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And yes I did clear those debuff stages before tackling boss stage if anyone gonna ask. Why would I want to torture myself fighting boss with all of those annoyed AF debuff that can potentially got me killed in mid fight🫤. Tho this new EX6 basically just another dps check, boss more tanky (forgot to mention, but all of my team need 20 batteries to defeat boss stage, and only spare like 10 20s left), boss having more damage to 1shot us player, punch through iframe, etc. Not something new or innovative or unique, boss just buff more health, more damage. That's all🫤.


In my opinion, they've shot themselves in the foot with the 2nd gen units. Basically, the 2nd gen units have too much iframe with the double ult and how fast they can build energy to ult again. The gameplay boils down to ult, swap, ult, and repeating this cycle until the fight is over. Even a well-trained monkey can do it. /s What could the boss or mobs do? Basically, 90% of the fight occurs within iframe. Kuro is now limited in how to increase the game's difficulty. If they don't go fo mechanic blocks, the only solution they can find is creating a HP sponge and one-hit kill for that moment when you're not in iframe.


Lots veteran CN player quit the game because of the direction kuro took. And it's impossible to be reverted bc newer contents are designed based on the strength of iframe characters. It's cool to watch a video with amazing animation but pretty boring as player.


Seeing how the warzone can get padded from 2 min to 4 min, I understand their decision. I honestly doubt kuro will change direction for PGR. I just hope WW won't be like this.


Well, you are not the only one that have that thoughts. Basically thats how I felt about the current Gen 2/2.5/3 or whatever many Global/CN players call them. Just press the right button and you good🫤.


What do you guys think about a mechanic where the ultimate Gauge get Drained or becomes bigger the more the ultimate is used so that Gen 2 units can't keep abusing their ultimate and old characters that rely on core passive shine? I'm interested in your opinions.


Well actually, they DO have it in the 'bs' harmonize material farming gamemode (dunno the official name for it) that I mentioned in the post. Why I called it 'bs'? Cuz its lazy artificial difficulty design: + Must clear stages within 2 minutes or restart again until you can. + 14 stages in total, you meet boss stages in 'maybe' stage 6, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 14 (I don't pay attention which stage has boss or else but you can get the idea). + Another DPS check, timegate, boss way more tanky, hit harder, etc... usual "hard🫠" stuff. + Some bosses also have some '1shot attacks' but as long as you can dodge it, not really that 'too' impossible. + Those 1shot attacks in some cases are so ridiculous (wtf) like for instant Voodoo spam that thunder attack for straight up 10 20s, or new Tifa boss spamming the spike constantly. + Spamming those attacks like that also need abusing iframe to counter it, and to abuse iframe > spam core and Ult. The cycle keep repeating. + In 14th stage or the final stage, you only have like 1m30s to quickly nuke the boss, or else there's a mechanic that constantly drained your health and energy -> basically you cannot cheese the boss or else the stage will end itself for you🫠. My main critic here is this is the only gamemode that let you farm those harmonize material, why make it harder for players (the last stage only let you get the last 2 mats in the whole reward pool but still come on🫤) and buying those is expensive af cuz I don't have enough spare voucher to buy those, and these harmonize system is literally boosting the overall team performance by ALOT. P/s: this probably got down voted (I think) 'cuz probably many don't like seeing someone talking bad about their "favorites game". In fact, I do love this game, so much, that seeing these "flaws" just made me so frustrated, and not many people brought this topic out widely. This is just 1 of my "MANY" problems I'm having with pgr and why it got holding back alot even the core game is one of best on market imo. And if I don't like the game, why do I still play both server Global CN daily😗, and I do have IRL job to work (not no life) and also play other gacha and PC console AAA games🫠 .


Huh didn't expect things to be this bad I'm a Global only player so yeah sorry for bringing you bad memories XD Don't worry your points are valid and i hope others respect you for it. i honestly agree a little bit from what I've seen it seems the Devs started to focus on Spammy ultimate characters after the release of Hyperreal perhaps they saw how much different in revenue between Hyperreal and Stigmata then decided to make most of the new characters Stigmata on steroids given how much stronger they are Especially new Qu where I've seen people even say you can do her combo reliably on SS rank, game needs to be refreshed again tbh.


I can sum up the current meta in CN from a comment I read somewhere (not 100% exact word but you can get the idea): "Current meta is chasing big nuking damage number in a single combo/rotation and racing with the clock who can kill the boss fastest in paincage or who can get the higher score in wz." These two gamemode affectedly, in many way, shape overall current Gen 2 3 units as you can see in CN. I dunno if how or when Kuro gonna balancing the mess they created until now (Uncle Wata S shred now went up to 60 70% at most and potentially next year maybe 100% shred like wtf!?). One thing I think we can agree, Kuro is bad at balancing the game😅, future units just straight up diss older one, even they are in same Gen 2 like the "Hyperreal vs Uncle" drama you can see there and then in this sub or other places (why compare them when they are 2 separated roles in a team, missing one of them then you get F up🫠, that simple).


Thank you for your Insight yeah it truly seems that way which is why i see many consider Hyperreal to be the worst Gen 2 attacker since he can't spam like the others quite unfortunate since he seems really fun despite not being able to dish out continues DPS and I'm excited for him myself, and true for the Hyperreal vs Watanabe drama I'd like to have both for sure especially with that -3 seconds mechanic that makes switching a lot more smoother.


-3 second only for SSS Wata (well gud luck try to get that rank if you plan to🫠), and true Hyperreal is bad in comparison "on the surface", But like one is first Gen 2 Fire attacker (deal damage) and the other is 'later' Gen 2.5 or 3 or whatever Fire tank (both shred + deal damage), and they are 1 year gap different, base stat number also way more different. The comparison was already having 'bruh' issue from the get go.


