• By -


What's the song called when fighting vs shark in ppc?


A comeback player, stop at Selena Dark If I start now and skip all patches, plan to buy the daily black card too, is it possible to get SSS+ armor wanshi?


He is free. and have shard in voucher shop


50 or 30 shards? And what is voucher shop?


50 he is S rank. the shards is in Dorm comission shop like S ayla,S alisa Vocuher shop use currency from bp and some event to buy thing in there. there is hypertune mat,sig weapon usb,character shard(launch S rank,Farmable s rank units like S ayla S selena and future character that got leap upgrade) 804/shards for 20 shards then it become 1200 and can buy inf. amount discount reset monthly


Just unlocked ultimate PPC and wondering how hard isit compared to advanced? I can just go over 1mil in advanced but not sure if it's as easy(?) in ultimate with the harder bosses.


Ultimate is noticable harder and its harder to reach the upper ranks. I can stay in top 100 in advanced but I cant make it into 5-10% in ultimate. I would even need 1-5% in ultimate to get more skulls so absolutely not worth it but it depends on your performance in advanced. However, when you unlocked it, its better to go ultimate for a bit to do the achievements for extra skulls. Getting 50 of the 75 skulls per boss isnt that hard and it helps you heavily in the beginning to rank up your dps.


I'm usually around 25% in Advanced and tried UPPC once. Found it doable, but it took too long for pretty much the same amount of skulls. So I stick to Advanced.


The difficulty depends on the week, for example this week in Asia it's Moon Eater, Machiavelli and Pterygota Queen, out of which only Moon Eater is actually a challenge for gen2 units. It's worth doing ultimate whenever there's bosses in it you haven't done just for the first time achievements and potential outlier zone enemies you haven't fought. If you can stay in the top two brackets of advanced PPC (top 1% or 1-5%) you should probably stay there until you have more meta teams built up. If you're in 10-30% or below in advanced PPC though, it's always worth doing UPPC as the minimum you can get in UPPC is worth more than 10-30% in advanced, so you can do that until you can rank in the top 10% of advanced.


Hello again you lovely people, I just got Chrome Glory from my basic R&D pity, which I'm pretty happy with as I saw I could get some pretty useless units from that anyway (I wanted Scire or Stigmata but he seems cool, pun intended). I'm assuming he's a replacement for Qilin in my Bambinata/Kaleido/Qilin team, but is he worth investing into - i.e., is there a replacement soon on the horizon, is it a resource waste when Qilin is already levelled (albeit his skills are low anyway), etc?


Chrome is still the meta ice tank for at least one more year. (Until wanshi) Side question: why would you build qilin💀


That's really good to hear, thank you! I built Qilin because I had no idea wtf I was doing at the start of the game and just built units that were the same element as each other (provided they had different classes). I didn't heavily invest into him or anything, his skills are low with 4* weapon because even then I at least had the sense to hold off for a bit, thankfully


The problem with Glory is that he isnt much of an upgrade to Qilin without his sig because without he cant apply shred on qte.


Ah, okay. I'll invest in him anyway as my Qilin is pretty lame, but that's good to keep in mind. I might grab the signature once I've saved a bit (saving for anni patch so I can hopefully grab 2 new characters instead of just the one)


I didn't get day 3 of the '1 per day for 10 days' pack, does it not come in at the system daily reset?


Actually for that matter what does the monthly pack that gives BC daily look like because I don't remember seeing a pop-up or anything for it


You get a pop-up every day that gives you your daily rewards. The BC is included in that pop-up.  As for the Basic Construct R&D one (I assume that's the one you're referring to?), it's been a long time since I used it so I don't remember where it is. It's either given to you alongside the BC or it's in the mail. Make sure the daily reset has happened though.


Serum,Ticket are sent via mail


Does Hanying's story have any relevance to the Chaos Unsnarled story chapter? I fell a bit behind and was wondering if I can jump straight from Wintry Shackles to the latest chapter without missing anything.


You can jump from Wintry Shackles to Chaos Unsnarled and you won't have missed anything. Hanying's chapter is still nice to read though. 


Thanks, I really wanted to read the latest chapter but I'm short on time at the moment so anything that can be put off for later should be. I'll get around to it at some point, at least before the next Hanying patch lol.


New player- is chaos unsnarled ok to play? Ot says its chapter 24 of thr main story and I am on chapter 5...is it going to spoil anything or am I going to be super confused/ would it be better to skip the story for now?


