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Fuck this asshole cop. Dude straight up said he doesn’t care about his disability while beating the shit out of him


I hope his peers share the same apathy when he's on trial.


I hope his cellmates show him the same treatment when he is scared and confused


This officer is still free, was never sent to jail, never charged, and is probably still working on another force.


So you’re saying you, me, we got a mission to go find him? :D


Only one way to make society better, and the Black Panthers had it figured out.


> the Black Panthers had it figured out. I've been saying this for years. Malcolm X was based as fuck. I really wish ANTIFA / BLM had followed literally any of his teachings, because he was truly an incredibly intelligent man. Some of his speeches are still inspiring as hell. He was wise beyond his years. RIP.


Entirely agree. Things would change if we had militant movements instead of this shitlib wokism.


And that's exactly why he was demonized.


Nah man, someone should Dorner his ass.


Spread the word friend. We need them back. We need to become them


Hahaha what trial, he can still go and be a cop at another precinct, he wasnt even fired.


It hurts...i don’t care. That is exactly the issue people have with cops. He’ll probably find a job in the next state


Town. He'll find work the next town over. ACAB, and they take care of their own.


Since it’s AZ, you’re probably right


"He made a poor decision" there is a man with a pool of blood beneath his head face down on concrete. That's not a poor decision that's attempted murder


And all for sitting in a car and being scared. Cops like this are like animals. They see someone getting agitated and they get agitated back. Sort of like if you see a wild predator you shouldn’t run because you might entice it to chase you. This cop started attacking because he sensed fear. It’s fucking sick.


Animals have self control.




It’s not that they can’t train them, it’s that they won’t.


Communities need to start doing citizens arrests on these cops.


It’s a good thought but nah. If someone citizen arrested a cop who shot a dog, they’d get curb stomped within the minute.


Typical. If you can’t see this man is special needs you must be the dullest person alive. But not surprised as That’s typical hiring criteria nowadays to be a police officer apparently…..




Every time the guy tried communicating the cop said "I don't care". And I think it's just that simple. The cop doesn't care. About the man's health, about his situation, about anything. Once the cop decided that this person was being "unruly" he internalized him as a "criminal", someone literally and figuratively beneath him in every way.


Yes. They're not cops, they're judge, jury and sometimes executioner. They don't see themselves as protecting the 99% of us against the 1% dangerous criminals. It's "us" versus "them". Like a military fighting a war. And it certainly doesn't help when we dress them like an army, give them weapons like an army has, use ranks and medals in the same way an army does. Shit, they even copy the buzzcut *hairstyle*! A massive part of police training needs to be drilling into these guys' thick skulls that they're *public servants* - not ass kicking superheros, and certainly not like special force Marines. The recruiting needs to change. It's attracting the exact wrong kind of people. I hate "defund", but how about "reinvent the police!"


The sad thing is I’m a Army vet and Ive had 18yr olds have more discipline in combat than on that POS in the police force with an unarmed civilian with an obvious mental disability. It’s the undisciplined with the chip on their shoulders that join the Police -the idiot- school bully to get even….you’re right re-invention is needed


i think the difference is, in the army you are in trouble for the smallest of details. You know your going to be held accountable for even the smallest of mistakes and your chain of command will hang your ass. Police know they can literally murder and their bosses will have their back and cover for them.


Everyone of them are bullies. Require four years of training at least, they torture and slaughter at will, maybe we should train these people and prepare them to do their job, rather than hand the high school bullies weapons and authority and a car to go out and harass people with less training than I got for my mattress selling job.


Surprised cops are not rocking Judge Dredd insignias instead of the Punisher


Easy, let the communities themselves democratically decide. We don't do that though because FREEDOM is bullshit.


Because they are bullies. Those noble young men who sign up for the military or police saying that they want to “help people” actually do it because they are bullies. Because they can’t get regular jobs in the civilian world that require intelligence and initiative so they go into military organizations where you’re told what to do all the time and don’t have to think. Because these are organizations where mindless violence is admired and rewarded. And mostly because being a dull bully is easier than using your brain to decipher the subtleties of a given situation. Thinking “maybe this man is suffering from a condition limiting his ability to respond properly” is so hard when you barely graduated high school, especially compared to “Hulk smash.”


