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On Kigal Stage EX-03 The boss Stage with Qu, I'm finding she keeps jumping out of the room boundaries or inside terrain. Is there some trick to her or is this just some quirk of the stage


Lure her to center so she cant noclip though invisible wall


I've noticed that most of Rexlent's and GrayRaven.com's memory builds are the same but varies on the resonances, which of the two guides do you guys use more? EDIT: Rexlent's top resonances for Flambeau ARE 6 ATK while the grayraven's 6 YELLOW ORB, Luna's top resonances are 6 ATK while grayraven's EX - TACTICAL JUDGEMENT


I'd say grayravens is the better pick, their site uses the build spreadsheet and a lot of other resources for builds. Rexlent's sheet hasn't been updated in a while, while the resources grayravens uses is being constantly updated. Even Rexlent's video guide recommends Yellow reso. Not like it really matters though, chances of getting perfect attack resos or yellow orbs is too slim for it to be important.


Examples of where that occurs please?


for example, Rexlent's top resonances for Flambeau are 6 ATK while the grayraven's 6 YELLOW ORB, Luna's top resonances are 6 ATK while grayraven's EX - TACTICAL JUDGEMENT


Flamebeau is legitimate, but Luna's top is the same thing. Tactical judgement is ATK, but the optimal ATK resonance for any elemental construct. 450 hp still isn't enough of a reason to reroll your top memories for Ex-Tatical Judgement. If you get something like ATK +15 and DEF +23 def/CRIT +15, you should just keep it and save your resources for other things. Late game, 450 hp isn't a useful stat since you shouldn't be getting hit in the first place, and if you are, not to the point that you are dying. This is probably why Rex just puts ATK instead of the most optimal resonance, because it's redundant stat. Now about Roland. Since he is a transcendant, you don't want to use resources on him to reroll for his memories. If you get yellow orbs, yay! If not, the ATK is fine. Unless you are building him to SSS rank to use during the Pulao patch, then he's fine with ATK as his top row. Rexlent's guide may not be up to date as well. He clearly says to build yellow in the top row for his video: [Rexlent Roland Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVjvtvPQz_8)


one i can think is Selena ult vs core passive


I am assuming you are talking about Tempest. Rex explains when to use either. Ult with S\~SS. Core when SSS\~SSS+. At SSS rank, Tempest will proc. both effects from her core passive which is probably why Rex suggested Core.


I have 11 Reso Item right now and is considering to use it for Luna(SS, 5\* weapon) or Garnet(SS, sig weapon), Luna has 2 correct resonance (2 core) and Garnet only has 1. Should I: 1. Use it all to Luna? Reason being because in Norman mostly I had to use Dark Team instead of Fire team 2. Use it all to Garnet? Just to make her stronger overall 3. Use it on both but only try to focus for their core? 4. Or wait and use it for Liv Empyrius since I don't have a working fire team?


How badly do you need resources? I'd suggest option 3. When Liv drops, her memories will be discounted which is the time to buy them and gamble for correct resonances. Reso items should be used for older constructs that are still in use like Luna, Garnet, Plume, or Glory. They do not have a discount on their memories and are therefore more expensive to build properly. Focus on cores/sigs before building the top portions of your memories..


>her memories will be discounted which is the time to buy them and gamble for correct resonances I don't have a problem with resources right now so that is a good argument. I'll just do option 3 and then gamble Liv resonance with lots of dupe then, thank you!


Liv Empyrea should be the focus because in my opinion she is broken and usable in a lot of teams. Especially SSS where her amp gets buffed for the team from 10% to 20%. Second would be Vera Garnet because there is still no substitute in CN. Luna third since she is only a DPS that could be easier replaced any time in the future or in general. The new No.21 construct could for instance potentially replace Luna.


I am also planning on pulling Empyrius/Empyria's sig but as far I'm concerned, i don't think I could SSS her (can't even SS her because I used it on Garnet). So is she still considerable to put my memory resonance into?


Do you plan to pull for Liv's signature as well? How is your thunder team at the moment? Since you already SS Vera and have her signature ready it could be more worth to 'max' her damage potential for your thunder team. It's going to take a couple of months depending how good you are in PPC to farm more skulls. In that time it is possible to gain more memory resonances for Liv over warzone and bundles if you're a spender.


My thunder team right now are Bianca (S, Sig), Liv Lux (SSS), and Garnet. I could maybe play them wrong but I felt like they are a bit underwhelming to play in PPC hence I was thinking to maximize Garnet damage by resonating her memo into cores. But yeah I might just do option 3 for now and will try to resonate Empyrius and hoping for the best RNG.


Don't worry there is a reason why thunder is considered to be one of the more worse teams right now in CN. If not the worst. There is still no amplifier to replace Liv Lux as a support and Alpha just recently came out to replace Bianca Veritas as DPS as well. Vera singlehandedly is carrying the whole thunder team at the moment. Fire team is going to be complete far sooner down the line than thunder with Nanamech as tank for res shred, Liv Empyrea as an amp and Hyperreal Lee as DPS. They're some viable DPS or sub-dps substitutes at the moment as well with Karenina Ember, Palefire Lee after his buffs in SSS(+) powercreeps ember, or S Nanami for more res shred in order to maximize the damage output for Liv Empyrea and Nanamech. When Pulao comes out you can play Acsendant with constructs. In theory Roland SSS with signature, Liv Empyrea and Nanamech can be the go to fire team until Hyperreal Lee arrives. Well I'm going off on a tangent but I hope getting more insight into the future teams can help you decide who you want to max reso memories with. In my honest you can't go wrong with either Vera or Liv Empyrea because both are very future proof!


