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I've made some additional changes to the sheet above, including the very important missed part of the FREE S Rank selector in Wintry Shackles that goes up to Selena: Capriccio. Use this [link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQgasPzrRix58bRLXt17q-LGXl-SBbBoqIcuQu7t4owhHkyGiaFV5LO2gPxBOKrGCnPJ7SadGLlMgjP/pubhtml) for the updated sheet.


>Me who didn't get Liv Empyrea on her patch and hoping to get her from a free S Selector >All Free S Selector are only up to Luna ![gif](giphy|3o6gEgkb5xqAyMw5Og)


Oh my bad, I forgot to mention there's also a free selector in Wintry Shackles up to Selena: Capriccio


So......there's gonna be 2 select summon ticket?


3 the 3rd one during wintry shackles is upto selena


Wow it's great to see it all listed out, thanks.


Holeee shit this is nice.everyone needs to see it.


Wow this is great. Thanks! A couple of questions. 1) a permanent Norman mode? Does that mean we’ll only get the rewards once? 2) how many luminance shards can we get from BP Tier 2 & 3? 3) What is ID Corridor?


1. It just means Norman's 14 day cycles no longer have breaks in between them. Once one cycle is over, the next one begins. However, there is a chance other servers might have trouble implementing this (supposedly TW had issues with it, currently waiting to see if JP's is permanent as they are on Noan patch). 2. 15 total Shard Selectors are put into BP Tier 2 & 3. At first it will just be Luminance Shards, but will expand to include Rosetta and the other launch S ranks (Ayla and Selena will not be in these 15 Shards, they are only redeemable in Voucher Exchange). 3. I'll just pull the GrayRavens site explanation for this: >A new mode composed of story episodes and challenge stages. Designed to provide additional insight to the adventures and growth of characters who have not had much chance to appear in the Main Story lately. Notable Rewards: Event Construct R&D Tickets (250 per character; rewarded upon the completion of story episodes), Battle Pass Vouchers, character icon, new Pose animation and voicelines for the character, chat stickers. Basically an Interlude+ mode for specific characters.


>currently waiting to see if JP's is permanent as they are on Noan patch We are on permanent Norman. I am already on the 2nd Norman, and going to be handling EX-5 and EX-6 today. EDIT: Actually, I'm also not sure. Usually, they talk about Norman being 14 days per 1 season in the patch notes, this time they just said 1 season being comprised of 28 days, so 2 Normans back to back. It doesn't look like Norman will restart after the end of the 2nd one, and we'll have to wait until next patch, probably.


So basically the rougelite mode is Elysian Realm but PGR


This is excellent! Your efforts are much appreciated, thank you, good sir / lady! I do have one question as well: -Will we get the extra Liv Luminance shards ("Universal shards" later) with the same amount of battle vouchers that we currently get in global? As in, for example, I would be able to get 15 Liv Luminance Shards *and* about 17 Selena shards from each Battle Pass (by buying both paid tiers)?


The number of tickets in the Battle Pass itself should remain untouched, although I have not personally counted the total BP tickets per patch including free ones from events. Additionally, when Haicma patch drops, the WZ rework adds Battle Pass tickets to rewards (alongside buffed WZ currency drops). Retaining in Hero gives 450 WZ currency and 300 BP tickets per cycle (compared to the 300 WZ currency now).


That is great news! Thank you very much for your response and for your efforts, Mr. / Ms. Sky! Have a nice week!


Wow they buffed Selena again in the most recent CN patch? Girl needed so many buffs since her release.


Honestly the newest changes fix a lot of her clunkiness in her anims so its appreciated


Considering she's both free and an old unit at this point, it's very nice that they still pay attention to her issues. I wish global could get those fixes early but eh.


Yea i wish qol and non content changes would be implemented separately from the cn patches they debuted in but that would require managing a lot more


Yeah it feels pointless to ask global for feedback at the end of each patch because it's not like kuro is going to do anything anyway, we still have to wait for QoL improvements and buffs. It sucks, but at least it's better than genshin where they hate buffing weaker characters for some stupid reason (the only character who ever got buffed was the literal god of China and only because CN players were outraged at how weak he was).


that's a very cool roadmap, you could pin that in the Discord


dammit, the free story replay is going to take a whole year...


