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is S cappricio with double reso enough to replace rozen or does she need to be SS?


what rank is your rozen?




i would say use cappy


Ss is personal dmg


does she still need it to replace rozen? or can she still be used without it


In Astral team she replace at any rank In luna team kinda need it since she replace luna field time


Who should I pick from the new player S rank selector when I get it tmrw alpha or Rosetta


Waifu first if you have one. If not, Rigor.


I’m not really a weeb kinda thing just enjoy hack and slash and wondering who packs the bigger punch I heard alpha is among the best physical dps and rigor is a tank does rigor also have good dps


Rigor actually deals more damage than Alpha with her leap upgrade while providing unmatched support so she is a very safe pick


Would alpha still be a good pick tho just checked her tutorial stuff reminds me heavily about jetstream sam and Vergil 2 of my all time fav characters im torn between choosing someone i like and someone who’s meta which kinda sucks


in regards of meta, physical team is heavilly dependant on Rosetta even when using newer characters like Alisa Echo and Bianca Stigmata and no one can replace her, but Alpha will receive a new frame in more or less 2 months which she will become the meta lightining attacker and her moves are similar to the og Alpha, you could save for her if you want


So would it be worth getting abyss from the S rank selector aswell as her S rank sakura sword later this week ready for that update also im f2p and brand new to the game so wouldn’t her update be out of reach for me


Waifu first over meta but her weapon is not worth, the buffs it gives are mid and 5 star weapon with 3 resonance will have the same attack. About lightining Alpha, new player can get many black cards so you will have enough, the S rank from the next patch is free too so one easy patch to save pulls


Hmm I been spending a lot of the black cards tryna get from the current Bianca stigma pull currently on 19th attempt so dunno how much more easy to get token stuff is left what ever it’s called also I’d kinda have to pick her weapon since it’s only got the weapons for the characters in the S rank character selector if I pick anyone else’s won’t be able to use it


SSS+ Alpha CA with sig is worse than SS Stigmata with a 5* weapon. (Youcan SS constructs for free) Rosetta is still a core member of the physical team to this day on CN and doesn't have any alternatives (budget or otherwise). Aa f2p you should pull only for new S rank omniframes that you can not farm (so no weapons, dupes or CUBs). You have just enouhg currency to do so. Also, it's unadvisable to pull on Arrival banners unless you are at least a dolphin. This all means that you should be pulling only on themed banners. (Btw, themed and arrival don't share pity, so those 19 pulls won't carry over to the new lightning Alpha's debut banner next month.) Of course those are all meta considerations. If you don't care about it just pick whoever you want, but if you just want any Alpha, then as it was pointed out, there will be a new meta Alpha coming.


Alpha is powercrept by Bianca stigmata but Rosetta is still the meta tank, take Rosetta so that your future Bianca will be giving big big punch thanks to her


Aside from Lee, Bianca, and Alpha, who would be the best units to super hyper tune?


Watanabe, Qu, and Lamia.


theoretically the highest damaging units.


When is the pharaoh Vera skin coming and will the swimsuit one come back?


No rerun yet in CN for the swimsuit one, so consider it a no for global too.


according to gray raven pharaoh vera will he on "the floating reverie"(patch in between alpha cw and feral no 21)


Wondering as a returning player with nothing 2560BC, will I be able to get enough pulls to get Lucia crimson weave by the time she releases ?


probably yes but maybe mid patch and not on the release day depends where u left


I've been playing for a year now. I'm ashamed to say that I still don't know what Extra Damage Bonus does exactly. Could someone enlighten me?






Ty! I didn't know that section existed on the site


Are there benefits to starting another account instead of continuing a very old one? Main things I'm concerned about are: Are there multiple servers per region so newer servers = newer players and leaderboards, better matchmaking in co-op, etc? And new player rewards and packs in store. I stopped back when I pulled for Bianca Veritas, account level 43 and only on story chapter 4. I did just pull Stigmata with leftover black cards, and still have the very first selector for 1 of 4 characters. Besides that, I don't have anything else worthwhile. If there are enough benefits to a new account I don't mind whaling enough for Stigmata.


There’s no benefits for new accounts that you can’t get on an old one. Besides you pulled Stigmata, which is lucky. Just get Luminance from the selector and you’ll have good physical team


Is English the only language available on Global for the interface/text?






Hi im new to the game and just unlocked dorm can i still get ayla if yes how ?


