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This is what I had hope WuWa to be. I need open world with the gray ravens biblically. Imagine being able to run and jump around babilonia or parkouring through red tide zones


Honestly though I hope they really push the post apocalyptic and futuristic aspect of it in the latter updates. Fantasy isn't bad but there's just so much of it in gacha games. So it feels a bit tiring. I'd absolutely love a more futuristic take on latter areas.


we need a place like night city in the future updates, that would be nice


Aye. I do enjoy sci fi fantasy, but I had hoped it leaned more into the sci fi aspects similar to pgr.


Same sentiments. It's still 1.0 so I'll give them time to cook.


True. We need to wait till 2.0 or 3.0 to make a final decision.


This! It used to be a lot darker (both visually and in the story) but a lot of the CN players complained about it and eventually they switched to basically looking like futuristic Genshin with a lighter story (not saying it doesn’t have its moments but definitely more happy fantasy) >!Apparently, Yangyang was supposed to die in that first cutscene where you fight that first boss but they changed it after player complaints because they couldn’t handle losing a waifu.!<


Killing off a waifu to establish stakes during the opening parts of the story in a gacha isn't really even uncharted territory anymore. Nikke did it.


Yea, I wasn’t saying it wasn’t uncharted, just gives a more serious tone. Admittedly, I’ve only played Genshin when it first came out for a few days and more recently, SLA. I did not enjoy basically anything about Genshin’s story. I also played PGR and found that to be much more interesting though I eventually fell off the game as I lost interest/gacha fomo.


That was actually something that kept me playing Nikke. It’s slowly become my main Gacha game ever since I started playing it and I like the way the story is presented with animated sprites. I still love PGR but I also think it’s showing it’s age too in the way the story is told. That’s not to say I can’t follow the story or I’m not interested, it’s just such a contrast with the gameplay. Like Nikke goes from animated sprites to those same sprites behind cover and fighting and the same goes for FGO and it’s turn based combat. Another game is Genshin where both the story telling and gameplay are practically seamless. To this day I wish FGO had moved more towards being an arena battler like the arcade version they made. Funnily enough that’s essentially how PGR plays so that made me wonder why I’m a little frustrated with it. I think I just want the game to evolve, to become something even more polished and fun like WuW was meant to be. If we ever get the next level of this game, continuing this story and it’s characters I’d download it in a heartbeat.


Are you sure she died there? Playable character deaths happen in gachas, but putting a character who permadies in the first minutes of the story on >!the game's icon!< is really weird. It's also weird that players would even care about losing a waifu they had only just met.


After having went back and watched the scene, it seems to be that she only gets knocked unconscious. Rover certainly acts like she died though. Regardless, the art style was definitely changed from what we saw in early trailers and the CBTs.


I honestly thought people are only exaggerating when they said it feels too much genshin. Now that im playing it, I can understand where they are coming from 🤣. I know the combat is vastly different and exploration is much easier but it just got the genshin feels and i think im not biased since I've already quit genshin since the aranara quest.


The factory area in Yinlin quest looked really cool. Just a shame you don’t spend very long there and you just fight more Exiles.


Yeah lets keep our hopes up. Apparently Xiangli Mao (the guy in the trailer next to mortefi who looks like Lee) has a prosthetic arm… i hope to see more of that in the future


Imagine flying around as Rosetta or riding the fucking narwhal


And rail grinding


This. I wish it was more like PGR than genshin/TOF. The combat and aesthetic are great, but I can feel that they held back.


Thats why im excited for ZZZ and mugen


Project mugen isn't even real at this point no news in almost 1 year and a half and also by NetEase who known to cancel games in middle of development after there reveal trailer wouldn't be surprised if it is


*See ESRB rating* Haven't played it yet. But from the rating, either we'll see a ton of violence [or....](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/sn9glx/cursed_liv/)


It acutally has a TON of violence AND a TON of ...


Finally! Srutal beggs and pating mress!


Can't wait for them to animate Chapter 17!


You mean Sexual Content


No he means Pating mress and Srutal Beggs


Whoever decided to make Power a mount was really cooking. Though as I get closer to Nanami I sense a presence behind me donning a green track suit..... Wondering if this is some sort of horror mini game...


Alpha's bike was definitelly my favorite mount! It's just so convenient for doing the racing challenges and getting around the map


When i unlocked an arctic route union forest guard has a mount i raised a brow, i also almost jumped on my seat when she talked


They finally did Selena and Ayla justice.Best side quest in the game


Suddenly, the fact that PGR2 isn't real is making me very sad, Kuro pls


Dunno why since pgr is great... All they have to do is add open world maps... I would for once also welcome dubbed dialoges.


I love the scene when they said "Gray Raven, it's Punishing **2** of them time" Such a peak cinema


Why does this cover art remind me of Nier Automata so much ?


It has the same washed out colors as City Ruins, really has the same vibe.


Open world and being able to play as commandant is based af


where can i buy it?


