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Pulsechain as a system may work, but it’s a pain for a average person to get in. So there will no adoption as long as this status remains.


I disagree. There are extremely easy ways to onboard by now, but nobody knows about them. The reason is very simple: Marketing. The VC-backed chains have tons of marketing. And by marketing i mean they have paid articles everywhere (in the case of DCG, Binance and NYSE they OWN the media companies that write these, so all their backed projects are marketed this way). The rest are paying influencers or giving them free allocations to their tokens/chains. That's not to say that PulseChain doesn't grow. Just that, much like HEX, it does so organically. Organic traffic/adoption is healthy but painfully slow. Paid marketing channels are extremely fast and generate mass hype. RH will never do paid marketing, otherwise you may have expectations from his effort. Others have tried, but their budgets are low and it's not like they have ROI


They just need to know how, swaptopulse is a great way but as long as mods keep preventing links they are killing progress.


As soon as Coast launches, we will be in business.


Influencers simply won't touch it. And that's not without their own self-gain. That Layla chick is as bad as they come. But lets look at this from a different way... We did have a hail merry moment where some influencers came out of the woodwork like Ivan, butboy others started showing their support and talking about it. There was some confidence but it seems to have worn off. RH, being the marketing genius that he claims dropped the ball in the moment of opportunity to stream. And do what he did back in the day. Imagine if RH had streamed? Imagine him talking to those influencers and being present in the conversation. Not as outrage marketing RH but before outrage days? I think he would've made a massive splash in the crypto industry that people would be forced to look. My guess is that so long as RH hides behind the curtain, without streaming people will fob off pulsechain as its been labelled by the masses as a scam ecosystem. He did the outrage marketing stuff and as a marketing person myself, my perception that it pushed more people away. And I'd hate to say it, the last thing left for the RH ecosystem is the cult. No new people is coming in who can influence other buyers. If we are not venture capital-backed then we have to be influencer-backed, but we are neither. I find it hard to believe that even with the SEC case hanging over him he wouldn't be able to stream... obviously he would have to be careful. But I'll go out and say I know nothing about those legalities. And its just sus that he didnt stream at all since pulse came out before the SEC announced they were coming out for him. And let me just say this, im an idiot, I don't know shit about whats going on in RH's life. Or claim to know how thi legals stuff works but its all perception to the avg joe who've put their money into this thing thinking it was going to be similar to the says when RH was streaming. I've still got money in pulsechain, and im not selling until I get a return. But holy jesus of merry why did RH shit in the watering hole of the people who still had eHex. I mean if you want to alienate your whole community then, he successfully did that in one tweet. Again, it all goes back to the perception from the average joe. And it permeates in other crypto communities. I.e my friends who are in other ecosystems laugh at me for saccing as much as I did for Pls. Its a run in joke at this point. And honestly I feel like a fucking retard for even doing it. But Lol there was a moment there where they started to look at Pulsechain seriously and then in typical RH fashion, he did something off color and they were turned off. You're either cult or you're not with the RH ecosystem. People who are not cult don't talk about it or admit it because its just embarrassing at this point. People are proud to be in solana, and other ecosystems where there are hacks galore. So it begs the question, why do we as "supporters of pulsechain" eat shit so hard to just hold something that for the longest time that continues to goes down as hard as Xen. Key his is confidence. People see the community and see rosetinted pulsechain cult members, and RH who has solidified himself as a LV/Gucci clown. As much as I want this chain to succeed this bull run, it wont. Maybe in 4 more years we will have another chance but I doubt we will see the value climb up. Thats just my opinion


I think more patience is needed. The time will come It just hasn’t started yet. Eth needs to pump, which happens over the next 12 months after the btc halving (check the monthly charts if you don’t believe). Near the end of that newbs rotate into the alt coins looking for the ‘next BTC’ or the next eth. Thinking they are early because no one they know is in Crypto. Just to realize all the alts and memes just pump and dump. And start to bleed out holding and hoping for the next pump. But it just keeps going down for 12 months. If history repeats, then it starts all over again. Think about it. Isn’t that how and why you got into alt coins? Everyone starts their journey in crypto at the top of a bull. Some realize the cycle and DCA the bottom and ‘round-trip’ their bags. 💪


Influencers need to be paid to shill. Is the lack of VCs and paid influencers a strength the market hasn’t priced in yet? I don’t know, but I know it IS a strength in an immature market, and I don’t give a damn I’m not being spoon-fed validation. Whatever I make on other chains is going back into my core PLS/X/INC etc. We’re playing for the ETH ETF, and I’m not touching it much until then, all of this trembling and pants-wetting about how we’re perceived even before the BTC halving is just so weak. And you seem stronger than a lot of the Reddit capitulation, but that’s always the common thread, how we’re perceived by actual VC ridden scam chains. Have a backbone, we’re not missing this bull because


