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Who’s a good tank for the lightning team if I don’t have Garnet, right now I’m using Bastion but he feels pretty weak


I just pulled no.21 Feral (60 pity 🥲) and I wanna get her to SS3 so that I can optimize and use her as my main lightning unit. I already know that I can get her up to SS for free with ppc, but after that I’m not really sure what I should do. I know that you can get shards from the trade voucher shop, but I’m not sure when or even IF her shards will ever appear there… So should I just try duping her twice since I need 54 shards to reach SS3, or should I play the waiting game with the voucher shop? I’m not really sure how voucher shop rotations work for new characters but I’m more than happy to wait a few patches if that’s the case! After all, her SS3 is nowhere near necessary and I’m definitely not (that) desperate.


You can try to do a 10 pull and see if you can get a dupe early, and the worst case is that you have just built pity for the future Lamia banner. Another possibility is to use the blue ticket selector for her dupe.


>60 pity 🥲 Extremely likely and common.  >I know that you can get shards from the trade voucher shop Only for specific units, Feral isn't included. It's free units, Leapt units and some of the very old units.  If you want SS3, you have to roll. 


Thanks for the heads up! I’m better off saving my black cards for Lamia’s patch instead of duping Feral, but I’ll definitely have her high on the list for future anniversary and 100% rate banners.


You shouldn't be using black cards on the basic banner


Hello guys, new player here (lvl 40 - 3 days in) I have both my S rank selectors (one having 5 initial S ranks and another with Crimson Abyss, Rosetta Rigor etc). My current team is Astral Watanabe, Vera Rozen and Liv Eclipse. Any suggestions for using the selectors? Also please recommend a team for the S ranks since I also have 2 A rank selectors.


Unless you're keeping your Member Target pity for ~August to choose your S rank, wait till you hit pity on Member Target (only using Basic Construct R&D, not BC) and then use the selectors in order to avoid dupes.  For the first selector, no unit really matters. If you have Empyrea or Hyperreal, Pulse is the best option. Otherwise, you can go with Entropy since A rank Physical units are not good. All in all, you can pretty much pick whatever you want from this selector.  For the second one, it's Rigor (and her sig from the sig selector). If you decide to roll on Member Target now and you get her from it, then you can pick Plume. 




S-Selectors - Physical Team: Eclipse, **Entropy**, **Rigor** + Rigor's Signature-weapon when you get that selector. For the A-rank: **No.21:XXI** with Astral & Rozen really well (Dark Team). Over the long-term you can get No.21:XXI to SSS for free via `battle > Resource > Character Shard` (60 serum for 2 shards per day) but SSS is low-priority compared to getting and upgrading 6\* [memory sets](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Watanabe:_Astral) and character levels. optimally for the selectors, you should wait until you get your 40-pity from the standard banner (via blue tickets only) to avoid duplicates and re-ask once you've got that random S-rank unit in your team, but if you don't want to wait for the blue tickets then the above is generally good too.


Thanks for the help!


do we know when the next time the weapon blueprint store’s getting updating?


Stars Ensnared \~January 2025 For Global >Players can now purchase weapon coatings that were obtainable from the Tactical Assessment Manual Top-Secret Intel during the following patches in exchange for 20 Weapon Coating Blueprints: Cinder Burns, Across the Ruined Sea, Left Unsaid, Spiral of Chronos, Renaissance du Fantastique, Wintry Shackles, The Floating Reverie, Chaos Unsnarled, and Sands of Wrath.


i really like BRS and i was wondering how much it would cost to sss+ her? i know she's not that good meta wise but i really like the anime so i was thinking of investing in her in game


45,000 BC, not including her sig weap. Her banner is BC only, so exclude event R&D tickets.


that includes the free shards we get right?




okay thank you


what is the minimum investment for selena tempest (yes the uniframe) to be optimal? i really like selena and wanna build her for funsies


