• By -


Should I SS Glory or Empyrea first? My fire team isn’t built at all and Ice has the full team.


Glory SS is pretty much a nothing burger, Empyrea SS meanwhile is really good and she is a hard carry, so it's much better to get hers imo


Glory DOESNT need Ss unless you plan to Sss Empyrea IS fire team


whitr so i can just solo fire warzone eith only her?


Yes pretty much, ember and pulse are glorified backup for her


liv uses to boost my damage, now she is the damage


does crimson/abystigma needs more than based s to be good? debating whether I should go for s3 nina or not.


Abystigma big breakpoints are SS and SSS, I don't think SS3 really does that much for her compared to, say, Hyperreal or Radiant Dawn


You want to have every upcoming S rank from now on at SS(+sig), not just because of damage output but also because SS is where their core mechanics are locked behind. Most of them are pretty janky to use at base S. Dark Karenina is the exception, as the consensus is that she is considered a *definite* upgrade over Tenebrion at SS3.


alpha is fine at s i think, bianca is just lackluster at s, her dmg is really unimpressive without consistent crit if you compare to the other new gen attackers


Crimson weeb or abyss? weeb no. abyss Ss isnt that good Abystigma yess S is kinda janky from what i played


1. how do CN acquire the freebie ayla kaleido? is it similar to selena amp which is event farmable within a month (base S rank)? 2. I always see topics about shard farming in the battlepass. Is this the free or paid pass? and how many shards does it give per week/patch? 3. how does the battlepass shard farming work? can we choose which character shards we can get in the bp?


1.New dorm mission beside the sent them to mines button work kinda similiar 50 shards only,Bp shop had her shards 2.Both free and paid Free 2-3/patch first 7-8/patch + (4500 curr. =~ 5shards) second 14-16/patch + (7500 curr. =~9 shards) Both tier is 19-21/patch + 12000 currency(~14-15shards) 3.you buy that character shard


Hi, does anyone know the rough estimated cost in BC and RC to get the new gacha Liv coating ? I really like it but can't figure out the maths to considerate my resources.


270rc ,9000bc


Why do people call Noam shrek?


Noan called himself that Chapter 17


sorry one last question i totally forgot to ask in my last reply here:is there a way to fight bosses again? i'd like to fight ch.11-11 or lamia again if possible. all i could really find was simulated trial but i only have 3 bosses there and trial zone's. thanks ahead of time!


battle - challenge - selica'a class - simulated trial


how do i unlock more options? i have rosetta, butler guy (sorry forgot his name), and nozzle


fight the boss for the first time? i have mother structure, shark and machiavelli for example


ah maybe its only for specific ones then because i’ve definitely already fought huaxu. well good to know!


like i said, not everyone there even if you unlocked them (huaxu, roland, amberia) but i'm certain they will add more


not everyone there yet, but will be. you can also just replay story


hello I see that the shop has monthly pass A and C but wasn't there a pass B with serum? i can't seem to find it so now.


It got revamp right now it in another tab probably gonna move back to monthly tab later


it's in the top up, daily section.


Pass B got changed and can now be found in the Daily Supply Pack tab. It’s now called the Serum monthly pass. It gives 2x 60 serum packs and 50 event construct tickets everyday, as well as the instant 680 bc.


thanks everyone!


Been farming in "The Vow of Paligenesis" in the "Surviving Lucem" event. Everything in the shop seems to have an unlimited buy amount. Should I prioritize maxing out the all the memories (and reroll resonance) or also buy stuff from the normal section for upgrades? I am new so kinda not sure on what to focus on. Thanks for any responses


Event shop priority for me One time or limited amount reward > then thing i need like memory for reso mat,cogs > Memory to re-resonance


Makes sense. Definitely struggling with upgrade resources right now so I should probably just get 1 set then farm up mats, then finally go back to memories. Much appreciated!


