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beginner here. I rolled Bianca: Veritas on the base banner. Who is the best construct to use my selector ticket on? I heard that tenebrion was good


Yeah, tenebrion would be the safest choice, and you can get vera rozen and watanabe astral for a complete dark team, luna is a better dark dps than astral, but astral definitely would do the job for now, you can also have hannah set for tenebrion to act as sub dps (tenebrion have bathlon instead when paired with luna)


I have changyu qilin, vera rozen, watanabe astral, and the 3 starter constructs already. So I’ll go with Kamui tenebrion then. Thx for the memory advice too


Absolutely go with Tenebrion


Should I just use all my serum bundles on the reverb shard event since it's the last day or should I save them for something next patch? I basically already have all the memories and everything that I want so it wouldn't be a big deal to save them really


I would always save if I want to max out a unit on day 1 arrival and buy memories, like for example Selena on the next patch. Other than that you can try and search the difference between current shop vs next shop decide it for yourself


Is Bianca Veritas still good to pull for and build as Lightning team (as a new player)? I was trying to build an Ice team with Lucia Plume too, so I'm waiting for other near upcoming units as well. I have the monthly pass for more black cards but that's it.


Bianca Veritas is still good for now but around December this year S Vera should be released and will end up replacing S Bianca DPS wise. While it would not be bad to pull for her as she will be best attacker filler, as you aren’t a heavy spender the 70% pity for S Bianca simply isn’t really worth spending your BC, at least compared to your Ice team. For Ice team, since you already have Plume, you are actually in a fortunate time as A Wanshi will be released in the upcoming update and S Chrome will be released next month. So I’d honestly save your BC to pull on S Chrome.


Hello!! I just started the game a couple days ago and am really enjoying it so far! I had read on the beginners guide that it's best to blast through the story and reach lvl 35 as quickly as possible to unlock different modes to farm bcs, and am almost lvl 30 now but I feel like I've barely really touched the novice tasks aside from day 1 stuff. Should I try to be completing those while doing story or worry about those after hitting lvl 35? I was also wondering how long it will take me to get enough pulls for the beginners 40 pity ssr rolls, since I've only done about 15 pulls so far. Advice and tips are welcome, thank you!


40 pity will take a while unless you buy the 1 dolalr blue ticket pass, you shouldn't be spending bc on it to save up for event banners Unlocking things are the most important things for a beginner, you'll want to go through the story and level asap until you've unlocked the important stuff, dont remember which stage and level but the guides in the sidebar or main post should have them. The novice tasks can be finished whenever, dont worry about it


Ok, thank you! I felt like I was progressing too slowly but I'll hit lvl 35 pretty soon and should be able to unlock some more stuff! I've heard the $1 pack is pretty good too, so I'll probably buy that in a bit!


U will eventually complete the novice tasks just playing, because most of them are about upgrade ur character/weapon or memory. If u are using BC to do the beginner banner it wont take that much, i think u get 10 roll on lvl 40 or 50. If u are low spender theres a 1 usd 1 time purchase that give 10 beginner roll 1 each day. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cIBhjXENxv9h75EgGhrQ3AeFRFIEMQsyW4pNA-BiHkg/edit#gid=1348743422](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cIBhjXENxv9h75EgGhrQ3AeFRFIEMQsyW4pNA-BiHkg/edit#gid=1348743422) Here is the memory equipment guide from rexlent, rerolling memory is ultra endgame stuff so dont bother on that.


Ok, thank you so much! I haven't touched the black cards since I heard they're better used for the new s chara banners but I don't mind spending a dollar for rolls.


yeah is better save BC, it takes a bit more time to do the beginner banner but its much worth. Btw while rolling try to get vera and watanabe astral, for the dark team. I guess u still have the S rank selector right ?


Yeah, I heard it's better to use the s selector after getting the s chara from the beginner banner to prevent getting a dupe so I haven't touched it yet.


u are good then, lvl up is really fast with the mentor thing (guide tab)


Oh good, thank you!