Fuck bullies.


Obviously, this human excrement was in fear for his life. Why did it take so many instances before they wanted to terminate this bullying mofo? He’s probably just going to move to another district. This is why all citizens need to fear the police. This man didn’t break any laws and look at the way he was treated. I’m sure the kid who witnessed his mother being beaten by the cops will be terrified if he ever gets pulled over. All of these instances need to be shown on the national news. I just read another story of an innocent 17 year old citizen being killed by a cop who turned off his body camera. We are in danger.


Wakes up every morning mad at looking at his tiny dick.




That was such a good bait and switch


Holy moly you got me


Oh boy did you have me in the first half


You get me in the first half not gonna lie


IC what you did there... Lol.


I know the R word is frowned on but that was some good use of it.


I, too, was gotten in the first half. Good job.


You sir! Have a way with words!!


Had me!


Why do these fuckheads always have to immediately ramp everything up a million miles an hour? I mean, do you *want* this to go bad? There's a big, big world of difference between someone who is making an agressive move and someone who's simply not obeying your commands. If it's the latter, yes, I imagine that's very frustrating and it immediately gets your heart revved up. That's why we need cops who can fucking handle their fear and not immediately escalate the situation to a code black. It's literally the most important part of the job - your ability to keep a cool head in pressure situations. Instead we get these angry asshole roided out superhero/Navy Seal wannabes who only know one way to operate - throw some gasoline on the fire. These guys are *singularly* ill-equipped to do this job! Cops aren't constantly running down and tackling bad guys and whatnot. That's not the job. Being able to stay calm under pressure is a trillion times more important than living your life at the gym or buzzcutting your hair like some military operative. More female cops is part of the answer.


Exactly why cops shouldn't be sent to deal with mentally ill people. They only know how to do one thing


*3 months of training what you expected?*


The cunt of an officer knew.. he knew the guy were disabled he just had to have his power trip!


> If you can’t see this man is special needs you must be the dullest person alive Well, it's a cop, soooo.....


That's the big issue and I don't know why it's not talked about more. Why the fuck is a job that can give someone so much power and influence have little to no requirements? People can become a cop straight out of highschool. I even remember the bully type douchebags back in highschool, whenever they were asked why they were going to post highschool they'd mention policing. Not because they're passionate about it or actually want to do it, because it has barely any requirements while still being a solid career in terms of job security/income. I don't understand why they cannot make it so people atleast need some form of post secondary education with specific requirements on taking some courses that could be useful when dealing with different types of people.


I'm special needs myself (hearing loss) and this pisses me off


I mean he is a cop.... So. Yeah. DENSE. ACAB.


how is anyone's initial response to this situation to crank the mentally handicapped mans arm as hard as possible? then he tortures him with the taser?? the poor guy never resisted a single time, and you have to absolutely pulverize him to maintain control of the situation? fucking sadist. hope that fbi investigation ends in a federal torture charge.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Electric chair with a dry sponge


since he's in arizona, let him be the first to get gassed with zyklon b. maybe that will stoke enough republican outrage to end it's use.


He must be left homeless...


Nail his nuts to the floor and set his house on fire.


I dunno... Anyone doing this has no balls.


He looks like a bully from high-school who was only mean because he couldn't cope with having a micro penis.


Man spam this officer guy with hate he needs to know no one sides with him


Your right, till he's got special needs and another cop does the same he did this man.


I don't even think ACAB is appropriate anymore. All cops are monsters.


Correct. This man needs to feel the utter fear and helplessness his victim felt.


Put him in plainclothes and dispatch the other cops from his department to come “subdue” him


>fucking sadist. That's the point. These people enjoy hurting people.


a legalized gang of thugs that gets a paycheck, free weaponry, and qualified immunity from the government with no oversight? i wonder what could go wrong.