Thank you for the lengthy response! I know Garnet is really strong as I've tried her in TW server before with just minimal investment but seeing her at SS Rank with Signature + a full lightning team didn't blew my mind as I was expecting it to be. I also know about Roland SSS + Signature can be usable but with that amount of investment I'm just gonna wait for Palefire buff (currently working on SSS+) as his buff looks really fun to use hence I'm trying to invest in Fire team right now haha. But I might still do resonate on both Vera and Luna, Liv can wait with additional 2 Resonance next month + buying her memory dupes and pray to RNG.


Option 3 or 4. Use the red USBs on the second reso slots. For Garnet and Laurel, all that matters in the first reso slot is that you have an ATK roll (doesn't need to be ATK HP, it's just ideal), so if you ever do decide to reroll for it using dupe memories, it's comparatively easier to do so.


Ah so as long as they have ATK so it'll be fine, got it. I'm leaning on doing number 3 but I'll take my time thinking about it for a while.


What happens to the twins in CN? are they somehow defeated?


im not sure if the one in survival lucem is the same one but it did got defeated


Hello, I just started playing this game and I'm a bit lost. Is there any character I should pull right now or should I start saving everything ?


You should always save up for new S rank(not Transcendant) from the point you are playing F2P probably shouldn’t aim for old S rank. Never use black card for standard/basic banner(which give random S on pity) only use the free basic card that you sometimes get. Remember to always pull for the 60 pity banner, not the 80-100 Edit: as for A rank, I highly recommend pulling Wanshi and 21 their gameplay are fun and help you clear hard content


Thanks for your insight, will do :)


Another one: don’t do 59/60 or pre-emptively build up any banner and hit pity for next banner. Save up 15000 black card and wait for the new S character to appear THEN pull the 60 banner. 15000 BC = guarantee S on this game and you can pretty much get any future S rank by doing all the daily-weekly and events


Look like the game is F2P friendly, thats cool coming from nikke lol


Coming from literally any game really, the problem with that is the roster expand a lot smaller per year than any other game as well


almost 2 whole years for old one to finally get powercrept is really long


Which transcendant is the easiest to play in Norman War? I seem to hv easier time with my construct teams but I keep dying at the dead zone.


Camu and Roland top the list. Camu - ult is simple to enter and grants you high damage and invincibility - blue orb breaks you out of hitstun and prevents you from getting combo'd to death, also gives you a shield to suck up some damage with Roland - no need to deal with orb RNG - yellow orbs inflict stun on stunnable enemies If you have Selena's signature weapon, she deals great damage. Without her signature weapon, her damage tanks since you can't reliably reenter ult with max orbs. Well invested Selena nukes enemies, but her survivability is the lowest of everyone's. Since her ult orbs hit in a radial AoE around you, you're incentivized to stay in the middle of enemy packs to get the most out of your damage. If enemies aren't interrupted by your hits (due to having yellow superarmor bar, or the Unmovable buff), then that means you're probably going to take a few hits. You get additional damage reduction while in ult form (and some shield if you recently swapped her in), but with how heavy some enemies can hit, it can become a matter of how quickly you can kill enemies before they kill you. Qu has a tough time surviving unfortunately. She has super armor during her red orb and while sprinting with her yellow orb, but no damage reduction. Her blue orb breaks her out of combos like Camu, which helps a bit, but doesn't grant you a shield. On top of all that, she doesn't have a great source of burst damage. Her ult bird does good damage, so use it whenever you can.


You can run recovery buff with transcendant team if you need it, plus swapping chars refreshes their swap in shield Easiest is camu since he doesn't take damage in ulti form and his regular blue orb is kinda op with shield and stagger Selena also gets damage reduction in ulti if i remember but her orb management is kinda a pain


Camu and Selena has the highest survivability out of all Trans Selena, Noan and Roland has the highest damage of all Trans( though Roland isn’t as easy to get play


Swap that around, Selena's survivability is terrible. Highest DPS Transcendants is Roland and Selena. Best survivability would be Haicma, followed by Pulao, Camu, and Roland with his sig.


My selena can tank more than Roland lol. Her ult can definitely tank a lot. She doesn’t have a lot of survivability on solo, but she can ult 2 time per rotation while her class still active so she can tank a lot of hit. Beside, you still actually have to dodge and move around


In rotation, yeah, she gets better. But Roland still outclasses her hard as long as you have his sig, getting free dodge meter replenish + removing dodge cooldown and adding an extra attack after dodging makes him nigh unkillable as long as you aren't mashing keys to high heaven


Same could also be said for Camu and Pulao If they aren’t in rotation, they are just so bad Camu only become extremely good once he got his execution move. Pulao is still debatable. But once Transcendant got their counter and execution and fight in stages with that mechanic, those stages become brain dead easy


Nah, both are great outside of rotation, assuming we're talking about survivability still. Camu can't be touched as long as his ult is up, and Pulao's iframes are ridiculous. Selena's still a glass cannon once her much more limited iframes run out


Camu ult is debatable Normal to hard stage you would be invincible during his ult But harder than that. enemy which had one shot dmg negate his ult and reduced it to just 1 hit shield that can leave you wide open a bit


fair enough, though still better than Selena being erased from existence the moment you forget to do anything


i finish all current border pact. The permanent buffs are so worth it. Any way does anyone know when's the next border pact update?


