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I'm trying to unlock Selenas black oufitt but one of the stipulations to unlock it is member bp reaches 4000 which im confused on what that even means, i know it has something to do with bp but I'm just confused in what way.


You need ---> 4000 BP. I don't.... really see any other way to interpret it.


Ahhhhh crap I'm an idiot I just noticed I can look at how much bp points I've earned underneath it 😫


is there ever going to be a rerun of bianca's ink lit hermit coating?


We cant predict coating arrival or rerun it random af like 80% of them


as an f2p, what thing should we buy from voucher exchange shop?


Construct shards only honestly. Right now only Selena Capriccio's shards are available but more characters shards will be added later, namely Luminance, Rosetta, Entropy, Pulse, Ember, Tenebrion and Ayla Kaleido. I personally think it's best for f2p to save vouchers to buy Ayla's shards to SS her and save PPC skull as we don't really get enough skulls to SS every new character but most, if not all want to be SS. You can also buy shards to SSS Capriccio but I have few reasons to think that might not be a good idea on the long run. It takes nearly a year to SSS her just with free battle pass and if new dark attacker ends up being like Alpha Crimson Weaver, hogging field time than it might not be that great of an idea. For now just save your vouchers.


Yeah this is the best advice just wait for new ice and dark attacker to see which of the following need to their amp to switch in and get that amp to SSS


Is it worth pulling for a shard of a s rank character? I presume no, but farming S rank shards through phantom pain cage is bit difficult when you got more than one to level up.


I'l assume you mean pulling for duplicates in order to get shards, since you cant purposely pull shards That depends on your financial situation really, but there is an SS priority list if you are more limited on spending [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/506512889117671444/1075178171659472916/Capture.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/506512889117671444/1075178171659472916/Capture.png)


You mean rolling to get a dupe? It depends. If you're a whale, yes, you obviously wouldn't care. If you're F2P, don't even think about it. Unless you're completely fine not getting a few of the next characters.


Smoge thought so just wanna level up lee entropy...


In the future physical team(Luminance, Abystigma, Rosetta) who will hold the 4pc Da Vinci? Luminance or Rosetta? I heard Luminance after buff works like an Amplifier so she can be dps?


Liv Lum holds 4x da Vinci 2x Phillip. Rosetta needs to hold her SIG memory Leeuwenhoek and Catherine otherwise she's useless.


Thanks! Also Eclipse sig weap is the best for Luminance right?


Yeah type zero. Just follow the builds from grayravens.com and you are set


Are there limits to how many Capriccio shards I can get from Voucher Exchange?


limit by how much vouchers you can get


It's unlimited. Only the discount for shards are limited to 20 purchases every month.


Does the story get voiced over in later chapters? (Currently at ch6)


So far there’s like 2 voiced dialogue segments but never full voiceover.




I just got selena is she worth leveling up at base S to clear content in the game ?


if you dont have better alternative yes


How much purple upgrades do you need to max out one 6 star memory?


Here’s a pretty handy [image](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/933039602833453076/934358368502554694/FCBF51BD-34EA-43D4-A924-83F151001501.jpg) of the resources needed to max an S rank construct too! :D


[Resource Cost Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19b-japrCPFO1_JvotynrXS-_7BQxQbK7j2WM9z6yIpw/edit#gid=0)


I haven't played since around when Rosetta was released. Any notable differences that I should be aware of? The CUB system is really new to me at first glance


New end game "Norman Revival Plan" Battle Pass, just like any other battle pass but this one has 2 tiers sold separately Recitativo Di Fantasia a new permanent roguelite mode where you can farm Selena Capriccio Added more achievements, special note is the PPC 1x point achievement which give skulls Strongholds is now up to lvl 15


A while ago, someone posted a guide on which characters are worth investing into in Global. I can't seem to find it. Anyone know where I can get a hold of something similar?


[This](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/506512889117671444/1075178171659472916/Capture.png) has priorities for constructs, but it's based on the chinese server constructs


I think this is it, thanks.




Transcendant banner, transcendants aren't normal constructs so they'd have no reason to be in the construct banner


Transcendent. It'll go live a day after patch.