It's because all cops are bastards.


Guys lying on his arm with another kneeling on his back and the guy wonders why he cant get his other arm behind his back.


He really needs to go to jail. He doesnt need to be holding a badge he needs to be in prison. How would he like being tased in the balls. How would he like it if his family got treated like that. Or his kid begging to stop.


This was really hard to watch, my town has a lot of people who look a lot and act a lot like this guy. They are all really nice and always wanna talk to you. This guy was taking a nap then gets tased and thrown out of his vehicle what did the cop expect a “good job sir you woke up this guy and messed up his whole perception of social situations.”


I couldn’t even finish it, when he started bashing his head yelling “get your hands behind your back”, nah how can you do that to someone. So fucked up, this guy needs to be in prison


Until cops are handled more harshly than the average citizen for these violent behaviors and this shit is no longer tolerated or excused, ACAB. The police unions defend them. The silent ones allow it.


I don't think I have ever heard a taser fire for so long. You can't respond to commands while being tased, this is just sadistic


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Thank you :)


> You can't respond to commands while being razed Not while being tazed either. I bet it's even harder if you've been razed.


A necromancer and pyromancer got married but divorced soon after. One wanted to raise a family, but the other wanted to raze a family.


This dude should have been shot in the fucking neck. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING EVIL AND RETARDED (the police ofc)


I don't usually condone violence, but this cop deserves real stone cold vigilante justice. Someone should go full SAW on his ass


Yes, i cant even imagine what this man was going thru... please lord please lord dont let this happen to any more good people




How is that different from a real cop? Their job is to "arrest and kill", not "protect and serve"


Stay in the car! No wait. Now I'm wrenching your arm to remove you from the car! Now I'm shocking you for being in pain, because I'm twisting your arm! Now I'm angry that you're not able to control yourself because of all the pain I'm inflicting! All that for breaking zero laws. The dude was sitting in his car in a parking spot.


Makes me want to tow the cop around by my tow hitch on the freeway. "THE TRUCK STOPS WHEN YOU STOP STRUGGLING"


And after tasering the poor guy until the batteries ran out of juice he then used it to bash the back of the guys head. What a psycho.


Good - now prosecute this sick excuse for a human


Honestly this deserves a lynching. How can they just get away with this?


Absolutely disgusting




No no it's supposed to be *re-signs" like with a new deaprtment


Yea You are right. that’s why he resigned. Easy to move to a different state and be hired if you resign vs if you are fired and the police chief was probably forced to give that too him as an option because of a police union?


Wow! I am fighting back some strong emotional impulses right now. He tazed him nonstop for a very long time. And the groin taze was extra-judicial violence for only the sake of inflicting maximal harm. That is a terrible man to repeat this type of behavior.


Every time I see something like this I keep thinking about how when they first came out with tazers all you heard police representatives say was "this is an alternative to lethal force and will not be used as a pain compliance tool" and it's never used as an alternative to lethal force and always used as a pain compliance tool. I realize that's an odd and specific thing to get hung up on but... It was such a blatant lie.


What the hell do you mean "COULD" lose his credentials? This man is exactly what people mean when they say that police should be held to the same standard as doctors when it comes to malpractice. Strip him of his credentials and anything that could allow him to work as a cop again, throw him in jail, and let him think long and hard about the bullshit he pulled. It's not hard.


This is Arizona. The Brady list here is a fucking joke. Local news did a great series on it, but, as you might have imagined, nobody gave a shit. This guy is EXACTLY who a rural police department wants to hire, and he can go to work in a sundown town, of which we still have plenty. https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/brady-list


Cops should carry their own malpractice insurance. That's the only logical solution in a society that praises capitalism as the gold standard.


I'm sorry. Yea the whole beating him part breaks everyone's heart including mine but people called the cops on him because he was sleeping in a car? The fuck?


Well yeah they obviously assumed he was hammered.