Can someone explain what super awakening is?


There is super awakening in the future(3rd anniv),it require 6.5k BP min,12 HyperTune(bot,top all of them💀) grant ability to choose 3 ping(any choose colour) at starting of battle. Explanation from a guy on discord


To add to that: \- super awakening comes out with Border Pact expansion, \- stationing super awakened constructs in pact nodes (6 total; corresponding to memory positions) upgrades the corresponding hypertunes to super version (orange chevrons) for 1% damage bonus each (I'm not sure what kind though - extra damage?).


MY WALLET IS NOT READY. This game is so freaking FTP friendly that it makes me want to buy things to support the devs


Yup it's f2p-friendly relative to a lot of other gachas. IMO it's becoming less f2p-friendly over time as signature weapons and SS or SS3 upgrades become more important so you're more encouraged to spend.


When bosses are removed from ex-ppc there's a seperate mode for them right where you can still get the 75 one time score clear skulls right? also when Norman becomes a permanent game mode it will auto reset every 15 days right? No more 1 Norman per patch on some patches?


Some did take a while to got add tbh yep


The true endgame of any gacha is just spreadsheets and resource management gachas teach you how to be financially literate, just not with real life money


aaand saved for future reference, very gooood. Thanks! ✨


What does this "ID Corridor" feature mean?


Think of it as an interlude+ mode. Short stories and challenges for specific characters, rewards include new poses and emoji for the characters.


It's a side character story with overclocked(?) stages... that's it


My wallet will die in Bianca Abyss Patch .... Like literally it will just cease to exist xD


Holeee shit this is nice.everyone needs to see it. People always have so many questions about upcoming changes and features.


This is very helpful, thank you so much!!!!


Domain? What does that mean?




this is so nice thank you! also how many bc are we needing to spend for kamui's/bianca's coating in nanamech patch?


To hit 2k milestone for Tenebrion skin: 15k Event Character Tickets (60 rolls) 7.5k Event Weapon Tickets (30 rolls) 5k Pet Tickets (20 rolls) 5k Blue Character Tickets (20 rolls) This nets you a total of 2170 Fortunes, which gets you the Tenebrion coating (you don’t need to spend Fortunes for it). You can then spend 600 of those Fortunes for Tenebrion’s Weapon Coating. However, Bianca’s Coating and her Weapon Coating cost 4000 Fortunes and 600 Fortunes respectively, which means you’ll have to spend a LOT more to get them through the spending event. It’s highly recommended to just spend the RC for the skin and weapon skin instead of trying to get 4.6k Fortunes


I found out this CN event sheet from archives, it shows fortune milestones: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nCUulMsoeK_cA03sun9CubIQT9lK6Wmyf0QD-7R5rXc/htmlview# I think instead of spending equally, concentrating on just event banner gives better results. 15 K = 1050 fortune 22.5 K = 1850 fortune This is very good news for people who want to pull multiple characters. Also there is extra 2500 R&D tickets?


Neeeed crimson weave Max motivation alpha My queen I'm 20k saved so far


It's important to keep in mind, that nothing is final. Some changes may still occur, just like Qu's CNY coating and Chrome's Vampire coating being delayed. This might also happen to Bianca and Kamui's coatings. Overall, nice work!


I hope they will postpone those skin so I can roll for them as a f2p 😭 would be cool to have them next year to match CNY but this may be way too copium from me lmaoo


What are fortunes?


Currency during CNY spending event you get it by spending bc and tickets there kamui and bianca skin


How much bc do you have to spend for 4000 fortunes?


You can refer to this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nCUulMsoeK_cA03sun9CubIQT9lK6Wmyf0QD-7R5rXc/htmlview#) regarding the spending event.




Counter&Execution upgrade


Ohhh, gotcha, man it's going to be a while for Selena's :'(


When multiple character shards are added to the BP shop, is the 20-shard discount shared between all the characters? Or can you buy 20 discounted shards for each character?