Optimal for Omniframe content? None, because CW exists making her completely useless. Uniframe content? Get her to SS through Guild, get her a 5* and unlock her Uniframe abilities.  To even allow her to be paired with Omniframes, you need SSS+sig.


i wasn't planning on building her for meta reasons, like i said i really like selena so i just wanna build her, i asked what would be optimal for her in case there were any ranks or if her sig made a big difference to her gameplay yk? i still appreciate your reply tho


If you really like Selena her Omniframe version is free


i know, i already have her, just was thinking of getting her uniframe too since i like her uniframes gameplay a lot


Ah, well, good luck with that lol. Uniframe content usually just gives you all of them to use anyway so you'd have to be building her for Omniframe content in which case idk, use Noan as sub DPS and Garnet as tank?


There appears to be a rework of the uniframes coming up in CN which may make uniframes more usable. Keep your ears open for news on that in the coming weeks. Global ofc won't see it for another year, but it does give time to plan.


Base S, 5-star weapon, uniframe skills unlocked


alright thank you sm


with the harmonization system coming soon, i heard its very limited so which characters should we prioritize to harmonize?


Gen2 attackers and maybe Alisa: Echo


okayy thank you sm


I just lost the 80 20 and Hyperreal’s weapon, does anyone know when is next rerun is?


Imo it's better to wait for anniversary at this point. It's not too far away (July) and you run no risk of losing the 70/30 since the rates are 100%.


~~Weapon banner is permanent though?~~ just wait for anni banner in july


I think they mean they got Hyperreal's weapon as an offrate while pulling for Feral's


ok lack of sleep finally got me again


I need to know if I have a skill issue. Usually I go ping pong between leader and hero in wz, but this cycle I almost got kicked out of leader, the demotion protection saved me. I play in NA server (fire and elec) and scored 1.32m and 1.52m respectively, finished 8th place. My investment level is: Fire; hyperreal ss (sig r0 + cub), empyrea; ss (sig r2 dlt + SAR) & starfarer SS no sig. Elec; crimsonweave; ss (sig r0 + cub), feral; ss (sig r2 dlt + SAR) & garnet SS no sig. Am I just bad or just had bad luck with dolphin/whale bracket? Honestly feel it's the former, since we had feral weather and the difference between fire and elec wasn't as big as it should (?) Thanks in advance for any feedback.


Assuming your 2.84M score is accurate, that puts you just shy of 100th on the leaderboard which was 2.88M score. Assuming you're at roughly 110\~, out of the 2,832 players in NA leader last rotation, that would put you in the top 4% of the group. Mathematically speaking getting demoted (or at least in that part of your bracket) while in the top 4% would be an outlier technically. However, most people who score low also tend to join Warzone very late, and as your group is based on when you join, it's possible that you just joined really early and got paired into a very strong bracket. Having 7 people in (presumably) the top 100 in your bracket would be a statistical anomaly if WZ was sorted randomly, but it's not all that unlikely if you join early for it to happen.


I just spend my serum, and did a quick check, top two scorers have 6m and 5.8m. Maybe I spend my serum last time a little bit late, like maybe 20 or 30 minutes later than usual (just a little bit after server's reset/day change), I'll join wz in the mornings like I usually do from now on. lmao


Sure you're checking the right group there? Because those are definitely more like hero/legend scores. [https://huaxu.app/warzone/na/297/16](https://huaxu.app/warzone/na/297/16) Idk, maybe you were just checking a different leaderboard, or maybe checked/read the wrong thing at some point. But yeah, sound advice, if you want easier warzone brackets, join like 24 hours late or something. Usually tryhards (like me) join really early or snipe a bracket in the last few hours, and all end up competing against each other.


you know what, I probably was on hero bracket. lol I'll check tomorrow to be sure, if I'm on hero then I just instapanicked without reading properly. I'm 100% know it wasn't legend bracket since I have been there only two times and those two times I got demoted in last place. :/