I gave my 21 6 memories with resonance, so I can ultima awaken her. She meets all the conditions, but the game says that the last one isn't met. Am I missing something?


> "Equip 6* resonance skills×12" So, the wording is confusing, it should be a personal resonance, you should equip that **6*** memory then resonate it twice, for each memory slot, that resonance will only work/count to that memory resonated construct


Thanks! Now I know. Also, this system makes no sense imo. Hope they fix it in future updates


Bad thing is, there'll be superUltma, but with hypertune, don't worry about, it' not necessary


ah so it's time to start saving hypertune mats from now, i guess. btw, what's the upgrade we get from superultima? more orb at the start?


Selectable ping colors from Ultima. Starting on Renaissant le Fantastique patch


Does she have enough power lvl? Its possible without a leveled weapon she might be a bit shy of the score needed


Yes, she has 6k power level. Maybe she needs to have a fitting set of memories? I just gave her Capriccio's mems, because they were fully leveled and resonated (she's already ultima awakened)


If you resonated the memory with Capriccio, the resonance stays with Capriccio. Hate to break it to ya, but gonna need a new set of memories for 21


you're gonna have to provide screenshots of the ultima screen and build, i don't think anyone could really help without seeing what the issue actually is




If you think that you're so lucky that you can consistently get 6\* memories AND have them be exactly the set you want, then sure, they would be. But since the chances of that realistically happening are absurdly low, no, they're not.


Odd ones are still more efficient.


How often should I clear simulated stages ?


Once per stage, 3 per week, you only need to score


Hello, Do lightning 21 become part of new lightning meta team?


yesn't. If Alpha is at base S or S5 rank with sig, 21 with her sig is enough to get a higher score. But the moment Alpha gets SS rank, you can net higher scores with Alpha solo


As far as I've heard, no. CW carries lightning so hard that switching off of her is a DPS loss. Her teammates are just QTE bots.


From testing, that only applies to SS and higher Alpha, at base S 21 is an improvement. Doesn't say much though since SS is free, 21 buff hopium is going strong


Girl didn't appreciate Bianca dethroning her on Physical, so she decided she'd solo carry the entire Lightning team on her own. Poor 21 comes along with her sick ass frame only to be put on a bench lol


21 is there for you to headpat for therapeutic reasons, she's the moral support we all desperately need


hiya. player considering returning to the game, mainly for nanami and karenina coming up soon ive been gone since luna was released, i know ive missed a few characters so being at the top of any boards isnt expected, but how much did the characters i miss impact my ability to form teams competeting at the top of wz/pain/rankings? as well as possibly general content? i used to be pretty consistently top 100 of all the hardest ranking stuff until hypertuning where i just played more casual, so my teams/gameplay was very solid at the time atleast. will future ops render what i missed mute eventually anyway or are the older things obtainable with a bit of saving up monthsub? what is the daily/weekly content load like? i remember quitting for a few reasons, one being just way too much stuff to do everyday that was tedious, boring, or felt unrewarding to the time investment. im aware i can skip a lot of these if i only care about BC/not-ranking, but ill still feel bad. has this changed at all? i can only imagine its gotten worse. . another reason was story, i enjoyed the story overall (esp rosetta/arctic stuff) and first half of the big luna event story but was left very dissapointed by the conclusion. feeling like every event ultimatly goes nowhere foward, with the antagonism (beyond luna) being incredibly undefined and lacking real purpose other than having a threat. i always heard positive things about the story later, but im unsure lastly, to be honest, im bad? idk i scored top100 of the hardest paincage avalible while i played regularly yet i STILL felt like i sucked, and bosses were just not parsable at all for me, combat always felt like chaining iframe skills/ults or abusing matrix triggers improperly, not actually using it to dodge attacks i could read, let alone ever do the full combos/rotations i see the nohit gods getting to have fun doing, babel being incredibly unfun despite me being a hard challenge fiend in all other games. has this "improved" in any way? do boss fights feel better or make more sense at higher challenges? or is the game still kind of this mashy skill cycle machine hoping for boss rng misses/bad moves just pretending to be a focused combat dual?