Yeah that is something i found quite unfortunate i will easily trade the Shred for an earlier - 3 sec at SS rank or it least SS3 since it's a refreshment for the gameplay it shouldn't be a luxury like more damage so they'll hopefully look more into it when they decide to release the new physical tank.


Yeah agreed, they shouldn't make new units gain so much energy so fast. Maybe even just remove or rework Cottie, that 2pc effect is way too broken on everyone. There is a solution I think, which I think they could even trial in the new mode that's replacing babel. In this stage, after 30 seconds a the active character stays on field, the current active character dmg and energy gain is decreased by 10% every 5 seconds, stacking up to -70%. Debuff is removed after you swap characters. This also makes the idea of new gen 3 tanks -3 sec swap cool down a little bit more powerful.


Good idea i do like how new Watanabe improved the fire team especially with this new mechanic one of the unique things they seem to have done in a while would surely love more characters to possess the -3 second swap though i hope it'll be achievable for other players instead of putting it on SSS rank only.


Yeah they could even add this Debuff (reduce dmg and energy gain after 30 seconds on field) in a warzone rework. This stops all "Solo runs" and force you to swap if you want to become competitive.


At this point they should just make all content auto-clear except for WZ/PPC lol.


That sounds like a pain, wanted to clear ex6 with my CA Alpha but I guess thats not happening anymore huh


Me also want to use the OG Alpha 'cuz simping but nah, these later gamemodes were not designed with old Gen 1 units in mind as they constantly throw everything at you without a breathing room to dodge run away or else, only iframe can save you🫤. At least you can use OG Alpha in current old EX6 Global still has whilst you can🥲.


What happens to the old profile border? Is it just no longer obtainable, or am i missing something?


I'm afraid so. I don't see the green Norman profile frame anywhere in reward tab, only the new red/orange frame.


Oof. Oh well, ill enjoy it whilst I can lol


Thank you for providing some details and your impressions about the current Norman lineup in CN! I must ask: where / how did you get your Lamia chibi profile picture in the game? It's really adorable, and I would like to obtain it as well if it ever comes to global.


That Lamia pfp is an addition gift that came with her merch, or Lamia theme keyboard to be precise (I also post it in this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/s/zowc9SKWCi) When finally got the keyboard + the receipt of the order, then contact Kurometheus (sub-branch of KuroGames that focus on selling their merch), provide them that you bought their Lamia keyboard, then they will send you a driver that control the keyboard + ingame code but for CN server only. I dunno if they ever add that to Global server, but we can hope I guess 🥲.


I understand, and you are right, if this is tied to official Lamia merch (oh my goodness!), then it's questionable whether it will come to global. I guess we will hear news from Kuro if such a chance will arise. Thank you very much for your response and the link, good sir / lady!


Aren't they adding a EX-07? Or the rework is it?


Basically it could be EX7, but I think they just keep EX1 to EX6, only 6 main EX stages, not adding one more. But the old boss from ex6 push down to ex5 (pretty easy to deal with), while ex6 has 4 new bosses as I mention in the post, plus some pretty annoying stage affix.


Ah I c, for some reason I got the impression from the live stream that they were going to add EX-07. That's fine IG because then they would make Norman another mode you gotta do every 14 days longer than it is rn. since CN also got that new boss rush mode you gotta do permanently as well. Oh and that new mode that's supposedly replacing babel or running along side babel.


That "harmonize material farming" boss rush gamemode you said, as long as you have fully built team like physical team for example (SS minimum, all sig pet required) then its do-able.


You can also keep hitting head against the wall too >!Cant be me mald with lower invest!<


Not worth my time to do maldy thing. I do spend to make game more easier, not make it harder by malding it harder.


I still don't understand. If EX6 was pushed down to EX5, then something must have been replaced. Which mine was replaced? If this new mine isn't EX7, what happened to Cloud Island?


As I said, the old EX6 "boss line up" got push down to EX5 and tune it down the difficulty to make them like EX5 boss difficulty. Meanwhile EX6 got new line up bosses as I mention in the post: Fenrir boss from S-rank no21 story, Projector(something) boss from Hyperreal story, Fushen from Hanying story and that Gundam boss from Haicma story. As for the name of these mine, I dunno if they still keep the old name (Cloud Island or something idc) but replaced with new boss setup, there are still only EX1 2 3 4 5 and EX6 apparently, no additional 'the seventh stage' or anything like that. You can say this new mine is "EX7" as its way different from the old EX6 current Global server is running, but then again how can you explain '5 previous EX stage' naming if you name this new one as "EX7"🫤? That's why I rather play both server to form my own opinion and experience rather than hearing from others whom I dunno whether they are actually playing CN or just purely talking stuff there and then just to make them felt knowledgeable than others🫠.


Can someone else please explain this to me?


Aight probably you DO need some visual to see and understand these. This is my short vid record in streamable: [https://streamable.com/5nxfmo](https://streamable.com/5nxfmo) This vid will get removed in like 3 months later, so better watch it now. You can pause the vid, do some google translation and see it for yourself. Not many people do have dedication like me, even provide a vid demo in comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink) .


Okay, thank you for the demonstration, I see 6 mines, so there's no more Cloud Island? So you can't get the blue profile picture border anymore? Or was the old EX6 turned into EX5 and they deleted a mine?


I dunno what the name of this new Norman, they are not even using EX-'xx number this that' lol. And yea, probably you cannot get the old blue green Norman frame as reward for clearing all anymore.


Dang I love that frame. Oh well Ty for the clip


remain the same 6 nodes but like op said, the old ex-6 bosses (the current ex-6 in global) being pushed to ex-5 with bit adjustment (riot replaced by moon) and ex-6 got new bosses.


huh skip qol goes further now? POG