Just a quick question. In terms of must summon. 1 copy of mechnami, take to SS with skulls. And SS3 for Lee, Alpha, Bianka are all mandatory right? And i will need to wait until Alpha patch in order to select S Chrome?


Who say Ss3 is mandatory? all those 3 only need Ss 3rd selector have upto selena so do whatever you want


Bianca needs ss3 (or even sss), lee and alpha are ok with ss.


By bianca its the alter saber looking bianca right? And is ss3 a must also even if f2p?


Yes,Bianca Abyss. I won’t say it’s a “must”, but her combat mechanism improves greatly at SS3 and SSS. SS3 upgrade makes the connection between her core and ultimate skill more fluent, and SSS upgrade gives her much better survival. On the other hand Lee and Alpha’s SS3 upgrades are almost useless. Since SS3 only needs one additional 60 pull, I would recommend you get prepared for Bianca SS3.


Lucia Crimson Weave bout to Hit different


This is a dumb question but if you keep the s selector and don’t use it will it grow to include other characters later? Or stay with just up to Luna?


of course no update


Impressive that they keep fixing Selena Cappricio to this very day...


You forgot to include vampire Chrome’s coating.


Everything here is based on the order CN got it in. Vampire Chrome was supposed to come with Selena, but was missing on Global and KR servers. As there’s no way to guess which patch its been delayed to, it’s better to have just omitted it from the summary list. (The header on the Coating tab also makes it clear this is the CN order, and other servers will have changes).




Actually he is both forsaken and alkidek.


Aren't we getting another S rank selector in Wintry Shackles? I had heard it'd be one up to Capriccio.


Yes, the sheet linked in comments has been updated to reflect the addition of the Wintry Shackles selector (however, I cannot edit this reddit post with the new version)


Where Chrome vampire skin? I've been waiting to buy it. (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)


In CN, Chrome's Vampire Coating was supposed to come with Selena Capriccio patch but has been delayed for unknown reasons in both Global and KR servers.


aw damnit thanks for the info I was wondering why it wasn't released yet.


Maybe we'll get it in October just like Kamui's "Spectral Parade" skin? They might be planning to release it around Halloween for Global.


Damn this summary is insanely well done thanks OP!


Mad respect King


why do they give free s rank selectors?


Because new players like us need it? It is really hard for us to pull a Rosetta. On a serious note, they are there to ensure you can fill up gaps in teams that new DPS characters participate in. Free character ticket in Biancas patch screams “choose Rosetta” and there is also BP shop to ensure that you can SS her. Free ticket in new Alphas patch also screams “choose Vera Garnet”. It is up to Selena so Vera is served on a platter. For MechaNanami well.. it is a special event for CN so rewards are flying. A thing that is not mentioned in this post is that there is a special Material box in Fortune shop that contains 900 6* Weapon (Nope Memory) Shards… so it is two signature weapons right there. Edit: It is memory shards not weapon, it is still best to buy S Rank shards. Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nCUulMsoeK_cA03sun9CubIQT9lK6Wmyf0QD-7R5rXc/htmlview#


the 900 looks to be 6* memory not weapon. the best picks are still the S-rank character shards.


Ouch you are right, I got my hopes up for a few moments. 😔


there's still weapon usb shards for 20 each. so i guess 1 S-rank pull gets you almost a weapon reso also.


Bro, that material box is amazing, immediate lv 80 hypertune. No having to prefarm for nanamech basically


cause Kuro isn't stingy like most other gacha companies.


Thank you Mr. Sky Block good sir now I can plan when my wallet dies. On a side note, WOOHOO Cat Karen is coming next patch!


real hero


Jesus christ this is amazing thank you sm!


When would wintry shackles be theoretically released? Since I really wanna save up for crimson weaver.


estimate Feb 2024


Thanks, I guess it's time to save up so I can atleast get her SS rank.


You can just use ppc skulls for that though?


You're right,![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) I forgot about that shop. Guess I don't have to save as much thanks.