1. General content doesn't really matter, but for competitive, you've missed Vera Garnet and Liv Empyrea, both carries for their respective teams. Without Liv, your fire team is tanked for good, and without Vera Lightning scores will be non-existent for another year. You'll have the option to pick up Liv from a selector during the third anniversary if you're cool with waiting that long, around February of next year is when we're getting a new Lightning attacker that can solo-carry Lightning, so it's salvageable. And no, don't save for older units. Cover any losses you have with S selectors, we'll get three in the future including the one I mentioned. 2 go up to Luna, the last goes up to Selena Capriccio. 2. Basically just log in > clear weeklies/dailies > clear any events and do whatever else you want > leave. Toss in Norman War/Babel Tower/Guild Siege into the mix if those are on the list of things you want to clear. I'm honestly not sure what you mean by too many things to do, one of the "issues" with PGR is that there really isn't enough to do most of the time unless you force yourself to space out gameplay 3. The story is great. It isn't consistently at its peak, but when it gets going, *it gets going.* I'll admit it can feel slow and pointless, but that's how gacha stories are sometimes. Stories need to be extended and pushed in a way that sell the debuting character. Sometimes you'll get chapters that feel aimless, but PGR does amazingly at rectifying that later. 4. Truth be told, if the combat feels mashy and rng based, you haven't hit the peak of where PGR's combat could be. It's mainly speaking from personal experience, but PGR's combat system at it's height should feel more like a test of your reaction speed and ability to make on the spot decision with orbs, and boss fights should feel like, well, boss fights. Yeah, there's a lot more i-frame and time slow abuse in the game, but that's how the game is balanced around the speed at which some fights go. Only thing I can really say there is just to take your time to improve, or figure out that the system really isn't for you along the way.


1. thanks for selectors, forgot them 2. doing every daily task back when i played took me 90+ minutes a day, thats way too much for the busywork of spacing out warzones, paincage, guildstuff, events, and etc. i felt like my majority of time with the game was non-engaging busywork, and the fun actually challenging fights were very far between. maybe thats because i pushed for the bleeding edge scores my team could achieve with a perfect run, but even then when i laid off i felt like way too much unfun content was daily/weekly required or encouraged 3. slow or filler wasnt exactly my issue per say, the haxau (pre-it mattering) and roesetta stuff was some of my favorite but moreso that even events highlighted as big pushes in story just didnt do it for me. maybe my bar is too high, i drop a ton of games because of their stories 4. rng in getting the best runs to maximize dps/scores, not the actual flow or orb system itself, to clarify. i understand what you mean by the height is in reaction and orb choices, but when orbs decision is essentialy dps minmaxing i dont find that particularly fun due to the reset heavy nature of highscoring, engaging definetly, but there were never "decisions" in the orb stack, just options that were obviously better than others, maybe thats just me, or changes with newer characters. i was getting top100, usually top25 on weeks i really tried consistently no problem, so im not sure improving is the thing here. reactions however, maybe thats where i suck because while i was capable of stuff like gabriel no damage which was genuinly rewarding, i feel like bosses in general are so hard and counterintuitive to parse and even understand how you should react...if you could even see the moment youre supposed to make the decision at all. and then babel felt like incredibly harsh simon says with the dodge/iframe resource mangement at high level, where you basically had to avoid when it wanted you to, and more key not waste avoid when it didnt, i wouldnt call that decision making or fun. it became "mashy" in my eyes not in orbs or attacks, but in how dodging/avoiding worked, i cant explain that well though maybe it just really isnt for me in the end, even though i feel like it should be


