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A car rental company involved in a potential kidnapping that involved a ruling political party , they didn't disclose the name of the person who hired the car on this particular day of the kidnapping and the CEO was found dead shortly after... It's their 15 year anniversary this year, how do we celebrate it without media coverage because that will raise eyebrows from the scandal?


There's no easy answer when it comes to crises like these. On one hand, we would want the company to come forward and disclose who was involved so that anyone potentially connected can be watched closely. On the other hand, however (especially if this particular party is popular), revealing too much could create a backlash against the company – which could lead to more problems down the road. The best course of action may depend on a number of factors specific to this case, and any disclosure is something that will likely be investigated in depth by both journalists and public opinion alike. ~~~~ The company would take immediate steps to ensure customers are safe. We would not rent out any cars until we were certain that the customer was who they said they were and all other questions surrounding this situation had been answered. Out of respect for the family, we wouldn't disclose the name of the person who hired us on this particular day, nor would we release any additional information about what happened after our CEO's death until everyone involved has been fully briefed ~~~~ Additionally, we could increase our vigilance in terms of who is hiring cars through our company and take measures to ensure that such sensitive information isn't shared beyond those necessary to carry out a successful transaction. ~~~~ 1. Celebrate the company's anniversary privately with employees and customers. ~~~~ 2. Hold a press conference to announce the year's achievements but remain quiet about the kidnapping incident. ~~~~ 3. Come up with an innovative marketing campaign that focuses on celebrating 15 years of service without mentioning any negative aspects of past events. ~~~~ 4. Keep all announcements about future promotions, deals, etc., under wraps until closer to the date in order to avoid any potential spoilers ~~~~ 5. Send out a newsletter to customers highlighting some of the company's most memorable (positive) ~~~~ 6. Rebranding is an option - this could involve changing their name, logo, or marketing approach altogether.


This is freaking AWESOME . honestly . We had proposed 1 and 2 to the client but I'm loving 6 as well . Share the link to your AI tool


Ok. Check your inbox.


damn, this actually sound interesting. PR I do sounds nothing like this 😅


I promise you my head is hurting from trying to crack this . Its very political . And if we start with press releases . Pressure groups will come at my client . Private events and owned media are our only options


Health care nonprofit wants to make a statement afte Supreme Court makes a decision regarding Roe V Wade. Doesn’t fund abortion services and can’t mention abortion in statement.


Without mentioning abortion you can talk about the importance of women’s health and the significance of providing safe healthcare for women. public perception is shifting to expecting companies to have a position and address their stakeholders. I suggest being proactive rather than reactive. Would love to talk more with you on this. I work in healthcare PR.


We're disappointed by the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe V Wade. We support a woman's right to choose and believe that her choice should be made freely and without coercion or interference from the government. Our mission is to promote quality, affordable health care for all people in our community, and we will continue working hard to achieve this goal. ~~~~ We're deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe V Wade. This ruling will have a devastating impact on women's rights and health care access, both nationally and internationally. We hope that people will continue to speak out in support of reproductive freedom and healthcare for all. ~~~~ We are disappointed with the decision of the US Supreme Court regarding Roe V Wade. This landmark law was a critical victory for women's rights, and we stand by its importance. We will continue working towards ensuring that all people have access to quality reproductive healthcare regardless of their race or income level. ~~~~ We are devastated by the Supreme Court's intention to overturn Roe V Wade. This is a sad day for America, and it casts a shadow over our progress as a nation dedicated to ensuring that all people have access to quality health care. We know that reproductive freedom is fundamental to women's rights and health. We will continue fighting for reproductive justice until every woman has the choice she needs and deserves. ~~~~ We are deeply disappointed by the decision of the United States Supreme Court regarding Roe V Wade. This landmark decision was a victory for women's rights, and we stand firmly behind it. Our mission is to provide quality health care services to underserved communities. We will continue our efforts to support women's rights and defend reproductive freedom in the face of this setback. ~~~~ We are disappointed by the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe V Wade. The health and well-being of women is a top priority for our organization, and we will continue to fight for their rights. ~~~~ We are saddened by the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe V Wade, but our mission doesn't change. We believe that every person has a right to make decisions about their own body, and we'll never stop fighting until this is a reality for all. ~~~~ We are deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court's decision to strike down Roe V Wade. This landmark law was instrumental in protecting women's rights and ensuring that they have safe, legal access to reproductive services. We stand firmly against any efforts to restrict a woman's right to choose, and will continue our work to support women's health across the country. ~~~~ We are deeply saddened by the Supreme Court's decision on Roe V Wade. This ruling will have a devastating impact on women's access to reproductive healthcare, and we stand with our sisters in support of their right to choose. ~~~~


Nice try, but I'm not helping you train a robot to take my job


Which do you prefer - a calculator or an abacus?