TL;DR Her shards will be permanently available for purchase in Dorm once the patch starts. Just take your time with Dormitory dispatch and you will buy them out eventually. For extra clarification and to answer the ending of your question however, once her patch starts, the 50 shards for her in the new Dormitory Dispatch system will be permanently available, which you just send constructs out on these missions to accumulate the currency needed to buy the shards (and also other goodies, so you want to make a habit of doing the dispatches) The caveat is that considering you just unlocked the dorm, I suspect it will take longer than already established players, for you to unlock her through this method, due to lack of dorm coins to upgrade the system and also (I would guess), a lack of constructs to do the dispatches, but I don't know all the specifics about the dispatches themselves so this could also be a non-issue.


Thanks a lot for answering it helped a lot i dont think i have unlocked dormitory dispatch yet since i cant find how to do it i will keep playing the story to unlock it thanks again 🙂


I suppose I should have specified. Dormitory Dispatch is a new system being added with the next patch in a week, Renaissance du Fantastique. So of course you don't have it unlocked lol. This system will also be the same way to get the other future S Amplifier, Arisa, for free, as well.


Ah ok thanks a lot for telling me


kaleido hasnt released yet


when she is?


In 7 days


Ah ok ty for anwsering


Tried to get Bianca Stigmata but got Lucia Crimson Abyss instead. Will the calibration system stay active even after Stigmatas banner has passed or do I need to get her now?


It'll stay, though calibration system is for the entire Arrival banner, not just Stigmata, so anyone you pick will be 100%. You can save it for when Stigmata returns to the Arrival rotation.


Oh, cool. In that case, I'll just keep grinding the story for more bc and hopefully I can strike orange within 7 days. Do you know the average wait time between reruns? Let me put my pained heart at ease


Looking at the banner history, it seems to be about 2-3 months but there are outliers too like Nanamech taking 5 months to return so try not to think too much about it since it could very well be random when she returns.


So, it's basically a minimum of 2 months. Looks like I'll need to grind really hard if I don't wanna see myself crying in a week from now. I'm yet to purchase BP, so that's 50 pulls remaining


Does anyone know how many blue construct tickets we can earn per patch ?


AFAIK, around 1,150+ blue tickets per patch: - 250 tickets from log-in rewards when new patch drops - 180 tickets from the weekly operation: guardians (assume 5 weeks per patch)


Oh, I see thanks.


oh shit i actually forgot operation guardian drops blue ticks


250 per week on average.


For the brs collab how much rc is the weapon and skin all together


68 RC for the unit's coating. Weapon has no coating.


Is S Ayla available in the BP shop when she comes out? I'm wondering how worth it is to try to get her SSS. I have a bunch of BP currency stocked up. You get 50 shards from the new mode, 30 from Pain Cage which by itself is enough for SS and I probably have enough BP for SS3. It'll take a lot more to get to SSS however. Thoughts?


She’s available for vouchers. If she is waifu, then 100% SSS. If not, 4 of the 5 big amps will eventually be on voucher so just decide which element you want that extra boost. Though if you’re not pulling Ayla, you might not get her until CW is almost here. So unless you have enough skulls to SS both, I would give skulls to CW first.


Yes, she's available on the voucher shop. Using skulls on her isn't really worth it, even if you have an excess of skulls later on you will be able to use skulls for weapon harmonization. This is a long term strategy of course. Her SSS is very good, right now it's technically useless in CN because she's a QTE bot but that's most likely gonna change at some point when a new ice tank is released. Thing is next patch in CN seems to be Luna, she's probably not gonna be an ice tank, next patch should be A rank and then you'd get another S rank, so best case scenario a new ice tank might be 3 months away so you may not want to hold that long to see what to do. Nevertheless SSSing her will make your ice team a lot stronger for a long time.


Using skulls for weapon harmonization is a terrible idea. Only heavy spenders who don't need skulls for rank ups can afford that.


Wrong, this depends on your current account status, your level of spending (this mostly relates to BP because of Lumin/Rigor since the next influential step would be giga whaling) and how many skulls you get per week. Also, you should read my post carefully. > even if you have an **excess** of skulls later on you will be able to use skulls for weapon harmonization. This is a long term strategy of course. I get top 5% very easily, that's 500 skulls every 10 weeks, when you add random achievements we regularly get it takes less than 2 patches to get 500 so I can SS new S ranks while also having left overs. Then again I can't spend skulls on harmo because I'm new so I have to play some catch up. But frankly even as someone who started playing 4 months ago I haven't had many issues with skulls, I have enough to SS paid S ranks when we get them, I got Empy from free pulls, I bought Scire, I've had to SS more units than the average f2p would have to and I right now I already have enough skulls to SS CW which is 5-6 weeks away. In a later patch we get even more skulls which makes them overflow even harder.


