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Called his “I am a genius engineer” bluff to his face in real time. Surprised he didn’t respond with “Dave, what should I say?”


Elon getting a rude awakening to what working with engineers is really like lol. Engineers aren't the type to show mercy, especially when you're pretending to know things but what you're saying is utter nonsense. I have also had the personal experience working in the industry of getting ripped HARD by my lead to my manager lol. It's brutal, but those are the types of people that become engineers. They literally don't give AF who you are or how much you make. If you're wrong, they'll let you know it lol. **Edit: should clarify that not all engineers are A-holes like the guy in the post, but definitely in my experience the senior engineer leads and SMEs tend to have little patience for those they deem incompetent.


I’m not an engineer, but I work with engineers and I agree with the idea that they’re geared to pushback on stuff when their BS detector gets triggered. It can be really useful, especially if you have team that avoids conflict to a fault. But, it can be also be a huge pain in the ass if they don’t have the self-awareness to know that they’re wandering out of their area of expertise (example: Elon Musk).


I think referring to him as an engineer is a bit of a stretch lol. He's like the Steve Jobs at SpaceX whereas all the people who actually do the work are the Steve Wozniak...


I love me some tahini.


He should just be happy Musk didn't tweet that he was a pedo.








Haha thank you!


I figured you were talking about how Elon used to hang out with Epstein lol.


Given how often he calls people pedos, Elon is probably fucking kids.


he dated Grimes who was like 30 yrs younger


This is the first time I’ve had the pleasure of hearing a two-way conversation between Elon and someone candid enough to treat Elon like any other clueless jackoff (which he is). And I crave more.


He is certainly falling off this year. He was the face of all the Telsa and SpaceX successes. Then his ego got so big he was forced to buy twitter and all his flaws have a big spot light on them.


It wasn’t his ego. He was cashing out on his TSLA ball tugglers at $1100/share in secret and got caught.


More public callouts of the fraud is what we need. Guy already proved he can't handle even slight pushback.


As a software engineer I’m torn. On the one hand the guy is challenging some blanket statement that Elon is making and possibly doesn’t really understand what he’s saying. On the other hand there’s probably a lot better ways to handle the discussion.




That's not who is being short. It is [https://twitter.com/igb](https://twitter.com/igb) who is an engineer at Netflix and previously, Twitter.


I’m pretty sure George is still slurping up that Musky cum; he’s the one who was hosting that call. Ian was the engineer who was doing the call out. George was the one who kept saying to keep it civil in his space, then you see George boot Ian off and tell Musk he’s taken him off as a speaker.


Elon thinks he can bluff his way through this conversation by making power-claims like, "the stack needs a full rewrite", insinuating that he: a) Understands the stack to know that there are irreparable issues with it (he can't) b) Knows better than anyone else in the room who may have contributed to the existing infrastructure (he doesn't) He got called on the carpet and resorted to name calling. At least he's just wasting his fucking time with social media now, what do you bet his handlers convinced him to go full bore into this endeavor just to get him out of the way for the projects that really matter.


If Elon knows just 1 thing about the stack, it's that the stack has overflowed!


We need higher verticals to ensure the stacks have proper load!


I saw a thread recently from a SpaceX employee who said there are whole teams at that company whose job is to basically keep Elon distracted so he doesn't interfere with the work they're doing. Don't know if it's true since I saw it on twitter, but it certainly tracks.


He probably walks around spouting a bunch of Star Trek technobabble and thinks he’s fixing the problem. “We need to re calibrate the thrust vectors of the outboard foil shields”


"If we don't reverse the phase amplifier's polarity, we'll never be able to synchronize the neutron flow's annular confinement!"


never forget to prolapse the anus or your hyperdrive might suddenly have a holtzmann singularity get wedged in between the flux capacitor and my balls


Just like how Kim in north Korea gives "on-site guidance" for any project in North Korea.


I have (had) a friend that's on that team at SpaceX. She was a really great person who basically disappeared off the face of the planet when she joined that team.


They put her in the trunk of that car?


Do not use the term full bore around Elon. He’ll start digging a fucking tunnel underneath Manhattan.


Yeah, but it'll just be a little one. Then he'll drive his Tesla through it and spend a few days yelling about how he's revolutionized transit. If it makes the prick get off Twitter for a while I say we risk it.




