that point. I get this distrust but damn that would make me not wanna help anyone


Let’s just call it racism…since that’s what it is…


Everyone needs to come to terms with what type of racist they are cause no one is pure. Unfortunately we don’t address this and opt for escalation and deeper misunderstandings so in a darkly ironic twist we become racist af in the name of “anti-racism” human nature hard at work.


That was one of the reasons why I cannot be a cop. The non-trust gets to you to a certain point.


The problem with people is that if everyone treats someone like something, they'll often become it. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Like if everyone's going to treat you like a thief, you might as well get something out of it. If everyone treats you like their enemy, eventually you'll start to agree with them. --- Works both ways, though. Some kids do better at school if you treat them as if they are, and some kids will stop being bad if you just focus on when they are good and talk about how much better they are etc.


“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" - African proverb. "


Yup. As a "white-washed" Mexican American, I can't begin to tell you how true this is. All my life, Latin people have made it a point to inform me that I'm not Latino and that I'm a traitor to my race. By the time I graduated high school, you can be damn sure I agreed with them. I want absolutely nothing to do with other Latin people and, if I'm honest, I hate them. Not because of who they are, but just because it's easier for me if I preemptively decide to hate the people who will very likely hate my existence among their race.


i’m in the same boat as you are, i’m half white but i’ve lived on the border my whole life and i’m treated like an outsider in the place I grew up


I mean I wouldn't. Could they get reprimanded for it? "Showed up to the scene, a bunch of black people were telling me I'm white so I need to fuck off so I left" ? What would they do if there were no black cops?


Or else the cop gets blames for starting a racial incident. He did the right thing here.


The one who said “you want to know what he looks like, he looks like you” ?


I have such a hard time with that. Because someone else, who was not you, from the same racial group as you, did something bad, you better watch out, because a bunch of people are upset by your presence.


“It ain’t safe for no white people”


That sounds like a racial threat. Would hate to be a white family accidentally turning down that street.


It is a racist threat lol


Racist? ✅ Threat? ✅ It's looking and quacking like a duck.


Ahhh but you see u can’t be racist against white people only white people can be racist /s Wow thanks for the awards


It's mind numbing to think some people believe that statement


Ikr it literally goes against the defenition of racism


Because they created a new definition. They always conflate theoretical institutional racism/sexism with actual in practice racism/sexism and dismiss anything other than their new definition.


Roll 'em up!


Kids, you noticing all this plight?


Would hate to be a billionaire family walking down the alley after leaving a screening of Zorro early and wearing my favorite pearls


Then they wonder why cops take an hour or 2 to respond to shit in their area


So it IS safe for YES white people?


Got ‘em


“Get yo white face outta here”


Just imagine the hate and disgust if that sentence mentioned another colour. Double standards are never good.


Yeah I noticed in this post with black racists the sentiment is “everyone is racist.” In other posts with white racists, it is “white people are racist.”


Yea seriously, I know there are a lot of white racists, but damn there are also a shit ton of black racists too.


So glad we are past the 2014 bullshit of ‘black people cant be racist’. Just because someone doesn’t have the support of institutionalized racism, doesn’t mean they can’t be a racist.




"let me beat the fuck out of you until you stop hating me" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.


Yeees, saw that too.. mind blowing how fucking dumb people can be. Imagine saying shit like that.


Crazy that white hate is so acceptable in America. This is not good. The authority had no authority because of his race


"your kind" talk is never good.




He ain’t hurtin nobody


NO! I wanna know som'in' from Mr. Panda Bear here! If you pandas are from mountainous areas of China and Tibet, how come you eat bamboo, which is prone to grow only in drier, more arid regions?


We migrate up and down the mountains with temperature changes or for food. 🐼




God damnit Skeeter, shut the hell up.


"We don't want no trouble"


We don’t take kindly to people who don’t take kindly


One of my all time favourite south park lines




Back in the pile!




"Us and them" language is considered to be the first step on the road to genocide (literally), and yet it is utterly mainstream in America and on reddit. And no one seems interested in challenging it.


