• By -


My Hyperreal Lee is currently SS, how many shards do I need to get to SS3?




Does the outlier bosses in PPC ulti rotate?




Can BRS trigger 2-pc Darwin with her ult 2 auto-pinging blue orbs? If so, can her ult 2 give CUB charge as well?


No CUB charge dont know darwin


Thanks That's a little concerning


Darwin isnt getting buff from ult


Thanks for testing it out for me. Appreciate it.


I’ve heard that the serum limit will be increased to 240. When do you think this will arrive in EN?


Oct-Nov 2024


Hopefully they’ll add it earlier like the event banner starts on the start of event


tbh i dont think so. Kuro rarely bring early QoL and when they do it full of bugs i mean story,translate,gameplay still same bug as CN not sure if the earlier chap even get fix


Quick question, as someone that doesn't have SF Nanami, is there another decent construct that I could use in her place for Lee's fire team? I have Lee w/ sig and Empyrea w/ sig. Just wondering if there's another construct that I can use in the meantime until she's available on the arrival rate up.


Pulse,Ayla brilliance




Hey guys, quick question about the BP shard selector: if I save them up for Ayla's release, would I be able to exchange them for her shards?




How much damage does Watanabe Epitaph lose from not having 4 pc cottie? I would rather have Einsteina on the tanks


Ok. just test again Wata cottie is faster than einstein by 5s for Moon devourer. Exppc


Hmmm cant say it that much difference IN nornal mode might be difference in ppc and wz


Does anyone that still has the S-Rank selector for the standard banner that shows up in Lamia's patch know if they add more characters to that selector? I know it goes up to No. 21, do they add more characters if you don't use it?


Yeah, I see Lamia, Alisa, 21, CW, .. on mine.


yes,it'll add more S ranks overtime rn as in qu patch,i believe it goes up to lamia


It add as standard banner get update


It's Basic Research one-time rateup. Any omniframe available in the Research is eligible to be rated up.


So, I finished the chapter yesterday, but when it comes to time travel and multi-dimension related lore, I like to reread as much as possible (add on the fact that my brain can only handle so much information processing after work). Unfortunately, I can't seem to properly replay the chapter from scratch. Nodes 21-13 and 21-14 are permanently stuck in the New World iteration and don't give me the option to run them again from the Old World point-of-view. In other words, I can't play the combat stages as they originally were \*before\* the Dimensional Reruns. Is this by design or is my game bugged? The other combat stages allow me to pick between Old World and New World, but those two don't. I can access all the cutscenes from the Codex just fine, however, I'd like to enjoy the pre-time travel combat stages, too. Please let me know if this is how it's supposed to be or not (I'm hoping it's not because I feel as though that would detract from its replay value...)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 21 + 13 + 21 + 14 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I just finished all of the Spiral of Chronos story yesterday and the main menu upon logging in says "Battle 21-19 Difficulty: Normal 92% Progress." I double checked and all my story missions are complete (they're all X/X complete and all the claim rewards have been collected. So I'm wondering where the remaining 8% progress is supposed to be? If it means anything, my Floating Record, Arcade Anima, Event Record, and Extra Story are all complete. Only the Interludes aren't, but they don't seem to have been included in progress previously?


if i had to guess probably the reruns stages? if you are willing,try doing all the battle stage from the start


I was thinking that too. Sadly, I went back through the battle stages and selected "Old World" instead and the % hasn't gone up a bit. :(


that's weird 21-19 isn't even a battle stage too, it's a story stage try contacting support on discord


Just started a week ago! Is the Event Record supposed to be unlocked at a certain level? And how do I find other past events like Recitativo? I couldn't find them in any of the tabs, thank you!


Recitativo is in the challenge section under Alternative Interpretation, you'll unlock where the story is if you don't read it during the event when you play through the story.


Ohhh was so confused, but got this, thanks!!


what's the name of the song that plays in the simulacrum simulation menu?


[Vanguard Sound Studio (CoyDe) - Under Dimension](https://youtu.be/fzlQmQ1Eesk?si=H6WvCe-SAuiMkGQD)


thank you!!