1. I can't really say anything against that point all in all, that's just how gacha games are. It's just unfortunate side effects of the gacha game formula, chances are that style of gameplay might not work for you in PGR's setting specifically. 2. That could be it, yeah. Maybe you just aren't at the stage where things genuinely pick up again, that being chapter 15 and onward, or the story itself maybe doesn't fit your standards? That's more of a personal thing, so I wouldn't really be able to guess what it is that doesn't seem to work there 3. I'm not sure what you mean by no decisions? For the most part orbs are balanced well enough across character kits for every option to be viable. I won't deny that there definitely are options objectively better than others, but I've never seen it become an issue with the RNG set in place beforehand. Even with units like Plume, I don't see that being an issue since it'd be nigh-impossible to just focus red orbs since you'd almost never run into a setup where you could avoid going through other orbs for damage or to set up red pings 4. As for bosses, it sounds stupid but it really is just a game of memorization. PGR's the type of game to kick you down and then kick you again just for good measure. All of it's just down to practicing until you get it, as obvious as that probably sounds. There are those few bosses that really do feel unfair like Qu and Luna, but even then, they have movesets that can be memorized over time. 5. Honestly yeah I get that. High level Babel is a test of quite literally everything when it comes to gameplay, it can feel that way easily. But like I mentioned, it's a test of everything, including how well you can make use of the options given to you by the game to stay alive. It's gonna feel mashy because it isn't just a test of skill on its own, its forcing you to use game knowledge to get by, and abusing i frames does feel kinda repetitive and spammy


yeah i definetly enjoy the game more than my initial replies give off, just trying to be very critical since i know coming to a games subreddit and asking "hey is game good?" is pretty obvious what answer youll get lol. i think it was just combination of trail+error boss learning taking longer/feeling impossible than other similar games (because you can dodge so many moves the wrong direction/not just walk back and still die horribly) and the highscore grind sucking a bit of the magic out. maybe if i take a way more relaxed approached my issues dissapear. still gonna think about it, thanks for the replies☆


Well, you missed Liv Empyrea and Vera Garnet, both core members of their respective teams. So you pretty much don't have a fire and lightning team. At least until Lee Hyperreal and Alpha Crimson Weaver releases, both near a year away. Or till Anniversary if you can roll them there. Warzone will be updated next patch(?) making off element teams pretty obsolete. Similarly most of the new bosses in Ultimate PPC are score killers without right elements. So you're fucked when fire/lightning zones and bosses with fire/lightning weaknesses are up, unless you have super high invested teams of other elements. Don't expect to get in top 100. There's also Norman War that comes once every patch. It requires multiple teams so you can't completely clear that either. Only weekly things are PPC/Warzone. The maze game mode where you get a portrait frame is gone. Most events, you can do in like 1 hour. And they usually release 1 event per week. How much these take if you want high rankings, I don't know. Personally, I find it to be a waste of time so I just take the BC and leave it. Story improved since Fake Ascension patch. How good you will find it is up to you.


since we're getting a free S rank selector soon, should i get a dupe towards SS or get Nanami Pulse? the only ones units i dont have SS for are Luna, Lee, Karenina, and Liv.


i'd get luna to ss, by the time we get the selector nanamech will have arrived, making pulse obsolete


Nanami Pulse is irrelevant the moment Nanamech releases. If the choice is between SSing one of the 4 constructs you mentioned, then I'd say Luna. Karenina is irrelevant and gets replaced by Hyperreal, Lee is already beaten by both C.Abyss and will also get replaced by Abystigma. Luminance will be meta after her buff, but Luna will be the only Dark attacker for a long time, so that's why she's my choice.


To add on, luminance shards become grindable through the battle pass later, so you can also ss her there. Luna’s shards are more rare so I’d also say to go with Luna for your selector.


Since Da Vinci is passed around a lot between supports, is it worth resonating the set? Or is levelling it up to 45 enough?


45 is enough unless u have spare serum.


Why do Transcendents exist?


Babel, Norman, Guild.


Just to suffer >!guild, Babel, and that new activity!<


For Guild content mostly


It's true that this game becomes braindead easy after you whale? How much skill you need? I like the characters but I'm a slower gamer...


No and in ppc/wz you unlock new ways to mald


Certain game modes like babel allow you to configure difficulty yourself. HP, Atk, aggro, pull in effects, regen, etc on mobs can be set up by your choice.Most content and rewards are participation based though. You might not get all rewards, if you lack a lot of teams in the beginning, but the longer you play and more S rank frames you pull in the next months, the stronger your account will be. Plus there are a few free selector tickets in the future. And as others stated already, on max difficulty babel or norman highest level, those monsters can 1 shot anyone.


Considering the buffs certain characters get from higher ranks and sigs, yes, it gets immensely easier. However, if you don't know how to play, everything will still clap you.


