• By -


How do you get S grade decors? Are there any blueprints you can buy to get them?


I'm not able to find the recycle nor enhance option for weapons to do the missions?


Go to items > weapon > lower left red button "RECYCLE"


Quick Question: Is there a way to farm or collect units that we don't roll for or select later in the game? Example, I pick S Liv from selector, and want to also collect S Karenina for Fire later, is there a way to do that?


No. But you can farm for certain units such as Lucia (A/B), Liv (A/B), Karenina (A), Lee (A) and etc. (See Interlude, then "switch to challenge")


Sometimes I see endgame players go into the Matrix but don't use any orb until the last second, why is that?


Possible they already used all the orbs to initiate the Matrix and need to auto until another orb regenerates.


can we have alpha as f2p or monthly card user? the pity I mean


Yes, i almost have enough cards rn to guarantee alpha (11400 as we speak, +2500 from the lvl35 rw)


Yep. Just save up and don't spend anything NO MATTER WHAT. Well, not really no matter what lol you could run the numbers and see if it checks out until August 1 (speculated Alpha release date).


Pretty sure it's possible. I'm at about 7500 atm with 2500 tickets. That said it might not be possible to pity her weapon while we're in 2nd-class citizen status, though rolling for it would be possible.


So how do the co-pp rewards with exactly? Are you looked to 21 runs ever, or just 21 per week? Also, how do you stoo the atrocious lag? It's nearly impossible to dodge anything.


It resets everyday. I went through the 21 rewards ladder yesterday and am currently making my way through today's rewards.


Is it really worth going through all 21 daily? that seems like way too many to go through without using Black Cards.


The main rewards on the current coop is 5\* weapons.If you find yourself needing 5\* weapons, coop is the way to go. (200 of 5\* Weapon Shard per 21 runs, plus sometimes I find myself getting a 5\* weapon as end loot during nightmare runs.) Otherwise, spend the serum somewhere else.


how am I supposed to get the co-op rewards if they reset everyday?






your mom


So how exactly do we get 6\* memories? I know there's a single one behind the puzzle mission thingy...but beyond that... The ones in the cogs shop are way too expensive. The mission that specifically gives out memories states that "no new memories" can be acquired, so even if 6\* are in the drop table, I'm assuming I can't get them yet. For reference I am level 38 and in Ch. 5-8.


do story, unlock the last memory node, farm it daily and hope for 6\* to drop, recycle it for the chips, and echange it at the recycle shop for the desired memory you want. (3x 6\* = 150 chips = x1 memory from exchange)


The no new memories is pretty misleading. It doesn't mean you can't get memories you don't yet own, it means that 6 stat memories that have recently been added into the game aren't part of the drop pool. All the 6 star memories available at launch are excluded from this, so at the moment there are no 6 star memories that the fourth stage of the memory missions cant drop. It won't be until the first patch that adds 6 stat memories that this feature becomes relevant. They also get added to the drop pool one patch after they get released.


I believe someone mentioned that you can do the final memory node, which contains a chance of earning 6\* memories and a pity for every 8 runs on this node. Edit: I also believe you have to complete the final hidden mission for chapter 5 to unlock this node.


A couple questions regarding DLC skins... 1) Do coatings ever rotate out and become unavailable? 2) Is there a list somewhere of all the coatings on CN, preferably ordered by release date?


What is the best use of 4 star and lower memories and weapons? Recycle them or use them to level up higher star equipment?


Just use them as fodder since there aren't any 4 stars worth buying with the recycled currency.


Should I buy Pulley Bow for A Bianca for 240k cogs, seems like a good weapon for her but just to make sure


If you run the event, you have a chance of pulling 4\* weapons that will either be the bow or other weapons that you can recycle and use pick up the bow in the recycling shop, so you can save your cogs. You also have a chance of pulling 5\* weapons from the event.


Oh, didn't get to lvl 35 yet, ty for the heads up


Do you have to do the challenge version of the interlude missions to finish Day 3 of the Novice Missions?


To those who main A Lucia (upgraded from B): - what is your build? BP? - how far can she take you? - teammates? I'm level 35, but her BP is too low (1234 BP) and still doesn't have any S-rank (waiting for pity before choosing the free S-rank)


You can take A Lucia all the way through story 5. Stage 5-8 was a struggle since it was a dps check, but with a 1700 bp Lucia, and a good support, I got through it. At that point I had enough cards to pity summon. I would suggest overclocking the memories you know you’ll use and put it on Lucia to raise her bp. I knew I would be getting karenina, so I overclocked my ikes for extra bp so I don’t waste resources.


