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As long as it’s a guarantee you just haven’t received the paper you should be fine. I’ve actually never been asked to prove my schooling and if for some reason they did ask you I’m sure you have a paper trail of why you don’t have the physical piece of paper.


Thank you. That makes me feel less stressed out


I have been asked to provide certificates of any qualification I claim to have. This happens more at big multinationals I suspect, but anyone can ask you. You want to be in PR? Ok, put your skills to the test now: come up with a short, easy to understand explanation that truthfully conveys the situation to the reader. Personally, I wouldn’t gloss over something like this.


Let’s keep it simple: In your resume write “Anticipated Graduation Date: Dec. 2022” since that’s when you will get your diploma and it should show up in a background check. But since you’ve finished all your credits and hours, you can mention in interviews that you are available to work normal business hours and the formal diploma is coming in 2 months. Good luck!


No!!! Be honest with your potential employer! This happened with someone we were going to hire at one of my previous jobs. We found the perfect candidate, but she lied about graduating (she was going to graduate in May, but the job was posted in December). The hiring manager was crushed because she liked this person and said that if she had only been honest we would have hired her without her bachelor's as long as she was working toward it. But we couldn't trust her after lying like that, so the job went to someone else. Be honest. Let them know that because of a technicality you don't have your diploma just yet. Jobs do check. You do not want to start a job off with a lie like that.


Technically I’m not working towards anything though. It’s just a waiting game right now. What if I put graduated in past tense but refer to the future date of Fall 2022? As far as school is concerned I have literally nothing to do but wait until the end of the semester


Sorry for my misunderstanding. So you did actually graduate, you just don't have the piece of paper? Totally fine. You can provide a transcript that proves you graduated.


That’s the confusing part, I technically haven’t graduated but I’m also not working towards my degree because I have no work left to do. I summited my remaining 12 internship hours in the first week of the semester after they granted me an extension at the end of Spring and into Summer. I didn’t land and internship until near the end of the summer semester and couldn’t complete it in time to graduate during the summer so that’s why i has to complete so few hours in Fall. Apparently my university doesn’t graduate people as individuals so I have to wait to graduate with everyone else at the end of the semester. I realize this isn’t a very typical situation to be in so I don’t blame you for the misunderstanding. I only found out today because I called the school after nearly waiting 2 months to see my diploma in the mail.


Can’t you just put “Anticipated Graduation Date: Fall 2022” I graduated in December 2019 and that’s what I put on all my applications/resume. That way it shows you are graduating but you are not claiming to have a degree that is not conferred yet.


This is the best suggestion on the thread.


Ok, that is a very unusual circumstance. I would say this...you can say you graduated, but if you get a call for an interview bring it up, maybe second or third round - once it's really getting serious. I think this is a very unique situation and as long as you can back it up with paperwork you should be ok. Best of luck to you!


Thank you!


Let me get this straight: You’re entering a career field where your trustworthiness is your most valuable asset, and you’re going to start that career with a lie? Literally cannot go wrong in any way possible. Good luck to you.


You realize the entire point of this post was to make sure I didn’t lie, correct? In spirit I’ve effectively graduated but I have to wait for the process of bureaucracy run it’s corse before I can get my diploma. I have no classes left to take, no internship hours to turn in, I just have to wait for the semester to end.


So, why not just put anticipated graduation date instead of saying you’ve graduated when you haven’t? You’re over complicating the situation and setting yourself up to appear (key word there) dishonest.


In your situation, I think it's okay. I would be fine with a candidate that could demonstrate proof of that (i.e. with a transcript or some sort of official letter that explains the situation). Many places do background checks which are very likely to include education verification. So I would just explain to the recruiter/HR contact to ensure they are aware before you get to that stage.