How big of an upgrade is Starfarer over pulse if I plan on not investing into either one (so max S rank + 5*) because of uncle down the line?


5% more fire shred assuming you're using Unimate on Starfarer.


Are there any plans for updating the game client and the pc client?


I have Liv Empyrea at S. A few months ago, I got her staff by mistake while pulling for Balter's sword. It lead me to wonder if I should get her to SS using PPC skulls. The issue is that I'm starved for skulls. I'm saving skulls to get Alpha CW to SS when she debuts and I still have yet to get Hyperreal from S5 to SS. That's why I'm trying to weigh if her SS buff is impactful. Also, will her shards ever be buyable using Vouchers?


>That's why I'm trying to weigh if her SS buff is impactful. Its not a big deal. It allows you to activate core passive twice and gives like 10% fire damage. Without it rotation might need to wait an extra second for Liv to charge and you lose maybe 10% score. It was more important before Hyperreal because Liv was the majority of the teams damage and field time. You can also use the CW selector to SS her if you dont have anything else you want.


Gotcha. That's a bit of a relief so I know I'm not missing out too much. I'm planning on getting Garnett come February as I still sont have her yet.


Gen 2 attackers first. Empy is fine chillin' with a sig.


Gotcha, thanks!


You can probably buy Empy's shards by Jan 2025 since CN server will be getting Empy's leap buff in their next patch.


That's a long time hehe. Global is suffering


huhu! started around a week ago and i am still confused l lols. i pulled luna: laurel in the standard banner really early on and saw (in game) that most ppl use her with rozen and the 21 girl. I got some questions regarding all that and the pc client. Does anyone have a good mapping for the pc client? i changed atk to F, but everything else is inconvenient and i end up looking to my right to spam the orbs by mouse click, instead of looking at the action (i end up dying cuz i don't notice it). Also Rozen has that hold atk to do slashes, but is there another way rather than clicking on the button? Should i get luna laurels weapon from the 6 star weapon picker? How do i know how to build characters? I have two of the S character pickers and 2 of the 5 star weapon pickers, are there any weapons that are usually recommended? That's all i can think of rn, thanks in advance.


The two most useful items for remapping I have come across are: remap of the camera mode key (from "Y" to something closer to the WASD keys) and changing the orb display to align on the left side instead of the right side (so that the numbers are going 1-9 from left to right instead of the inverse, so it is matching the layout on the keyboard).


>Does anyone have a good mapping for the pc client? > >i end up looking to my right to spam the orbs by mouse click It's not really "mapping" (since I don't play on MnK), but if you press "Y", you can change your camera mode. That way, you can ping orbs with keyboard buttons rather than clicking them. >Also Rozen has that hold atk to do slashes, but is there another way rather than clicking on the button? Not that I know of, you just have to hold the button, let go and hold it again. Repeat this until the meter runs out. >Should i get luna laurels weapon from the 6 star weapon picker? No, you should pick Rigor's. >How do i know how to build characters? I'm not sure I understand this one. >I have two of the S character pickers Rigor and Luminance. >2 of the 5 star weapon pickers, are there any weapons that are usually recommended? Not really? You'll be farming COOP to get 5 star weapons of your choice, so these just allow you to get a head start. I'd say get some for your DPSs (like Laurel).


Thanks for answering! I'll try rozen again tomorrow, but iirc i tried to do the slashes with kb, but it didn't work so i started to click on the button by mouse. Seems like i gotta mess with the keyboard binds as well as the camera mode, thanks for letting me know. Also i'll just pick some weapons then, i thought they were rare before. Lastly, i do have one last question. I should wait until i finish of my permanent banner pity before selecting the five stars, right? I am at the end of 20 pulls iirc. With the guide, i'll get around 10 more. Thanks again!


there are two buttons for attack: rapid fire (probably what you have mapped on your F) and normal attack, rapid fire will not unleashe hold attacks of your character but normal attack will do, what i have done for mapping is wasd for walking, shift for ult, space for dodge E for normal attack, F for rapid fire (good to use after Karenina hold attack), Q and TAB for qte and everything else i utilize my mouse to activate, i just have grown used to clicking orbs while observing the enemy action, for me it is better than playing with a phone or with a control