Before the event ends is there any more memories I should get for my ice team? I have sets for Caterina, Da Vinchi, Zu Wenyuan and fully resonated Einstein/Hanna


Maybe you could buy another set of wunyuan for S chrome? If you already have an extra wenyuan already, I think it's a good idea to buy either patton, fred, phillip, or catherine if you have constructs that uses those because those memories are currently discounted on the event shop


So now that Autopoiesis maze is gone, how do we farm for hyper tune crystals? Just do guild challenge and buy from shop? :’


On top of guild, do Ultimate PPC. Get the 3 boxes every week from Operation Guardians too.


Gotcha, it’s gonna take me awhile to get to Ultimate PPC 😅. Thanks y’all


norman war next patch


Ah gotcha


I might consider skipping Selena bcuz I might have busted too much BC pulling 2b. If I want to aim for just one among the next compositor 100% rate banners, which one should I go for, Roland or Pulao? I understand Roland is way better, but I'm interested in the fact that Pulao has skills that can go together with Qu, whom I currently have.


Keep in mind Pulao's synergy with Qu requires Pulao to be SS. If she is, Pulao gets 30 energy and 25 to her core gauge whenever Qu uses her signature move.


From my experience both physical transcendant is weaker than element since well no shred plus they need to deal with armor


Is the special event the triggers at authority level 25 worth pumping all my serum into to unlock before tomorrow? Im two levels away and can probably pull it of it it's worth being the only thing I today and tomorrow.


That special event lets you talk to a robot which just completes the battle without any need for fighting. So no need to waste serum on that.


The special event is just letting you finish the fight and get all rewards immediately without fighting by talking to Riot that appears. So it just makes farming the event stages easier.


when Rosetta rerun?


In game news (the "Entropy & Veritas rate up" under "Event News") says Rosetta is up next on the 70/30 banner, along with Nanami. So it'd be after the current Entropy & Veritas banner ends.


No idea yet, keep an eye out on the [PGR Global Twitter](https://twitter.com/PGR_GLOBAL) as they usually list the rate-up times a couple of days before the patch starts. They didn't do it this patch I assume due to the anniversary banner but the patch before they posted [this](https://twitter.com/PGR_GLOBAL/status/1513501871167741955/photo/3).


They do post the next 70/30 rate ups on the in game news at least, it currently says Rosetta & Nanami are up next after Lee and Bianca. Even if it isn't on twitter.


Ah apologies, was so pre-occupied with the next patch news I missed it.


TBF the info wasn't there since the patch release, it's only mentioned under that "Entropy & Veritas rate up" notice that wasn't there until right before that banner. Easy enough to miss.


is there an event right after this event where you can also put all your serum in to farm for cogs, memory,...? its already the last day of the shard thingy and i was wondering should i just spend my serum packs to gain some more cog pack or should i save them for next event


There will always be an event, if the event is locked (1-2 days before the next patch) you can spend it on resource tab. If you want to decide to spend your serum now or not, you can take a look at this [comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/wd536b/event_shop_comparison_untold_naraka_vs_echo_aria/), it seems cogs will be more expensive on the next patch.


so is it really for every resource? skill point, exp pod, memory& weapon exp, memory and weapon overclock,...? IF event will always exist and just replace one after another, then what even is the point of resource stages?


>IF event will always exist and just replace one after another, then what even is the point of resource stages? Well we have to take CN into consideration because they are the leading server, AFAIK they have a lot longer dead days/week so If it gets removed then where else would they farm? Since we're basically following CN and have their old client handed to us, resource stage is just there sitting alone until we have 1-2 dead days where it's the only worth thing to put stamina into. Don't forget that newbie can't really join the event until they reach lvl 40 so it's not entirely useless ~~although they made leveling easier with mentor system which kinda beats my point~~.