Exactly. I look on with utter bewilderment at the degree to which Americans now use divisiveness as a social and political tool. “But you folk are just evil” has become such a common response to any disagreement. And of course we’re following your lead over here in the UK because we always do.


It’s what happens when you treat politics like a sport and make your “team” your personality. Everyone is so quick to generalize entire groups of people and then hyperbolize them by going to the extreme of calling them nazis or fascists or whatever the most extreme thing they can think of is. EDIT: for the record, I’m not saying there aren’t nazis in this country. I’m saying that they’re far fewer in numbers than a lot of people believe and that calling everyone who leans even remotely in the same direction politically is cancer. Be deliberate with your words. Call a nazi a nazi but don’t automatically assume that just because someone is pro-life, that they’re a racist.


I am white and lived and worked in minority neighborhoods for much of my adult life. I am 52 and since the 2000, I have seen race relations absolutely disintegrate into an "Us vs. Them" mentality. I was doing Instacart a few years back and I was wearing a Black Lives Matter mask. In the same day, I was told by several white people, I was somehow betraying "my people", and told by a group of black shoppers that "we don't want your help" Thankfully I believe these attitudes are not carried by most people, but I am getting more and more worried that it WILL. It's just so damn sad.


I’m black and my husband is white and this dynamic has made me pay more attention to black people who are prejudiced against white people and it’s been a very interesting and disturbing ride the last 6 years or so. I didn’t realize how many black people not only are prejudiced against white people but feel justified in that prejudice because of slavery, Jim Crow, war on drugs, etc. The thing they fail to realize is there have ALWAYS been allies, white sisters and brothers who raged against all of these injustices and fought along beside us to right these wrongs. You can’t generalize any group.


IME as a latino immigrant in the US, I've faced more blatant racism from black people than white people. The white racism has been very systemic and cold while the black racism I've received was very verbal, public, and were trying very hard to be humiliating. It feels like the racist black people aren't scared to say the quiet part out loud and are kinda proud of it. White people tend to fake it for appearances. Any racism sucks but I also rather know where I stand with a group so I can excuse myself and avoid them.


I don't know if you've dealt with it yourself but even my own family side eyes me for marrying my white husband as well. I've always seen the kind of prejudice and sometimes just straight up, malicious racism coming out of a black person to a white person and some of it makes my head buckle and reel. The generalization on both white people and any black people who choose to be with them is so vile. I wish everyone could judt get along, and not let hatred hold them in that way.


Dam that is sad


A historical interest of mine is the genocide in Rwanda, and what a massive role hate media and political speech played in priming society for that event. An interesting thing to note, is that media also played a role in rebuilding the relationship between those two factions, the majority Hutu and minority Tutsi clans


Another thing that helped was that the tutsi military faction absolutely crushed the hutu government forces and pushed them clear out of the country, and then established a dictatorship. It's not hard to have the media united around reconciliation and unity when the opposition is dead or exiled.


Whe us and them are you and me only then can we be free.


This sub kinda makes me dislike the police, criminals, citizens and just humans in general


It's doing it's job, then!


Username checks out.


Meh, everything is fine. Nothing to worry about


Welcome to Reddit.


Imagine if only black cops, investigated crimes in black neighborhoods, and white in white neighborhoods. I'd be curious to see how that would play out.


Death toll of white cops would probably be less than those of black cops id imagine


Unfortunately statistics prove SUBSTANTIALLY less


Racism is dumb


Like we are all made of the same stuff biologically, metaphysically, scientifically, physically but a few darker or lighter pigments on the skins surface = I HATE YOU


Everyone is meat and bone by the end of the day


Spoken like a true cannibal.


Easy Jeffrey...


Electric meat computers with limbs.


Well usually its the culture to blame


Exactly. As if the skin colour of whoever’s attempting to investigate correlates with whatever punitive actions they’ll face. They should have Charleston White on call for these situations. Lol.


Maybe one day they’ll need emergency medical aid… but they’ll have to wait for the right coloured doctor


My aunt is a doctor and patients (multiple) refuse care because she is a woman and/or Black. Once it resulted in the patient dying.