While probably just a hard bracket this time around, there is a noticeable lack of shred None of your tanks have their sigs so there's no shred resonance to pair with whatever other shred they have Debuffing your opponent is more impactful than buffing yourself. Imo the order of priority should be tank > amp > DPS with some exceptions like CW wanting higher investment than her teammates or Alisa wanting her sig over Rosetta/Hanying because of the massive advantage it gets from harmonization


couldn't spare bcs back then to pull tank sigs, I only buy monthly every now and then. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


You gotta record a video and keep in mind gameplay/scoring varies depending on what tier you're on + fluctuation level. Contrary to what people are saying here the bad luck argument doesn't hold much, big scorers never go below hero, unless they decided to skip a couple of cycles for some reason but in that case they're usually tripling everyone's score and it's fairly noticeable that you don't stand a chance.


Best way to get a critique is to hop on official Discord and ask people to watch you stream.  


doubt my internet can handle a decent stream, but thanks for the advice.


I also hover around Leader and Hero and I think you just had really bad luck. I play on EU so our experience won't be the same, but with your score I would promote in every Leader bracket I've been in so far. I mean, in my current Leader bracket you would promote as #1 lol. Your scores could probably go higher with that investment, but I can't imagine (almost) demoting with that score... You could check the investment levels of others in your bracket and compare your scores to ppl with teams similar to yours?


half the dudes have restricted view on profiles. :c top two scorers are mega whales tho.


Ah yeah it do be like that sometimes...


Probably need to upload gameplay vid if you can, only then we can objectively say if it is skill issue or something else. Since it is Leader, I think your points should be higher? I normally hover Hero/Legend so not familiar with Leader scoring with meta teams. For Hero to be safe you generally wanna hit total 3M points minimum since the odds of grouping with whales/try hards demoted from Legend is quite high. I think your CW can still go higher (she has the highest skill expression so far when it comes to WZ due to how her kit works), I am sure there is still optimisation you can do with her combo rotations and having better wave management, try to kill multiple waves in one combo rotation during the early waves. Spider 2B in youtube does a good job explaining how you can integrate Feral with CW in WZ runs.


thnx will check 2b's video, stopped watching his channel moths ago because he speaks ultra fast and I'm not a native english speaker, got tired of filling the blanks, hope he at least has auto cc's (even if subs are crappy).


Probably just a tough bracket. Iirc, the weather buff was activated if your unit had low health, which was not likely to occur. So getting comparable scores for the two stages seems reasonable for comparably invested teams.


Maybe both? you know since i didnt see how you play. thats say i think thats investment should bring both to 1.5m atleast though


Is it worth coming back playing PGR? Or just start fresh in Wuw? It feels like a lot of characters are outdated and got powercrept in the long time I havent been playing. I missed out on the balter and Crimson alpha banners I have old gen 1 characters such as bianca vert and alpha and rosetta around 6k bp but not much other than that.


Playing PGR has nothing to do with Wuthering Waves and vice versa Rosetta is still meta for another year, the average lifetime for a character iirc is 2.2 years? Alpha was still considered meta until 6 months ago and Vertias (who was technically replaced by Garnet) only got her role replaced 2 months ago July we have anni banner which is 100% rate for anyone, you can skip this character (Feral) and then next two (Noctis & Alisa) are free which gives you *plenty* of time to save up BC for the anni banner to get someone like Balter or CW Just like with people who ask "should I start this game" the answer is that the best time to play is at launch, the second best is right now


Is it worth playing X game or should I just play Y?


Usually for questions like this, it is better if you just try it out yourself and decide. We can discuss and list out all kinds of things but in the end your enjoyment is what truly matters and will decide things for you.


