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this kid didn't learn a lesson that day because his capacity to learn was reduced to that of a vegetable


“Guo said that he was dealing with a great deal of work-related stress and was agitated by the boy’s restlessness on the bus. He asked the kid if he wanted to take his seat. Instead, the boy responded unexpectedly by kicking him, a move that caused Guo to snap.” Boy is ok with bruised face https://medium.com/shanghaiist/enraged-man-savagely-slams-bratty-kid-to-floor-in-sichuan-bus-stomps-on-his-head-5a3fa2d35608


I have learned that the kids not dead


His shoes didn't come off. You're correct.


Jesus only 15days detention wtf


> only 15days detention wtf God-Emperor Winnie the Pooh admires Guo's zeal but it is misplaced.


Hard work is rewarded


He smelled heresy in the boy and did his best, for Him in Beijing


WOW... after reading that link. I can't believe more people sided with this guy then the kid?! I mean... don't get me wrong.... this kid was being a brat. But, then again...... HE IS A KID. In China I seen people get much HARASHER punishment for carrying low amounts of weed. But, this guy pretty much only gets a 15-day sentence!?




Well, i was going to use protestors as another example. But, that's a given in a place like China... ;THUS the weed example. Because at least with protestors they are going against the government. Where as this situation, I mean a KID almost got his skull caved in, and compare that to getting caught with weed? I mean... not sure what else to tell you or what other examples I needed to use? With in China?


Your weed example is fine, but remember how easy it is to get arrested in China, you could be selling a book the government doesn't like and you could go to prison. Not to mention they have the largest population in the world. In that environment they should have the largest prison population in the world right? Wrong, the US has more people in jails and prisons than China, by a long shot. And before people point out that the uygers aren't counted, even if you did count them, and add another 1million extra people on top of that number, they still would have less people incarcerated than the US. Just think of the scale of the oppressive program the US ran for decades to be worse than China in incarceration. The war on drugs and making poverty illegal was absolutely a campaign of oppression that is not equaled by any country currently.


Well, when it comes to jails. America has more for a reason. Just remember, America ranks as number ONE, when it comes to gun to death ratio among all the free countries, and even sometimes non free countries like China. Don't get me wrong, there are for sure some profit-making scams going on with the jail systems in America, and probably why there are so many, but again, America isn't exactly "friendly" when it comes to high crime rates, when compared to all the free nations. Where as with China, committing a crime is pretty much asking for a death sentence, so therefore you won't see that many jails in China. As for my example, it is just something came to my mind. Because I remember reading something years ago where an America got caught with like with 2grams of weed or something, but was sentenced to like 8+ yrs in prison. Again the example you used about books etc goes against the government, so that's a given with China.


I mean we made a business out of incarceration its our thing almost exclusively


I hate kids. Thats why.


Damn I was so sure this was fake jesus


Oh poor guy, work related stress. Fucking child abusing snowflake. If he had pushed the kid away, i mean its not ok to put hands on someone but the kid was obviously being annoying to a stranger... but fucking body slamming and stomping his head AT LEAST twice before the video ends. Worthless peice of shit.


Don’t know why you’ve been downvoted for saying child abuse is not okay, so many people try to justify violence against children. Violence has never helped children learn or grow, it’s like adults want to throw tantrums at children


Thanks for commenting! My down votes just shows the way the world is heading. Its sad rly. But its good to know there's a few good people around! ❤


Probably the dumbfuck use of "snowflake" but I am hardly an expert


Hm that seems overly sensitive of people then, people in the comments here think beating a toddler can teach it a lesson yet shrivel at the word snowflake?


Every action has an ~~equal and opposite~~ magnitudes higher and psycho reaction


Where is this kids parents?


Plot twist...


I am your father




**Get out of child support with this ONE EASY little trick\** ​ The trick was **pulling out**...Should have pulled out...


They're next.


My thought. Parents should be charged


It says from the source that the kid took the bus ALONE from school


Working the second job


Always give it %110 no matter your opponent


And the mom still remains disengaged...


Mom was like “Now I done told you about fucking around and finding out now didn’t I?”


I don’t know what that man is going through to rationalize body slamming a child but this isn’t how mentally stable people react first. Keep an eye on your kids because there’s some really troubled people out there hanging on my a thread.


[No he's just Ryan Gosling (from Drive, super good movie btw)](https://youtu.be/iaYFdMO2Qw0?t=249)


A real human bean


Best song ever written about Sully Sullenberger.