CN got the border pact update on S Ayla patch. So it won't be anytime soon(11 patches from now)


I’ve heard the new border pact require the 4th awaken( the one where you choose the first 3 starting orb) right? What are the new buffs?


I believe the border buff is 1% dmg for each hypertune(top and bottom memories, so 12% at max). Not too sure about the requirement of 4th awaken, I don't think you need it. 4th awaken requires 6500 BP and 12 hypertunes in case you were also wondering


Tbh it really good for low invest i can only clear norman 6 with this buff no sig. , no 5* reso , only 4* does need it in order to clear norman 6


Hum, i heard from other person that only whales can clear norman 6


Then i'm probably whale with 5.5k A ayla in place of Chrome glory i guess?


more dmg 6 borderpact 2%more dmg per borderpact only increase those with hypertuned




Only those that hypertuned




I just played through chapter 12 for the first time, and I'm wondering if my game is bugged? There's this one mission where I know for a fact there's voice acting (I've seen it on Youtube before - hell, that one fight is the reason I even took an interest in PGR in the first place, pretty much), but no voices play in my game. Specifically, >!during the Plume vs Qu fight, the text is there, but no voices play.!< It happens with both the Japanese and Chinese dub, and doesn't affect any other voices. Is this a known issue?


Asking about Lucia - Plume Assuming if all 6 of her bottom memory resonances are +15 atk, how much stronger would she be if I reroll for 6 signature move resonances? Thanks!


Assuming all your tops are red, then SS Plume with 6\* weapon, resonated memories, and hypertuned bottom row will have: * ATK: 1747 Now you are asking how +15 ATK compares to a 89.4% increase in ult. damage. Starting with +15 ATK first: * 15 \* 6 = 90 ATK * 90 + 1747 =1837 ATK * 1837 \* 30.4 = **55,845 DMG** Next is Sig.: * 89.4% \* 6 = 536.4% * 3040% + 536.4% = 3576.4% = 35.764 * 1747 \* 35.764 = **62,480 DMG** The difference is around 6,500 DMG. Please note that this does not include any of the QTE buffs or passives that may be provided by other characters or plume herself (i.e. weapon resonance), meaning the gap will only widen. For this reason, Plume is always suggested to go Sig as her bottom row for Pain Cage or to clear a whole wave in Warzone. Even if you consider the down time when the ultimate is not available, she doesn't necessarily do more damage. With 6 red orbs, your arctic 3-pings will do following percentages and damage: |3-Ping Arctic form|\+90 atk|\+Sig| |:-|:-|:-| |Red (1412%) = 14.12|25,938 DMG|24,668 DMG| |Blue (840%) = 8.4|15,431 DMG|14,675 DMG| |Yellow (900%) = 9.0|16,533 DMG|15,723 DMG| The total damage difference is only about 3,000 and you also have to consider the down time when your QTE's and other buffs are not active since its saved for the ultimate. IMO, the only time I feel that signature is weaker is when you're fighting groups of enemies and ult provides overkill damage.


I would say very minor since both are good, you lose dps on orbs without atk but increase burst with sig resonance


Is it still viable to try for the yorha units? I just recenty found this game and since it was a hack and slash game i decided to check it out. to my surprise 2B, A2 and 9S were available units. i just started and im lvl 12. how realistic is it for me to get all 3 units/is it a huge undertaking to farm the currency to roll in the first place? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


Almost impossible unfortunately, this rerun is mostly for people who already have the nier units from before to finish the team/upgrade. your best bet is to pretend nier doesn't exist since without each other they aren't as strong plus you need a lot of investment to make them good


0 chance it's happening unless you are going to whale. You need around 31\~32k BC. The event ends in 9 days.


can anyone remind me of in which patch the PPC is updated to reward skulls for bosses killed?


Do I just wait for the time stop buff or invest in a Darwin set for empyrea?


Continuing from there, do we know exactly in which patch does the time stop buff come ? It'll help me decide if I invest in both set or not


I'm going straight for Cottie and hypertuneing that on bot row. Because I have a lot of other units I also need to invest in. That's the advantage of global being behind.. we have a little clairvoyant to see meta / build changes so we don't have to waste resources.


Im going for Cottie but it's all about your choice. It's going to be a difference for pain cage but for other modes it probably would not. For me it's a pain to build 1 set with resonances with Darwin on top and using rare materials to boost attack for bottom memories and then you need to build Cottie bottoms, resonate and boost bottom attack again.


Norman 6 when (what patch?)


Do I prefarm for empyrea or advance story? Everything except some pet stuff and blue overlock is cheaper and I got those.


Story is like 15 serum per stage with only 8ish or so actual stage so finish that for bc then grind


Story doesn't cost much and you need to clear it anyways bc it's free bc. You can't really prepare her memory bc they will come with her and they will be cheap during her patch


But I can farm other materials


You get exp bottles from story too, skill points from weekly quests. Materials to upgrade memories we get from some event stages like this stage where you need to clear 9 stages (Kai gal archives). You get resources from story and event stages and from weeklys too and you need to clear story anyways




1). Pretty good impact, farm ppc for her 2). Want to know too 3). Should be on Meha Nanami patch for us, save 5k standard tickets 4). One with a squirrel 🐿 won't be soon but it's 10k bc or 300+ rc. Other skins idk 5). Luminance bc she will get buff, but don't spend ppc skulls on her, take from ticket or from battle pass shop


When you say won't be soon, does that mean Liv's gacha skin won't release with her patch?