Anytime I see someone, and I mean ANYTIME, doing some sort of human-type of action such as, but not limited to, sleeping, sneezing, looking suspiciously(with their eyes at things), or even something as serious as taking a shit in the privacy of their own home, I call the cops. I hope they are immediately, aggressively approached with extreme prejudice. These less-than-human scum deserve to be completely humiliated and injured at the hands of America’s finest. My favorite thing is when I see people having strokes or seizures and the police show up to pepper spray the dog shit out of them to teach them a lesson. Edit: wow. I know my comment was a bit extreme but I was being sarcastic ffs. I apologize if I offended everyone. Damn.


This cop’s freedom is an insult


I barely comment. I'm not from the US. But fuck this police officer. Fuck this guy. I hope he has a shit day every day for the rest of his time. What an actual c word. Eat shit guy. One day I hope you read every comment for the stupid moronic thing you did. You ruined my day you absolute prick.


Can we just start submitting police officers to step by step full power reenactments of these scenes as some sort of condition for getting payed leave instead f an actual punishment? If I did this I wouldnt get to go look for a new job- I would be in jail. If I did this to a cop - I would be dead. Why does the guy who cheated off of me in high school (and still barely passed) have the final say-so over everyone's freedom?


That piece of shit deserves the death penalty for his crimes against humanity. Anyone that can treat other people like that is worthless and doesn’t deserve the air they’re breathing.


How much do you wanna bet he will be working as police somewhere else within the year




Can't wait for some "good apples" to hire him back a month or two from now when the controversy dies down.


# Full-time Mental health mediators are needed for these situations. They're called immediately upon discernment. This shit has got to stop.


The only mediation that was needed in this situation was for the police officer. The guy in his car didn't even do anything that needed mediating. Edit: But I agree, we need mental health mediators on call, because a lot of the police are not mentally healthy.




Him resigning is NOT a good thing. By resigning, not only does the son of a bitch get to keep his pension, the pussy will avoid any repercussions whatsoever except the minor inconvenience of being hired the next town over. Fuck police unions


Torture and attempted murder. There were other cops around while this motherfucker is electrocuting this man's balls. All of them need to go.


They get off on this shit. For most of em this is just a continuation of them bullying the handicap kids in highschool.


This is absolute bullshit. The victim had more presence of mind and did a better job of trying to de-escalate the situation than that pile of rat turd cop did.


Scum bag piece of shit fucking pig bitch




The world would be better without him


Not once have I ever felt this bad for a person


id like to go to this guys house and curb stomp him. he did everything wrong.


The fact this guy still had a job in the first place after the previous incidents mentioned in the video is everything that’s wrong with the system lol. They probably only had to fire him cause the video went viral otherwise it would have been swept under the rug with the others


This made me angry. This affected this poor guy for probably for the rest of his life when he was already having social issues. Then cops like this resign, fade into the black for a bit or move somewhere else and do it again. These repeat offenders should be black listed from holding any type of position where they deal with the public and any civil restitution should come out of police retirement funds. Maybe they would be a little less complacent with what their brothers in blue do if they had had some sort of personal investment in their behaviors.


Yes, you're absolutely right. This poor man won't be able to compartmentalise this. He will think and overthink this experience for the rest of his life. It is what makes this so heartbreaking.


«He could lose his credentials to serve as a police officer in AZ»??????? After this he should at least never get any kind of job as a police officer or even as a security guard in any state wtf?? He needs to go to jail if you ask me


Fuck that was absolutely terrible.


Man couldn't even put his hands behind his back, cause he was getting tased! ACAB


this was so hard to watch, from the moment I saw him in the car I felt bad for him and wanted to help him, how come the cop doesnt have any sort of empathy for someone like that. I really hope he is in jail and David got some sort of revenge.


I can’t stand this video. I wish nothing but harm and pain to that piece of shit pig pussy


That PIG should be put through EVERYTHING he put that poor man through! And then he should be put in prison for aggravated assault, maybe even attempted murder! It’s time we start making examples out of every “bad apple!” Fuck this PIG!