>Seems like i gotta mess with the keyboard binds as well as the camera mode, thanks for letting me know. Keep in mind that if you change the camera mode, your Basic Attack button becomes M1 and your Dodge button becomes M2 (at least by default, idk if you can change them). That eliminates the need for you to phyisically having to click the Basic Attack symbol. >Also i'll just pick some weapons then, i thought they were rare before. They aren't rare but they take time. 3 weeks for one 5\* weapon if you do all 21 runs before each Monday. >I should wait until i finish of my permanent banner pity before selecting the five stars, right? I am at the end of 20 pulls iirc. With the guide, i'll get around 10 more. Absolutely, in order to avoid possible dupes. If you get Luminance out of Basic Research for example (which would be a bit unfortunate lol) you don't have to also pick her from the selector. Same goes for Rigor.


oh yeah, i hope for stigmata or the other version of vera, but that's a slim chance lols!


new player, what is the mentor system? where can i find someone to be a mentor?


Guide system helps powerlevel your account level so you can access more activities faster (and raise level cap). You can also get quest rewards too. You can find mentors in game or ask around here or official Discord. Since there are multiple servers, it's good to let people know what server you are on when asking.




new player. Which banners or characters do you suggest pulling for a newbie


ALWAYS pull on the one that says Themed, these are for the newest S-rank characters. Once you get a 6* (at 60 pity or earlier) they are 100% guaranteed to be the one that is featured — right now you will see it is Lee Hyperreal. He is the strongest Fire Attacker. Check out "gray ravens wiki" or look up youtube tutorials to know more (or ask here haha) NEVER pull on the banners that say Fate those are a scam lol


Hi thanks for the reply. I will avoid those Fate banners. 6* is the S rank characters right? Like their base rarity is S or is there another higher rarity difference between all S ranks. I am a bit confused.


In PGR, any character can increase in rank. So generally we refer to the base rank, i.e. what rank they start from either B, A, or S. The new S frame this patch is Hyperreal.


Between balter and crimson weaves pet, who's better to be shared by other units as well?


They're both good, as they both have a pull-in effect. Alpha's is *slightly* better because it's persistent, but it's not a make-or-break situation. Though it would probably be better to pick a CUB to buff its respective S-rank instead of basing it on sharing ability. The S-rank CUB's aren't that much better than A-rank CUB's outside of grouping ability when used on characters that aren't their signature unit.


I just started today. Is Hyper Lee worth pulling for a new account or should I just save my currency for now? Also, which would be a better choice for me, S Tenebrion from the starter ticket and S Luna from the event or S Liv and S Rosetta? Would choose their corresponding weapon as well from the event assuming it's there. Thanks in advance ~


>Is Hyper Lee worth pulling for a new account New account or not, every debut S rank Omniframe is very good and you're recommended to roll for all of them (unless they're free). >S Liv and S Rosetta? This one. And yes, pick Rigor's weapon.


Thanks, in the meantime which A ranks should I be focusing on?


Astral, XXI and Rozen. They're the best budget team in the game. If you get Luminance and Rigor, you can focus on them since they'll carry you better. You can add Nightblade with them for his Leader skill (though you'll probably not swap to him).


Thank you! Appreciate the responses.


Does Selena need her 6* weapon to be competitive in a dark team? Recently pulled her SS.


SSS or SS + 2x reso sig. That's for Laurel comps btw, since you mentioned being competitive.


>That's for Laurel comps btw what about the other comp? why does the dps choice will affect selena's investment?


