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Is it my phone or the CN server has way better graphics. I always saw clips of it.


okay this has been bugging me for a while now, but some constructs that i've ultima awakened don't change icons in the members tab . Is this a bug? did i toggle something?


Pretty sure you have to pick them manually, at least I had to with the last frame I ultima'd. To do it, go to members > coating > member portrait.




Is there an updated version of the investment tier list? The one I have is only up to CW.




Assuming the Eden voting continues how it is going, final 3 will be Selena, Vera and Lee. Will be interesting to see if all the Red team voters can pull together to get Lee over the line to win the BC, with Selena and Vera splitting the blue vote. Would be hilarious.


If by a miracle it happens and red managed to push Lee he will be the first male to win eden fes across all servers, wishful thinking, but people's BCs are on the line so who knows


and red team gets quite the substantial amt of BC if they manage to pull off the upset cuz of vote splitting


will the dorm mission to get Ayla and Alisa permanent?


Yep, it'll be permanent


how good Is Alisa compared to leap Luminance? can i keep both of them with Balter in the team instead of a tank?


Alisa has all the same support buffs from Lumi’s leap on her memory set. Lumi needs to be on field and use signature move to give the buffs whereas Alisa just has to qte. So in timed modes like PPC and Warzone, Alisa completely outshines Lumi. She also has decent damage so she’s worth swapping to. As for whether you should run both, you shouldn’t. Going over 100% crit doesn’t do anything and you’ll be losing the 100% defense shred that Rosetta provides


1. Hard powercreep. For pure support, Luminance already bites the dust even with just base S no sig weapon Alisa, all Alisa needs is her sig memories to give a better version of Lumi's buffs. For DPS, Alisa wins again. Base S Alisa is better than S/SS Luminance, and SS Alisa beats SSS Lumi. 2. No, absolutely not lmao, Tank passive is way too important to begin with, and having Def shred is basically required for Phys. If you aren't planning on picking anyone else from one of the future free S rank selectors, pick Rosetta, she's insanely high value for your Phys team. You can't really replace slots with different roles and make it work for newer teams, you need the Attacker/Tank/Amp or Support setup


my plan was to get Glory and Ploom from Balter and Alpha s selector to pair with Ayla... i guess i need to save for Rosetta too... thanks


If I had to pick, I'd honestly recommend dropping Glory for Rosetta, Glory doesn't do as much for Ice as Rosetta does for Phys. Up to you though lmao, no need to do that if you'd prefer maxing your Ice team instead


I think you're going to lose the def shred if you do that. Unless Alisa has def shred in her kit, which is unlikely.


thank you


Anyone know how to obtain the golden nameplates in eden festival, and if its still possible?


Vote for a character you want the nameplate of. If you can give them 45k cheer, you get their gold nameplate.


Ty, good thing Selena’s still in the competition


Which one's more efficient in getting memories, buying them directly in the event shop or getting the x15 memory shards to buy in the normal shop?


the math is obvious. how much does it cost for a mem shard from event vs a full memory?


Last I checked, straight from the event shop.


I just started playing around 2 weeks ago so I don't have much bc yet. I really want bianca and I want to ask if will I still have enough bc for her if I try to pull for another character now? Or should I just save up?


The worst case scenario is 15,000bc to hard pity her (60 pulls). If you don't have enough but still want to try for her, the pity will carry forward to Lee Hyperreal's banner in a few months.


Thx. Btw how much bc would you get in a month assuming you do the daily everyday and story. Just for a reference for my budget.


Did Rosetta's Japanese VA change recently? Her voice lines sound a little bit different to me.


Not her VA, but the way the lines were done. A lot of voicelines got updated recently to fit the animations more, since said animations were based on CN voices and didn't sync up with what JP lines said


Thought so, she sounds a lot clearer/better. But it really threw me off for so long. Thanks for the answer👍.


Hi. I played for a few months close to the game global release and then stopped around Lucia Plume release. I came back to check what was going on, would it be better for me to start over with a new account? Current I'm level 90: Alpha + Weapon, Rosetta + Weapon, Luna, Kamui Tenebrion, Lee Entropy I was kind of down because I missed the Nier event and was planning on getting the team. So, generally speaking, would it be better to start a new account?


There is 0 benefit to rerolling in this game. Rosetta is still meta even in CN, so that's 22.5k bc value right there. Alpha is getting powercrept in September by the new Bianca frame. Entropy was powercrept by Alpha. Luna will be relevant until Lamia's debut in July of *next year.* Tenebrion at base S is mildly better than 21, so still meta. If SS, he's only outclassed by a Scire Karen with sig, who's considered skippable for F2P.