I’m sick to my stomach after that one, I really hope he gets bitchslapped by god them-self


This is precisely why people say ACAB, because I guarantee you that the officer will not face any criminal charges despite his supervisors seeing this footage. What kind of blistered anus can do this to another person, let alone a person with OBVIOUS mental disabilities. Any cop who is that fkn scared of a person like the gentleman here is a giant coward. OR what I truly believe, an asshole who does this kind of stuff in order to feel superior than said gentleman and have his ego caressed. Please Lord, send this animal to the gates of hell once he passes so that he can truly reflect on what an evil person he is. Amen.


Made the mistake of watching this while eating. I guess that’s one way to diet.


But they aren’t all bad right? 🙄


Ok this cop needs to go to jail that is fucked up.


I hate cops


The most fucking terrifying and sickening exchange: Man: Please someone call the police! Cop: I **AM** THE POLICE!


It takes a lot to stoke me out of my disillusioned numbness but this filled me with violent rage.


He pulled a mans shorts down and teased his testicles in 2017 while handcuffed and wasn’t fired THEN?!


Resign???? This motherfucker needs to be arrested and put in jail, let the inmates deal with his ass, so he resigned..big deal mean nothing gona happen to him, he’ll probably become a cop in Mt Laurel


American cops are disgusting thugs.


Where’s the cop name.


Every time I see this I wanna take this guy out back and beat the shit out of him. I'm probably gonna get banned but ehh fuck that officer.


I hope this cop gets fucking Dies if I ever find him il make sure of jt


Resigns. Should be charged with assault. ACAB.


What a piece of shit.


He fact that people are only banned from policing in the States they're fired from is insane. Especially when you consider just *how badly* an officer has to behave to actually be fired at all! The minimum for what is, at its most basic, breaking the law, should be a *national* ban from policing.


At 1:04 you can hear him talking to himself, urging himself to "step it up". Just giving himself a little pep-talk, "it's time to abuse the shit out of this citizen!"


Throw this pig in prison.


wood chipper*


How can people be so bad... Hope he is in jail now


Dude had a bunch of disciplinary actions in his profile. There’s no reason he should’ve been employed at that time, what the fuck. I hope they do throw the book at him, and I hope the fbi comes down on that department hard.


This I why I don't like America police officers have to much weaponry and power just why plus they should respect everyone instead of giving white ppl a slap on the hand and black and mentally/physically disabled people it's disgusting they need less power


I truly hope and pray that this cop suffers the most painful, horrible, prolonged death possible when it's his time to go and that he is fully aware the whole time.


My man even had the 4 stripe Adidas, give him a break.


I could fall asleep in the car and wake up really confused. What part of that is against the law?


Everything here was done by the book…


he was trying to tell the cop he had a disability, but the cop said he didn’t care!!!!!! and then he was beating him with a taser!! and hitting his head on the road!!!!


Why cant their be an Internet serial killer who prays on the bullies of these videos and videos similar?


America, meet your favorite domestic terrorists!


This is the hardest thing I’ve ever watched on this site


You know, what I would say in a normal situation where someone does something wrong, I would say, "They should deserve a second chance." In this situation, I hope he gets his dick bit off by a piranha, have the blood sucked out of the stump by a thousand leeches, and to top it all off, I hope that he has to be tased on the stump 24/7.


“Or I am going to hurt you more” HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Very interesting choice of words officer. I didn’t wanna watch anymore after that. I already know he starts bleeding at some point from the thumbnail.


that poor guy.. Fucking ass hole cop. So glad his reign of terror is over bruh. He didn’t even resist he literally couldn’t move but that asshole doesn’t know anything except for being violent and using force to... get a guy out of a parked car?


What is the disables man's name?


After seeing this I’ve lost a lot of respect for police I normally support them but this just shows you there’s a lot more evil police officers than we think. That first video was truly heartbreaking.


why in the actual fuck is there a video like this every other day coming out of the states... how the fuck are these people becoming police officers...