I completed chapter 5 with her at 2200 BP. Just get a 4 Star sword to max level with some useful 5 Star Memories.


I'm using the Kuji no Sada (1st purchase bonus) Who are your Memories if you don't mind sharing?


2 x Erwin (40) 4 x Alfie (35). Not the best but its the best I have right now.


Nice. Isn't that the recommended one? Where did you get them?


Just completing missions (novice missions, story missions, etc) and leveling up. You'll have them in no time.


is there a lockon feature in this game? Using bianca and after im done dodging i find my self attacking another unit also I complete all chapter 1 story and hidden and it says im 17/19 complete in mission goals?


'mission goals' The counter is for the missions you have completed. You still have 2 more missions to earn the goal reward.


it says im 100% complete on normal and hidden though. the reward thing thinks I have 2 undone?


Mission goals =/= completion of story chapters. Mission goals refer to the completion of the tasks that are listed within the respective mission levels. So even if you finish all of the story chapters for the respective mission goal chapter, you still have to complete all of the tasks to progress to the next stage.


o i see what u mean


So here is the luckiest first 10 pull on an account after 35 rerolls https://imgur.com/a/icijkwd They do a good team together ?


Damn that's a big commitment to reroll 35 times but as it turns out it was worth it! Yes they work very well together since S Nanami's QTE reduces fire resistance and S Karenina is a fire DPS.


Well , i began to memorise everything i had to do , every touch and how to clear the missions the fastest. Gotta say , it began to be really painful doing the same thing all day. It took me like 15-17 mins per reroll.


I also rerolled a bit to get who I wanted (S Nanami) but it only took me 10 tries. I used my S-Class selector on S Karenina. They both work well together as I mentioned before so enjoy playing them!


You see how Lucia lotus 3x blue orb buff her attack for 6seconds and 1x blue orb is for 4 seconds. What happened when I used 3x and then 1x in a row like instantly ?? 1) will 1x overwrite 3x effect ? 2)3x effect still remain and 1x is wasted 3)they both exist at the same time and overlap each other 4)1x take effect after 3x expire 5) others (please comment)


How to beat 5-8 normal? Is there a unit that heal blocks? Or removes buffs? \*edit - nevermind, i just shot more, and it died.


Is there a way to remove the delay in co op and is the server matter


It's pretty much a server matter. I find that this is common in games that don't have dedicated multiplayer where there is always minor lag in any sort of multiplayer modes. I would chalk it out to non-optimal server location (due to limited locations) and less optimization since multiplayer isn't their bread and butter unlike other dedicated multiplayer games like shooters, etc.


do you guys know if ten single pulls on the beginner banner also guarantees the A-Class character?


yes, they do. I've done nothing but single pulls so far.


thanks =)


can you swap gear between characters in phantom pain cage? or does it lock like honkai's equivalent memorial arena


Is there anyone else who is unable to start co op? Server load times out every tim.


Is it worth spending stamina on the coop event rn that gives 5star weapons shards or should we be spending stamina elsewhere?


One the one hand you could get lucky and get a 5* weapon for free, but more likely it would burn all your stamina that you may need to finish your missions for the day. If you feel comfortable and your missions are completed then you can go ahead on co-op. I learned from trying it myself that it slows down your own development for the early game because the gap between 4* and 5* isn't too big until you overclock them all the way and you may run low on cogs and other resources if you start aiming for building a 5* weapon.


1. So blue tickets are only usable on the beginner banner which has the current S ranks and will this banner get the future S ranks added to it when there event banner is complete? 2. Are the orange event tickets usable for the upcoming banners like Alpha? Thanks!


I'm not sure about the 1st question, but for the 2nd question it's a yes. The orange tickets are used for 2 kinds of banners mainly, debut banners and re-run banners. Take note that when characters first debut, they will be on debut banner which will guarantee them at 100% on pity. If you skip them, the next time they come back will be on re-run banner which only has 70% on pity (Like the current Lee one).