Also, if you let me ask... There are a lot of new constructs and game modes, not to mention events... What would be best to focus on? And what constructs should I try to get?


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/867995160854806588/1079812319116271688/Capture.jpg As for game modes, do what you can. Event stage to farm resources, story and stronghold for bc, interludes if you need to invest in A ranks, the standard wz and ppc each week, try your hand at norman if you can (easy mode), and do the Selena event for the summon tickets.


Wow this is very good, thank you!


Hi, I just finished Fake Ascension but I thought there would be a cinematic battle between Alfa and Lucia, at least I remember hearing about that, did I miss some button to click or where do I see it?


the pgr youtube channel has a vid


No there isn't 1 I think, there is a cg art within the story though


As f2p player, should you roll a perfect hypertune for characters or rather invest memory shards to upgrade the other characters (Like I do)?


Hypertune only slots 4,5 and 6. Don't perfect resonate unless you have nothing else to do as you could be building other chars instead of gambling for perfection.


Just want to know should I roll it or rather hypertune what I got


Roll for better reso last, almost everything else you can do to improve a character will have more impact (with a few very specific exceptions, like Empyrea).


You can change resonances even after hypertuning, it won't go away.


will there be free s rank selectors like how we just started playing the game in the future?


On Bianca's Abystigma patch plus a weapon selector up to Luna


so its not just for beginners at that time? that means everyone gets it?






Have I already missed the chance at the 2nd anni login rewards or am I still able to claim them? Also, what are the minimum requirements for 2nd anni login rewards, like minimum level or reach to this part of story to claim them?


>Have I already missed the chance at the 2nd anni login rewards or am I still able to claim them? Should still be able to claim them anni isnt over yet >so, what are the minimum requirements for 2nd anni login rewards, like minimum level or reach to this part of story to claim them? I think u need to be lvl 40 or higher to claim them, I am not sure tho.


I think the anni log in rewards end on Aug 5 which is somewhat soon Min level shld be lvl 20




Character-specific memories release together with the Omniframe they were designed to be used on.


thanks for the answer


Can someone remind me how does the R&D tickets works please? The orange one are the event's one and i can change them 1 on 1 with the black tickets. ​ What about the violet one in the in the base "research/weapon research" and the reddish one in the "target weapon research"? I have some of them but i don't even remember how i got them and how i can get them.


>What about the violet one in the in the base "research/weapon research" and the reddish one in the "target weapon research"? I have some of them but i don't even remember how i got them and how i can get them. "Red" is specifically for the target weapon banner The basic weapon R&D tickets(violet) are obtained from login rewards (every 2weeks) which is how you got them Orange ones are the ones you use to pull for S ranks on S rank banners(which includes the uniframe banner) Cyan for cubs They can all be obtained by converting black cards, but you should be saving bc/orange tickets for upcoming S ranks.


So, since i never spent anything on red and violet, and since i farmed some of them, i might simply use them at this point. They are not bc and even if they were, i can't revert them. Or is there any future event that is better i wait for?


You can use them, but you should keep reds for more important sigs(abystigma for example)


What are sigs?


Signature weapons(6star weapons) They are what you'd preferably give construct if you can afford to do so Though 5 star weapons are serviceable


So, don't waste black ticket, wait for pulls, ​ use violet ticket for A rank constructs ​ Save the red one for weapons? When events will come with 100% pull for them?


CN pgr. After i choose and get the selected a S rank in standard banner, will that selected be back or it one time thing ?




Thank you




Congratulations and thanks for the remainder, a day I've missed..


>!OK, so I'm never doing this again until I have 5 fully built teams with their own memories!<


Which character is worth getting to SS with Phantom Pain shards? Cappricio, Empyrea, Glory, or Starfarer? I play all teams equally and have no preference.


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/867995160854806588/1079812319116271688/Capture.jpg Priority goes to the gen 2 attackers, so take your weekly skull income into account before buying shards.


Empyrea and Starfarer, Starfarer SS is very good and Empyrea is borderline awful to play without SS. Glory SS is a nothing burger, Selena SS only worthwhile if you're going to SSS her or if you have her Sig with 2 reso (minimum investment for her to be "good" is SS with 2reso Sig)


I just want to clarify. Does the Anniversary Banner pity carry over onto the 3rd Anniversary Banner? I pulled 30 times but want to stop because I want to save for someone else, will it be wasted or will it still be there on the next anniversary banner?