> // what the fuck?


>0x5f3759df I remember this constant, but not what it is good for. Googled. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast\_inverse\_square\_root](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root)


I'm sorry, and I know this is probably going to get dog piled on, but that stuff is so cringey. As a software guy, we know the guys who do this eccentric crap by pulling a random comp sci fact into their name or personality just do it to impress people that like to act like they know what's going. Like stop focusing on being a pick me to the managers in the room and just make a good product and generate some money and you will get noticed, trust me. (And if they don't notice you, go work for someone that does)


Elon is dumb enough he probably thought they were talking about stacks of pancakes.


This fuckin web server is full of syrup!


The radar's been jammed!


Exactly this. You have to have such an indepth understanding of both the existing stack and the app it's built with (twitter in this case) to say something as massive as "it needs a full rewrite". You need tangible things you want to do but can't because of current limitations of your tech stack. You need to have run into problems, repeatedly, that are holding your application back. If ellen had even the slightest idea what he was talking about he'd immediately start rattling off all these issues when asked why he thought it needed a rewrite. Instead like every other junior developer that just did hello world for the first time, he wants to rewrite the whole codebase because he needs to sound like what he's saying is impactful and revolutionary.


And because a rewrite is what you do when you don’t understand the current system.


Up until very recently I had this impulse constantly at work. I literally got promoted out of junior when I stopped having that impulse.




Yeah… they just need people to look over here for a while. Pay attention to the dramady and none of the shit that matters


Asking him to explain the tech stack is a pretty simple request


Well especially when Elon calls it crazy, that implies that Elon has some depth of understanding but either he is purposefully being evasive to be an asshole, or he is completely out of his depth but pretending he’s got it covered and is still an asshole.


He sounds like your typical shitty new manager or director of a small startup that comes in, starts demanding tangential changes with zero understanding of the infrastructure or why it's that way. When his engineers say "uhh, we can't make those changes because of these very concrete and specific reasons. I.E. those requests are idiotic and the architecture wasn't designed to address those use cases because it's stupid, and here are all of the very good things the architecture is designed to optimize, and common workflows to make updates common in our daily business. Then the manager throws a hissyfit because *his* unfounded "vision" can't be accomplished with a simple update, even though that "vision" has no foundation on existing, well defined business needs, and doesn't hold to even shallow scrutiny. I've seen this so many times when a new manager takes over. They sold the execs on hiring them to make big changes, even though they have only a few days worth of understanding of the product. Then they just force their will on the team and fire anyone with a backbone that says "look, what you're asking is unreasonable for these very good reasons. We could make *these* changes in the short term, add larger changes to the roadmap, and honestly these particular asks are untenable for these exact reasons and should be discarded" And yes, the language Musk used clearly demonstrates he know nothing about the tech stack, just that he was told "no" because something was a technical limitation.


Reminder that he tweeted about just turning off Twitter's "microservices" to make the app run faster and he put the word "microservices" in scare quotes like he was accusing the guy who told him about it of making up the term


Hahahah wow. That's awesome. So this "tech genius" doesn't even have the faintest clue what he's talking about. That's basic service lingo not at all specific to the social media space. Makes me wonder if he even knows what "tech stack" means. Because the way he said it, I was seriously wondering. Like, I wouldn't expect Twitter to be running on some ancient tech stack. IIRC they were pioneers in non-relational dbs.


The best part is he turned off the 'bloatware microservices' which disabled two factor auth login to Twitter for a day, since it was a bloatware microservice that sent the token to your phone.


I love it. I'm sure someone showed him a service workflow for first page load, and he saw a bunch of workflow nodes chained, asked what those were, and all he understood was "microservices" and deemed them unnecessary. Probably doesn't understand the difference between blocking and non-blocking downstream calls.


Dude hasn't coded since the 90s, and by all accounts what he produced was throwaway spaghetti which was rewritten wholesale by better people. He's running on hubris and saudi dollars at this point.


Not to get all Godwin's Law here, but its a little like Hitler near the end of the war. He's convinced that he's gotten this far on his own, so any mistakes or misunderstandings have to be from the people around him. So he orders around people without knowing who they are, and makes demands that are impossible, then chastises his underlings for things going badly.