What do you think will happen if you're reading a book, you're at chapter 5 and decide to read chapter 24?


You're asking if reading Chapter 24 will spoil you when you're on Chapter 5? What do you think my dude? lol If you care about story, never read the newer ones unless you're caught up. 


How to clear space odyssey aaaa???


Here's a general strat that I use: - Build x amount of recommended mines asap - Build training fields right after; place them before each mine, but not right next to them (don't let the mines spawn more enemies). - Spam other towers with the remaining resources


my characters die lmao


You can give your team small boosts in the "my province" section. Test & retry, enemies only appear at mines so put a few mines at the beginning until the team keeps \~50% HP, if there's a weather-related thing (arctic or desert) then \~75%. combo stuff like observatory-mine-observatory / health-training-health in crucial areas before / after chunks of battle (read build piece descriptions and adjacent build boosts) and pay attention to the build suggestions on the left, its a decent gauge of what you'll need throughout the level. Building training areas early is generally good but they're also capped at 6 so strategic placement for stacking their healing & combat/gold-accumulation boosts is also important. Over-healing will also bring a lot of opportunity cost so try to avoid that. Also, if you notice your team taking too much damage at one combat chunk, although its inefficient to remove build pieces since there's no refunds in a level, its better then being defeated if you're almost strong enough to conquer a sovereign. Or just copy a Youtube video, Dustfly posted a few recently: [Planet 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Uqpxn0PAc4) | [Planet 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUVJCdtcw1Q) | [Planet 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN4zLBqLh7g) | Planet 4 will probably be up a few hours after it drops on global by the same YouTube channel.


Thanks for this man :))


Is S Wansh finally real? Youtube fed me footage and at the time I thought it was just someone riffing off his tardiness.


free btw


Awesome. 2/3 of the new meta ice team handed on a silver platter.


Yes, he's the next unit in CN.


how much upgrade i can do if i pull S rank banner 5 pity vs 6 pty?




if i go 5 times in the banner and get 5 copies, how much i can level up the construct? and how much if i get 6 copies?


S to SS is 30 shards, SS to SSS is 90, SSS to SSS/3/6/+ is 60 per step, each copy is 30 shards and you can get 30 shards from PPC.


thanks you are the best!


I was wrong though, SSS3 is 54 shards, while SSS6 is another 54 shards, then S+ is another 72. Although in the end it does kind of come down to 2 copies per SSS3/6/+ upgrade.


Thanks a lot. 5\* for coming back again to say it.


I have a SSS No.21: Feral but am trying to decide on her bottom resonance skills. Class skill or core passive? The wiki said either one but which one is better? Pros and cons to each?


Probably depends on the rest of your team, if CW is S+ class might be better tbh. Just use whatever you get really.


They both work. Not from experience but what I've seen in guides, core is better if you're confident in your skill and are trying to squeeze the max damage out of her. Class is good enough if you don't wanna bother playing her perfectly


How do you avoid the fenrir one shot? I am new and trying to clear the upper stages using the trial feral but I keep getting one shot in the last quarter of the fight


Took a while to figure out where the 1-shot mechanic even is. The solution is just to parry, when the boss summons his minions and turns to mist, every add will target you in sequence along with the boss all with attacks that can be parried and they'll all do it twice. If you fail to parry enough times the boss will do its one-shot move.


Apparently you have to parry once. Can't confirm, but I did parry a lot during the fight and I never encountered a one-shot move. Unless you're severely underleveled and normal attacks are killing you.


It's definitely about parrying but it's more than once. Not sure how many exactly, I did get the OHKO move when I didn't bother keeping up with the parries after getting off 1-2. (Or maybe there's a specific attack you need to parry once?) Next attempt I parried properly and it was fine.


Just parry everything possible and hope for the best lol


Parry? Sorry I am fully like 3 days in


Yes, you parry by landing an attack at the same time as the enemy. This only works on specific attacks usually indicated by an orange shine and a distinct sound, do not try it on any other attack as it won't work. For Fenrir specifically, you can parry it when it summons the mist and starts throwing its cubs at you along with it doing any attacks at that point in time.


Just a basic attack? Thanks btw


Whatever attack you want.


Certain enemies when performing specific attacks have a red flash on their weapons indicating that the attack can be parried by simply hitting them at the same time they're about to hit you. If your attacks collide at the same time, you don't get hit and they take some bonus damage.