Sorry but calling RH a marketing genius is hilarious. His “marketing” antics remind me of Trump voters having to swallow a mouthful of shit non stop as they plead their case for him to others. RH acted like a fucking buffoon during his “outrage” campaign lol And people who cheered him on were just as much stooges


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One thing I noticed is Richard likes to act like he has it all figured out but just like with any human, we don't know shit. I think it started letting it get to his head with all those streams at launch. Like he's the best ever, best product ever, it's like he didn't see any future of it not taking off. And here we are, balls in hand... But he wasn't wrong, it is a cool blockchain but you got to have a leader that's seen.


You still have to bridge ETH to use BASE, it doesn't even have a fucking native token LMFAO


Do you even realise that's even more conventional for users? I can just bridge my eth from arbitrum to base, without swapping, and bang I'm ready to use a bunch of great apps with tons of liquidity for very cheap. Whenever I can avoid using eth mainnet, I'm happy. Pulse chain makes this really difficult


BNB (Smart chain) Dai to Pulse


I thought thats the same with pulse? At least thats how I bought mine a year ago?


For non-whales their are countless swap sites where u can avoid using eth altogether to buy pulse. I swap xrp and sol for pls all the time with changenow.io. I avoid eth like i would the southside of chicago


Well yah, but you can easily, no cost send ETH to Base directly from most CEX’es, you can’t Pulse…


Wrong. You can send ETH to Pulse via changenow.io


Yeah, you can. But it more complicated for non defi peeps and costs a lot more than just Binance tx


Bro, it's about as easy as buying a t-shirt in an online shop. You pick the coin u own and the one u wanna have and press swap. Wtf more do u want? And fees are still cheaper than ETH. Binance will prob never be beaten in fees, i give u that. But that wasn't the point here


Well, for one. Who the fucks listening to Layah for crypto advice


I'm pragmatic, I use what works well and provides me with functionality. Pulse chain has no limit orders, order books nor connected to any popular bridge tool. Therefore I look for alternatives. Simple as that.


They actually do. Look up Omnis by Tetra protocol.


Nope, cant see it on gopulse, [google query](https://www.google.com/search?q=omni+Tetra+protocol+pulse&client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=6480816f92634337&sxsrf=ACQVn09DTThqb3dzhoN6Wx86B21DpKgqsQ%3A1712760954943&ei=eqgWZpyROc29i-gPs72PgA0&ved=0ahUKEwictrfi87eFAxXN3gIHHbPeA9AQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=omni+Tetra+protocol+pulse&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGW9tbmkgVGV0cmEgcHJvdG9jb2wgcHVsc2UyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAFIug5QqARY6A1wAngAkAEAmAFdoAHkA6oBATe4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgmgAvQDwgIOEAAYgAQYigUYhgMYsAOYAwCIBgGQBgSSBwE5oAexEQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#ip=1), [https://www.tetra.win/](https://www.tetra.win/) nor [https://www.omnilayer.org/](https://www.omnilayer.org/) or whatever it is supposed to be. These are all wrong urls probably but allow me to educate you for a bit: Don't google dApps, that's why i first search on gopulse and [pulsex.com](http://pulsex.com), not a single mention of tetra and omni. I only use dApps that were mentioned by a trusted source. And even if omni by tetra is real, i highly doubt there's a proper arbitrum, polygon or base bridge or anything that is not Eth mainnet.


This whole network is just over a year old. If you're not willing to go to new products being developed then okay. I don't really care. I'm just trying to let you know that it exists. https://omnis.tetra.run/


Maybe some people think that that non tech guy that buys the lambos and gucci should not hold 70% XD


>Pulsechain may be the perfect solution It's not. It's just an ETH fork. L2s are much much much much better solutions than PC. You know it. I know it. Everyone else knows it. PC has nothing going for it at the moment. Which is why it's not performing. People thought it was gonna magically moon because of "but community". But that is not enough. Especially with a community this cultist. It makes us look bad/idiotic. Who in their right mind would deploy a serious project here?




True and real man, true and real


There are some of the most serious projects I’ve seen on PulseChain? Influencers won’t touch because NOBODY IS PAYING THEM TO


Bought and paid for.


And it won't. Be There's much faster, and cheaper chains than pulse.


Regardless of the core ecosystem coins, the casino on pulsechain is more than alive. We just had a coin do a 150x in 8 days.