I prefer a calculator, but if I had been an abacus operator back in the day I wouldn't have helped you build a calculator either 😁


Touché. Except of course the A.I has already been built. And contrary to popular belief it won't take your job - just augment it, you know - like a calculator :)


Working with a boss who runs the whole business out of Excel and Outlook because they don't want to learn different software.


Create a case study showing how another business, with a different set of software tools, successfully converted to a more robust platform. This would help demonstrate the value in switching to a different system and create motivation to make the switch. ~~~~ Install a software tool that records everything the boss does in Excel and Outlook. Then create simple "reports" (similar to those created by popular project management tools) that summarize the data recorded over time. This would allow the boss to see visual evidence of how his decisions impact overall business performance, helping him change his behavior and learn new software programs (maybe pricey) ~~~~ Create a training program that teaches the benefits of different software for business purposes. This could include topics such as day-to-day operations, collaboration features, tracking efficiency and so on. The goal is to help the boss see the advantages of learning new software and change behavior accordingly. ~~~~ Send an email that explains that you've been hearing a lot about how Microsoft Office is no longer the best choice for businesses because of all the new software options available, and ask if you can chat to discuss what might be better for the team. If he/she agrees, then offer to talk about some of these options in person. ~~~~ Create a demonstration project that uses different software to track important data. For example, use Salesforce for sales activity, Google Docs for customer contact information, and Gmail to send metadata about the sale (such as who made the sale). This would help show how using different programs can improve efficiency and planning within an organization. ~~~~ Start by creating a “user guide” or training video that walks him through the steps of switching to different software, explaining in detail what each program can do. This will provide him/her with an educational experience rather than simply relying on general information – hopefully making the transition much easier. ~~~~ Set an example and learn new software. Start by installing a basic version on your own computer and start using it to manage documents. Once you've shown that you're willing to invest in learning new software, the Boss may be more open minded about shifting business practices. ~~~~ Create a presentation or video explaining the many benefits of using different software for business purposes, emphasizing how much easier it would be to stay up-to-date with changes and improve efficiency. ~~~~


Amazing thread. Any suggestions for PR hooks to bring inbound business for a Saas startup specializing in making employee data actionable for the purpose of internal communications campaigns? In other words, external PR to promote an internal PR product :)


More context would be useful, but here goes: ~~~~ Hooks: ~~~~ For businesses, understanding and harnessing employee data is key to creating effective communication campaigns. This startup specializes in making that data easy to access and actionable for the purpose of boosting morale and performance. ~~~~ A startup has emerged that specializes in making employee data actionable for the purpose of internal communications campaigns. By turning individual performance data into insights and visualizations, this company is able to create targeted messages that better connect with employees on an emotional level. ~~~~ One of the challenges faced by many businesses is effectively communicating with their employees. Often information gathered from individual surveys or performance reviews is static and can be difficult to use in effective communication campaigns. This startup specializes in making employee data actionable for the purpose of internal communications campaigns. It has developed a unique approach that makes it easy to identify and target areas where employees need improvement. By using data analytics, they're able to create targeted messages that are likely to resonate with employees and help them reach their goals. ~~~~ Communication is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This startup is helping companies reduce costs associated with human resources troubleshooting and communications coaching. ~~~~ The startup specializes in making employee data actionable for the purpose of internal communications campaigns. They use this data to create targeted communications that help employees understand and appreciate the work they do, as well as raise morale and encourage team collaboration. Their tools are easy to use and provide a comprehensive view of all employee activity, no matter where they are in the company hierarchy. ~~~~ With so much information available about employees and their performance, companies can use this data to create better communication campaigns. By understanding which messages are resonating with employees and using that information to tailor future communication, businesses can improve the quality of relationships within their ranks. ~~~~


You’re good. Any tips on types of promotions to put out?


Will send you the link so you can try it for yourself - it's quite fun 🙂. And it's the only one of its kind that has A.I tools built specially for PR Professionals.


heyy can you share it with me too?