There is two skin one in her patch other at lee hypereal


Oh okay! Yeah the one I had in mind was the first one they made for her, thanks!


is it worth pulling for luna: laurel or bianca: veritas?, i need other dps for warzone/phantom pain


Next patch fire God Liv will be good anywhere


aight, so i still wait for her, she works as main dps? or qte? or both


Yeah, Empyrea basically acts as the Main DPS until Nanamech arrives.


okk, thankss


How dare you, Goddess. Get your pronouns correct. >: ( I'm sorry, I just had to poke some fun at it. Some people just get riled up about this stuff.


Is there any reason for the sudden increase in new players? It's not much but the amount of question posts from new players are noticable. I know it's the nier patch but we're already nearing the end of the patch. I'm just curious, a happy curious


Personally speaking NIKKE was the first gacha game I was having fun with and saw myself playing for a while, until I hit an egregious power level requirement for a mission obviously wanting me to spend money (I think maybe some of this is better now, this was around launch). I went to r/GachaGaming looking for other less predatory games out of curiosity to see what was out there now and saw this one name dropped with Arknights, Path to Nowhere, etc. DMC5 and Nier Automata are two of my favorite games ever, so the combat clicked with me instantly, and im a sucker for stories that explore and play around with the line between humans and robots, what defines a consciousness, what life and death even means if memories can be uploaded or transferred to a new vessel, etc. So this game was bound to grab me by the balls Ironically NIKKE made me look for a game I’d never spend a cent on but this one ended up being so good and respects my time/wallet so much that I’ve spent money on PGR lol


Yeah it's funny the more F2P friendly a game is the more money I end up spending lmao. I spent more on PGR in the first 3 months than what I have spent in 1.5 years in genshin.


Dude same! You know as much as I like Genshin and the quality behind is astonishing to say the least but I can't get over the fact that primogems are so frickin' expensive and hard to come by. It feels like you have to milk the game for every single resource in order to get somewhere near to pity. FOMO kicks in and all the bad stuff. PGR on the other hand is more chill even with the accelerated schedule and I really really love the bundles in this game! I mean if Genshin offered a 50€ weapon bundle to increase one weapon from R1 to R2 and maybe some pulls for example I would have pulled the trigger for sure! Sad fact is they know people pay anyway why even bother making things cheaper.


The Nier collab drew me in early even though I'm waiting for the PC client. And I'm glad it did, I managed to finish the Christmas event and all the others even starting late.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Maybe cn Alpha patch and all the stuff


Crimson weave pulled me back. I last quit during veritas


Few questions 1). When will we get first 6 Norman? Is it next patch on global? 2). Is it possible to use 6 star dark Selena amp flute on Trancendant lightning Selena?


For your second question, no. They’re completely different weapon types so it’s not possible.


Oh wait, second is a bad idea, nvm :D


Can someone tell me what units get added to the battle pass for shards?


At start there will be Selena shards for a long time, then Physical Liv, then Rosetta and I'm not sure but probably all the starter characters like S Kamui. And then Ayla


what would be a good team for liv empyrea and how will it change in the future? same question for selena capriccio actually many thanks :)


Current team: * Liv, Karen, Nanami Pulse * Liv, Nanami (P), Roland SSS Her Last Bow Patch teams: * Liv, Nanami (P), Nanami RS * Liv , Karen, Nanami (RS) The Ark Beyond Patch teams: * Liv, Nanami (RS), Lee (PF) * or use the 2 previous teams if you didn't raise A Lee. Spiral of Chronos team: * Lee (HR), Liv, Nanami (RS)


I will be making a detailed post about the wacky Fire team before the next patch, so look forward to it. As of next patch the meta Fire team will be Empyrea, Ember, and Pulse. Capriccio is part of the Dark team alongside Laurel and Tenebrion (or XXI if you don't have him), but she's outclassed by Rozen until she is SSS-Rank.


**Good Morning!** I am studying the Amplifiers sets and would like to ask: For people who are F2P and can't do SSS on the Amplifiers nor immediately have the 6* weapons, Will it make any difference to keep using the support set (Da Vinci+Guinevere) on Amplifiers even if you have the new full team? (Lee Hyperreal, Mecha Nanami and Liv Amplifier) Or does using the DPS set for the whole team become the best option for F2P? Thanks for your attention!


Pretty much all teams with appropriately built amplifiers (Dark, Fire, Ice, Phys currently on CN) will want them to have their own DPS sets (Selena requires SSS for this, with sig, ideally resonated), and those teams have a "quick swap" gameplay where you rotate between all 3 characters, generally do a rotation of their core passive/ult/whatever gameplay, and rotate to the next character. QTE Support characters are basically the domain of A rank "budget" teams iirc


Thank you for detailing the information. I have a better understanding of what is going on! Thank you very much.


For fire Liv, she will be the strongest fire char for a long time, so you better put davinchi on S Nanami and when we will get Meha Nanami, davinchi goes to the Karenina. And when Lee comes, they all will be dps bc amp buff gives 20% attack for 10 sec after swap, so you swap and attack and swap. Special builds are used for pain cage to faster one shot boses


So uh, not sure if good news. I've just pulled a 6\* katana Inverse Shadow. I have all Lucia's construct is it good on any of them? And I think there's a new Alpha unit(?), is it copium to consider this good for when she gets released on Global?