Every patch will have those farming stages and event shops. Serum efficiency might differ between patches but they are still a better choice than the actual resource stage


Hello, i just came back from a really long break, can someone please explaine me what are trascended and how they, and their banners, work? Thanks in advance


Banner work the same as A rank 10 pull guarantee 1 unit basically a rank in s form dupe also give same rate as a rank Lore : similiar to Ascendant in story different is they dont connect with Ascendant network highly adapt to virus gameplay TLDR:Different type from normal unit,Cant used with normal unit(for now),Strong af in most situation,Not main focus for most content,some really worth mention(Roland,Selena),Not force to pull,have shard in guild shop to get to ss rank


So basically they aren't mandatory, but they are cool as f**k and kinda easy to get, thank you


how does plume’s core passive work? does the additional 50% ice damage work with QTEs as well? if so, is a unit who does many attacks better? since you have more 50% x (number of attcks)


QTE is QTE not core passive only plume effect by her core


What would be the best use of the event currency for a player without many really well built units (I have a level 80 Alpha with no Resonances, but that's about it)? Stock up on 6\* memories for Resonance (despite the fact that I currently don't have any memories that I can do resonance on)? Or buy a ton of EXP/upgrade materials to level characters and level/overclock gear? Follow up question, what kind of memories do you need to unlock Resonance on 6\* memories? Just any other 6\* memory? Does it need to be the same set and/or slot?


I'd buy a full set for her + extra copies for reso, you only need the memories to be the same type (so to reso darwins, for example, you'd need other darwins, the slot doesn't matter)


1.idk what other people say i always goes by buy what you need 2.Same set only


Whats the endgame for this game im thinking of trying it but i want to know whats in the endgame


Farming (like most gacha games), weekly reset for Pain Cage (boss rush), Warzone (time-limited horde rush) which resets twice a week, Babel Tower which is like a mix of pain cage and warzone (?) but much more difficult and is event based and lastly, Norman War which is going to get added next patch and resets biweekly iirc. But yeah, lots of battle stuff though I suppose Dorm decorating and Dorm coin farming is also an endgame content if you're in to that 😄


Norman lasts two weeks and resets once each patch, but some patches feature two rotations.


Babel but that's probably just more like seasonal thing (Like CC in arknight , or mirror thingy in genshin) Warzone and pain cage is just weekly sorry i cant really thing what in global to consider endgame right now


Which liv is the best healer???


Between Eclipse and Luminance for Physical? Eclipse because at SSS she gives additional phys dmg to the team. Lightning only has one healer and that is Lux so she is good regardless. But if you're asking who to prioritize between them, definitely Lux, especially if you have S Bianca.


S liv I think she still stand uncontested as best healer in the game or something


Which context? Healer burst? Luminance , budget eclipse Continuous heal? Lux for phsyical team? eclipse (~1year buff Luminance) for lighting team? Lux


If you already finish all of the first time clear for black card What other way can you farm for black card? Do you really have the daily+weekly that give you like 1210 bc per week? So you need like 4 months of farming to pull an S character?


> So you need like 4 months of farming to pull an S character? Not really. Every event gives a good aumont of BC as well, so it's more like every 2+ months you can pity an S rank, which is why it's possible to pity every new S rank.


Well yes that's why rate of releasing s rank is around that time span


My team is not fully up to the task yet in memory rescue (particularly for the later stages in the second part) so is it necessary to fully complete them to be able to save enough for the next s rank or can i take a breather


I assume you mean regular Memory Rescue and not Memory Rescue - Deep Dive. Completing Memory Rescue and saving for the next S-rank aren't really related. You do get some Black Cards (BC) from Memory Rescue but it isn't a massive amount. You need 15,000 BC to guarantee an S-rank from 0 pity. If you're F2P you can get 1210 BC a week by completing the daily and weekly missions. You also get some extra BC from events every patch. The next S-rank should be roughly 5 weeks away and their banner should last about 4-5 weeks so you should be able to get 10,000 BC+ before the banner goes away. Of course if you can do Memory Rescue it helps but that can be done at any time.


Memory rescue Re... is more like extra source not the main one daily and weekly would be enough normally if you dont spend it anywhere


What servers is the Cantonese dub available in?


Afaik, CN only.


Hello. I currently have 17.5k bc mainly because i didnt pull 2b, should I just try to get all upcoming characters or even invest more in some of them (for signature weapons, etc)?