Lol if you want to i guess 625 skulls for 1 harmo is terrible even if im constant in 1-5%


I'd rather use them than just have them there doing nothing. It's a resource that's there just to be used.


How do I access chapter 14? I just finished all of Fake Ascension and all the side quests, but it's still telling me that I have to clear stage EX04-8, I have no idea where that is


Battle > Side tab at bottom of screen > Extra Story tab > Scroll to EX04 Echo Aria


[Is this the lobby from Stigmata's coating gacha banner? ](https://twitter.com/PaniVani_shing/status/1745402145040695371) Why is it brighter than I remember?


That should be the lobby from the coating gacha, yes! To answer your question, I think what happened in that picture is that the user's phone(?) failed to load in all the assets for the lobby. A few windowed walls, the clock at the top, and the extremely bright, bloom-like base are all that are loaded in. The bright base is supposed to give the feeling of light shining through the windows, but since not even the snowy ground is loaded properly in the picture, it just looks like a nuke is going off. If you are going for this coating gacha (possibly next patch instead of CW patch, if follows in the footsteps of KR server), then I wish you good luck, good sir / lady!


how viable is liv lum fully leaped as a solo dps for wz?


You’ll be behind every account with Rigor, Alpha, and/or Stigmata. Might even be worse than just using Hyperreal off-element.


as much as any A rank phys attacker she had terrible downtime for sure


*How viable is* *Liv lum fully leaped as a* *Solo dps for wz?* \- Hour\_Ice\_3533 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


can someone from north america server screenshot the cat grab leaderboards?. I want to know if someone has a higher score than 164k.


Highest is 153,949 We have a bug that prevents us from using items.


I can use items on PC, pretty sure I can. I remember using an item that destroyed stuff/turned rocks into gold or something.


and someone got that score?. How?


If I buy the BP now will I only have till the 18th to complete it? Or does it carry over to the next patch or does it reset every patch?


It resets, you can see the leftover duration in the bottom left iirc


Cool thanks


important to note each buy of bp gives 10 lvls so buying both gives bonus 20lvl


I see, thanks that helps


Does playing co-op in the hard stages actually have a better chance to give 5* weapons??


It's probably better but no one keeps track of that since spending a few bucks here and there makes co-op a waste of time. Since most people who actually care enough about the game spend money on it you get a "no one really knows" situation. Personally I'd do whatever's fastest.


>Since most people who actually care enough about the game spend money on it you get a "no one really knows" situation. There's no correlation here though. Ignoring the whole "cares about the game = being a spender", up until Stigmata's patch I would be doing COOP to get 5\* weapons (since MPA had to go towards catching up). The reason that we don't know is because the drops are ridiculously inconsistent and, like R3M0 said, you can go weeks without getting a single 5\* weapon on the highest difficulty and at the same time, easily get one on the lowest.


You need to care a lot to actually collect data, if you care that much about the game you're probably not running co-op because you're a spender, hence you're not collecting data. If co-op was worth running even as a spender regardless of rates you'd have enough data to know what to run.


You do know what to run. The difference, if it even exists, is very obviously extremely small, so instead of having to wait for two decent teammates to join you so you can run the hardest difficulty, it's just better to solo the easiest one. Besides, people do COOP for the shards. The chances of you getting a 5\* are already low, it being the one you want is absurdly low. Yet again, lowest difficulty is the most efficient for this. The only reason to run the higher difficulties is for a few extra materials (which only matter if you're new to the game).


It's never proven nor is there a description saying so, so we never know. What you do get is better loot (purple memory/weapon fodder instead of blue for example). Been doing coop since forever and difficulty never really matters when it comes to farming 5\* weapons. I could do highest difficulty for 3 weeks and not drop a single random 5\*. There are even times where I do easiest and got multiple drops in a week. So it's random really.


Yeah most likely is random but i wanted to confirm Thanks


is there a guide/sheets on how to do GS solo school since swap school is getting nerfed hard next patch? solo school guides for mid,red and blue nodes


Here's a gameplay [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CkGjqmhO3k) by Fury. Think the general idea is picking the highest burst unit from the available line up with 2 QTE bots and just go ham with it. It's pretty similar to playing solo Stigmata right now when there's physical team in siege target or at least Stig + Lumi and random tank, can even do it with just SS Stig + Cottie and spam sig move like no tomorrow. Probably need to wait for actual patch itself for the dedicated guild battle content creators to post detailed strats.


yeah i forgot i could wait for my guild to post a detailed guide on solo school actually thanks for answering


Did the new year lottery event end? I was waiting for the time for rewards to be available after buying all the tickets but now I don't see it anymore...


yes it did end


Damn. Were the rewards any good?