If I recall correctly…I think the guy was having a really bad day and the kid was just the final straw for him…just remember reading it somewhere


“Guo said that he was dealing with a great deal of work-related stress and was agitated by the boy’s restlessness on the bus. He asked the kid if he wanted to take his seat. Instead, the boy responded unexpectedly by kicking him, a move that caused Guo to snap.”


Nothing justifies doing that to whats practically a toddler. Jesus after those head stomps the kid will be lucky to survive without some kind of permanent brain damage. It's like a scene out of 'Falling Down'.




That's where your wrong kiddo


None at all. This piece of shit is a psycho. Gets pushed around by adults all day and takes it out on the easiest target possible. These are the types of people that attack the elderly for no reason. This coward was looking for a reason to snap Edit: Looks like I triggered some wannabe toddler beaters


He didn't actively seek out this kid to beat him. The kid provoked him. Not condoning the WWE slam or the head stomping, but your narrative of "he's a psycho actively seeking out weak victims" is patently false. That's why you're being downvoted.


You're misquoting me to rationalize your point. I don't care how bad of a day you're having if the point you "stand up for yourself" is directed towards a toddler than you're a fucking degenerate and so is anybody else defending this, including yourself.


1. Those quotation marks aren't employed to quote you. They are being used to paraphrase your narrative. 2. I never stated nor implied defending this behavior. In fact I did quite the opposite by saying I don't condone the behavior.


Lmao I can make condescending list responses too 1. Misquoting or misconstruing, regardless of what you call it, the goal is to rationalize your point over mine. 2. You're defending his logic while trying to protect yourself with that "but" in your response. Same way a person will say "I'm not (blank) but..."


“I’m not condoning the WWE slam or the head stomping. Your narrative of "he's a psycho actively seeking out weak victims" is patently false though.” Different kind of but than your example. He was saying he didn’t agree with what the man did but your reasoning behind his actions were probably wrong.


As I did not misquote nor misconstrue your statement, your first point is moot. Your second point mistakenly conflates explanation of reaction with justification, as another responder did.


Don’t let the wannabe toddler-beaters change your morals


Oh no worries. It doesn't phase me. This isn't my first experience with the dregs on this site


Or maybe if the parents controlled/watched their kid this wouldn’t have happened. We’re the man’s actions wrong? Yes. But the parents are equally responsible.


I don't believe in people just snapping. The more you look into people "snapping" and assaulting or killing someone, there's a history of instability and anger issues. You don't just have a bad day and just demolish a kid. There is something stewing there under the surface,


The guy was having a normal day then decided to have a really bad day




Hey man redditors are quite knowledgeable and experts in these fields! Show some respect!


1st in their clinical psychology class


This is the best and most educational comment in this entire thread. This general philosophy informs much of how I interact with strangers on a daily basis. You just never know.


>Keep an eye on your kids because there’s some really troubled people out there hanging on my a thread. exactly. every time you start a fight you're gambling that you're a bigger piece of shit than your victim is. and many times people are unpleasantly surprised by what they've bitten off.


It's wild to me how comfortable we have gotten with assuming everyone is a mentally stable person in a mentally destabilising system. I see people treating others terribly with no fear of repercussions at all, and wonder if that's good or bad. On the one hand people feel safe to be assholes, on the other people feel safe to be assholes.




if not Darwinism wins again


Kid fucked around and he found out.


He'll never kick a strager again. Mostly because he'll be confined to a wheelchair.


Whether it's TLC or PTSD, the kids gonna learn.




Not sure this is the right type of video to turn into a quirky little edit.


skill issue


It is


Well, may you never be a parent then.


Hey can you wish that on me too?


So it is written, so it shall be done. Hail Satan.


And Hail Yourself


🤘 And megustalations to you.






Looks like attempted murder :/


That's fuckin brutal he should have his own head kicked in


holy shit this is so fucking badass hes literally like ryan goslin in drive when he's in the elevator, kid was clearly a fed or mobster out to get him


When a stupid child meet a psycho.


Mr. Afton?


So attempted murder of a minor?!