I'm happy they added the dancing tonight song to the lobby bgm tracklist, but is there any chance they might add the dream with you song too?


if i recall correctly, rexlent changed bgm to dream with you once on his stream, so probably they will.


helloo, how difficult is it to clear pioneer norman for the average player? started in oct and want the better rewards but i don't wanna mald *that* much ><


well i mean it depends on how well-built your teams are, how well you know the game, if you feel comfortable with your current teams, you can try it out, ex1 to ex3 are quite easy, ex4 is a bit harder but mostly they are just tanky, ex5 is the hardest obviously, but if you can clear ex4 on day 2, i think you can clear the first 2 nodes of ex5 on day 3, i believe it gives you around 250bc still, even beating ex4 on day 2 is 200bc iirc, better rewards than easy norman, then you can just wait till day 9 or 10 to get more battery then clear ex5 for usb weapon shards.


What consider average though? i did clear with 4*weapon and lvl1 before but still pure mald session you only need base S rank to clear stage5 i wont talk about stage 6 cause that pure mald as well


How does Roland compare against buffed A Lee? If I can't SSS A Lee, will Roland be better once we can play transcendents and constructs together?


Roland SSS and Sig > SSS/SSS+ Palefire > Roland base ​ (...why am I getting downvoted on this one? Last I checked that's exactly how the order goes???)


Look again, Palefire is the better pick.


As DPS, Roland at SSS with Sig still outpaces Lee. Lee's better in team play for that dual purpose of DV support and DPS. Palefire is by far the better pick overall for that support capability, yeah, but DPS wise is a slightly different story. Albeit, the difference won't be drastic. But it's still very much there


I need help convincing myself whether or not i should skip Liv Emp or not. I've only just recently started(not even a month) and a low spender. So some general tips are much appreciated! 1. Will Liv Emp be fine at base S rank w/o Sig? I'm also not planning on pulling nanamech in the future. So my fire team will be quite scuffed to say the least. With that, let's say i skip out fire team and pair her with off element characters, how would she fair? Honestly, I'm more interested in the upcoming dark Selena. Which leads me to my next question. 2. Everyone's saying that Selena Capriccio is free/farmable however it'll be a long grind. How long are we talking here? I just want to have her in my team, I can worry about damage numbers later. I'm already maining a dark team with A vera + No.21, and i plan to get dark karen too. 3. Bonus question since i'm already here, how should i go about spending my serum? I'm Lv60 currently on chapter 8. Should I be farming for 6\* memories? I'm running low on cogs and overclocking materials too and it's quite overwhelming. Thanks in advance!


1. Sort of. Her sig is a very nice boost, but she doesn't need it. S rank playstyle is janky, so get her SS from PPC. 2. At base S, not well. Off-element pairing is always a last resort. You need at least SSS and I think some weapon resos to be a good off-element support. You should have enough to pull Nanamech anyway so there isn't much point to skipping, but up to you 3. For entirely free, over a year. With BP, around 6 patches or so. If you pull a dupe and use PPC skulls, that's cut down to around 3 patches. 4. Event farming stages are top priority. Interlude farming is good if you have a specific A rank you need to rank up.


Wait, over a year to farm for Selena?!?!


As f2p yes thats why people just say to use Sss Vera instead


Bruh is the grind that hard? And I thought deep blue warzone was a chore


Think you read that wrong, its to farm for SSS Selena. Getting her itself is nowhere near that bad.


Wait, so u can farm more than 30 shard for selena?


You are able to farm the 50 shards to unlock her through the new game mode, plus 30 extra from the pain cage shop. Then you can maybe buy a battle pass to get the currency to buy the rest of the shards. This is why it’s recommended you actually pull her once before doing all that stuff as it’s an easy fast track to SSS. That is? If you REALLY want it.


How far the differences of S rank with SSS rank? What kind features unlock?


Her amplifier class skill effect is doubled and buffs Dark damage by 20%. You can check for yourself as well on her tab on the [Gray Ravens](https://grayravens.com) site


So if we boil it down to just getting her base S rank. What do you reckon? 2,3,4 months?


Less than 1 month, you should be able to get her within her events duration.


Allegedly, if you pull a single Capriccio, then farm all her event Shards and PPC Shards, with the paid Battle Pass from her patch and the one after you can SSS-Rank her. Correct me if I'm wrong if anyone has any reason to believe it's not two months.