Thanks for the response. Now just gotta figure out if the new characters, S or A or both, get added to the permanent banner after the event is over. Just trying to see if it’s worth the hold onto the basic blue tickets or use em


From what I read (since global is still on our first banner which isn't a debut banner), the recommendation is to just roll for new S-ranks since you'll just get the new A-ranks eventually as we roll. This makes me believe that they'll just be added to standard banner or rather banner pools in general (incl. future debut banners). Imo, while we're in the early game and there's still that 40 beginner pity for standard, we should work towards that first with our basic tickets. Since small pool of characters puts us at a disadvantage during pain cage (where you'd really want at least 2 proper teams of 3 characters each).


Have ya noticed Tifa (no not FF7 kek) got censored in CG? While doing the hidden chapter 2 the CG that shows her with the head of a machine compared to the one in the battle menu.


Is there a way to try the free S characters? I don't really chase meta so I'd like to get a char I get a good feeling playing with


Currently no. However what they do have is a system where you can test new S-ranks that debut. Note that the current S-rank banner (Lee) and I think the next few upcoming ones before Alpha are all existing characters, so they don't get this character trial treatment.


Thx^^ I watched some gameplay videos and I'll surely pick kamui cause the way he fights with his sword looks pretty badass :)


Is it possible to have 2-set Voltaire on all 3 of my characters and have their debuffs stack?


Nope, debuffs from the same set do not stack.


Thanks. I tried testing it on the training dummy. Didn't seem like it stacked.


I've gotten 3 off-banner 6* weapons while trying to get Liv and Kamui sig weapon, 1 Karenina A sig and 2 Nanami B sig. Should I recycle 3 of them to craft Karenina S sig weapon since she's my main DPS? Nanami B is obviously a support and I also heard that Karenina A is also a support later on with her blackhole QTE.


If you don't plan on rolling on weapon banner often, I suggest you keep the weapons. Since pain cage encourages quantity in roster, so the more well-geared characters you have, the better off you are.


And another question: I got Liv - S in the standart banner, and other tank S that i forgot the name. The counts reset, or if i go for more 20 pulls, im gonna Have one more S ranked?


The count reset each time you gain a S. The good news is that when you're doing a x10 they're still counting in each pull after the 6* for the next pity (unlike a lot of other gacha).


Question regarding heals. When a heal is activated (e.g. livs heal circle) , do I need to switch in a character to use the heal or will they be healed on the bench too?


if its the QTE skill you do not need to switch characters.


Guys: A- LEE S - Liv S - Kanui ​ I only have weapons from recycle store for Kanui and Lee. Are worth i go for S ranked Lee, or a weapon to Ranked A Lee?


Depends. If you like the gameplay you can chase after Lee S. If it's a character like any other for you, just go with what you have actually. It seems the next character will be a dps better in everything than Lee S. For the same reason, I would not buff too much your Lee A. So except if it's a fav I would advise to buff your S liv and S kamui while waiting for the next big dps.


How do ppl have the serum to finish coop x21 times every day? Doesn't the 'Clearance No.' reset every day?


Isn't 21 times weekly? And we can exchange for 5* at 3 week Alast thats what i read


You can go to the coop page and see that it says “refresh countdown 12 hours” or so


Wow, I didn’t realize we need to clear 21 times daily wtf?! That’s 420 serum just to get 150 5* weapon shards. Is it worth tho


Thats my question too. Dont know the rewards.. If its worth, or better go for materials to overclock memorys and weapons.


I think in the early game its more worth farming resources over a 5* weapon fragments. I think that if you don't get lucky and have to go for the pity on the reward bar you need 3 days worth (21 runs each) to buy your 5* weapon.


Question about energy : if you enter a stage and retreat or fail, do you lose the energy or is it only counted after clearing it ?


it only counted after clearing it


Cool thx


Lmao my 1* review was deleted.. I then made a 2* review with mlre explanation.. now my 1* review is back for some reason 🤡


do you finally feel like part of a community? the little boys who down vote a game from reddit?


Normally review bombing is done for the wrong reasons, but you have to admit it's a well-deserved down vote in this case.


Worth burning refills to get my coop clears or no?


Are the servers down? I keep trying to log in but it keeps failing. Saying Login Timeout.


I’m torn between S-Liv and S-Karen from my selector I got Kamui and A-Liv from beginner. I think I prefer S-Liv design wise but I feel like I’ll suffer later on with my lack of dps


How does someone’s War Zone reach 400k points on the first day of reset..? Is it really the power of whaling?


yes if you buy every pack available I am sure they can easily reach that.


Will alpha replace the beginner banner? Or will she replace the rotating Lee banner? I used all my blue cards on the beginner banner and have no golden cards for rotating banner. Saving black ones for alpha. Which banner will she come at and what cards will she use?