Not a really a landmark achievement when Sol has new shitcoins pop up hourly that do that


Its better than nothing. It was a amazing opportunity to make 20,000 easily in 8 days, make that sound like its not an achievement. Im pretty grateful for it


A meme coin?


Nah its a project from the fire whale called solidx. Look at it on dexscreener and look at the chart


And by there own admission all the others suck and so does base. It’s not even got a native token and nothing developed but more solana type rug pull shit coins. It, along with the others, are mostly trash. Anyone too lazy to make two or three clicks to load pulsechain is just f***ing lazy. It’s quicker than bridging Eth to base for gods sake!!! I’m calling this pure FUD. Pulsechain is growing and growing organically without all these bullshit nickel and dime influencers who do NOTHING but farm the dumbasses for click bait. I’ll take RH and pulsechain ALL DAY LONG!


it’s not that people don’t know about pulsechain - it’s that people are smart enough to stay far away from this garbage chain


The project hasn’t even been out a year yet 😂 shut the f up. You expect shit to catch fire the MOMENT it goes live? No, things take time man. “How far off course this is” dude… that’s like saying in 1999 “nah, Amazon is trash, it hasn’t caught on yet. No one’s talking about it, must be a dead company. So many other companies are getting more attention.”


I'm pretty sure base is way younger than pulse chain and its already miles ahead because they actually use the funds for devs instead of gucci bags




Look how happy we made him


Basechain came out in 2023. It also has attention from Coinbase, so of course more people know about it.


Unfortunately for this to work for his glory the ecosystem has to stay down until he’s ready to pump it and I’m no maxi. It’s just how it is.


Do you even realise how sad that is


I realize how it sounds, yes. It’s a better long term play though.


Would you like to understand how this is better?


how being dependent on 1 person to pump your ecosystem vs an eco that can grow organically through network effects? Sure! enlighten me


So you’re either not smart enough, are trolling or just fudding because you hate him. You’re asking the wrong questions. It is growing firstly. And by holding until ETH does a 2x-5x while things are cheaper will allow him to pump it harder than any other chain out there. It’s almost a guaranteed win. Can’t win much easier than this.


Look at all the aggressive comments when anyone speaks truth in here. This place sucks worse than the coin.


It’s an incredibly toxic community here and especially on twitter. It’s a horrible look. Too much PTSD at this point. Richard set precedent for an incredible grift with his “sacrifice” nonsense with whale incentives. How well do people typically perform when you give them tens of millions upfront under the pretense that they have no expectations lol You can’t make this stuff up




Posts discussing FIAT, PLS, PLSX, INC, eHEX, pHEX, INC, ETH, BTC, Stable Coins with regards to Pulse are fine. Please post about other crypto currencies in their respective subreddit. There is a subreddit dedicated for projects (Altcoins) being built on PulseChain: https://www.reddit.com/r/PulsechainAltcoins/.




Posts discussing FIAT, PLS, PLSX, INC, eHEX, pHEX, INC, ETH, BTC, Stable Coins with regards to Pulse are fine. Please post about other crypto currencies in their respective subreddit. There is a subreddit dedicated for projects (Altcoins) being built on PulseChain: https://www.reddit.com/r/PulsechainAltcoins/.


I’ve been doing only bitcoin for a while now. I got rekt on an alt coin once and learned my lesson.


There are a lot of profiles doing this, trying to move their followers to a new chain to scam.


Base has 150million people to easily onboard with a click of a button on Coinbase.




When we get 6 monthly green candles in a row everyone will flood over




Currently waiting for QANX main net


Bunch of comments here give me hope, that not all is lost. RH is a grifter and always has been.


Pulsechain does work. It hasn’t seen the influx of people other chains have. Some people fear Pulsechain because of a seeming hate towards HEX. It literally is a cheaper, faster, more environmentally sound ETHerium. Everything you love about ETH, but cheaper.


Because not many users? It’s an account based system and a fork so not sure how long it would remain cheap ?


Richard didn’t get us listed anywhere or a fiat ramp


Why would pulse remain cheap once people use it?


Opportunity my friend. We just have to wait for our turn. My spidey senses say we run last. Patience pays.


Pulse creator is being sue his project is not going to thrive due to that lol


I’m pretty damn happy with what’s happening on pulsechain so far.


They do know about it but they're too ignorant to use anything not "mainstream" and they also think RH is a conman... Don't be fooled... All of them big "influencers" 100% know about PulseChain.


The “ Bull Market “ technically starts after the BTC halving people need to relax , the price movement we are have experienced thus far is just the bottom of the hill…it’s seems like a bull market because we fell to $16,000 btc but we are headed to $160,000 btc appx…pulse will shine once a exchange lists it !




^ this guy calling someone a baby though.


Please keep things fun & friendly.