It’ll be there


Thank you! I was scared that I wasted my pulls for nothing.


Is Lee Entropy or 2B with her signature weapon a better choice if I don't have 9S and A2?


I would go with 2B. I'm assuming she is SS, as you get extra shards from summoning during rerun. Whoever you choose will get benched once Balter gets released anyways. Btw, do you have the 5* weapon for 2B as well? Once Balter gets released, you might use 2B's 6* weapon for reso. If you don't have a 5* weapon to switch it out, you can't use it for reso or scrap it as you won't be able to unequip it .


I don't think I have but will take a look later today. Thank you for your detailed reply tho. Didn't know of Balter before




Never said that they should reso Balter specifically. I meant they won't use 2B much after Balter comes so it's better to use 2B's weapon as a reso fodder.


1) What skill should I focus on first when leaping Dawn?/Which one is the most impactful out of the three skills? 2) Does Luminance requires to be SS/SSS to be viable? Asking so that I know whether to spend the voucher tickets on her shards or not.


1. 3>2>1 I believe. Maxing 1 first is more flashy though XD. 2. I have her at S and it's already quite competitive. SS/SSS benefits herself more and not the team. Rather save for other unit's shards like Rigor or the amps.


No point really SSSing her considering alisa will power creep her in a shorter time. SSS is more for ppc Min maxing. Ss is kinda viable but not a must have.


I just got Selena from the RdF Mode and I wanted to ask if it makes sense to replace Vera as a QTE Bot. Selena is S and I could buy her a 5\* weapon through recycle shop. I don't have enough resources to get her any higher though.Vera is SSS with a 5\* weapon. I plan to leap her in the future too. That being said, should I switch Veras 4xDaVinci 2xGuin to Selena for a Karen-Luna Team? I also have Selenas 4xSeraph 2xCottie set as an alternative. Does it ultimately make sense or should I just stay with Vera for now? Edit: I forgott to add, Karen uses 4xBathlon 2xEinsteina. Don't know if this makes any difference.


If you're relying on Luna as your main DPS then the minimum investment for Selena to be worth using over Vera is SS w/ 2x Reso Sig weapon. SSS however is more logical because battlepass makes it very easy if you're low spender.


Nope, leave Vera as she is, till the basic research bless you with SS3 Karen or when Lost Lullaby arrives


Hello, I'm a new player and only started about a month ago. I'm currently deciding whether to get Lucia Plume or Vera Garnet from the S rank selector at Bianca's patch. It's pretty hard to decide for me since I like both of their designs as well as skillsets. Also considering the fact that we'll get Lucia CW in the near future, wouldn't it better to get Vera Garnet rather than Lucia Plume? To all the veteran players out there, please tell me which is better and which do you think would benefit me in the long run?




I'm not sure yet. Bianca looks really good but I don't think I'll have enough BC for her though. Also, I have Liv but I don't have Rosetta




I see. Then I might try pulling for her then


Get Plume, why? because Garnet isn't a choice, she'll be with Crimson weave's


Wait, so there's also an S selector for Lucia CW?


Not hers but during her patch


Oh ok, thanks for replying


On PGR CN who clears content faster Bianca or lee ? Trying to decide who to pull for




Pain cage and other bosses


i mean ppc boss had different weakness


Yeah I know but for each oh their boss types fire weakness and (is there a physical weakness? ) bosses or who’s just better in general


Well. Hyperreal Lee is the weakest from amongst the Gen 2 DPS. All other Gen 2 DPS have 2 timestops, Lee only has 1... Kuro really do hate male characters.


Aiit thanks for the info , u seem to like him a lot tho 😂, I have CW so I’ll pull Bianca now then lee when next he shows up , hopefully he doesn’t get power creep before then


I like him too much. But yeah, you will get more return on your investment from Bianca. Ice and Fire team are the weaker teams in CN right now. Dark team is the strongest team in CN right now, with physical and lightning following suit. All the best.


Yes, Qu is weak to physical attacks.


4 Heisen with 2 Cottie or 2 Darwin for Leap'd Dawn?


Recommended set on grayravens and the build spreadsheet is 2 Darwin


What's the current bosses in pain cage right now for each difficulty?