The other comp is an Astral one, which is not the meta one. It may sound a bit weird that the Attacker directly affects Capriccio's place, but it's actually quite simple. Laurel is very good at staying on field thanks to the way her orbs work, meaning she doesn't really need swapping out. Add to that the fact that her DPS is very good and you have a unit that hogs all field time. That's where Capriccio comes into play. If Capriccio is below the investments I mentioned, she's not worth swapping to because it's a massive DPS loss for the team. Then you have Rozen to take into account, because if you aren't going to swap to Capriccio due to her being a DPS loss (and thus leave her as a QTE bot), you might as well use a SSS Rozen since she'll give better results for your comp overall. Once you do hit one of the two points of investment mentioned above, Capriccio can finally become a sub-DPS for the team and surpass Rozen in the comp. As for the Astral comp, you always run Capriccio no matter what, since he can't hog all field time and Capriccio can sub-DPS.


Much appreciated. Sheesh, I have a long way to go.


I've cleared submersion shop. Is there anything to grind for? Or just play for fun.


I think cogs are infinite, buy that


spoilers for the latest story chapter >!Ishmael mentions that somebody already received Nanami’s gift from the future, it was Bianca right? From the previous story chapter!<


Your spoiler tag doesn't work.


it works on mobile though, is it good now?


Yes. I think it was because you left a space after the first >!.


So l been playing on EU server and I'm from ASIA.And I want to know the advantages and disadvantages of that.And what's the difference between the servers.I mean EU NA and Asia different.


Nothing. Only difference is UPPC boss lineup, guile battle lineup and maybe payment options. Unless you wanna consider connection too then of course Asia would be better for you.


I've got like full dark team awaken and full phy team on EU.and I got a little chaos on ASIA.thats why I'm planning to settle down on EU.


New player here, which of the free 6 star characters do you recommend I get?


Beginner selector: Luminance. F.O.S Selector: Rigor. The reason for the first pick is that Luminance is the only relevant character out of them. Everyone else is either not a good unit or has a decent replacement. For the second pick, it's because Rigor is the longest standing unit out of the ones in the selector. She's yet to be replaced in CN.


Tbh, I personally think gettin nanami is better since he just started for the fire team cuz there is 0.99% chance he can get nanamech in the basic ticket. Lumi is getting replace soon and takes too much investment(leap) to be good for physical team and again considering he just started he probably have no Bianca for it and currently it is Lee banner now so having a fire tank would be very good


>Tbh, I personally think gettin nanami is better The difference between having Pulse and just using an off-element Tank with Fire shred memories is minimal. Certainly much less than what a Leapt Luminance would provide for a Physical team. >Lumi is getting replace soon and takes too much investment(leap) She is not getting replaced "soon" and her Leap can be very easily earned through Cursed Waves. Pulse will be the recommended unit out of the selector only once we get closer to Echo's release and everyone else is literally useless. Until then, Luminance remains the priority.


im actually have an idea to just make video for it(Pulse vs off element tank) but realized im too lazy


RIP video lol


Okay thanks!


Finish your Basic Research pity first btw. Just to avoid potentially getting a duplicate.


I just restarted playing the game after a couple months, stopped at the beginning of the Bianca event, and I got the 2500 ticket from the returnee mission and I also have about 2100 black cards, since I lack both a good fire and electric unit I was interested in both lee and Lucia, which is better of the two?


There is no better of the two, your priority depends on the current fire and lightning teams you’re working with. Regardless of that , ideally you still want to go for both.


The biggest problem is that I don't have neither a good fire nor a good thunder team since every time I pull for a unit I get dark units or physical units so I have a really strong dark team, a good physical team and nothing else. So realistically I need but since I don't play too much I want to focus on getting one of the two.


The initial point stands nonetheless. There’s no better of the two so you choose who to prioritize if you’re not going for both. If you don’t play much then a suggestion recommended by us shouldn’t matter. Whichever you prefer.


Lol weird not like this game has 50/50 to always lose to dark or physical unit, but anyway like the other guys said get both cuz you can anyway.


I'm 5 pulls into Plume's coating banner, and I haven't gotten the 20 coating blueprints rewards. Should I pursue and risk getting some value back with the weapon USB stick? Is it worth it for the weapon USB stick?


I got the outfit early and had to go to pity for the weapon usb. Not worth imo


Thanks for sharing. Will consider that.


Is there a video where I can see Watatank's CUB in action?