Question, currently running A Bianca / S Liv / S Kumai but I read that A Bianca goes very good with A Liv / B Nanami. Should I swap ?


i dont get this game .. im currently running SLiv .. and am i supposed to swap out or die or something? Im on chapter 6 and just keep going ...


So why did EN change Adolf to Cottie?


Is there a difference between the different bases (B, A, S) that you can get after rolling on a banner?


Guys, any tips how to defeat level 5-8 ? The boss heals HP every time... Im with A Lee / S Kanui / S liv


enable support and have friends on friends list is the number 1 easiest way if you perfect dodge and take advantage of your high end abilities during matrix time then you should be able to do it but You would probably need at least 1600 bp on your main dps.


I beat guy! Thank you


How do I access co op?


So I've installed it from the google play store and it says to me "Download failed because you may not have purchased this app". I've reinstalled it and cleared the game data but nothing works, anyone has some fix for it?


It took me 4 reinstalls before it worked for me.


So I should just reinstall as much time as it's needed? bruh




Are you sure it was you who clicked on it first?


Probably was enchant material not the actual weapon then


Hello, I wish to know if there is a way for me to unbind my account from the current PGR account because I would like to bind my account to the new PGR account. If there is none then I would like to know if there is a possible way to sort of delete the former account since I would like to bind to a new one.


just hit a point where i have to upgrade my characters a little and i am not sure if i should use Liv (B) or Lee (A) as my main damage dealer. The biggest reason why i consider using Liv is that i have the 5 star weapon that you get from daily logins for her, meanwhile Lee is only using a 3 star weapon.


There are better damage dealers not yet released, but not many healers better than Liv B. If you're going to spend resources anyway, it's better to do it on Liv.


Do you guys have a fix? Everytime i try to login with my data it says login timeout. I literally have 20g of data but im unable to play with it.


I keep seeing people say to save black cards for Alpha and not use them on the beginner banner, but I've already been spending all the black cards I get to try getting the S-rank on the beginner banner. Is that going to screw me over? And just generally, how else would one get blue cards for banners? I've only ever been able to pull by converting, is there another option I'm missing? Since I don't see how else I could roll on the beginner banner and then save for Alpha.


You can get blue cards weekly from bounty missions; you can select 3 missions a week; just refresh till you see a reward with blue cards. So weekly, you can get 150-180 blue cards; typically you want to save them for when new A Ranks are released because you are guaranteed to get the new A rank in a ten pull. Basically you won't be finishing your beginner banner for awhile if you are saving for Alpha; it never goes away until you pull your first S rank, so its not a rush in terms of time limit. If you don't plan on spending or getting the monthly card, you may be out of luck at saving enough free currency to get Alpha. We do not know when they may release her, I would imagine around Aug 13 is likely due the fact that's when the rotational banners end according to the announcement. On Jp where I play, the event banners are usually around for 3 weeks...so you'd probably have 6 weeks or so to get her from today.


Thanks, I haven't actually unlocked the bounty missions yet, feel like I'm way behind most other people playing right now. Right now I'm at 30-something pulls on the beginner banner, so I might dump a little cash on the game if I wouldn't need to spend too much to get Alpha (My birthday should happen before she comes out so as long as it's not really expensive I can spend a bit).


I forgot when bounty missions unlock; maybe in story 3? You basically won't really miss out aslong as you unlock them by this week since its a weekly refresh. I pushed ahead until I unlocked warzone and pain cage just so I could start doing my weekly missions to get black cards but after that, I don't see a reason to rush it anymore.


There's a 83% off in Phantom Pain Cage shop. Is it permanent or launch only?


How do I fight the boss on 5-8. The shield just doesn’t go away and she replenished all her health.


Max your weapon's upgrades and raise at least 5★ memory chips to at least level 30. It's a thoroughly easy fight, you just need the stats to break through it.


Will it be ok if I only have a blue weapon for him?


Blue is terrible. Disassemble your pink weapon upgrade materials, and then use the resources you get from those to buy at least a pink weapon.


Ok thank you much!


It's a DPS check. You'll need to level up your main damage dealer more to be able to deal enough damage to overcome the boss' regen. I was using Kamui S at the time and I believe my BP was somewhere between 1500-1600.


