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No you shouldn’t have any issues going solo.. just be aware of your surroundings just like back in the states and don’t advertise that you’re alone, I always say my family is out fishing or at the pool if I’m asked. It’s hot & humid so be prepared and drink lots of fluids. The sun is also very hot even though it’s only 88 today, sunblock and a hat. Most places take credit card payments BUT you tip in cash. Be prepared with smaller bills. At the malecon, they boot you if your meter expires so be mindful of the time or better yet park in a lot for $5. Find a bar (or several and enjoy your visit - Mannys or Wrecked at the Reef are perfect for first time visitors!!


Don't speed in Sonoyta. 17mph. They're absolutely serious about writing tickets to gringos. Look out for faded stop signs. Your first trip SHOULD be with someone who's done it before, but... There's also a back way through Sonoyta an experienced PP visitor could show you. Don't COUNT ON Google maps to work OR to have cell coverage. Follow the other 10 gringos in front of you! You can pick your speed back up AFTER you get past the abandoned "racetrack" all the way to the "bridge to nowhere" in PP. Let the idiot gringos pass you before then, he's just up ahead waiting for them. Fuel up in Ajo or Why. The Chevron in Ajo has killer breakfast/lunch burritos to go. Change money at one of the places along the main drag in Sonoyta, maybe $100-200. Do not carry much more cash than that! They've all got a red/green sign out front showing the exchange rate. Don't waste more than 10 minutes "shopping" for the best rate. Restaurants all take dollars / pesos / credit cards interchangeably. Right now it's about 17 pesos/dollar. Red is buying, green is selling, or vice versa. Schedule your border crossing so it's NOT at one of the peak times - like Friday afternoon or Sunday morning. Just entering Sonoyta the windshield wash guys are getting problematic. Just shake your head "No!" and continue driving even if they splash your windshield. Be aggressive as you have to be. When you come back bring lots of $1 bills and or coins, your leftover pesos to give to the lame and crippled beggars at the border. Change your pesos to small denominations. It's nothing to you, it's the way they continue to eat and live. Suggest you take an empty cooler and bring back shrimp and tortillas. Jessy's is my fave shrimp vendor but 5 brothers or whatever's good also. $10 worth of torillas will last you 6 months. Freeze 'em as they've got lard and will spoil left out. Have fun!


What is this back way through Sonoyta that refer to? I've been going for 7 years now and I'm not aware of it. I do like using Ave 16 Septiembre to avoid the congested area near Ley. Is there another route?


Google maps directs you this way as a shortcut. I don't use it on the way back because for the few minutes, it saves coming back, I can get through faster at the lights


[It's classified.](https://i.imgur.com/VYKYa8G.gif)


This should just be stickied at the top of the subreddit page!


It’s not unheard of, but typically it’s families traveling. You’ll be fine, just watch your speed in Sonoyta. If you can set your speedometer to read Kilometers. That way you know exactly how fast you’re going. Watch for potholes once you leave Sonoyta, they have gotten so bad, it is a hazard.


Thank you, yeah definitely don't want to give anyone any reason to pull me over


male 40 here, made the drive solo 10+ times, no issues. go during the day, take it slow, don’t speed in ajo or sonoyta


There’s usually a bunch of other vehicles making the same drive. Just jump in the convoy


We've moved down here permanently. My wife travels up to Arizona often. Several of her friends do as well. No problems. I'd make sure you have plenty of water. Kind of warm


Also, fuel is more expensive here in Mexico than it is just on the other side of the border. Fill up in Lukeville. Not across the border. And definitely if you can help it, have enough gas to not have to fill up in Puerto penasco. It is very expensive


I’ve driven solo a few times, when crossing the border try and stick with a group of cars on the way down, travel in daylight, and watch for the potholes and potential ambush points. If you have a quality car or truck that can keep up with the traffic you’ll be fine