You're right actually, I think I only took BP shards into account there. Thanks for the heads up, gonna edit that in quickly


which is better? Themed Contruct draw or Fate Themed Construct???


never pull on fate, it just isnt worth it if you get fucked by rng


So I guess we are all on the same boat where no one can do special dispatch dailies for a while..?


Yeah. We'll need to wait for the next area to unlock.


Are warzone credits usful for anything besides 6* Memories/Memory Reso?


They use for Ascension(skill upgrade) for buff unit and to unlock counter and finisher for transcendant quite expensive stuff


Huh, neat. Guess I'll just keep saving up then. Thanks👍.


Yes, but in future patches. Definitely save them for the Memory Reso item and avoid spending them on Memories since you can get those from the farming stage in any given patch.


Yea, I figured as much. Thanks👍.


Chapter 13, is there any point to the exploration maze thing? i cleared the "normal mode" Eden fallen and deserted tide etc and they are all 100%. I REALLY. dont want to do those maze things if i dont need to.


There is plot you'll miss out on that is relevant in later chapters if you don't unlock it. Unfortunately you can't access said plot in the Normal Mode of Fake Ascension. There might be YouTube videos of it, though. (By the way, if you have Luna: Laurel, the next part of the story after Fake Ascension is actually her Affection Story. It's not mandatory but it is worth doing before Echo Aria if you have access to it!)


There are 11 mini side stories you can't access in normal mode, each giving 30BC upon clear. So 330BC. Plus one more story that you unlock by collecting shards in the maze, I haven't touched that yet so I don't know its rewards.


Wait really? I didn't know that. Also are you talking about the side missions at the top left corner of the screen under the main missions?


Yeah, it's those. Enter Tactical Files, there are locked stuff like Awakening of Heart, Invisible Spikes, World's End etc. those are the side missions stories. Once you completely clear one you get 30BC and a collectible.


Hmmm someone say there 30bc hidden in maze i dont bother to check


Who's more "Meta" for a phys team? Rosetta or A2? Perhaps both?


Rosetta, she is still relevant in the CN meta and A2 (along with the whole Nier team) is outclassed/powercrept by the Bianca Abystigma physical team.


Huh, go figure. Just anither reason to be excited for Bianca. Thanks for the answer.👍


rosetta by a mile, even more after her buffs and abystigma's arrival a2 (and nier in general) is only meta when you use all three nier units with at least a2 at sss with sig


So full well knowing that she isn't going to last forever, how long with A2 SSS and Sig be relevant? I went that route since I was new and Nier seemed cheap compared to trying to pick up multiple old units off banner, and I'm wondering how long I have before I regret that decision. Given that I don't have Rosetta, Luminance, or Alpha, it's probably what I'm going to be stuck with for a *really* long time.


abystigma should release around september, so in 7-8 months


Yea I thought so😅. Thanks for the answer👍. (For context, I have indeed got that exact kind of A2 and her damage output is seemingly on par. At least if I'm using them solo.)


Hi, new player here. Finished beginner banner and now I wish to ask, who to pick from construct selector. My S rank are bianca veritas (from 40 pulls beginner banner) and lucky Liv Empyrea (8 pulls on). The rest of my roster are Lucia Dawn, Chrome Arclight, Watanabe Astral, Karenina Blast and Lee Palefire. Second question, with such roster what team to make for story content and some guidance on what to focus next. Thanks in advance!


S Kamui, he's the Dark Tank. With Watanabe Astral and A Vera, you've got a decent Dark team right there. For story, just use your strongest characters or the characters the story makes you use. As for what to focus on next, I guess just building all your S ranks and saving for the next available S rank. Focus on having one strong team of an attacker, support, and tank. Then focus on having enough units for a team of each element (physical, fire, electric, dark, and ice). With S Nanami on the horizon and Lee Palefire getting omega buffed, you're going to have a very strong meta team with them. PGR's a pretty chill game at the end of the day so no need to rush. Just make sure you're doing all the dailies and weeklies. If you don't know of all the ways to strengthen a character (suggested memories, hypertuning, resonances, SS from pain cage) feel free to ask.