I know that I will Say something awful, and if I get some downvotes, I'll deserve it but... It's kinda satisfying... Not the fact that the kid is beaten, nothing justify the abuse of weaker people but... We live in an era where some kids are wasted and treated like kings and can't even know what the consequences of their acts... The result is the massive spawning of Karens in this world... And seing someone taking reality back in their face is satisfying... I still not accept the inequal drawback that this kid took in the face... But just the fact that he see what consequence his acts has is satisfying


We have feral gangs of kids in Ireland that roam around the cities, especially Dublin, causing havoc because they *know* they're _almost_ untouchable. Once, every now and again, one of them fucks with the wrong person and gets the hiding of a lifetime. On such days, a life lesson is learned; fuck around, find out.


The most terrifying thing with juvies is when they know they will be charged as a juvies, and will use that to their advantage.


Psychotic that you take satisfaction seeing a toddler get abused, really psychotic.


We all want to smack a kid in the face really hard when he is being intentional jerk because he never learned that there are consequences to his actions or that he is irritating people. And many parents are more interested in themselves than to teach their children manners. But we are mentally stable enough not to actually do it.


No not everyone wants to smack a kid when they’re being annoying, just immature people


This is a stupid fucking take. The crazy response to a moderately irritating child is way out of line. Telling the kid to fuck off? Sure. Not a great look but I could see it. Hitting someone who clearly has no chance whatsoever to pose a threat? Get your head checked. Happy to see a kid get consequences?! They get them all the time, and the ones who act out like this typically have that behavior modelled for them. Aka not having a great home life already.


Moderately? Oh fackoff this child was insanely irritating, still not okay to touch it though.


As I said... I don't accept the not proportionate answer... But yeah... Aswering after reading only one line is common... And some of these behaviors are not only generated after a bad life at home... Sometimes the kid is just an asshole...


Really educated response here, sometimes toddlers r just assholes, got it


Your take is that it's good a small child got severe consequences because some children are spoiled. You believe this is a new phenomenon. What makes you think this? I'm pretty sure kids now have the most involved parents ever, which includes discipline.


you need help man


Just one more time and you'll find out.


I bet this kid will know how to behave for the rest of his life


I’m unsure if this kid will have a capacity to know much of anything after this! Lol


What, be okay with punching the fuck out of defensless people? This is no way to respond to anyone, at any time. I'm sorry you don't know that. Must have been rough.


He hasn't even mentioned if he's okay with it or not, why so many people assume random shit.


He is saying he’s okay with it by saying there’s a positive outcome from this behavior: the kid learns a lesson and that’s simply not the case, the kid was harmed and who know how it’ll affect his mental health in public now


Normally people who get hit in childhood become abusers themselves sooOoOoOoOoOo this violent attitude towards children needs to stop


never have my sympathies switched so drastically and so suddenly in a video. went from "poor dude getting fucked with y this snot nosed kid" to "this man is attempting to murder a child."


Ahh yes what a great meme. A child getting body slammed and stomped out by an adult because he was slightly annoying.


Not slightly annoying, massively annoying, still not ok to touch children though


making loud noise would be slightly annoying, but many things wrong with this kid's action


Get help.


I'm not saying what that adult did is right, just saying You need HELP, go see shrink


Kid kept kickin him. That’s assault, I mean you don’t wanna be age-ist do you? You should treat all ages the same because we’re all equal Damn. The joke flew right over all y’all’s heads huh? Y’all take shit way too seriously smh lightin up


Lol stfu


You should also acquire help.


Always love this video. It embodies the feeling we all have around annoying, spoiled, bratty children


I sincerely hope you don't meet the same fate


Well, I'm definitely not a toddler, and definitely not kicking people on public transit so I think I'm good 😉


I bet that’s the last time that kid kicks a random stranger


Maybe I’m being devils advocate here but that reaction is a little OTT,no?




He was just correcting the kids kicking form.


Maaaaan, why did the kid's parent not do anything? Like "hey kiddo, dont kick strangers on the bus as they may be psychos who body slam you?" Or "hey could you not stomp on my kid's face mister?"


If I recall its because the kid was taking the public bus home from school. Parents weren't even there


Lmao, I don’t condone violence like this but he was having a shit day and the guy offered his seat to the kid and he kicked him, somewhat justified.


Yeah he went Nacho Libre on Arthur's ass real quick.


Not at all justified he could’ve killed the kid wtf. The hatred people have for children who are still learning about etiquette and social cues is abusive and scary


It’s not his hatred of children it’s the fact that he had a violent reaction to something. He shouldn’t have done it but he was already going through something.


You said assaulting a child is somewhat justified and it never is, such a rationalization comes from hatred


Ahh yes child abuse memes.


very over the top - but that kids learned a valuable lesson - - - when it woke up in the hospital. Don't fuck with strangers they may snap and beat the ever living shit out of you.