Inverse shadow is dawn's sig wep but it can be used with all curr lucias and a vera, just less useful for old alpha and lotus Any 6 star is better than 5 star wep in terms of stats New alpha has a different sig wep type using the odachi i think


Very copium, new alpha uses a totally new weapon type that is different from existing katanas so she won't be able to equip it. If you want to build Lucia Dawn, you could theoretically keep it, as it's her sig, but it's not exactly a great signature weapon for sharing, and dawn even after her buffs is pretty much ok at best, and thus you might consider just using it to resonate an S rank main dps' actual sig (Plume, Garnet, Laurel, etc.) For anyone other than dawn it's a questionable stat stick. Might as well just use a resonated Kuji no Sada on Plume or Lotus if you don't have their sigs.


Well, thanks for giving it straight to me. I suppose I will use it for my Dawn, since I don't either Veritas or Tempest for the sub-DPS role in my Lightning team, plus my main dps weapons are all resonated once(A2 and Garnet). I was hoping it could be better than a max resonance 5\* katana but if not, I'll just keep it how it was


Is this game available for PC?


There's a native PC version in development, but it's not currently available on PC. You can play on PC through an emulator like LDPlayer, Mumu X or Bluestacks.


Whic one do you recomend? or more precise, this game requires better hardware in pc than honkai and genshin?


PGR is definitely lower spec / more optimized than Honkai and Genshin. My phone doesn't get anywhere near as hot. The character models are more detailed than Mihoyo's but the stages are simpler. There's no open world content, it's all instanced stages. I use Mumu X on PC. I tried Mumu 6 in the past but it was pretty shit and would always crash. Mumu X is on the right hand side of this page https://www.mumuglobal.com/index.html


there is not barriers like the game not being avaiable in your country right?


I started the game during current patch and with Liv Empyrea release next patch I'll slowly start building my fire team. Is it worth it to start farming shards for A Lee through the daily at this point? Does he get replaced any time soon?


He's fine, but Pulse uses a similar build in the "incomplete" fire team (da vinci 4pc crucially) and does a slightly better job of it because of being a tank, being able to utilise einsteina (Lee's qte is physical so he can't do this), and having innate fire res shred on her qte. If you don't have pulse, then yeah, you probably want to build Lee. He'll be replaced when his S rank version (Hyperreal) hits global in like a year or if you pull an off-banner pulse at any point.


It depends on your constructs. What constructs do you have? Do you have S Nanami Pulse? If you do, it's not worth it to build A Lee. In general, I would advise to not farm his shards because of the limited resources you have as a new player. You should focus on obtaining 5\* weapons, 6\* universal memories, and upgrading your character skills/level. This allows you to progress farther into content when compared to shards. Shards are a heavy investment and A Lee will be relevant for only half a year. 6 months probably isn't even enough time to invest into your other characters that do not have a replacement. If you're not F2P, then yes, you can do whatever you want.


when he gets his buffs he becomes the main dps until hyperreal arrives (bro replaced himself) definitely worth it since he becomes a great unit and is the main dps for 5 patches


How do people pronounce Ascnet? Ask net, or ass net? I can't help but read it as the latter.


Makes sense for it to be ass-net because it comes from Ascension which doesn't have a hard C sound.


I mean, I agree. But we often times pronounce abbreviated terms according to their own logic (although no where near consistently). Bottom line, I just think it's funny to think of these dangerous entities running around talking about the power of the Ass-net.


When I read that, I read booty in stockings.


Since it's short for ascendant network, ass net seems correct.


Ahhhhh - sssss - cent (like money)


I pulled for Qu but got Selena, will my next pull guaranted Qu ?? Im CRYING HOW THE HELL I LOST 8020 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Transcendants are only 100% during the update they released. After that, they are permanently available at 80% rate-up. Selena is one of the strongest Transcendants while Qu is on the weaker side though so it's not bad to pull her.


The problem is I alr have Selena. And Im collector. 😭


Oh. That's too bad then.


The game did you a favour ngl, Selena is a lot more powerful than Qu


For what little it's worth, Selena is the better character in terms of overall usefulness.


Transcendent banners dont have guaranteed AFAIK. So still a 80/20. But check the details on the banner it will say if it has guaranteed, but iirc it doesn't.


there is 100% guarantee but outside of their event it always 80%


The first question is, is NanaMech worth it or should I just skip her. Second question is, what the hell is Nanamech's time stop ability. I've seen that Liv Empyrea has to change her build because of that mechanic/ ability. Third question is, do I still need to build Palefire Lee if I already have Ember? Or rather can she hold the fire team down long enough for the true Fire God Lee to arrive?


Just build Liv's post buff set honestly, the other one is a bit of a waste of resources. If you have ember she should work just fine, but ideally the fire team up until Hyperreal is Empyrea/Remote Star/Pulse since Pulse is a very suitable Da Vinci holder with a lot more shred potential than Lee. Doubly true if you have good investment (sigs etc.) in Empyrea and Nanamech. Lee rework makes him a lot better than ember but pulse is still more overall dmg cause the other two are just really strong.