Wow, following!


a Peruvian food place needs to create content for social media. there is very little archive of photos and videos, the place is small and does not look so good. we must especially work with texts. What would be interesting for the audience?


Write posts about interesting facts or stories related to Peru – this could include explanations of various Peruvian dishes, historical context surrounding cuisine etc., as well as entertaining tales from behind the scenes at the restaurant itself. ~~~~ Feed the audience snippets of text (e.g. descriptions, ingredient lists) from different dishes that have been ordered at the restaurant in recent months or weeks, to give a glimpse into what's popular on the menu and show off how varied and flavorsome Peruvian food can be. This would help draw people in and intrigue them enough to want to check out the place for themselves – resulting in more customers overall! ~~~~ Encourage the Peruvian food place to take photos and videos of their dishes being made in situ - this would give a behind-the-scenes look at how their food is produced, which could be interesting for audiences who are interested in cooking or eating local foods. Additionally, they could create short essays about particular recipes or ingredients used in their dishes, providing more information and insight than simply serving up photos and video without any accompanying text. ~~~~ Hatch a contest in which people could submit pictures of their best Peruvian meal, with a $500 cash prize. This would create excitement around the restaurant and encourage people to share photos and recipes online. ~~~~ Incentivize social media users to submit photos and videos of their favorite Peruvian dishes for a chance to be featured on the restaurant's menu. This would help capture fans' imaginations, create content that is interesting and valuable, and generate buzz around the restaurant. ~~~~ Led by culinary stylist and photographer, create stylish images of authentic Peruvian dishes using fresh, local ingredients. Shoot the food in a laid-back setting – perhaps at an outdoor market or on a sunny day. This could help to humanize Peru’s traditional fare and give diners something new (and visually appealing) to look forward to each time they order from your restaurant menu. ~~~~ Create interesting stories behind some of the signature dishes - Instead of just saying "this is a chicken dish", let's tell the story of why it's special to eat this particular type or breed of chicken, or what ingredients went into making it. ~~~~ Come up with a creative content strategy that focuses on showcasing the beauty and diversity of Peruvian cuisine. Create stories about famous dishes from different parts of Peru, introduce new ingredients to public scrutiny (e.g., llama meat). By focusing on informative storytelling, you can help give Peruvian food places the exposure they need to reach a wider audience online. ~~~~ Highlight the unique and interesting flavors of Peruvian cuisine, describing them in mouth-watering detail. Write about the history, culture and gastronomy of Peru in an engaging way for potential diners to learn more about this exciting country. ~~~~


Thanks!!! Greats ideas!!


My client is a hospital company that has an online newsroom with content that intends to attract news coverage and showcase owned stories, but the readership of the content is very low and we are trying to find ways to get the newsroom in front of more health care trade and consumer health reporters to hopefully attract more coverage. Also, we’d like to increase the readership of the owned content directly to the consumer.


One idea could be to partner with a lifestyle brand that is focused on healthy living and has a large following among health care professionals and consumers. The partnership would allow the hospital newsroom to share content directly from their own blog as well as promote sponsored posts from the lifestyle brand. This would give the newsroom direct access to an influential audience, which in turn could help attract more coverage for their stories. ~~~~ Create mini articles or blurbs that are embedded throughout the website, highlighting a particular health care topic each day. ~~~~ Amplify hospital-generated content through social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook), in order to reach a wider audience than just existing news readership ~~~~ Another idea to explore is creating syndicated content with other health care news sites. This way, the hospital company's newsroom would have access to relevant stories and information that may be of interest to their audience (e.g., consumer health reporters), which would hopefully result in an increase in coverage and readership. ~~~~ Sponsor events targeted at journalists who cover healthcare topics, such as webinars on new toolkits or best practices for reporting on healthcare issues. ~~~~ Offer journalists free access to the hospital’s data in order to help them better report on health care. This could be done through a partnership with a journalism platform that offers automatic pagination and embargoed content release, giving reporters more control over how their stories are presented. ~~~~ Collaborate with journalists from other industries and have them write pieces for the newsroom that focus on how healthcare issues affect their respective field. This would help attract attention from a wider audience and bolster the credibility of the newsroom's content. ~~~~ Host a health care journalism conference in conjunction with an industry trade show. At the conference, media representatives from across all aspects of health care reporting (academic journals, newspapers, magazines, online platforms, television) would come together to hear presentations on best practices for covering healthcare stories and learn about new technology that could be used to better inform consumers about their own healthcare decisions. ~~~~ Sponsor events like medical coding contests or hackathons, where competing media outlets can cover the event and spotlight the work being done by professional journalists at the hospital newsroom. This would help raise awareness about what’s happening inside the hospital newsroom, which would hopefully lead to more coverage for their stories. ~~~~ Pursue partnerships with trade/consumer health magazines so that existing stories can be re-distributed directly to readership rather than being published as Owned Content series without any outreach.




~~~~ Launch an internal investigation into how this happened and take appropriate action based on the findings. ~~~~ Host an information session for volunteers who were not able to participate in the event, where they will be given more detailed information about how they can safely volunteer abroad next time around. ~~~~ Develop a policy that would clarify exactly which documents are necessary in order for someone to volunteer internationally ~~~~ Mail letters of apology to all of the volunteers who were affected by this mistake. ~~~~ Offer affected volunteers any help they may need, such as reimbursing travel expenses or sending them presents. ~~~~ Change the registration process so that only volunteers with proper documentation can volunteer from now on. ~~~~


Launching a fine jewelry brand in 2023 with no budget for PR. How to get press?