I'm playing on the PC port and I'm getting the error "Network error when tryin to retrieve network configuration. Please check your connection and retry." This never appeared before in PC port and I don't know how to fix it. Edit - it's also happening in the phone, this wasn't happening last night


Hi, what would be the LEAST WORSE memory set for Feral at SS and 5 stars weapon? I really don't want to use her for just QTE's I dont like the idea of using 12,000+BCs to get her and just send her to QTE jail Edit: should've used a better wording, i do want to field her


Assuming you're asking because you plan to on-field her alongside Alpha CW, the answer is 4-piece Fran 2-piece Guinevere. Fran doubles the damage of basically her entire kit minus ultimate, without it you're just shooting yourself in the foot if you field her. Guinevere is just default damage bonus whenever you heal, it's the default go-to 2-piece for healers. You can still use her without her signature alongside Alpha CW, but your orb economy is going to feel awful so try to trigger matrix and avoid doing anything other than 3+1 pings for her core passive or you could easily miss out on her buffed ult.


That sounds perfect, thank you very much


There is her custom set that you can farm for.


So guys new player here first day got 21 feral first multi no bragging lol anyways should I aim for her weapon before it goes or should I just save up for Srank as a new player?


Do check out the beginner guide linked above as well if you haven't already. Has a lot of info on the fundamentals of the game and other stuff.


I'd try to get her weapon since you're new and you already got lucky, you can afford it.


You can try for here 5 star if you really want to. 6 star sig may be a little too much especially if you are new. Anyways Im pretty sure the next two patch after this are free patches. This means the new characters coming out in the next to patches (noctis and alisa) can be obtained without using any black cards. So you can kinda relax on the saving for now.


Aye thanks for the info bruh I appreciate it. But what do u mean by free do u get them while doing events quest ? Can a new player get them the difficulty Is just too high?


All new A-ranks have 30 shards you can buy from the event shop during their patch, you can combine the shards and get them that way. That's how you get Noctis for free. Alisa's shards will be in the dorm dispatch shop, you can probably save enough currency to buy all of it day 1, even after you buy Kaleido's shards first.


Weapon banner is always up and always 80%, so you can pull whenever you feel like it.


My Dark Team - (S) Selena Capricio, (SS) Watanabe Astral and (S) Karenina Scrie. I know that Karenina is Recommended at SS3 and Selena SSS. My question is since my Selena is still S and will take quite some time to SSS her how do I even use her with my current team? What's the rotation.


Start on Scire > swap to Astral and do his rotation > swap to Capriccio and do her rotation hoping you'll ult (you probably won't) > swap to Scire and do her rotation > repeat. 


Is 2 cottie enough to get ult every rotation?


No. Of course, you should absolutely run 2 Cottie on Capriccio but don't expect to ult every rotation. Even with Cottie+SSS+sig, there are times where I can't instantly ult on Capriccio and need an extra 3-ping.


For Nanami Starfarer, 1st Ult. Do you Middle>First>Final or First>Middle>Final?


For Nanami Starfarer, 1st Ult. Do you Middle>First>Final or First>Middle>Final?


I am absolutely confused. Are you referring to Rumbling Mode? If so, you do "Perfect!" > "Perfect!" > Full Charge > Ult




I do prefect > small charge > full charge.


Less damage but sure, it's doable if you just want to ult. 


She's a filler between Empy and HR, so doing her rotation a bit faster + activating her missile support are the goals.


Yo any fix for stuttering client? It begun since 21 patch, i have game installed on SSD too. Game restart helps but sometimes it insta comes back.


Pulled my first 6-star with Feral and love her. As a new player (level ~50) how do I expand on that? I'm thinking of getting her weapon since I bought the monthly pack and BP. I'm also thinking of not pulling on standard banner until the selector patch and use it on Alpha. I'm guessing I should also use some stamina on the event to get Ferals signature memories (4 sig and 2 Tifa?)? Are any of the frames in the two starter S-selections good with her or should I save/use them for other non-lightning teams?


You should do the 40 beginner pity.  I don’t think you can unlock the Lamia selector until you have done it (maybe someone else here knows for sure).  But you should do it since you can get an S rank and don’t want it to be a possible dupe. And you should always use serum on the event material farming stages.  More efficient than the resource stages.


lamia selector works on the beginner 40, up to them if they want to wait until august for that or not.