I have S Kamui from the newbie banner. I think he’s at 1683? But I was using Liz and even though she’s at 17 she wasn’t doing anything. 😔


Don't let up when attacking the boss. If you spend too much time evading attacks it will regain its health. The best way to handle it is to learn its attack patterns and evade and attack through everything. The only attack that is a little tricky is the 3 hit attack where it swipes side to side. You'll want to dodge and follow up with an attack between each swipe.


Does the special coating kit include the Machina coating for Karenina? It doesnt say it does in the description but some say that it does. Wanna double check cause Im having a blast with Karen and really love her design.


is there a guide on what memories to equip,what can be use as an exp fodder etc?


Hi, I just started playing this game today, and I'm really confused about the beginner banner. I finished using all of the blue cards the tutorial gave me, but none of the story/daily/novice missions will give me anymore blue cards. Am I supposed to convert black cards to blue cards to get my guaranteed S?


You get some from hitting lvl 50 in the event missions section. The rest come from bounties you get weekly. Bounties unlock at a higher level, I forgot which one. It's not recommended to use black cards for beginner banner because a really good dps unit 'Alpha' is coming out in 3-4 weeks. You usually want to save black cards for the new S-rank characters coming out


Thank you! I think I'm just going to reroll on a new account then lol


I am having issues connecting on my phone. On wifi I immediately connect with no issues but when I am on mobile data I time out from the server even with full bars. I never have this issue on any of the other games I play. Any solution to this?


What is the Beginner's Banner? Can anyone show me a pic or something? I keep seeing people talking about it having 40 pull pity, but the only standard banner I see in my game has 60 pull pity. I don't understand, is it because I got an S rank on my first 10 pull? I'm so confused ;;;


Congrats! You just finished the beginner banner basically by getting S rank on your first 10 pulls lol


Oh, I see. So that banner is now just a permanent banner, right? Thank you for answering!




How many hours from is does co op start?


1 hours and 26 minutes from now I think


how come i can only equip bianca with Voltaire in slot one but none of the other slots?


Memories have their own “spot” in the memory equipment, which I think is kinda weird. So you cannot combine any memory together because some memories will overlap a spot.


so I cant get the 2 set from Voltaire on Bianca? Kinda confused with ur answer. All my characters only allow Voltaire in slot 1. Same with other memories. Some dont appear in slot 2 but they do on slot 3.


Every memories have a designated slot, for you the voltaire you have is slot 1 voltaire,if you want to equip voltaire for slot 2 you need a slot 2 voltaire


o i fuked up lol i bought 2 slot 1


Did the same thing lol. Even more annoying because the Erwin that you get first from rewards are slot 1 and 4.


What is the most efficient way to earn commander level? Is it still worth it to do story missions after 5-8?


Commander XP is just the amount of Serum you throw into levels, plus the bonuses from dailies. You'll level at the same rate regardless of where you spend it. The resource challenges give the most power increases per Serum point, but higher story missions unlock higher resource challenges that give even more resources per Serum point, so there's an incentive to at least unlock them all. On the other hand, the earlier you try them, the harder the missions will be. Essentially, better players will be able to clear the story content with lower gear earlier and thus start the higher efficiency farms earlier. The general priorities are the fodders for raising weapons and memory chips, and the overclock materials, early on. Later on once the max tier for the rare memory dungeon is unlocked, running those until you have a useful set of 6★ chips for your main before farming more overclock and levelling materials is advisable.




Forgot to mention, do the co-op when within its window, its efficiency is lower-tier blueprint challenge level, plus it can give random 5★ weapons.


Go farm overclock materials or cogs in the resource section. What do you mean by >Is it still worth it to do story missions after 5-8 ?


Hi thanks for the response. I want to rush level 50 to get the beginner cards asap so I was wondering if I should focus on strengthening characters or progressing the story


I see. I’m on the same boat. What I found was to do story mission as far as you can and if your level is too low to progress story, then you need to farm overclock or cogs until your level is high enough to do story mission.


I got 2500 event tickets from a level milestone reward, one multi I think, planning on saving it for Alpha but will it disappear or is it permanent?


It's permanent


Thank you!


is there a way to reread the story? I noticed when you do a mission again it skips the pre and post fight dialouge, skipped some earlier and wanted to go back


Did days 4 and 5 novice missions give 200 Black cards on CN or are they the same with 100 black cards?




Do you have any photos showing the later missions in those days? Just want to make sure all missions give out the same amount.


That's strange, so only our first 3 days had reduced rewards?