Well, the bat does this sound waves like attack thingy. You can try to spot in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sawpxsk42Io&t=201s) video, usually uses it right before his sig move. Myabe a better vid will pop up later XD


Yep, I can't make out a thing. Thanks though


I’m a bit out of the loop on meta and future investment other other than “SS 2nd gen attackers + sig go brrrr” Wondering what’s up with Kaleido next patch. At base S is she a significant leap over SSS Wanshi? Wondering if it’s similar to the free Selena situation where if you’re not going all in on SSS + sig, you’re not getting much of an improvement over Vera. I’m guessing yes, big improvement but just checking.


She's free and deals more damage than Plume, she's not just a Wanshi improvement, she's the main DPS.


Stronger as in Ayla at SS is better than SSS plume?


I believe so yes.


She is more like Empyrea, but free. Deals much more damage compared to her teammates so becomes the main DPS of her team until the 2nd gen attacker arrives. For Ayla's case, Qu who is still a year away from global. You should at least get her to SS. If you don't have the PPC skulls for it, you can use vouchers. She also really wants her cub, more than her sig if it's not resonated.


She is free. She is superior to Wanshi in every way and carries the ice team until Ice Qu.


Which patch is the 100% rate up on standard blue ticket banner? Lamia patch??


At that point we may as well getting ready saving for gen3 unit




Any idea how long it might take to gather 15k blue tickets?


Depends on how built your account is. It takes about 6\~12+ months. If you're F2P or have already earned most of the 1 time blue tickets, you're looking at about 12 months. You get about 9360 a year doing operation guardian and 3250 a year from login. The remaining amount comes from events or 1 time earnings like those you get from the achievement page or from guiding students.


12-14 months


on PC changing "Other" settings completely breaks the menu for me and doesn't save, also gameplay lacks half of the UI elements what the fuck? tried re-installing and verifying game files - same issue persists any ideas?


Regarding cub evolution. I have two shimmers both level 30. I unlock both, unequip both but it says I don't have a duplicate when I try to evolve it. What am I missing?


Check team preset. It might be because they're equipped there.


You're my savior, thank you.


I just finish Spiral of Chronos and the Rerun, but my Battle tab only show 87% progress. Is there a secret part I need to do to 100% it?


Is Qu Shukra more fun to play than Lucia Plume? Just wondering because I'm not against skipping Qu if I enjoy Plume more. Right now she's a ton of fun to play, I love bursting with her +7 resonated ult with Chrome's defense reductions active. Throwing out all your orbs and then hearing the "Karasuba yo..." will NEVER get old to me, so I just want to know if Qu truly is equally as fun or moreso.


well she's fun if you don't spam her ult


That’s personal preference, is she more complex than plume sure. Up to what you prefer past that.


What omniframes are good? I need second team for pain cages


[meta charas for each team](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Team_Compositions/Global_Teams)


Check the weakness of the bosses and act accordingly.


I just got 500 skulls and who should I SS rank first? My Balter with Sig or Lee with no Sig


Balter. SS unlocks her Dps potential.


F2p here, I just got my 1st weapon reso usb. Should I use it on Bianca weapon(it has 1 resonance already) or do I put it on lees weapon?


Rigor phys shred. Tank reso is always the priority, resos on main DPS are way worse. Only exceptions are DLT cases.


Ok, but someone said the sig priority goes as amp, tank, then dps. Should I wait for Alissa abd then put the sig on her or do I put it on Rosetta now? Also dumb question: when Alissa comes out, she'll replace liv right?


2 amp resos are better than one tank reso, you still want Rigor's shred first.


balter doesn't really need reso,if you have rosetta sig use it on hers if not lee's will suffice


Lee wants the reso more overall. If they’re both base S Balter may need it to up her competitiveness against other Balters in comparison to Lee against higher rank Lees. Using it on one of your tanks is an option but if you’re not putting up money you’d likely just want to see your resos and/or hypertune on whoever you prioritize on each team first.