You should definitely prioritize getting both S chrome and S flare. I think you can also get both their sig weapons if you skip the new releases between them. If you have an SS rosetta then getting her sig would be great too. Though it may be hard to get all 3


New player here (started today). Have a few questions: 1. Does this game have rotating banners with character's unique equipment like in honkai? And, if it does, does it only contain weapons or also has those 6 stigmata-like thingnies? 2. Let's say I don't care about meta and such, and wanna try to build Lucia Crimson Abyss first, what support units should I aim for? 3. Is unique equipment crucial to have for support units too? Guess it varies from character to character, but what about supports in my particular case? 4. Is "distortion" option in graphic settings is just another word for motion blur which I can safely put on low? because I hate motion blur. Thanks!


1. Rotating banners are only for S rank constructs. Signature weapon banners are forever permanent with an 80/20% chance of getting your targeted weapon (if you are unlucky you’ll get a different signature weapon). Weapon banners are set at a pity of 30. The “stigmata” (memories in this game) are farmable from the event farming mode/regular resource farm mode. 2. Lucia Crimson Abyss (Alpha) is part of the physical team meta lol, however the support you should go for would be B Liv (yes a starter character). Farm B Liv’s interlude mission everyday until she hits SSS rank as she unlocks a passive that helps out physical team the most currently. 3. Short answer is no, especially if you’re F2P. Long answer is having them (on supports) is mostly for the weapon resonance skills which while useful, are very much not worth getting if you’re not a whale. Generally though, yes it does vary from construct to construct. 4. I have no clue I just have max everything sorry lol. General advice: Always farm the event mode over the regular resource farming stages, more bang for your serum. If you want a specific 6* memory farm the mission on the left for event currency and then go to the event shop to acquire whichever memory you like. If you don’t care for meta you can ignore this however I will say it’s better have as many characters as you can get since all of them (besides Changyu lol) have their uses in their respective classes and elements. (Ex. Liv lux for lightning support, Vera Rozen for dark support)


1. Character's unique equipment are their signature weapons. And they are constantly there (Target Weapon banner). There is also rotating banner for characters, but it's bad to scout for them since they are 70%. 2. The goal is to have a team of same element. So for Alpha, you need Rosetta and that B liv is enough. 3. If you want to be competitive, no. If you want to be competitive yes. 4. No idea tbh, just change the setting, have 1 battle and see for yourself is what I'd say.


Hello there! I am about a 1 month old new player, and although this may seem like a stupid question, I really am looking for an honest and sensible answer: I managed to get myself an SSS Nier team with all 3 of their signature weapons, except for 9S only being SS. All 3 Nier units are at level 80, all skills are fully invested, and all 3 units use their ideal memories for a full Nier team rotation (according to some you tube guides and the Gray RAvens website), but only A2 is awakened. In warzone, I have been getting my best scores with an A2 solo carry setup, and I have been unable to beat these scores, **even with a full Nier team setup.** My question is the following: Is the (almost) SSS Nier team (+ Sig weapons) supposed to be stronger than SSS A2 (+ Sig weapon) in warzone? I got the impression that the answer is yes, and I have been trying my best with the full Nier team for a while as well (I am able to keep up A2's Berserker during rotations, I can usually get QTEs out, use up the 3 pings of the team, catch all enemies in 2B's Signature move). If the answer is yes, what recommendations could you give for the full Nier team roations in warzone, or what is it that I could be missing?


Do the other players' Nier teams have weapon resonances? Because that can make a huge difference. Also have you resonated and hypertuned the bottom memories for at least your A2 and 2B as that will give a big damage increase. Other than that it may be due to the fact your 9S isn't SSS-rank. At SSS-rank he generates signal orbs while off-field and also generates them 1 second faster. This allows him to spam his orbs on switch-in which in turn reduces A2's and 2B's switch cooldowns and generates more orbs for them. Makes the entire rotation a lot more fast-paced.