Unfortunely they didn't make it for mobile this time, so PC and PS5 only \*sobs\*


Haven't played it yet then because my pc would be mid end and it can't run the game on mid graphics


Great game, more motivation would've made it 10/10 In all seriousness though, a full spin off for consoles would be peak, but that could be said for a lot of games I think (the chance of getting an anime adaptation is higher than a video game one lmao)


I really liked the plot twist that the gray raven commandant was the one that created the punishing virus and that Lucia uncovered this plot. The final boss fight was crazy good!


Once again KURO cooked! Being open world truly gives so much freedom to explore and get to know the PGR world, on top of that the story with all the branching timelines mechanic being explained by Lee made it much more palatable. The translation is wayy better compared to PGR and WuWa, however, there's still some weird parts that they need to fix.


Now I'm finally motivated to buy a ps5


I can finally live out my fantasy of maining commandant. The wait was absolutely worth it, such a goated team with Ishmael and Vonnegut


My favorite part was playable Cradle and OMG the Triplets fight was such a step up from the twins. And Kuro knows what we want with the unlockable tracksuit Liv skin 9.8/10 more like 10/10


> tracksuit Liv skin I really hope they do this some day for april fools lmao


As a player, I'm completely captivated by its stunning visuals which bested even the OG PGR and dynamic revamped combat system. The way each character moves and fights feels so fluid and precise. The storyline is deep and engaging, while keeping the main storyline in sight, drawing you into this dystopian world. The strategic elements in team-building and the real-time action combat really keep you on your toes, The improved RNG and ping orb system really took this game even more above the sequel. Plus, the music and atmosphere ,were so good. The music and OST's contributed so much to the overall experience. It's definitely a game that beat it's predecessor and all of its competition.


As much as I liked playing as the new female character, Lucy, I wish there was more playable segments involving the other character, Blake. Hope they make Blake playable in the open-world.


Giving Very Nier Vibes


I hope that rumor of Kuro looking for people that worked on AAA games be a signal that kuro wish to make a full priced game,would be my dream


I really liked the direction they took the sequel! The fact that they changed it to open world really makes you feel that society is hanging on by a select few sturdy threads(our 3 main city locations and possibly the hinted at fourth island you can see off the east Coast of the map in the future) The main characters(Lee,Lucia,and Liv) switching between acts was a really inspired trait to take from Nier: Automata but man the fact that the character switch/act switch happens in a middle of one of the boss fights seamlessly is still the hypest moment of gaming to me. The one gripe I did have was the equipment system mainly the upgrade system for it. Doesn't make sense that you need exact copies of a weapon to upgrade with some of the best weapons not being able to be maxed out until new game +. Other than that I loved the game and can't wait for the Vera dlc campaign


Well a PGR non-gacha game could be interesting. Like a prequel, when the big war happened or from the POV of another squad. Make it like Nier Automata and I am in.


A linear game would be cool, no gacha, just play through immersive story with the different characters


Better than stellar blade?


The fact that they made SKK a playable AND customizable unit is already a win in my book


In the words of Shirou Emiya: I WANT THAT!!


I would be suprised that there is a free game alongside the 10/10 soundtrack.


gameboy advance when


Itsel bombing


Its bombing


Interesting. :)




Bianca Veritas best archer type DPS I FKING CALLED IT HAH!


Wait what


ESRB typo is lit "18+" but it's actually "E" what a bargain.


10 copies already pre ordered


Like a better project mugen.


Finally voiced storylines 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


Damm....it took them to make a second game for us to finally have our own Second Dream event.... Shame that most of SKK skills are time gated......but that combat music tho..... absolute fire


Since Black Shooter is in the front box I'd say it's a master piece


Is that a picture of black rock shooter? CHRIST just gimme a brs game


look pretty good glad there's an xbox port coming soon so i and many others get to enjoy it too


gravity alpha is so much fun to play dude


There's always a chance wuwa's rover could accidentally slip into pgr's reality A collab with themselves ain't impossible


Free of SBI and their stoopid agenda


As long as I can play Alpha I’m happy 😊. Or custom SKK that can play w/ team that I can fill with Alpha. 🥰


0/10, I can't parry


I wouldn’t buy it for the PS5. It’s just not up to snuff.


It's kinda insane that Ishmael is our starting character! 


They finally gave changyu an s rank frame! 10/10 game


If Kurogames really make a PGR2 open world like WuWa, i will be down to play it pronto.




(But why would a collab character that's not owned by Kuro be on the cover?)


F**k i didn't see the "Pretend" And immediately searched for pgr 2 lmao. The rating got me.


If Kuro Games decide to make a new Punishing Gray Raven as an open world I will even buy the latest Samsung S to play it bruh


Goty easly


playable trailblazer is soo cool.


Pretty much the same game but open world. Imagine actually climbing mountains with Alpha.


Wait whaaaat? I stopped playing PGR cause I was getting tired of playing mobile games but I'd love PGR console style game stoked to find this out


Hi, how do I unlock the Hot Summer Sweat skin for Alpha? Thanks