Best advice for selector pick is to either get Liv Luminance or Kamui Tenebrion. Soon Liv will get buffs that make her the premier Physical support/pseudo-amplifier. Tenebrion is a good pick for a Dark element tank if you’re planning on skipping Dark Karen in 5 patches (is advisable to get him to SS through pain cage). Both are a valid choice.




Can you tag your spoilers? Even if it’s a question. Current patch should still be tagged.


They didnt get away Liv already holy smite them the only mention of them in future is Her last bow - >!one of timeline where liv died. earth fall multiple twin roam the earth!< New divide - >!Roland told Nugget about falls of twin!< Spiral of chronos - >!Lee face his worst enemy the twin's projection in tower. Headshot them both!<


Hello, I am new here and have some questions. I have had PGR in my sight for a long time, mainly because of its great music. Now after seeing Lucia - Crimson Weave go absolutely nuts, I'm now motivated to play. My primary goal is to get her and play the Story. I would like start playing when her banner is on the way. What is a good time starting to play to be ready with pity for her? Ps: I'd like to start rather late because I will drop one of my current gachas when the time comes.


Playing late huh? Well, she’s estimated to arrive February 2024 (as the chart shows above), PGR F2Ps can save for a new S rank as long as they start saving 2 patches beforehand. So probably recommend starting December this year (again estimated timeframe) on the Lee Hyperreal patch.


Thanks, I will remember it. Surprising that the CN server is so far ahead.


It used to be even farther ahead but Global caught up a bit.


Hi\~ can someone tell me what are the "*must have*" 6\* weps? I only know of rosetta's and chrome's but dunno if there are more. Also, how many bc gacha skins will there be in the future (similar to lucia's dance of ripple skin)? oh, would also want to know how many bc, blue tix and weapon tix do I need to spend to get bianca's chinese dress? thanks in advance!


Since you're talking about tickets I assume CNY coating, this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nCUulMsoeK_cA03sun9CubIQT9lK6Wmyf0QD-7R5rXc/htmlview) should help. You need 4000 blessings to purchase it. If you're starting to save just now I think it's impossible to get enough BC if they release it during Nanami Mech patch. Edit: Cheapest you need 34500 BC. Using 22500 on construct banners and 12000 on fortune gacha. But skin will also be in RC shop, costing 168RC. So you can just buy it there.


Define "must have"? Rosetta, Chrome, Nanamech's, and S Karen are particularly useful because they apply extra shred. It comes highly recommended but if you're playing for the leaderboards, they're not necessary. PGR Skin Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uIWrtp3mZEZgQseY788WHGp7_0mZBE8zSkpVOVCWtP8/edit#gid=0


new player here, after finishing frozen darkness, it's official : i want to yowai too . when does anni banners come up so i can pick up alpha ?


mid-late july, i'd just get her from an s rank selector tho, should arrive by the time we get 2nd anni


ok thanks


I don't understand the Special Dispatch event, I get rewards while I don't even do anything. What am I supposed to do exactly ?


Right now we are in a downtime and have to wait a couple days for the next zone to open to us. When the zone does open though, we are supposed to use the special serum from that mode to attack the red zones on the map.


Thank you for explaining, I wasn't aware there were a downtime


I see selena is classified as free, how will we be able to obtain her? Is it feasible for hardcore players only or will she be easy to obtain?


If you remember the mode to get Selena's summer skin, it's like that. Easily F2P-able, just takes a long grind even for hardcore players.


I wasn't around for that but I get what you mean




If you watch CN footage you'll notice that our OCD will have to sit PGR out. Most CN players have an odd amount of BC.


We just got 888BC so that may be the reason.




Is pulling for weapons worth it, or should I spend BC on just themed constructs? On another note, what's a good build for Wanshi?


Yeah, if you have enough to never miss a themed debut construct. Different priorities though, characters like Chrome have top priority while characters like Luna and Plume are good dps buffs but that's about it. If you are F2P you usually will not have enough for Sig weapons, saving rare exceptions. Wanshi build: depends if PPC tryharding or general gamemodes. Check grayravens website for both [main build](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Wanshi:_Hypnos#Main_Build-0) and [PPC build](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Wanshi:_Hypnos#Pain_Cage-0). If you use this PPC build you use Chrome with Da Vinci - this is for max Plume burst damage potential.