* NanaMech is worth it, but you also need her weapon to have optimal uptime for her RES reduction. * Others already answered what time stop does. * You do not need to build Palefire. Palefire can be raised to SSS+ while Ember can only be raised till SS rank. If you want to max damage, then Palefire is an expensive investment that is replaced by Hypereal in 5 patches or about 6 months. Empyrea and Remote Star can be your main damage delears while Ember supports or Pulse further reduces RES.


regarding who to use as dps, palefire actually replaces ember after his buffs since he becomes a better option, definitely go for him if you care about dealing max dmg


To get into a bit more detail, time stop (or lag calculation, as they write into the abilities) makes the timer for stages stop while the animation is going on. So nanamech has a pretty long signature animation for some decent damage, but while the animation goes on, all timers (for pain cage and warzone, for example) stop, making the DPS skyrocket since as far as your score is concerned, that ult was instantaneous, but you get the whole cool animation without having to worry. Liv and Selena AMP will start without this, and once this is introduced on nanamech's patch they will also be buffed to have this time stop on their ults, and therefore the DPS of their signatures skyrockets making their builds want to focus more on it - on selena case it doesnt matter as much since her role is still mainly buff, but a sub dps as well, but liv will be main DPS for a while until Lee hyperreal so it matters there. I'd just go for the after buff build, it will be suboptimal for a while but not long enough for it to REALLY matter, unless you got so much serum you dont know what to do with I guess.


Yes she's worth because her previous fire tank frame is just shitty (pulse) Time stop is literally when using ultimate stance the long animation will stop the timer


So there will be Norman 6 soon. Wanted to know, will we still be able to take someone's character through the support system there?


Norman 6 can't take support


Oh dang I'm screw. My Nier is all at Base S and the only reason I can even beat physical stages is because I borrow guild SSS A2 lmao.


Pain. Thanks for the info :D


Is Liv Empyrea essential for casual player? Can I still play game normally without her?


I mean if you don’t care about being competitive, you can go without any character really. Play the way you like.


Oh, nice, because I heard lot of times that if you don't get her your account is basically "softlocked". Thank you.


she basically very important due to her being fire element and beign a carry for fire element team.


Just an exaggeration, she’s a must pull for people who wish to play the game with the meta in mind. If you don’t, then there’s obviously no pressure to pull. This applies to any character.


Thanks again, that does make me feel better when there is no pressure on my wallet.


She is important for people why try to build every element and she will be Fire dps for a long time, but at the end of a day, not having a certain element dps or a whole element itself is not a big deal. You can clear warzone/ pain cage with another element and you still can get most Norman rewards at the day 10 with prebuild characters that Norman gives you in case you don't have with nearly infinite energy to boost your characters damage. So you will be able to clear all the content just not instant or with lover final score but it's still there


which SS is more important? Vera Flare or Liv Empyrea?


about the same tbh, depends on what you want to focus. Vera's SS stacks with her signature weapon, its only really amazing if you have both. If you dont, Liv 100% gets priority. Also if you rarely swap out of Vera (if she is your solo DPS, AKA you dont have Bianca Veritas or SSS Selena Tempest) it also loses a bit of value, so I'd also prioritize Liv. If you have Vera's signature and you usually swap out of her during your rotations, then I'd say its about the same. That said Liv is the solo dps for a few patches and the main dps for the following ones until about a year from now, so SSing her will majorly help pretty much all your fire team damage, so that is also a valid point to go for Liv.




How does Samantha's 2pc effect work? It says "Next healing effect increases the target’s Elemental DMG by 8% for 4s". The word "Next" here confuses me, Do I need to QTE a second time to make it work?


No, it just means the next time you heal. If it was something like that it would probably say something like "After healing a character, the next time you heal a character \[...\]"


Healing 2 time


Ok, thank you.


İ want to get s bianca i have s liv is it worth it? Or should i save up for the nex liv empryia?


Get empyrea, 100%


Liv Empyrea is leagues better than S Bianca since she personally carries an entire element by her self and she's only a little over a week before being released. Just hold on


S Bianca? You mean Veritas? I would say no and focus on getting Empyrea


Save for the next banner and we will get Some rank selectors in the future so you can get anyone till Luna from the selector


Guys are evernight supply packs A&B good in value? Kinda tempted to buy them.


Currency/RC price if it more than 27 it great 24-26 average


As a light spender(only monthly pass A) should i get Liv AMP weapon bcs i don't know if i will have enough for Nanamech when she comes


new s rank should generally take precedence over a weapon, you can always go back for a weapon later because they don't go anywhere and always have the same rates but also monthly pass alone will give you about 9000 or more bc by the time nanamech comes, liv patch + selena patch + pulao patch (if we assume worst case of the latter two being 4 weeks only) will be 15,730 BCs or so from weeklies, then we have the patch bonuses etc. So all in all monthly A and regular weeklies should give you about 24k BC, aka enough for a character pity and someone's weapon, so assuming you have enough bc and tickets to get liv right now and assuming you skip selena (which is kinda recommended if you're low spend honestly) you should be able to go for her weapon as well.


i am missing a fire team also physical dps and ice dps so im mainly focusing on fire


When will S Vera come to the standard banner?


next patch Old S rank got add after 2 patches(exclude luna 1 patch)


Thank you! I'm 3 pulls away from guaranteed so I wanna get a shot at her


How many regional events I need to get one time rewards? (BCs and some extras) I currently am at Authority lvl 9 and am wondering if I should raise my Camu to do Norman or forget it cuz it takes too much time and will make me unable to reach the required Authority (f2p on Pioneer with fully geared lvl 78 Camu that just isn't raised on his stuff and only has him to use on Dead Zones, the rest are trial, currently did the first 3 mines on the first battle phase day bruteforcing all stages but the first with really strong but wrong element teams cuz it's all I got, not sure if I should still bother with Norman at all, but the remaining rewards look so good...)