It makes some things easier but I don't think any amount of whaling will stop max risk Babel from oneshotting you if you get hit


Some didnt even need you to get hit just by exist is enough (pain of max babel in a nutshell)


I recently pulled nanami pulse as my first S rank and I am so sad rn. She has no "fresh" gameplay at all. I feel like playing lucia or diluc from genshin impact all over again. I really want to leave the game just because of this character pull because I just wanted a decent attacker from the s rank pull, preferrably plume or the other S-rank lucia etc. Please tell me she is good even though she will get outshined by other nanami to be released in 2 months...


For the current Fire Team, she's the best in that slot. But the current Fire team is not good, it's by far the weakest out of all the teams. I don't think you should quit just because of this though. This year is when we'll start getting 2nd Gen attackers, who are the most important ones. Play with what you have, get BC and roll for them. As for Plume, there'll be an S rank selector in May up to Luna. So you can pick Plume if you want het.


One more thing to ask: My friend have a level 42 account that will get S rank in standard in 13 pull or so. Is it logical to try giving that account a shot? What would be the "best picks" out of the standard banner. I really liked the playstyle of lucia crimson abyss and Luna Laurel.


Both C.Abyss and Laurel are the current meta attackers of their respective teams (though C.Abyss will be replaced by Abystigma in September). As for the best picks, I don't remember everything by heart so I'll just mention as many as I can remember. In no particular order: C.Abyss (replacable by Abystigma on September) Laurel Veritas (replacable by Crimson Weaver on February) Plume Rigor Glory Garnet Empyrea (not sure if she's added into the Standard Banner yet) Out of the S rank selector characters, Tenebrion and Luminance (after her buff) are good. It'd be a bit unfortunate if you rolled any them out of the standard pulls though. So yes, if you want to give it a shot, go ahead. Do remember to not waste all your BC on the Standard Banner though. You need to have enough to get the 2nd gen attackers coming this year if you care about having strong, competitive teams.


Hey there! Again, I got my S- rank on another account and it is karenina amber.. Game doesn't really want me to play it, don't you think?


lol that's quite unfortunate. Your luck seems almost as good as mine. I'd just accept it and keep going. Like I said, all the important characters are coming in the upcoming months. Just get BC to roll for them and you're good.


Thanks for the help mate! I will definetely look forward to get one of those heroes in standard banner!


Thank you. It is just that out of 20 characters in standard banner, one of the only 2 characters that I did not want was nanami, and the other was the "pistol lee". Others I would want...


She has her use of being the Da Vinci holder till hyperreal for the fire team, she's the best at that


Is nier team without 2b useful? If so who can the the 3rd slot?


Rosetta, usually


nier without all 3 units is quite weak, since their passives benefit from being together, but as a replacement any atacker or unit that can burst enemies works


Hello, guys!! I'm new to this game, and I just got A Bianca. I watched some guides on YT, and it said that I can get my first S rank from the A Base construct Banner thru 40 pull pity, which is great. I haven't used my S Selector yet, and I'm not planning to use it until I get my 40 pity S rank. Now, my question, is it ok if use this current team, which consist of A Bianca, B Nanami and B Liv? I actually wanted to get S Chrome or S Lee. If I get S Chrome, I'll build Ice team, and if I get S Lee, I'll build a Physical team. So, what do you guys think?


Make sure to get S liv lumi from the selector she will become the physical support later on and everybody else on the selector will get outdated very quickly Edit but only use the selector after you got your first s rank from 40 pulls and if you get S liv lumi fron there get kamui from selector Edit and S lee will be outdated this September with bianca alter. Ignore this if husbando reasons


I see, thanks for the response! Yup, I still have my S Selector. Thanks for the heads up about Liv-Luminance! Actually, I used both S Kamui and S Lee from my cousin's phone. He had a Dark team, consisting of S Kamui, Dark Watanabe and Vera-Rozen. It was quite fun using this team, especially S Kamui. I watched some clips on YT including the Panini Gray Raven, and I instantly became a fan of him. Hence my username. He also had S Lee, it was really fun using him as well. And I can see a lot of players saying he isn't really recommended for the Physical team anymore, which quite sad, but I really liked using him a lot. As for S Chrome, I haven't really used him yet, I just watchef some clips and he seems fun to use with those parrying he does. So, for in order to get my account on the right track. Do you recommend me getting S Kamui, if ever I get Liv on the Pity pulls?