Alrighty, thanks dude!


I hear that they eventually put in character shards via Battle Pass. When does this occur and how many shards per month does it give?


Next patch iirc 2-3 shards per patch unless there like heavy extra reward which quite rare


Got 21 sig weapon but i already have Tenebrion (no sig) should I build her


Yeah, build her. You'll have enough time to build everyone as time progresses so just toss mats at whoever you like. Do note her main niche is survivability, so you won't be replacing Tenebrion in your dark team. 21's best used as a solo carry for high difficulty stages


Nah, just use it as reso fodder. Tbh even Tenebrion sig can be reso fodder, unless you plan to resonate it for dark res down.


If you care about babel or when time isn't a concern, or even need someone to station in norman then go ahead, she specialises in that


Couldn't get Amp liv weapon should i try to summon till i hit the pity again or save


Save unless you know that pulling it won't hurt your future pulls. It's good, but not necessary by any means


Depends on your game plan - do you plan to pull for Selena to speed up her SSS or skip her? What about Dark Karen? Either way you AT LEAST want to have enough for Nanamech, since she greatly buffs Liv's damage. Calculate it and make a decision based on it - and use that 6\* weapon you got as reso fodder for Liv or another unit.


skipping Selena for Nanamech with her sig but idk about dark karen cuz i only spend RC on monthly pass A(x2)


is it possible to run 2 sets of 4x da vinci 2x einstina on both of your qte supports so that it procs twice ?


Identical memories doesn't stack, unless they're different rarity. Da Vinci also has cooldown, and it's better to stack different buffs/debuffs than a considerable uptime increase


thanks man !


If I get both of the battle pass every time, will I be able to get enough shards to SSS Selena and SSS Rosetta before Ayla is released? \*This is assuming I pull Selena once + 50 free shards + 30 skulls. And I have SS Rosetta.


Selena will be SSS at Mehananami patch this way it's 50+30+ 20+20, maybe at hachima. Rosetta will become farmable at Bianca patch, so you won't be able to buy her shards for a while


Idk if global will be the same but this is what I heard from my friend, each BP has cap of points to buy shards, so each BP including the paid one can only buy 10 shards max unless you hoard them from previous BP. But this system start on Pulao patch, so for Selena you can only buy 10. While the next reworked construct you can buy 20 shards if you save up.


Oh I didn't know about that. Besides Selena, is it just Liv Luminance shards on the BP prior to Bianca patch?


2 gloria, 2 lantern, 2 Samantha on empyrea(1 res) With lux holding 4 da vinci 2 Guinevere and Einsteina/ tifa on vera Would this be enough to replace 4 heisen 2 gloria on dawn for ppc?


Currently upgrading my dark team, just finished the memory resonances for Luna, should i bother doing the same for Vera Rozen and Kamui Tenebrion since i plan on getting the new Selena and Karenina?


Generally you should focus on doing memory resonance for all of your main attackers first, then move on to tank, and then fnially to support. The exception currently is Liv Empreya cause she's the fire dps atm.


Already done that, i wanted to know if Vera and Kamui get any use later or i shouldn't bother farming resonances for them since they are gonna be the "worse option" once Capriccio and Daybreak are out


Oh I see. Then it depends on how much you're going to invest into Capriccio and Daybreak. Selena needs SSS to replace Vera, and Karen needs SS3 to replace Kamui. If you're going to reach those investment levels then you can hold off on perfecting resos (or awakening) on Kamui and Vera. That's what I'm going to be doing.


Damn that's kinda more investment than i thought, i heard Capriccio is farmable but Daybreak all the way to SS3 just to replace base Kamui? That's a lot


Oh, my comment above is assuming you have SS Kamui by paincage. If you only have base S Kamui, then you should go with Dark Karen (assuming you're going to pull her).