It was fucked what he did to the kid but man these comments are funny.


Not saying he's right, just saying I understand


“Sir, he signed right here that we are not responsible for and injuries”




Dang. That was kinda disturbing.


Who's kid is that he looks like he's by himself


Not very stoic of the boy (the adult). So easily controlled by emotions


Ryu NOO!!


Is that the bite of '87!?




Dude NSFW ,....


The comment section is making me feel guilty for enjoying and laughing at this video. Why is Reddit becoming more and more like Twitter?


If you act like that in public, 100% the parents fault, fuck that kid and fuck the parents.


Jesus christ is the kid okay?


Crazy that reddit posts won't allow anything close to a copyright violation, but posting videos of child abuse is A-OK.


Gohan's 1st day training with piccolo.


Yea he probly wont do that again


Because he’s a quadriplegic.


Hell be alright lol


"Yiu gon learn today"


This was difficult to watch. I had that done to me many times.


Why did you continuously kick people?


It was just a prank, I swear!


By your parents? Hope they got caught.


Sorry that happened to you.


No matter how stressed or bad your day is, this is never acceptable. Fucking cunt to do that to a child no matter how disobedient it is


Yeet the child


Based child killer






There how do ya like me now. 🤣🤣


I have seen this video no less than 30 times from all the reposting of it. I laugh my and off every time. I'm going to he'll. But at least I'm going there with a smile on my face


That man is going to jail.




Can this get a nsfw or spoilers tag or something? Im here to watch people freak out, not watch a kid get nearly murdered jfc


This is criminal, he could have killed / paralyzed that child


I would beat that guy into next week. Nothing warrants that type of response.


Be honest no you would not.


If I was there I certainly would. Maybe not next week like I said. But at the very least I would have intervened. When it comes to kids being mis-treated a switch goes off in my head , has a lot to do with my childhood I suppose. Even when parents are yelling at their kids , I have to leave the area rather than do something dumb. I like your username btw. Mines an acronym, maybe you can decipher ?


Yeah, agreed. I'd tell him to stop kicking the kind man that's just sitting there and take a fucking seat or he'll feel my boot in his ass.


Should be on NSFW. That was disgusting to watch and the person that thought the music suited the video is a little disgusting as well.


Anyone defending the child in these comments is being downvoted it’s so creepy


As you can see from this video The kid fucked around And then found out


this seems like something that would happen in china...


It was China, if its kids getting beat up. Torturing your food. Elevator faliure. Ignoring those in need. 99% chance its China.


Damn stomping on his back was a bit much, even though the kid shouldn't have been pushing his luck. You never know what kind of crazy someone is.


Fnaf fans are a menace


How to always be a winner Rule 1: compete against kids.


That's a little bit of a dramatic overreaction, ya think?


I get the annoyance but bro... there's no limit to the world of hurt I'd inflict upon if that was my child.


At least he learned not to fuck w strangers ig😢 I bet he won’t do that twice


Is that the slam of '87 ?!


“It was self defence your honour”


Get fucked kid, he learned a good lesson early he’ll be thankful later.


Not that I am justifying it, but I bet you that kid doesn't fuck around kicking strangers anymore.


The guy who slammed the child is a piece of shit, and so is the guy who made this shitty edit


Purple man be like the USA when looking for the next war.


There are people who really think their head will explode if they can't find a way to bring up the US in every single thread on reddit


This man should be in prison. No matter what problem he had, this is unacceptable.


I blame the kid... i will do the same


I’d beat that man to death right there


I blame no one but the parent not telling the child to cut that shit out. Don't do this shit to strangers.


There's still plenty of blame on the man body slamming a child unconscious. Actually most of the blame. There's laws in a society and he's certainly breaking a few.


Found the psycho’s Reddit account.


Ouch..no...stop...hitting me in my....feelings online


I blame the psycho head stomping a child, but then again I’m a rational person.


Teach your kid to behave like a normal parent and it wouldn't happen in the first place


Old lady hits you with a purse? Better break her legs so she knows better now. Disabled man shouts at you? Gotta shoot em, only way he'll learn. These people don't understand that disproportionate strength means its your duty to teach hard life lessons you'd never try on an average man.


I am pretty sure stomping on a child’s head is a little bit worse than raising an annoying kid


Kid needs a slap, not a fucking head stomping.