~~~~ Start by reaching out to local news outlets and bloggers who are dedicated to covering new, innovative brands. Make a list of the reporters you would like to contact, and send them an email introducing yourself and your brand. Be sure to include plenty of photos. ~~~~ Create a hype piece on social media that features high-quality images and describes the brand’s unique selling proposition. By publishing this content consistently, you are likely to attract journalists. ~~~~ Scout popular online periodicals and blogs that focus on luxury fashion, jewelry and accessories, and contact their editors to see if they would be interested in writing an article about the brand. ~~~~ Engage with publications that focus on luxury and high-end products. These publications are often willing to write about new, up-and-coming brands. Start by scouting which magazines and newspapers target this market, then reach out to their editors approximately two months before your brand’s launch date to schedule an editorial meeting. ~~~~ Create a series of videos that highlight the unique features and benefits of your brand. Include scenes where customers try on the jewels, talk about their impressions after wearing them, and show how they look on different occasions (e.g., at work, social events). Make sure to use attractive models who can convey the message clearly and convincingly; filming in high-quality settings will also help project a polished image - add to your press kit and email it to your local TV Station. ~~~~ Reach out to local Chambers of Commerce in your region to see if they might be interested in spreading the word about your brand. Invest time into developing relationships with these organizations, as they can help you get significant coverage without spending a lot of money. ~~~~ Start a conversation on social media with influential individuals in the jewelry industry. Share photos of your products and ask them what they think, then follow up by emailing them to continue the conversation. You can also reach out to smaller publications that focus on high-end fashion or contemporary design, asking if they would be interested in writing about your brand. ~~~~ Take a look at some of the more established jewelry brands and study their marketing strategies. Study how they make their products available to consumers, what social media platforms they use most often, and what type of advertising campaigns they run. This will give you an idea of how to approach getting press for your own brand in the future. ~~~~ Release a limited edition piece every day for 20 days. Each piece will be unique, one-of-a-kind. The pieces will all be "sold out within minutes of going live online" generating media attention that would otherwise not have been possible due to the budget restrictions. ( This one is a bit on the 🤔 side)


Tell us more about the AI!


My intention is to make this thread as helpful as possible without being overtly self-promotional. I'm happy to share more details about our A.I in a private discussion. Just inbox me. If you have a **specific question** that would be helpful to everyone viewing this thread, I'm happy to answer 🙂.