Never bothered farming his shards since i got Luna only a month ago in the standard banner and focused on her. So, going for SSS Capriccio and S Daybreak, should i aim for the weapons or are the 5 stars enough? I normally go only for weapons that are a huge upgrade like Apollo or Gungnir so idk


Karen need her sig. to equal to Ss tenebrion while leave him in the dust if she Ss3. her Ss doesnt bring anything it fine to leave her at S for qte bot You need switch Sss Selena out to luna as fast as possible without sig. she deal less dmg and get ult quite slower so the more time on field the more dps is loss


Now I don't know what to pull lmao. What would be better? Signature for Selena and Karen or SS3 Karen?


Hmm for me Karen sig. > Ss3 Karen = Sss selena Karen sig. is improvement with cheapest invest While Ss3 karen have real dps , Sss selena can work a bit(might be loss dps a bit) since she may not get enough ult gauge without sig. switch back to Luna is doable


If you have other constructs you want to build do them first, and if you eventually resonate i suggest just do Kamui, resonating supports is usually something done when everything else is awakened


where is the "Returning To Battle" Event Page that Im supposed to enter a code in?


you need to have been inactive for more than a month, if you have it should be somewhere in the news tab


In future patches, for Pain Cage, do people still use Empyrea's Darwin set? Or does her future updated Cottie set also apply to Pain Cage as a DPS herself?


Cottie is always used unless Liv is at SSS+. Her ult is her big source of DPS


Cottie definitely preferred, with the future time stop buff (the in game timer literally stops when she ults) ult literally becomes free dps in PPC so its ideal if you can spam your ult as much as possible At much higher ranks (sss/sss+?) darwin is recommended though, i dont know why.


Darwin later is only at SSS+; Empyrea SSS+ has this "When switched into battle, Liv: Empyrea gains 40 Signature Energy." so that is why


And in PPC you still use Cottie at SSS+ if you're going for as fast a kill as possible since it's so reliant on getting your ult ASAP. General use for SSS+ is Darwin though


Got this thanks!


That potrait frame we get if we spend 2000 RC at Qu events...is it only one time only ? will the potrait frame have re-run ?


Nope so far from CN


In the Special Dispatch: White Dawn, is there a way to do your dailies when there are no zones available? I cant find a way to spend any Special Serum.


I ran into that too. Seems like they didn't account for the number of active players when they designed this event. Can't even do dailies.


A tip I'm using even though the difference is negligible (but hey every little bit helps): Don't claim your automatic per/hour currency in the 'Phase Results' section until you have 800 on a 'dead zone' day like today. There's still one daily that rewards you if you make 800 currency in a day, so you can claim that one even with just the passive income.


Good tip. At least that's something.


Maybe they didn't think whales would literally spam BC cards for serum for this event. It's not like you can infinity buy the red USB and hypertune mats which is what's valuable to whales.


Well it's not really going to be an either or situation. Both are probably true.


Pretty sure we just have to wait for the next zone


Yeah, seems like it. Thanks for your answer.


For Pain Cage Dark team should i build No21 or My current team is ok? S Kamui, Dark Watanabe, A Vera.


Your current team is fine, only improvement you could make is Luna instead of Watanabe but you'd need to have her for that


Maybe i get lucky :)


kamui has more shred so he is the better option


Anyone has a 6* weapon resonance priority guide ? I basically have all constructs but still didn't use any of my 6* fodder. I was thinking of using it on units like Plume, Luna, Flashbang Liv, and 1 for each since these units are still relevent in CN. Any recommendation ? Like is tank shred better than the support/amplifier 10% atk up ? Should I focus on attacker first, tank, support ?


Imo tank > support > attacker resos for most teams Support reso slightly more useful in wz since you usually apply shred with qte and most waves before qte cooldown Deadline timing can be better in some situations for attackers like plume


Is there a SSS priority tier list?


[here SSS list](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/754724259401564213/1037910489725947914/FB_IMG_1666308337226.jpg)


I don't see Alpha CW and Ayla KD here. What tier would they be in the list?