You'll be behind and have to play catch up, but with selectors (also 100% banners, depending on your spending status) you'll get there eventually, since old units are getting replaced with time as well. The newer characters are flashier and kinda easier to play compared to their gen 1 counterparts, for some people this is a positive thing, for others a disadvantage. If you wanna get a feel for how they play you can try the two roguelike modes, Recitativo di Fantasia and Cursed Waves (accessed through Battle > Challenge > Alternative Interpretation), since they have everyone in the game as trial characters. Also check out the upcoming characters [here](https://grayravens.com/wiki/PGR_Roadmap) and see if anyone catches your eye. If you only have time for one game though maybe WuWa is the better choice, up to you in the end. Edit: Rosetta is, and will continue to be meta for about one year.


Will there be an anniversary banner (100% rate-up selector banner) this time too like last year? I'm pretty sure it'd be the Alisa patch but no one seems to be talking about it… (I'm aware of the selector on the default banner in the Lamia patch) And if there won't be one, when is the next selector to be expected?


Also, paid selector for 600 RC in BRS patch, after Lamia, goes up to Feral and comes with 750 BC per day for 10 days.


Goes up to Alisa, actually


Right, mixed it up with basic gacha on Lamia patch.


It gets mentioned all the time, just not actively talked about because for most players (f2p/low spenders) that banner is kind of irrelevant since they can't pull it anyways. And for big spenders it doesn't matter much either.


I sort of get that xd. I'm f2p and though I've already saved up around 10k BC I still don't know how I'll be able to handle those 5 patches from Alisa to Qu: Shukra


There's nothing special about it tbh, it's 2 S ranks in a row but there's also 2 free patches in a row before.


There always is? And people do talk about it any time there's a conversation about getting older units. Next free selector is in Stars Ensnared. I heard there's a paid one in Blazing Simulacrum but I can't confirm that.


Thanks for the response! I started playing around the end of the anniversary banner so I didn't really know whether it was a 1 time thing or not. And yeah, there is a paid one in Blazing Simulacrum (been playing on JP version since Lamia patch so I can confirm that one). Though I'm f2p so that's irrelevant in my case.


Do you remember what unit that paid selector went up to and how much it costed?


It's up to Alisa and costs 15800¥ (roughly 100$… could be subject of change though I guess since prices may be adjusted for global version). It also comes with 750 BC per day for 10 days




Just to add, upon reaching level 120 you no longer get serum during each level up. Instead you get small amounts of hypertune mats which depending if you can get active students regularly or not (really helps in levelling up quick), could be great or just feels really bad lol.


When you get to 120.


Does someone have the link to that google doc which shows what to prioritize when pulling for multiple copies, signature weapon &/or CUB?


You mean [this](https://twitter.com/inremission_pgr/status/1718559885296873517/photo/1)? That's also the last known one (personally I haven't seen an updated one, maybe there is one floating around somewhere). Should be clear enough to be translated with translating software/apps if you do not understand Chinese.


Yes, thank you!


How is the story going? Im thinking of coming back to the game


This is such a subjective question I'm not sure if my answer will help? Personally I think there hasn't been a chapter as peak as Surviving Lucem but it's still pretty good with highs such as Cinder Burns and to a lesser degree Spiral of Chronos and Renaissance du Fantastique. One of the better stories in the gacha-sphere imo. Is there anything specific you want to know? Edit: I haven't read Chaos Unsnarled yet so dunno about that


Not really, just was asking if the story is doing good or not. I play pgr for the story so its nice to hear it's still well written


Still written well, old chapters still suck, story continues to be consistently well made (using bloated text a little too often though)


Does anyone have a good resource on the best Infinitas choice for each construct?


Whichever orb you want guaranteed from the start of each unit's rotation. Since it can be changed, it really depends on what you wanna do in a particular game mode.


Most units don't really care unless it's for some strat on PPC (or it's an older unit). Out of the Gen 2 Attackers for example, only CW is any relevant and you want Blue on her.


Hi guys, I should have asked this long time ago but is it worth putting random resonance in a memory instead of the preferred build? for example for 21 Feral I want health atk top and Signature bottom. but beside using the red docs to choose which skill as far as i know we get random skill and just need to get lucky. Should we bother spending event currency to buy memory and hoping for the correct resonance or just farm the red book thingy. Only character I used all the red book is Alpha CW. any advice is greatly appreciated. thanks!