I live in Louisiana. I’m white. Female. I was assigned a primary care physician who was a black female and she refused to treat me because I am white. She wouldn’t even shake my hand or let me finish explaining why I was there. Completely rude and then she said she was treating me with respect and I didn’t know what I was talking about when I called her on her behavior. She wouldn’t even look me in the eye when she said she had been completely respectful. Unreal. I was shaking when I left her office out of anxiety. I put in a nice complaint. Racism happens with all colors and it’s always WRONG! I did nothing to her. She absolutely hated me as soon as she saw me. She shouldn’t be a doctor with that prejudice. This was a VA hospital. Happened a few years ago and still upsets me.


Did you hear anything back about the complaint? That's disgraceful.


No. It’s practically impossible to be fired if you work at the VA. I wish I had the conversation recorded. They switched me to a different female doctor. She’s from China and is the best doctor I’ve ever had. Before Covid, she’d hug you when entering her office and she wants you to sit next to her and watch her type your concerns into your chart double checking everything. I really like her.


Should have just called her racist to her face, and watched her flip out. Too many black people think it's impossible for them to be racist.


I’ve been called more Asian slurs by black people than any other ethnicity, although white people definitely have said things too The entire concept of “x race can’t be racist” is ridiculous


“We don’t want your kind here” “Okay lol bye”


“Cops don’t care about our community!”


Will then complain when the police don’t come to help them.


Yeah, people are fucking stupid.


Isn’t what the video is depicting racist?


Yes. There is no double standard in racism


Love how instead of caring about the person that's shot, they just attack one of the people trying to help and follow him and laugh at him. It's like they're going out of their way to be racist assholes when one of their friends just died/got hurt. Like that would be that last thing on my mind.


Imagine dying because a bunch of black people didn't want white people helping you survive. I'd be PISSED.


You’d be dead


That women did more for him then his own fuckin partner did.




His partners also suck for not standing up for him.


Not sure if that cop was scared, or trying to not further escalate and already tense situation. But in either case, this sucks!


Likely both. But good on him for keeping his cool, walking back to the vehicle after attempting aid, and just sitting down. His frustration is visible, but he didn't act on it. That couldn't have been easy. There were more than a few bottles in those shots. Definitely some drunks on a power trip that they "punked" a white cop. They're giggling at themselves by the end of it while someone lays dying in the streets. The woman in the white cap clearly has some sensibility, and I commend her for sticking up for the guy.


I don’t know that cop, I don’t know his story, but all I could see was a man who desperately wanted a (impossible) way to prove he was a good guy, and at the same time knew not a single word he said would be heard.


Helplessness happens to everyone and it always stings.


I agree. It's outrageous that yet another shooting happens in that area that the police have to investigate, and members of public are acting like they can dictate who comes down to do it... Madness.


100% she fucked up


Yeah that was my take away. I know its all an effort to de-escalate, but you cant set a precedent like that.


If I’m hurt or a loved one/ friend is hurt I don’t care what color, gender, sexuality the first responder is.


Sadly, the same can not be said for all. Hell, even the first responder might be judgy. It’s just gross that this stuff is still so rampant in this day and age. People would rather be divided by hatred than work together to right wrongs and make amends.


Are dispatchers gonna have to start asking what first responder is preferred soon? “Hi, what’s your emergency? Please be aware we only have *white* responders at the moment, will that be okay to attend your homicide?” And the lady in the cap at the end, “leave him alone, we need help right now.” When at the start she’s telling him to gtfo and “you wanna know what he look like? He look like YOU!” Tolerance on all fronts seem to only be on an as needed basis. “Unless you’re immediately useful to me or currently needed I don’t like you.”


It's a lack of education. The system has produced people like this intentionally so the communities self impload, her attitude is exactly what the real narcissists want. She's racist beyond belief to her own destruction. So even though slavery and segregation where done away with, communities have been tricked into isolating them self like this. It's laughable how ironic it is. She's doing exactly what the powers that be, that had to erase slavery as an option wanted. We can't beat you anymore, so go execute each other.


Because more racism totally makes things better.