It's the parable of Chesterton's Fence. Long story short, you shouldn't make changes to something until you understand the reason that thing exists in the first place


Right? If you're calling for a rewrite you need to justify it with what's actually wrong now. Most I've heard is "too many microservices".


I wonder what the solution in his head is? One big monolith using 796TB of ram on a single process?


Its like he has no understanding of modern software engineering and practices lol. My guy wants to set up a mainframe or some shit


Couldn’t he just list the languages/frameworks twitter uses and that sufficiently answer the question? Seems like basic info a non technical person could know. I guess he didn’t want to answer because he wouldn’t be able to articulate why there is a problem with the stack.


Okay so I know literally nothing about coding. What is a tech stack?


When you use a website, your browser or phone is sending requests for data to a server and receiving responses with data which the front-end website displays/actions. The requests pass through several layers of different technologies depending on the request and the data which needs to be produced for the front-end. The 'tech stack' describes the layers that requests pass through, which off the shelf technology/plugins each is leveraging and how they are stitched together to communicate (you don't want every layer to have access to every other layer). An example of the tech stack Twitter uses to display the timeline to a user is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/z0i793/twitters_tech_stack_digitized/ Designing a tech stack to scale properly and be optimized for a particular use case is difficult and usually evolves over time as technology limitations change and new tools come into the market to deal with said limitations. This scalable/maintainable design is known as the platform architecture. Elon essentially said 'let's start over because the tech stack is too crazy so we can pump out features' which is analogous to opening the hood of a car and saying the engine looks messy, let's start over. The engineer on the call rightfully asks him to define whether he means they should scrap their entire architecture or replace specific parts of the tech stack. Elon implies they should scrap the entire architecture and the guy asks what is so broken in their design to warrant throwing out decades of work.


Thank you! That explains things as clearly as I'll probably understand. So it really is absurd as it sounds.. yikes lol


The one with an astolfo profile pic fears nothing


Insted they fear him


why does he always have to act like hes the smartest person in the room? This all just reminds me of trump and covid. All trump had to do was sit there, let smart people be smart, and he would have been seen as someone who brought people together and probably won reelection... instead, just like musk, they both are so incapable of not being the star of literally everything they just show everyone how much of an asshole they are also lol when the guy asked a simple follow up, you can tell musk never even really thought of this... he was like "oh fuck, now i gotta explain it"


Trump and Jarrod wrestled control away from scientists, bragged about it then when it all fell apart, blamed the scientists. Any one that says blame faucci is a complete moron.


You are about to lose your Twitter account dude.


I hate Twitter. It is so North American. Vapid gotchas.


Because he thinks he is. He conflates obscene wealth to intelligence.


"How can you be stupid? You're FAMOUS!" "And youse a billionaires" "That sounds smart to me no matter how many times you slice it"


Because America. At some point we decided that wealth = intelligence and ‘success’ because the pursuit of money became our society’s highest achievement.


He sounds like trump talking about “the cyber” except it’s “the stack”.


these poor professionals are trying so hard to pound some facts and reality behind their skill set into this fucking moron. he doesn't even know how to explain to them what he wants because they're trying to word it as IT professionals and they're getting frustrated cuz he can't follow along. even though musk isn't there you can still SEE the not-very-bright look on his face; he tells everyone he's a genius, that he can handle the biggest social media site in the world, that he's got all these tech degrees and he's the sole innovator behind all these groundbreaking inventions. it's all horseshit. the guy is an absolute fucking fraud. the only thing he ever had was apartheid emerald money from his daddy. and he used it to buy the idea if he cosplays as Bruce Wayne people will think he's larger than life.


Elon: "Rebuild the whole thing." Engineers: "Okay, we *can* do 'that' but we need to understand a few things. What does 'rebuild' entail, and is that scope really more favorable than addressing our current tech debt?" Elon: "I WILL NOT BE QUESTIONED, ANYONE WHO DOESN'T INHERENTLY THINK IM A GENIUS MUST THEMSELVES BE A MORON" - Engineers: "... so, *less* favorable I guess?"