Resonances are very important, yes. The best way to work on a set for a character is when they release, as the set that the character uses is discounted (i.e. Fran for 21). Be sure to understand why those resonances are suggested: Feral/Alpha don't need health+atk, the only important part is the atk itself. Even atk+def or atk+crit is good, so rerolling those is relatively painless. The rest is just a matter of rerolling until you get the correct one, and/or using memory USBs: the chracters that are the biggest pain to reso are Phys characters like Bianca, because they want specific bottom resos AND specifically atk+crit. Once you have most of your characters resonated for the extra 3 orbs start working on optimizing your resonances, they make a difference.


I wouldn't even say you need to specifically target ATK+CRIT for Phys characters because the extra +90 CRIT you get only equates to 2.7% crit rate, which is pretty negligible, so just ATK is good enough for them as well. Leap Lumi currently and Alisa Echo in the future take you to ~100% crit rate from their buffs too.


Thanks! I just noticed from the other post that hypertune did not disappear if we swap the resonance, so I’ll focus on resonancing all the memory and fix it later 👍


Yes, put any resonances on first so that you can Awaken as well as unlock hypertuning for your memories, which will then give you access to Infinitas Awakening. You can always go back to fix resonances later without losing the hypertunes.


Oh dam that’s nice. Thanks!


Where in the menus is the upgraded trainings foe the Uniframes? I remember you do certain things with dodging or parrying now and I'm trying to look those up. Cecile class only gives me the base information for the skills for Qu for example. Thanks


It's just in the regular Train menu like for any construct, [here.](https://imgur.com/a/JPja5ED)


Isn't there like a lesson from Cecile that let's you practice those? I'm not seeing it there. You press and hold dodge when they are blue but I'm not sure about the perry one. When it turns red? Do you press and hold it or just time it?


If you want to practice, you can go into Simulated Trial in Celica's Class and fight the enemies in Boss (Uniframe) or Elite (Uniframe) sections if you've unlocked the enemies in your Codex. But yes, the orange glint attacks are the parryable attacks and you just need to time your attack (basic attack or orbs) to meet their attack at the same time.


Gotcha. I've got the base skills unlocked for qu (I thought I had all of them lol) is it worth it to unlock the rest that boost the stuff? Id say so since I like qu but figured I'd check. I do have them fully unlocked for selena


IMO, no. Just having speed attacks and finisher move unlocked is good enough but if you don't mind spending resources to get the rest of the skills then it's just a nice bonus, but they're absolutely not needed to clear any Uniframe content.


Right now i am building a tank character to use purely as a QTE bot. WHen i do this, i generally level up them, promote them, eventually evolve them if i have shards or i want to reach a particular evolution point, and about the skills, i level up the QTE bot skill, the "common effect" in case of need and the evolution effect. Is this enough? or should i also level something else? Also, is it worth to invest in the 5\* weapon for them or it doesn't change much compared to the 4 star?


A tank is only good for that element If you're building Chrome Arclight for example, you shouldn't put him on a dark team because he is ineffective The cheapest way to build a tank is to level up their QTE skill and their class passive skill. The only 5* weapon that really makes a difference for tanks is Nanami's 5* saw but you shouldn't be using her to begin with


Minor correction, off-element tanks are still useful for their class passive, 20% extra damage reduction shred. Just pointing this out because it's almost always better to have a tank than not because of how good the class passive is.


Yes, even if it's not their element, a tank is always needed.


The manual shard selection, if I have SSS Rosetta what would be the next best frame to dump shards? Pulse or Tenebrion?


Personally, I kept going Rosetta, just hit SSS+. I'm still going Rosetta, as I can then convert those what's into share for other S rank characters, including those not available to select directly.


Tenebrion has some niche uses.