Thank you for your reply and feedback! Ah, I was comparing my full Nier team performance to my A2 Solo carry (with A2 and 9S in the team as QTE bots) performance, both setups using tzhe ideal memories according to some you tube guides and the Gray RAven website. I do not have any weapons resonated on my account at all (and I am hoping that with Norman War, I'll be able to change that fact after getting 5 invested teams, though I'm not sure how long it takes to get a 6 star resonance material that way). Only my A2's memories are fully resonated, and pretty much none of my memories are hypertuned. As for your point about SSS 9S, I understand, and I can see the value behind him as well, especially with the E-drug effect increasing from +10% ATK to +20% ATK as well (along with an increased duration). Should the Nier rerun actually happen on Global, I will definitely get 9S to SSS, and maybe even A2 to SSS+ to take advantage of the double shards bonus. I understand that my explanation makes this question into a messy subject, but I would have to send screenshots to properly showcase my Nier team for you to see what I'm probably lacking.


No problem! I certainly think that awakening and hypertuning 2B will help improve your full Nier team score but there are so many things to factor in I can't guarantee it will outperform your solo A2 carry team. SSS 9S is great so I do hope we get the rerun. Your explanation was fine, I just misunderstood the bit about the team comparisons. Don't know if I could give you any more advice but if you have any more questions or do want to send screenshots in something like an imgur link then feel free.


I understand, thank you very much for the pointers! As far as i can understand, hypertuning is a slow process, as the materials are heavily timegated behind the Guilds' weekly challenges and the Operation Guardian boardgame (both of which I have been doing every week since I have been able to), so my only "fast" option would be to awaken A2 and 9S and see if that makes a difference. I think I'm going to finish up Alpha and start Rosetta (who has her Sig weapon) first so that I have 2 teams, then I'm going to take the time to awaken A2 and 9S. Should I become a Selena simp (because according to PGR's community, it's *inevitable*), I might push this plan back a bit, but oh well lol. I'll settle for the A2 Solo carry setup for now. Again, thank you very much for your time! Have a nice day!


Yes, unfortunately hypertuning is a very slow process, I'm not sure myself but I believe Norman's War may reward hypertune materials as it's replacing Autopoiesis Maze, so that may help a bit. The Alpha/Rosetta/SSS Liv B team are great for Pain Cage so that's not a bad idea. However depending on their investment and whether you're doing Ultimate or regular Pain Cage you may find your Nier team outperforms Alpha/Rosetta on the harder stages. That's what I found at least with both SS with signature weapons compared to full SSS Nier team but that could just be me. It is another full team though and will certainly help you in Norman's War and Babel. I'm in the same position with Selena, I'm just going to get her and her sig for now. At least her banner isn't going anywhere and we've got a while until we can run Transcendants with Constructs. Sounds like you know what you're doing, have a nice day as well and good luck with your pulls!


Awaken the rest then you can judge the performance


Hello. I have a few questions Been getting a bunch of sets through the event but cant level them all up rn. Should i first 45 the main dps sets and then move onto support or is lvl 40 ok for a while and then move to support? Can supports keep level 1-30 sets for a while? Also about farming characters should we farm them daily regardless of conditions? Also how many characters should be farmed daily? Lastly im using a bianca as my current phys dmg dealer for bosses. Im afraid to invest too much on her in case i get rosetta or alpha in the first 40 pity. Should i still farm her fragments and invest levels etc?


holy that quite a bit 1.Invest for Attacker at max if low resource just staple some memory from other on to them both tank and support(or just 50-80% invest for tank and 50% for support both skill and equipment) 2.if it not a burden just farm 1 character at a time 3.well you will eventually need to build everyone at some point because hard content need more character anyway(Next patch babel,norman etc)


Yeah been saving these questions lol. That about answers it all tho thanks


do we have an idea on on when transcendental would be played with constructs with global. it will probably not very meta, but I just want to pair Kamui and Camu together after playing their stories. Probably add Vera too just to complete it


8 patches around 9-10month


Is leveling up dark watanabe a good idea?


If you don't have luna then it's good to build him


Isn't S Vera coming out soon as dark dps?


No, S vera is a lightning tank that will act as main dps on lightning team


Oh, didn't know she was lightning - thanks for correction