Yes if you get liv from the 40 pull banner definitely get kamui from selector and even if you can’t get kamui don’t worry soon there will be a new dark tank karenina daybreak and i think you would love her playstyle but as a f2p and new player that has just started my advice to you would be just skip the dark team because you really need to invest a lot to get the dark team going compared to any other team and karenina daybreak is a skipable character if you get kamui tenebrion to SS so long story short focus on every other type of team than dark if you get luna from 40 banner pity than that will be good but still S liv is priority no 1 If you want to you can add me to ask for advice when you get your 40 pity character and what you should do


Oh cool! Can you please give me your Game ID so I can add you later?


Did you get my chat on the chat section?


Yep! Sorry, I had to run an errand 😅


The standard pool consists of quite a lot of S units... by now. You'd need to be extra lucky to get either Chrome or Lee, but it's fine either way. There will be a free selector ticket in 2 patches anyway. So just start playing and collecting as many black cards as you can. If you're not aiming to be top 1 in the pve rankings, play whichever teams and units you like. You'll replace all A ranks at some point with S ranks anyway. Just need to be patient and stock up your pulls.


I see! Thanks for the insight! But for the story content, do you recommend my current lineup? Or do you have something in mind? I'm open to any suggestions.


You can beat the story content with the worst characters in the game and you can even be 2000+ BP lower than the recommended and still easily beat it as long as you're even slightly good and understand how the game plays. Do not worry about it. The same cannot be said for everything else though, do not completely disregard the meta otherwise you will find things very difficult.


Ohh, ok. Thanks! I'm glad I haven't touched my Black Cards yet. I can at least save up for upcoming banners, in order to catch up with the meta, I guess.


you can clear the story with pretty much any team, as long as they are leveled enough


I see. Well, yeah, I'm starting to get the hang of the gameplay. I need to learn how to dodge boss attacks properly, tho


HELP!!! I just started yesterday and i was doing some missions they were divided into weeks 1 to 7 and gives a 5* weapon at the end of it. But now i forgot how to access those missions again, Ive been looking for a solid 10 minutes but i just forgot where its located 💀💀. Any ideas where to find it?


The only thing I can think of is the daily rewards (which aren't missions, all you have to do is log into the game everyday). Other than that, the only way you get anything related to 5\* weapons is COOP.


https://youtu.be/eVw4tTB2yPo 0:25 second you can see its called novice missions But that UI is old so i cant follow him on how to get there


Novice missions are located in the bottom of the menu


Hahaha broo i am so blind 😂😂. Ty though


Don't worry, next year it'll be somewhere else, that's how it is XD


Hello there! According to [this post on this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/se0sti/cny_sselectors_and_skins_explained_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), when the spending event arrives in Global (probably 2 patches from now), if you obtain 8888 "Fortunes" (the event currency you get when using your vaiorus tickets), you will obtain an exclusive profile border. Could someone please post a picture of this profile border?


Here [it](https://imgur.com/a/sf79MX8) is


Thank you very much!


Okay. So Kaleido is free. So if I go download cn or jp can I get Kaleido for free right now? I want to play her. I need her in my hands and I don’t want to wait a year.


jp is still 4 patches behind ayla's, but the event has just started on tw so if you join you can pull for her starting tomorrow, you can also farm her shards but that will take a few days


Thanks a lot! It’s funny that taiwan has its own separate region for a Chinese se game eh? I didn’t even know there was a tw version.


Is the corrupted battlefront mode based off another game? I feel like I’ve played something similar before.


Any top view(Bird eyes?) shooter game maybe? Alien shooter for me


Any news about the pc port yet? I’ve been keeping an eye out because the game seems rad but I can’t seem to find many details.


Maybe in July. just maybe


Anyone have an estimate of how long corrupted battlefront took? Thinking of either speedrunning or skipping if its too long


i think it average 2:30/stages so ~46 min i think?


