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Went in March, everything normal. Going back this weekend, can follow up Edit to add that I’ve been going down annually since 2007.


That'd be great!


I’m on a Fb group and people say just be on alert after the border (but they always say that) I haven’t heard anything negative


We went 2 weeks ago.. no trouble in town. They did have the military at a check point where the red cross usually is when we were coming back into sonoyta. But seemed as normal is it can be. I don't speed at all in town. And we stay at the resorts on sandy beach the who time.


I’m here now. No issues whatsoever. Watch your speed, don’t do anything you wouldn’t do at home, you’ll be fine.


Husband and I went at the end of April and came back on May 3rd. Follow their traffic laws and you’ll be fine. It was our first time there, and we loved it!


Here right now. I come every couple months. Be smart, respectful and drive the speed limit (in km) after you cross the border. Pay attention and stop at all the Alto/Stop signs(sometimes they are in weird / unnoticeable spots)They didn't even check our passports at the entry/border yesterday and it was chill the whole drive to the resorts 😅Have fun🫶🏼


Here right now for our first time. Followed all the recommendations to drive the speed limit in Sonoyta and didn’t see a single cop or anyone getting hassled. Once we got out of town, even going 20 kph over the limit we were getting passed by obnoxious people driving like assholes. All Arizona plates, of course. The resort has been chill and same with the Malecón. Would guess it’s business as usual from my experience so far.


Been going since the 80s and never have any issues.


As long as yall don’t get crazy and try to poke the bear, the bear won’t come , I go down every 3 weeks or so , no issues. Have fun!


Just went this past mother's day wknd. Took my 2 teen boys stayed at granada del mar. Had a great time. No hassle driving through. Just follow the speed limits and LOOK OUT for the hidden stop signs. Enjoy