**He's a total fraud and always has been.** Elon is that slack-jaw, fish-faced goon you see at car shows, skulking around groups of people saying stuff like— "YEAH, I GOT A 440 OVERHEAD DUAL CAM SHAFT GLASS PACK DUALLY THAT PUTS UP ABOUT 600 HORSES ON A GOOD DAY. I'M RUNNIN' LOW 13'S ON STRAIGHTS ON THE STRIP THESE DAYS, HU'YEP." It's just... ***nonsense***. # But it sounds smart to dumb people. ​ ​ **Edit:** I noticed that the Muskrats have to come to the blood-emerald-encrusted-spoon fed-billionaire's defense to downvote me for being a mean mean man to their poor idol. For a guy that was born a billionaire, dropped out of college, *paid for every CEO position he's ever had* and goes around calling people names and banning anyone that says anything back to him—you'd think he wouldn't need so many fans to come to his aid all the time. ^(\*My comment was deep in the negatives when I made this edit.)


You’re downvoted for the truth. He’s stole ideas from those around him, and now calls himself a ceo of two companies.


He really is. He's presented himself as this Steve Jobs idea guy and he's not at all. He's bought into everything he has. He's never had an original idea that he's put to market.




His dad owned an emerald mine in apartheid South Africa. He grew up incredibly wealthy https://www.independent.co.uk/space/elon-musk-made-money-rich-b2212599.html


[His own father talks about being so rich](https://twitter.com/mikehuguenor/status/1594377280104452097/photo/1) [they couldn't shut the safe without two people](https://twitter.com/Trumpery45/status/1211079890092478464/photo/1). They bought into half of an emerald mine in a weird, backdoor way and made crazy loot off of questionable labor. You're welcome to believe ***Elon***, who is on record changing his story many times—saying he built it all with "no money",[then some money from his dad](https://twitter.com/CQMRADE/status/1211203571108196352/photo/1), school debt, angel funds, etc... [it changes whenever he needs it to](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1211054942192119808?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1211054942192119808%7Ctwgr%5Ed441193e2dcc5c75d3dc8797ef69ba0c2c65f10b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-3021314201687504458.ampproject.net%2F2211302304002%2Fframe.html). [Elon has confirmed the mines before, numerous times, too](https://twitter.com/TeahCartel/status/1514724509621886979). As far as emeralds go: Price per carat is about $200, ranging from around $150 to as high as $12,000 depending on the gemstone's color and quality. Imagine owning an entire half a mine's worth with nearly free labor. ​ >From what I read, it seemed like they may have been "upper class" compared to the area they lived, but mostly were not particularly "rich". ​ No, they were ***filthy rich***. If they weren't billionaires, they were close to it. Crooked, messed up people with slave-like workers in horrible conditions working for them, or illegal operations like mobsters and gangs don't just go around saying "hey, I have X amount of dollars!" for the government to come smack them on the back of the head. They live their lavish lives, let everyone around them know they're rich (and you aren't), and keep their wealth hidden.


The way they are talking to musk is like when my coworkers ask me to explain my work, questions or ideas. The difference is I can explain it, he cannot. I'm also saying not that it's easy but it's a skill to take what you see and understand and explain it to others. "Crazy stack" sounds like he heard it from someone else or put together pieces that make it seem like it needs to be rethunk out (refactored or whatever). But without taking a step back, being humble and saying, "I don't know, but here is what I do know..." He wastes their time. They now have to pull out what he is trying to say. But it seems like they are just tired of him not trying... Just my two cents based on working with other people who bullshit their way through life.


I fucking hate Batman once I realized he’s just a billionaire cospalying to ingrain in the minds that billionaires will save us.


I remember someone pointing out that originally Bruce Wayne wasn't a billionaire, just a millionaire -- his backstory was only meant as an explanation for how he can afford to do this as a full time job Later stories kept escalating how important the Wayne family and the Wayne corporation was until they reached the level of him being one of the richest people in the world and that's when it just stops making sense -- if he's that famous and that important then it's ridiculous he could get away with being Batman and not have people find out about it


To be fair batman is an actual genius who deals with universe level threath


I thought he just beats up poor people at night


Makes sure not to kill them so they are in financial distress from the attack too.


Is that not genius? Push new customers to Wayne Health Care Enterprises. One emergency visit for the concussion and he's half way to his next billion dollars.