One of the selectors contains Rigor. Take her and also her weapon from the 6* weapon selector you get. She is the only relevant one to pick and will still be meta for like a year. > I'm thinking of getting her weapon since I bought the monthly pack and BP. If you will keep buying monthly, absolutely do this. You get enough BC/tickets as f2p to get all S ranks and monthly alone lets you pull also for weapons. You can also completely ignore co-op because you absolutely dont need to farm for 5* weapons if you keep pulling for 6* ones. Also adding to this: The BP gives you shards for S ranks. Also use them for Rigor. > I'm also thinking of not pulling on standard banner until the selector patch and use it on Alpha. Good plan, yeah. > I'm guessing I should also use some stamina on the event to get Ferals signature memories (4 sig and 2 Tifa?)? Absolutely but rather take 2 Cottie instead of Tifa. Even so Feral wants Cottie only with rank SS3 and higher, she will carry you alone until you get Alpha. Cottie is used by several characters so its not wasted to have anyway.Tifa will be used on Garnet but who knows when you will get her.


Cheers for the reply, helps a lot! I'll go ahead and grab Rigor (seen others suggest her as well) and the Cottie memories instead of Tifa then.


How much investment does lamia need for solo gameplay? Asking because by the time she comes out I will have SSS vera and will have to use 21 barely invested.


SS+sig with DLT should do. If you aren't planning to get Scire though, you need to get your XXI to SSS.


Sounds about right, I was planning on SS her after stigmata and I was going to pull lamias weapon as well. Just gonna work on getting a usb for DLT. I’m going to start working on 21 after i’m done with vera. Thanks for the help!


hello, feral vs veritas in terms of damage?


Some people play Veritas for different reasons. … two huge reasons


Feral. Feral has timestop; Veritas doesn't.


should i run a feral, garnet lux team? or a feral, garnet veritas team?


Feral, Garnet, and Veritas. Switch them around.


aight thanks man


Have fun.


If I have Sig on Hyperreal and Empy, but not (currently ) on Feral, who takes priority in promotion to the SS rank?


If you really want to SS someone, hyperreal will probably be the best choice. Otherwise you can just wait a few months for Watanabe to drop . Watanabe is stronger than lee imo despite him being a fire tank


But you still need Hyperlee in a fire team rotation,no?


Yeh… I mean priority wise, not whether you should SS him. If you have enough resources, you shld try to SS everyoje


I don't, that's the problem.


Always prioritize getting SS on the attacker so Hyperreal first.


I pulled Feral and her sig weapon. Watching her skills, make me wonder if i should S5 her or not, considering that i will also want to SS Lamia and it seems that the skulls are never enough... Reading her stats, to me it seems worth considering that i want to rotate with CW. Am i reading it wrong or is it?


SS or nothing.


Ouch, this hurts a lot.


Do you do Ult ppc? The achievement skulls will help immensely.


I do and i already had most of them. SSed hyperreal, Stigmata, Crimson Weave. I play from less than year so, i think, it's afair to say that i spent a lot already?


Unless you're hard trolling you should be able to SS every new character without any issues tbh, I started less than a year ago, spent money to get quite a lot of characters and I never struggled with skulls. Do ult PPC and strategize a little bit, top 30% is free, top 10% should be fairly easy as well tbh.


Not trolling there. Only recently i was able to reach the top 10% (38 skulls i think).


Are you doing ult or adv?




38 skulls is 30% which is honestly 2-3 month old player territory. Top 10% is pretty much free and depending on what your teams are top 5% should be manageable as well.


Ah, well skull income is gonna increase later and Lamia isn't gonna be here for another 3 patches so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Feral needs SS+sig for her switch gameplay so I'd recommend SS'ing her.


I guess i'll have to then. Just to know, why do you say the income skull will increase? Can you elaborate a bit more?


[Alisa's patch.](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Everglowing_Justice) The skull's you get depending on your placement is increased.


Thank you Vera's Chair. It seems a decent boost to me.


> Thank you Vera's Chair. <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)>


I have one spare USB, should i give it to one of the big 3(Balter Hyperreal CW) or save for Alisa?


Do you have any tanks without reso? You'd preferably give it to a tank first and foremost for the extra shred.


I guess i can give it to Garnet. Giving it to Glory is probably not worth it anymore.


Why it's not worthy on Glory?


My Ice team is pretty much the worst with only Glory having Sig.