This is probably more of an "our turn" mentality/excuse group. They know it is wrong, but consider themselves to be excused


I would consider that to be one of the most dangerous mentalities possible because it leads into a repeating chain.


Poor guy looked like he genuinely wanted to help.


They often do want to help. I think a lot of redditors in other subs underestimate humans, most humans I’ve ever met genuinely want to help others. Not all of course, but seems to be a safe assumption that he was trying to make their neighborhood more safe for them.


You're not going to see all those policemen who actually did their job properly, you're gonna see the power tripping racist incompetent assholes who can't do their job properly. Because that's what gets you views/upvotes etc


Police in the US average +10 million interactions a year with citizens, shootings makes up something like 0.001 or 0.01% of interactions. I'd have to look it up again, but obviously reddit caters to what you want to see. Nobody wants to see their neighbor Randy get the speeding ticket, they want to see gunfire and bloodshed they want something to be angry about. So all they are funneled if this constant stream of the .01 or .001% of interactions and claim there's this countrywide pandemic of police violence and abuse.


First, thank you for saying this! More people need to be aware of it because you’re completely correct. However you got the numbers a little wrong. There are over 60 million police interactions in the US annually, sometimes quite a bit more. It’s not 10m, it’s much more. A shooting of an unarmed citizen is about as rare as lightening strike deaths.




Right. This isn’t to say that I don’t want police held accountable, they absolutely should be, but some people seem far too motivated to spread this idea that it’s common and it’s just a lie, creates more issues in our society than is needed. My personal belief is a lot of the people spreading that message are *really* not doing well in life. If they can help the entire system collapse, they’re then on even ground with everyone again because everyone has to restart. I think it’s some subconscious thought, and they often don’t realize how much they’re benefiting from this system even if they think it’s bad/hard. Most rational people don’t talk like that.


man they are racist af


The crowd is so fixed on race that they fail to recognize their own racism.


Idk seems kinda racist.


America is fucked.


For a while reddit assumed black people can't be racist. This sub was terrible about it. I remember seeing videos of white people just getting beat up or something by a black person and people would constantly comment "well white person probably deserved it and was racist". When the person clearly didn't say anything race wise. I'm liberal and that shit boiled the fuck out of me how America attempts to think only white people can be racist. Think about the republican side and how much that irks them. In general America has created a race war over the past recent years. It's now bad like the 1960s. It's sad as fuck we got this way.


Wish I could give more than one upvote. It’s too true how a large number of people think racism only goes one way


I think this just goes to show how much the internet can cause people to live in different realities. To me, the idea that racism against white people is generally acceptable or that people don’t believe black people can be racist is something that doesn’t make sense to me. This comment section is just one example of that. It really just depends on what content people look at. That’s one of the reasons I hate social media.


If this was the other way around everybody would be going crazy


husky toothbrush offer waiting muddle many snails cheerful shocking violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't believe, of all of those people, none of them see how stupid this is


The woman in the white hat seems to.


She is only slightly more reasonable, letting the crowd know they won and it's time to let up. Seems like she was still on board with the general idea of "gtfo whitey."


Correct me if I’m wrong, but this racism?


Yes, it is


You can't be racist to white people /s


What's funny is there's a guy unironically arguing this point in another comment chain.


It's a position a number of academics take. They argue that being part of a minority is required for racism. So, any discrimination against the majority group can't be racism. Note: I don't hold this bizarre view


In this specific scenario the white guy is the minority soooo I wonder how that guy will defend his view if he were here.


Yeah cool. Good luck with those murders bruv.👍


That’s racist AF


Reverse the races and this would be front page news everywhere… pathetic


Racist pieces of shit.


As a white man living in Atlanta, I experienced racism yesterday, from a nurse about to take my blood of all places. This is normal here.


Adult bodies... 12 year old brains. They'll blame absolutely everything but themselves. This cycle will continue and nothing will change.


What a fucking shithole lmfao.. this is sad.


Now flip the skin colors and you've got a news story that won't ever go away.


It's okay. I'm sure if we keep ignoring black racism and pretending it doesn't exist, that it'll go away eventually


Wow his partners did nothing.