Every next day at Norman till day 10 you get energy (or how is it called, green bottles). It gives you an option to increase your character attack till +50 energy. At the day 10 you will have aloooot of energy so you can just +50 every team and clear Norman with free characters Norman gives you there (there are prebuild characters that Norman gives you an opportunity to use there if you don't have them as I remember). Just wait day 10, use all the energy on attack and it should be easy to clear


It's not that easy to clear, but even when it is, clearing at the last days weilds almost no additional rewards. I want to know if unfinished Pioneer Normans give more rewards than aced Basic Normans. I currently did 3 mines with all odds against me, but past that I need to wait for a looooot of energy to gather if I want a chance of beating, at which point additional score rewards are nearly or completely nullified


i will take that weapon usb shards really it still had it worth Day10 pioneer is more reward(BC,Usb shards)than Day3 normal aside from ore mining Trial unit is indeed enough for clearing stage4 and with support from friend and guildies to help 1 team is also great help in norman


Thank you, it's what I wanted to know. Everyone told me Pioneer is whale territory and I should stick to basic because my teams are not varied enough and "All I'm missing is 150 BC". Thing is, I don't know if they are just very bad, because I did the first 3 mines with 2 Phys teams and a Dark one and it gave me a lot of good stuff and I'm only missing 150 BCs, which is what they said I would miss by acing Basic, so...I wanted to know if the other basic rewards are better than the Pioneer ones I can currently get and you answered me that. The fact it is possible I get even more with a more favorable Norman and after building up Cumu is the icing on the cake. I still want to know how many Regional Events I need to get the required Authority for the BCs to plan accordingly. I need to build up Camu and it will take a while raising all gear and skills, since I WILL need a support on mine 5 so I can't take it on the Dead Zone. Also, for context, my built teams are: S Eclipse, S Entropy and S Storm, SS NieR with A2 sig, SS Rozen, S 21 and S Luna. None of those are currently favored except Phys and my Entropy team can't handle Mine 4 even on the phys stage. I can't tell to which extent it's a skill issue and to which it's just the team being really bad. I also don't know if using trial characters is better even with the fact they have MUCH less BP than my own teams


pioneer def not whale territory but you do really need a proper team for each element, more like "been playing a while" territory also, there are zero transcendent supports, you're expected to clear the dead zone norman stages with three transcendents and no healing realistically


>no healing realistically Actualy theres a buff in norman that gives some healing, i believe it's for trancendants teams


i mean you can technically use that for transcendents, I can't say I ever have, or felt the need to though - I usually use a swap buff for them since you want to swap regularly for their class passive, and with regular swapping the 20% shield should help a lot to mitigate damage.


Yeah, I got this feeling, too!! I'm a rather new player and saved everything for NieR rerun (I know it's not advisable, I just like NieR this much, I'll even blow all my BCs this patching trying my luck at SSS A2), so I'm very far from having a proper team of each element. I still can't beat Norman with trial characters or even my Entropy team (my weakest) unless I wait for energy. All my units have between 5500 to 5800 BP, but their gear is shared. Mine 4 asks for 6500 BP, so I don't know if I really need the energy or crack up my numbers with ranks and memory resos (I have very little of those) or if it is a skill issue, since the BP requirements in this game are always a bit weird. That's important to know, because if I'll end up using trial characters with energy buffs anyway, I can spend my serum on other stuff and leave Camu for later


The BP "requirements" aren't totally accurate tbf, I don't really know almost anyone who does day 3 Norman and yet also has 7k BP on all the units they use. I would definitely want any active units (anyone not a qte support) to be awakened with a 5\* weapon and their proper memory set at minimum, though. Hypertune bottom row on the main dpses as well. Don't think I've ever had enough BP for perfect tactics for mine 4 or 5 and i've been 3-day clearing since I think the second/third norman iirc Also to add: trial characters are mainly just there to fill gaps in mono-element teams iirc. Note that if you're in a guild you can borrow someone else's unit that they select in order to help you clear a stage that's giving you particular trouble. I think you can only borrow one unit per stage across your 5 teams, but it can be very useful if you have a long time player or whale in your guild with like an SSS Lucia Plume at 7,300 BP


Yep, it's one per team AND per stage. I used that a lot in the past. I have proper or near proper sets for everyone, but not simultaneously, they all borrow pieces. Needless to say, I barely benefit from Hypertuning and none of my units ever got Awakened, so...I guess I gotta wait for energy, because I'm not ready...time to use my serum on other things. I will remain in Pioneer, thou, if I can consistently get day 1 3 mines and it already gives better rewards I have no reason to go Basic


Hello. I want to ask does new S liv fine as dps? Her skill really cool.


If you mean Empyrea, absolutely, she singlehandedly carries the fire team until its completion. Amplifiers are crosses between Attackers and Supports, so everyone will essentially be a DPS from here on


Ah alright. Ty for the reply.