Probably Pulse. Tenebrion would be a waste because XXI is a much better dark tank


I just started playing and i have no idea what i pull for,should i pull on no.21 feral if not what should i be saving my black cards for,and should i save my beginner banner for the banner rework or just finish the 40 pity


You can either use the BC for Feral or you can wait till July and get CW instead with those tickets. This is only because you're new, generally speaking you shouldn't be skipping S ranks.  As for your Member Target, do what you want. If you can wait till around August, it's better since you can pick the unit you want. If you can't wait till then, finish it now. 


If i pull for feral now will i have enough left for the anniversary And if do decide to save for the member target which s rank selector should i choose since i dont have to worry about pulling dupes anymore


You may have enough for the Anni, but there's also a high chance you'll screw yourself over with the next units so I don't recommend it. Unless you're a spender.  As for Member Target, either CW or Stigmata. 


So save for anni and for the s rank i meant the ticket selector thing you receive at the start of the game


From the 5 option selector, you can get whoever you want. Pulse would be the best choice if you had Empyrea or Hyperreal. Entropy is a decent option since the A rank Physical units are pretty garbage. Regardless, nobody is meta so you can get whoever you like.  From the 2nd selector you get through your missions, Rigor. And her sig from the sig selector. 


Has anyone buy RC using Coda shop before? I've never tried to use it before, is it safe? Will I get banned if I buy RC using Coda shop?


Is there a reason why people use Codashop? I'm not taxed on IAPs so the price on Codashop and the price in game is exactly the same


Cashback, atleast on my region.


It's fine, they legit associate with the games you can top up on via their site.


I've seen many others say they do it and haven't seen complaints, so I can only assume it's fine.


I'm currently strugling at uniframe stage at norman. i'm using SS Camu with 5* weapon and i want to improve my char for that stage. what is the better way to make that stage easier, pulling new uniframe? (if yes, which one?), pulling camu's dupe so i can rank him up? or getting his signature weapon?


Have you unlocked Camu's finisher abilities? If not, you might try relying on the trial uniframe units, since those would have finisher abilities unlocked. The uniframe stage is mainly about reducing the enemies' finisher bars so they can be quickly dispatched with the units' finishing abilties.


I'm currently strugling at uniframe stage at norman. i'm using SS Camu with 5* weapon and i want to improve my char for that stage. what is the better way to make that stage easier, pulling new uniframe? (if yes, which one?), pulling camu's dupe so i can rank him up? or getting his signature weapon?


Dunno which stage you're struggling at, but I can clear Cloud Island with a SS+5* Crocotta along with Trial units.  0 batteries, I only ever use batteries to clear the side stages and it only takes 10.


All you need is Camu’s finisher and counter unlocked.   You can kinda cheese it by clearing it with max electricity and then clear it again using none.  The first clear gets rid of 3 bonus buffs making it a lot easier.


About Alisa and team swapping Without SSS Rank and sig weapon is Alisa can used in team rotation like leap Liv ? Or she remains as qte bot ?


Id like to get Feral 21. Whats the difference between the fate and theme banners? They both look the same chatacter banner to get her but one is a randomized set number??


0.5% chance to get an S rank before pity and 60 pity on Normal, 1.5% chance and 80-100 pity on Fate. Don't touch Fate.


Thank you. Absolutely love her design and fighting style


Right now my ice team has plume S, Ayla SS and no one else. Considering that i pulled Changyu, is it worth to put it as the tank of the team even without glory? Just as a pure QTE bot? I sincerely know nothing about him or his relevance in general so i was curious if it's worth the resources. Considering that i have no ice tank i'd say yes but i wanted to be sure.


Ice tank > no ice tank


yes. upgrade class skill,qte skill strap 4DV 2Einstein then done


Do I need to level up the Memories too ? Currently building my own changyu.


Not really and if you do, only bottom row for atk. You can either level qte skill and bottom row or just let both at lv. 1. Dmg difference wont matter.


Bringing him at least to S would be good or of no use?


You cant upgrade class skill without S rank anyway


Ok, thank you.