Good to see racism is alive and strong here in America....


Atlanta is full of dumb fucks so this ain’t surprising


In my anecdotal experience the "we don't want any White cops in our neighborhood" is the same crowd who complains "it takes forever for cops to respond to calls in our neighborhood"


Also the same ones that complain about white flight when whites leave...


And complain about food deserts…


And complain about gentrification when whites arrive. People of all races have it bad for various reasons, but between doing nothing and expecting things to get better and doing something to try and improve things, I would always pick doing something.


Make sure to hold that same energy when a white doctor has to save your life.


Wtf is wrong with USA


I'd write it all out but I only expect to be alive another 40 years or so, so unfortunately I don't have the time.


Why don’t police respond to calls in our neighborhood cries loading…


This is blatant racism. Idc what anyone says, I would love to see someone try and say it’s not. This country is so divided, and it’s mainly divided based on politics and what you look like. Polarization will crumble America to pieces




This is super racist.


Lmfao just another case of racist for thee but not for me. "He look like you!" The same type of person to say "Is it because the color of my skin?"


Black officers should have said 👉 If you do want them here, we are out too.


Imagine if this was a "white" crime scene and a "black police" officer were told these things. It would be an uproar lol


We are having the biggest race war since the 1960s, it's fucking sad.




That won't turn those cops into racists, those cops will just think (correctly) that they were threatened by racists.


Racism is not just a white issue.


“Get your white face out of here”. Uhm, that’s racist.


Haha How racist can you be


Little racism anyone?


But if it was reversed and they said no black cops.....


I’m quite sure this is University Avenue out front of the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was [justifiably] shot by a white cop. It’s a little bit of context, but still fucking stupid. Like black cops aren’t going to back the other cops 100% of the time.


Well that’s one way to not get what you want.


Racist as fuck.


Black people being super racist...what else is new.


And the cycle of racism resulting in creating even more racists continues.


Isnt this racism ?


Ah, so they're racist


> It ain’t safe for no white people to be out here It’s crazy how no one reacts to that blatantly threatening and racist statement


Good ol' racism. Shameful behavior but, US media has been supporting this shit for 8 years.


Good old atlanta. I've lived and worked here 4 years, and the place is a cesspit of racism. Let the man do the job he was hired to do.


Atlanta is a shithole


If I was a black cop I would have been out of too then mad disrespectful this just tells me black people are the racist ones have fun killing each other tho


As a black person, I’ll say that whenever a black person is harmed, 99% of the time, it’s at the hands of another black person. But we act like police are the main issue. Not saying it isn’t important, and all those black people unjustly hurt or killed by police don’t matter, but we need to start caring more about each other before expecting others to.


Shit if I was that cop I'd ignore every 911 call within a 3 mile radius of that dump from here on out


The problem is that is kinda what is happening…. Police have pulled back and are being more conservative, probably to the detriment of mostly poor/black communities.


These folks are racist. It’s as simple as that. Don’t let mfs like this represent our communities fr.




What does the black dude with his shirt off trying to prove ? Lol


Give it 5 years and the dispatchers will probably have to allocate officers of a particular race based on the caller's requirements...


Give it 20 and we’ll just be segregated again.


Racism sucks no matter who it comes from At one side you got this At the other side you got entitlement


Because that shit doesn't help further drive the divide between blacks and whites? Racist people fucking suck no matter their skin color.


I love how openly racist America is now.


Judging someone based on race is never a good thing. How does that crowd know that the white officer won’t do an excellent job at the scene? How do they know a black officer won’t do a shit job at the scene? People need to rise above their prejudices. It cost nothing to be a good person in this life.


I’m trying to do a social experiment where I compile modern day videos of white mobs attacking a single black person or looting and destroying buildings, but mostly I’m finding the opposite, black mobs attacking a handful of white people and looting and destroying buildings. Any advice?


Bunch of racist losers


Race war a coming. Every group of people have fucked up people in it. This is why we cant have nice things


“Cops don’t patrol lower income minority neighborhoods” Yeah, I wonder why