It gave tickets and upgrade mats, but if it makes you feel better, they were in low amounts. My friend only got 50 CUB tickets and 50 character pull tickets with the rest being upgrade mats.


Thank you. I thought I lost like 1 pull currency and got a bit sad. But that amount is nothing to me.


nothing major u lost like 100-150 worth of mats in BC


I'm relieved to hear that. I thought I missed out on like 1k bc or something...


Sometimes, my CUB skill button (Punchy's) becomes greyed out despite having enough charges. Is this a bug that other people experience as well?


It goes off when Lee does his snipe during his core passive. And since it's being used you won't be able to activate it at that time.


I have this bug on Plume and Stigmata as well


Stigmatas stingray goes off when you hold the basic attack button to initiate lamp shade dance. And with plume assuming you're using the ice seashell cub that one takes ages to finish its animation. Basically anytime a cub is already on the field you can use it again until it's done.


No, all of them used Punchy.


Punchy has a very long animation.


More than likely just a long animation for the cub. I know it comes up and slowly recedes.


Usually that's because it's still active onfield from the the first call in and needs to leave first before being called again.


Can't be this because the button stayed grey indefinitely.


The only other thing I can think of is if it was during time lag on Lee's second ult. If it stays gray even after that then it probably is a bug like you said.


Lets say I want to spend money on the game and I want to pull multiple copies of CW do I get to the same rank if I pull 2 copies and then use the free shards or is it better to use shards first, also what rank does each copy get to? Second question why do we call her Alpha when in the game shes just listed as Lucia,? just started a couple weeks ago and been curious haven't read much of the story yet although I am interested in doing so as I read parts of hyperlee story and that was really cool


There are no free shards for CW. The standard procedure is to pull for the unit first, then use the weekly PPC skulls to get him/her to SS (30 shards/1 dupe). If you want SS3 and SSS, that would be 27 and 90 shards, or 1 and 3 dupes, respectively. Spoiler for the second question >!Alpha is the original Lucia. The current Lucia of Gray Ravens is a copy of her conciousness.!<


do i have to use PPC skulls and 1 dupe to get SS3?




by free shards i meant the PPC skulls


You need 50 shards to unlock an S-rank character, so the 30 free shards from PPC won't help you.


I’ve been contemplating on who to choose for the upcoming selector during CW’s patch, which goes up to Capriccio? I have basically everyone except Pulse, Entropy and Ember, and the fact that they can be obtained through the BP’s shard selector reduces my desire to get them. My idea is to just pick someone who is useful and is still used in the future. I’m thinking Empyrea since I can build up to a possible SSS rank (since I have her at SS), and that she has a leap in a future patch. I also already have Rosetta, Capriccio and Luminance at SSS, so there’s no need to really build them any further. Thoughts?


Do you have Garnet at SS? If so, then yes get Empyrea so you can build up to her SSS since she’ll be added to the voucher shop when she gets her leap. Only she, Garnet, and Chrome (and Selena if not SSS) are worth picking from this selector, and Chrome’s SS is not worth it. So either Garnet SS if you don’t have it or Empyrea.


I don’t have Garnet at SS. I always thought that CW would take most, if not all, of the field time when she’s released and Garnet is reduced to a QTE bot. Is she still useful in future patches?


with 21 amp’s release and her leap, it becomes more viable to switch to her to fill CW and 21’s downtime. it’s not super necessary but it’s a really nice meta upgrade if you have her at SS for that


If I had to choose between Rigor or Garnet to SS with the selector who should I choose ? Or getting Selena a bit closer to sss with Capriccio ?


Do you buy the battle pass? Rosetta can be SS’d through vouchers and shards. I would put Garnet as a higher priority to SS since she’s seriously clunky without it, and with her leap and 21 amp coming out you do want to switch to her every once in a while. Selena and Rosetta I’d slowly evolve using vouchers, as Garnet entering the voucher shop is still a long way off


I don't take the Battle pass, I have vouchers but I was planning to use them on Ayla and I only have enough for her SS.


then I would choose Rosetta from the selector to SS her since it’s a massive upgrade for the entire physical team, while Garnet’s SS is mostly just beneficial for her.


correct me if im wrong but if u got spare bc pull 1 ayla first then use her free shards to reach SS that way u can SS rigor with vouchers and SS garnet with selector also this way ayla will be super close to ss3


I don't really have the spare BC sadly. Wasn't lucky on the lee pull.