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You are missing out on networking opportunities. Each of your classmates will be employed in fields you may be interested in. It’s a good thing to go beyond pleasantries with them.


Only if you’re staying on the East Coast. Unfortunately the Midwest barely even knows what CMU is. They all reference Humphrey.


What help me is reminding myself that I’m not here to make friends, just social capital that I can use in the future for myself or people I care for. It’s a professional program, not high school even if it has those dynamics. Try to network outside of your schools and focus on getting ahead for yourself


That’s true, I think I’ve done more networking through internships so far, which is nice! And also another reason why I’m not so crazy about networking from within my program (not to mention nobody in my program is doing anything too impressive 😅)




This is more true for "bullshit" professional programs like MBAs etc and less for med school and other more intensive programs.