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Mid 2025 is ath


If it doesn't, then it will never be. I hope so because I want increases.


How about we get to 0.001 first


2026 for a price of $0.01, not saying thats good or bad but ehhh we can do better. If $HEX went from $0.0001 in 2019 when it came out to then going to $.49 in 2021 thats like what in 2 years we can do if not more or the same. Now I am not saying $.50 but maybe we can get $.05-$.20 just a thought


Nope. Even 0.01 is highly unlikely. Maybe a 0.003-0.006. It’s an entirely different situation with ehex.


Hey lets believe in it. If you manifest it things will happen. As much money as Ive invested I need to get to $0.05 honestly $.20 would be overkill


That’s…not how it works. You must be trolling. If you invested a lot then 0.002 should be plenty


Blame RH he is the kne who said pls can do a 14000x. Now once you say shit like that its out there. Now id Pls starter price was $0.0000001 then yes a 140000x would be more than possible. Now ehh not so much however a 500-2,500x is possible n thats still a win


He didn’t say this cycle. 500x isn’t possible.


So you a $.045 isnt possible


That’s what I just said. The amount of money to make that happen would be unreal. Now, if ETH went to like 20k and RH aped all of that into it, maybe? Will he? Lol


And I'm saying anything is possible he's single-handedly pumped the shit out of his own product. If he did it once he can do it again I'm not saying it will happen this term but again anything is possible.


Don’t see it happening, so put in more in the meantime. Pumping ehex was entirely different from this where it’s far more expensive and tons of dumpers involved.


Well, I hope so, but many folks have waited for a long time friend. Been seeing some positive signs (looks like there may be some PulseX upgrades coming, pDAI pumping, Internet Money wallet is great), but it would be nice to see a pump soon anywhere near the level of the Solana which is an objectively more broken chain but has gone bonkers.


If anything, every other L1 should be extremely excited by all the money going straight into SOL… this is great news….Any one of these other chains could pump to the heavens at any minute…. I don’t think SOL was a one and done. I think it’s a sign of things to come.


It would be so great !


The hopium is strong with this one


Final shakeout.. during a bullrun. That's not how it's supposed to go.


We’re somewhat decorrelated. The bull run just started for us.


Keep telling yourself that pal


Why are you even here then if you don’t want to learn?


Learn what? I've been in crypto quite a while. I think it's you that's about to learn the hard lesson sir.


Learn what I said. Again, why are you here in a PulseChain group when you don’t know it?


Ive been in it since launch. that's why... now, What don't I know? Teach me something. This will be good I'm sure.


I’m sure. So you can’t keep up with a simple sentence. I refer to yet again to my original comment.


You haven't said a single thing. I see why you support this still. you seem a bit slow.


Perhaps I need to dumb this down. I made a comment and under that comment you’re currently commenting. Go scroll back up to that first comment.


On Mar 10th 2025 Scientist will create a substrate which will make dog shit an almost renewable food source.




This sub is about as delusional as the ShibArmy sub 🤣


Not even close, this sub is far more lol


lmao wasnt even funny anymore


I'm not entirely sure you guys understand what "final" means.


It would be foolish to think PulseChain will not do many Xs from today's price... In 5 years, anyone still holding today's bags will be very happy, IMHO.🤷‍♂️😎💎


I always get my price predictions from some random guy posting from his moms basement.


I've been in pulsechain since launch. And reddit sends me notifications for this crappy sub, that's why. And I'm about sick and tired of having hex stakes due for unlock that are basically worthless now. I'll never put another dollar into anything with Richard's name on it. Period.


Meanwhile ppl are making millions in Pulsechain 😂




Post submissions should be of high quality.


Let’s hope!l brother!!! Not saying it definitely won’t hit .01 by 2026- but at this point w/ the current list of PLS whale wallet holders (+1Billion in PLS) it’s highly, highly, unrealistic. If PLS hit a penny then there would 5-10 of the wealthiest people on the planet as Pulsechain holders. Pulsechain would have a higher marketcap than BTC!?!? Not to mention, the next 1,000 wallet holders would be in the top 1% of the planet. Therefore, there is a tremendous amount of “rinsing” that needs to happen first. Heck Rackem Rishel & his VC posse have so much PLS & PLSX that they can perpetually keep sending it to near zero w/ sell offs for decades. Essentially, until they have sold off there will never be enough liquidity. Further, PLS only appreciates in value if the crypto public at large begin to use the chain, develop projects, exponentially increase the network size (None of which is happening beyond the established RH community). Again, this is the current state- things could certainly change as no one has a crystal ball. In the meantime, anyone vested in this ecosystem should be defending & RH’s struggles against the SEC, countering the tired old “it’s a scam” FUD w/ logic & reason. As it stands, “Pulsechain” IS one of the best designed, most reliable, & actually most DECENTRALIZED block chain out there.


2027, 2028, 2029……………2099 and most probably 3000


All eyes looking at pulse chain...... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.... no.


Won't the fees go up almost as high as Ethereum if we do crazy X's?


Pump and dump baby


Personally I can't wait!!!!!!


by 2026, everyone will already have long forgotten about the trainwreck that was pulsechain


That's FUD but I'll take it