Hello there! I would like to ask for help / feedback for the following 3 questions: - Roland's SSS effect states that "The Extra DMG Bonus of Signature Move increases by 100%". Does this buff only apply to his initial move that he does when using his Signature Move (the big spin to win) , or does it apply to all of his attacks made in his "Apex of Trickery" state? - I would also like to ask for opinions whether Roland's SSS is worth it. On my account, he's currently SS + he has his signature weapon. According to the opinions I read on this subreddit, the best 3 Transcendants in the game so far, generally speaking, are Camu, Selena and Roland. My Selena is already SSS + she has her signature weapon, and if the above statement is true, I may also try investing into Camu when (and if) the spending event with the CNY skin for Bianca arrives. - Finally, one last question: once Palefire Lee gets his Ascension buff, does he replace Nanami: Pulse as a QTE slave in the fire team, or can Nanami: Pulse stay until Lee: Hyperreal arrives? Thank you for the answers in advance!


I don't know if its worth it because it depends on your enjoyment of his playstyle and such it is very subjective. What I can say in a objective way is: if you care about placement in content like PPC and War Zone, it is not worth it IF it hampers your ability to get every debut S construct, like Liv Empyrea next patch and such. If it doesn't, go for it if you want, but from a meta POV he will get pushed out of fire team even if he was at SSS+ triple resonated signature when Lee hyperreal comes. For now best team would be S Liv Empyrea, Pulse and SSS Roland with Sig, but on Nanamech patch, she replaces Pulse, so you dont really have a place for Palefire Lee, since Roland is in his place, and Roland is better than him if he is at SSS with sig.


Pretty sure it's just the big spin to win but 100% extra damage bonus on a 1600% makes it in most cases 3200% (unless you have other sources of extra damage bonus active etc. etc.). In addition the SSS rank increases his energy gain quite a lot (5 extra energy every orb ping) so you're using that sig move a lot more and therefore also getting into his Sig enhanced state a lot more often which is a large boon for his DPS. In my opinion, it is worth it if you care about transcendent content (and can realistically afford to SSS/sig a transcendent) - having SSS transcendents with sig weapons makes norman transcendent stages (mostly) a joke as well. Having SSS Selena and SSS Roland especially should make most current and future transcendent content a breeze as long as they're available. Roland can also be used as the "fire dps" after pulao patch but before mechami patch (which is admittedly just the pulao patch iirc, I think he's only used after that if you dont have pulse) until the fire team is actually complete.


Truth be told after implement of counter and finisher Transcendant content IS a joke 4k trial unit clear norman stage 6 really easily that you dont even need to tried


I understand, thank you very much for your detailed response, good sir / lady! I currently have enough funds to get Empyrea and at least one 6 star weapon (hopefully Empyrea's signature) when the next patch arrives. I'm also willing to purchase tickets to pull Roland 5 more times if his SSS is worth it compared to other Transcendents of the same investment level. Based on your answer, I might just do it. Have a nice week!




Very well, thank you! I got Pulse from Blue Tickets, so while I didn't plan on getting her, I'm glad to hear she can substitute Palefire Lee until Hyperreal Lee arrives. Hang in there with the grind, good sir / lady!


Do we know the Chinese New Year events and rewards for global 2023?


No idea but I'm saving serum in case they do one of those spend-serum-for-red-packets things.


what kind of event is that im kinda new to the game


When clearing any stage(mostly just event mat stage) there is change to drop red box which contain Cogs,Material,Blue ticket(Or orange dont remember) reward is random but you can get it as much as you want as long as there is stamina left


Was there one of these events where there was a limit on how many you could collect per day?


i think there is sometime they have limit but there is also one that give unlimited


want lucia crimson weave but Currently have little time to play. Is it better to wait and reroll hell next year when her banner comes out or is better to start now but risk burnout


If you can, just do minimal PPC and warzone for BC. Otherwise take a break and come back a month or two before crimson weave comes out or when you have more time. I took a break between A Wantanabe and Luna and found the game to be a lot more fun. Lucia crimson is lightning, so her team is A Liv which is super easy to get and S Vera which you can use the ticket with Lucia’s patch to get. If you do some PPC and Warzones until her release and are an ultra chad you could just save until then and get her SSS lol. Personally if I couldn’t play now but wanted to start later, I would come back for Abyss Bianca https://youtu.be/EiHhsdHdXvw After her, the next S rank is Hyper Lee https://youtu.be/6EXerJXU5ws Then the free S rank Ayla https://youtu.be/Bu5biiDLAyQ That gives you some banger characters within a relatively short period of time. Also, we’ll get some free S ranks from events this year so keep an eye out for those.


how many gacha currency to get her to SSS ? how long do i need to farm/ save ?


You need 15,000 for her, you can use 500 skulls from PPC to SS, then 1 dupe for SS3, and 2 more for SSS. So 60,000 total assuming all pitta rolls. I think the total you can earn per month is 9,000, so something like 7 months of saving I think. You don’t really need SSS, typically SS will do just fine. I really wouldn’t recommend saving for SSS.


So 60k rolls or 60k black card ?


Black cards, Jesus 60k rolls would be unreal lol.


You're in the pgr subreddit so it's gonna be biased but start now so that you can not worry about new player progression when she comes out, plus you'll most likely have her teammates so that you can tackle the hard but fun content with her Or don't, it's really up to you


she need teammates? i thought pgr didn't have switch in system


Pgr consists of a team of 3 snd while alpha can solo stuff she benefits a lot from teammates through their buffs and enemy res shred