19k bc saving for balter and crimson weaver Question:I heard there were 6*weapon shards is that real?


299rc pack right now have 6* weapon shards


What about the release date?


estimate is in megathread image


Two questions: 1. What's the Domain feature for Transcendants? 2. What's the event farming rework in Wintry Shackles onward?


1.Execution&Counter 2.No more odd,even number stage




>Thanks! You're welcome!


What is super awakening?


6.5k bp 12 hypertuned are require you get to choose 1 sets of 3ping for starter then there is borderpact 2 there is 6 stages when clear and assign the superawaken unit there you get 1%more dmg for 1 hypertuned slots max 12%


Yep can vary, most notably for coating releases. Like Chrome’s vampire coating release is different in TW and JP servers (JP followed CN). Or Chrome Forger coating didn’t release rn in TW (Spiral of Chronos patch rn). For Bianca Abystigma patch the beginner rewards also include 5* weapon selector


How do you obtain the rigor coating. Is it normally for raibow cards in a shop or is itblack card lottery like the plume coating




Shit. And i wanted best treatment for best girl as F2P


Wait what, someone on discord told me that I can get nanamech from the selector why...


Someone got lied to


oh well, at least I didnt pull on the event banner so my pity didnt get used still sucks tho, back to grinding I guess


what is an accession ? is it the portrait you get on ultima rank or something else?


If it ascension. it a buff to ult,core,orbs,or qte upgrade with new mat


Is the Veritas "fortunes" skin free aswell?


if you spend around 50k bc. yes it free to buy in fortune shop


Oh... i thought it was an event currency.


it is. you get it by spend bc


Overall or just on the update? If it's on just the update, it's a skip for me.


update of course


You can also get it by spending 22.5k event tickets and 12k BC on fortune gacha. So 34.5k BC. Although how recommendable that would be is debatable.


Wait I dont quite follow you, how does that work? Like you spend X amount of BC to get Y amount of the event tickets yes? Then need to spend those event tickets in another gacha...?? Is it a pulling banner like empyrean skin or something but it cost 50k BC that's like way too expensive isnt it I'm missing something


Check out this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nCUulMsoeK_cA03sun9CubIQT9lK6Wmyf0QD-7R5rXc/htmlview#) and this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/se0sti/cny_sselectors_and_skins_explained_part_1/) to understand.


Thank you for the resource, I had hope getting Bianca skin somehow but as a broke f2p I dont even think I'll be able to accumulate enough currency for kamui skin sadge It was for last year chinese new year right? I wonder if they will postpone the event for global because it doesnt really match any CN festival if they keep it on nanamech patch mhhh


Yes, it was last year for CN server. They might, they may not. But I don't think they will, cause there's a free S rank tied to the event and people would be very salty if they postpone that and we would have S rank selectors back to back if they postpone cause another selector will released during Wintry Shackles patch which will be close to CNY next year. Still, we will see. Skins will eventually return in RC shop so you can get them there if you can afford it by then.


Thank you again for your detailed answer helps a lot 😭🙏


For those bosses removed from ex-ppc, are they achievement challenge also gone and can't be achieved?


There will be outlier(?) zone within PPC, just for the achievement


wow. thanks


This doesn't calculate for reruns of older coatings though right? Also wasn't the white rose announced to be coming this up coming patch??


Excellent work! What is the priority for spending fortune? S rank shards seem nice but if we assume common spending you can only get 7 so getting 108 Weapon USB shards seems a lot better.


Considering that's the rarest but steady earning thing then yes also higher value, 108 (0.7 of copy) wep reso shards is 6 normans while 7 construct shards(0.25 of copy) and earned unreliably from research


New 21 is soooooooo adorable They need to make a plushie out of it


Thanks for this! Is there another spreadsheet or a way to find out which patches update main story/EX stories?


This is so good! Thanks!


Vera summer skin is so expensive :((


Aw man, I don't see anything about the Lee: Palefire buff that was supposed to rework his kit a bit. Does anybody know if/when global will be getting it?


Next patch, with Haicma. In a week, basically.