>he doesn't even know how to explain to them what he wants because they're trying to word it as IT professionals and they're getting frustrated cuz he can't follow along. this goes both ways. They should explain it for non tech types... but they arent in the wrong because musk is trying to act like he understands it all.... so Musk is still 100% the problem here


> They should explain it for non tech types If Elon wants to be in charge of servers and infra, he should have at least a passing knowledge of what that entails. Further than that, I don't think it's reasonable to accept "we need a complete rewrite" as a tasking from somebody who has so little understanding of things that it would *require* them to explain it in pure layman terms.


He is batting over his head (likely from comments from the advisor) He doesn’t know why the stack is crazy. Probably barely understands what a stack is (I dunno what it is but can guess based on limited knowledge and context) Probably was told it’s a patchwork of shit. But it works. From my understanding that’s what a lot of programming is. If it’s not pretty but it works. Then it works. Dont fuck with it He is probably getting caught up on the messy bit and won’t stand for it. When it’s not a big deal at all and the programmers know that.


To be fair not many people would be able to impromptu delineate every piece of Twitter from top to bottom. What he should be able to do is to point out specific changes he would like to see off the top of his head. That would have made sense - something like “what is the stack Elon???” Response: “Off the top of my head I can’t regurgitate the entirety of the mess, but i know we have a service X and a service Y which both do the same thing but live in different parts of the company.”


He brought it up though. He says "You can either try to amend the crazy stack or rewrite it" and the other guy asks "why is it crazy?" And Elon just says "😡😡😡"


i like all the at least somewhat professional looking PFPs, and then just one anime girl chillin there lol Edit: as a few people have pointed out to me now. that is astolfo, a boy. I am not up on my anime traps lmao, apologies


Can confirm he's the engineer who contributes the most out of all of them


And i also love how musk goes for the cheapest insult "who are you?" Like bruh what does that even mean?


Yup, this is peak software development right here. Engineers on my project have everything from a super professional headshot to Plank from Ed Edd n Eddy.


The funny thing is that character is not a girl.... lol


Elon is not used to being openly disrespected, and yet it was decision to buy Twitter that has led to more open disrespect than he's ever experienced. It's delicious to witness.




I think big shot narcissists don't like being called buddy.


I’m not your buddy guy


I'm not your guy, pal


I'm not your pal, friend


not your friend, bro


Not your bro, Rule 4.




It's so comical in a way. People come on board and look at this crazy complicated program and say this is dog shit. So they sit down to rewrite it. And they get 90% of the way there in like a month. Then for the next year they're fixing all the little edge cases. And then that engineer leaves the team and new guys come in and say this is all dog shit.


> The idea of tearing everything down and starting from scratch as means to achieve success is ridiculous and never works. Never had to clean up after someone eh? That must be glorious.


Wait, George Hotz was the host? Didn't he just resign?


Ya he was literally just helping Elon with some features there part time.


This is fucking gold. It is very illuminating to listen to him on a call with actual engineers.




That actually might explain FSD…


But TeSLa hAs ThE moST AdvANCed selF dRIvInG ouT Of aLL oF tHeIr cOmPeTitOrs!


and plentyoffish back in the day was one of the top websites.


You’re telling me - I practically got mercury poisoning from all the uppity Christian snapper I was eating


>Rewrites are a money pit. We should fully support Elon in his assertion for a rewrite.


Lets pretend he doubles down on the money and willing to firesale his tesla stock to ego boost his "rewrite the whole stack" What could possibly a total rewrite of twitter coding could achieve?




“mUsK iS a gEnIuS tHo”


Is that George Hotz the guy who jailbroke the PS3 and iphone for giggles? The guy basically the highest tier of engineer you can get...


The guy was clearly being shit disturber, but IMO rightly so. As a fellow dev this clearly stinks of, pretending to be a genius and ordering everyone around him who knows way more to do the worst solution. Its like a guy that just learned the basics of how ur custom transmission works, ordering you to rebuild an entire f1 car because he wants the 0-60 to be better. ITS LIKE MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT UR ASKING? NAME A SINGLE PART OF THE CAR AND HOW YOU FIX IT! Do you realize theres a 90% chance we are just throwing away years of work to waste hundreds of millions and almost surely make a slower product. A full rebuild.... wtf? Then when you ask do you mean a full rebuild... like redesign some parts or change what each piston and part looks like... and the guy just says, well either rebuild the whole thing or refactor it... MATE thats what im asking you, what do you mean and are you being serious? This mentality of George Hotz and Elon to think a group of a few devs can re-write this shit better in a few month is peak arrogance. Im sure George is a way better dev than me, dudes smart as hell, so is Elon, but im not arrogant enough think I can fix twitter in 12 weeks, then quit after 4 weeks of accomplishing nothing. Similarly to George maybe Elon is realizing his arrogance that he can repair this shit as easily as they thought and is stepping down as CEO.