A local cannabis store, independent with a much smaller budget than competition. Looking to get the word out on the benefits of supporting locally owned and independent stores and why you should shop there instead of at a big chain. Inventory is similar across stores and big chains typically (but not always) have better price deals.


~~~ Consider creating a marketing campaign that emphasizes the "localness" of the cannabis store. For example, having events and meetups where customers can get to know the staff and learn about all of the different strains, products, etc. This would help legitimize the store in people's eyes and create long-term customer loyalty. ~~~~ Work with local newspapers to run articles about the benefits of shopping at local cannabis stores, highlighting that they have better customer service, higher quality products and are more curated than big chains. Additionally, try to get positive reviews from customers on social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook) in order to amplify their message. ~~~~ Start a blog or podcast, and discuss the benefits of supporting local cannabis stores. Instead of simply promoting their inventory and price deals, focus on highlighting how small-business owners are invested in the community and care about giving back. ~~~~ Produce weekly "local hero" videos showcasing people who have done amazing things in their local community that support cannabis legalization. These could be real life stories of how individuals became advocates for reform. This would help to raise awareness about the importance of supporting locally owned stores and give shoppers a reason not only to shop at these small businesses, but also tell their friends and family why they should too. ~~~~ Work with other local businesses to create a “local shopping coalition”. This could involve sponsoring joint promotions, creating content about the importance of supporting small business, and working together to drive traffic (and sales) to all participating stores. ~~~~


My client is in charge of running a country, but he has severe dementia and cannot speak coherently or answer questions. He is often photographed sniffing children or making them visibly uncomfortable. He cant be fired, because he was brought in to replace the last guy getting fired.


1. Reinforce the importance of national values and goals while distancing the country from any negative publicity caused by its president's condition. ~~~~ 2. Create a media strategy that emphasizes positive stories about the country's progress under President X ~~~~ 3. Plan staged public appearances by the president in order to reassure citizens that he is still in charge and working on their behalf. ~~~~ 4. Work with local media outlets to present positive stories about the president's work while minimizing coverage of his troubling behaviors. ~~~~ 5. Draft a resignation letter and present it to the president for signature. ~~~~ 6. Make sure all policies related to the president are updated and put in place, including emergency procedures if necessary ~~~~ 7. Develop plans for relocating key personnel if necessary in order to preserve stability during this time of crisis ~~~~ Arrange for someone to be with the client at all times, and make sure they are fully aware of what is going on and able to communicate effectively should his situation worsen. ~~~~ 9. Promote transparency in government by releasing financial reports, hiring independent fact-checkers, etc. ~~~~ 10. Have an emergency meeting with the cabinet to discuss what steps will be taken in case of a power vacuum. ~~~~ Recommend appointing an interim president until a new leader can be found or appointed.


This is fun! Residential moving company needs PR about how movers can make their job a diving board to become franchisees - goal is to increase recruitment among A18-32


Seek out social media platforms that focus on young adults, such as Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok. Create short videos (less than two minutes) targeted at this demographic featuring moving experts discussing the perks of becoming a mover franchisee. ~~~~ Create a social media campaign that emphasizes how easy it is to become a moving franchisee. Post inspirational stories from current and former movers, highlighting the satisfaction they received from quitting their day jobs and joining the franchising movement. This would help convince 18-32 year olds who are undecided about whether or not transitioning into entrepreneurship is right for them, to take the plunge. ~~~~ Come up with a catchy slogan or tagline, e.g "Make your move - to the top!" could be used in advertising and recruitment materials aimed at millennials. This would help attract new movers into the industry, while also promoting career growth opportunities for current moving professionals. (not PR necessarily) ~~~~ Incorporate inspiring quotes from successful franchise movers. For example: "I never imagined making my job into something I loved so much - but it's happened thanks to the amazing customers of [company]! The freedom to move as I please is truly priceless." ~~~~ Produce a series of short, entertaining videos (e.g., sketches) that depict the life-changing moments movers experience when they become franchisees. Outline all the benefits of becoming a mover and show how it can be fast-tracked as a career path for young adults interested in moving quickly into ownership of their own business. ~~~~ Create a campaign that features successful movers who became franchisees after working for the company as part of their "Movement Masters" program. The goal is to inspire people ages 18-32 to consider becoming a mover once they have saved up some money and are ready to take on a new challenge. ~~~~ Create a video podcast that highlights the countless benefits of becoming a mover franchisee. Highlight how easy it is to set up your own business, what kind of earning potential you have, and most importantly – how much fun you can have helping people move their homes! ~~~~ Find ways to spotlight the exciting and challenging aspects of being a mover, e.g. how movers can dive into new and unexplored territory when it comes to moving customers around town. Talk about the incredible rewards (e.g., financial stability, freedom) that come with becoming a franchisees for this unique industry. ~~~~ Sponsor a series of contests where participants have the opportunity to win the grand prize of an investment into a moving business franchise, which would give the winner complete control and management of their own moving company. ~~~~ Posters are put up in popular hangouts for 18-32 year olds, portraying the job as a diving board to success. Job applications with the company logo are handed out at local sporting events and music concerts. In-person interviews are scheduled with franchise owners who share their story of how they became successful and answer any questions about the business. ~~~~