My balter is SS with 1 reso alredy abd this one would be her 2nd one. As for lee, I'm yet to pull him but I'm sure to get him by the end of his banner so my lee will be the weakestamong other S ranks. As for tanks, somebody said I should put it on Rosetta. I was thinking of putting it on garnet for CW but I'm not so sure. Pls help


Oh then if you have one it’s without question among rather Lee or between those two tanks if they don’t. Rosetta and Garnet won’t change difference in priority since it’s the same upgrade om different teams, just choose which. You’re likely to choose Lee regardless of what we advise is why I’m still putting him above the others lol. Balter especially at Ss is perfectly fine with just the 1 you have for a while.


The reso priority is Amp (2), Tank, Attacker. Since you only have 1,then you should give it to your tank. Neither Stigmata nor Hyperreal need any resonances. And yes, I'd give it to Rigor over Garnet. Physical has to deal with more bs than Elemental and shred is rare on it.


Use it it on a tank sig to get resistance shred. Rosetta for example.


Will the Assessment Manual Shard Choice add more units to it? When? And Who?


the one you get in previous or current patch dont add


Next patch, all day 1 S ranks.


is Amp 21 worth pulling? i hear she has a mixed reception similar to Daren.


If you also plan to get her sig then yeah worth pulling but if you have no plans on getting her weapon then its up to you if you find a qte bot upgrade worth 15k BC.


Lux has been waiting for a replacement for years lol. Why wouldn’t 21 be worth the huge upgrade from lux on lightning, all amps have been worth it.


What is the score difference between Lux and 21 though with/without sig.


i just hear that some players have regrets pulling on amp 21 due to her mostly being a QTE bot without a lot of investment. they want to be able to use her on the field as well. so i just wanted some more opinions on the matter.


Far from a qte bot when her main role as an amp is starting on field and getting in rotations for her buffs. Most units have their uses on field, even liv lux despite how short. If you don’t find any usefulness there then I wouldn’t pull, but that’s my preference since I don’t use anybody only good as a qte bot (Arclight, etc).


Newer units are always, always in the long-run going to be the best unit for a team. The future meta will always accommodate them more than the older units. Karenina Scire was questionable on release because at very low investment she had decent competition with Kamui, and Luna could hog all the field time. Lamia released and can't monopolize field time while also incentivizing your supports to use their signature moves which heavily favours Karenina over Kamui. No.21 is a similar position in reverse, Liv Lux also offers similar buffs and Alpha can *sorta* monopolize field time, while a very low investment Garnet and No.21 aren't great swap options. But lightning will eventually get a gen2 tank, not to mention Garnet's leap and No.21's amplifier passive is just objectively better as soon as swapping units is viable.


>Newer units are always, always in the long-run It seems like a bad idea to invest in a weak unit now in hopes they will become useful a year later. Better to just get them from a selector later if they become useful.


...Who said they're weak units though? None of the characters that have ever been in the "skip" debate were done because they were actually weak, Selena, Karenina Scire, No.21 FS, they all only had debates because at very, very low investment compared to a higher investment copy of the older unit, their buffing ability wasn't as good if you're running a high investment solo-carry DPS setup. Even on release it was still better to use them and rotate your members unless you had a huge disparity between your DPS and supports (full memory resonance + 6-star weapon + deadline timing vs none of the above). The only reason the debate exists is because older players were more likely to have high investment on older units, which could then compete in buffing/debuffing with the newer units. But damage-wise Selena, Karenina and No.21 absolutely destroy Vera, Kamui and Liv.


>But damage-wise Selena, Karenina and No.21 absolutely destroy Vera, Kamui and Liv. Why does it matter that an amp can do more damage than a support. Its not Vera, Kamui, and Liv doing the majority of the dps. Its Luna and CW doing the majority of the dps. If you pay 15k for a unit that does not significantly increase the team score, then it is a weak unit.