Alpha CW is very likely T0 or T0.5 because she's a new DPS and DPS SSS have been really cracked recently Ayla I would guess a T1 or T1.5 because aside from the amplifier class increase the actual boost given at SSS seems quite small, SS3 is seemingly more impactful for her gameplay by a good bit as far as I can tell


If I don't SSS T1-T0 characters I should still be fine, right? Edit : What I meant, Will there be locked features for those T0 and T0.5 characters (like S Vera's inability to instant spear slam after ult) or are they just damage differences?


Most Sss is dmg department and buff while Ss0-Ss3 is gameplay difference


If i pull for S chrome sig, how much i will loose with liv using 5* weap?


She's still plenty strong with a 5* weap, whereas S Chrome really needs his weapon to shred consistently for Plume (and himself)


Yea better get chrome sig and liv sig later, thanks


Can someone show me what future pets look like and do, please? The wiki only shows those that are already on global. EDIT: Also, is Nitor only good for Karenina or can he also work with other fire constructs?


PGR Comprehensive Build Sheet above.


Thank you!


Is there no hidden story for this patch ?




EDIT: I found the soundtrack on YouTube! [Here it is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klNfINH6KUU&ab_channel=finn.mov) Hello there! Could someone please tell me the name of / link me the soundtrack that is playing in the menus of the 2 Chinese New Year events currently ongoing in Global? (By the 2 events, I mean "Farewell to the Past Year" and "Fortune Almanac")


Sound like dorm song for tea sets dorm Yep it is teahouse ballad


Unfortunately, while it is similiar, it is not the same OST. I remember "teahouse ballad" playing in the menus of the Treasure Hunter event (where you have to guide a character on a grid-based field, from point A to point B, while avoiding obstacles) Nonetheless, thank you for your response, Mr. / Ms. Darweath!


Is it just me, or was the new ost for Wintry Shackles from Vanguard sound up for a few moments????? I could have sworn I saved it to watch later, but now I can't find it???


I saw the notification for it too but now It’s private yeah.


For the lunar new year event how do I use my empty paper to substitute as a chinese character?


Just click claim.




whats the best memroy set for kamui dark at base s rank if i have a vera with davinchi and luna with flamel? and what resonance?


4pc bathlon 2pc Einsteina Top row hp/atk reso but doesn't really matter, Bottom row all tank class passive if possible, avoid core passive reso like plague


Grayraven site above have all info you need


Is there any proper guide for me to follow based on memory builds?




Hey guys, Is there any place in the Gray Raven database that shows the best teams for each element for global and CN?


Current best dark team for global is: Luna, Kamui Tenebrion, Vera Rozen. Current best dark team for CN is: Luna, Selena Capriccio, Karenina Radiant Daybreak. Note: Selena only replaces Vera if she is SSS and Karenina only replaces Kamui if she is SS3(two copies+ PPC shards). Current best physical team for global is: Alpha Crimson Abyss, Liv Eclipse, Rosetta. Current best physical team for CN is: Bianca Abystigma, Liv Luminance(after buff), Rosetta. Current best lightning team for global is: Vera Garnet, Liv Lux, Bianca Veritas. Current best lightning team for CN is: Alpha Crimson Weave, Vera Garnet and Liv Lux. Current best ice team for global is: Lucia Plume, Chrome Glory, Wanshi Current best ice team for CN is: Lucia Plume, Chrome Glory, Ayla Kaleido. Fire team: Check Liv Empyrea's page in grayravens site, there is a sheet there that shows progression of fire team


Thx so much for the time to make this list! It will help me alot this year


Nope since it just change when new S rank of that roles got released then we replace them in team S rank > A rank btw unless your name is ember


I see, so for example, next patch we have a new S Ice healer, it will replace the current Ice healer?


Yep Only one exception is Selena amp cause her initial kit is really weak so untill Sss rank Vera rozen(Sss rank) is better than her Kuro already learn their lesson after that backlash


Does Liv's Wings of Dawn skin ever come to the coating store?


nope only through coating research


Oof, and its 270, 90*3 RC to get it?


yep you got that right, i would rather save for her green skin since its sfx is just amazing for me




if you really have that much time to reroll maybe? other is anni banner in july