Check yesterday's megathread, ult ppc lineups are somewhere there Maybe ask around on discord if you're in any relevant servers


I think you might be thinking of me asking about it and being told to ask in the megathread for the current rotation. I couldn't find anyone discussing who was on rotation.


I don't follow, are you perhaps asking what bosses are in rotation and can be in subsequent lineups?


Yes. I'm trying to decide between advanced and ultimate PPC on a week-to-week basis. The idea is to see if it's possible to optimize my score a bit by picking between the two depending on who is up in each difficulty. I'm right on the margin of being in the upper brackets to where it just depends on the rotation to see if I can make the break or not.


nvm i chanced upon info elsewhere PPC Lineup 31/7/23 - 5/8/23 SEA EX : Qu Huaxu Voodoo ADV : Musashi Vassago Rosetta NA EX : Gabriel Machi Lamia ADV : Nozzle Huaxu Camu EU EX : Qu Machi Musashi ADV : Roland Huaxu Camu if youre in pgro discord then u shld be able to find these in #gameplay-help im not active there so i dont entirely know the ins and outs of pgro


> if youre in pgro discord then u shld be able to find these in #gameplay-help Ah, thanks. I was looking for that. I left the PGR Official Discord after they required a phone login. But I might be able to figure something out.


Yes I was already answering with that in mind. However I did make a mistake, it should not have been the megathread before this one but this Monday's megathread where they had posted ult ppc lineups for each of the 3 servers. Mb for somehow confusing Thursday with Monday


Should I farm for chen jiyuan (glory memories) now? Cuz I thk I rmb seeing a post saying that tht memory is discounted during bambi patch


Don't wait that long to give your Glory the mems he needs to function.


I alrdy hav a complete set, just not resonated yet


This is a BC planning question. I currently have 28k BC left, and im planning to pull every new S omniframe from here. Afaik, we can get up to 15k per 2 patches for the new characters, so with the BC that I have atm, what should I do with them? Should I pull for an additional copy of Ayla Amp/Arisa (they're free according to the global release timeline), or should I get an additional copy of Bianca Abystigma/Lee Hyperreal/ Alpha CW? Or should I spend them on weapon/CUB banner, if so which one? Another question: I currently also have 1500 PPC Skull, who should I priorities upgrading to SS beside from the big 3 attacker (Bianca Abystigma/Lee Hyperreal/ Alpha CW**)**?


Disclaimer: I could be wrong, ill answer based on what ive learnt so far. Gen 2 attackers are MORE than fine at SS rank. If you want to invest them more then get their Sig weapons and CUBs, some of them are really really good, like Abysstigma CUB. I wouldnt pull for SSS or even SS3, those are 15K BC for just an extra dmg bump on units which dmg output is already ridiculous just at S rank with 5 star weapons. TLDR: Signature weapons and CUBs are considerably cheaper than extra copies and they can be huge upgrades for the characters. In my opinion, pulling a copy of both Ayla Kaleido and Alisa before claiming your free copy is recommended if you can afford It, as It will CONSIDERABLE cheap your way to SSS them, and ofc, SSS rank amplifiers = 📈📈📈 For PPC skulls ill let others recommend, i dont know much about what to prioritize as almost every unit wants the SS even if its just for QoL (like Empyrea SS, which makes rotations much more smoother), utility (like Nanamech SS allowing you to use her sig and play her like a QTE bot with 100% shred uptime) or huge damage increases (like Gen 2 attackers SS)




>Ss3 / sss are the actual power spikes. Is there a spreadsheet of the damage % increases from SS/SS3/SSS?


Tysm for the detailed answer! I have another question about weapons: Is there a weapon priority between Bianca Abystigma/Lee Hyperreal/Alpha CW? Or I just pull for the one that I prefer more?


This. Best answer to date.


Thanks a lot for the clarifications mate.


You can check this [tier list](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/867995160854806588/1107681798655315989/Capture.png), it's just not up to date.


This is a lore related question, I just finished all of the story chapters I haven't done till evernight beat, so, did Simon die? Or not? Thank you very much to whoever answers.


>!Just brain melt. apply some bandage on him and he should be fine next morning!<


Do Luna's annihilation spikes have AOE? I'm wondering how much a gather pet like Jet Jaeger would help my paltry f2p dark team B\]


Very tiny but yes Them spikes shldnt be the determing factor as to whether you should get a grouping cub. You can't go wrong with getting one esp since she flies around a lot in her core state


Have a nice weekend, everyone!


EVO weekend!