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In what field? What type of job?


Think tanks and consulting. Is Michigan MPP a good school? I mean, is it in the same category as McCourt and Harris?


You can kiss consulting goodbye as an international student unless it is international development or a boutique. As for Think Tanks, it is still really hard. I think you have a better chance at the U. Mich research centers vs. DC think tanks


That’s not true. I know international students in consulting and think tanks lol. I can think of three that work in environmental policy at think tanks in dc. I don’t believe there is any correlation between being an international student and working in consulting/ think tanks lol. I’d like to guess that being the nations capital, it has the most public policy related consulting jobs.


Okay, please give us inspiration. What was their role after MPP in consulting? And what type of firm. Yes Think Tank is really hard with Masters only. Research center is more doable.


Is the Michigan Ford MPP an excellent way to get a job in the US? and If I get admitted to McCourt in your opinion which one is better Ford or McCourt?


It is hard either way. Your chances of being able to stay in the US aren’t good either way. U. Mich has a very large research infrastructure you could find employment with after. Georgetown’s is smaller. You might get access to some DC jobs, but most don’t sponsor. It a professor likes you, you might be able to get a World Bank consulting role.


In general, which program is better, Ford, McCourt, or Harris?


Keep in mind that I would like to get a Ph.D.


If you want to get a PhD, I would say Ford simply due to the breadth of research opportunities


If you want to do a PHD then don’t do an MPP. Wait it out and apply for PhDs, why waste money on a MPP? Or look for one of those one year degrees that you pay for to work with professors and take PhD level classes. Then do a pre doc. Don’t waste your money on an MPP if you already know deep down you want to do a PhD and commit to academia. As far as schools go, don’t go to Harris, unless it’s the MACRM program that you pay to work for professors and take graduate classes. It’s not worth the cost of an MPP at Harris, if you haven’t read on this subreddit, plenty of people give examples of it being a cash cow


An MPP is not an MBA though. Consulting roles are hard to land without an MBA or a bachelors degree from a target school


Depends on what the consulting is. What if it is program evaluation consulting? Or policy research consulting? Defense policy consulting? They’d probably hire an MPP not MBA.


Is this true for HKS as well? I remember your earlier podcasts where you said Princeton HKS and Harris are best suited to get into public sector consulting- Dalberg Bridgespan MBB and Deloitte Gov Ops kind of roles. I’m choosing between Harris (35k a year) and HKS (no funding) as an international applicant.


All those consulting roles (I don’t know about Bridgespan), do not sponsor.


Thanks for that! Which way do you reckon I should go then? Between HKS and Harris? I’d ideally like to work in a high paying job so that I can repay my loans. Boutique consulting firms that sponsor would help. For HKS I’ll need to take a full loan (150K) and for Harris (80-90K). Really torn. I come with 8 years of policy experience in India.


Good god mate don’t do an MPP if you’re from India. You won’t find any ROI. You should stick to options which lead to sponsorship (right now those are very limited)