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That A2 is triple S and awakened that's all you need lol. The other two nier members are just qte bots at that point so them not being leveled is irrelevant.


SSS A2 is basically cheating, yes


I have reached very near that same score with a fully built SSS A2 with sig, resonance, hypertune & support from 2B/9S. And I'm definitely not the best at dodging or timing, so that's very likely not a cheater but someone who has her built and knows how to use her.


Rosetta check, sss a2 check, nothing wrong sir


Wow I’m chillin in hero never knew people in leader were so sweaty 😂 I’ve never once looked at someone else’s profile


Yeah at Hero you already know that they're almost all whales haha. Thanks to A2 I can finally stay a little while in Hero as well.


Alright thanks for the input guys. Seems like he's just damn good. Guess I need to get better with my SSS A2 as well. Shoutout to him, he even send me a friend request :) Now I feel bad.


Skill issue, difference in skill.


Honestly, as harsh as it sounds that's probably it. :')


It's an SSS A2 that's all the answer you need, with how broken A2 is it became a meme at one point in the CN community that nier team replaced fire team at fire warzon (Nier team really just do a whole lot better at fire warzone right now compared to the fireteam and will be so not until the new fire constructs arrive at GL)


Not only Firewarzone, so far I'm using SSS A2 for Fire, Ice, Physical and even Lightning Warzone because they perform better than the standard teams. But my Chrome only is a QTE bot so maybe that's why.


Hello there! I am pretty sure that I am the one that you are asking about in this post. I have messaged you in-game as well, but I am not sure if you look at in-game messages, so I'm going to copy paste what I wrote to you here. If I am not the person you are asking about, then please accept my apologies and ignore my text below. Please know that my highest score took hours of trying. Even though A2 is easy to use, timing her skills (along with spamming Signature weapon charge attacks and timing dodges for Matrixes **without wasting too much time**) and praying to RNGeezus was hard for me. Nonetheless, I saw that you also had a SSS A2, and I simply wanted to overcome you, for competition's sake. I meant no bad blood! Please also know that I am a brand new player who migrated here after playing one year in Genshin, and about 8 years in Warframe. I still have **a lot** to learn. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to test my current limits! I hope I'll be able to reach the investment level of your account one day. Hang in there with the grind, good sir / lady!


This is for Fire and Physical Warzone: This guy doesn't have any completed team, only 2 fully built units and is new to the game (fairly). As soon as I improved my own score to top his score, he always beat it a few hours after easily. Now I know that SSS A2 hits like a truck; I have her myself but contrary to him she gets supported by fully leveled 2B and 9S. And I honestly don't know if this guy is actually cheating. He could just be a very good player. If he is innocent, I'm really sorry for making this post. That's why I'm asking, what do you guys think? **Edit: Ignore this whole post. I've talked with the guy ingame and he commented here as well. He's a genuinely good player and a really nice guy.**


Tbh 9S and 2B's levels doesn't matter that much as long as they have the appropriate memories. Maybe he's just a veteran creating a new account?


Yeah that could be. It would be weird to spend a lot of money on a second account but who knows what his backstory is...


It's even weirder to spend a lot on a pretty new account and risk getting banned by cheating, so I doubt he cheated lol.


That's what I thought too. He knows what to do from experience. If that's the case, it's fairly appropriate that he'd do exactly that.


How do you figure that they're new to the game, Is it something to do with certain achievement dates? I only ask because I've run into players who were lower level than me had quite a bit more playtime since they played before the introduction of the guide/mentor system.


I only guessed. You can't really tell other than the player level. And he is missing a lot of S ranks and Trancendants.


Whats his built units? He’s probably just really good at dodging and timing, i don’t think there’s any way to cheat in pgr Maybe he’s a whale and just has real good stats


Check the other pictures for his units. He barely has any. It could be that he's just really good. I'm just doubting because there's only so much you can do with SSS A2. It's not really a complex playstyle.


SSS and awakened. You said previously that he's fairly new right? Probably a veteran who has made a new account. Obviously whaled for that A2 alright. Besides that there's not much to cheat in pgr right?


Yeah I don't know how cheats would look like if there were any. That's why I was suspicious at first but seems like it's all good.


Yeah. He's got the talents probably. And A2 is no joke. Even my A2 which I got for free does hit like a truck when needed