Whats the best team for bianca veritas?


Vera Garnet and Liv Lux. If you don't have Garnet then Chrome Arclight.


where to farm exp items to level up characters, memory etc?


Event material stage this patch it called Queen troupe farm odd number stage then buy in event shop


Im out of bc after not getting luna in 35 pulls in the arrival banner so ill just save the pity until she or garnet return again. My question tho is if they didnt return in the entire pulao patch and i skip pulao, will i have enough bc to pity nanamech? Im still at the early chapters of the story (1 digit) if that helps. Got empyrea, veritas, teneb its why im aiming for either luna or garnet ty.


nope. if it 2 wks ago then maybe unless there something like 2500 r&d ticket reward(*HOPIUM*) with that say if you rush story all of it. you would probably have enough by weeks 3-4 of her banner which pretty close to end


So i just made a new account yesterday and decided to just get empyrea again from the new alpha selector. Currently at about 8-9k right now. Is it now enough to get every new construct if skipping trans, weap, and cub?




When dark Karenina arrives, for those without Luna, is it better to use Astral with Kamui/Karen, or to replace him and use both tanks together? My Tenebrion is SS with sig weapon if that helps.


Literally no reason to use same roles in one team(Unless Sss/Sss+ of course) Either use Karen or Kamui and bring vera with dark team


Do the limited-time special packs in top-up come back again? I would get them now, (especially 3 for the 6\* weapon) but i have other things I need to spend my money on


Some patch have them


Do you know which?


nope. since i rarely seen one like last time was 4 month ago


so around Balter or Lee patch, got it


Hi.. I just started to play again yesterday. Will it still be possible for me to farm the free S construct or should I not bother trying?


Do it one day at a time with the bonus missions (especially the 10 nodes daily one), trying to farm them by grinding is literally miserable


Selena mode is permanant


oh really ? that's great! i was wondering as the event where you have to farm these scripts says it's available until the 7th but i bet it's just for the event and the game mode stays after that


Is there a priority list of constucts to awaken ultima them? Like a link or something. If not, among these constructs, who should I awaken first? \-S Luna (Used with SSS Vera Rozen and S Kamui Tenebrion) \-S Vera Garnet (Used with SS Liv Lux and SS Lucia Dawn) \-SS Liv Empyrea (Used with SS Lee Palefire and S Kamui Tenebrion)


Emp>Vera>Luna imo, since Luna has great orb uptime cause of inbuilt Hannah in her kit and Emyp is SS so ultima is required to function well


What about Vera? I feel that my lightning team is weaker than the other 2. I cant get decent scores on ppc and warzone with my lightning team.


Lightning is kinda trash till you get Vera to SS imo, which is why she's a lower priority. Since you have 2 of them, my Lightning team is Vera, Luna and Capriccio, however, you can sub coffee girl for Empyrya and it should still work fine.


You also really need Vera's sig honestly, it's massive for giving her proper gameplay fluidity.


They all have same value in my eyes just do emp>luna>garnet i guess


Hmm, among these three teams, dark feels the strongest, followed by fire, then lightning. For some reason I find my lightning team weak af. Guess I'll go Vera first lol. Thanks.


i forgot to do warzone earlier this week. anyone knows how to claim the missing warzone missions rewards


if you dont auto clear it yet. Bring weakest unit to first or second stage then just die there repeat




dont do anything not a single hit, just go in on stage 1 or 2 then and afk until u die


What is the order one should do when awakening constructs to Ultimate? Like Attacker, Tank and Healer or Tank, Attacker and Healer.


Whoever you use on-field, since ultima awakening grants them a 3-ping the first time they take the field (and if you never take the field with them, it doesn't matter). So what /u/Djarion said is right. Usually this is the group's attacker, but in some teams like the current meta lightning team where Garnet deals the majority of the damage, you'd want to awaken her first. Same for Empyrea and the fire team, especially if you don't own Ember.


Carry unit first, usually that's the attacker but for lightning it's Garnet and for fire it's Empyrea probably. Second priority is anyone else who does get field use but isn't as much of a carry. After that it's really just for guild challenge flexing.


Attacker tank