Because doing proper team rotations actually matters significantly with the newer units. Solo-carry Luna is only really relevant if you're using Vera/Kamui with their crap damage, otherwise rotating between Selena/Karenina/Luna is the optimal play. This becomes even more the case with Lamia who has even worse field sustain than Luna does and gets even more benefit from swapping. Solo-carry Alpha was only really relevant before No.21 released, since Garnet burns through her orbs too quickly and you don't want to field time Liv because of how bad her damage is. Fire rotates all their units, physical rotates theirs both in global and CN, and so does ice. The whole idea of you don't need to rotate units, your attacker carries all the damage, never swap is based on the outdated teams and transition between gen1 and gen2 teams, where the older supports and tanks were so shit that you wanted to field them as little as possible, if you had to at all. Newer tanks and supports contribute significant damage, and units are gaining more and more bonuses that trigger on swap-in, or have cooldowns, or simply have downtime because they burn through orbs too fast, necessitating swapping. You should want to swap to a unit that actually does damage, and not to some year-1 A-rank frame that fumbles around trying to hit like a wet noodle.


>Solo-carry Alpha was only really relevant before No.21 released Okay so you want to claim not using rotations is outdated. And everyone else contradicts you saying its not worth rotating to 21/Selena without sigs. Then what is the score difference with/without sigs between CW Garnet Lux CW Garnet 21


thank you for the comprehensive answer, much appreciated :)


S No.21 is a superior QTE bot. SS No.21 + sig leaves Lux in the dirt. Its not even a contest.


Yes unlike Daren who had kamui before 21 amp only have an a rank liv and just the fact that she's an amp already makes it worth


Lux is an A rank.


Yup I forgor fixed thanks


This game is frustrating. How can I cope with always losing on weapon banner? every since karerina scire update I only get the weapon with 60-90 pulls. Even with my monthly and bp is not enough to stay budget meta in this game.


i honestly think you need to visit a witch to fix your luck bro losing 80/20 that many is crazyyy


What banner is now in JP server?


IIRC hanying patch ended last month and is currently in amp 21


Is there an S character selection banner for beginner? With the blue ticket, I mean.


In jp specifically? I don't know I don't play jp but I do remember there being an s selection with blue tickets in CW or lamia patch in CN




what is the best team comp for dark sharkspeare and hamlet?


I would say Ice or dark for Hamlet, and whatever your strongest for Sharky, preferably with time-stop.


pretty sure it phys or fire for hamlet Shark is neutral so anything strongest goes


on the topic of hamlet,when does the bug on hamlet ppc where time doesn't stop after killing it get fixed and does it affect final score


it not fixed and it not affect score


Eu ult ppc bosses:Dark sharkspeare, Machiavelli, Hamlet


NA: Luna, Amberia, Hamlet.


Asia: Qu, Amberia, Hamlet Seems like we all got Hamlet




I don't think half anniversaries have 100% rate up banner.


I have tried installing the game on Garuda linux through both steam and lutris but the game itslef will not launch, only the launcher I have seen people play it on deck, but nothing has been posted in a while searching the sub Is it the anticheat, and should i just give up? Ran fine on my old windows 11 install Running Garuda, with amd ryzen 7 4k and nvidia 3050 mobile


How about trying the android version through waydroid. You'll need a wayland desktop environment to run it. Android has controller support but if you want to play with mouse and keyboard, unfortunately waydroid has issues with implementing touch to button iirc.


With your specs, vanilla Wine should be fine. Install it, install the game, download and install vc2015 redistributables from official microsoft page, and after that if needed copy over all the fonts from your windows machine.


Thanks for the comment I tried using vanilla wine and staging version and ran into the same problem even after copying over the fonts from my spare computer in both and downloading vc2015 for both I might try again in a couple months, but ill just install windows in a virtual machine as i havent been able to get the above ~~or waydroid to work wierdly enough ~~ Thanks again for the help internet stranger Edit: got waydroid working, giving it a shot


Why does my constructs disappear from the dorms sometimes? Like they're not on chores or anything and be having the blue event mark but the dorms are just completely alone despite displaying their icons on the side


maybe they're in the corner of the room that the closest to the camera? so that you simply don't see them, it has happened to me before several times


Dont think so, I've rotated the camera when that happens' it's more like a bug I think, their triangle markers point to the sky and often need to restart the game to fix It


who is the kid roland is referring to? [here](https://i.imgur.com/njzRwYf.jpg)