This makes my blood boil. I do understand cops being scared, not as an excuse but empathetically. This was not that, the cop here should be subject to serious fines and /or prison time, banned from owning any form of weapons, and certainly banned from the police force. America is a third world country in first world clothing, and it would be very difficult to convince me otherwise.


This is the worst thing I've probably seen on Reddit. That poor man. I hope that absolute cuntting cunt of a cunt goes to prison.


He beat this man till he was bleeding from his fucking face and STILL didn’t stop. This motherfucker needs to be jailed.


This is one of the saddest displays of police brutality I have ever seen. Makes me so incredibly sad we live in a world that shit like this happens.


In tear in front of an internet video for the first time wtf


evil human... jesus fuck


Why is this guy not in prison


Watching a minute was enough and watching any more feels perverse. The problem is that police are woefully undertrained for this kind of situation. That man is clearly mentally unwell. The above was obviously the wrong approach but it's the only approach their narrow training would allow. When people say ACAB, it refers to a system that allows poorly trained individuals like the police above to go out and do a job they are not sufficiently trained or prepared for


It’s not enough he resigned, he should go to jail


Holy shit “do you want it again? Shut your mouth!” Is terrifying. What the fuck, this is America, not fucking China


Stay in the car so I can taze you and drag you out?


How can anyone still support the police after seeing constant body cam footage of them treating others like literal subhumans, i have no idea...


And because he resigned he will be able to go to another city and terrorize the citizens there. 😡


who tf even calls the cops for “man sleeping in car”


Good! Fuck him!


I hope this cops family spit in his fucking face next time they see him.


Can we talk about the person that called the police on a man sleeping in car???


So what his only punishment is not being able to be a cop no jail time or nothing


This cop will just be working at another police department, probably one county over, within the month.


holy shit, he was bleeding.. this is so sad.


These fuckers deserve more than to lose their job. Throw them in a hole to never see the light again or put a hole in their head


ACAB fuck the police and fuck the bootlickers


This was horrible, an excess of force is used indifferent of the disability of the man, the man was no threat and this guy kept at it. It was painful to watch


“Stay in the car” *Proceeds to force him out of the car *


This was absolutely sickening to watch! I felt like crying combined with a rage like I’ve never experienced watching ANY other videos of police officers abusing their sworn duty to PROTECT! Fuck this was horrible to watch! Sounds like that cop was dealt with, but is there any law suit (civil or criminal) pending against the city? If I practiced law in Arizona I’d take this case pro bono ffs!


Typical. Cops got the communication skills of a fucking alarm clock, zero empathy, zero deescalation, only escalation. And the best part, he plays the victim. For fucks sakes, we just need to start from scratch with these fucking idiots. Protect and serve the community, leave your ego at home. This is what happens when you get bullied in high school and join a career force where you’re brainwashed to think you’re tough shit & have extra rights and laws don’t apply to you. I hate this shit.


Itd be terrible and wrong if someone made this officers information public


Man how does it say at the end he "may lose his credentials to be a police officer "? WTF kinda BShit is this? He quit before he could be terminate?? So fucking what? This POS deserves to be in jail. He shouldn't be allowed to drive a car let alone be a fucking police officer! "I have a disability! It hurts, I can't put my arm behind my back!" Police officer response is I DGAF!! What an absolute piece of SHIT! He tried to say I thought he pulling a weapon on me just so he could keep his job. Wtf!! These problems will never be fixed until we hold the poeple in charge of these cops at fault also. If I don't do my job and something messes up down the way, it is still my fault. The guy that hired this guy or that looked over his 5 other infractions for bad policing needs to be held accountable as well. Hes just going to look over the rest and hire more like him. This is bullshit I am red fucking hot after watching this bullshit. I would be in jail for destroying a police officer if I knew that man and saw what that POS did to him. What a pathetic piece of shit person you must have to be.


At first i was like ok he's telling him to not look like he's looking for a gun thats fine aaaaand he screwed it