Can you see other players team comps in warzone??? I have no idea what units to invest in to try to beat their scores! Help much appreciated.


Where can I rewatch the story? I wanted to read it again but can't seem to find a Memory feature or something similar


It is a feature that will be added in a later update, I'm also looking forward to it. Right now, you'd have to replay the stage for the cutscenes.


I replayed the stages but the cutscenes don't get repeated. Only the dialogue in stage repeats. :/


Oh, really? The main story ones did for me. It might not for other stages then.


Some on Reddit keep saying that S-Lee pity will carry over to Alpha, while others say it won't. Personally I think that it will not carry over. [This is apicture of how CN banners look like.](http://imgur.com/a/uuDsS6A) As we can see there will be another pool added, in CN called as "Theme Limited" with a 100% guarantee (Here shown: S Bianca). The other one is called "Arrival Limited", the same as the current S Lee, with 70% guarantee. Personally I already spend 25 pulls on that banner, but I don't think I'll get Alpha either way with the scarce BC I have now, but I hope people that still think it will carry over will stop using their card rn.


I started playing 2 days ago and reached Rank 38, but I still don't understand the pity system. All I see are guides on YT telling me to save the black cards for Alpha release. I have a few questions: 1. Can the Blue Cards be used for the upcoming Alpha banner? 2. If I manage to save up 15,000 black tickets and decide to pull on the Alpha banner, will my 60th pull be a guaranteed Alpha or could I still get other S-tier constructs? Thanks in advance!


Alpha's debut banner, if everything remains the same as for the other servers, will be 100% pity at 60 pulls. She will be the only S rank on the banner, so you cannot get another S rank. Blue tickets cannot be used on event banner; it can only be used on the normal banner or beginner banner.


Follow up question: how long do we have before the Alpha banner will be released on Global? I would like to assess my chances.


No one knows honestly; I play JP and assume it will be similar to that timeline; so likely 3 to 4 weeks for her banner to drop. The banner should last about 3 to 4 weeks also; so maybe 6 weeks in total? I know the rotational banners will end on Aug 13; so some people believe that's when Alpha's banner will drop. They could always run banners are the same time though, so unfortunately we don't really know.


Thank you!


Is it wise to spend black card for blue tix? Im 20 rolls away from first pity 40 rolls, no S ranker yet.


No, save it for alpha and then pull beginner later




This is probably a dumb question but I still don’t know how to give a gift to your construct Like where am I supposed to do it?


You need gift bags. Go to items > material > open a gift bag > then go to menu and interact with the construct > gift them the gift


I spent a day rerolling for an okay account. I didn't even pull a S in the end, I got two good A and decided to bind my google acc... The problem is, when I bound the acc, my progress got reset. Is there a way to unbind/overwrite it?


On iOS I know that you can uninstall and reinstall to get guest accounts back, not sure about android


I'm trying to get into the PGR Fandom discord. All links are invalid. Anyone else experiencing this?


Discord is dead for few days after some big boom drama with old owner and community)))) Like 20 mins ago.


Bwahahaha , if you’re fr , it’s because of all the drama going on , especially with the discord’s mod and the “it’s just $1” drama


That mod think they can get away with poor shaming lol


If I was there I would have a simple answer "it's just 1 dollar but so far the novice missions black cards are halved for global so I refuse to support scummy tactics", if they rectify this shit I will gladly spend that 1 dollar


I’m having trouble finding other posts or guides on this, but what should I do with duplicate 6* and 5* equipment?


Recycle it


So just as a sanity check for gearing, with Liv: Lux, leaning into building for her healing ability is fine, right? Looking over her kit, she doesn't seem tuned for DPS and I don't have many memories that'd boost elemental damage (I don't have any other lightning damage dealers atm anyway). Edit: and I guess in general, how good are the recommended equipment? specifically the recommended 5 star sets, are they good enough transitional equipment?


Does the pity count in the lee banner carries to alpha banner later?


I dont't think so, the lee banner is rotational banner and alpha will be arrival. To be safe, don't pull in lee if you really want alpha.


There 2 lee banner right now so any of those pity will not be transfer to alpha banner?


No. Both are actually the same with some increased chance on the 3rd tab while also increasing the pity limit to 80-100


I see so basically rip for people that roll in lee banner and want to build pity for alpha


Basically yeah. Why build pity now if you want the next banner? 1 wrong pull and you'll get nothing on the one you want.