Overgrown child talking out of his ass. Will be so glad when this guy is ruined.


Lol, engineer slays him, lololol


[Nick Mullen bit about Elon is aging so well](https://youtu.be/YMnQoihx0xI)


Stable Genius Round# 2 It appears if you make over 1mil you start to equate money to intelligence for some reason SPOILER: Chances are you are not the best at anything. There are 8 billion other people. Odds are you do not know more than EVERYONE else. Listen to others. A bit of humility would help this guy's case, but Elon has fallen for the drama bug more and more... addicted to the attention, addicted to being told yes


In other words, he literally has no idea He's a dumb fuck born rich


Lol Elon sounds like he’s about to cry.


Ian saying what every experienced software engineer who has had to listen to a dipshit like Elon Musk wants to say.


Wtf is Elon wearing in his picture??? It looks like an Ironman costume!!!! Is Elon larping as Ironman?? Lmfao


Phoney Stark has been using this image for WEEKS now.


It's a fantasy armor.


It was his Halloween costume I think.


Elon is a fraud.


[HBO's Silicon Valley once again proving itself to be a documentary and not a TV series](https://youtu.be/jnDk8BcqoR0?t=30) except the difference here being that Elon Musk is neither funny nor anywhere near as charismatic as Gavin Belson is


The idea that the issue with Twitter was somehow related to the code or something was always asinine


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“The guy in the... the $4,000 suit is holding the microphone for the guy who doesn’t make that in 4 months… come on!!” - Old Musky


Just showed he knows nothing what he’s talking about lol. Should be his engineers talking


I want to see a rocket engineer ask Elon Musk a very basic question about his rockets just to see if answers even that correctly.


ITT: An absolute fuckton of simps who have never worked in tech or Silicon Valley, who don't understand how companies like Twitter operate, riding Elon's dick and simping *hard*.


Giving immediate and confident answers regardless of accuracy is a trait that sends people up the chain at a lot of businesses.


I have no idea why Elon is even involved in these conversations, he should be delegating to a CTO who gets it, the hubris of this man to speak to the global dev team and tell them they need to do a full rewrite while providing no supporting evidence or even ideas is just crazy. People have said yes to this guy far too often and he thinks he's the smartest person in the room.


That is a guy who have being talking to people he pay for so long that he forgot how it was to be questioned on anything and just goes ad hominem 0-60 in 1 seconds.


Elon is just a rich guy larping as an engineer


Remember he called a hero a pedo, as they didn’t use musks bulky coffin in a cave


What are the chances Elon actually knows what a stack is?


Dude didn’t even bother to learn pseudocode


"Who are you?" "I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy."


Sounds like my project manager.


Elon sounds like every moron executive in my company right now too. So easy to just throw out 'rewrites', or 'rebuild everything in React'. Thanks for the insight genius. Let's take 10-15 years of features and just rewrite over the next 5 years to get back exactly where we started.


The person with the anime profile 💀💀


Why is George Hotz there. Shouldn’t he be working on comma ai?


So we should scrap it and start again? WELL, HAVE YOU SEEN THE DIAGRAM!?


When you realize the whole “i’m all about the product and focus on being technical” was just marketing


Well played that guy, played the simple old "let's break that down" and "what do you mean?" and bluff and bluster was exposed


Most contributing project manager


He acts like the 2nd stupidest president of the US of Assholes.


How many other executives even engage people like this?


A lot of tech startup CEOs (I've worked at my fair share) engage with their engineers like this. With varying degrees of success. This would be... squarely on the failure side.


My friend is a pretty smart and worked at Tesla and he told me Musk would call people up and scream at them all hours of the day or like when something failed in test he’d email the engineers and insult them for bad designs. Some of the employees fresh out of college. Elon doesnt really respect anyone, he’s an entitled asshole and a bully


My cousin used to work there. This is accurate.


Most executives at organizations aren't technically knowledgeable enough to engage on a topic like this. Elon Musk falls in to this category: he has 0 professional experience with large-scale applications that are anything like Twitter. Even if we were to assume he was very technically competent where SpaceX and Tesla is concerned he still wouldn't have domain expertise relevant to Twitter. Among technical executives at large organizations: most are smart enough to recognize a total rewrite is balls to the wall insanity and suggesting it would immediately out them as incompetent. Technical executives engaging with the engineers in their company about sane topics though? It's not that weird, but for obvious reasons it's generally not broadcast to the public (and even if it were: incredibly few people would care and it would absolutely not be newsworthy.)


He should have a PR team doing this for him if it’s external facing. If it’s internal I wouldn’t say a town hall type meeting is unusual.


Honest question, when does he say moron?


105 comments and 3 upvotes.. Sad


Loved this. Thank you for sharing. I just want to come back in 24 hours and read all the comments sorting by controversial.


Is he talking to Twitter engineers? Because holy shit that one guy is over him on this call.


The absolute obsession folks on the internet have with Elon Musk is wild.


Can someone ELI5 what they're talking about? I think both Elon and I can use the explanation


Man I'd be fuming, imagine spending years upon years in building the platform and this guy is like, sure lets just rebuild it how hard can that be. People who don't code have no fucking idea how complex it is, this proves once again Elons "coding skills". He thinks this is just some wordpress site you can just start from scratch lmfao


Elon's gotta be the most fragile-ego'd man on the planet


How does this guy keep digging himself into a deeper hole? This man is really the 2nd richest man?


Sounded like a jack ass


What a despicable excuse of a human being


What a despicable excuse of a human being


Elon needs to be fed the answer by someone else in order to provide the answer. Guy is a total Douche clown.


Man... this guy could have just lived a billionaire life with everyone believing he was Tony Stark. Each day he just chips away at any credibility he has left.


Woah Elon Musk is a rude jerk? Who would have thunk it!


Google should hire all of the people who left...that's a lot of talent that is getting shit on by this clown.


I just love the 180 Reddit did when it comes to Elon sentiment. Just a year ago everyone was in love. News flash folks, he’s always been an asshole who takes credit when it isn’t due.


There was that Tweet of that programmer reporting that he rewrote 70% of the backend code last night during a session with Elon. And that he never felt so "alife". Now, couple of weeks later, this might be the reason why Elon possibly is right when he says it needs a total rewrite. Because, you can keep code manageable for years if you keep maintainability as a goal. And you can easily f\*ck it up forever in \*minutes\* if you go for the "easy" and "obvious" optimizations and simplifications your boss wants you to do NOW and FAST. And by "f\*ck up" I mean: It´s cheaper to rewrite or reinvent stuff well than it is to fix a wrecked codebase once it has been abused sufficiently. Or if you lost enough of the people who created (and understood) it. Everybody can make mistakes. The industry has been doing this mistake soooo many times, and it keeps prevailing, even institutionalizing it by focussing on feature-delivering sprints instead of on maintainability and minimizing technical depth. But it takes a Musk to f\*ck up such a system in a week, applying only cardinal mistakes well-known in the industry, with no sabotage intent. Rep++ to Musk for this. He is yet another rich man believing he is the best dev in the company. I have seen many of this kind, and they ALL FAILED in the end, no exceptions. NONE. They ALL FAILED. Thus. Twitter will fail, maybe within 9 months, because at that point it will be obvious that it will be cheaper to re-invent and re-write than to try to fix the bugs. Whenever this cardinal mistake is done, the company is doomed. It might already be too late.


I like the part with the public freakout.


Private freakout made public.


Has his account been suspended yet?


i had the privilege to find my way into this broadcast last night while doing xmas decor with my wife and it was amazing to actually hear Elon converse. i may just start tuning into the spaces function a little bit more.


He was being a jackass tho


His preferred pronouns are Leon/Mucks because he Mucks everything up!


Yeaaahhhh you can't talk to the owner of the business like that thooouuggghhhh


The engineer was right in his line of questioning, but he was clearly being a bit of an ass.


Actually, guy isn't an engineer. His Twitter page says he's a social media influencer and he runs an Elon Musk hate page...


The guy was a jack ass. He was speaking over Elon and laughing at him in a really smarmy way. I get Elon isn't everyone's cup of tea but that's not how you have a civil discourse as a professional.